Exercises. Nutrition. Diets. Workout. Sport

Chest trainer for women. Home workout program for pectoral muscles. Exercises for the development of the muscles of the female breast

In pursuit of a flat stomach, rounded buttocks and embossed legs, women sometimes forget about their breasts, although the muscles under the mammary gland can also be corrected. With the help of chest exercises in the gym, women cannot enlarge the bust and change its shape. However, it is quite possible to tone the muscles and make the upper part expressive. Moreover, increased blood flow in this area further prevents sagging of the mammary glands.

The result depends on the correct selection of practices. The program includes multi-joint and single-joint techniques to strengthen the muscles of the core and load the local area. The standard complex includes:

  • push ups;
  • presses from different positions;
  • lifting dumbbells from an inclined bench;
  • climbs on uneven bars;
  • work in the simulator "butterfly".

How to pump up the breasts of a girl in the gym with push-ups

Start with the classics.

  1. Get down on the floor, rest on it with your toes and hands, spaced wider than your shoulders.
  2. Tighten your pelvis and align your body into a string. Bend your elbows and lower your body down without touching the surface.
  3. Straighten your arms with the power of the muscles of the core and biceps, and lift the body. In the light version, perform the exercise from your knees or from an emphasis on the bench.

Bodybar bench press on a straight bench

Move on to basic techniques. The neck press or works out the center of the pectoral muscles. The principle is simple:

  1. take a projectile from the rack with a direct grip;
  2. and do slow lifts.

Dumbbell option

Due to the wide range of movements of mobile shells, large, small and deep muscles are pumped more efficiently.

  1. Lie down on a bench with weights in your hands.
  2. Rest your feet on the floor.
  3. Squeeze the shells, trying to bring straight arms at the top. This technique creates a critical tension in the middle zone.
  4. Then go into the negative phase and pull them down towards the waist. Having reached the critical point, again go into a positive phase.

  • Lower the load 2 times slower than you raise it.
  • Bring your shoulder blades together at the bottom.
  • Avoid jerky movements to avoid damaging the shoulder rotators.

Bench press on a bench with an inclined back

When the body position at an angle of 30-45° the load is accentuated closer to the collarbone.

  1. Lie down so that the bar is at eye level.
  2. Grasp the base with a wide grip, remove the projectile from the racks and lower it to the upper chest area.
  3. Now press up like a bench press.

Push-ups on the uneven bars for chest training

On the pectoral muscles is designed for girls advanced in sports. It thoroughly pumps the shoulder girdle and triceps. The principle is to extend and bend the arms while raising and lowering the body. Since the chest and three-headed beams work in pairs, depending on the technical nuances, the emphasis is easily shifted. However the muscles of the chest are stronger and, at the slightest opportunity, pull the tension onto themselves.

  1. Go to the simulator with the bars (graviton), located slightly wider than the shoulders, and jump on it.
  2. Hold the body vertically on straight arms, bend your knees at an even angle.
  3. Turn your elbows back and press to yourself, tilt your torso forward.
  4. As you exhale, pull your body. If the movements are difficult, straighten your arms at the top so that excessive tension leaves the triceps in a couple of moments. With good training, keep the elbow bend at 10°.
  5. Lower yourself down and feel a pleasant stretch in your chest area. Move into the positive phase without delay.

Dumbbell bench press on a fitball

No less effective is the point training of the pectoral muscles in the gym on a fitball.

  1. Lie on your back on an exercise ball with the dumbbells palms facing forward. Such a grip will not allow the redistribution of the load on the deltas.
  2. Bend your knees at a 90° angle and rest your feet on the floor.
  3. Stabilize your body and simultaneously raise your arms up.

Presses from the lower block

  1. Set the bench in the simulator, tilt the back to 30 °.
  2. Sit down, rest your shoulder blades against the back, stick out your chest with a wheel.
  3. Grasp the handles of the lower block, bend your elbows at an even angle.
  4. Straightening them, bring them to the torso and connect in the center without lowering the weight.
  5. While moving towards you, do not forget to bring the shoulder blades together.
  6. Hold on to the climax and start all over again.

What is Easy Curves

Working on the double resistance chest machine will help to enhance the effect of basic exercises. The Easy Curves design is an analogue that stretches like a rubber shock absorber. When working with it, the external muscles of the chest are first involved, then the central ones are connected. At home, he will replace dumbbell presses.

  • One Series of 5 exercises is based on squeezing and unclenching the expander with a movement vector from the waist to the chest.
  • Second based on alternating hand movements at an angle of 45° in the same direction.

Practices are performed daily with alternating complexes.

