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Circuit cardio workout in the gym. For abdominal muscles. Rules for classes on a circular program

Circuit training is a set of exercises that gives a load on all major muscle groups. The circuit training below is designed specifically for women, taking into account their physiological characteristics.

The benefits of circuit training include:

  1. The formation of a muscular corset, which is important for beginners and those who have had a long break between sports activities (from 6 months).
  2. Support for muscle tone. Designed for women who periodically devote time to physical exercises.
  3. Strengthening the cardiovascular system, prevention of concomitant diseases.

The classes that make up the circular training also have their drawbacks, including:

  1. The presence of minimal diversity in the exercise.
  2. Short study period. Circuit training with an intensive approach after 1.5 - 2 months becomes ineffective.
  3. Circuit training does not allow development aimed at specific muscle groups. During classes, the load will be distributed to all major muscle groups, regardless of the preferences of the woman.

Features of circular training

The purpose of circular training is the development of muscle groups, divided into:

  1. Large muscle group - muscles of the legs, back, chest.
  2. The small muscle group includes the biceps, triceps, and shoulder muscles.

Particular attention to circuit training should be given to the following groups of trainees:

  1. Beginners visiting the gym for the first time, as well as women who decide to go in for sports.
  2. If possible, pay attention to classes no more than 1 time per week.

The effectiveness of circular training is 1.5 - 2 months. After this period, it is desirable to move on to the next stage of training - split - training, which allows you to pay more attention to specific muscle groups.

Circuit training in the gym

Before starting the exercises that are part of the circuit training, a warm-up is necessary. The goal of warm-up exercises is to bring your heart rate into the target zone.

It is necessary to start with a load on large muscle groups, since a significant amount of energy is spent on them. If you perform this complex last, the remaining energy may not be enough.

Each exercise requires 4 sets, the recommended number of repetitions is 15. The weight is selected in such a way that the load is tangible. Over time, the weight of the load gradually increases. Below is an approximate set of exercises for the gym when visiting 3 times a week.

The first day:

  1. . The goal is to develop chest muscles.
  2. . Back exercise.
  3. . Shoulder muscles work.
  4. i.e. supination. The exercise is aimed at developing the muscles of the biceps. The brush is turned inward.
  5. Triceps extension down on the block using the V-handle.
  6. . Setting the legs shoulder width apart.
  7. Press development. Lifting the legs bending at the knees in the simulator with emphasis for the elbows.

Second day:

  1. trains the muscles of the back.
  2. Thrust of the upper block to the chest, exercise on the back
  3. Exercises for chest muscles. .
  4. Impact on the shoulders - dumbbell swings to the sides.
  5. ― bending of a bar in cattle.
  6. Triceps exercises - extension of the upper block.
  7. Press exercises.

Day three:

  1. . Leg muscles work.
  2. The position lying on the bench. Breeding arms with dumbbells to the sides.
  3. . There is an emphasis on the back.
  4. Breeding arms with dumbbells in the slope. Rear deltas are trained.
  5. Emphasis on biceps -
  6. Raising the legs from the hanging position on the bar.

Given the number of exercises and approaches, the approximate time of classes is estimated at 30 minutes.

Circuit training at home

The conditions for doing circuit training at home do not differ significantly from the general requirements. Before starting a set of exercises, it is necessary to warm up starting with the upper muscle groups.

The optimal number of approaches is 4 to 15 repetitions

The set of exercises includes the following classes:

  1. Twisting from a lying position on the floor. The abdominal muscles work.
  2. Squat with dumbbells, arms lowered parallel to the body.
  3. Lunges to the side with dumbbells, bending the arms at the elbows. When returning to the starting position while standing, the elbows are unbent.
  4. Exercise "boat" for the back and press. You need to lie on your stomach, legs slightly bent, heels together. It is necessary to fix the body in this position for a few seconds, raising the legs up.
  5. Dumbbell press up. It is performed from a sitting position.
  6. from a support, which can serve as a chair or sofa at home.
  7. Breeding dumbbells to the sides while standing.

