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Power push-ups from the floor. Supported by one leg. What muscles work during push-ups in the classical way

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Push-ups are the best option for self-training if you don’t have the time, opportunity or desire to work out in the gym, but there is a desire to keep fit and give a figure toned and slender.

This type of exercise does not require financial costs: special devices, sports equipment, expensive simulators, special equipment. To achieve the result, only your perseverance and a good program of push-ups from the floor are enough.

A big advantage is that the training has no restrictions, including age. Push-ups are suitable for men and women, children.

What are the benefits of push-ups from the floor

Push-ups are one of the basic exercises that contribute to the simultaneous development of a large muscle group. Therefore, it is classified as universal and must be included in the training plan.

A fairly simple training connects the muscles to active work:

  • chest
  • entire shoulder girdle
  • press

Not everyone knows that this exercise makes it possible to shift the focus to different muscle groups. By changing the location of the reference points, the execution technique can redistribute the load in favor of problem areas.

The muscles begin to work from the moment the athlete takes the starting position. To maintain the correct position of the body, it is necessary to use various muscles already at the stage of statics: legs, back, arms, intercostal muscles, all abdominal muscles.

Push-ups are rightly considered one of the most effective and affordable methods for building muscle mass. It is also an excellent training for increasing strength, endurance, punching speed.

The maximum loads fall on:

  • responsible for rotation / abduction / adduction of the shoulder bone. Maximum load in positions with a wide grip;
  • (triceps), provide straightening of the arms. Develop faster with narrow grip movements;
  • . Developed deltas visually increase the shoulders, push-ups are an excellent load for drawing them;
  • serratus anterior muscles. This is the muscles of the upper ribs (lateral part of the chest), which is worked out through push-ups. This is one of the best workouts for this muscle group;
  • (biceps). Exercise increases their strength;
  • pyramidal muscles of the elbow. Continuation of the triceps, facilitating the process of extension of the forearms.

And this is not a complete list.

Properly constructed workouts, the correct push-up technique have a good effect only on muscle development, but also on the body's metabolism, strengthens ligaments, joints, bones, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. This has a beneficial effect on overall health.

Push-ups are useful for those who do not play sports, because. quickly restore the tone of weakened muscles, which will facilitate the performance of daily work associated with physical exertion.

How to get started right

Are you determined to start push-ups today? Correct solution. But it is worth considering that the initial stage is difficult both physically and psychologically. The right first steps are the basis of success on the way to achieving the goal.

You should not force events, trying to give everything to the fullest already in the first training session. The effectiveness of your efforts depends on the technical execution of each movement.

If you're at level zero, start with vertical surface push-ups, add kneeling push-ups, and then move on to the classic version.

Each stage takes from one to several weeks. It all depends on your physical form. You can move to the next level only after the previous one is completed without difficulty.

It is important to master the starting position (it depends on the type of exercise), the trajectory of movement, as well as proper breathing. Lower the torso while inhaling, straighten the arms (moving up) while exhaling. The body must remain straight at all times. The body must be raised/lowered only with the help of hands.

A few more tips for newbies:

  • Do not go for a record from the first training. Start with 10 repetitions. Increase the number of repetitions gradually. Listen to your body, its response to the load. At the end of the workout, there should be a feeling of slight fatigue, you can not overstrain the muscles. Especially in the first lessons.
  • A short warm-up (10 minutes) before training is required!
  • The exercise is divided into several approaches, between which for 2-3 minutes.
  • Classes should be regular. Adjust your regimen to suit your workouts, not the other way around.
  • When compiling a training program, clearly define your goals, since in order to build muscle mass you need to train daily, to stabilize weight and maintain good shape, plan two to three sessions per week.
  • If you decide, for the first time you do it every other day, the muscles should rest, gradually adapting to the loads. During rest, muscle tissue gains mass.
  • Read the description of the exercise carefully, consider all the recommendations.
  • Push-ups are a type of training that allows certain liberties and experiments, but first you need to gain experience, feel the features of each movement, develop strength, endurance, and dexterity.
  • It is better to spend the first workouts at the mirror in order to notice all the flaws in the exercise in a timely manner and immediately correct the mistakes.

How many times do you need to push

What quantitative results should be sought? Women can stop at 30-40 push-ups. Men should do 50 to 100 reps. These are good indicators, but not the limit for those who want to have a powerful pumped up body or are seriously involved in sports.

On average, for a month and a half of regular classes, it’s realistic to reach 100 (50 for women) push-ups. In this case, the training will take 10-15 minutes. During this period, the strength of the hands will increase significantly, pleasant changes will appear that will be visually noticeable.

There is an opinion that in one approach you should not perform more than 15 repetitions. With a large amount, endurance increases at the expense of physical strength and volume.

In order for muscles and strength to grow, it is important to pay attention to technique, complicate movements, and increase their amplitude. For example, push up from stops or choose more complex options.

What are the variations of push-ups

Simple at first glance, the exercise has a large number of options. Some experts claim that there are more than fifty of them.

Many more famous athletes and bodybuilders make their own changes and additions, which radically change the direction of the main load and open up new opportunities.