The beauty and tightness of the breast is a guarantee of good genetics, skin condition, proper nutrition, but sports are also an important component. Proper moderate loads on the chest muscles will keep it in shape. Many girls, doing fitness or strength exercises at home or in the gym, deliberately avoid working with the chest muscles. It is believed that you can "rock" them, losing the feminine curves of the figure. However, these fears are groundless - if you are not going to do bodybuilding, pumping up such “male” forms with simple exercises will not work.

But you can support the muscle corset very simply even at home, without having any special equipment. The main thing is attitude and consistency. So, what are they - chest exercises for women at home?

Features of exercises for the pectoral muscles

Even while exercising at home, do not neglect good sportswear and be sure to wear a special bra that will not squeeze, but only properly support your chest. Also get ready for the fact that even with intensive training, the result will be noticeable not earlier than in a couple of months.

It is better to train in the evening, it is believed that this way the muscles are less injured and better pumped. However, if you return late from work that exhausts you, it is unlikely that training will be systematic. Try the morning set of exercises, maybe it will energize you for the whole day.

Before you start your workout, warm up your muscles, this will save you the risk of injury or stretching something. Run in place, stretch your arms and legs, just dance for a couple of minutes to energetic music, all this will prepare your body for work. At the end of the workout, do not immediately run into the shower, be sure to do some stretching exercises. This will not only relieve unpleasant muscle pain, but also relieve tension, calm the pulse and breathing, and relax. Be sure to praise yourself at the end of the workout, this will give confidence in success.

The harm and benefits of exercise

If you train regularly or include in your classes a set of special exercises for pectoral muscles for women at home, in a couple of months you will see the result - the muscles will tighten, the chest will be in good shape and, as a pleasant bonus, your posture will improve and back pain will pass. And tightened muscles and a flat back will visually enlarge the chest. If the bust is naturally large and heavy, it especially needs support, here you simply cannot do without work on the muscular corset. By doing regular exercises, you will get rid of problems with the spine.

Exercises without additional equipment

First, consider the basic exercises that you can do at home without any equipment and equipment. First things first, it's push-ups. You can do push-ups directly from the floor, or from a bench, or even from a wall. These exercises will give endurance to the muscle group we need:

  1. Support Squat – Stand with your back to a bench or chair and squat down with your hands on it. Move your legs slightly forward. Lower yourself slowly and smoothly, feeling the tension in your arms. Try to lift the body not with the gluteal muscles, but with the chest and arms. Repeat 6-8 times.
  2. The bed push-up is a classic push-up, but easier because the body has to be lifted off the bed, not off the floor. Place your hands on the bed fairly wide, place your legs on your knees, and as you inhale, lower your chest and torso so that it is straight and your elbows are bent at a 90-degree angle. As you exhale, rise back up. Do 8 repetitions.
  3. The classic push-up is a well-known exercise from physical education classes. Put your feet on your toes, it’s more difficult, and when lifting the body, do not raise the pelvis to its original position. Do all the work with the muscles of the chest and arms and do not forget to breathe.

Exercises with equipment - dumbbells and fitball

Today, both can be easily bought in any store, even in the sports departments of large department stores. However, when performing exercises for pectoral muscles for women at home, you can do without a fitball, and dumbbells will replace two bottles of water. Not so convenient and beautiful, but the effect is the same, and even easy to change the weight. Speaking of weight, start small, such as a kilogram, and gradually increase to at least 2.5 kg. So:

Bench press with weights

While lying on your back on a bench or fitball, bend your legs at a right angle. Holding dumbbells, bring and spread your arms in front of your chest 12-15 times. Then put your hands with dumbbells together and wind them up behind your head, but not relaxing at the end, but fixing them with muscle strength at the end point and returning them back. Repeat also 12-15 times.

push up

Also lying on a fitball or bench, keep your hands with dumbbells pressed to your chest. As you exhale, raise your straightened arms up over your head slowly and hold your arms, purposefully tensing your chest muscles. Then slowly lower your arms while inhaling, feeling the tension in the muscles.

Standing press

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and lower your arms with dumbbells along the torso. Raising your arms to the sides at the same time stand on your toes.

Yoga and Pilates

If strength training is not to your liking or you are too tired about it, dilute your chest exercises for women at home with elements from yoga and Pilates. They are also great for reinforcing the corset that supports the back and chest and are ideal for home use.

Prayer - Start with a simple pose, sit cross-legged and place your palms straight in front of you as if for prayer, keeping your forearms parallel to the floor. Take a deep breath and raise your elbows up, be sure to tighten the pectoral muscles, then slowly, be sure to lower as you exhale. Breathe evenly and deeply, repeat the exercise 15-20 times. Then, without moving your elbows, press your palms against each other, lingering for a while and feeling tension in the muscles of the chest and shoulder girdle.

