Exercises. Nutrition. Diets. Workout. Sport

Screaming in physical education in kindergarten. ORU with a gymnastic stick. ORU with the ball. Methods of teaching jumping on a long rope

Marina Dolmatova
Physical education activity with a ball for children of senior preschool age

Physical education classes using objects to improve motor skills children, develop dexterity, coordination of movements, eye, enrich classes, making it interesting for children.

Program tasks


Exercise children in walking and running with clear recording of turns (guideline - cubes or skittles);

Strengthen running skills at a moderate pace;

Strengthen small skills ball;

Strengthen the ability to perform outdoor switchgear with ball confidently, accurately, with good amplitude and at a given pace;

Improve motor skills and coordination of movements in space when changing into three columns.

Developmental (health):

Develop dexterity in exercises with ball;

Develop coordination of movements in a balance task on a gymnastic bench;

Develop physical qualities - agility, speed, endurance, strength, flexibility, eye.


Foster a sense of responsibility;

Cultivate a strong interest in physical education and sports;

Create a need to take care of your health;

Cultivate honesty, organization, and a friendly attitude towards peers.

Cultivate interest in occupation.

Integration of educational regions: health, safety, communication, socialization.

Equipment: small balls (in count children) ; gymnastic bench, four pins for reference.

Method of organization: In-line (must be divided into subgroups if the quantity children exceeds twenty people).

Cloth children: shorts, T-shirts, socks.

Introductory part:

Children enter gym, are built in one line. The instructor welcomes children. Be equal! Attention! Checks your posture.

Instructor: Today is not easy for us class, balls will help us do all the exercises, and we will find out how you are with them, whether the balls are obedient to you. (Children walk in a column near a basket of balls and take the one they like).

Warm up with balls in motion "Colored beads"

Walking in a column one at a time with clear fixation turns:

Ball up, walking on toes;

Ball forward with outstretched arms, walking on heels;

The ball is in outstretched arms, touch the ball with your knee;

Jumping with ball. Side gallop: right side; left side. Run at a moderate pace. Reorganization in three columns.

Walking and recovery breathing: ball up - inhale, ball down - exhale. Reorganization in three columns.

Main part

1. Outdoor switchgear complex in place with balls. (with musical accompaniment).

1. I. p. - basic stance, ball in the right hand below. 1- raise your arms up through your sides, transfer the ball over your head to your left hand; 2- I. p. - ball in the left hand; 3-4 – also with the left hand (5-6 times).

2. I. p. - stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, the ball in your right hand. 1- hands with ball forward; 2- right hand with move the ball to the side; 3- right hand forward, transfer the ball to the left hand; 4- I. p. The same with the left hand. (4-5 times).

3. I. p. - stand with legs slightly apart, ball in right hand. 1-2 - sit down, arms forward, transfer the ball to the left hand; 3-4- return to I. p. (5-6 times).

4. I. p. - kneeling, ball in right hand. 1-8 roll the ball to the right (left) around the body. Turning and moving the ball with your hands (3-4 times in each direction).

5. I. p. - lying on your back, the ball in both hands behind your head. 1-2- raise your right straight leg, touch toe ball. 3-4 - lower your leg. Same with the left foot. (6 times).

6. I. p. - basic stance, ball in right hand. Jumping on 2 legs in place (20 jumps). Repeat 3 times. There are short pauses between series of jumps.

Main types of movement:

Division children into two subgroups

1st subgroup:

1. Tossing the ball with one hand and catching it with both hands while standing in a column (10-12 times in a row). Repeat 2-3 times (under the guidance of an instructor).

2nd subgroup:

2. Crawling on a gymnastic bench on your stomach, pulling yourself up with both hands, gripping your hands from the sides (2-3 times). (Under the guidance of the teacher.)

Subgroups change places and complete tasks.

3. Walking on a gymnastic bench. Performed in a continuous manner.

When walking, raise your straight leg - clap your hands under the knee, lowering your leg - spread your arms to the sides. (The teacher and instructor control the movements children, monitor posture, balance and correct execution of the task).

Outdoor game "Fishing rod".

Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle, the instructor holds in his hands a rope (a jump rope, at the end of which a bag of sand is tied. The instructor rotates the bag in a circle just above the floor, and the children jump, trying so that the bag does not touch their feet. Beforehand, the teacher shows the children how to bounce: Push off the floor energetically and tuck your feet under you. The instructor rotates the bag in both directions alternately.

At the end of the game, children from the circle line up in a column one at a time.

Part 3. Walking in a column, one at a time, around the hall. Formation in one line.


That's all, ours class is over. What did you and I do today? class? (Answers children) .

thanks for class. Goodbye. (Children leave the hall in a column one at a time).

Publications on the topic:

Goal: to identify the abilities and interests of children, cultivate strong-willed qualities, develop the desire to win and self-confidence. Tasks:.

Physical education entertainment for children of senior preschool age “Journey to the Kingdom of Magic Balls” Physical education entertainment for senior and preparatory groups “Journey to the Kingdom of Magic Balls” Objectives: - consolidate games with elements.

Physical education “Small Summer Olympic Games” for children of senior preschool age. Leading. Slide 1 We are all very, very happy. The Olympics “came” to our kindergarten. Here we could all gather so that we could compete V.

Physical education entertainment in the junior group “Play with a ball” Tasks: Practice jumping on two legs in place, around you. Develop the need for physical activity. Develop creative motor skills.

Physical education lesson for children of senior preschool age using a gender approach(First subgroup - girls) Goal: To form in children a conscious attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, using a differentiated approach.

Performed in-line

1. I.p. – arms to the sides, ball in the right hand.

1. step with your right foot, arms forward, transfer the ball to your left hand;

2. step left, arms to the sides;

3. – step with the right foot, arms back, transfer the ball to the right hand;

4. – step left, arms to the sides.

2. I.p. – ball in the right hand.

1 – step with the right, hit the ball on the floor, catch with the left;

2 – step with the left, hit the ball on the floor, catch with the right;

3 – 4 the same.

3. I.p. - Same.

1. step with the right, throw the ball, catch with the left;

2. step with the left, throw the ball, catch with the right;

3. –4 the same.

4. I.p. - Same.

1–2 – step with the left, swing with the right, throw the ball under the foot, catch with the left;

3–4 – the same on the other leg.

5. I.p. – hands up with the ball.

1–2–3 – three steps with springy bends forward;

4 – put your foot, etc.

6. Run at a slow pace, throwing the ball with one hand and catching it with the other hand.

7. The same with hitting the ball on the floor and catching it after the rebound.

ORU with a small ball in pairs

Standing in two lines opposite each other at a distance of 5-6 steps. Each student has a ball.

