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We complicate exercises on the press with dumbbells. Tilts with dumbbells: technique and benefits exercises Side tilts with dumbbells while standing benefits

The abdominal muscles and obliques of the abdomen require a special approach. Their development will emphasize the figure, help in performing many strength exercises. But if the goal is to reduce volumes, especially in the waist area, then you should be especially careful when doing slopes with dumbbells. Correct technique will be important, as well as the number of sets and repetitions. Imbalance can lead to an increase in centimeters, which the athlete wanted to get rid of.

Muscle atlas: what muscles work?

Anatomically, when the body is tilted to the side (as shown in the figure), the serratus anterior, external oblique, rectus and internal oblique muscles are included in the work. All of these muscles are located in the abdomen, that is, under the pectoral muscles. Some load also falls on the muscles of the lower back, which emphasizes the importance of observing the technique.

Muscles that work during exercise

Performing the exercise, the athlete works out those muscles that will subsequently determine the appearance of the waist and abdomen. However, it must be understood that with a significant fat layer, the study of these muscles will not be noticeable, which will negate any attempts to make this area expressive and embossed.

Benefits of the side bend exercise

Tilts with dumbbells allow you to work out the press, however, the athlete must understand that with an excess calorie intake and performing movements with significant weights, the muscles in this area will grow, which will lead to an increase in the waist. If your goal is to reduce volume, you will have to reconsider nutrition.

The following positive aspects of this exercise are distinguished:

  • Strengthening the oblique abdominal muscles and abdominal muscles.
  • Posture development.
  • The abdominal muscles become more elastic.
  • Fighting body fat (with the right approach).
  • The ability to diversify the training process.

Positive moments will take place only with the right approach to the training process in general and to the implementation of this exercise in particular.

Tilts with dumbbells: execution technique

Only the correct technique of tilting with dumbbells will achieve a positive result. It is also important to pay attention to the number of sets and repetitions, to focus on certain muscles in the process of training, to combine slopes with other movements, and so on.

How to do standing dumbbell curls

This is a classic version of the exercise, which is performed by the vast majority of athletes. To a greater extent, the oblique muscles of the abdomen (side), partially - the press and lower back are involved.

Compliance with technique is the main requirement for athletes. Otherwise, you can get injured in the lumbar region, especially when using large weights and not warming up. It is always necessary to start with a small weight and only gradually increase it.

The exercise is performed as follows:

  1. Feet must be placed shoulder width apart. In one hand is a dumbbell. It is better to start with a small weight (up to 5 kilograms) and gradually increase it.
  2. Shoulders should be straightened, hips - fixed in one position. Deflection in the lumbar region is not allowed.
  3. The first part of the movement is tilting towards the arm that is holding the dumbbell, not forward. Then it returns to its original position. If you feel pain, stop doing the exercise and consult a doctor and trainer.
  4. If the exercise is difficult, it is recommended to reduce the weight of the dumbbell. Slight bending of the knees is allowed.

Video instruction: standing dumbbell tilt technique

The number of repetitions and approaches is set individually. It all depends on the goals of the athlete, the level of his training, physique. If an athlete is working to reduce body fat, then it is recommended to perform a multi-repetition option (up to 5 sets, from 20 or more repetitions). The most effective option is a superset, that is, combining an exercise with other movements. For example, when pumping the press, you can do:

  • Leg raises for 20 reps.
  • Tilts with a dumbbell for 20 repetitions.
  • Twisting for 15-20 reps.

In total, several circles are performed, which allows you to significantly work out the abdominal muscles and oblique muscles in the complex.

Bent over sitting on a bench

The exercise can also be done while sitting. This option is considered isolated, that is, some muscles are included in the work to a greater extent (in this case, oblique ones) and the load on others (press, lower back muscles) is minimized.

This movement is recommended for beginners who cannot perform the exercise while standing, as well as for people who have some problems with the spine. Combination of movements is also allowed: for example, the “standing” option is performed first, and then “finishing” approaches are performed, in which the athlete will work out the oblique abdominal muscles while sitting.