Bow - lying on your stomach, bend your knees and lift them up, then grab your ankles with your hands, stretch and bend so that only the lower ribs and stomach are in contact with the floor. Hold this for at least a couple of seconds, feel how the abdominal muscles stretch and the pectoral muscles stretch after the hands. Relax, then repeat 10-15 times.

The above exercises for pectoral muscles for women at home have no disadvantages, do not be afraid to turn the figure into a masculine one, with home exercises it is impossible to change the relief of the pectoral muscles so much as to lose feminine curves. If you are a beginner, do not forget to warm up and start small, but increase the pace and do not be afraid of muscle pain - this is normal and without increased load, they simply will not work.

Exercises for pectoral muscles for women in the gym - video:

Tightened breasts make a woman seductive and attractive. To maintain her beauty, you can resort to the expensive services of plastic surgery specialists, or you can perform special exercises for tightening the pectoral muscles, which are designed for women.

The complex for the chest keeps the body in good shape, providing attractiveness and sexuality of the figure.

How breast lift exercises work

There are no muscles in the chest itself, so you should not think that the right exercises will increase its size. Performing such specialized exercises for tightening the pectoral muscles for women, only the muscles that support and are responsible for the tone of the mammary gland will be involved.

Exercises for tightening the pectoral muscles for women can prevent atrophy and sagging of the breast.

This is a kind of corrective and supportive exercises that prevent atrophy and sagging of the breast.

General rules for performing breast lift exercises

Exercises for tightening the pectoral muscles for women do not present any particular difficulty, but to perform them, you only need small dumbbells weighing 1–1.5 kg and a special mat for practicing on the floor.

One of the mandatory rules for the implementation of any complex for physical development is the need for a light warm-up, which will warm up the body, ensuring muscle mobility and elasticity.

For a warm-up, you should do a few tilts, waving your arms and squats. Usually, 5 minutes of warm-up is enough, after which you can proceed directly to the implementation of the complex.

It is necessary to perform exercises for tightening the pectoral muscles (for women) on a regular basis, which will become the key to a beautiful figure.

A fairly common mistake made by women when performing exercises for tightening the pectoral muscles is the use of excessively heavy dumbbells weighing 3-5 kg ​​or more. For an unprepared organism, such a load is unbearable, a better result cannot be achieved, and harm can be done with 100% certainty.

A fairly common mistake made by women when performing exercises for tightening the pectoral muscles is the use of excessively heavy dumbbells weighing 3-5 kg ​​or more.

It is important to know! Performing a set of simple exercises for tightening the pectoral muscles, which are designed for women, you should keep the correct posture. You can not bend your shoulders and spread your elbows. It is the correct posture that is the key to the success of the exercises in question.

Standing chest exercises

The next complex is performed while standing. From it it is recommended to choose several exercises that are most suitable for each woman.

An effective exercise is considered to be push-ups from the wall. It is necessary, leaning slightly, stand near the wall, lean on it with your hands and perform light push-ups.

In this case, you need to do push-ups, bending your arms at the elbows. The body should keep the line, rounding and arching the lower back should not be, as the necessary load on the chest is lost.

In a standing position, you need to connect your palms in front of your chest. Next, squeeze the palms with force and hold this position for about 10 seconds. Relax your hands and then repeat this exercise at least 5 times.

The windmill exercise shows excellent results, which can also be used as a warm-up. Having straightened up, bends forward 90 degrees are made, at the same time they raise the right hand up, and the left one lowers it down.

They alternately lower and raise their hands, rotating the body, making the appropriate inclinations. As you complete this exercise, you should accelerate the rotation.
chest exercises performed on the bench

Exercises that are performed on the gymnastic bench are very popular.. In the absence of it, you can use several stools that are put together and thereby create an impromptu bench.

Such exercises on the bench allow you to effectively develop the body and affect the chest.

Bench press lying on the bench shows excellent results in the development of chest muscles. Since it is difficult for girls to perform such a bench press, you can use one bar or a bar with pancakes weighing 1-2 kg. This will be enough to load the desired area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe muscles. Perform the bench press in question should be 8 repetitions and 3 sets.

Bench push-ups are another fairly simple and popular exercise.. To perform them, you need to stand with your back to the bench, rest your hands on it, and stretch your legs slightly forward. Next, slowly squat while bending your arms. Do 5-6 such squats for 2-3 sets.

Exercises with dumbbells for tightening the pectoral muscles

Weighted exercises are considered the most effective. They give you an extra load. You can perform both in the gym and at home, replacing dumbbells with sand bottles.