  1. I.P. standing with your feet wide apart, the ball in your right hand. Roll the ball to your partner, catch it with your left hand, also with your other hand.
  2. I.p. the same, but the 1st student has both balls. Rolling two balls at the same time.
  3. I.p. standing legs apart, ball in right hand. Throw the ball to a partner, catch with both hands, also with the other hand.
  4. I.p. Same. Throw the ball to your partner, catch the ball with your left hand, also with your other hand.
  5. I.p. standing legs apart. One student has both balls in his right and left hands. Throw two balls to a partner.
  6. I.p. standing legs apart. Ball in the right hand, throw the ball to a partner and hit the floor.
  7. The same, but throwing two balls simultaneously with the right and left hands.

Methods of teaching jumping on a long rope

1. Jump forward - backward, right - left across a line drawn on the floor.

2. Jumping back and forth, left and right over a jump rope lying on the floor.

3. Jumping left and right over a rope raised at a height of 20 cm from the floor.

4. Jumping in place over a swinging rope.

5. Jumping in place through a rotating rope.

6. Run one at a time through a rotating rope.

7. Running by 2, 3, 4 people.

8. Running under a rotating figure eight jump rope.

9. Jumping over a rotating rope with running in and out.

Methods of teaching jumping on a short rope

1. Rotation of the hand in the lateral plane forward and backward, the elbow is pressed.

2. Rotation in the lateral plane with a rope folded in half, forward and backward.

3. Rotation in the lateral plane. The same with lifting on your toes at the moment the rope hits the floor, and bending your legs when the rope is at the top.

4. Jump rope from behind, throwing the rope forward, rolling from heels to toes over the rope.

5. Also stepping over a skipping rope.

6. Jumping rope.

A set of general developmental exercises (GDE) for students in grades 8-9 includes: exercises on a gymnastic wall, with a volleyball ball, with weights, without objects in motion, with a medicine ball, without objects, with a skipping rope, with a large ball, with a gymnastic stick .

Complex 1
Exercises on the gymnastic wall
1. I. p. - legs apart, back to the wall, grip from above wider at head level. 1-2 - standing on your toes, straighten your arms, bend over; 3-4 - and. p. 3-5 times.
2. I. p. - the same, but the grip from below is wider. 1-2 - bending forward, bending over, pressing the pelvis against the wall; 3-4 - straightening up, bend over, without lifting your heels and without bending your legs.
3. I. p. - with your right side to the wall, at a distance of half a step, with your left bent hand, grab the bar above your head. 1-2 - bending to the side (from the wall), straightening the left arm, the right one below; 3-4 - and. n. The same, left side. 3-5 times in each direction.
4. I. p. - back to the wall, grip from above at head level. 1-2— hanging crouched, back touching the wall; 3-4 - and. p. 7-9 times.
5. Climbing the gymnastic wall. I. p. - standing on the bottom rail, gripping the rail at waist level, arms straight. 1 - pull yourself up, grab your hands; 2 - step on one rail with your feet; 3 - straighten your arms and legs, etc. Climb 4-6 slats, going down, perform the movements in the reverse order. 2-3 times.

Complex 2
General developmental exercises with a volleyball
1. I. p. - o. s., ball in front of the chest. 1— throw the ball up with both hands; 2 - catch. 4 times.
2. I. p. - ball in the right hand at the shoulder. 1 - throw the ball up; 2—catch with both hands; 3 - throw the ball with your left hand from the shoulder; 4 - catch with both hands. 4 times.
3. I. p. - ball in front of the chest, 1 - bend forward, touch the floor with the ball; 2 - i. n. 4 times
4. I. p. - the same. 1 - throw the ball up; 2 - catch with both hands behind your back; 3 - throw the ball forward over your head; 4 - catch with both hands. 3 times.
5. I. p. - ball in arms outstretched forward. 1 - 2 - sit down slowly; 3-4 - stand up slowly. 3-4 times.
6. I. p. - ball over head, feet shoulder-width apart. 1 — tilt to the right; 2—i. P.; 3 — tilt to the left; 4 - i. p. 4 times.
7. Formation in two lines, facing each other, distance 5 m. Throws the ball with both hands from the chest. 3 times.
8. I. p. - that is. Throwing the ball to each other with both hands from behind the head. 3 times.
9. Rolling the ball with your feet in a sitting position.
10. I. p. - o. With. 1 - arms to the sides; 2—tightening your muscles, arms forward, fingers clenched into fists; 3 - reduce muscle tension (arms become heavier); 4 - relaxing the muscles, “drop” your hands. 6 times.
After two lessons, increase the dosage of each exercise by one repetition. From lesson 31 after exercise 9, include the following: lying on your back, raising and lowering your straight legs with the ball sandwiched between your feet. 6-12 times; lying on your stomach, rolling the ball to each other with both hands. After passing the ball, arms up, head, shoulders and torso raised 4-10 times.

Complex 3
General developmental exercises with weights (sandbag, weight up to 250 g)
Formation in two ranks.
1. From about. With. throw it high and catch the bag. 5-7 times.
2. Moving on all fours with a bag on the back (8-10 m).
3. Sitting on the floor, raise and lower the sandbag, grabbing it with your feet. 7-9 times.
4. Sitting on your heels, lean forward, push the bag far forward, then take it out and pull it towards you. 5-7 times.
5. Crawling on your bellies towards the bag (distance up to 5 m). 2-3 times.
6. Sitting on the floor, tightly clasp the bag with your feet, describe a large circle with your feet to the right, then to the left. 3-5 times.
7. Sitting on the floor, throw a bag of sand at a target (a hoop, a corridor marked on the floor, etc.). 3-5 times.
8. Lying on your back, arms up, bag in hands, head between hands, roll onto your side, onto your stomach, onto the other side and back again (roll should start from the hips). 3 times.
9. Rest (30 s), breathing exercises.
10. Sitting on the floor, holding the bag between your feet, raise and lower your legs. 10-15 times.
11. Sitting with your legs crossed, stand up, holding the bag on your head. 3-5 times.
12. I. p. - the same. 1 - raise your arms forward; 2-3 - gradually relaxing, place on your thighs; 4 - i. p. 4-6 times.
13. I. p. - the same. 1-2 - tensely contract the leg muscles; 3-4 - relax. 4-6 times.

