Exercises. Nutrition. Diets. Workout. Sport

Interesting facts about famous athletes. The most interesting facts about athletes. The heaviest wrestler

Sports in your life. Schoolchildren about everyday sports

Everyday sports


Jogging is a wonderful sport that improves the functioning of the heart, lungs and blood circulation. The more you run, the more calories you burn and the stronger your muscles become. Running can burn you! 300 calories in half an hour.

The deep and frequent breathing of a runner is an excellent breathing exercise, during which the lungs, liver, spleen, stomach are massaged. This massage prevents bile stagnation, eliminates constipation, reduces fat deposits in the omentum and abdominal cavity.

Running is an excellent way to strengthen the psyche. Nervous people, when they start running, become less hot-tempered and irritable. People who run are always cheerful, active, and confident.

How to start running correctly? During the first week, set a goal for yourself: 10-15 minutes of continuous running or one and a half kilometers daily. You should rest when you lose your breath after running 100-400 meters or after 2-3 minutes of movement. Walk until you regain your breath, then resume jogging. Repeat this alternation until the time allotted for classes has expired or you have covered the intended distance. Over time, you will find that running becomes easier and you will finally be able to run for 15 minutes without stopping.

Jog at a pace that is comfortable for you. Choose a pace that allows you to breathe freely and carry on the conversation. You can run with a friend and chat about something while moving. If you're running alone, try muttering something under your breath. If you are unable to talk while running, then do not overexert yourself.

When jogging, you don't need to raise your knee high to put your foot forward. The knee should only bend to bring the leg straight forward, without wasting additional energy on lateral movements.

Try to place your foot either on the entire foot or on the heel, so that each step is cushioned. Only sprinters place their feet on their toes. Their speed is much higher, as is the tension that falls on the leg muscles.

The position of the hands is relaxed, they should be located quite low. Shake your shoulders and arms to make sure they are relaxed.

Strive for naturalness, you will gradually automatically develop the optimal running technique, which will allow you to cover long distances.

To avoid getting tired of running, you just need to avoid monotony, fixation of speed and not run alone. Change routes more often; even the same route, if run in the opposite direction, may seem unusual.

At the beginning of classes, it is better to go to a park for training, where there are many other joggers, and you will not feel awkward. If you are training at the stadium, it is not advisable to run on the track, because it is quite tiring. But if there is no other suitable place, train on it. Cover a certain distance, for example, 3 kilometers. The greater distance covered on a stadium track usually discourages beginners from practicing. They usually say that it is a very boring and monotonous activity.

Training will give the greatest effect of tension if there is an opportunity to restore strength the next day. Therefore, the load the next day should be light - at the initial stage of training it can be either just rest or walking, and later 5 kilometers at an easy pace.


Cycling is a good way to strengthen your legs, heart and lungs, and also allows you to get rid of 330 calories in half an hour.

A bicycle with a regular high handlebar makes it possible to maintain a beautiful posture and makes riding it beneficial for the back muscles.

The choice of bicycle should depend on the purpose for which you need it, that is, for serious cycling or just for pleasure riding around the city and outside the city.

You can choose any clothes for cycling: a shirt, a T-shirt and comfortable shoes, but you should avoid wide trousers that can get caught in the wheels.


The meaning of the game is as follows: two teams of six players each send a leather or rubber ball through a net about 2.5 meters high above the ground. It is allowed to use any part of the body above the waist to strike, but usually players strike with their hands clenched into a fist.

The opposing team's job is to prevent the ball from touching the floor within the court. A team loses a point if the ball hits the net or lands out of bounds.

Volleyball helps develop joint strength and mobility, while stretching and jumping exercises have a beneficial effect on posture. Until you have gained sufficient experience in this game, hitting your hand, head or other part of the body can cause pain and bruises.

Dress code: shorts and a T-shirt, sports shoes with rubber soles, or barefoot if the game is on the beach. By playing volleyball, you can lose 175 calories in half an hour.


Ice skating develops overall mobility, improves blood circulation, posture and will help you control your weight - 200 calories in half an hour is a very good result. It also helps develop coordination, and the music played on the skating rink will help you learn to feel the rhythm.