You can choose a lightweight version of the exercises or, on the contrary, complicate the conditions of the training. The choice depends on personal desire, physical capabilities and goals.

Classic variant

The technique of this exercise is familiar from school physical education lessons. Take emphasis lying down (lean on the palms and socks). Hands slightly wider than shoulders, palms forward. The emphasis of the legs on socks, which are bred already the width of the shoulders. When moving, the muscles of the chest, deltas, triceps work.

Push-ups from the knees

The light version is suitable for beginners, older people, as well as those who have problems with the spine. The starting position is the same as in the classic version, but the emphasis is not on the toes, but on the bent knee joints (feet one on top of the other, above the floor).

This method of training removes part of the load from the lumbar, reduces the effort when working all the muscles.
According to research results: with a classic push-up, the workload is 64% of the athlete's weight, with an emphasis on the knees - 49%.

Push-ups from a horizontal surface require a certain physical form and can be so difficult that they discourage you from continuing training. Wall push-ups are a very easy but practical exercise that is ideal for those who are taking their first steps, as it allows you to gently and comfortably prepare the muscles and joints for more significant loads. The technique is simple: stand straight at a distance of about one step from the wall. The palms are placed at shoulder level, the distance between them is slightly wider than the shoulders. It is desirable to tear off the heels from the floor, then the weight of the body will pass to the hands.

It is necessary to move towards the wall, bending the arms at the elbow joints, until the chest touches it, and from the wall until the arms are completely straight. Keep the body straight, work only with your hands.

Push-up with a wide grip

Spread your arms wide, between the palms should be about twice as wide as the shoulders, elbows to the sides. Two types of handholds are used:

  • on the palm (fingers forward)
  • on fists (fingers back)

The toes rest on the floor. The distance between them is already shoulders. When moving down, the arms are bent so that the elbows invariably “look” to the sides. Touching the floor, the athlete immediately rushes up, straightening his arms.

It is important to maintain the correct position of the body in the process of performing all movements, the effectiveness of the training depends on this.

The body should be straight from head to toe. You can not "help" yourself with the movement of the body, bend in the lumbar region, touching the floor with the stomach, or raise the buttocks with a "mound".

Push-ups with a wide grip (for pumping the muscles of the chest)

The previous exercise allows strengthening (increasing the level of load on the chest muscles). To do this, the legs must be raised above the floor level (place them on a bench / sofa), palms on the floor.

Experts say that when resting on a stand, 60 cm high, the load increases to 75% of the athlete's weight. If there is a need to facilitate the task, then they rest their hands on the bench, their feet on the floor. The higher the bench, the easier it is to do the exercise.

Important! The more the arms are spread apart (the wider the grip), the more significant the load is on the pectoral muscles.

Push-up with medium grip

Lie down, put your hands shoulder-width apart. Elbows along the torso, pointing back. You can rest on your palms or fists, as in the previous version. Place your legs in a comfortable position, but the distance between them should be narrower than your shoulders.

When moving the body to the floor, bend your arms at the elbows, directing them back. They should move along the sides close to the torso. Touch the floor and immediately start moving up. Keep your body straight!

This type of push-up engages and works the triceps well. Strengthening and facilitating the exercise are similar to the previous one.

Push-ups "hands together" (narrow grip)

This version of the training is performed only with an emphasis on the palm of your hand. Place your hands next to each other, fingers in front, rest against the floor.

To make the movements more comfortable, the hands can be slightly turned inward, and the fingers of one hand cover the fingers of the other. Socks shoulder-width apart or slightly wider.

When moving down, the arms bend. The elbows move along the body, they are directed back and slightly to the sides. At the bottom point, the amplitudes touch the back of the hand. Rise up until the arms are fully extended. This option is considered difficult. It is useful for triceps and frontal deltas.

Push-ups on one arm

Legs are wide apart for stability. Bend the left arm slightly and bring it behind the back, the right palm on the floor (it is safe and convenient to use special push-up stops).

The supporting arm should be in line with the body, not moving to the side. In this position, the athlete has only three points of support, but the widely spread legs make it easy to maintain balance. When moving down, the elbow bends and moves to the side.

You need to go down to such a level that your chest touches the floor. After touching, push-ups to a straight arm begin. The shoulders are held parallel to the plane of the floor. After completing the planned number of repetitions, switch hands.

For good balance, technical and safe hand clapping, it is good to have strong abdominal muscles. And now the difficult exercises.

Push-up with cotton

The set of movements of this training not only loads the muscles well, but also develops strength, agility, speed.

Place your hands on the same line, between the palms the distance is 1.5-2 times wider than the shoulders. Socks at shoulder width or closer. Powerfully "push" the body up, tear off the palms from the surface, quickly clap your hands. Note that after the clap, you need to land softly and gracefully on the palm of your hand, and not “flop” to the floor.

Barely touching the surface, repeat the chain: powerful upward movement, clap, landing. The movement of the hands is harmonious, rhythmic, strong, fast. Push-ups with cotton are performed by boxers, it should be included in the training plans for fans of various martial arts and sprinters.

