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Lifting (bending the arms) of the barbell with a reverse grip. Standing Reverse Barbell Curl (Biceps) Standing Reverse Barbell Curl

The Reverse Barbell Curl is one of the best forearm exercises.

The shoulder muscle is very rarely pumped, since most people focus on pumping and building up the biceps, since this muscle catches everyone's eye.

But, do not forget that if you pump the brachialis, then the total mass of the biceps will be much larger and larger. Thanks to the shoulder muscle, the width and volume of the arms increases significantly.

Main working muscle group: biceps brachii, brachialis ( brachialis )

Auxiliary muscle group: brachioradialis muscle ( brachioradialis )

Bending the arms with a barbell with a reverse grip - execution technique.

1. Take a barbell with a curved neck, although you can use a straight neck, as you like, with an overhand grip, the distance between the hands is about the width of the shoulders.

2. Take the starting position by slightly bending back, taking the correct posture. Legs in a stable position.

3. While inhaling, slowly lift the bar to your chest, but touching it.

4. Elbows are in the same position and pressed to the body, make sure that they do not "walk" back or forward.

5. As you exhale, slowly lower the weight to the level of your hips.

6. Do not take too heavy weights, otherwise you will not be able to perform the exercise correctly, because in the first place in this option (grip from above), the weakest shoulder muscles are included in the work, and the biceps itself plays a secondary role and only helps them.

7. Do not lift the bar too high, as the amplitude here is less than with a normal barbell lift for biceps.

8. Among other things, this exercise technique reduces the load on the trained muscles and the higher you lift the weight, the less the biceps and forearm will work.

9. Keep your torso straight at all times, especially on the last reps. Therefore, set the weight so as to avoid bending in the lower back when lifting the bar or reduce the weight, everything is simple.

10 Do not bend the hands at different angles, in the wrist joint - injury is possible!

In this article, I will tell you about the exercise - lifting the bar for biceps with a reverse grip 🙂

- does not develop banks (biceps) 😀 even though it has such a specific name (probably because of this, people think so).

In fact, this exercise develops what is under the biceps (shoulder muscle)!

Why is this muscle important?

Because when it's well developed (hypertrophied) = it pushes the biceps outward, and because of that, the biceps get bigger (more enlarged) and more peaky.

For this reason, this exercise is quite important, and I would not recommend ignoring it.

In addition to the shoulder muscle, the shoulder-radius muscle is quite actively involved in the exercise.

And why is this muscle important, many will ask? ;D

The fact that when it is well developed = your forearms will VISUALLY look healthier (muscular) due to the fact that the brachioradialis muscle is the largest muscle in our forearms. And the reverse grip raise = is the best (at least in my opinion) exercise for engaging this muscle.

Lifting the bar for biceps with a reverse grip- is an ISOLATION exercise.

And in general, almost all exercises for biceps, lifting the barbell for biceps (yes, even him), lifting dumbbells for biceps, concentrated dumbbell lifting, etc. THESE ARE ALL ISOLATION MOVEMENTS (exercises), because all of these exercises ONLY ENGAGE ONE JOINT (elbow), so they are isolated ... you know?

In order to call this or that exercise BASIC, it is necessary that at least 2 joints participate in it, and HERE (and in almost all exercises for biceps) this is IN PRINCIPLE IMPOSSIBLE, because. ONLY 1 joint works - THE ELBOW. COMPRENDO?))

Nevertheless, in bodybuilding, the most effective exercises (which give results) are usually called BASIC, and lifting the barbell for biceps while standing or on our today's topic - barbell curl with reverse grip, just the same, they are such exercises (effective). Therefore, it can be safely (at least, I think so) called “enough” basic exercise.

This exercise is performed with a barbell. I'm a cap, yes, yes, I know 😀 but, who doesn't know, there are different types of rods (straight, curved, etc.). What I'm getting at is... this exercise is much more comfortable with a curved EZ bar. Yes, it is also possible with a direct one (no problems), but with EZ it will be much more convenient.