Circuit training is great for beginners, and for those who have had long breaks in sports. It is best if the set of exercises will be carried out in the gym. However, if it is not possible to attend sports sections, the classes that are part of the circuit training can be performed while staying at home.

It should be remembered that circuit training is a physical preparation for the transition to more complex and intense sports activities. The approximate duration of the course is approximately 6 weeks. To achieve meaningful results, further exercises should be aimed at specific muscle groups.

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It implies conducting classes in a certain cyclical order with a minimum break. It is designed for certain types of muscles and is not designed for enhanced work with weights for relief. The development of endurance, accelerated absorption of oxygen to activate metabolic processes, pre-training preparation, burning fat cells - the goal of such training.

The latter is due to the production of lactic acid, which is, in fact, a toxin. To fight it, the body spends a lot of energy. Circular training is carried out both in the gym for men and at home.

Pros and cons of training

Each activity and process has its advantages and disadvantages.

The positive qualities are:

  • increase in physical strength
  • acceleration of metabolism
  • relief
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system
  • newbie use

Perhaps the only negative is the lack of progress in building muscle mass. But as mentioned above, it is not intended for this.

To this we can only add that circuit training is prohibited for people with high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases and when using low-protein diets.

Cyclic training rules

The beginning of the training includes a 10-minute warm-up. You should start with the least easy task to prepare the muscles for the next load. The task must be performed, starting at a slow pace, with its subsequent increase, while the weight should not be maximum.

In the cycle for men, it is desirable to include 2-3 exercises for each large muscle group, with a repetition of 10-30 times. Training for beginners lasts no more than 30 minutes, more trained athletes, after a short rest, can repeat it. It is not recommended to perform it for more than an hour, otherwise part of the muscle mass will be lost.

It is desirable to carry out the next cycle no earlier than in two days, the muscles during this time have the opportunity to recover.

Circuit training for men

A feature of cyclic training is the ability to work out all the muscles at once. Aerobic exercises are combined with strength training to burn fat.

For such a lesson, it is necessary to select 10-12 exercises designed for pumping the whole body, with intervals between sets of no more than one minute. For burning fat cells, such exercises are perfect.


The lesson belongs to the basic section, it involves many articular movements. The load is mainly distributed on the quadriceps muscle located on the front of the thigh, calves, back rectifiers, hip extensor and knee flexor, deltoid, arms. The press at this time works as a stabilizer, due to which it is strengthened (detailed).

Romanian draft

How to do it correctly is described in detail. It is a deadlift on straight legs, it is heavy and basic. Its main task is to work with the hip extensor and knee flexor. The lesson belongs to many joint exercises, but creates an increased load on the spine. It is noteworthy that it relieves the load from the knee joints due to the uniform distribution over the muscles of the lower extremities and increases the effectiveness of squats. When performing a task, the biceps femoris serves as a stabilizer for the knees.

Angle Bench Press

Allows you to equalize the volume of large and small pectoral muscles. The upper beam is developed during the press on a bench with a positive slope, the lower beam is trained on a bench with a negative slope. This allows you to accumulate muscle strength, the shoulder girdle and triceps work. When working out the lagging muscles, the task can be carried out as an isolating one, but you should not get carried away with too much weight. In an unnatural position for the shoulders, you can be injured. ()

Incline Dumbbell Press

One of the best basic strength exercises with a lot of joint action, allows you to focus on the left and right side of the chest. Since its development is asymmetrical, therefore, isolating movements are necessary and this can be done with dumbbells. The lesson is mainly recommended for professionals, but for beginners it is better to work with a minimum weight. Yes, and coordinating movements with dumbbells is much more difficult.

Bent over row

Mahi hands on the simulator

Isolation exercise for the development of the deltoid muscle of the shoulder. It is performed in a crossover while standing or tilted, but in any case, it affects the back beam, making the shoulders voluminous and round. When conducting a lesson, you should pay attention to the fact that the elbow is higher than the hand, otherwise the load will move to the back and trapezoid.