Push-ups on fingers

Another interesting type of push-ups that helps strengthen bones and develop the strength characteristics of the hands. You can work with both wide and narrow arms. Emphasis on the fingers.

This training must be done with great care: if the fingers are not “held” very securely, it is better to temporarily abandon this exercise and work with a carpal expander to strengthen the hand.

Push-ups with weights

For those who are engaged in power sports or want to significantly increase the volume of muscles, clearly draw the relief, there are special weighting agents. They significantly increase the load, allow better and deeper work out of muscle tissue.

As a rule, special vests with weights are used for weighting. They are also used for pull-ups on the crossbar, etc. As a burden, a pancake from the bar is also used. But with such a load, someone must always be nearby, in order not only to help correctly position the pancake on the back, but also to ensure that the load does not fall. Push-ups with such weighting must be done carefully.

Including weight training in your training program, start with a small load, increase the weight gradually (no more than 1-2 kg per week).

Deep push-ups

Muscles are most effectively worked out during movements with a large amplitude. To remove the restriction for downward movement, it is necessary to “lower” the floor level.

To do this, you will need three strong, stable chairs: one for the legs and two (of the same height) for the hands. All kinds of coasters (from 10 to 15 cm) are also suitable. They must be reliable and stable. The best option is special handles for push-ups, which can be purchased at a sports store.

All these additional devices are necessary to be able to go below the level of the support (hands)

Sample program for the initial stage

Determine the days for three to four classes per week. Those who plan to exercise every day should initially train every other day. In the first classes, do not overstrain, allocate enough time for proper rest and recovery. The plan at the initial stage, as a rule, is made up for a month (by weeks).

It can be like this:

First week:

  • warm-up
  • first approach - up to 8 push-ups
  • break - 1 minute
  • the second approach - two push-ups less than in the first
  • break - 1 minute
  • third approach - 5 repetitions
  • break - 5 minutes
  • fourth approach - 5 push-ups
  • next two sets of five reps with a minute rest

Second week:

  • warm-up
  • four sets of 8 repetitions, pauses of 1 minute

Third week:

  • warm-up
  • four sets, maximum reps (without excessive tension and with high quality)
  • rest between sets - 1 minute

From the fourth week, work on increasing the number of repetitions.

Starting from the fifth week, the training program is developed independently, the training plan is drawn up for every day.

Example for more adapted

This is a program for those who have already passed the initial stage and are ready for full-fledged training, the task of which is to form a beautiful, strong body.

The program should be changed every 5-7 weeks. The number of repetitions per set is gradually added.

1st day:

  • warm-up
  • push-ups with weights - 4 sets of 12-15 reps
  • push-ups hands together - 4, 10-12
  • press exercise - 1, 40-50

2nd day:

  • warm-up
  • 100 reps for selected exercise (change push ups every week)
  • first week 10 sets of 10 reps*
  • pause between sets 2-3 minutes

3rd day:

  • warm-up
  • push-ups with a wide grip 1 set to the maximum
  • push-ups with an average grip 1 set to the maximum
  • press exercise - 1 set to the maximum

4th day:

  • warm-up
  • deep push-ups - 3 sets of 20-25 reps
  • squats - 3, 20-30
  • push-ups hands together - 3, 10-12


  1. Some adjustments can be made to the standard description of exercises, which are due to different anatomical structures and flexibility. For example, the location of the hands on the plane should be as convenient as possible so that there is no discomfort in the joints. When moving, avoid excessive flexion/extension/twisting of the joints. Determine the position of the palms that will ensure comfortable push-ups.
  2. Develop wrist flexibility with specific exercises. Before each workout, you should knead the wrist joints.
  3. An excellent prevention of sprains and injuries of these joints is the use of special wristbands (or special bandages). Such protection is especially relevant when performing complex movements, for example, with a clap, on one hand, or without emphasis on the legs.
  4. Many women cannot work with full amplitude (large bust), so special stops should be used. They make it possible to increase significantly the amplitudes.
  5. The higher the legs are, the more difficult it is to do push-ups, the more the muscles are loaded (use a stool, a sports bench, a regular table). This effect is used by experienced athletes when performing vertical push-ups (legs up).
  6. Do not forget to include exercises for biceps and abs in the training program.
  7. : Muscle formation requires carbohydrates and proteins, vegetables and meat!

Push-ups appeared in antiquity - it was the usual lying position with arms spread apart, but today there are different types of push-ups, and each of them pumps a certain muscle group. Technique increases strength and endurance. For all the time, a huge amount of information on push-ups has been released, and in order not to get lost in tons of books and articles, you should discard unnecessary exercises, and bring out for yourself the necessary ones that will really give results.

Muscles that work during push-ups

In the process of training with this type of exercise, almost all muscles are included in the work. Some muscle groups are less pumped, for example: legs and abs. But the effect affects other muscle areas:

  • triceps;
  • shoulders;
  • breast.

Therefore, these areas should be focused on.

