Exercises. Nutrition. Diets. Workout. Sport

Boy finger where have you been. Thumb, finger, where have you been? Skills for dealing with fears. Training

Most likely, children do not get this disease. Perhaps she doesn't even exist. But doctors identify it and prescribe cocktails of dangerous medications.

Two-year-old children are diagnosed with bipolar disorders and prescribed powerful, even deadly psychotropic medications, although the kids are not sick at all. The incidence of these disorders in adolescents and children has increased forty (!) times over the past ten years. We can say that an epidemic of bipolar disorders has begun, and the Pharmaceutical industry added a certain part of the “firewood” to this “cauldron.”

Skills for dealing with fears. Training

how to relax before and during stressful situations;
How to deal with irrational anxious thoughts in a stressful situation.


Donald Meichenbaum (1977), one of the leading psychotherapists who developed training in fear management skills, argues that the fear response involves the interaction of two main elements: first, psychological arousal, second, thoughts that interpret the situation as threatening or dangerous, adding psychological arousal to emotions of anxiety or fear. The stressful situation itself has virtually nothing to do with your emotional reaction. How you assess danger and how you determine your body's response are the real factors that influence your emotional response. Therefore, the same person experiences delight when jumping with a parachute, but in mortal horror jumps onto a chair as soon as he sees a tiny mouse on the floor.

How to manage anger

After reading this article, you will learn:
how to relieve tension and achieve relaxation in situations that provoke irritation;
how to develop positive affirmations to control irritating conditions;
how to use irritating images to rehearse new skills and inoculate yourself against anger;
how to make plans to deal with the situation that causes anger.

Goal setting and time management

After reading this article, you will learn:
how to determine the limits of multitasking;
how to correctly determine your goals and develop plans to achieve them;
how to determine whether you are managing your time correctly;
how to distribute your time and set priorities;
how to deal with procrastination;
how to quickly learn to manage your time.

Finger gymnastics, which consists only of light tactile stroking of the hands, begins from the very birth of the baby.
From 3 months, in addition to stroking the palms and fingers, pulling is added using the baby’s fists while holding onto the adult’s finger.
At 6-7 months, a massage of the hands is done or finger nursery rhymes begin: games like “Finger boy, where have you been?”, “Ladushki”.
From the age of 10 months, active training of the baby’s fingers begins: energetic movements, rhymes and mathematics, rolling balls, playing with inserts, pyramids, cubes and beads.

Important to remember!
Classes begin with gentle stroking
Classes should be conducted only when the child is in a good mood
The nature of the exercises must correspond to the development of the child
Exercise should bring your child joy.
For visual memorization, exercises need to be shown slowly
Use speech accompaniment during exercises
Games are selected taking into account the child’s capabilities and gradually become more complex.
Domestic philologists confirm the connection between the development of hands and the development of the brain.
V.M. Bekhterev in his scientific works proved that hand movements relieve mental fatigue, improve the pronunciation of sounds, and develop speech.
Exercises support the natural development of the baby, have a positive effect on internal organs, develop fine motor skills, and give a charge of positive emotions.
Just think: the duration of the exercises only takes a few minutes, but how much benefit it brings to children!

"Caught a fish"

The child is in a supine position.
Insert your index fingers into your baby's clenched fists so that he grasps them tightly.
First, bend your elbows, then pull them forward, finishing the movement with a clasp.
Do the exercise several times while reading nursery rhymes:
I'm pulling, I'm pulling,
I catch fish
Catch, catch a fish,
Small and big!

Finishing the exercise by spreading the baby's arms to the sides.


From 3 to 8 months, the child holds his hands clenched into a fist, gradually trying to coordinate their movements.
In time with the nursery rhyme, you will lightly tap your baby’s fists against each other, improving your hand movements:
Views, views,
Views I view,
I beat the mallets,
I'm pinning it down.


Place your baby on your lap facing you, saying:
A squirrel sits on a cart
She distributes nuts:

Stroke your baby's hand in a circular motion.
To the fat-fifted bear,
Stroke your thumb.
Bunny with a mustache,
Stroke your index finger.
To my little fox sister,
Stroke your middle finger.
To the lively sparrow.
Stroke your ring finger.
Yellow-breasted titmouse.
Stroke your little finger.
To whom in the mouth,
Who cares,
Who cares?

Run your thumb over your baby's palm and clench the hand into a fist.
This kind of gymnastics can be done with the baby’s feet.

