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Figure skating training. Where will they teach you how to skate? What you need to prepare for sports activities

Figure skating has recently become fashionable. This is a great way to spend winter (and not only winter) leisure for children and parents. And it becomes more attractive if those skating can at least stand on their skates. And if not? Then there is only one way out - you need to learn it. And it’s better under the guidance of experienced trainers.

Parents should choose a figure skating school or section very carefully. With the arrival of winter, similar groups began to work in many parks, outdoor and indoor. ice rinks in different areas of Moscow.

We will tell you about the most famous figure skating schools and sections, as well as places where ice lessons for children are regularly held. Perhaps, before enrolling your child in a serious figure skating school, you will want him to try his hand at one-time master classes.

Master classes in hockey and figure skating("GUM-skating rink")

The country's central skating rink - the GUM skating rink on Red Square - in the 2019/2020 season invites world hockey champion A. Yashin to ice hockey master classes for children over 7 years old and figure skating master classes by Yu. Ovchinnikov for children over 6 years old .
Participants in the hockey master class will begin with basic exercises, learn key skating elements and puck handling techniques, and end the class with a friendly match. Participants in figure skating master classes will be able to learn the basic elements of figure skating. These are dashes, rotations, jumps, steps. And most importantly, children will be able to feel like an artist on ice.
Classes are held free of charge, entrance to the skating rink requires tickets.

Figure skating school(Ice skating rink in Gorky Park)

You can practice figure skating at the skating rink in Gorky Park. Classes under the guidance of coach Natalya Molchanova are held for children from 4 to 12 years old at the children's skating rink. You must register in advance. Number of participants – 30 people (2 groups of 15).
For children who do not have the opportunity to attend regular training, a series of open master classes has been planned. Under the guidance of the School's coaches, any visitor to the skating rink will be able to learn the basic elements of figure skating.
Classes at the School are free, entrance to the skating rink requires tickets.

Figure skating school(Skating rink in Izmailovsky Park)

On weekends, figure skating lessons for children are organized at the Silver Ice skating rink in Izmailovsky Park. The lesson program is designed for children aged 4-9 years who have just started learning. The coach will “put” them on skates so that they can skate confidently, without the help of their parents. No pre-registration required. Gathering of students at the skating rink with refrigeration support. Don't forget to take special child protection to class.
Classes are free, entrance to the skating rink requires tickets.

Figure skating school(Skating rink in Sokolniki Park)

You can learn the basics of figure skating at the outdoor skating rink “Ice”, which operates in Sokolniki Park. Classes have started here where children aged 4 years and older and adults can acquire the skills necessary to feel confident on the ice. Together with the teachers, the children will learn to group themselves when falling, maintain balance, and glide. Classes are held both on weekdays and on weekends.
Cost of a subscription for 8 classes: 6800 rubles; one-time lesson: 1000 rub.

Figure skating school of Anastasia Grebenkina

The main difference between Anastasia Grebenkina's figure skating school is the author's approach to teaching. There are 8 levels of figure skating mastery. In addition to ice classes, dance and physical training classes are organized. Children as young as 3 years old can become students. Play equipment is used to teach children. Another difference is the school’s rich club life. It is expressed in holding master classes with famous athletes, in ice celebrations, competitions, and organizing trips to training camps in Russia and abroad. Students have the opportunity to receive sports ranks. Classes usually take place 2 times a week. You can purchase a one-time ticket or a subscription. The training venues are skating rinks in different areas.
The cost of a subscription for 4 classes is from 5,700 rubles, for 8 classes - from 8,000 rubles.

Figure skating section "Morozko"

On the basis of the ice complex "Arena Morozovo" there is a children's sports and recreation section "Morozko". Children over 3 years old are welcome to attend classes. Classes for beginners are held under the guidance of a professional trainer 3 times a week. The level of training in the sections ranges from beginner to professional.
Subscription cost: from 8,000 rubles.

Figure skating school in memory of Lyudmila Pakhomova

Children from 3 years old are invited to the Figure Skating School in memory of Lyudmila Pakhomova. Skaters up to 5 years old are recruited into the initial training groups. The best students are taken into the ranks of the International Sports Society "Young Dynamo". Classes are held in the evening at the Novogorsk Educational and Training Center and the Dynamo hockey club in Novogorsk, as well as at the Iceberg LTC in Khimki. Master classes are held periodically with leading trainers from Russia and Europe. Students are given figure skater books, which they use to go on the ice.