Complex 4
General developmental exercises without objects in motion
1. Walking with arms moving backwards. I. p.—o. s., arms to the sides. 1-2 - two movements of the arms back, arms at shoulder level, do not relax; 3-4 - 2 normal steps, breathing evenly. 8-10 times.
2. Bend forward. I. p.—o. s., hands on the belt. 1-2 - step forward and put your foot down; 3 - bend forward, arms to the sides, do not lower your head; 4 - i. p. 10-12 times.
3. Squats. I. p. - the same. 1-2 - sit down, hands behind your back, back straight; 3-4 - stand up; 5-8 - 3 steps forward and and. p. 8-12 times.
4. Breathing exercises. 4 steps - exhale, bend forward slightly, arms down; 2 steps - pause; 2 steps - exhale, arms down to the sides. 3-4 times.
5. Swing your leg forward. I. p.—o. With. 1-2 - 2 steps forward; 3—left swing forward, hands—right forward, left to the side; 4 - i. P.; 5-8 - the same with the right leg. 8-12 times.
6. Swing your leg back. I. p.—o. With. 1-4 - 3 steps forward and put your foot down; 5 - left swing back, arms up; 6 - i. P.; 7-8 - the same with the right foot. 8-10 times.
7. Walking on your toes. 1-4 - 4 steps on toes, arms up; 5—8—— 4 regular, hands on the belt. 8-12 times.
8. Jumping forward. I. p.—o. s., hands on the belt. 1-2 - jump on the left; 3-4 - jump on the right; 5 - 8 - 4 steps forward. 8-12 times.
9. Walking, breathing and relaxation exercises (1 min).

Complex 5
General developmental exercises with a medicine ball (weight 1-2 kg)
1. I. p. - ball below. 1 — ball on the chest; 2-3 - stand on your toes, ball up; 4 - i. n. Do not hold your breath. 4-8 times.
2. I. p. - ball on the chest. 1 - ball forward; 2 - tilt, touching the floor with the ball; 3 - straighten up, ball forward; 4 -i. p. 6-8 times.
3. I. p. - ball below, arms slightly bent. 1-2 - pass the ball with your left hand to your right, passing it behind the body, and receive it. P.; 3-4 - the same in the other direction. 8-10 times.
4. Breathing exercise, ball on the floor.
5. I. p. - ball behind the head. 1 - sit down, ball forward; 2 - i. P.; 3 — bent over, ball up; 4 -i. p. 6-8 times.
6. I. p. - sitting, hands behind, the ball is clamped by the ankle joints. 1 - bend your legs; 2 - straighten (higher); 3-4 - slowly lower; 5-3—rest. 8-12 times.
7. I. p. - lying on your stomach, arms bent, hands on top of each other under the chin, the ball is clamped by the ankle joints. 1— bend your legs; 2 - i. P.; 3-4 - rest; 5 - lift the ball with straight legs; 6 - i. P.; 7—rest. 6-10 times.
8. I. p. - ball on the head, hands support the ball. 1-4 - slowly lower yourself into a sitting position, legs crossed; 5-8 - i. p. 4-8 times. Try to support the ball with your hands less, if possible, do not support the ball.
9. I. p. - stand facing the ball lying on the floor. 1 - jump legs apart over the ball; 2 - turn around. 12-16 times.
10. Walking, breathing and relaxation exercises (1 min).

Complex 6
General developmental exercises without objects
1. I. p. - o. With. 1-2 - arch your arms upward, rise on your toes and pull yourself up, inhale; 3-4 - and. p., exhale. 6-8 times.
2. I. p. - stand with legs apart, hands on the belt. 1—turn the body to the right, right arm to the side, palm up; 2 - i. P.; 3-4 - the same in the other direction. During the turn, the hand moves vigorously back. Do not move your legs. Breathing is uniform. 10-12 times.
3. I. p. - stand with legs closed. 1-2 - deep squat, knees together, arms forward, palms down, exhale; 3-4 - stand up, hands down, inhale. Squat, perform on the entire foot. After several repetitions, the pace can be accelerated by doing the exercise in two counts. 10-15 times.
4. I. p. - stand with your legs apart, hands behind your back, 1 - tilt to the left, left arm down, exhale; 2—i. p., inhale; 3-4 - the same to the right. 12-15 times.
5. I. p. - o. With. 1 - arms up in outward arcs and clap above your head, inhale; 2 - arc arms downwards and bend forward, clap behind legs, exhale. Perform claps with straight arms without delay. After the clap, the palms should seem to bounce off each other. When bending, the legs are straight, the clap is performed no higher than the level of the knees. 10-12 times.
6. I. p. - emphasis while standing on your knees. 1-2 - right hand to the side-up, turning the torso and head to the right, inhale; 3— 4 — and. p., exhale. Same to the left. Do not lift your knees off the floor.
7. I. p.—lying on your back, arms along the body. 1 - bend your left leg forward; 2—straighten and lower; 3-4 - the same with the right foot. Breathing is uniform. The exercise can be supplemented by changing the position of the legs for each count. Perform exercises in series: 3 8-10 times. During rest, lie down for 20-30 seconds.
8. I. p. - stand with your feet together, hands on your waist. 1 - jump legs apart; 2 - jump legs together. Breathing is uniform (30-60 s). After jumping, walk in place.

Complex 7
General developmental exercises with a skipping rope
1. I. p. - o. s., jump rope, folded in half, below. 1 - left forward on the toe, rope forward; 2— transfer the body weight to the left, the right one to the back of the toe, arms to the sides, the rope stretched across the chest; 3-4 - placing the left one, and. P.; 5-8 - the same on the other leg. 6-8 times.
2. I. p. - o. s., jump rope, folded in four, below. 1 - bending your left leg, place it on the rope; 2 - straighten your leg forward and upward; 3 - bend your leg; 4 - i. P.; 5-8 - the same with the other leg. 8-12 times.
3. I. p. - o. s., a rope folded in half, in the left hand, the right one on the belt. 1-3 - rotation of the body to the left, the rope slides along the floor without leaving it; 4 - straighten up, grab the rope in your right hand; 5-8 - the same to the right. 8-12 times.
4. I. p. - o. p., rope folded in half, below. 1 - step over the rope, bending your left leg; 2 - the same, bending the right; 3-4 - move the rope with a twist to i. p., arms straight. 6-10 times.
5. Breathing exercise.
6. I. p. - o. s., jump rope, folded in four, behind. 1-2 - slowly squat on your toes, pull the rope back; 3 - 4 - and. p. 10-14 times.
7. I. p. - o. p., jump rope, folded in four, on the shoulder blades. 1-2 - arms up, bend over, inhale; 3-4 - and. p., exhale. 6-8 times.
8. I. p. - o. p., hold the rope, folded in four, by the ends, 1—step forward with the left hand, lower yourself onto your right knee, arms up; 2 - leaning forward, sit on the heel of your right foot, touch the toe of your left foot with your hands, exhale; 3 - straightening up, take the position of count 1, inhale; 4 - i. p., exhale; 5-8 - the same with the right leg. 6-8 times.
9. I. p. - the same. 1-3 - left step forward, right back on the toe, arms up, three movements with arms back; 4 - i. P.; 5-8 - the same from the right leg. 6-8 times.
10. Jumping rope in place (30 s), walking in place (30 s). From lesson to lesson, gradually increase the number of jumps, bringing the execution time to 1-2 minutes (individually).