Different parts of the muscles can be pumped in different ways, it all depends on the location of the body and arms. In the process of training, not only muscles build up, but also explosive strength increases, endurance develops, tendons and ligaments strengthen, and the cardiovascular system only becomes stronger. Due to this special attention should be paid to the following aspects:

  1. The number of sets and repetitions.
  2. Types of exercises that develop the muscles of the shoulders, chest and arms.
  3. Training technique for beginners.
  4. A way to strengthen the bones of the fingers and fists.
  5. Complex types of exercises with weights.
  6. The development of explosive power.

At the initial stage of training, one should not be taken for the development of explosive strength. It is necessary to do such exercises after a long period of training. To perform such an exercise, it is enough to take an emphasis lying down and perform the maximum number of repetitions in the allotted time, while as quickly as possible.

Complicated push-up technique

This variation of classes is designed for athletes with excellent physical development, who are able to easily coordinate the actions of their bodies. Basic exercises:

  • push-up technique without legs;
  • Hindu technique;
  • one-handed push-up.

As soon as full control over the whole body begins to appear during push-ups, a weighted load should be used, which will further increase the load. As a load, you can choose a pancake and place it on your back, in addition to the pancake, a backpack filled with heavy objects is allowed.

If you apply additional weight, then the quality of movements must be at a high level, otherwise you can get injured at a fast pace.

Lightweight technique for beginners

Experienced athletes are well aware what actions need to be taken, what mass of additional weight should be used, which parts of the body should be pumped. But for beginners, this is a dark forest.

With weak bodily development, a minimum number of repetitions is performed or push-ups are done from the knees. At first it will be difficult, but after a short time the muscles will get stronger and you can take on more complex exercise options.

To succeed, you need to constantly progress: increase the number of repetitions and approaches. It is recommended to do 2 sets of full push-ups and a couple of sets from the knees.

The correct number of repetitions

Training program consists of a different set of push-ups, some are easy - a large number of repetitions are allocated for them, while others are assigned a minimum of approaches.

Push-ups are simple, do not require special conditions and devices. At the same time, amazing results can be achieved, provided that the push-up program is chosen correctly, and classes are held regularly.

What results can be achieved?

  1. Development of endurance and strength.
  2. Development of agility, power and speed qualities.
  3. Moderate muscle building.
  4. Strengthening the shoulder girdle and press.
  5. The ability to take good control of your body.

What muscles are being trained?

Different muscle groups are included in the work. It all depends on the technique and type of exercise. Basically, three groups work: deltoid, triceps, chest. In addition, the press is tensed, as well as in a static mode - the muscles of the back, legs and intercostal.

Types of push-ups

There are several varieties on the basis of which you can create an individual set of exercises. Push-ups from the floor can be complicated, thereby achieving one effect or another. Depending on which muscle group needs to be developed, an exercise with a certain hand position is used. Push-ups from the floor for beginners can be performed in a simplified version. Thus, along with the classical ones, you can use exercises with narrow or wide arms, push-ups on one arm, with weights, with emphasis on the knees, with the feet on the bench, using special handles, on the fists and on the fingers.

Execution technique

Without the right technique, the desired result cannot be expected. It is important to remember that when performing an exercise, the muscles need to be felt, so it is important to be able to concentrate on them. We must not forget about breathing: we go down - we inhale, we rise - we exhale. When pushing up, straighten your back, do not lift your buttocks. In the starting position, keep your arms extended. The body falls down by bending the arms at the elbows. Bring your chest as close to the floor as possible, but do not touch it.

Push-up system

Various training systems have been developed for beginners and experienced athletes. There are programs designed for a month, for 6 weeks, for 15 weeks, the program "100 push-ups", "10 X 10" and others. Many experienced athletes make up a set of exercises for themselves.

The push-up program is developed depending on the goals of training. If you need to increase endurance, then you need to perform a large number of repetitions. To increase the muscles, it is necessary to do no more than 12 repetitions, but at the same time carefully monitor the execution technique, as well as complicate the exercise, namely push-ups on one arm, use handles, apply weights.

The push-up program may include various types of exercises in which one or another muscle group works to the maximum.

For triceps

Medium stance

Hands are approximately shoulder width apart. Elbows pointing back, emphasis on palms, fingers forward. Put your legs as it is more convenient, but they should not be wider than your shoulders. When bending the arms, the elbows remain laid back and almost adjacent to the body. If you focus on the fists, the fingers need to be turned inward. A lighter version is possible - hands on the bench, feet on the floor. A more difficult option is hands on the floor, feet on the bench.

Narrow hand stance

Rest your hands on the floor at chest level, palms are close, fingers pointing forward. Feet chest-width apart, slightly wider. When bending the arms, the elbows move back and slightly to the sides, the chest slightly touches the palms. This type of push-up is considered difficult. In addition to triceps, it also develops the front bunch of deltas.

For pectoral muscles

Rest your hands on the floor, placing them almost twice as wide as your shoulders, while taking your elbows to the sides, emphasis on your palms, fingers forward. Do not spread your legs wider than your shoulders. When bending the arms, the elbows should be directed to the sides at all times. Do not lift your buttocks up and do not bend - the body should be straight. You can perform a strengthened or lightweight version, as in an exercise with an average setting of hands. If the emphasis is on the fists, then turn the fingers back.