You will need two small dumbbells weighing about a kilogram. Hands with dumbbells are freely lowered to the level of the hips, the hands are directed towards the body. Then slowly, gently raise your hands up and at the same time take a breath. This exercise is done in 3 sets of 10 runs. Between each approach, rest should be equal to a minute.

When performing the Pullover exercise, it is necessary to monitor the pelvic region, which should not rise from the bench

The dumbbell forward swing is another simple yet effective exercise. It allows you to develop the deltoid muscle. This exercise can be done standing or sitting.

When swinging, the arms are initially located parallel to the hips along the torso. Dumbbells should be taken so that when performing swings, the fingers move from the chest. When inhaling, the weights themselves must be raised approximately to shoulder level.

At the same time, sharp jerks should not be made - it is necessary to raise and lower your hands at an average smooth pace.

The most popular exercise that helps strengthen and tighten the pectoral muscle is the laying out or in an inclined position on the bench. For wiring, you will need dumbbells weighing 2-3 kg. They take a comfortable position on the bench, arms with shells are bent at the elbows at an angle of about 45 degrees.

Next, you should carefully reduce and spread dumbbells, as if trying to hug an invisible tree with your hands. After just a few approaches, you can feel the load on the desired muscle groups, and after a few weeks of such exercises, the first results will be noticeable.

Carefully! It is necessary to dose the efforts correctly when performing this exercise with weighting. It is necessary to control the movement of the hands, which should not deviate from the original angle of 45 degrees. Efficiency is noted with 4-5 approaches.

With dumbbells on the bench, you can also perform an exercise such as Pullover. It simultaneously engages the muscles of the shoulders and chest. To perform, you will need dumbbells weighing 2-3 kg. The considered exercise is performed lying down, with the support of the back in the bench. The body is perpendicular to the bench, the legs are bent at the knees at a right angle and rest on the floor.

The shells must be carefully taken by the bar, after which, moving only the arms in the shoulders, the dumbbells should be lifted up and down. At the same time, you need to monitor the pelvic region, which should not rise from the bench, otherwise the pectoral muscles will not be worked out during this exercise.

Top 5 Most Effective Chest Exercises

If you make up a kind of top 5 exercises for tightening the pectoral muscles for women, then the following can be noted:

Exercise How to perform
Classic push ups.Take a starting position: lying on a gymnastic rug. Hands are placed strictly shoulder-width apart, hands are turned outward. The back is absolutely flat without deflection. Push-ups must be performed slowly, lowering the body straight to the floor and bending the elbows. The chest practically sinks, but you should not lie down on the floor. Do 10 repetitions in 3 sets.
Dumbbell bench press lying on the floor.Lie on your back, legs slightly bent. Dumbbells are taken in the hands, weighing 2-4 kg. Hands spread apart, shoulders touch the floor. Dumbbells rise vertically up until the arms are straightened. Performed at least 6 times in 3 sets.
Breeding hands with dumbbells.Starting position: sitting or standing. It is necessary to breed dumbbells in front of you, while the arms are slightly bent at the elbows. You should slowly spread and bring your hands together. Repeat depending on the weight of the dumbbells from 10 to 20 times.
Bar push-ups.This exercise will require appropriate physical strength. You should grab the handrails as wide as possible, the body should be perpendicular to the floor. The legs are bent at the knees, at the entrance they slowly lower the body down, supporting it exclusively with their hands. Then also slowly and gently lift the body up. Perform at least 5 repetitions.
Skier.They stand up straight, take small dumbbells in their hands. Hands imitate the movements of a skier and his swing with sticks. Hand movements from the hip, smooth. For a good result, women are recommended to perform such exercises for tightening the pectoral muscles for at least 2 minutes.

Important to remember! Any, even the most effective, exercise must be performed correctly. This applies both to the position of the body during such training, and the intensity of repetitions, the correct observance of the number of approaches and maintaining the interval between each exercise and approach.

Yoga for tightening the pectoral muscles

Various yoga exercises are very popular today, which allow you to improve health, as well as correct the shape of the chest, provide a seductive look to the figure.

Bow pose. It is necessary to lie on your stomach and try to reach your ankles with your hand. A deflection is made on inspiration, and stretch upwards for 5 seconds. As you exhale, relax, lower your arms.

Camel pose. The kneeling position, after, the feet rest on the floor, and the body is kept straight. Starting from the waist, strongly pull the arms up. At the same time, try to lean back.

yoga exercises can improve health, correct the shape of the chest, provide a seductive look to the figure.

Sitting on a chair, you need to take your palms back and lean on the chair. You need to move to the very edge of the chair, then spread the shoulder joints and close the shoulder blades. The weight of the body is concentrated on the arms.