"Fingers are working"

Massaging and bending each finger in turn, stroking from base to tip, say nursery rhymes:
This finger went into the forest,
This finger found a mushroom
I began to clean this finger,
This finger began to fry,
Well, this one took it and ate it,
That's why I got fat.

By massaging the fingers, blood circulation increases, which contributes to the development of the child’s intelligence.

"Small Bird"

Small bird
Here's some water for you.

Running your index finger over the baby's palm, shake the handle, imitating dropping water from it.
Here's some crumbs for you
On my palm.

Using your index finger, make wave-like movements along the baby’s palm, pinching and tingling.

"Finger Boy"

Place your baby on your lap facing you.
Take a pen or felt-tip pen and draw the eyes, nose and mouth of a little man on your baby’s thumb.
Attract the baby's attention with a pattern, bending your fingers, stroking and massaging from base to tip, read nursery rhymes:
Thumb boy, where have you been?
I went to the forest with this brother,
I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,
I ate porridge with this brother,
I sang songs with this brother.

"Because of the forest, because of the mountains"

Place your baby on your lap facing you.
If he is over 7 months old, sit him on your lap with his head resting on your shoulder.
Place your baby’s open palm on your hand while reading nursery rhymes:
Because of the forest, because of the mountains
Grandfather Egor is driving:

While stroking and pinching your palm in a circular motion, say:
On a horse myself
Massaging and bending your thumb.
Wife on a cow
Massaging and bending your index finger.
Children on calves
Massaging and bending the middle and ring fingers.
Grandchildren on baby goats.
Massaging and bending the little finger.
Repeat these exercises on the other handle.

"Shadow, shadow, shadow"

Put your fingers together and read the nursery rhyme:
Shadow, shadow, shadow,
There is a fence above the city.

Spread your fingers to the sides
The animals sat under the fence,
We boasted all day.

Using your index finger, make circular movements from the center of your palm to the edge, continue reading:
The fox boasted:
- I am beautiful to the whole world!

Massage your little finger:
The bunny boasted:
-Come on, catch up!

Massage your ring finger.
Hedgehogs boasted:
-Our fur coats are good!

Massage your middle and index fingers.
The bear boasted:
- I can sing songs!

Massage your thumb.
Repeat the nursery rhyme with the fingers of the other pen.

"Magpie - white-sided"

From 5 months, babies become more active and free.
They can practice independently for some time, mastering new movements.
Place your baby on your lap facing you.
Making circular movements on your palm with your index finger, bend your fingers, pronouncing the words of the famous nursery rhyme:
Magpie - white-sided
Cooked porridge
She fed the babies:
Gave this one
Gave this one
Gave this one
Gave this one
But she didn’t give it to this.
You didn't chop wood
I didn't carry water.
Why didn't you chop wood?
Didn't carry water?
Didn't you cook porridge?

Wiggle your little finger.


At the age of 8 months, children themselves begin to clap their hands when they hear well-known words.
If these movements are not familiar to him, then when pronouncing the words of the nursery rhyme, show the actions with the baby’s palms.
- Okay, okay,
Where were you?
- By Grandma.
- What did you eat?
- Porridge.
- What did you drink?
Butter porridge,
Grandma is kind.
We drank and ate,
Let's fly, let's fly!
They sat on their heads,
We sat down, sat down,
The little girls started singing!

Games involving the hands and fingers keep the brain in excellent condition by sending impulses to the central nervous system.

Andrey Khvostovtsev, 2nd ed., Novosibirsk: Sibirsk. Univ. publishing house, 2010-174 p. We play with our fingers. We develop fine motor skills and oral speech.

These nursery rhymes belong to finger games and have been known for a long time. For babies who find it difficult to perform the movements themselves, their mother helps them, and for very small babies, these nursery rhymes can be used to massage their fingers, fingering each of the child’s fingers in light circular movements. Finger games include the well-known “Magpie-Crow”.
Finger games
very useful for children - they improve coordination and stimulate speech development, and children really like finger exercises. Finger games give parents the opportunity to play with their babies, delight them and, at the same time, develop speech and fine motor skills. Thanks to such games, the child receives a variety of sensory impressions, he develops attentiveness and the ability to concentrate. Nursery rhymes in finger games form a good relationship between an adult and a child.
An adult should pronounce nursery rhymes for finger games as expressively as possible: either raising or lowering his voice, making pauses, emphasizing individual words, and performing movements synchronously with the text or during pauses. It is difficult for kids to pronounce the text; it is enough for them to perform the movements together with an adult or with his help.
For some games, put paper caps on your fingers or draw eyes and a mouth on your fingertips. Finger games encourage children to be creative, and in the case when a child comes up with his own, even if not very successful, movements for the texts, be sure to praise him.