The only thing you will need to practice this sport is boots with skates, which you can rent at any skating rink, but keep in mind that the skates must be well sharpened. Shoes should be at least half a size smaller than your shoes. They should be worn with thin socks. A sweater and trousers will complement your wardrobe. If you are a beginner, then gloves and a helmet will not hurt you.

Roller skating

Roller skating is easy to learn. It is very enjoyable and good for overall mobility, strengthens your legs, and burns 175 calories in half an hour. To practice roller skating, you need to have knee and elbow pads.

You can roller skate anywhere where it does not create inconvenience or danger for passers-by. In addition to roller skating rinks, there are specially designated areas in the parks for this purpose. Many skating rinks have clubs and trainers who can help you learn to skate faster.


Skiing is one of the best sports for maintaining excellent body condition. When you ski, turning, bending and pushing off with poles, you develop the flexibility of your knee joints and ankles. You can lose 300 calories in half an hour of skiing.

When you buy or rent skis, check that the bindings are installed correctly and hold the boots well. Shoes should completely fit the foot, especially at the ankle. The best choice for skiing is a nylon waterproof ski suit worn over a sweater. You will also need a cap to cover your ears and thick gloves.

Jumping rope

Jumping rope can be part of a set of exercises to develop muscles or improve your figure. They help strengthen the body and muscles, improve posture. This is a good warm-up that increases endurance and coordination, and is good for the heart and lungs. By jumping rope, you can easily lose 400 calories in half an hour.

Muscle pain and difficulty breathing are normal side effects in this sport. Try to jump at a good pace, keeping your back straight, lifting your feet off the ground just enough to jump over the rope and then land softly on the balls of your feet. It is recommended to breathe through your nose.

Alternate jumps forward and backward, land on different feet, skip the rope twice in one jump. Try to increase the duration of the lesson to 15 minutes a day.

It is very important to purchase a good jump rope. It is made of leather or heavy synthetic fibers and has balls at the ends for soft rotation. For jumping, loose clothing and sports shoes with rubber soles are suitable. It is advisable to jump on a soft surface.


When dancing, you lose calories: modern dancing - 300 calories per half hour; ballroom – 200; folk – 225; ballet – 200; tap dance – 200.

All types of dancing are excellent physical exercises. They improve coordination, flexibility and mobility, are good for the heart and lungs, and if you dance vigorously enough, you can lose excess weight.

Ballet. This type of dance requires a lot of discipline and control. You need to start doing it at an early age.

Ballroom dancing. A very beautiful type of dance, especially when it comes

about competitions. You can practice in special ballroom shoes, and they should have a light and flexible sole. You cannot wear new shoes for dancing.

Folk dances. These dances are less formal and very crowded. Their members just want to have a good time, not follow fashion.

Jazz, modern dance, disco. All these dances depend on how well you can improvise. Basically, these are gymnastic exercises that help a person keep in shape. The sooner you start dancing, the better - you will be more relaxed, very flexible, uninhibited, and have a creative imagination.

Tap dancing. It can be danced solo or in a group; In both versions, the task is the same - to work out a chain of steps. If you dance slowly, you can learn tap dancing very quickly, and you don’t have to lift your legs high, you just need flexible knees and feet.


Playing doubles tennis at a relaxed pace is fun, intense singles play burns 220 calories in half an hour, trains the heart and lungs, increases flexibility, helps strengthen the abdominal muscles and is also fun.

Although tennis can be played at different levels with equal pleasure, it still requires a certain skill to serve and hit, and here you need a coach. The goal of the game is not only to throw the ball over the net within the white lines that border the court, but also to win the serve.

Common clothing for playing tennis is: white shorts, a T-shirt, socks and white sports shoes with rubber soles. When purchasing a racquet, you or your parents should consult with a specialist to choose it according to your height and weight. A racket in a wooden case is stored only under pressure. If you are not going to regularly and professionally play tennis, but play only for your own pleasure, then you can rent a racket at any court.