A set of exercises for tightening the chest muscles from Camilla Voler

Camilla Woler is a well-known fitness specialist who has developed various gymnastics and high-performance exercises to support the female figure.

Elephant exercise. It is necessary to bend forward, the back is parallel to the floor. They make active swings with both hands, while slowly turning their heads behind them.

Exercise Albatross. You need to stand up straight with your legs slightly apart. The arms are extended to the sides, the palms are turned to the top. Take your hands behind your back and actively stretch.

Tennis ball. To perform this exercise, you will need a tennis ball., which must be taken in the hand and squeezed with force, the elbows should be directed to the sides. With a certain skill, you can perform this exercise even without the ball, squeezing your palms. Despite the apparent simplicity, the exercise in question tightens the chest well.

Note! Camilla Voler's workouts can be found on the Internet, which presents not only a complex for strengthening the chest, but also exercises for a beautiful and toned figure.

Exercises for tightening the pectoral muscles from oriental geisha

Since ancient times, female beauty has been valued in the east. In particular, Oriental geisha succeeded in this, who knew the secrets to restore the former beauty of the female breast and maintain its shape.

It is necessary to stand on toes, put your hands on your belt, and then rhythmically take your elbows back. It is recommended to repeat the exercise at least 30 times. It is extremely important to breathe correctly while pulling the elbows back, inhaling through the mouth and exhaling through the nose. The chest should be pushed forward when the elbows are abducted.

Another effective exercise that is popular in the east. It allows you to align and maintain posture, improve the shape of the chest. Kneeling, you need to lean on a small and low stop, located a meter from the practitioner.

Bend the body, touching the edge of the stop with the chest. Then, solely by the power of the hands, they return to their original position. Performing this exercise, you should not bend in the lower back, holding your hands correctly.

Exercises for tightening the pectoral muscles (for women): in pictures

There are numerous effective complexes for correcting breast muscles in a woman. Such exercises are not difficult, so they can be easily performed at home. Being engaged correctly, you can notice the first effect just a month after the start of training.

The best chest exercises for women that can be done both at home and in the gym:

Exercises at home for tightening the pectoral muscles:

Every girl dreams of having a beautiful and toned body. Especially when it comes to breasts. In order for the bust to be in shape, and the chest to be beautiful and elastic, it is necessary to keep the pectoral muscles in shape.

Sport is the best means for this. With age, the breast tends to sag, becomes less elastic. Many believe that it is impossible to deal with this problem. But masking not too spectacular areas with special bras is not an option. It is important to improve the condition of the body.

Simple workouts and exercises for the pectoral muscles will help you to like yourself again and be satisfied with your physical shape.

Do not be upset if there is no opportunity to visit the fitness center, because this is completely optional. Training in specialized places is quite expensive. At home, it is quite possible to achieve excellent results regarding physical fitness by choosing a set of the most effective exercises for yourself. Beauty is available to everyone!

Sport is a panacea for a figure

Not everyone believes in the effectiveness of sports exercises. But understanding the algorithm of the impact of physical activity on the body is quite simple to understand what the help of exercises for the pectoral muscles is.

It has long been known and proven fact that it is possible to pump up muscles.

The build-up of muscle mass leads to the fact that the skin in pumped up places is stretched.

There are no sagging areas, which, first of all, give out the senile sagging of the body. This is exactly what happens with breasts. Since these muscles can also be successfully pumped, this contributes to the growth of the bust, makes it elastic and gives it a beautiful shape.

A beautiful body provides complete freedom in choosing clothes. This is worth striving for!

First step towards sports

Fitness, Pilates, yoga, or banal trips to the gym - this is what you hear about almost every day. But, if you have not previously made friends with sports in your life, it is always difficult to start.

The first thing that scares people is their own physical unpreparedness. But you can start training at absolutely any age, and if you do it at home, there is nothing to complex at all.

You should draw up a so-called training plan:

  • warm-up;
  • exercises;
  • short break;
  • exercise again;
  • warm-up.
When the classes are over, it is necessary to relax the body and relieve local tension.

A set of exercises

Everyone selects a set of exercises on their own, but after some time of training. The body itself tells you what is best suited for a particular person by trial.

Consider exercise options for female pectoral muscles.

Press your back against the wall, hands at this moment should be joined together, as for prayer. The palms press against each other with all their might. Pay attention to how the chest is slightly tense, and its shape becomes more prominent.

The more classes, the more likely it is that a clear form will remain in a free position.

Do not open your arms for 10 seconds. Then take them forward, relax, and repeat the exercise again. You should start with 7 approaches.

Stand in the doorway, hands should push hard on the jamb, then, holding on to your hands, lean forward. So the load will increase.