And here is a photo - a curved EZ bar (with which it is more convenient to do this exercise):

P.s. more comfortable because the forearms are more comfortable in EZ-bars, because the bar is not straight, but curved, as a result of which there is a slight turn of the forearms relative to each other (and, accordingly, thanks to this, it is much easier to hold the bar and perform the exercise).

But, if you don’t have such a barbell, it doesn’t matter, you can do it with a straight neck. It's simple, by the way.

And so, technology.

  • Grab the bar (straight or EZ) with a reverse grip (palms facing down).

What grip to take?

  • The narrower the grip you use = the more you will load the brachioradialis muscle (forearm).
  • The wider the grip you use = the more you take the load off the brachioradialis and transfer it to the shoulder muscle (the one under the biceps, the one that pushes it out).

If you want to develop both = use a medium grip (shoulder width apart).

  • Next, place your elbows close to the body (press them).
  • At the same time, the arms are fully extended at the elbow joint (FULLY).

Here is a photo that demonstrates how you should look like you (starting position):

Then, slowly, under control, lower the barbell down to the starting position FULLY EXTENDING THE ARMS IN THE ELBOW JOINT. Then repeat all the newly specified number of repetitions.

  • In no case (do not throw weight, do not swing the body, etc.). This exercise is one of those where technique comes first. Remember, all movement is carried out by flexion in the elbow joint (all other muscles are strictly fixed).
  • During the exercise, the elbows must be pressed to the body (body) all the time.
  • Do not throw the bar (from the top position) to the bottom. Lower it slowly, under control.
  • In the lower position (starting position) - fully extend your arms at the elbow joint (completely). You don't need to keep your arms slightly flexed at the elbows (we're not doing biceps curls now, yes, we're working "inside the amplitude" while keeping the load in the biceps), but this is a different exercise - and our goal is to extend the arms in the elbow joint - FULLY! !!
  • Watch your breath: as always, EXHALE ON EFFORT. Those. when lifting up - EXHALE, when lowering down - inhale.
  • Don't chase big weights. of course, it must be present, because it is impossible without it, but in this exercise, excessively large weights can injure your ligaments or joint.

Sincerely, administrator.

Many people mistakenly believe that the main target muscle of the reverse curl is the biceps. This is not so, although they are involved in bending the arms, but to a much lesser extent than the brachial and brachioradialis muscles. It is these muscles that perform the main work of the exercise. Therefore, if you want to increase lagging forearms or give them relief and volume, then this exercise is perfect for you.

Technique for performing curls with a barbell with a reverse grip:

  1. Grab the barbell with an overhand grip. Grip width at shoulder level.
  2. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, back straight and look straight ahead.
  3. Inhale, and keeping your elbows still, as you exhale, lift the barbell up.
  4. Having reached the top point, fix your hands in this position for a moment and slowly lower the barbell to the bottom position while inhaling.
  5. After reaching the starting position, repeat the bending of the arms for the specified number of repetitions.

Muscles involved in exercise

Features of bending the arms with a barbell with a reverse grip:

  • Do not swing your body, thereby helping yourself to perform the exercise.
  • Use a light barbell. Bending of the arms occurs due to the brachioradialis muscle, and it is much weaker than the biceps. Therefore, in order to avoid injury, the weight of the bar should be moderate.
  • Do not neglect the negative phase of the exercise (when you lower the bar to the bottom point). Passing it slowly, you load the muscles more.
  • If pain in the wrist joints occurs when using a straight bar, then bending with a curved bar can be performed. The use of such a neck, partially relieves the load from the wrist.

You can also perform this exercise on the simulator, which is called,

The standing barbell curl is the main exercise for developing strength and volume in the arm flexors. In terms of effectiveness in terms of working out the hands, it can be compared with the bench press for the pectoral muscles.

About the volume of the biceps

Agree, pumped up biceps looks much better than its absence. The shape and size of the biceps muscle is determined by many factors: genetics, physical activity, additional power loads.

With the help of training, we can remove fat from the surface of the arm, thereby exposing the muscle itself. We can also increase its volume through correctly performed exercises and create greater relief.