Complex 8
General developmental exercises with a ball
1. I. p. - wide stance, arms to the sides, ball in the right hand. 1-2 - bend over, arms back, inhale; 3-4 - half-squatting on the left leg with a lean forward, lower your arms and pass the ball under your knee to your left hand, exhale; 5-8 - the same, bending towards the right leg. 6-8 times.
2. I. p. - basic stance, ball in left hand. 1 - arc forward arms up, inhale; 2 - lean forward and, lowering your arms, pass the ball behind your shins to your right hand, exhale; 3 - straighten up, arms up; 4 - lean forward, ball in left hand. 8-10 times. Pass the ball as low as possible. Strengthen the bends gradually, without bending your legs. Supplement the exercise with a soft jerk with your arms back (when your arms are up).
3. I. p. - stand with legs apart, ball in left hand. 1-2 - turning the body to the right, hit the ball on the floor behind the heel of the right foot and catch it with the right hand; 3-4 - the same in the other direction (throwing the ball with your right hand, catch it after the rebound with your left). 8-10 times.
4. I. p. - legs slightly apart, ball in hands below. Throw the ball up, quickly squat down and slam it on the floor with one hand; standing up, catch the ball with both hands. Do not move from your spot, squatting on your full foot, keep your torso as straight as possible, watching the flight of the ball with your eyes. Do the clap alternately with your right and left hands. A more complicated version: throwing, catching the ball with one hand. Breathing is uniform. 10-12 times.
5. I. p. - stand with legs apart, arms up, ball in left hand. 1—tilt the body to the right, release the ball and catch it with the right hand; 2 - straighten up; 3-4 - the same in the other direction. 10-12 times. Breathing is voluntary.
6. I. p. - sit your arms to the sides, the ball in your right hand. 1—high swing of the right (left) leg, arms forward, pass the ball under the foot to the left hand, exhale; 2 - lower your leg, arms to the sides; 3 - bend your arms behind your head and pass the ball to your right hand, inhale; 4 - arms to the sides. Do the swings one by one. Legs straight, toes pointed. Raising your arms, straighten your back. Same thing, ball in left hand. 12-16 times.
7. I. p. - hands on the belt, ball on the floor at the side. Jumping over the ball from the right foot to the left and back with double stomps. These jumps are reminiscent of the movement found in Russian and Ukrainian dances: on the count of 1 - a jump from foot to foot, and on the count of 2 - a double stomp. Perform the jump softly, emphasizing only the stepping. Breathing is uniform (20-30 s).
8. Walking in place or moving forward, hitting the ball on the floor with your left and catching it with your right and vice versa. When the exercise is mastered, it can be performed counting, making throws at a given pace (60-90 s).

Complex 9
General developmental exercises with a large ball
1. I. p. - deep squat, ball in hands on the floor. 1-2 - stand up, ball up, right leg back on toe, stretch, inhale; 3-4 - and. p., exhale. The same, but with the left leg back. 6-8 times.
2. I. p. - wide stance, arms to the sides, ball in the right hand. 1 - turn the body to the right, put the ball in the left hand, exhale; 2 - turn the body in i. p., left hand with the ball to the side, inhale; 3-4 - the same, but turn left. 8-10 times.
3. I. l. - stand with your feet together, the ball in your hands below. 1-3 - lean forward and roll the ball on the floor around your feet, exhale; 4 - take the ball, return to i. p., inhale. Perform with straight legs. Roll the ball in a closed circle once to the left, another time to the right. 6-8 times in each direction.
4. I. p. - stand with your feet together, the ball in your hands below. 1 - arc the ball up to the left and tilt the body to the right, right leg to the side on the toe, exhale; 2—straighten up, place your right leg, arc the ball down to the left, inhale; 3-4—the same in the other direction. Perform in unison, do not hold the ball below. 8-10 times.
5. I. p. - lying on your back, the ball between your feet. 1-2 - raise straight legs with the ball forward, inhale; 3-4 - exhale. In the future, the exercise can be somewhat accelerated by doing all movements in two counts. 12-15 times.
6. I. p. - stand with your feet together, straight arms with the ball forward. Spread your arms, release the ball, quickly squat down and, without letting the ball fall to the floor, catch it with both hands below. The width of the arm extension should be gradually increased. 6-8 times.
7. Breathing exercise. 3-4 times.
8. I. p.—feet width apart, ball at the shoulder on the palm of the bent arm. Throwing the ball up and catching it with both hands. 8-10 times with each hand. Walking in place or moving forward, hitting the ball on the floor with your left hand and catching it with your right and vice versa. Breathing is uniform (20-30 s).

Complex 10
Exercises with a gymnastic stick
1. I. p. - stand with your feet together, stick below. 1-2—stick up, rise on your toes and stretch, inhale; 3-4 - and. p., exhale. 6-8 times.
2. I. p. - stand with legs apart, stick below. 1 - bend forward, touch the floor with your hands, exhale; 2—i. p., inhale. When bending, the legs are straight, the task is complicated by changing the width of the grip. 12-15 times.
3. I. p. - stand with legs apart, stick in front, grip wider than shoulders. 1—turn the body to the right; 2—i. P.; 3-4 - the same
to the left. When turning, secure the shoulder girdle, do not move your legs. Breathing is uniform. 10-12 times.
4. I. p. - stand with your feet together, stick below. 1-4 - lifting the stick forward, sit on the floor and stretch your legs; 5-8—stand up without touching the floor with your hands and stick. 10-15 times.
5. I. p. - stand with your feet together, the stick horizontally at the top. 1 - right leg to the side on the toe, tilt to the right; 2 - i. P.; 3-4 - the same to the left. When bending, exhale; when straightening, inhale. 10-12 times.
6. I. p. - lying on your chest, stick at the top (hands rest freely on the floor). 1 - 2 - bend over, raising the stick higher, inhale; 3-4 - and. p., exhale. The grip width can be changed by gradually reducing the distance between the hands. 6-8 times.
7. I. p. - lying on your back, stick below, grip shoulder-width apart. 1-2 - bending your leg forward, move it between your hands and the stick, straighten it and lower it down (stick between your legs); 3-4 - and. n. Perform the exercise alternately with the left and right foot. Breathing is arbitrary, do not hold. 10-12 times.
8. I. p. - o. s., stick on the floor to the right. Sideways jumps over a stick, alternating them with one intermediate jump in place. Jump softly, on your toes. Do jumping over the stick higher, helping with the movement of your hands. Breathing is uniform. After jumping, go to walking (20-30 sec).