Stand facing the wall and start pushing it as if you are trying to move it. Rest for about 2 minutes. Repeat the exercise for a start should be three times.

Taking dumbbells of 1.5-2 kg, try with your hands to repeat the movement of a skier who sorts with sticks while skiing. Namely, you should make smooth movements of the hands from the chest to the hip. Hold your hands in one position at chest level for a couple of seconds and continue on.

Banal are very useful.

In one day, and it is better to train daily for quick results, you need to do 20 push-ups.

At first, you can do it intermittently, then it should be possible without stopping. If the body is completely untrained, you can do push-ups immediately not from the floor, but from a low bench or table.

During training, you should drink water in small sips.

Do not drink in large and too frequent sips,

For the next exercise, lie down on the floor. In each hand, dumbbells 1.5-2 kg. Hands with a load simultaneously rise up and fall down. At the end of the exercise, the muscles should feel tired.

Sitting on a chair with a flat back, bend your elbows with dumbbells so that the load is at chest level. The arm up to the elbow should be pressed to the sides, in this position we try to spread our arms bent in different directions as much as possible. We do 8 times.

To avoid krepatura, and the next day, after training, you can take a hot bath or at least a shower.

Video of effective exercises for the pectoral muscles, this complex helps to strengthen and lift the chest, contributes to its increase.

Normalize the load, do not try to do everything at once. Muscles must get used to such tests.


Good news for the ladies: no matter how much they laugh at the women's habit of putting fashion in a priority, but even for sports activities, the beautiful half of humanity will have to acquire a special sports wardrobe. For exercises aimed at developing the pectoral muscles, it is required to wear very tight T-shirts or tops, made from special material.

Some people have the notion that sportswear should be loose-fitting so as not to restrict movement and allow the body maximum mobility. But everything is completely different.

The chest under its own weight can sag, fluctuate during fitness.

This can spoil its shape, besides, some pain in the owners of a magnificent bust is not ruled out, because such a breast needs support.

Sports tops fix the chest and do not allow it to fluctuate, keep it in the right position. So the exercises will be more effective.

Sportswear top options:

  • t-shirts;
  • tops;
  • seamless sports bras.

For the formation of beautiful forms, the key is precisely the systematic. Only regular practice can bring results.

Remember: the longer you exercise, the better and healthier your body becomes!

No matter how the fashion for female appearance changes, beautiful, toned breasts are an essential attribute of an attractive woman. In pursuit of a beautiful bust, the fair sex resorts to the services of a plastic surgeon and cosmetic procedures. At the same time, girls sometimes forget about such an effective method as physical activity. Unlike a surgeon's scalpel, the result will be obtained exactly as nature allows. The first breast size will not turn into the fourth. The girl will need willpower and a great desire to work on herself. This article will describe the most effective exercises that correct the shape of the breast, allowing you to tighten it, improve skin condition.

chest exercises

Before looking for classes, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the structure of the female mammary gland. The female breast consists of such components as:

  • glandular tissue of the mammary gland - lobules consisting of acini, ducts and connective tissue;
  • adipose tissue;
  • muscles - pectoralis major and minor.

When training the pectoral muscles, many make a lot of mistakes.

The glandular tissue in a non-nursing woman does not affect the size of the entire breast. The number of lobules is approximately the same for all women. But during the feeding period, due to the arrival of milk, the mammary gland can increase by several sizes.

Adipose tissue is the main element that affects the volume of the female mammary gland. The fat content is determined by the constitution, the nature of the girl's diet. Fat distribution is determined solely by genotype. There are thin women with a large mammary gland, and full women with a small one.

Muscles have an influence on the size of the mammary gland, but not decisive. Performing even the best exercises for the pectoral muscles, it will not change its size significantly. However, this can improve the shape well, tighten it without resorting to a surgical lift.

The load of the pectoral muscles usually has the following main goals:

  • increase the size;
  • breast lift;
  • reduce size;
  • replace the protruding ribs of the decollete with muscle tissue.

When building the pectoral muscle, you should tune in to serious physical activity.

The most effective classes include visiting the gym, working with weights.

In the gym, a preliminary program is usually required, including a set of classes for girls, which is desirable to develop with a trainer. You will also need a diet. Usually, when exercising in the gym, girls want to remove fat in certain places for weight loss. However, when building muscle mass in the décolleté area, a protein-enriched diet is required, since with a lack of calories, not only fat, but also muscle tissue will leave the chest.

Coaches usually offer the following loads:

  • basic, to strengthen the muscle corset and burn fat;
  • insulating;
  • work with your own weight.