As their name implies, arm flexors provide movements aimed at bending the arm at the elbow. Another function of the biceps is to antagonize the triceps. The triceps and biceps are in some kind of balance with each other, so that the arms do not twitch due to minor pushes back and forth.

In the formation of arm volume, the biceps does not play a primary role. For the most part, this is the merit of the triceps (it is he who creates 70% of the volume of the arm). Therefore, sufficient attention should be paid to both muscles. Pump biceps 1-2 times a week, and in no case do not forget about triceps (bench press, bench press, at an angle and other exercises for them). Forgetting about pumping the flexors and doing one bench press is also not an option.

And now let's find out how to pump up the biceps with a barbell.

Technique and exercise options

Barbell curls are usually performed while standing. And it's not even about efficiency. The fact is that lifting the barbell for biceps while sitting with a narrow or any other grip is not a very convenient solution. And preferably it is only for work on the Scott bench. This is not a bench press that is done from any positions.

Direct grip

Exercise for biceps with a barbell can be performed in several grip options: forward and reverse, wide and narrow.

The direct grip is aimed at developing not only the biceps, but also the muscles of the forearm (narrow grip is not used). If you've ever tried this grip, you'll probably remember that the weights on the bar were lighter than when using the reverse grip.

Bending the arms with a barbell while standing is correctly done like this:

  1. You can install the bar on the racks for the bar, lowering them as far as possible down, you can put it on a horizontal bench. It will be inconvenient to take it from the floor and lower it there between sets.
  2. Theoretically, you can perform an EZ barbell curl for biceps, but in this case it is better to take a straight bar. In general, it is believed that a curved bar is less traumatic for arm flexors, but this is more true for a reverse narrow grip. So, take the bar and get ready for the warm-up approach.
  3. It is very important to take the correct posture: feet shoulder-width apart, elbows pressed to the body, shoulders straightened, and the pelvis laid back. For better support and avoiding unnecessary movements, we recommend standing with your back to the wall, and even better - to the frame of the Smith machine.
  4. If you stand up correctly, the supports will touch: the back of the head, shoulder blades and pelvis. Do not forget about the chest - it is arched forward.
  5. We take the bar with a direct grip on the natural width of the shoulders (that is, the arms are parallel to each other).
  6. Trying not to bend the wrists, we raise the bar with the strength of the biceps to the maximum possible height (towards the chest).
  7. We do 10-15 warm-up repetitions. If you have taken a 20 kg Olympic bar, it may be too heavy for you. If you are a beginner - do not look at others, do not envy the number of pancakes on their barbell. Time and patience will lead you to a similar result.

If you decide to do the exercise without support, firmly fix your body, press your elbows to it. During the lift, you should not make any oscillatory movements. Only the arms work, everything else, including “tossing” the barbell to the chest with the help of a pelvic swing, is cheating and an unjustified risk of injury to the lower back.

At the same time, the elbows should not be pulled back. They are positioned so that the shoulder is oriented straight down to the floor.

Reverse grip

Bending the arms with a barbell while standing is most often done precisely with a reverse grip. This is because the muscles on the inside of the forearm are stronger than on the outside. This means that with such a grip you can lift more weight, plus it can be lifted even higher than with a direct grip.

You can take the barbell with a narrow grip, or you can use a medium one, placing your hands shoulder-width apart so that they are parallel to each other. Lifting the barbell for biceps with a reverse grip to the chest will, accordingly, better develop the biceps.

Bending the arms with a barbell while standing with a reverse grip is performed as follows:

  1. Find support. In this case, it is advisable to stand leaning against a power rack, Smith, a wall or a wide post.
  2. Grab a straight or curved bar with an overhand grip. When you press the weight into your legs, your palms will be facing your legs with the back side.
  3. The grip is medium for a straight bar, or narrow for an EZ bar.
  4. With the strength of the biceps, without moving the elbows back and forth, we lift the weight to the chest. Then you can use the muscles of the shoulders to lift the bar even higher to the neck. Many trainers say that lifting the bar is enough not only to the chest, but to an acute angle at the elbow. That is, the forearms are not brought to a vertical position.
  5. Hold the barbell in the up position for 1 second.
  6. We lower the weight to the starting position, repeat the warm-up 10–15 times if this is the first biceps exercise for today (by the way, it’s correct if it comes first).
  7. We set the working weight and do 3 sets of 8 times to failure or 10-12 times to maintain muscle tone with light weight.