Focused on one hand

To maintain balance, the legs should be as wide apart as possible, arms wider than shoulders. Put one hand behind your back. When pushing up, the elbow is directed to the side. The exercise also develops the triceps. To keep the body in balance, you need a well-developed press.

With a load

To perform this exercise, put on special vests with weights or put a disk from the barbell on your back. In the second case, you can ask an assistant to make sure that the pancake does not fall.

On fingers

This exercise perfectly develops the strength of the hands and strengthens the bones. You can do the exercise with medium, narrow and wide arms. If the fingers are weak, you must first strengthen the hands with less difficult exercises.

with handles

For a better study of the muscles, special handles are used. In this case, the range of motion increases. Hand rests can be used instead of handles. Thanks to this type of push-ups, strength qualities develop, the athlete learns to better control his body.

With cotton

This exercise is designed to develop agility, strength and speed. Legs and arms should be placed wider than shoulders. Then push off, quickly clap and lower yourself as gently as possible on your hands. During the exercise, the arms move very quickly. Such push-ups are recommended for boxers and other martial artists.

Pushups. Beginner training program

First of all, you need to find out the level of training, that is, how many push-ups you can do in one approach. Often, beginners cannot do even 10 repetitions.

The push-up program will depend on the goals. Usually, with the help of this exercise, athletes develop strength and endurance. In this case, you need to do a large number of approaches with short breaks.

On the first day in the first approach, do the maximum possible number of repetitions. Then rest for no more than 2 minutes. In the second approach, you will be able to complete less, and this is normal. Do 5 sets a day, repetitions - as much as possible. Train in this mode until you can do the same number of repetitions in all sets.

For the next stage of training, you need to establish a new norm. For example, you did 15 reps. Now you need to do 25. Again, do 5 sets a day and train until you can do 25 in all sets.

Now you need to move on to 10 approaches, and reduce the break between them to 1 minute. Bring the number of approaches to 15, while the number of repetitions should be at least 3/4 of your maximum (for example, the maximum is 30, then in one set the exercise must be done at least 22 times). When you manage to do 22 times in each approach, increase the number of repetitions by 1, that is, do 15 X 23.

Training Rules

  1. Before doing push-ups, you need to do a warm-up.
  2. Train three times a week, gradually move to daily activities.
  3. To keep track of results, it is convenient to keep records.

Push-ups are a bodyweight strength exercise that is key to developing upper body muscles. Regular push-ups not only increase your stamina and strengthen certain muscle groups, but also helps to tone the entire body.

Do you want to learn how to do push-ups, look for a ready-made scheme and the correct push-up technique? Or just want to know about the effectiveness of this exercise? We offer you the most complete guide to push-ups in one article, as well as step-by-step instructions on how to learn push-ups from scratch.

Push-ups: how to do it right

The push-up is the most popular bodyweight exercise. It is used not only in strength training, but also in plyometric classes, crossfit, pilates, callanetics and even yoga. And such push-up versatility easily explained. Push-ups help to engage all muscle groups from the neck to the toes, and in particular strengthen the pectoral muscles, shoulder girdle, triceps and abs.

There are many different types of push-ups, but before moving on to more complex modifications of this exercise, let's understand the technique for performing classic push-ups. The correct form of exercises is not only the maximum result and high-quality muscle work, but also reduced risk of injury and damage during lessons.

Correct technique during classic push-ups from the floor:

  • The body forms a straight line, the pelvis does not go up and does not bend down.
  • The abdominal muscles are tense, but the breath is not held.
  • The head is in a neutral position, does not look down, but does not lift up either.
  • The palms are strictly under the shoulders, do not go forward.
  • Palms look forward, parallel to each other.
  • The elbows are turned back 45 degrees, they are not spaced to the side.
  • On the exhale, bend the elbows and lower the body parallel to the floor, keeping the straight line of the body.
  • Push-ups from the floor are performed with full amplitude, i.e. the body is lowered as low as possible. Elbows should form a right angle.

It is this technique of classic push-ups that helps to evenly work out the muscles of the shoulders, chest and triceps.

Push-ups from the floor involve several muscle groups at once. This exercise allows you to work out all the muscles of the shoulder girdle and the small stabilizing muscles of the shoulder. Also push-ups from the floor and from the knees develop strength and elasticity of the muscles of the shoulders, which is especially important because the shoulder joint is extremely unstable and prone to displacement and injury.

Push-ups from the floor help to work out the following muscle groups:

  • pectoralis major muscle
  • Deltoids (shoulders)
  • Triceps
  • Serratus anterior
  • Abdominal muscles

In addition, during push-ups, the muscles of the legs, buttocks and back are indirectly included in the work. Also push-ups increase functional strength necessary to perform regularly performed actions (lifting and moving objects, cleaning the house, holding the child in her arms).