The Tchaikovskaya Skate school of figure skating is headed by the Honored Coach of the USSR and Russia Elena Anatolyevna Tchaikovskaya. Young figure skaters and female figure skaters from 3.5 years old are invited to join the groups. Classes take place at the Ice Palace “Arctic” (Vidnoye, Zeleny Lane, p. 9).

You can find a list of capital's skating rinks. Read more about the most important open And covered skating rinks can be found in our articles.

Of course, the presented list of children's schools and figure skating sections is not final. We'd love for you to share with us information about other places that offer ice lessons for children.

Figure skating is very beautiful, but only from the outside. In fact, this sport is considered one of the most difficult. Is it worth sending your child to figure skating?

Is it worth sending your child to this sport?

How to understand that your child can become a professional and successful figure skater:

  • The baby is agile, active and attentive.
  • The child has a sense of rhythm.
  • Chado shows interest in figure skating.
  • The child does not suffer from frequent colds.
  • The child is not afraid of the cold and feels great in the winter season.

In what cases is figure skating not suitable?

  • The child has weak joints or bones.
  • Frequent colds, reduced immunity.
  • The child does not like winter and experiences severe discomfort in the cold.
  • The baby is clumsy, slow, passive.
  • Presence of chronic diseases.
  • Reluctance to engage in figure skating.

Advantages and disadvantages

First, let's list the advantages of figure skating:

  • They make the child more collected and responsible, discipline him, and this will be useful in life.
  • Figure skating is especially useful for girls. She will become more graceful and slender.
  • Figure skating is an incredibly beautiful and spectacular sport.
  • Since this sport is included in the Olympic list, the child will definitely have something to strive for, and this increases the effectiveness of training.
  • Many parents think about the future of their children. And if you are one of them, then you will probably be interested to know that the salaries of professional and successful skaters are quite high.
  • Figure skating is also beneficial for children because it improves their health. Thus, regular training will increase immunity, normalize the functioning of the respiratory, nervous and cardiovascular systems, as well as the musculoskeletal system. Children involved in this sport are much less likely to suffer from colds and respiratory diseases, which is associated with the special microclimate of the skating rink.
  • Diversified development. Training increases endurance, reaction speed, concentration, strength and agility, and also improves the functioning of the vestibular system. And all this will be useful both in studies and in later life.

Now the disadvantages:

  • Perhaps most significant for many parents is the increased risk of injury. The most common are sprains and bruises, but concussions and fractures also occur.
  • It is believed that this sport is not suitable for a boy. So, he may be teased at school. Unfortunately, this happens quite often in the modern world.
  • Big costs. Yes, parents will have to buy expensive skates and costumes, and quite often, because children grow up very quickly. In addition, you will need to pay for skate sharpening, as well as travel to other cities for competitions.
  • Big competition. It usually reaches its peak in adolescence, since at this stage children experience hormonal changes and develop great ambitions, the desire for excellence and the desire to be the best. And competition is associated with strong tension and constant stress, which is not very beneficial for a growing organism.
  • Since the temperature at the skating rink is low, colds and some other diseases may occur.
  • Figure skating is a colossal load, especially if you want your child to take part in important competitions and achieve certain successes. You will have to do a lot of work. If the child is not ready for this, then it will not be possible to achieve results. But the readiness of parents is also important, since they are the ones who must set the child up, guide him on the right path and constantly support him.
  • If a child begins to engage in this sport professionally, then his performance at school will almost inevitably decrease, since there will be catastrophically little time left for classes.
  • Many people believe that sports practically deprive a child of his childhood. This is partly true, because he will not have time for simple entertainment available to everyone.

When should I send my child to figure skating?

What age is considered optimal to start figure skating? It all depends on the characteristics of the child and the goals of the parents. So, if dad and mom just want to ensure their child’s diversified development, improve his health and fitness, then you can enroll him in the section at almost any age.

If parents are committed to professional sports and plan to make their child a champion, then it is worth starting classes at 4.5-5 years old. In any case, the coaches believe that the deadline is seven years. But it’s worth repeating once again that it’s never too late to start training for fun. And a truly talented child can become a champion in just a few years.

What will you need for classes?

So, what do you need for training?

  • Skates. They must be of high quality, otherwise it will be extremely uncomfortable for the child to exercise, and the risk of injury will significantly increase. It is advisable to consult with a trainer before purchasing.
  • Cloth. For the first year of training, it is not necessary to purchase professional suits, but they will be required later, when the child begins to take part in competitions. In the meantime, buy an insulated tracksuit, a vest or windbreaker, and a light hat. All clothes should be comfortable!

How are classes going?

