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How to calculate the optimal heart rate for burning fat. Maximum heart rate by age. What heart rate burns fat

In modern cardio training on aerobic simulators, much attention is paid to dividing the achieved heart rate (heart rate) into pulse zones. Why is it important to know your pulse? And what should it be when walking, and what when running?

A certain achieved effect of classes depends on its frequency (development of the cardiac - vascular and respiratory systems, weight loss, increased endurance, strengthening the muscles of the lower extremities).

The basic principle is that during training, the emphasis is on achieving and maintaining a certain number of heartbeats in the desired zone to obtain the planned effect. A workout built in this way will be more effective and will allow you to achieve your goal in a shorter time, constantly monitor the intensity of the load.

How to calculate your maximum heart rate (MHR)?

This indicator is a theoretical conditional value.

The calculation of the MHR is carried out according to a certain formula: the number 220 minus the age of full years.

This is the simplest and most popular formula that can be used in load calculations. At the same time, it must be remembered that this will be exactly the maximum indicator that is observed during intensive exercises.

The resting heart rate in a healthy adult is normally up to eighty beats per minute. And, for example, in the morning when waking up, it can have lower values ​​​​- an average of seventy beats per minute.

It becomes even clearer after watching the video:

Why measure your heart rate when exercising for weight loss?

It is necessary to build your workouts, focusing on the heart rate, in order to quickly achieve your goal.

It is recommended to correctly determine your zones in which this indicator will be maximum, effective and safe. Training needs to be tailored according to your individual characteristics- gender, age, weight, health status, level of physical development and correlate these indicators with the purpose of training.

Peculiarity! For weight loss, the principle “the higher the heart rate, the more I will benefit” does not work.

5 pulse zones with different effects on the body

In modern gradation, there are only five main pulse zones, which are calculated individually, based on the formula "220 minus age = maximum heart rate". The difference between them is in varying degrees of load achieved in the process of training. By setting a different speed and load level on the treadmill, you can change and maintain the necessary heart rate at the required level. To change various functions and modes, one needs to know −

Zone one (60 percent)

The percentage of your maximum heart rate is sixty percent.

It has a very low intensity. A great way to strengthen the cardiovascular system and train the respiratory system.

Training is characterized by a minimum level of intensity. It is recommended for those who have not previously exercised or led a fairly sedentary lifestyle.

It is great for overweight people for which it is problematic to perform any exercises or increased physical activity is contraindicated.

This area is also great for:

It is also used as a warm-up and as the final stage of work (hitch) on the simulators during intense training. The recommended time interval for classes is from twenty to forty minutes.

Zone Two (70 percent)

The percentage of the zone is equal to seventy percent of the maximum.

Characterized by low intensity. This level is provided by measured running., as well as in the mode of the raised working surface of the track (imitation of lifting uphill). The use of this mode is very popular and is included in many complex

Great for gradual fat burning, subject to other factors (diet, regularity). There is no negative effect on the cardiovascular system of a healthy person.

Suitable during the recovery period after injuries or hard training. It is carried out in a time interval from forty to sixty minutes.

Zone Three (80 percent)

The percentage of heart rate is equal to eighty percent of the maximum.

Characterized by medium intensity. Provides optimal comfort at the level of muscles and the cardiovascular system, and at the final stage guarantees slight fatigue. Promotes fat burning and is

Suitable for young people who already have a certain level of training. Practiced by professional athletes before competitions to maintain stable performance and improve them. Great for weight loss. It is carried out in the time interval from twenty to forty minutes.

Zone Four (90 percent)

The zone percentage is ninety percent of the maximum.

Intensity is high. Such an activity is aimed at training the respiratory and cardiovascular systems and endurance, strengthening the muscles of the lower extremities.

Usually athletes or people with physical training, above the average level.

Such loads before competitions are useful to stabilize the results achieved. It is carried out in the time interval from three to ten minutes.

Zone Five (90-100 percent)

The percentage of the zone from the maximum is ninety - one hundred percent.

High intensity loads. Characterized by maximum training of the muscular and respiratory systems.

Usually this segment is mastered by athletes or people with a high level of training. Such loads are useful for experienced and hardy athletes to prepare for competitions and are not recommended for everyone else. The session takes about five minutes.

Learn from a separate article

What should be the heart rate to burn fat?

The most optimal zones for burning fat are the second and third, which we talked about above. Here there are loads that provide an average heart rate equal to seventy-five percent. This is a normal running heart rate. It is when working in this range that the most intensive fat burning is ensured. In addition, be sure to know, based on your goals.