The main mistakes in the technique of classic push-ups from the floor

Push-ups from the floor is not such a simple exercise as it seems at first glance. Mistakes in execution technique are made not only by those involved, but even by coaches! Incorrect performance of push-ups is fraught with injuries to the wrists, shoulder and elbow joints, as well as pain in the neck, back and lower back. If you can't keep the correct form when pushing up from the floor, kneel down or reduce the number of repetitions! Teach yourself to do this exercise correctly from the very first performance.

The most common mistake in push-up technique is the position of the elbows relative to the body. The outstretched elbows help to compensate for the lack of upper body muscle strength. Of course, you can also perform this version of push-ups. (which many do). But the problem is that this way of doing it increases risk of shoulder and elbow injuries. Therefore, it is better to pay attention to the position of the elbows: they should be turned back 45 degrees, and not look in different directions.

In classic push-ups, the hands should be strictly under the shoulders. Some practitioners practice push-ups with a wide stance, but this is a weaker position in which your muscles do not work well enough. Also, wide-arm push-ups can cause shoulder pain over time.

During push-ups, the body should form a straight line. But if you have a weak core, then there is a risk of breaking the push-up technique: lifting the buttocks up or, conversely, bending the lower back and lowering the hips to the floor. Incorrect body position extra load on the spine. To avoid this mistake, start practicing the plank exercise - this will help strengthen the muscle corset. We recommend reading: Plank - benefits and harms, 45 plank options + training plan.

A very common mistake in the push-up technique is to perform an exercise with incomplete amplitude, namely, insufficient lowering of the body down. Naturally, at first, it will be difficult for you to perform push-ups with a full range, but accustom yourself from the very beginning of practice. lower the body to a right angle at the elbow.

For example, let's visually compare the correct and incorrect push-ups.

1. Correct classic push-up:

The body forms a straight line, the pelvis does not rise up, the lower back does not bend. When push-ups, the body falls low, the elbows are close enough to the body, the palms are under the shoulders.

2. Correct push-ups from the knees (a simplified version of the classic push-ups):

Similarly, the body forms a straight line, there are no deflections and bends in the back. Pay attention to the correct position of the palms relative to the shoulders.

3. Push-up with an error:

The pelvis is lowered down, the lower back is curved, the straight line of the body is broken. This exercise can cause back pain and even injury.

4. Push-up with an error:

In this picture, we see insufficient lowering of the body down, the elbows are barely bent. It is better to do 5 quality push-ups than 15-20 low-quality ones where the arms do not form a right angle.

Thanks to the youtube channel for the visual gifs Lais DeLeon.

Push-ups: benefits, harms and contraindications

Like any other exercise, push-ups have a number of advantages and disadvantages, as well as contraindications for execution. This is a great strength training exercise for developing muscles, but if done incorrectly or with weak joints, it can have adverse health effects .

Benefits of doing push-ups:

1. Push-ups are the best exercise for strengthening chest muscles with your own body weight. If you want to work on your pectoral muscles, then push-ups should definitely be included in your training plan.

2. The push-up is a multi-purpose exercise that works right away. several muscle groups . In addition to the chest, you will strengthen the muscles of the triceps, shoulders and core. Push-ups also work your back, legs, and glutes, providing a complete body workout.

3. To perform push-ups, you will not need additional equipment. Also, you can do this exercise both at home and on the street. Are you on vacation? Don't have access to the gym? No problem, push-ups can be done anywhere you find a small square of space.

4. Push-ups Help Strengthen muscle corset . Not only will this get you closer to a 6-pack abs, it will also help prevent back pain and improve your posture.

5. Push-ups from the floor - very variation exercise. A wide stance engages the shoulder muscles, while a narrow stance engages the triceps. You can perfectly train your upper body using only your own weight.

6. The ability to do push-ups correctly will come in handy not only in strength training, but also in yoga, Pilates, callanetics, plyometric programs. Push-ups are one of main exercises with your own body weight.

7. Push-ups develop muscle strength and elasticity shoulders. Subject to the correct technique, this is the prevention of injuries of the shoulder joints, which are most vulnerable to those involved.

8. Large quantity modifications (From the easiest to the hardest) makes push-ups a versatile exercise that is suitable for both beginners and advanced. This means you will always have a productive workout, regardless of strength or experience level.

Harm of push-ups and contraindications for classes

Despite the many benefits and benefits of push-ups for body development and improving strength training, push-ups can cause harm to your body. During push-ups, the joints of the shoulders, elbows, and wrists are included in the work, so if you have a history of injuries or joint problems, then push-ups should not be performed. Injury to the joints while doing push-ups is not uncommon, especially if you do not follow the correct technique.

Contraindications for doing push-ups:

  • Arthrosis, arthritis and other joint problems
  • Shoulder, arm, wrist injuries
  • Problems with the spine
  • Lumbar lordosis
  • Big extra weight

Be sure to follow the correct technique when doing push-ups. Recommended always stretch your hands, elbows and shoulders before doing push-ups, performing circular movements with hands in one direction and the other.

10 push-up features you need to know about

1. The closer you put your hands while doing push-ups, the more the triceps work. The farther you place, the more shoulders are included in the work.