Ivan the Bolshak - to chop wood,
Vaska the pointer - to carry water,
The middle bear needs to light the stove,
Grishka the orphan needs to cook porridge.
And for little Timoshka to sing songs.
Sing songs and dance,
Amuse my siblings.

Thumb - boy, where have you been?
I went into the forest with this brother.
I cooked cabbage soup with this brother.
I ate porridge with this brother.
I sang songs with this brother.

This finger is the thickest, strongest and biggest!
This finger is for showing it off!
This finger is the longest and it stands in the middle!
This ring finger is the most spoiled!
And although the little finger is small, it is dexterous and daring!

(We bend our fingers one by one)

This finger went into the forest,
This finger found a mushroom,
This finger has taken its place
This finger will fit tightly,
This finger has eaten a lot,
That's why I got fat.

(pinch fingers)

This finger is small
This finger is weak
This finger is long
This finger is strong
This finger is fat
Well, fist bump together!

(we spin our hands in front of us)

We painted today
Our fingers are tired.
We'll take a little rest
Let's start drawing again.

(we clasp our fingers, clench our fist tightly)

One two three four five,
Let's count fingers
Everyone is so necessary
Strong and friendly.

(pinch fingers)

This finger wants to sleep
This finger went to bed
This finger took a little nap,
This finger has already fallen asleep,
This finger is fast asleep
Nobody makes any noise anymore.
- Shhh...

(Pinch your fingers before going to bed)

This finger wants to sleep
This finger is a jump into bed,
This finger has already taken a nap,
This little finger is already asleep.
This one is sleeping soundly, soundly,
And he tells you to sleep.

(pinch fingers)

A squirrel sits on a cart
She sells nuts:
To my little fox sister,
Sparrow, titmouse,
To the fat-fifted bear,
Bunny with a mustache,
Who cares,
Who needs a scarf?
Who cares?

(use your thumb and forefinger to represent glasses)

Grandma put on glasses
And the granddaughter saw it.

(all fingers are pressed together, the thumb is down. The back of the hand is away from you. Wave the “flag”)

I'm holding a flag in my hand
And I wave to the guys.

(do a light massage)

This finger is small
The little finger is remote.
The nameless one wears a ring,
She won't leave him for anything.
Well, this one is medium, long.
He's right in the middle.
This index finger
The finger is wonderful.
The thumb, although not long,
The strongest among the fingers.
Fingers don't quarrel
Together, things are moving forward.

The four brothers are tall and thin,
They stay together, and the fifth one stands aside.
But I have to get down to work a little,
Four call the fifth brother.

(Palms touch, when the word “opened” they open like a book)

Bunny found a book
And he opened it and read it,
And I closed it and forgot everything.
And opened it again
And he repeated everything,
And I closed it and forgot again.

(draw a Christmas tree as said in the nursery rhyme)

The tree turns out quickly,
If your fingers interlock.
Raise your elbows
Spread your fingers.

(pinch fingers)

This finger wants to sleep
This finger went to bed
This finger just took a nap,
This finger has already fallen asleep.
This one is fast, sound asleep.
Quiet! Hush, don't make noise!
The red sun will rise,
The clear morning will come.
The birds will chirp
Fingers will stand up!

(we straighten our fingers)

(hold your hand vertically and seem to be walking on your fingers)

This house has five floors:
On the first floor lives a family of hedgehogs,
On the second floor lives a family of bunnies,
On the third - a family of red squirrels,
On the fourth a tit lives with its chicks,
On the fifth, the owl is a very smart bird.
Well, it's time for us to go back down:
On the fifth owl,
On the fourth tit,
Squirrels on the third,
Bunnies - second,
On the first hedgehogs, we will come to them later.

(Run your finger over your palm)

Magpie Crow
I cooked porridge,
I jumped on the threshold,
Called guests.
There were no guests
Didn't eat porridge
All my porridge
Magpie Crow
I gave it to the kids.
(we bend our fingers)
Gave this one
Gave this one
Gave this one
Gave this one
But she didn’t give it to this:
- Why didn’t you cut wood?
- Why didn’t you carry water?