Tennis is traditionally played in the summer, but indoor courts give you the opportunity to play all year round.


Skateboard - riding on a rollerboard. Now this sport is very popular among young people. It’s better to start on a quiet and empty paved area with a girlfriend or friend who is already familiar with this sport. Don't forget about knee pads, elbow pads, gloves, and a helmet. Use a factory skateboard, as a homemade one is unsafe.

Never ride on roads or on crowded sidewalks. You shouldn't start studying on a very gentle slope. Don't try to stay on the skateboard until you fall. It's better to jump off and try to do it all over again.

Skateboarding is a rather dangerous sport, and in order to prevent accidents, you need to ride very carefully. It is very important to adhere to the main rule - never exceed the speed at which you are able to jump off the board without falling.


Swimming is a loss of 175 calories in half an hour. Swimming perfectly develops the heart and lungs, overall mobility and strength of the body, and regular and vigorous swimming increases endurance. There are several types of swimming: the most intense is crawl; breaststroke is the least difficult type of swimming; there is also backstroke and butterfly.

The big dangers to avoid when swimming are immersion in cold water, which raises blood pressure, and too much strain. However, failure to swim poses an even greater danger.

In any swimming pool there are groups for beginners where you can sign up to learn how to swim.

The following facts about athletes will remind you of something that everyone has long forgotten.

1. Famous thinkers of Ancient Greece (Demosthenes, Socrates, Hippocrates, Democritus, Aristotle) ​​at one time took part in the Olympic Games. Moreover, Pythagoras became famous as a champion in fist fighting, and Plato - in the martial arts pankration.

2. Back in 1932, the 100-meter race was conquered by an athlete from Poland, Stanislava Walasiewicz. Then she set a world record. And only in 1980, after her death, during an autopsy it was discovered that Stanislava Valasevich was a man.

This was revealed by the genitals, although the chromosome set of this person was both female and male.

3. Four-time alpine skiing World Cup winner and two-time Austrian Olympic champion Hermann Mayer has an interesting nickname in the Slavic interpretation - “Herminator”.

4. Chinese representative Song Minmin is the tallest basketball player in the whole world.

His height is 236 centimeters and his weight is 152 kilograms.

5. March 20, 1976 was remembered for the unusual match of Aston Villa against Leicester City.

Then Chris Nicholl, a first-team player, scored two goals each against the enemy and his own. The match ended with a score of 2:2.

6. Interesting facts about athletes also concern unusual, sometimes tragic, phenomena during competitions.

In 1998, during a soccer match in the Democratic Republic of Congo, lightning struck the field. 11 players from the visiting team died, 30 fans received burns. But representatives of the home team remained unharmed.

7. In 1957, baseball player Richie Ashburn hit a ball that hit a fan and smashed her face.

Surprisingly, after the game resumed, the same player again hit the same spectator who, after the previous blow, was carried out of the stadium on a stretcher.

8. Alexander Medved, a Soviet athlete, won ten world championships in freestyle wrestling - more than anyone else.

9. Haile Gebrselassie, the Olympic 10,000m champion from Ethiopia, has a special running style.

He presses his left arm closer to his body, more than his right, and bends it unusually. The athlete explains this posture during competitions by the fact that as a child he had to run 10 kilometers to school in the morning and back in the evening, holding textbooks in his left hand.

10. Usain Bolt from Jamaica is recognized as the fastest man.

In 2009, he set world records: he ran the 100-meter race in 9.58 seconds, and the 200-meter race in 19.19 seconds.

11. In ancient times, the Greeks played sports and competed naked at the Olympic Games.

Interesting facts about athletes will allow you to find out what everyone has long forgotten about!

  • 1. Famous thinkers of Ancient Greece (Demosthenes, Socrates, Hippocrates, Democritus, Aristotle) ​​at one time took part in the Olympic Games. Moreover, Pythagoras became famous as a champion in fist fighting, and Plato - in the martial arts pankration.
  • 2. Back in 1932, the 100-meter race was conquered by an athlete from Poland, Stanislava Walasiewicz. Then she set a world record. And only in 1980, after her death, during an autopsy it was discovered that Stanislava Valasevich was a man. This was revealed by the genitals, although the chromosome set of this person was both female and male.