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  1. Organization of children.
  2. Distribution and collection of benefits.
  3. Methods and techniques of teaching.
  4. ORU recording.
  1. Organization of children for carrying out outdoor activities has significant educational significance. Children learn to quickly respond to instructions and commands from the teacher, to navigate in space, and a psychological disposition to complete tasks appears.

It is advisable to spend no more than 15-30 seconds on the placement of children in the hall so that attention does not wander.

In the nursery - scattered formation (like peas). You can use landmarks. In the younger group - at the beginning of the year - these are scattered formations, then in a circle. In the middle group - at the beginning of the year - scattered, at the end - in sections according to landmarks. In the older group - formations by links at the beginning of the year according to guidelines, at the end - without guidelines. In the preparatory group there are various constructions, including division into 2 - 3 - 4 columns.

  1. Distribution and collection of benefits must also be carried out very quickly. In younger groups, the most commonly used aids are: rattles, flags, ribbons, handkerchiefs, plumes, rings, cubes.

In older groups there are also: balls, fitballs, hoops, sticks, etc.

The color of the item should be bright and saturated. Children are taught to use manuals: they are shown where objects are, how to take them and hold them. All instructions are given as you proceed with the objects. In the future, a brief reminder will suffice.

It is advisable for younger groups to prepare manuals for outdoor switchgear in advance and distribute them before class. While breathing is restored, children pass by and take apart objects. At the same time, instructions are given on how to arrange the room in the hall.

After warming up, older groups can independently disassemble the manuals while walking, without stopping, observing the order, while the teacher gives instructions on how to place them in the hall.

  1. Methods and techniques of teaching. When working with younger groups, the integrated use of visual, verbal and practical teaching methods and techniques is especially pronounced. Kids need a constant role model. Verbal methods and techniques in working with young children are aimed at enhancing the effect of the display, achieving brightness and persuasiveness of the image, and creating a joyful mood.

Each exercise is repeated entirely unchanged and is not divided into component parts. (Method of performing the exercise holistically).

All exercises are learned only after repeated repetition (repeated method of performing the exercise).

At the beginning: teacher calls exercise.

Then checks children's readiness, invites them to take the desired position, and often resorts to figurative comparisons.

Then the exercise is shown, simultaneously explained by the teacher, and immediately performed by the children. The proposed image should be well known to children.

The teacher needs to strive for the greatest expressiveness, it is necessary to interest the children, to “enchant” ( fascination method).

Another distinctive feature of the explanation is that it is holistic in nature: “Sit down, knock the flags on the floor, straighten up.” At the same time, no explanation is given on how to hold your arms, legs, and back. Visual references help to perform movements correctly: a window, a toy, markings on the floor. The number of landmarks should be limited, otherwise the child will be distracted.

As the exercises progress, the teacher often gives instructions. They activate children, are important for the development of spatial orientation, and prepare them for conscious independent performance by the child.

If the child does not understand the order given by the teacher, you need to help him take the correct position or perform "wiring" movements.

Instructions during the exercises also serve to develop a sense of rhythm and tempo in children, and help them simultaneously start and finish the exercise. Counting exercises and musical accompaniment are not provided in younger groups.

During each exercise, the teacher uses assessment. For the most part, it is individual and has a positive character, regardless of whether the child performed the movement or not. Characteristic moments of movement are emphasized, often in figurative form.. Thus, the assessment helps to consolidate the correct motor ideas: “Okay, Lena bounces easily, like a ball!” Sometimes the assessment is given to the child even before the movement is performed: “Now Seryozha will raise his hands up and look at them.” General and individual assessment is given immediately as the exercises progress.

In older groups, ORU is performed counting. More often, exercises are divided into 2 counts (if the movement is short), into 4 counts (if the movement is amplitude or involves several planes), there are exercises into 8 counts (if the movement is long, amplitude or covers 2-3 planes).

If the exercise is performed with an object, then first the starting position is indicated, then the position of the object, then the necessary clarifications. If the movement is carried out by the shortest path or the most common (ordinary) path, no instructions are required about the path of movement. The contraction rule also applies to determining leg movements. The words “leg” and “expose” are omitted. For example: right forward on the toe.

  1. When recording a separate exercise, you should indicate:

Initial position;

Name of movement (tilt, turn, swing, squat, lunge, etc.)

End position (if necessary).

Recording exercises with objects.

When describing exercises with objects, the determining factor is the position of the object, for example: the ball up (and not the hands with the ball up).

In exercises with a stick, the position of the stick can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. In symmetrical positions, the location of the center of the stick is indicated, coinciding with the direction of outstretched arms, for example: stick in front of the chest, stick forward, etc.

Some positions of a stick with a free end are standard: stick to shoulder, stick to leg, etc.

Complexes of general developmental exercises for children of the older group of 5-6 years old for planning physical education classes and morning exercises for the year
Card file of general developmental exercises for children in the senior group of kindergarten

General developmental exercises for older children

I.p. - starting position
in IP - return to starting position
B - 1- execution on count
P - _ times - number of repetitions
Here you can download these complexes in a table with descriptions and exercise diagrams, it looks like this:

Or download these complexes in text format

General developmental exercises for older children aged 5-6 years
Complex No. 1 with cubes
(each child will need two cubes to complete the exercises)

1. I.p. standing, legs together, cubes in both hands, arms down. B - 1- arms to the sides; 2- hands up, hit the cube on the cube; 3-arms to the sides; 4- in i.p. P - 7 times.
2. I.p. Same. B - 1- hands through the sides forward, hit the cube on the cube; 2- hands through the sides back, hit the cube on the cube. P - 7 times.
3. I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, cubes in both hands, arms raised up. B - 1- lean to the left, hit the cube on the cube; 2- in i.p. 3- lean to the right, hit the cube on the cube; 4- in i.p. P - 4 times in each direction.
4. I.p. kneeling, cubes in both hands, arms extended, arms extended forward. B - 1- turn the body to the left, hit the cube on the cube; 2- in i.p. 3-turn the torso to the right, hit the cube on the cube; 4- in i.p. P - 4 times in each direction.
5. I.p. sitting on the floor, legs spread, knees straight, cubes in both hands, hands pressed to the chest. B - 1-3 lean forward, touch the toes with the cubes three times; 4- in i.p. P - 7 times.
6. I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, cubes in both hands, arms extended to the sides. B - 1- raise your left leg bent at the knee, hit the cube on the cube under the knee; 2- in i.p. 3-raise the right leg bent at the knee, hit the cube on the cube under the knee; 4- in i.p. P - 4 times under each leg.
7. I.p. standing, legs together, cubes in both hands, arms down. B - 1-jump, legs to the sides, raise your arms up, hit the cube on the cube; 2-in i.p. P - 8-10 times.