CrossFit system

The aesthetes of bodybuilding and weightlifting for burning fat can perform. It combines many types of close to natural movements, gymnastics with the use of its own weight, exercises with weights. Such training, in essence, is not an element of a clear system, therefore, each training is not repeated, but consists of a combination of various activities.

Training A:

  • 10-12 pull-ups, push-ups, squats - 5 minutes;
  • jumping to a height of 50-60 cm, pulling up on the horizontal bar with a wide grip, push-ups, bench press, leg raises on the bar for 10-15 repetitions - 15 minutes;
  • slow running, stretching, breathing alignment - 5 min.

Training B:

  • lunges with dumbbells - 15 reps per leg, abs - 3 sets, leg raises on the bar - 3 sets x max;
  • sprint run 1 km, deadlift and bench press - 15 repetitions, rowing exercise - 2 km;
  • stretching, breathing alignment - 5 min.

Training C:

  • running with alternating load modes - 5 minutes;
  • 30 rope jumps, 10 light bar squats, 10 leg raises, 15 re-extensions - 15 minutes;
  • slow running, stretching, breathing alignment - 5 minutes.

Many visitors to specialized gyms, after the main classes, neglect stretching, voluntary breathing.

During training, body temperature increases, heart rate increases, blood with oxygen fills the trained muscles, and so it stays there and stagnates. The body is not able to quickly adjust from an increased pace to a normal rhythm. Therefore, it is necessary to align breathing and stretch the muscles to return them to a relaxed state.

Circuit training for drying

Cyclic training is also carried out for drying - reducing the percentage of fat in the body. This develops endurance without reducing muscle mass. Exercises are selected according to intensity, each time a certain group is worked out.

Presumably, on Monday, attention is paid to the chest, Wednesday - to the legs and buttocks, Friday - to the lower and upper press, arms, such as:

First day:

  • dumbbell bench press;
  • bending arms with weights;
  • pull of the upper block;
  • divorce of hands on the simulator;
  • push-up;
  • thrust of weighting agents in an inclination;
  • squats;
  • jumping rope.
  • walking on an elliptical trainer;
  • lunges;
  • deadlift with weights;
  • leg curls;
  • swing legs on the simulator;
  • fast run.
  • curling arms with dumbbells;
  • jumping rope;
  • bending the arms on the upper block and lower blocks;
  • pumping up the upper and lower press;
  • torso inclinations;
  • walking on an elliptical cardio machine;
  • fast run.

The complex is designed not only for burning fat cells, but also for relief. By supplementing it with proper nutrition, the results will soon be noticed.

Reinforced circuit training

Fat burning workouts are conditionally divided for beginners and professionals. The workouts of the latter are distinguished by the intensity of the exercises and a large number of repetitions, so they are recommended to be performed no more than two to three times a week.

The time of the lesson is not limited, but it is advisable to keep within 60 minutes, 8-10 cycles are performed in 15 approaches to the exercise.

For example:

  • push-ups or bench press;
  • barbell squats;
  • traction of the upper block or pull-ups on the crossbar;
  • bench press standing;
  • lunges with weights on each leg;
  • running or exercise on a stationary bike;
  • triceps load on the block, extension of the arms;
  • flexion and extension of the legs on the simulator;
  • straight lines and ;
  • "Prayer" - bending on the block while kneeling.

The latter is considered one of the best for shaping the relief of the press. The movement is carried out due to the compressed abdominal muscles, while twisting is recommended. Bending is a negative phase, straightening is a positive phase.


Circuit training for burning fat cells can be carried out both independently and in the form of preparation for heavy physical exercises. At the same time, metabolism is accelerated, muscle elasticity develops, the functioning of the cardiovascular system improves, the flow of oxygen into the blood increases, which affects the process of regeneration of the body.

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What goals can this training regimen achieve? Three options for training in the gym and at home.

For many women who are actively involved in sports, one of the main tasks is to lose weight and "create" a truly slender figure. It's real. But to achieve the goal, there must be a program at hand that allows you not only to realize your plan, but also to do it as quickly as possible.