How are figure skating trainings conducted? During the first year, children study two or three times a week. In this case, the lesson begins with general preparation, which includes choreography, warm-up, mastering basic movements. This part lasts about 30-45 minutes. Then the training begins directly on the ice. Its duration is also approximately 30-45 minutes.

If the coach sees potential in the child, then, most likely, the classes will move to a new level. The child will immediately go out on the ice and practice there for an hour and a half. The frequency of training will increase, it can reach 5-7 training sessions per week. And during preparation for competitions, classes can be held even twice a day.

Some tips for parents:

  1. Carefully weigh the pros and cons.
  2. Be sure to take into account the opinion of the child himself. If he doesn’t want to do figure skating, there’s no point in forcing him to do it, nothing good will come of it.
  3. It is important to recognize the talent in your child in time and notice the prerequisites, so watch him carefully.
  4. If your child is in doubt, sign him up for a few trial classes.
  5. Don’t worry if your child refuses to take up figure skating after a year of training. It happens.
  6. It is important to find a truly experienced coach.
  7. Listen to the coach. If he does not see talent in the child, then he should not try to make a champion out of the child by any means.

Good luck to your young athlete!

Figure skating is a special art and one of the most harmonious sports. It teaches you to maintain ideal posture and balance, strengthens character, forms inner will, develops true artistry and strengthens the immune system, allowing you to almost completely forget about frequent colds. It is not surprising that any figure skating school in Moscow is very popular. Many parents are happy to let their children learn this skill from real professionals.

Most schools can enroll your child on the ice from the age of three. And even if in the end he does not become an Olympic champion and does not receive other sports awards, as already mentioned, he will learn a lot and become much healthier.

Figure skating in Moscow

If you are interested in a good figure skating school in Moscow, then finding one will not be difficult, since the capital offers a wide selection of such institutions with a very high level of training provided in them. However, before choosing any particular educational institution, it is important to be aware of what goal you are pursuing: to raise a future champion or simply to improve the health of a child? The answer to this question will help you make the right choice.

School of Olympic reserve

So, it is best to send your child to a specialized sports school if you want him to subsequently succeed in sports, and figure skating will become the main activity of his life. Olympic Reserve School No. 23, located in the Sokolniki Sports Palace, is one of the best institutions in the capital that train future professional athletes.

It dates back to 1970. For a long time, the sports school specialized in the development of swimming. A number of famous and titled athletes trained there. At first, the institution was called SDYUSHOR No. 23, but in January 2014 it received a new modern name, more consistent with its profile. After construction of the indoor ice skating rink was completed in 2013, a figure skating department was opened here.

The professional figure skating school in Moscow invited famous athletes to the position of coaches: Irina Lobacheva - Olympic silver medalist in ice dancing in 2002, Elena Sokolova - silver medalist of the 2003 World Championships in single figure skating, and Natalya Mityushina - silver medalist of the Italian Junior Championships 2008 in ice dancing.

Figure skating club "Libela"

If your goal is not at all to conquer the heights of big-time sports, but general health-improving practice for the child, then all kinds of schools and sections, which will be discussed below, are well suited for you.

One of the excellent options is the relatively recently formed figure skating club “Libela”. It is notable for the fact that in its short period of existence, it has already put about a thousand people on skates and trained dozens of athletes for various amateur competitions. Unlike various state sports schools, “Libela” accepts everyone for training, regardless of the level of sports training and age of the person. Children can be brought to the club from the age of three.

Trainers use special programs and methods in training. For example, Libel has three levels of difficulty for children, and five special courses for adults. In addition to the ice, the club offers ballet classes, jumping training and general physical training, cardio exercises and muscle stretching training. Moreover, the Libela figure skating club organizes training camps in our country and abroad, as well as trips to competitions.

You can come to the club for training even without special equipment. Libel provides rental brands such as Riedell and Jackson. Here, with one club card, you can exercise with the whole family. It’s also nice that it is issued without any expiration date, and can be used in all skating rinks that belong to the institution (this is the best money put on the card does not expire automatically, classes are written off only if you attend them. Moreover, for For everyone who has a club card, Libel has a bonus system, with discounts up to 35%!

Figure skating school of Anastasia Grebenkina

Another successful sports institution in the capital is the figure skating school. It is distinguished from other similar schools by its unique author’s approach to the learning process. They try to make classes here not only useful from a sports point of view, but also enjoyable and a lot of other positive emotions. Also, the training uses an individual approach with eight different levels of mastery. These levels allow you to determine exactly what loads are required for each student to achieve maximum success and which exercises will be most necessary at all stages of his training. This approach makes it possible to avoid a standardized training program and leads to really good results.