Technique for performing the exercise from a sitting position:

  1. The athlete sits on a bench or bench. In the gym, you can use, for example, a bench for the bench press or another projectile of approximately the same height.
  2. The back is straight, the legs are slightly narrower than the shoulders.
  3. A dumbbell is taken in one hand (or two at once, both options are allowed). In the beginning, it is recommended to use the minimum weight.
  4. The athlete moves sideways towards the dumbbell, then returns to the starting position.
  5. The required number of repetitions and approaches are performed (12-15 for beginners).

Secrets of correct technique

When performing the exercise, you should be guided by a number of principles:

  • It is necessary to warm up before doing the exercise. Particular attention should be paid to the lower back.
  • Start with a little weight. It is recommended to use a dumbbell weighing 3-5 kilograms, gradually increasing the load.
  • The exercise is most effective when combined with other movements.
  • If you use a lot of weight and a low number of repetitions, you can achieve an increase in the abdominal muscles and oblique muscles, which will expand the waist.
  • If there are problems with the spine, then it is better to refuse to perform tilts with a dumbbell.
  • When losing weight, a multi-repetition version of the exercise is recommended; special effectiveness is observed when the movement is included in supersets.

The main point is the observance of the exercise technique. If you have questions, it is best to contact the trainer or study additional materials on the network.

A kettlebell can also be used as a weight, however, the minimum weight of a kettlebell is usually 16 kilograms, so at first it is better to pay attention to dumbbells.

Do side bends with dumbbells help to remove the sides and make a beautiful waist?

This exercise is quite effective for working out the oblique and serratus muscles. It also has some effect on the press. If the athlete has a relatively low percentage of body fat, then side bends will allow him to emphasize the waist and make him more athletic and attractive.

If the percentage of fat is high, then you should not count on a decrease in waist volume after the exercise. The effect can be exactly the opposite - an increase in muscle volume will lead to an increase in waist volume. That is why it is recommended to use the multi-repetition principle and the use of light weight.

In any case, it is worth remembering that inclinations alone will not help get rid of fat in the waist area. Local burning of fat is impossible in principle, it “leaves” the body as a whole, and the most effective method is proper nutrition, daily routine and a well-organized training process. Unfortunately, it is impossible to achieve a narrow waist and elastic buttocks by tilting alone, but they will help to make her more athletic and beautiful.

Incline with dumbbells is an effective exercise to do for the development of the oblique muscles of the abdomen and the press. In combination with other movements, it allows you to work out these muscles, making them more toned and attractive. However, slopes alone will not help get rid of extra centimeters. The exercise must be performed correctly, with the observance of technique, and its combination and association in supersets is considered the most effective.

Lord of all site and fitness trainer
Date of: 2012-05-29 Views: 277 083 Grade: 5.0

For what articles are given medals:

Core muscles -
Additional- no (with the right technique)
Difficulty of execution- light

Tilts to the side with dumbbells while standing - video

Weight and reps for beginners

For men: 10 - 15 reps (each side) 5 - 10 kg (each dumbbell). 2 - 3 approaches.
For women: 10 - 15 reps (each side) 3 - 5 kg (each dumbbell). 2 - 3 approaches.

Load on muscle groups

The load is indicated on a 10-point scale (the total load is summed up)

Description of the exercise

The exercise is very good at strengthening your oblique muscles. But I do not advise you to perform it with large weights and too often. Especially girls. Since it can lead to an increase in your oblique muscles in volume, and therefore to a thickening of your waist.

Main chips

1. Put your feet wider than your shoulders. This will allow you to lean lower without moving your pelvis. And that's pretty important. The pelvis must be fixed in place. 2. Lean straight to the side. Many, in pursuit of a deeper lean, move the body forward to lean a little lower. You don't need to do this. 3. Do not take dumbbells in each hand. Otherwise, the dumbbells will create a counterbalance for each other. Thus, nullify all your efforts. First train one side, and then the other. 4. Alternatively, you can perform tilts with your arms straight above your head. With this option, your oblique muscles will work even without a dumbbell. And if you take a dumbbell of 3 - 5 kg with both hands, then it will not seem enough to you. 5. Rising, you need to slightly deviate towards the working muscle, as if contracting it more strongly. This will increase the amplitude and efficiency of the exercise. 6. The weight should be such that you can do at least 15 repetitions. The less weight and more repetitions, the less likely you are to pump up your oblique muscles and increase your waist.