One option is circuit training for girls. What are its features? What options will be most effective for women?

Purpose and benefits

If the strength program for women or men is aimed at increasing strength and increasing muscle mass, then circuit training is designed to solve other problems - cutting, fighting excess fat and increasing endurance. In order for such fitness to guarantee muscle growth, it is worth supplementing it with strength exercises.

What is so good circular program? There are a number of advantages to highlight here:

  • Versatility. Such training is relevant for both women and men.
  • High speed of getting rid of excess fat.
  • Increasing the strength and endurance of the body.
  • Strengthening muscle fibers without increasing volume.
  • Increasing the speed of metabolic processes, which accelerates the process of fat burning.
  • Reduced workout time. Due to the fact that the program does not involve long breaks, the time of classes is reduced to a minimum. If you do everything right, you can manage in 30 minutes. At the same time, the efficiency is not reduced.

Operating principle

What is so special about fitness organized in a circular mode? First of all - a special approach to the training process. The program implies that the exercises are performed in strict order one after another without interruptions. You should not be afraid of overtraining, because the muscle group that received the load in the first exercise rests in the second.

The program must take into account the above feature. For example, if push-ups are done first and the upper body receives the load, then the next exercise is to do a squat. In this case, the bottom receives the load, and the top is restored. Gradually increasing the intensity of classes and connecting new exercises, you can make such fitness more effective.

The situation with the number of circles can be different. Much depends on endurance and level of training. At first, the number of circular repetitions can be 1-2, after which this number can be increased.

Below are a few examples of circuit training that have gained the most popularity and have proven effective in matters of weight loss and increased endurance.

Option number 1

The first option is circuit training in the gym. The sequence of exercises is as follows:

  1. Squats with a load (barbell or dumbbells) - 20 times.
  2. Classic push-ups from the floor - 12-15 times.
  3. Lunges (for each of the legs) - 15 times.
  4. Rope jumping. The exercise time is 2-3 minutes.
  5. Swing your legs to the sides. 15-20 times for each of the legs.
  6. Twisting - 18-20 times.
  7. Plank stand - 40-60 seconds.
  8. Deadlift - 12-15 times.
  9. Any of the exercises for the muscles of the hands - 12-15 repetitions.

The program described above is universal. It is suitable for men and women, can be carried out at home or in the hall (the second option is more preferable). Make sure that the duration of the lesson is at least 30-40 minutes, otherwise the expected result will not be. In addition, the muscles tend to adapt to loads, which leads to a decrease in the effect obtained.

Do not forget about the importance of a warm-up, which should last at least ten minutes. Thanks to this, the joints and muscles are prepared for work, and the likelihood of injury is minimized. As a warm-up, you can use the exercises that are provided for by the training process, but they need to be performed slowly and with minimal load.

In order to burn as much fat as possible during the training period, it is worth taking short breaks between sets. Break - up to 1.5 minutes. Such fitness gives results if you train regularly and control the intensity of the exercises.

Option number 2

Below is a circuit workout at home. Its advantage is that there is no dependence on dumbbells and barbells. The total number of circles is four, that is, the entire program must be repeated four times. Rest time between each set is 25-30 seconds and 90-120 seconds between rounds. To achieve effective weight loss, you should take minimal breaks.

No one forbids combining exercise options, alternating with each other, adding or removing them. For example, there are many squats alone, with an emphasis on certain muscle groups. Before starting classes, a warm-up of 10-15 minutes should be carried out. The total time for the entire workout is about 30-40 minutes.