Attention! Sports instructors recommend treadmill sessions for an hour to burn body fat. It is performed at a calm pace while maintaining an individual heart rate indicator.

How to measure it?

  • Put your middle and index fingers closed together on the inside of the wrist. Feel for the pulse area. Start the stopwatch and count the number of beats for one minute. The pulse at rest in women is equal to seventy - eighty beats per minute. In men, this figure is about sixty-seventy beats per minute.
  • More easy way, which you can use - counting the number of heartbeats using a heart rate monitor, which is easy to purchase at any sports supply store.
  • Many modern ones are equipped with built-in heart sensors.(small metal plates, usually located on the handles of the simulator; to read the indicators, you need to hold both palms on the sensors). Contact sensors measure heart rate automatically and display the results on the electronic display of the simulator. This is very convenient, since visual control does not take much attention, and this allows you to concentrate on achieving and maintaining results during the session. Also, simulators allow you to lead.

The load during training and heart rate are inextricably linked. By knowing your individual maximum heart rate in each zone, you can tailor your workouts to fit your goals and physical characteristics and train in a targeted and effective way. The greatest effect can be achieved by alternating load levels.

It must be remembered that an increase in the intensity of loads is not justified in all cases and is selected individually. Train on the treadmill regularly and in a personalized zone, and you will ensure your well-being and fit athletic look!

Glad to see you again, dear readers, on the next page of my blog. I think you will be interested to know what the heart rate should be during cardio training to burn fat, what the actual burning of the fat layer depends on, and where to start. Well, then, let's start.

Curious what you know about cardio training? If nothing or so, from the heading I heard / heard out of the corner of my ear, then it’s better for me to remind.

So, cardio training is a training not only of the body (musculoskeletal system), but also of some body systems: respiratory, circulatory (cardiovascular), metabolism.

But, as a rule, you should not rely on data obtained from such sensors, especially if these are budget-friendly simulators. Still, it is better to use a personal heart rate monitor.

What is the optimal heart rate

I am often asked what should be the pulse of an ordinary, average person. That is why I included this section in this article. I will tell you this: the pulse of each person is calculated according to the formula, because it is different for everyone, and it is difficult to draw a general line due to many factors.

The formula looks like this: subtract your age in whole years from 220. So, for a person aged 35, the optimal pulse would be 185. Do you understand? Now you can calculate yours in a calm state, and measure it in an active state while jogging or training tomorrow.

Pulse to burn fat

As I said, with a certain range of heart rate, and this is 60 - 70% of the maximum, fat is burned much more efficiently than at 80%, for example.

There are reasonable explanations for this “phenomenon”, which you should not delve into deeply. Just believe. Also, fat burning also depends on the duration of cardio training. A half-hour workout at a heart rate of 65% will be much more effective in terms of burning fat than a 15-minute workout, but at a heart rate of 85%. That's why it is cardio, so that without harm to health, make the body better and the body slimmer.

How can you vary your heart rate during cardio?

I want to tell you one trick. For even more effective fat burning, the load (tempo, intensity) needs to be changed. So, after 5 minutes of jogging with a heart rate of 65%, you can make a minute acceleration, at which the heart rate rises to 85%. After - reduce it again to 65% with your usual run.

A similar technique can be applied not only while running. It is these stressful accelerations that force the body to break down its subcutaneous reserves with effort. But do not go too far - after about a minute of intense training, fat burning drops and a negative effect on the body begins - there may be health problems.

I would also advise you to do it on an empty stomach. This is because the body has the most absorption in the morning, which will force the body to use up its reserves. And if you eat before a day or evening workout, even 3 to 4 hours in advance, then the calories received from food will be used first of all as energy. Do you need it? After all, we are talking about burning subcutaneous fat.


The heart rate during cardio training for burning fat is a very important thing. Believe me. You should not save in such matters if you are serious about your sports activities and health.

On my own behalf, in conclusion of the article, I would like to advise the course of Yuri Spasokukotsky "", with the help of which you can easily lose those extra pounds and get the desired figure!

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Sincerely, Vladimir Manerov

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Many strive for a slim figure. But not everyone knows how important the pulse is in burning unnecessary adipose tissue. Heart rate (HR) is a reliable benchmark for calculating the required loads. If you do not follow him, then all training will turn from useful to exhausting torture. At the same time, body weight will not change, and the person will be disappointed in physical exercises and leave them, at best, remaining with their weight. A less pleasant outcome threatens with problems with the cardiovascular system and health in general. On the other hand, if you correctly calculate the range of the required heart rate, then the excess weight will begin to go away. Not immediately, gradually, but progress will be tangible. So what is the best rate for burning fat?