(we move our fingers)

This finger is grandpa
This finger is grandma
This finger is daddy
This finger is mommy's
This finger is Vanechka.
or (This finger is me,
That's my whole family.)

(bend your fingers like a rake, row)

Leaves are falling in the garden
I'll sweep them away with a rake.

(depict a dog: fingers together - muzzle, little finger up/down - mouth, thumb bent - ears)

The dog has a sharp nose
There is a neck and a tail.

(we move our fingers on the table)

Here are my helpers,
Turn them any way you want.
Along the white, smooth road
Fingers gallop like horses.
Chok-chok-chok, chok-chok-chok,
A frisky herd gallops.

(sharply open the cam)

Fingers will rise,
Dress our children.
Fingers stood up - hurray!
It's time for us to get dressed.

(we move the fingers on both hands at the same time)

At our grandmother's
Ten grandchildren:
Two Sharks are snoring in a cradle,
Two Arinkas are sleeping on a feather bed,
Two Alyonkas look out of their diapers,
Two Ivans are sitting on benches,
Two Stepans want to study.
Ten grandchildren, and one grandmother.

(we move our fingers)

Thick and big finger
I went to the garden to pick plums,
Index from the threshold
Showed him the way
The middle finger is the most accurate
He knocks plums off the branch,
The nameless one collects, and the little finger is the master
Plants seeds in the ground.

(we move our fingers)

This little finger went into the forest.
This finger found a mushroom
This finger began to be cleaned
This finger started to fry
This finger stood up and ate
That's why I got fat!

(we move our fingers)

Thumb - boy, where have you been?
I went into the forest with this brother.
I cooked cabbage soup with this brother.
I ate porridge with this brother.
I sang songs with this brother!

Please add your finger games and nursery rhymes for playing with your baby's fingers in the comments.

Finger games for kids are one of the ancient and very effective ways of “early development”. No toys, cards or complex education systems are needed - just you, the baby and the desire to communicate.

While playing, the child stretches his fingers, learns to coordinate movements, and as a result prepares his hands for more complex skills - assembling construction sets, drawing, writing. By reciting funny rhymes, you develop your baby’s speech, memory, sense of rhythm, and ability to relate words to actions.

You can start playing finger games from a very early age. Choose rhymes and nursery rhymes that, when told, you can massage or curl your baby’s fingers. And closer to a year and a half, he will already perfectly recognize your repertoire and will happily help you or perform the movements himself.

How to play?

  • Before you start playing, practice yourself first so you don't get confused.
  • Develop both your baby's right and left hands - play alternately on one hand and then on the other.
  • Play when the baby is ready for it - he has slept, eaten and is in a good mood.
  • Don’t be confused by the fact that the texts of the nursery rhymes are very simple - the baby likes them, they are rhythmic, understandable, and most importantly, they relate specifically to him - after all, it is his fingers that “show” the rhyme.

Here are some simple games that your baby will definitely enjoy:

This finger wants to sleep

This game is good to play before bed.

Let the baby clench all his fingers into a fist.

This finger wants to sleep (extend your baby’s big toe)

This finger went to bed (extend the baby’s index finger)

This finger is napping, (extend the baby’s middle finger)

This little finger is already asleep! (extend baby’s ring finger)

And the last one is the fifth finger

He jumps quickly like a bunny. (tip the tip of your little finger)

We'll put him down now

And we’ll fall asleep with you too! (place your little finger next to your other fingers)


Let your baby follow your movements.

There was a lock on the door.

Yes, no one could open it. (put your palms together, interlace your fingers, and cross your thumbs)

Pulled (without releasing your fingers, pull your arms in different directions)

Twisted (without releasing your fingers, twist your hands first towards the right hand, then towards the left)

Knocked (without releasing your fingers, knock your palms together)

And they opened it. (unlock your fingers and spread your arms in different directions)

Magpie white-sided

Magpie white-sided

I cooked porridge,

She fed the kids! (place the baby’s hand palm up and make several circular movements along it with your index finger)

I gave it to this one, (bend the baby’s thumb)

I gave it to this one, (bend the baby’s index finger)

I gave it to this one, (bend the baby’s middle finger)

Gave it to this one, (bend the baby’s ring finger)

But she didn’t give it to this:

“You didn’t carry water,

You didn't chop wood

You didn't light the stove

You didn't wash the cups!