Side bends with dumbbells while standing is an isolating exercise aimed at working out the oblique muscles of the abdomen. It can be used by both beginners and experienced athletes. For this exercise, you will need one or two dumbbells. There is another option in which the slopes can be performed while standing with a barbell, hanging on both sides of the pancake.


1.Initial position: Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart (this way you can go a little lower, contracting your obliques even more). If you prefer to do the exercise with one dumbbell, put your free hand on your waist or lean on something, and take a dumbbell in your other hand.

2. When bending, keep your back straight and keep your head up, looking forward. If you hold the projectile in your right hand, inhale and lean to the left, if in your left, then lean to the right. Pause briefly at the bottom and return to the starting position. Remember, movements are performed in the belt.

3. Perform 12-15 repetitions on one side, take a dumbbell in the other hand and do the same number of repetitions on the other side. Remember to stop briefly at the bottom point to maximize the contraction of the oblique abdominal muscles.


1. Do not take too much weight, as this exercise can help increase the oblique muscles of the abdomen, which will lead to a thickening of the waist. This is especially true for girls.

2. Most people make the mistake of wanting to lean in deeper and push their torso forward a bit, this is not the way to do it. Tilts should be made strictly to the side, otherwise the effect will be insignificant.

3. Tilts to the sides can be performed both standing and sitting. There is also an option to perform the exercise with a barbell on the shoulders. In this version, you can hang two pancakes on the bar and secure them with a lock so that the pancakes do not fall out when tilted. In order to create an effect, the same as when performing slopes with one dumbbell, you can hang the plate on the barbell only on one side, again remembering to fix the plate with a lock.

4. It is best to perform the exercise with one dumbbell, because if you take the dumbbells in both hands, thereby they will create a counterbalance to each other. This will significantly reduce the load and effectiveness of the exercise. Therefore, it is best to do the exercise with one dumbbell.

5. The weight of the projectile should be such that you can do at least 10-15 repetitions. Remember, the less weight you take, the less likely you will be able to increase the volume of the oblique muscles and increase the thickness of the waist. With a small weight, you can tighten your muscles and increase your endurance.

(2 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

The exercise is recommended for all athletes, regardless of their level of training, especially for beginners. A pair of dumbbells serves as sports equipment. Correct tilts with dumbbells to the sides while standing strengthen the widest abdominal muscle - the external oblique, while allowing, which girls always try to achieve. A simple-looking exercise, however, requires concentration of attention, its correct implementation. Failure to comply, leads to the opposite effect - an increase in waist circumference.

Execution technique

The task is determined by bending the torso to the side, with dumbbells in the hands, such as:

  1. Stand up straight, keep your feet shoulder width apart. Take the sports equipment with the right hand with a direct grip, fix the left at the waist. Keep your head straight, straining the muscles of the upper and lower press.
  2. Take a short breath, tilt your torso to the right, while keeping your back straight. Bend down as low as possible, holding for a few seconds. Return to starting position - exhale.
  3. Take a dumbbell with your left hand with a straight grip, put your right hand on your waist. After a short breath, tilt towards the dumbbell. After a short hold, return to a vertical position with an exhalation.

Technically correct training will reduce the waist, subcutaneous fat. Here are some rules to help you do it right:

  • The position of the legs strictly corresponds to the width of the shoulders, the free hand is fixed on the belt;
  • The muscle tissues of the press are tense, the shoulders are straightened, the hips are in a stationary state, there is no deflection of the lumbar belt;
  • bending is carried out strictly straight to the possible position, the sports equipment slides along the line of the leg;
  • tilt stretches the opposite side of the torso, then the latter rises a little, including in work;
  • For beginners, the exercise can be facilitated by slightly bent knees when performing the tilt.