Basic Mistakes


You can regularly see how beginners do a barbell curl with a reverse grip (or any barbell curl while standing) at a fast pace. This is inefficient and dangerous. In this style, you distort the technique, the speed prevents you from doing the exercise correctly.

You can damage the biceps tendon. You can also break your back, because with a fast execution, the load will imperceptibly pass to your lower back (for example, to extinguish inertia when lowering the weight).

Do a barbell curl with a reverse grip or any curl for the biceps smoothly and correctly. For greater certainty, here is the optimal frequency of execution: 2 repetitions in 3-4 seconds.


When a person takes too much weight, whether with a narrow or wide grip, he throws it up with the help of movements of the legs, pelvis, body. Then, at the top point, it intercepts it with the muscles of the hands and lowers it back. As a rule, the weight simply falls back to the starting position, as the practitioner does not have enough strength to make the movement smoothly.

At the moment when you catch the bar with your biceps, you can damage them. When you throw up the weight with body movements every time, you risk tearing your lower back. Instead of wasting energy on a specific exercise, the body is sprayed on everything except the biceps workout itself.

Therefore, cheating will not lead to a result in terms of muscle growth. Perhaps a one-time lift will be performed with impressive weight. But do you have another purpose for visiting the gym? Your actions must be in line with your goals. Let's do the exercise in strict accordance with his technique.

Grip problems

When the biceps have enough strength to work with the weight you have chosen, but the wrist does not, problems begin. The wrists cannot keep a straight line between the elbow and the fist. The arm begins to bend, and the bar hangs.

Lifting the bar to the biceps with a reverse grip solves this problem, but with a direct grip it is more difficult. If this happens, give up the direct grip, try bending your arms with a barbell while standing with a reverse grip.

In addition, practice exercises that develop grip strength.


Both the bench press and lifting the weight are almost always done with the same breath - an effort (lift) to exhale, to inhale - return the weight to the starting point.

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Genus. 1984 Trained since 1999. Trained since 2007. CCM in powerlifting. Champion of Russia and the South of Russia according to AWPC. Champion of the Krasnodar Territory according to IPF. 1st category in weightlifting. 2-time winner of the championship of the Krasnodar Territory in t / a. Author of over 700 articles on fitness and amateur athleticism. Author and co-author of 5 books.

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Date of: 2012-05-29 Views: 198 680

For what articles are given medals:

Core muscles - ,
Additional- shoulder
Difficulty of execution- light

Bending the arms with a barbell overhand grip - video

Weight and reps for beginners

For men: 10 - 15 reps 15 - 20 kg. 2 - 3 approaches.
For women: 10 - 15 reps 7 - 10 kg. 2 - 3 approaches.

Load on muscle groups

The load is indicated on a 10-point scale (the total load is summed up)

Description of the exercise

You won’t pump up big biceps like that, but strengthen your forearms well. In general, the exercise is necessary. It will fit in well at the end of your arm workout! Try to raise and lower the bar slowly.

Main chips

1. This exercise is aimed primarily at training the forearms, and then at training the biceps. 2. The grip should be shoulder width apart or slightly narrower. If you use a curved bar, then you will work a little less on the forearm and a little more on the biceps. 3. It is necessary to unbend the arms to the end. But to bend - not to the very end. The hand should remain slightly in front of the elbow. With this option, the biceps will be maximally tense at the top point. 4. It is advisable not to keep the elbows in place, but to bring them forward a little when lifting the barbell. But only a little. For a stronger contraction of the biceps. 5. Try not to sway or help yourself with your back or legs. This can only be done for the last 1-2 reps. The back should be straight and the shoulders pulled back. 6. Set the weight so that you can do at least 8 repetitions. 7. This exercise is perfect for the end of your arm workout. You can “finish off” both biceps and forearms in one fell swoop.

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