Complex No. 2 with stuffed bag

(to complete the exercises, each child will need one bag weighing 200g)

1. I.p. standing, feet together, bag in one hand, arms down. B - 1- arms to the sides; 2- hands up, transfer the bag from one hand to the other; 3-arms to the sides; 4- lower your arms down. P - 7 times.
2. I.p. standing, legs together, holding the bag with both hands, hands pressed to the chest. B - 1- extend your arms forward; 2- in i.p. P - 7 times.
3. I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, holding the bag with both hands, arms raised up. B - 1- lean to the left; 2- in i.p. 3- lean to the right; 4- in i.p. P - 4 times in each direction.
4. I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, holding the bag with both hands, arms extended forward. B - 1- turn the body to the left; 2- in i.p. 3- turn the body to the right; 4- in i.p. P - 4 times in each direction.
5. I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, holding the bag with both hands, arms raised up. B - 1- bend down, leave the bag on the floor; 2- straighten up, put your hands on your belt. 3- bend down to pick up the bag; 4- in i.p. P - 7 times.
6. I.p. standing, feet, heels together, toes apart, the bag is held with both hands, hands behind the head B - 1 - sit down, spread your knees to the sides; 2- in i.p. P - 7 times.
7. I.p. standing, feet together, hands on the belt, bag on the floor. B - 1-4 jumps around the bag. P - 2 times, 4 jumps in each direction.

General developmental exercises for children 5-6 years old, senior group
Complex No. 3 with a gymnastic stick
(each child will need a gymnastic stick to perform the exercises)

1. I.p. standing, feet together, stick in both hands, arms down. B - 1- hands forward; 2- hands up; 3-hands forward; 4- in i.p. P - 7 times.
2. I.p. standing, legs together, a stick in both hands, hands pressed to the chest. B - 1-4, stretching your arms forward, perform a circular movement with your arms from the elbow away from you; 1-4 change direction by rotating your arms from the elbow towards you. P - 3 times in each direction.
3. I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, stick in both hands, arms raised up. B - 1- lean to the left; 2- in i.p. 3- lean to the right; 4- in i.p. P - 4 times in each direction.
4. I.p. kneeling, stick behind back, clamped in elbow joints. B - 1- turn the body to the left; 2- in i.p. 3- turn the body to the right; 4- in i.p. P - 4 times in each direction.
5. I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, stick in both hands, hands pressed to the chest. B - 1- lean forward, stretch your arms forward; 2- in i.p. P - 7 times.
6. I.p. standing, heels together, toes apart, stick behind the head on the neck, arms bent at the elbow joints on top of the stick. B - 1- squat down shallowly, spread your knees; 2- in i.p. P - 7 times.
7. I.p. standing, legs together, hands on the belt, stick lying on the floor. B - 1- jump over a stick forward; 2-jump back over the stick. P - 6-8 times.

General developmental exercises for children 5-6 years old, senior group
Complex No. 4 with flags
(each child will need 2 flags to complete the exercises)

1. I.p. standing, feet together, a flag in each hand, arms down. B - 1- arms to the sides; 2- hands up, crossing the flags above your head; 3-arms to the sides; 4- in i.p. P - 7 times.
2. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, a flag in each hand, arms extended forward, B - 1 - spread your arms to the sides; 2- in i.p. P - 7 times.
3. I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, a flag in each hand, arms down. B - 1- tilt to the left, swing your right hand over your head; 2- in i.p.; 3- tilt to the right; 4 in i.p. P - 4 times in each direction.
4. I.p. sitting on your heels, holding a flag in each hand, arms down. B - 1- kneel down, bend back slightly, raise your arms up; 2- in i.p. P - 7 times.
5. I.p. sitting on the floor, legs spread apart, knees straight, a flag in each hand, hands behind your back. B - 1- lean forward, bringing your arms across the sides, reaching the tips of the flags to the toes; 2- in i.p. P - 7 times.
6. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, a flag in each hand, arms down. B - 1- squat slightly “spring”, swing your arms one forward and one back; 2- straighten up, perform a reverse swing. P - 7 times.
7. I.p. standing, feet together, a flag in each hand, arms down. B - 1- jump, feet shoulder-width apart, swing your arms out to the sides, crossing the flags above your head; 2- in i.p. P - 8 times.

General developmental exercises for children 5-6 years old, senior group
Complex No. 5 with a pigtail
(to complete the exercises, each child will need 1 braid or 50 cm rope)

1. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, braid in both hands, taut, arms down. B - 1-2 rise on your toes, raise your arms up; 3-4- in i.p. P - 7 times.
2. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, braid in both hands, taut, arms bent at the elbows, pressed to the chest. B - 1- straighten your arms forward; 2- in i.p. P - 7 times.
3. I.p. standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, the braid in both hands is taut, your arms are raised up. B - 1 - tilt of the body to the left; 2- in IP; 3- tilt of the body to the right; 4- in i.p. P - 4 times in each direction.
4. I.p. sitting, legs bent at the knees, a pigtail in both hands clasping the knees. B - 1-2 lie on your back; 3-4 in i.p.; P - 6 times.
5. I.p. lying on your back, legs straight, together, a pigtail in both hands, hands behind your head. B - 1- turn your whole body to the left, put your hands on the floor to the left; 2- in i.p.; 3 the same to the right; 4- in i.p. P - 4 times in each direction.
6. I.p. sitting, legs extended forward, pigtail in both hands, arms raised up. B - 1-2 lean forward; 3-4 in i.p.; P - 7 times.
7. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, braid in both hands on the neck, taut, arms bent at the elbow joints, elbows spread to the sides. B - 1- sit down; 2- in i.p. P - 7 times.
8. I.p. standing, legs together, pigtail lying on the floor, hands on the belt. B - jumping through a pigtail at will. P - 7 times

General developmental exercises for children 5-6 years old, senior group
Complex No. 6 with a plume
(to perform the exercises, each child will need 2 plumes: a ring with ribbons)