The program itself:

  1. Squats. There are dozens of options here. It is allowed to replace the classic performance with other variations, experiment with the width of the legs and projectiles. If a dumbbell or barbell is connected to the work, then the weight should be such that at least 20-25 repetitions can be done with it.
  2. Plank. As in the first case, there are a lot of options. An excellent effect is given by the “side” option, which is done with an emphasis on the elbow. You can alternate it with the classic (straight) on straightened arms or elbows. The advantages of the bar are an excellent study of the muscles of the press and back. You need to start with 30 seconds, after which you should consistently increase the time by 10-15 seconds.
  3. Stand ups and lunges. These exercises are not performed one after another, the best option is cross execution. That is, in the first and third circles, it is necessary to do lunges, and in the second and fourth - rises to a chair. For a greater load, it is worth taking weights in your hands, which will increase the efficiency of working out the muscles of the legs.
  4. Pull-ups and push-ups. Here, as in the previous case, we are talking about alternation. If there is no experience in the training process, then push-ups should be done from the knees, which will reduce the load on the hands (this recommendation is more for women). As for repetitions, you should not abuse it. You can start with 4-5, and then increase their number to 15-20. Over time, complication is allowed - push-ups with cotton, on one leg, on fists, and so on (suitable for men).
    Pull-ups can be performed in different ways - with a wide or narrow grip, palms to either side and on one hand (if there is enough strength). For women or men who cannot pull themselves up, it is necessary to substitute a chair and push off from it. If classes are held in a gym with appropriate equipment, then you should use a pull-up machine - a gravitron. It is necessary to alternate exercises as follows: in the 1st and 3rd circle it is worth pulling up, and in the 2nd and 4th - push-ups.

If you find it difficult to complete four circles, you can start with two, similarly applying the above alternation.

Option number 3

Consider an example of another workout in which the main emphasis is on the back and legs. Thanks to this, exercises can be performed almost without interruption. Once the first circle is completed, it is necessary to repeat everything twice more. Such activity allows you to deplete the supply of glycogen (the main source of energy) and start the fat burning process.

Girls who dream of losing weight should take into account the importance of maintaining a proper diet. If you give all your best in class, but at the same time fill your stomach with sweets, then there will be no result from fitness.

The program itself looks like this:

  1. The pull of the upper block to the chest. The main task is to try not to sway, and not to pull your shoulders up to the crown. The number of repetitions is 12-15.
  2. Leg extension in the simulator. In the upper position, the thigh muscles should be strained as much as possible for 1-3 seconds. The number of repetitions is 20-25.
  3. The lower block is thrust to the belt with a narrow grip. The back is straight, no stoop, chest forward. The number of repetitions is 12-15.
  4. Squatting on each of the legs alternately - 15-20 times.
  5. Triceps extension (kick-back) - 15-20 times. When performing the exercise, make sure that your shoulders are parallel to the floor.
  6. Lifting dumbbells for biceps with rotation (supination) at the top point. The number of repetitions is 15-20.
  7. Rises on the press with a turn to one or the other edge. The number of repetitions is 20.

The fitness options described above work for men and women under the following conditions:

  • Regularity of training (3-4 times a week).
  • Proper nutrition (more protein, but less simple carbohydrates).
  • Good warm-up (at least 10-15 minutes).
  • Minimum rest time.

It remains only to choose a suitable plan and do the main thing - achieving the goal.

Circuit training - a set of high-intensity exercises(power and aerobic), built on their alternation with a short break between sets, during which all muscles are worked out.

The nature of the technique allows for a shorter period of time to do more work.

It is used to increase the endurance of the whole organism, weight loss and during the drying period. The exercises are exhausting and require long recovery period.

Methodology developed British sports coaches in 1953 to improve the overall health of athletes.

Circuit training program for beginners

The preparatory complex for beginners is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the body and the cardiovascular system.

For several months the body prepares for the increase in load. The essence of training is that all exercises performed one after the other in a circle. The principle of building a workout for muscle groups is “from large to small”.

Reference! Used at work minimum weights, and the emphasis is on setting the technique for performing exercises.

An example of a sequence of exercises.

Workout duration 30-50 minutes.

Between each round of approaches is done rest for 2 min. Interim rest allowed 15 seconds in the middle of blocks. Each block is executed 3 times.

Before performing the complex, it is necessary to carry out general warm-up (5-10 min.).

  • Back muscles. Pull-ups in the gravitron with an average grip: 15-20 repetitions. To work the muscles of the back, you need to pull yourself up only up to eye level.