The basic loads for the pectoral muscles include:

  • bench press - the main base load. Works out large (pectoral) muscles;
  • bench press at an angle. For the top of the pectoral muscles;
  • push-ups on bars.

We perform push-ups, trying not to bend too much in the lower back

Additional insulation loads:

  • dumbbell wiring;
  • crossovers or mixing hands on blocks while standing;
  • exercises on the simulator "butterfly".

Bodyweight Exercises:

  • straightening arms on the uneven bars;
  • push-ups from the floor in different versions.

All these loads affect the muscles of the chest, but effects such as enlargement and tightening are achieved by their various combinations.

Important! You need to decide on the desired effects. If you perform all types of loads in a row, there is a risk of losing the feminine shape of the figure.

chest exercises at home

It is better to start the exercise with a small weight for 15 repetitions, and then, gradually increasing the weight of the dumbbells, you can reduce the number to 8 times.

There are situations when there is no time and opportunity to go to the gym, especially if a woman has small children or her work involves frequent business trips.

In such cases, it is desirable to have a set of exercises for the home without all the sports equipment or with a minimum set of shells. At home, it is much easier to find time, since a person is no longer limited by the gym's working hours.

For more effective home workouts, you will need a minimum set of shells:

  • fitball;
  • dumbbells or sand bottles;
  • stool.

You should start the lesson with a warm-up. Warm up all the joints involved in the workout. The main load will be on the elbow and shoulder joints. Several rotational multidirectional movements will help prepare the joints for stress. The best activities for home:

  • push ups;
  • dumbbell bench press on the floor;
  • wiring weights on fitball;
  • squeezing the weights on the fitball.

Push-ups are the most obvious of all possible exercises at home. In terms of efficiency, it is comparable to a bench press.

Such push-ups are suitable even for those who do not have the best physical fitness.

How to do push-ups:

  • lie down, palms are at shoulder level, body and head should be parallel to the floor;
  • bending your elbows, lower yourself to the floor;
  • take the starting position.

Important! When exercising, do not fully straighten your elbows to prevent overloading the joints.

There are also different variations of push-ups depending on the location of the hands relative to the shoulders. For girls, women without physical fitness, push-ups make it a little easier. The shins are crossed behind the back, and the knees lie.

For more trained people, push-ups with raised legs are suitable. The legs are located above the level of the head or on a fitball (stool or sofa). The brushes lie flat. This type of load helps to work out the décolleté area.

Dumbbells or sand bottles are required for the bench press:

  • lie on your back, keep your legs slightly bent, shoulders and elbows on the floor. A right angle is formed between the shoulder and forearm;
  • from this position, squeeze the weights up
  • lower your shoulders and forearms to the surface.

This exercise is isolating, i.e. uses only one joint, so you can work with much less weight than in bench presses or push-ups

The bench press on the fitball is performed in the same way, with the only difference that the back lies on the projectile. To spread your arms, you should position yourself on the fitball so that your back is on the fitball, the pelvis is just below the knees. The forearms should be extended, slightly bent at the elbows. Keep dumbbells parallel to each other. Raise the dumbbells to parallel with the floor, then return to the starting position.

Important! To build mass and strength, the number of workouts should not exceed two times a week. The number of repetitions should be for untrained women no more than 2-3 times in 3 sets. Over time, the number of repetitions should be increased to 3-5 times in 3-4 sets.

Breast Enlargement Exercises

Breast augmentation is the most common desire of women involved in the development of the pectoral muscles. To increase the volume of the mammary gland, the pectoral muscles should be enlarged. “Is it possible to pump muscles” is a question that worries many women. It is possible, but only if you take medications and when the sports complex is incorrectly designed. What exercises are needed to increase the female breast:

  • bench press with dumbbells;
  • push ups;
  • push-ups on the uneven bars;
  • dumbbell wiring;
  • information on the "butterfly".

Starting position: lying on the floor. Hands with dumbbells are spread apart, elbows are bent, fists look up

Push-ups are also performed at home, they are well suited for the growth of pectoral muscles. The technique has been described above. Girls with low physical data can do push-ups with an emphasis on their knees. How to perform a bench press:

  • classic bench press is performed on a horizontal plane. The barbell is placed opposite the eyes.
  • the neck is removed from the frame, fixed with outstretched arms;
  • the neck is lowered to the chest;
  • after touching, the bar is squeezed up.

For push-ups on the uneven bars, do:

  1. Grab the bars with outstretched arms.
  2. The torso goes down, the arms are bent at the elbow joints, while they should look to the sides.
  3. Extend your arms.

The exercise is aimed at working out the upper chest, so it will be especially useful for thin women.