1. I.p. kneeling, feathers in both hands, arms down. B - 1- arms to the sides; 2- hands up; 3 - arms to the sides; 4- in i.p. P - 7 times.
2. I.p. gray hair on the heels, plumes in both hands, one hand raised up, the other down. B - 1- 4 change the position of the hands. P - 7 times.
3. I.p. sitting on the floor between the heels, sultanas in both hands, arms down. B - 1- kneel down, raise your arms up at your sides; 2- in i.p. P - 7 times.
4. I.p. kneeling, legs spread, crowns in both hands, arms down. B - 1- turn your torso to the left and back, touch the heel of your left foot with the crown in your left hand; 2- in and. P. ; 3- the same to the right; 4- in and. p. P - 4 times in each direction.
5. I.p. sitting on the floor, legs extended forward, together, crowns in both hands, hands behind your back. B - 1- tilt your torso forward, stretch your arms forward, trying to reach your toes with your toes; 2- in i.p. P - 7 times.
6. I.p. lying on your stomach, legs straight, arms extended forward, curls in both hands. B - 1-2 raise your arms up, raise your chest, swing your arms up and down; 3-4 in i.p. P - 6 times.
7. I.p. standing, perform 10 jumps at random.

General developmental exercises for children 5-6 years old, senior group
Complex No. 7 with hoop
(each child will need 1 hoop to complete the exercises)

1. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, the hoop is “dressed” on the shoulders, held with both hands. B - 1 - raise your hands up, 2 - in the i.p. P - 7 times.
2. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, arms extended forward, holding the hoop like a steering wheel. B - twisting movements of the arms in one direction and the other. P - 4 times in each direction.
3. I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms raised up, hold the hoop parallel to the floor on both sides. B - 1 - tilt of the body to the left; 2- in IP; 3- tilt of the body to the right; 4- in i.p. P - 4 times in each direction.
4. I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, the hoop is “dressed” around the waist, held with both hands, arms tense. B - 1 - turn the body to the left; 2- turn the body to the right. P - 4 times in each direction without stopping.
5. I.p. kneeling, holding the hoop with both hands, arms raised up, B - 1 - bending the torso forward, leaving the hoop on the floor; 2- straighten up, raise your arms up in a standing position; 3- bend the torso forward, take the hoop; 4- in i.p. P - 7 times.
6. I.p. sitting, the hoop lies on the floor, legs bent at the knees, placed outside the boundaries of the hoop, hands resting behind. B - 1- raise your legs and at the same time place them in the hoop; 2- in i.p. P - 7 times
7. I.p. standing on one leg in a hoop, hands on the belt. B - jumping on the left and right legs alternately. P - 7 times on each leg.

Complex No. 8 with a pole
(to perform the exercises you will need 1 pole 1.5 m long for 4-5 children)

1. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, 4-5 people simultaneously hold a long pole. 1.5 m. overhand grip. B - 1- extend your arms forward; 2- raise your arms up; 3- extend your arms forward; 4- in i.p. P - 7 times.
2. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, pole pressed to the chest. B - 1-4 circular movements with the hands, the pole away from you, 5-8 circular movements with the hands, the pole towards you. P - 4 times in each direction.
3. I.p. standing on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, pole raised up. B - 1- lean forward, touch your knees with the sixth; 2- in i.p. P - 7 times.
4. I.p. sitting on the floor, legs together, pole pressed to the chest. B - 1- lean forward, leave the pole on your feet; 2- straighten up, raise your arms up; 3- lean forward, take the pole; 4- in i.p. P - 7 times.
5. I.p. lying on your stomach, legs straight, pole in both hands, arms extended forward. B - 1-4 raise your arms up, lifting your elbows off the floor, 5-8 calmly lower your arms down, rest. P - 5 times.
6. I.p. standing, heels together, toes apart, the pole is held with both hands, arms down. B - 1- sit down, stretch your arms forward; 2- in i.p. P - 7 times.
7. I.p. standing, holding hands, pole on the floor. B - 1 jump on two legs over a pole forward, 2 - jump on two legs over a pole backwards. P - 6 jumps.

General developmental exercises for children 5-6 years old, senior group.
Complex No. 9 on a gymnastic bench
(to perform the exercises you will need 1 gymnastic bench 2 m long for 4-5 children)

1. I.p. standing on a gymnastic bench sideways, legs together, arms down. B - 1- 2- raise your arms up through your sides, stretch; 3-4 in i.p. P - 7 times.
2. I.p. standing, legs on both sides of the bench (bench between the legs), hands on the belt. B - 1 - turn the body to the left; 2- in i.p.; 3- turn the body to the right; 4- in i.p. P - 4 times in each direction.
3. I.p. sitting on a gymnastic bench, legs extended forward, arms raised up. B - 1- lean forward, extend your arms along your legs; 2- in i.p.; P - 7 times.
4. I.p. sitting on a gymnastic bench, legs extended forward, hands resting on the bench behind. B - 1- raise your left leg up; 2- in i.p.; 3- raise your right leg up; 2- in i.p. P - 5 times with each leg.
5. I.p. standing in front of a gymnastic bench, hands on the belt. B - 1- sit on the bench; 2- in i.p. P - 7 times.
6. I.p. standing in front of a gymnastic bench, hands on the belt. B - jumping on two legs up from a place, trying to jump to the level of the bench. P - 8 jumps.

General developmental exercises for children 5-6 years old, senior group.
Complex No. 10 without objects

1. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, hands down. Attention exercise is performed with changing tempo. B - 1 - one hand on the belt; 2- second hand on the belt; 3- one hand to the shoulder; 4- second hand to fly; 5- one hand up; 6 - second hand up; 7-12 - in reverse order. P - 5 times.
2. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, hands to shoulders. B - 1- arms to the sides; 2- in i.p. P - 7 times.
3. I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. B - 1- tilt to the left; 2- in i.p. Same to the right. P - 4 times in each direction.
4. I.p. sitting on the floor, legs slightly apart, hands at the back. B - 1- throw the left leg over the right, place it on the toe; 2- i.p.; 3- the same on the right; 4-in i.p. P - 4 times with each leg.
5. I.p. lying on your back, hands under your head. B - 1- 4 raise both legs up at the same time, perform cross movements with your legs “scissors”. P - 5 times with a short rest.
6. I.p. lying on your back, arms and legs extended. B - 1-2 turn on your stomach to the left; 3-4 in i.p. the same to the right P - 2 times in each direction at a slow pace.
7. I.p. standing, one leg forward and the other back. P - 8-10 jumps with changing leg positions.