  • 3. Four-time alpine skiing World Cup winner and two-time Austrian Olympic champion Hermann Mayer has an interesting nickname in the Slavic interpretation - “Herminator”.

  • 4. Chinese representative Song Minmin is the tallest basketball player in the whole world. His height is 236 centimeters and his weight is 152 kilograms.

  • 5. March 20, 1976 was remembered for the unusual match of Aston Villa against Leicester City. Then Chris Nicholl, a first-team player, scored two goals each against the enemy and his own. The match ended with a score of 2:2.

  • 6. Interesting facts about athletes also concern unusual, sometimes tragic, phenomena during competitions. In 1998, during a soccer match in the Democratic Republic of Congo, lightning struck the field. 11 players from the visiting team died, 30 fans received burns. But representatives of the home team remained unharmed.

  • 7. In 1957, baseball player Richie Ashburn hit a ball that hit a fan and smashed her face. Surprisingly, after the game resumed, the same player again hit the same spectator who, after the previous blow, was carried out of the stadium on a stretcher.

  • 8. Alexander Medved, a Soviet athlete, won ten world championships in freestyle wrestling - more than anyone else.

  • 9. Haile Gebrselassie, the Olympic 10,000m champion from Ethiopia, has a special running style. He presses his left arm closer to his body, more than his right, and bends it unusually. The athlete explains this posture during competitions by the fact that as a child he had to run 10 kilometers to school in the morning and back in the evening, holding textbooks in his left hand.

Sport is not only about health, but also about the desire to be better and move forward. Sport also does not stand still; it develops and progresses along with humanity. New heroes appear, new records are set - both personal and team. The most interesting, fantastic and curious facts remain in the history of sports, in the memory of all fans, in our memory. We bring to your attention several interesting facts and statistics in sports.

1.Boxing was only legalized as a sport in 1900.

2.The only country that has participated in all World Cups is Brazil.

3. The youngest player in NHL history to score 50 or more goals and 100 or more points in a season and the youngest player to be voted the league's Most Valuable Player at age 19 was Wayne Gretzky in the 1979-80 season.

4. Contrary to the well-known misconception, in judo there are not 10, but 12 dans. True, not a single person was awarded the eleventh dan, and the twelfth was awarded to only one person - the founder of judo Dhigaro Kano.

5. In 1936, a hockey goalie mask was first used in Berlin by Japanese goalkeeper Tanaka Hoima.

6. Of the 51 matches held by Mike Tyson in the professional ring, he ended 21 by knockout in the first round (40.8%).

7. The mass of a table tennis ball is 2.5 grams.

8. The winners of the Stanley Cup are awarded a replica of the cup, and the original is kept in the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto.

9.After being hit by a professional volleyball player, the ball can fly at speeds of up to 130 km/h. And with the help of a hockey player’s kick, the puck can reach speeds of up to 160 kilometers per hour.

10.Approximately 30 percent of NBA players have tattoos on their bodies.

11.The fastest goal in the NHL was scored in the third second of the game.

12. According to research conducted by the Detroit Free Press, 68 percent of professional hockey players have lost at least one tooth on the ice.

13. The final game of the 1976 European Football Championship was Franz Backinbauer's 100th game for the West German team.

14. Viktor Onopko played the most matches for the Russian national football team: 109 games from 1992 to 2004.

15. The Vatican national football team played only one international match in its history - with the Monaco national team, which ended in a draw with a score of 0:0.

16. Real (Madrid) won the Champions League most often, including the Champions Cup - 9 times.

17. The tallest basketball player in the world is center Song Minmin (China). His height is 236 cm, weight is 152 kg.

18. In the first ten moves in chess there are 170,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ways to play.

19. In 1936, at the opening of one of the table tennis tournaments, Pole Alex Enrlich and Romanian Panet Farkas played one ball for 2 hours 12 minutes.

20. The youngest athlete to win a national championship was Jamaican Jay Foster. This happened in 1958. At that time he was only 8 years old.

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