2. If you want to make push-ups easier, then rest your hands on the bench or kneel.

3. If you want the opposite, make pushups harder, then place your feet on a bench or other elevated position. Moreover, the higher the legs are, the more difficult it will be to do push-ups.

4. To increase the amplitude and increase the effectiveness of push-ups, you can perform them on special racks: push-up pads. In this case, the body will sink lower, and the muscles will work even harder.

5. Push-ups not only allow you to thoroughly pump the muscles of the chest, shoulders and triceps, but also significantly reduce the risk of wrist injuries.

6. If you do not have special stops, then you can do push-ups on dumbbells, this will also help reduce the load on the hands.

7. Before push-ups, try to do gymnastics for the joints of the shoulders, elbows and hands (circular movements of the shoulders, arms and hands).

8. If you have weak wrists, use elastic bands They will reduce stress on the joints. This is especially true if you plan to do plyometric push-ups (which will be discussed below).

9. To increase muscle mass, try to perform push-ups with a small number of repetitions, using complex modifications or additional weight. But for weight loss, the development of endurance and the development of functional training, you can move towards increasing the number of repetitions.

10. In the standard description of exercises it is allowed make some adjustments , which are due to different anatomical structures and flexibility. Determine the position of the palms that will ensure comfortable push-ups.

How to learn to do push-ups from scratch: a ready-made plan

It's okay if you've never done push-ups before or had a long break from fitness and lost this skill. Everyone can learn to push up from the floor, regardless of gender and age! Of course, you will need regular practice, but push-ups are not as difficult to learn as, for example, pull-ups.

The most important thing to remember if you want to learn how to push up from the floor efficiently and effectively: you must always follow correct execution technique from the very first repetition of the exercise. Even if you start with simple variations of the exercise, remember the correct form and technique.

In order to start pushing up from the floor from scratch, we offer you a step-by-step program for beginners. Thanks to this scheme, everyone can learn push-ups from the floor!

Ready-made scheme, how to learn to do push-ups for beginners

In order to learn how to push up from the floor, you will need to master 3 step push ups . You need to do it daily, you need to perform 3-4 approaches for the maximum number of repetitions in each approach. Perhaps the first attempts will not allow you to wring out more than 5-10 times, but every day you will progress.

If you feel that by the end of the week you have not made the desired progress, then continue with the same modification of push-ups for another week. It is better to move to the next level of difficulty after you can push up 30-40 times without interruption. Do not forget about the correct technique for doing push-ups!

Week 1: Wall push-ups

Wall push-ups are an exercise that everyone can do. These vertical push-ups are a great introductory exercise that will help you further master push-ups from the floor.

Week 2: Knee push-ups

The next level is push-ups from the knees. Please note that even with push-ups from the knees, the body should maintain a straight line, the pelvis should not go up.

Week 3: Bench push-ups

After you have mastered push-ups from the knees, you can move on to push-ups from the bench. Attention, there is a nuance here. The higher the bench, the easier it will be for you to do push-ups. Therefore, you can change the height of the surface, thereby slowly preparing yourself for push-ups from the floor.

Week 4: Push-ups from the floor

After three weeks of regular push-ups, your body will be ready for floor push-ups. Remember that it is better to do fewer repetitions, but with full amplitude (elbows should be bent 90 degrees).

How many times do you need to do push-ups: ready-made push-up schemes

Once again, we emphasize that you should never chase quantity, neglecting quality. In addition, it is not always necessary to strive for an increase in the number of repetitions. How many times you need to do push-ups depends on your goals.

So there are several possible situations:

1. If you want pump up and increase muscle mass in volumes, then move towards weight gain and difficulty. For example, use barbell discs or raise your legs on a bench. Training scheme: 10-12 reps for 3-4 sets.

2. If you want lose weight and get relief, then move towards increasing the number of repetitions. Do 15-25 reps for 5 sets. You can increase the total number of push-ups weekly or move on to more complex modifications.

3. If you want develop endurance and functional strength, then also move towards increasing the number of repetitions and choose more complex modifications of push-ups on the floor, including plyometric ones.

An example of a ready-made push-up scheme for increasing endurance and losing weight:

An example of a ready-made push-up scheme for increasing muscle mass:

21 Gif Pushups!

We offer you a unique selection: 21 options for push-ups from the floor in visual GIF animations! The proposed modifications of the exercises are divided into 3 levels of difficulty. Please note that the complexity of the exercise is often determined by individual characteristics and specific training experience, so the gradation is not universal.

Thanks for the gifs to the youtube channel from Luka Hocevar.

Push-ups on the floor: 1 level of difficulty

1. Wide push ups

2. Push up with Reach

3. Push-ups with a touch of the knees (Knee Tap Push up)

4. Push-ups with a touch of the shoulder (Shoulder Tap Push up)

5. Triangular push-ups (Diamond Push up)

The push-up exercise is very easy to learn, but almost no one thinks what muscles work. It is noteworthy that there are different techniques, each of which shifts the load on a specific muscle group.

General information about push-ups

This exercise is very useful, as it involves different muscle groups and provides a general strengthening effect. The benefits of doing push-ups include the ability to practice at home without going to the stadium or gym. You do not need expensive equipment and even a sports uniform.