On exhalation, pull, on inhalation - return to the starting position.

At the end, stretching of all muscles 5-10 minutes.

Important! Exercises are done in pretty fast pace. If you cannot complete all the exercises, you can reduce the number of repetitions to two and gradually increase.

A set of classes for advanced

It is a complex of exercises not only with light weight and through basic exercises ( first round), but also approaches with working weight and "advanced" exercises ( subsequent approaches).

And also for the advanced level, the number of approaches increases up to 4-6. The last approach is performed at the limit of physical capabilities.

The following exercises can be included in the program:

  • Walking lunges with lifting the projectile over your head: 20-30 steps. As a projectile, you can use a dumbbell or a pancake from the bar.

During the lunge, both straight arms holding the weighting agent rise above the head, when returning to a standing position, the arms fall parallel to the body.

  • Deadlift: 15-20 repetitions. Barbell on the floor, starting position standing. The barbell is taken with a narrow grip, from a squat with a straight back and while exhaling, the barbell is slowly and vertically raised due to the effort of the muscles of the lower back and lower back to the level of the groin. As you inhale, slowly lower the weight.
  • Bench push-ups: 20 repetitions.
  • Pull-ups on the bar: 5-10 repetitions.

Important! Remember cardio and joint warm-up before the implementation of the main complex exercises and a hitch at the end of the workout.

For weight loss

Per hour of circuit training can spend 30% more calories than classical strength training. To obtain the desired effect, the power blocks described in the program for beginners are recommended to be alternated with active aerobic blocks:

  • running in place with high knees;
  • lunges in a jump (alternate change of legs between lunges through a jump);
  • horizontal run(running from a horizontal position with alternately pulling the legs to the stomach);
  • running on skipping rope;
  • burpee(from the starting position, standing, transition to a squat with hands on the floor, then in one movement, transition to the bar, push-ups from the floor, jumping back into the squat and jumping out with the arms raised above the head with the whole body up).

Indispensable exercises for weight loss is considered plank, variations of which can also be included, as a block following the power block:

  • lateral plank (with change of sides every 15 sec.);
  • lowering the hips in plank ( for 10 sec. on each side);
  • jumping in the bar with simultaneous breeding of the legs;
  • "spider"(touching the shoulder with the knee from the bar).

Attention! Aerobic blocks are performed one minute with a rest of 15 seconds.

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For the whole body

A set of circular exercises can be performed both at home and in the gym. Main advantage circuit training is that with its help you can work out the muscles of the whole body, without even resorting to weights.

Number of approaches (circles) three to six.

  • Squats: classic or with a rise on socks, 20 repetitions.
  • Push ups from the floor from an emphasis lying with support on the hands (palms set wider than shoulders), on exhalation the torso descends (without touching the floor), on inhalation it returns to its original position, 15-20 repetitions.
  • Reverse push-ups- starting position sitting on a chair or sofa, hands rest on the edge of the seat (palms pointing forward), the pelvis moves forward and lowers on inspiration, on exhalation the pelvis rises to the level of the seat, but does not touch it, 15-20 repetitions.
  • « Jumping Jack»- the position is straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands at the seams. On exhalation, a jump is made - the legs are spread wider to the sides, the arms, making a circular motion, rise above the head and clap is made, while inhaling, the body takes its original position. The pace of execution is very fast. Performed within one minute.
  • Lunges - hands on the lower back, back straight, feet hip-width apart. On inspiration, step forward (weight is transferred to the working leg, while maintaining the vertical position of the body), the knee of the leading leg is at a right angle, the supporting knee is bent without touching the floor. As you exhale, return to the starting position. For each leg 10-15 repetitions.
  • Lateral body lifts- the body lies on its side, resting on the elbow, by the force of the lateral muscles of the press on exhalation, the body breaks off the floor upwards, support is maintained at two points: the elbow and the outer side of the underlying foot. At the top point, a delay for a few seconds, while inhaling, return to the starting position, 20 repetitions on each side.