Dumbbell bench press on a horizontal surface. For this you need:

  1. Lie down, put your feet on the floor.
  2. Bend your arms at the elbow joints at a right angle. Dumbbells are at eye level.
  3. Dumbbells are squeezed up during inhalation.

Breeding hands with dumbbells:

  1. Lie down with your feet on the floor, straighten your arms, slightly bent at the elbows.
  2. Lower the dumbbells to the sides until parallel with the floor.
  3. Return to starting position.

Information in the butterfly simulator:

  1. Sit on the simulator, rest your back, grab the handles.
  2. While inhaling, bring the handles together, linger a little in this position.
  3. Spread your hands.

Important! To improve blood circulation, it is necessary to massage before training. You should also not neglect some of the possibilities of yoga, especially after all the stretching and relaxation classes.

Breast lift exercises

Many women are concerned about how to tighten their breasts, especially after breastfeeding and after childbirth. For women, girls with sagging breasts after guards, more than one set of exercises has been developed.

Starting position: lying face up, the reference points are the buttocks and upper back. Hands with dumbbells are straight, brought together above the chest

You can tighten the mammary glands by increasing the volume of the upper part of the pectoralis major muscle. To pump the top of the pectoral muscles, you can perform all the same effective loads as for volume growth, but not on a horizontal plane, but on an inclined one. Tilt angle 35-45 degrees. The execution technique is similar to working on a horizontal bench. List of stretching exercises:

  • bench press on an inclined surface;
  • push-ups from the floor in a position where the legs are higher than the head;
  • breeding with dumbbells on an inclined plane.

Important! It should be remembered that a lift and an increase are not the same thing. A small mammary gland may be tucked up, while a large one may be saggy. The most effective exercises for muscle growth may not contribute to the tightening.

Breast reduction exercises

Despite the fact that the recognized standard of beauty is a large bust, there are rare situations when, in order to create eye-pleasing proportions in women, it is necessary to reduce the size of the mammary glands. In such a situation, effects that reduce body fat are desirable.

In order for the chest to be taut, it is necessary to perform exercises to strengthen the ligaments, as well as the deltoid muscles (shoulders) and arms

First of all, you need to adjust your diet, you need to create a calorie deficit. Secondly, enhanced cardio training, an abundance of aerobic exercise is required. Under such conditions, fat will leave all parts of the body. In order to focus on this particular area, it is advisable to include physical activity for the pectoral muscles in the complex of activities once or twice a week.

What to do effective exercises to reduce the volume of the mammary glands:

  • all types of presses;
  • dilution of hands;
  • push ups;
  • wiring in the "butterfly".

Important! A feature of the performance is a significant number of repetitions and approaches. If 6-7 reps and 3 sets are enough to build mass, then for fat burning it is necessary to increase the number of repetitions to 8-12 and 4 sets.

Exercises for beautiful breasts

The concept of beauty usually includes criteria:

  • form;
  • elasticity;
  • size;
  • skin conditions.

Squeezing. Starting position: standing, back straight, arms brought together in front of the chest with palms to each other

Most of these parameters are provided by heredity and cosmetic procedures. Excessive desire to build muscle mass can disrupt forms. Therefore, the complex of measures should contain means for building muscles and for tightening. You can work out with dumbbells and do some "non-exercise" techniques, such as squeezing your hands or "scissors". It is necessary to compress the brushes according to special rules. Fold your hands with your palms facing each other, squeeze them tightly for 20-30 seconds. Repeat 6-8 times. Scissors are performed while standing. Stretch your arms and perform scissor-like movements at a fast pace. A burning sensation should be felt in the muscles.

Exercises for an elastic chest

Elasticity is a sign of youth, fitness. This parameter is influenced not only by the amount of adipose tissue, the development of pectoral muscles, but also by posture. Posture is provided by the muscles of the back. Most trainers recommend combining pectoral muscle training with back exercises. A stooped back is more likely to lead to sagging mammary glands in women than lactation.

To develop posture, the following techniques are popular in the gym among girls:

  • vertical block thrust;
  • thrust of the horizontal block;
  • pull-ups.

To pull the vertical block, you must sit in the simulator facing the block. Lower your knees under the pillow for stabilization. Take a wide grip on the bar and slowly pull the block to the chest. To perform the traction of the horizontal block, it is necessary to sit down, resting your feet on the platform, bending them at the knees. Then, holding the handle of the block, pull it to the waist. Perform the required number of repetitions. Do not forget about working with dumbbells. The condition of the mammary glands and the skin above them, in addition to sports, is influenced by many factors: pregnancy, lactation, etc. It is necessary to eat right, take care of the skin of the decollete area, and avoid ultraviolet radiation. Such recommendations, together with physical exercises, will help not only maintain beauty, but also health.

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