ZSZH and the Kavonen method

Before determining the optimal heart rate for fat reduction, it should be understood that different heart rates activate all sorts of processes in the body. One rhythm means training the heart muscle, the other promotes a set of muscle mass, but in order to lose weight, you need to work out in the zone of burning excess tissue (TSZH).

Most often, the calculation of the pulse without the use of measuring instruments is performed using the Kavonen formula. You don't even need a calculator. Finnish physician and physiologist Martti Kavoven seriously studied the work of the heart under conditions of physical exertion and derived a formula for calculating the maximum allowable heart rate. This will be one of the key values ​​with which the fat burning zone is calculated.

resting heart rate

First you need to determine the heart rate at rest. To do this, you should measure in the morning, immediately after waking up, but before getting out of bed. This can be done using a heart rate monitor (which we will return to later) or by counting heart beats as accurately as possible within one minute.

This indicator also indirectly indicates the general level of physical fitness. The lower the value, the better the body is adapted to the loads. On the other hand, elevated readings may mark the onset of an infection.

And sex differences in resting heart rate should also be taken into account. For men, the average rate is 60-70 beats per minute, and for women - 70-80. It is believed that the overall mediocre score is 72, if less, then better.

Maximum allowable heart rate

Let's go back to Kavonen. To calculate your highest potential heart rate, subtract your age from 220. For a 30-year-old, the threshold would be 190 bpm. (220-30=190). Those who are not particularly prepared for physical exertion should subtract another 20 strokes from the resulting value. This will allow not to cross the actual allowable limit. For the same reasons, you first need to "accustom" the body to constant stress. To improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory system, you should exercise for a while at a heart rate in the range between 55 and 65% of the maximum allowable value.

Having strengthened your body a little, you can proceed to direct fat burning, exercising with a pulse of about 65–75% of the maximum value. A higher heart rate in the range between 75 and 90% is the lot of professional athletes. Loads that lead to reaching 100% of the threshold are already harmful. If you have a heart rate monitor (portable or built into a treadmill / exercise bike), you can find out your fluctuations in the maximum allowable value empirically. This will be a more accurate and individual result.

This will require:

  • get on the track and turn on a small load;
  • after 15 minutes of warm-up, slightly increase the angle of inclination or the speed of the belt until the pulse increases by 5 beats;
  • run 5 minutes in this mode;
  • repeat the increase in the load until the pace becomes another 5 beats more.

The readings of the heart rate monitor, which will be at the moment when breathing through the nose becomes small, shortness of breath and the need to “grab” air through the mouth, and there is the maximum allowable value. The figure obtained in this way is your personal indicator, not an average number.

Heart rate reserve

This is the last parameter that the desired heart rate zone requires to be determined. You can calculate the heart rate in the reserve by subtracting the rest value from the maximum allowable. That is, in our case - 190-72=118. Now we have the necessary data to calculate the most suitable heart rate for burning unloved fat.

Definition of WPW

So, what should be the pulse to get rid of fat? The values ​​of these calculations will not be a single number, but rather a range of training intensities at which fat is effectively broken down. Average statistical loads of this nature occur during training at 60–80% of the maximum.

The fat burning heart rate and intensity distribution looks something like this:

To start classes, preference should be given to the least intense range, that is, 60-65%.

Now we take the calculator, the heart rate reserve and multiply it by the maximum and minimum values:

  • 118×60%=70.8.
  • 118×65%=76.7.

Then the following calculation formula is used - we summarize each number obtained with the resting heart rate: 70.8 + 72 = 142.8; 76.7+72=148.7. Thus, the optimal heart rate range for effective fat burning for the individual from the example would be 143-149 beats per minute. The calculation is complete, but do not forget that the indicators for each person will be different.

Naturally, the pulse zone for fat removal at the minimum values ​​\u200b\u200bis not suitable for regular exercise. After the body gets used to the loads, you need to jump to the next level. The skill of regulating the heart rate during exercise will come with a period, although for this it is enough to increase or decrease the intensity of the workout. And this is another argument in favor of regular exercise.

Actually counting the pulse in the process of training is another aspect. Manufacturers of modern simulators equip their products with a device for measuring the pulse. Portable heart rate monitors are used outside the gym or away from equipment. But really accurate models will cost a lot, and available ones are often not accurate. However, there is an alternative. During a run or other outdoor exercise, you can assess the tension by talking.

"Conversational" method of determining the load

In order to quickly and effectively burn all those extra pounds, it is necessary to maintain the pulse at the level determined using the calculations from the previous part.