We'll eat the porridge ourselves,

But we won’t give it to a lazy person!” (take the tip of the baby’s little finger and rub it a little while saying)

Grandma's pies

(take the baby’s hands in yours and clap them to the rhythm of the nursery rhyme)

The grandmother began to invite guests,

My dear began to invite guests:

“And Timosha come,

And Antosha come,

And please come too

And bring Mitrosha. (place the baby’s palm with the back side up on your left palm, and with your right hand, lift one of the baby’s fingers one at a time, starting with the big one by the tip upwards. After the middle one, lift both the middle one and the ring one together at once (I ask Mitrosha too).

And Vanechka,

My honey

Oh please! (when you reach your little finger, lift it and rub it by the tip several times).

The grandmother began to treat the guests,

The sweetheart began to treat the guests: (again, take the baby’s hands in yours and clap them in time with the nursery rhyme).

“And Timosha has a pie,

And Antosha has a pie,

Yes, and Proshe’s pie,

And Mitrosha has a pie, (place the baby’s palm with the back side down on your left palm, and with the thumb of your right hand, gently press the pads of the baby’s fingers in turn, starting with the thumb)

And for Vanechka,

To my honey,

Mint gingerbread! (when you reach your little finger, press the tip several times)

The grandmother began to see off the guests,

The sweetheart began to see off the guests: (take the baby’s right hand (or left, if he is left-handed) and wave to it, as if he were saying goodbye)

“Goodbye Timosha,

Goodbye Antosha,

Goodbye and Goodbye

And you too, Mitrosha. (place the baby’s palm with the back side down on your left palm, and with the thumb of your right hand, take turns bending the baby’s fingers towards your palm, starting with the thumb)

And Vanechka,

My honey

Sit a little longer

Together with my grandmother. (when you reach your little finger, stroke it from palm to tip several times)


The shepherd boy went out into the meadow,

He gathered, called the little cows into a circle,

I told them not to go anywhere

And if the wolf comes, wake him up.

Counted the cows and yawned sweetly

Yes, I fell asleep under a white birch tree. (One of the baby’s fingers becomes a shepherdess. Place your hand palm up. The shepherdess lies under any of the four birch-fingers. The thumb is not involved in the game. The birch tree leans towards the shepherdess and tries to touch him: “Don’t sleep!” The baby must have time to clean up finger and lie down under another birch tree.

When the baby gets used to the game, the awakened shepherdess becomes birch trees, that is, the players change roles.)

Fun babushki, Russian folk finger games for children. Compilation and editing by Olesya Emelyanova.

Elena Morina
Finger gymnastics complexes

1-2 week of September

"Collecting berries"- relaxed left hand (lowered down) depicts a branch with berries. Fingers of the right hand“picking berries from a branch”.

« Fingers say hello» - tips fingers right and left hands touching: little finger with little finger, ring finger with ring finger, etc.

« Fingers are washed» - bent fingers one hand closes with bent fingers of the other hand"lock" and move.

"Castle" - fingers of one hand - between the fingers of the other, bend, closing the “lock.

« Finger boy, where have you been?

I went to the forest with this brother,

I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,

I ate porridge with this brother,

I sang songs with this brother!”

3-4 week of September

« Fingers are walking» - the right hand moves to the right - the left - to the left.

"Ring"- the thumb of the right hand alternately with each forms a ring with your finger, which is worn on each finger of the left hands: large with the index finger - to the index finger, large with the middle one - to the middle one, etc.

"Mirror"- repeat with an adult a variety of movements for each finger.

"Harmonic" - fingers open palms converge and diverge.

« Finger, fidgety finger,

Where did you run, where did you have lunch?

I ate Kalinka with my little finger,

I ate raspberries with the nameless one,

Ate with medium strawberries,

With the index finger - I ate strawberries

1-2 week of October

"Bud"- tips fingers are collected into a handful, and then the palm opens - “the flower opened towards the sun”.

"Bunny"- index and middle fingers straight. Bent thumb - on the bent little finger and ring finger.

"Horned Goat"- the index and little fingers are straightened, the thumb is on the bent ring and middle finger.

"Teddy Bear"- four finger stand vertically on the table, the middle one is bent - this is "bear's head".

"The boy with finger, where have you been?

I wandered through the forest for a long time.