In addition to the pectoral muscles, push-ups also involve many other groups of the upper body. Muscle mass grows and bones become stronger, as well as metabolic processes are normalized. By exercising regularly, you will reduce your risk of developing atherosclerosis, keep you physically active, and prevent fat cells from replacing muscle mass. But what muscles work during push-ups from the floor and how does the execution technique affect?

pectoral muscles

Among the muscle groups most often trained by athletes in gyms are the pectoralis major muscles. All pushing movements in front of you, performed by hands, depend on them. Therefore, with any push-ups from the floor, regardless of the position of the hands, the chest will definitely work, to one degree or another.

Considering that in life we ​​rarely have to perform pushing movements, so many people's pectorals simply atrophy. By doing push-ups several times a week, you will tone them up and increase in size, as a result of which the figure will take on an aesthetic appearance.


The triceps muscles of the shoulder girdle also actively work when performing this exercise. Depending on what starting position you take, the triceps will turn on more or less, but they will work either way. Considering that these muscle groups occupy 2/3 of the total arm circumference, it is better to pay attention to their pumping. A good load on the triceps can also be provided by doing push-ups on the uneven bars or reverse push-ups from the bench.


Deltas consist of front, back and middle parts. Most of all, they work when performing all kinds of bench presses while standing and sitting, but they are also involved in push-ups (mainly the front part). They are much weaker than the pectoral muscles, but still help us push up. To better understand exactly how the deltas and other muscles work during push-ups, look at the pictures describing the biomechanics of the human body.

Serratus anterior muscles

The aesthetics and smartness of your torso depend on them. In general, they are designed to stabilize the body and move the shoulder blades outward and forward when performing body movements. These muscles are located under the armpits on the sides of the large pectoral muscles. When push-ups, they are always activated and thereby strengthened.

Abdominal muscles

The abdominal muscles, oddly enough, are also involved in push-ups from the floor. They work by helping to keep the body straight without arching the lower back. Of course, you won’t pump up the cubes with push-ups alone, but you will significantly strengthen the press. And do not forget that for the manifestation of the treasured relief of the body (especially in the abdomen), it is necessary to reduce the level of body fat in the body, paying attention to the right diet.

What other muscles work during push-ups? To some extent, the neck is pumped, because with the right technique you need to look not down, but in front of you, keeping your head in tension. As for the back and biceps, they are almost not included in the work, although some claim the opposite. They are slightly strengthened by maintaining balance, but they are not directly affected. Even with push-ups, the joints are strengthened: elbows, shoulder, wrist.

What muscles work in different types of push-ups?

Push-ups from the floor are performed at different stops, from which the technique of their implementation changes greatly and the effectiveness of the training changes. If you want to focus on any specific muscle group, choose the right type of push-ups and create an effective training program that will allow you to lose or gain weight, increase strength and endurance.

Classic push ups

First, let's find out which muscles work with classic push-ups with an average setting of the arms shoulder-width apart. The photo clearly shows the starting position and the distance between the palms. With this version of the exercise, almost the entire upper body is worked out, but the following receive the greatest load:

  • chest;
  • triceps;
  • deltas.

The spine should be straightened, and to hold it, the muscles of the press and lower back are activated.

wide grip

This version of push-ups makes the task a little easier by reducing the amplitude of the movement of the torso up and down. The elbows are more strongly bred, so the triceps are not involved as much as with classic push-ups. With a wide grip, the outer parts of the pectoral muscles are connected as much as possible, due to which they are filled and increase in volume, and a man’s wide chest looks aesthetically pleasing.

Narrow grip

And which muscles work more with close-grip push-ups or diamond push-ups? See the photo to see what it looks like. Everything is opposite here: the elbows are pressed close to the body, so the emphasis is shifted to the triceps. The chest also works, but to a lesser extent, compared to wide push-ups. If you want to hit your triceps even harder, do reverse push-ups or dips on the uneven bars.

Push-ups on one arm

This type of push-ups is very difficult, so it is not given to everyone. People who can do push-ups in this way heavily load not only the pectoral muscle and triceps, but also the entire abdominal press, including the oblique muscles of the abdomen. The latter are needed to stabilize the body during approaches. Still quite strongly, this technique involves the shoulder muscle on the arm with which you are pushing.

Incline push-ups

A fairly popular type of push-ups from the floor is upside down, but what muscles work in this case? The bottom line is that you need to put your feet on a stool, sofa or other stand of a suitable height. In this case, the load is shifted to the upper part of the pectoral muscles. The work also includes the abdominal muscles and triceps.

You can also use the reverse option: rest your hands on a chair or sofa. So you make it easier for yourself if you don’t do classic push-ups well or want to take the load off your elbows.

On fists

Push-ups with fists are common, but more difficult. With this method of performing exercises, in addition to the chest, triceps and deltoid muscles, the wrists and hands, as well as a little biceps, are included in the work. These push-ups from the floor are harder than classic push-ups, so to avoid injury and discomfort, start with a small number of repetitions. To further engage your forearms, try fingertip push-ups.

How to do push-ups

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