The frequency for burning all fat and the intensity of training are approximately determined by subjective feelings:

  1. The minimum load (walking for weight loss, Pilates, yoga) does not require much effort. During direct lessons, you can freely conduct a dialogue, and sweat does not stand out at all. Loads with this intensity are good for the heart, but they burn a minimal amount of fat and only with regular exercises for a long time.
  2. Moderate exercise (jogging, aerobics) allows you to throw short phrases, but no more. This is the optimal voltage at which fat begins to be actively burned. But for a significant effect, you should maintain a regular workout - at least 3 workouts per week, lasting about 40 minutes.
  3. Increased loads are characterized by complicated breathing and profuse sweating. Talking during such classes with saturation will not work at all. In the matter of getting rid of adipose tissue, the intensity of exercise is practically useless. Training builds endurance by burning glycogen, not fat. In any case, before the exercise, you should seek the advice of specialists. The first three levels are the aerobic zone.
  4. The anaerobic zone is when breathing is very difficult. There can be no talk or talk. Such an intense load burns carbohydrates and muscle protein. Naturally, the body is also freed from some part of the fat, but anaerobic training is not suitable for getting rid of excess weight. This is the lot of professional strong athletes.
  5. Classes at extreme loads in the range of 90-100% of the maximum allowable number of heartbeats are dangerous to health and life.

We have found that effective fat loss requires regular moderate exercise over a long period of time. Naturally, when training, you should also review your diet.

Nutrition and heart rate in fat burning

When starting to get rid of extra pounds, it should be understood that the exercises themselves will bring few results. Along with regular training, it is necessary to reduce the calorie surplus - the volume of their intake into the body. In addition, you will have to exercise so that the consumption of accumulated calories exceeds the number consumed.

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The pulse, or heart rate (HR), is the oscillation of the arterial walls that occurs when the heart contracts. At rest, in healthy adults, 60 to 90 such oscillations occur per minute. For example, if you lead an active lifestyle (walk a lot, exercise regularly), then your heart beats with more force and less frequency than a person who sits or lies most of the time. Therefore, your pulse at rest will be closer to the lower limit, and your heart will wear out more slowly.

Why take your heart rate while exercising?

In order for the body to choose fat reserves as an energy source during training, the exercise was beneficial for you and the heart was not overloaded, you need to control the intensity of the load. To do this, you need to know your maximum heart rate (HR max) and aerobic pulse limits.

How to calculate heart rate max and aerobic heart rate limits

1. Heart rate max = 220 minus age.

For example, if you are 30 years old, then heart rate max = 190 beats per minute. During training, your heart rate should not exceed this limit, becausethis is dangerous - the heart is working to the limit, you are suffocating and experiencing nutritional deficiencies. If you feel that the pulse is approaching this mark, stop the exercise, take a step and restore breathing.

2. Aerobic heart rate limits- this is the heart rate at which a sufficient amount of oxygen enters the body to generate energy from fat.

Aerobic heart rate limits = (220 - age) x 0.6-0.8

Where 0.6 defines the lower limit of the aerobic corridor, and 0.8 - the upper one.

  • The zone of 60–70% of heart rate max is an effective heart rate for fat burning.

On average, 120-140 beats per minute are obtained, depending on age. With such a pulse, it is better to train for at least 40-50 minutes.

  • Zone 70-80% of heart rate max - pulse for aerobic endurance training. On average, about 150-165 beats per minute.

Important: beyond 80-85% of the maximum heart rate, the body leaves the aerobic zone and enters an anaerobic mode (as in strength training), in which it selects stored carbohydrates as the main source. That is, if you want to reduce weight due to the fat component, then stay in the zone of 60-80% of the heart rate max.

All indicators can be calculated , but it is better to consult with a sports doctor of a fitness club and undergo ergometric testing, which will more accurately determine individual performance. The doctor will ask you to pedal and run along the track. The test results will show the body's ability to deliver oxygen to working muscles using the "transport" system (heart, lungs, blood).

How to check your pulse

The old way: put 3 fingers of your right hand on your left wrist, closer to the edge where the thumb is, and count the frequency of strokes in 10 seconds. Then multiply the figure by 6 - this will be the heart rate per minute.

Modern version: watches with heart rate monitors, such as Polar, Garmin or Apple Watch. This is a convenient (and beautiful) way to keep abreast of what is happening with your heart and in which heart rate zone you are training.