I met a bear, a bunny,

Hedgehog in needles

I met a squirrel, a titmouse,

Met a moose and a fox.

He gave gifts to everyone,

Everyone thanked me"

3-4 week of October

"Fox"- the palm is held vertically, depicting the profile of a fox. The thumb is slightly raised - this is the ear. The index finger is bent - this is the forehead. Middle - nose. The closed ring and little fingers move away from the middle finger - the fox’s mouth is open.

"Wolf"- thumb - ear - slightly raised, index and middle fingers folded in pairs, ring and little fingers converge and diverge - this is the mouth of a wolf.

"Goose"- the hand, resting on the elbow, is positioned vertically. Brush – "goose head".

"The goose is pinching"- the tip of the large finger meets the ends of the others fingers.

"This finger - grandfather,

This finger - grandma,

This finger - daddy,

This finger - mommy,

This finger - me,

That’s my whole family!”

1-2 week of November

"Little Man"- index and middle fingers"running around the table", first with the left, then with the right hand.

"Children running races"- as an exercise "little man", only both hands at the same time.

"Glasses"- form two circles from the thumb and index finger fingers of both hands, connect them.

"Checkbox"- extend your thumb up, connect the rest together.

“They are friends in our group

Girls and boys

We'll make friends with you

Little ones fingers

One two three four five

One two three four five -

3-4 week of November

"Nest"- connect both hands in the form of a bowl, fingers clenched tightly.

"Roots"- press your hands with the backs of each other, lower them down.

"Spider" - fingers bent, slowly move around the table.

"Scissors"- index and middle fingers the right and left hands imitate a haircut.

Index and middle

Nameless and last

Little finger himself

He knocked on the threshold.

Together fingers-friends

They can’t live without each other.”

1-2 week of December

"Shrinking fingers into a fist and unclenching": palms up; palms down; both hands at the same time; right and left hands at the same time; right and left in turn.

« Tentacles» - two three fingers touch each other.

"Table"- right palm clenched into a fist, left palm pressed from above.

"Big finger - shaking plums

The second one collects them,

The third one carries them home,

The fourth one spills out.

The smallest one is naughty

He eats everything, everything, everything!”

3-4 week of December

"Door"- flattened ends fingers, pressed against each other in a horizontal position.

"Roof"- tips fingers, connected in an inclined position of the palms.

"Bridge"- the position of the hands is horizontal, tips fingers touch each other. ("House"- hand position is horizontal)

"This small finger,

The little finger is remote

The nameless one wears a ring,

She will never leave him.

Well, this middle one is long,

He's right in the middle

Wonderful finger.

This one is the index

Big finger,

Although not long

The strongest among the brothers.

Fingers don't quarrel,

Together we get things done"

2-3 week of January

The elbow of the right hand is on the table, fingers spread wide -"tree". Two finger left hands climb up - "baby climbing a tree".

"Snail with Horns"- the right hand is pressed to the table, palm down, the index and middle ones are spread wide and straightened forward.

The position of the right hand is the same as in the previous exercise, the left hand lies on the back of the right hand - "snail house".

"Flight of bird" - fingers arms bend back and bend forward.

"In our little house

There are gray mice

So they snoop around -

Everything in the kitchen is upside down

Then they trample under the table,

Enjoying milk

They want to sit on the bench

And they scare us guys.

There are naughty girls on the chair,

Then mice will climb into the closet

I really want to catch it

And they scurried under the bed.”

(Finger game -"house"- use both palms to depict a roof, "table"- the right hand is clenched into a fist, the left is pressed on top, "bench"- one hand is placed palm down, the other is pressed with the palm on one side, "chair"- the right one is clenched into a fist, the left one is pressed with the palm, "closet"- fists are placed on top of each other)

3-4 week of January

"Swarm of bees"- rotational movements with index fingers fingers.

"People Talking"- two fists with the big ones raised high fingers.

"Chair, armchair"- the right palm is clenched into a fist, the left is pressed vertically to the right.

"Passengers on the Bus"- hands clasped fingers inward. Backs of hands outward, large fingers raised up.

“A squirrel is sitting on a cart

She sells nuts.

To my sister fox, sparrow,

Titmouse, thick-fisted bear,

Bunny with a mustache"

1-2 week of February

"Birds are flying" - fingers make up and down movements with both hands.

"Birds are pecking"- connect the thumb alternately with the others fingers.