On body parts

Circuit training is not only suitable for performing basic exercises for all muscle groups, but also insulating, which are aimed at the qualitative study of one muscle group.

For abdominal muscles

A set of exercises for the abdominal muscles:

  • hanging leg raise on the crossbar at a right angle(to parallel with the floor), 10-15 reps, 3-4 sets;
  • hanging leg raises on the bar with knee extension to the chest and twisting in different directions, 10-15 repetitions, 3-4 sets;
  • leg lift lying on an incline bench, tearing off and not tearing off the pelvis, 15 reps 3-4 sets;
  • torso to the side with a dumbbell, 25 repetitions on each side for 3-4 circles.

You can add the above-described rises of the body on the “Roman chair”, side lifts of the body, bar, burpees.

Important! All lifting, tilting (effort) are carried out strictly on the exhale, lowering the legs (relaxation) on the inhale.

For legs

A set of exercises for the muscles of the legs:

  • Flexion and extension of the legs on a weight machine 25-30 times.
  • Wide stance squats: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointing outwards at an angle of 45°, in the hands of a dumbbell or bodybar.

On inspiration, a deep squat - the position of the arms and body does not change, knees are perpendicular to the floor, on exhalation, return to the starting position - 20 times.

  • Leg abduction- starting position standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms at the sides; put on the feet expander "eight". On exhalation, moving the leg to the side, on inhalation, return to the original, but the leg remains in weight, holding the expander in a slight tension. During execution, the body remains motionless, 20-25 reps per leg.

You can add platform presses, squats, walking lunges, jumping lunges, planks.

Variants of exercises with dumbbells, kettlebells

It consists in cyclic repetition of exercises with a kettlebell or dumbbells at a fast pace. Warm-ups and cool-downs are a must. Each exercise is performed one minute with the maximum number of repetitions with a break of 30 seconds and loops into a block from 3-4 approaches.

  • Squats with a kettlebell or dumbbells to the stop.
  • Presses weights or dumbbells lying down.
  • Push ups on weights or dumbbells from the plank position.
  • "Butterfly"- the starting position is standing, the kettlebell / dumbbell is passed from hand to hand, passing it from front to back along the inside of the thigh (drawing a figure eight).

In the gym

A circuit training is a set of exercises (usually designed and conducted by a group program instructor) using own body weight, weights, simulators or special equipment designed specifically for this type of training.

Find out how a girl can set up an excellent training cycle at home to create a perfect figure and elastic buttocks.

Most girls are worried about the presence of excess weight and try to get rid of it, using all possible methods for this. Today we will tell you how a circuit training for girls at home should be properly organized. Circuit training is a very effective means of fighting excess weight, and our tips will help you to carry out the class without harm to health.

Principles of organizing circuit training for girls at home

Today, fast food restaurants are very popular among the population, and when combined with a sedentary lifestyle, they are a serious threat to the body. It should be recognized that most people eat wrong, and this does not improve health.

In many developed countries of the world, the problems of obesity (and various heart diseases caused by it) have become very relevant. If you want to get rid of extra kilos and make your figure attractive, then circuit training for girls at home will definitely help you.

You have to qualitatively work out all the muscle groups of the body. Circuit training for girls at home combines strength exercises and cardio. This is how you can get rid of fat as quickly as possible. Fitness experts advise novice athletes to be careful when working with free weights. First, all attention must be paid to the technique of performing movements, so as not to harm the body.

Wherever you conduct circular training, you must understand that its goal is not to gain mass, but solely to fight fat. For this reason, you should not use heavy weights when doing strength exercises. You need to maintain a high intensity, which will be enough to activate the lipolysis processes.

The essence of circular training for girls at home is a combination of several movements that are not related. They are performed in several sets in one circle. Most girls prefer to use about a dozen movements, although there may be more. At the same time, you must monitor your well-being and prevent dizziness.

In total, you should complete two or three circles, resting between them for about 30 seconds. If you are just starting to play sports, then the duration of the rest can be 60 seconds, but no more.