General developmental exercises for children 5-6 years old, senior group.
Complex No. 11 without objects in motion
(children walk around the hall doing counting exercises)

1. Hand position: one up, the other down. B - 1- change the position of the hands; 2 - the same. P - 7 swings with each hand.
2. Arm position: arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest. B - 1- spread your arms to the sides; 2- in i.p. P - 7 times.
3. Hand position: hands on the belt. B - 1 - turn the body to the right; 2- turn the body to the left without stopping. P - 4 turns in each direction.
4. Hand position: hands on the belt. B - 1 - tilt of the body to the right; 2- body tilt to the left without stopping. P - 4 tilts in each direction.
5. Hand position: hands on knees; the legs are slightly bent at the knees, the body is tilted forward. B - goose step. P - 10-12 steps.
6. Hand position: arms to the sides. 1 - step with your left foot, bend your right leg at the knee, clap your hands under the knee; 2- straighten up; 3- step with the right foot, bend the left leg at the knee, clap your hands under the knee; 4- straighten up. P - 4 times under each leg.
7. Perform jumps, combining with active arm swings. P - 1 circle around the hall.

General developmental exercises for children 5-6 years old, senior group.
Complex No. 12 with the ball
(each child will need 1 ball to complete the exercises)

1. I.p. standing, feet together, ball in both hands, arms down. B - 1- bring your hands forward; 2- hands up; 3-hands forward; 4- lower your arms down. P - 7 times.
2. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, ball in both hands, pressed to the chest. B - 1- extend your arms forward; 2- in i.p;. P - 7 times.
3. I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, ball in both hands, arms raised up. B - 1- tilt to the left; 2 in i.p.; 3- tilt to the right; 4- in i.p. P - 4 times in each direction.
4. I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, ball in both hands, arms raised up. B - 1- tilt to the left down towards the left leg; 2 rise slightly, bend straight, touching the ball to the floor between your legs; 3- rise slightly, bend to the right towards your right leg; 4- in i.p. P - changing direction 7 times.
5. I.p. sitting, legs together, hands in support behind the ball, grasping the ball with your feet. B - 1- raise your legs up while holding the ball; 2- in i.p. P - 7 times.
6. I.p. lying on your stomach, legs straight, arms extended forward, the ball is held with both hands. B - 1- raise your arms up, lifting your chest off the floor; 2- in i.p. P - 7 times.
7. I.p. standing, feet together, hands on the belt, ball on the floor. B - 1-4 jumps around the ball. P - 4 times to the left, 4 times to the right.

General developmental exercises for children 5-6 years old, senior group.
Complex No. 13 in pairs
(to perform the exercises, the child will need a partner of the same build)

1. I.p. standing, the couple faces each other holding hands, arms down. B - 1-2, raise your arms up from the sides; 3-4 in i.p. P - 7 times without unclenching your hands.
2. I.p. standing, the couple stands facing each other holding hands, one arm is extended forward, the other is bent at the elbow joint. B - 1- change the position of the hands; 2- in i.p. P - 5 times with each hand with tension.
3. I.p. standing, the couple stands with their backs to each other, hands locked in the elbow joints. B - 1-2 lean forward, down, slightly lifting the second one on the back; 3-4 in i.p. The same towards the other. P - 4 times each.
4. I.p. sitting on the floor opposite each other, arms resting behind, one leg extended forward, the other bent at the knee, held foot to foot. B - 1- change the position of the legs. P - 6 times.
5. I.p. lying on your stomach facing each other holding hands. B - 1-2 raise your arms up, raise your chest as high as possible; 3-4 in i.p. relax. P - 6 times.
6. I.p. standing, the couple faces each other holding hands, legs slightly apart. B - 1 - one partner stands still, the second squats; 2- in i.p. 3-4 the second one does the same. P - 6 times each.
7. I.p. standing, the couple faces each other holding hands. Jump in a circle. P - 4 times, 4 jumps in each direction.

General developmental exercises for children 5-6 years old, senior group.

Complex No. 14 with rattles

(each child will need 2 rattles to complete the exercises)

1. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, rattles in both hands, arms down. B - 1-3 raise your hands up, shake the rattles three times; 4- in i.p. P - 7 times.
2. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, rattles in both hands, pressed to the shoulders, arms bent at the elbows, elbows pointing forward. B - 1 bring your hands forward; 2- in i.p. P - 7 times.
3. I.p. kneeling, rattles in both hands, arms down. B - 1- turn back to the left, put the rattles on the floor; 2- straighten up, hands on your waist; 3 turn left back, take the rattles; 4- in i.p. Same to the right. P - 4 times in each direction.
4. I.p. sitting, legs spread, rattles in both hands, hands behind the back. B - 1-3 lean forward, perform three springy bends; 4- in i.p. P - 7 times.
5. I.p. lying on your back, legs straight, rattles in both hands, arms straight behind your head. B - 1-3 bend your knees, pull them towards your stomach, tap your knees three times with rattles; 4- in i.p. P - 7 times.
6. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, rattles in both hands hidden behind the back. B - 1-3 sit down, knock the rattles three times on the floor; 4- in i.p. P - 7 times.
7. I.p. standing, perform 10 jumps in place.

General developmental exercises for children 5-6 years old, senior group.
Complex No. 15 with handkerchiefs
(to complete the exercises, each child will need 1 handkerchief 40x40 cm)

1. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, handkerchief in left hand, hand down, right hand on waist. B - 1- swing your hand with the handkerchief up; 2 - in i.p. P - 7 times with your left hand, transfer the handkerchief to your right hand. P - 7 times.
2. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, handkerchief in one hand, arms to the sides. B - 1- extend your arms forward, transfer the handkerchief to the other hand; 2 - arms to the sides. Also in the opposite direction. P - 7 times.
3. I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, handkerchief in left hand, hand raised up, right hand on belt. B - 1- tilt to the left, wave a handkerchief over your head; 2 - in i.p. P - 4 times with your right hand, tilting to the left, transfer the handkerchief to your left hand P - 4 times with your left hand, tilting to the right.
4. I.p. kneeling, left hand on the belt, right hand with a handkerchief held to the side. B - 1 - turn the body to the left, with a hand with a handkerchief, as if to hug yourself; 2- in i.p. P - 4 times with the right hand with a turn to the left, transfer the handkerchief to the left hand P - 4 times with the left hand with a turn to the right.
5. I.p. sitting, legs spread, handkerchief in left hand, hand pressed to chest, right hand on belt. B - 1- bend forward, swing the hand with a handkerchief wide to the side; 2 - in i.p. P - 4 times with your right hand, transfer the handkerchief to your left hand P - 4 times with your left hand, tilting to the right.
6. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, holding the handkerchief by the ends with both hands, arms down. B - 1- sit down, stretch your arms forward; 2 - in i.p. P - 7 times.
7. I.p. standing, perform 10 arbitrary jumps in place.

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