How to control aerobic exercise

During training, monitor your feelings: if you feel dizzy or stuffy in your ears, then the pulse is too high, reduce the intensity of the session. If it is not possible to objectively assess the complexity of the load according to the pulse, use alternative methods. For example, these:

  • Effort Scale: Subjectively, on a scale of 1 to 10, rate how hard it is for you to train (1 - very easy, 10 - extremely hard). If you train too hard, take a break and recuperate.
  • Conversation Test: While exercising, talk to someone, such as a neighbor on the treadmill or a trainer. If shortness of breath interferes with intelligible pronunciation of words and confuses thoughts, it's time to slow down.

It is believed that the pulse for fat burning plays a major role, and after it the intensity and frequency of training. Beginners in the business of losing weight are mistaken in thinking that they lose weight while they sweat and the more the better. On the contrary, weight loss depends on which zone the pulse is in.

Relationship between exercise intensity and heart rate

Pulse rate and load power are inextricably linked. It is not for nothing that professional athletes in training need a heart rate monitor - a device that measures the pulse. The device is a useful alternative to manual measurement, because during training it is not always convenient to monitor the heart. Different heart rate during exercise affects the body differently: you can lose weight, train your endurance or build muscle mass.

Enter your pressure

Move the sliders

Cardio workouts are the best way to get your heart rate up and start burning calories. You can run outside or buy a gym membership and use cardio machines (like a treadmill) to help control your heart rate. Most of the simulators are equipped with special sensors. Cardio differs from regular training only in complexity, which is conditionally divided into low, medium and high levels, distributed according to.

Pulse zones

The heart rate ranges for each person are different and are calculated individually. The value depends on age. First you need to calculate the MUF - the maximum heart rate. The value can be calculated according to the scheme: 220 - (age). For example, MHR for a 40-year-old should not be higher than 180. Next, you should find out at what heart rate fat burning will occur and make a calculation to determine a personal “corridor” in the zone - acceptable boundaries.

Calculation principles:

  1. The first is a warm-up, the indicators are 50-60% of the MCHP. In this range, the pulse is during a light warm-up, morning exercises. Suitable for beginners without physical training.
  2. Active fat-burning pulse area - 60-70%. This is the target heart rate for burning body fat. In addition, this is a suitable heart rate for fans of strength training. For active weight loss, it is necessary to provoke an increase in the heart rate to 120-140 beats. in min.
  3. For the development of strength and endurance of the heart, it is better to be in the pulse zone of about 70-80%.
  4. In the endurance range, the human respiratory system is being trained due to frequent breathing. In this range, fat and excess carbohydrates are burned. The pulse in this zone starts from 80 to 90%.
  5. The last, critical zone is 90-95%. Suitable for professional athletes and in very rare cases - before the competition. Classes with a pulse of 90-95% are life-threatening for beginners.

What heart rate burns fat?

The ideal heart rate for burning fat is in the range of 60-70% of the MHR. This heart rate is easy to maintain during cardio training: when running, swimming, dancing or aerobics. In this range, the body still takes energy not from muscles, but from fat. For half an hour of moderate cardio, the body spends 150 calories, half of which is fat.

How to calculate the optimal heart rate?

In addition to the standard formula, athletes often use the Karvonen formula, a scientist who, back in the 20th century, developed a way to calculate heart rate limits for athletes. To use the formula, you need to know your resting heart rate. It is better to calculate the resting pulse in the morning without getting out of bed. The indicators differ in women and men, and increase with age:

  • for women, resting heart rate is around 70-80;
  • in men - 60-70.

Karvonen's formula looks like this: value (max. pulse - heart rate at rest) multiplied by intensity + heartbeat at rest. The intensity can be calculated independently, taking into account that 70% of the maximum heart rate. As an example, you can calculate the formula for a 35-year-old woman: (185-70) multiplied by (0.3 + 70) = 104.5 beats per minute.

Relative and absolute fat burning

The energy that the body expends during exercise is taken from two places: from the adipose tissue of the body and glycogen - a polysaccharide formed by glucose residues (stored in the liver and muscles). The process of breakdown of glucose with the release of energy is called aerobic glycolysis or aerobic metabolism. A popular point of view is that the division into pulse ranges is fundamentally wrong, and the lower the load, the more fat the body consumes as an energy source. But the following pattern is determined: during training with an intensity of about 50%, 120 kcal from fat and 80 from muscles burn, while at the same time, when the intensity rises to 75-80%, 140 kcal burns out of the muscles, and 260 kcal from glycogen. The best option is the second, in which there is less fat burning at a high-intensity workout, since the total number of calories burned is twice as much as at a low intensity.

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