In addition, the institution offers special programs such as ICE fitness, as well as an original program consisting of classes aimed at general strengthening of the body. Anastasia Grebenkina’s figure skating school also conducts an express course not only for children, but also for adults who have never skated before or have only recently begun to master this art form.

Figure skating school "New League"

The New League school also deserves attention, where figure skating is taught regardless of age and existing sports training. Children here are accepted for education from the age of three and a half.

The first trial lesson for those who come to the skating rink for the first time is free. The school has been in existence for over ten years and is very successful. The very idea of ​​​​creating a “New League” school, in which figure skating at a professional level will be available to amateurs, is a project of the “New League” skating rinks and many famous athletes in figure skating, dance sports, hockey and fitness.


In 2010, the Finist figure skating club was created. Both adults and children, starting from the age of three, can study at this institution. Children's educational programs, first of all, are of a health nature, and also help to develop the necessary sports base for subsequent enrollment in professional figure skating sections.

The club regularly organizes both group classes (5-8 people) and individual ones. Adults can train here all year round. Classes for children are held as in regular schools - from September to the beginning of summer.

Figure skating school of Ilya Averbukh

Ilya Averbukh’s figure skating school “The Path to Success”, under the sensitive and skillful guidance of real professionals, allows children to learn skating, helping them master basic basic skills. Those who have already been involved in the described sport for more than one year are helped to perform more and more complex elements.

Of course, the recognized master of figure skating also passes on his unsurpassed sportsmanship to his students. Group training is organized for children aged 4-12 years. The first lesson is absolutely free!


The Morozko figure skating section is a sports and recreational institution designed to teach adults and children this wonderful sport. Classes are aimed at improving and consolidating basic skating skills and developing general physical fitness. Children from the age of three are invited to attend classes.

Training is conducted by such professional and competent trainers as Alexey Merkulov, Valeria Batishcheva, Anastasia Diveeva and Elena Pingacheva. The level of sports training in the section ranges from beginner to professional. So any child studying here will easily master both the basic and the most complex ones, accessible only to very good skaters. For those who decide to send their child to Morozko, it is important to remember that the section’s subscription is valid for one month. Missed classes, including those due to illness, will not be rescheduled, and their cost will not be deducted from the total.

What to do, what to choose?

Each of the described schools, clubs and sections has its own advantages and characteristics. Whatever figure skating school in Moscow catches your attention, you will certainly not be disappointed if you sent your child or even signed up for sports training there. Taking a closer look at this wonderful sport, you will see that it is not just a pleasant pastime, but also a healthy lifestyle and a real art!

Figure skating is a great start to your child’s sports career and a useful hobby. Group classes reveal new abilities hidden in every child.

Our coaching staff are experienced sports masters - true professionals in their field. The training program allows you to pay attention to each young athlete and give him the opportunity to believe in his strength and abilities. We make sure that classes in the section are conducted safely, and that children are given maximum care and attention.

Group classes teach children to communicate with each other and find a common language, which will have a very positive effect on the child in the future. By practicing figure skating, your child will learn to control himself and his body, become more flexible, improve his health, and also feel confident in himself and his abilities.

Both beginners who have never stood on ice and those who know how to skate and want to improve their skills can enroll in the figure skating school. Figure skating is a beautiful, graceful sport that allows a person to express himself.

Our students are winners of awards and prizes at Russian and international competitions.

The figure skating school of SK Prometheus announces the enrollment of children in groups for figure skating classes. High quality ice, modern techniques and an excellent approach will allow your child to happily practice and master the art of figure skating.

If your child is already 3 years old, you can enroll him in our figure skating school. Children over 4 years old can join classes in older subgroups.

Classes in the figure skating section are held

  • - Candidate for Master of Sports in figure skating,
  • - Higher education. Russian State University for Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism.
  • - Work experience - 2002-2008 soloist of an extraordinary circus on ice under the direction of Sergei Ryzhkov, participant in various show projects, including Shangrila 2 in Japan.
  • - Coaching experience - 5 years, teaching in initial training groups for four years.
  • - 2008-present works in the pair skating group of Sergei Dobroskokiy as a second coach.
  • - Choreographer at the children's ice theater Ice Cristal (2009, Grand Prix in the “one-act ballet” category, winner of the championship among dance groups in Moscow and the Moscow region)

Classes in the section include

  • Teaching the basics.
  • Training in professional elements (spins, jumps, step combinations, lifts, etc.)
  • Individual training with a Turner.

Ice fitness

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