Benefits of circuit training for girls at home

Before you do anything, you should find out how effective your actions will be. Circular training has a lot of advantages and only one drawback, which is not fundamental for girls. Now we are talking about the impossibility of gaining muscle mass.

When you reach your goals in the fight against fat, then if you wish, you can start training to gain muscle mass. Here are the main benefits that circuit training for girls at home has:

  • You do not need to visit the hall for classes.
  • Even if your day is scheduled by the minute, you will find a place for circular training.
  • Circuit training can be effective for men who have problems with being overweight.
  • A large number of muscles of the body are involved in the work.
  • Circular training significantly increases the speed of metabolic processes.
  • You will not only be able to get rid of fat, but also strengthen the heart muscle.
We also note that the complex proposed below can be used by all people, regardless of their level of physical fitness.

How to conduct a circular training for girls?

It is quite obvious that to start a workout, you should choose exercises. Only with the right combination of various movements and regular exercises will the desired result be obtained. We have already noted that circular training for girls at home involves performing movements in which all the muscles of the body are involved. Thus, you need to choose two or three of the most interesting exercises for each muscle group.

However, immediately after this choice, it is still too early to start classes, since you must master the technique of performing the selected movements. After that, you should remember a few simple rules for conducting circular training:

  • Before the main part of the lesson, you need to conduct a good warm-up for five or ten minutes. Start at a slow pace and gradually increase it.
  • Perform the simplest movements for each part of the body first and do not overload the body. As a result, you will be able to prepare your muscles for serious work.
  • Circuit training for girls at home involves 10 to 15 repetitions of each exercise per circle. When your fitness level improves, you can slightly increase the number of repetitions or start using a more complex training program.
  • When performing power movements, do not use maximum weights. To actively burn fat, it is worth losing weight and at the same time increasing the number of repetitions.
  • The duration of your session should be no more than 30 minutes, so as not to lose muscle mass.
It is also necessary to say that between your classes there should be a pause of at least 48 hours. Thus, during the week you need to train two or a maximum of three times.

Circuit training program for girls at home

It is possible to draw up a high-quality training program that can help you in solving your task only if you have a certain amount of experience. At the same time, there are no serious restrictions in the choice of exercises, and thanks to today's approximate training program, you can create your own in the future. At the same time, you must take into account the condition of your body so as not to overload it.
  1. Squats. There are a huge number of variations of this movement that can be performed with your own weight or with weights. Squats are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the legs and abdomen.
  2. Pull-ups and push-ups. These movements will allow you to work out the muscles of the arms and chest well. Beginners should work only with their own weight and it is quite possible that at first you will perform simplified versions of these exercises.
  3. Twisting. There are many different variations of twisting, and their main goal is to work out the abdominal muscles in a quality way.
  4. Rope. This is a great projectile and should be used in your classes. Many different types of rope jumping have been created, but the most effective is the "starfish". During the jump, you need to widely spread your arms and legs. However, even ordinary jumping rope will be an excellent tool for fighting fat.
  5. Shuttle run. Running must be present in the program of your classes. This is a great form of cardio, and especially shuttle running.
If you are going to train at home, then this will somewhat limit your options. However, this does not mean at all that the lesson will not be effective. Now we will give an example of a circuit training complex for girls at home.

Complex №1

  • Dumbbell presses in the prone position.
  • Traction of the vertical block.
  • Jump rope work.
  • Breeding hands on a crossover.
  • Push ups.
  • Bent over dumbbell row.
Complex №2
  • Jump rope work.
  • Squats.
  • Working on an elliptical trainer.
  • Deadlift.
  • Biceps Curls.
Complex №3
  • Bending the arms on the upper block.
  • Traction of the lower block.
  • Twisting.
These complexes involve exercises on simulators. If you want to train at home, you can replace these movements with similar ones with dumbbells. Today we tried to convey to you the essence of the organization of circular training. When you understand the basic principles, you can easily create effective training programs. This concludes our story about conducting circuit training for girls at home.

How to conduct a circuit training for girls at home, see here:

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