"Nest" - fingers Round both hands and join them in the shape of a bowl.

“The white-sided magpie was cooking porridge

She fed the children.

I gave it to this one - he chopped wood,

I gave it to this one - he lit the stove,

I gave this one - he carried water,

I gave it to this one - he cooked porridge,

And she didn’t give anything to this:

He didn’t light the stove, he didn’t chop the wood,

I didn’t carry water or cook porridge.

There’s nothing for him!”

3-4 week of February

"Snail Shell"- right hand on the table, put your left hand on top.

"Hedgehog"- palms together straight fingers up.

"Cat"- middle and nameless fingers right hand pressed to the palm with the thumb finger, slightly bent, raise your arm up.

"We shared an orange,

There's only one orange.

This slice is for the cat

This slice is for the hedgehog,

This slice is for the snail,

This slice is for the siskin,

Well, for the wolf - the peel!

1-2 week of March

"Chamomile"- connect both arms, straight spread your fingers apart.

"Tulip"- half-bent connect the fingers of both hands, forming a flower cup.

Squeezing and unclenching your hands for a count of one or two.

"Scarlet Flowers"

"Our scarlet flowers open their petals

The breeze breathes slightly, the petals sway.

Our scarlet flowers cover their petals

They quietly fall asleep and shake their heads.”

3-4 week of March

Rotation of hands by 10 once: to the right, then to the left; inward with both hands; out.

Extension of hands 10-15 once

“Hello, golden sun!

Hello, blue sky!

Hello, free breeze,

Hello, little oak tree!

We live in the same region -

I greet you all!”

(With your fingers right hands take turns greeting fingers of the left hand, tapping each other's tips)

1-2 week of April

Bending of the hands hands: simultaneously; right, left in turn.

Alternating bending and bending.

Clicks (5 times each)

"Lanterns"- rotation with free hands.

"For work"

“Come on, brothers, let’s get to work,

Show your hunting.

Bolshak to chop wood,

The stoves are all for you to light.

And you should carry water,

Let me cook dinner for you,

And you wash the dishes.

And then sing songs to everyone,

Sing songs and dance,

To amuse our children!”

(Alternately unbend fingers, starting from the big one, and on words: "Songs to sing and dance"- move them vigorously)

3-4 week of April

« Fingers say hello» (10 times each): fingers right hand with big right hand finger; fingers left hand with big left hand finger; the same, with both hands at the same time; fingers right hand with corresponding fingers of the left hand. (pressure force of the pads fingers and the pace of execution increases)

"Claws"- strong half-flexion and extension fingers.


"Little Little Finger"

Crying, crying, crying,

Nameless won't understand:

What does all of this mean.

Average very important finger,

Doesn't want to listen.

Index asked:

“Perhaps you want to eat?”

And the big one runs for rice,

carries a spoon for the rice.

Speaks: "Do not Cry,

Here, eat a little!”

(Clench your hand into a fist. Alternately straighten fingers, starting with the little finger. With the last phrase big finger and touch each other with your little finger)

1-2 week of May

Flexion and extension fingers into fist: alternately with the right and left hands; right hand; left hand; both hands at the same time. (start with the big one first) finger, then start with the little finger)

"Scissors"- breeding fingers to the sides: right, then left hand; both hands at the same time; bringing your palms together.

Turning the palms outward and turning them in the opposite direction, without releasing the intertwined fingers.


"Let's go two brothers

Take a walk together

And behind him are two more brothers

Well, the eldest did not walk,

He called them very loudly.

He sat them down at the table,

He fed me delicious porridge.”

(Put your palm on the table. Straight connect your fingers. Move two pairs apart one by one fingers, first the little finger with the ring finger, then the middle finger with the index finger. Big finger"call for" brothers and "feed" their porridge)

3-4 week of May

Exercise with bent palms - bent palms in front of the chest tilt to the right and left, overcoming resistance: movement of bent palms in front of the chest back and forth; closed palms extended forward, spreading the hands to the sides without opening the wrists.

Shaking relaxed with brushes: hands up; hands to the side.

"To work"

“The thumb stood alone,

Index behind him

The middle one wakes up the nameless one,

He raised his little finger.

The brothers all stood up - "Hooray!",

It's time for them to go to work!"

(Compress fingers in fist, unbend them one by one, starting with the largest one, and then words: “The brothers all stood up - "Hooray!"- spread wide fingers to fingers

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