Failure to follow the rules leads not only to a lack of impact, but also to injury. For example, a tilt with a relaxed press does not load the oblique muscles, but the lumbar vertebral column. Instead of losing weight, a beginner threatens to earn money. The fixed position of the torso prevents the possibility of abrasion of the intervertebral plates, pinching of the nerve. Inadequate to the weight of the athlete, weighting agents contribute to an increase in the external oblique muscle, leading to an increase in the width of the waist.

It is recommended to perform up to 15 repetitions in each direction with 5-10 kg dumbbells for 2 sets. Women reduce the weight of the sports equipment by half with the same number of repetitions, approaches. Approaches alternate with a short rest, performed at a smooth pace. The simulator is additional, for grinding the relief.

What muscles work

This lesson is insulating, because it is designed only for the internal oblique muscles of the press, it is also recommended for the waist, reducing its width. When bending to the right side and slightly lifting the body from the dumbbell, the left obliques, both external and internal, are involved. The opposite bend connects the right obliques to work. Synergists are some small tissues located in the region of the vertebral column.

For example:

  • oblique muscles, they take the main load;
  • synergists acting simultaneously with them - the square muscle of the corset of the body, lumbar, ilio-lumbar, straightening - iliocostal;
  • Trapezoidal, shoulder blade holder, middle and small buttocks serve as stabilization.

The latter take the legs to the side, determine the beauty of the gait.


When performing dumbbell tilts to the sides, you need to follow some recommendations, for example:

  • pay attention to the movement of the sports equipment, it must slide parallel to the leg line;
  • Do not bend to the point of pain;
  • The bend occurs due to the work of the abdominals, and not other muscles;
  • The maximum point of inclination is characterized by a slight rise in the torso and a short delay in position;
  • involuntary deflection of the torso forward or backward is excluded;
  • it is not allowed to perform the exercise in fragmentary movements;
  • It is not recommended to use a large weight of weighting agents;
  • The number of approaches, repetitions varies from the degree of physical fitness.

Training is carried out no more than 2 times a week.

What can replace

The conservative version of the tilt with dumbbells is modified in the gym with a barbell, kettlebell, metal gymnastic stick - bodybar. The exercise is performed standing or sitting on a bench; a crossover seems to be an ideal option. The latter contributes to the development of the muscle tissue of the press, oblique. The training is carried out using the lower cargo block.

The absence of any weighting agent at home is compensated by the manipulation of hands. A simple tilt is performed by fixing them at the waist, a complication is added by clasped hands above the head. In the case of using homemade weights, you need to pay attention to the precautionary rules to avoid injury to the spine.

Everyone knows that a beautiful embossed press is the key to an attractive figure. That is why we are so eager to find effective exercises that will help us show off “cubes” on our stomach in a short time. There are many exercises and techniques that allow you to pump up the press and, if performed correctly, good results will not keep you waiting. However, if you think that such a load is not enough for you, we suggest that you try exercises for the press with dumbbells.

So the additional load on the abdominal muscles will make the exercises more effective and will allow you to achieve the desired results much faster. It must be emphasized that in the course of their implementation, it is not the number of repetitions that you have done that is important, but the number of approaches and the variety of exercises. Next, we will consider in detail the options for how to pump up the press with dumbbells.

Dumbbell ab exercises are based on classic exercises, but weights are used. The location of the dumbbell can be either behind the head or in front of you. It is better to start training with a small weight (up to 3 kg) and gradually increase it. It must be remembered that before proceeding to, you need to do a warm-up to warm up the muscles. A set of exercises for the press with dumbbells is an alternation of uniform loads on different groups of abdominal muscles, which will allow you to form a beautiful relief silhouette.

Exercises to work out the muscles of the upper press

Another option is no less effective. The starting position is similar to the first, but the arms are extended in front of you parallel to the floor. We make lifts of the upper part of the body. Exercises are performed 15 times in several approaches.

You can also try the exercise with a load, both on the upper and lower abs with dumbbells. To do this, we lie down on our backs, arms with dumbbells are located along the body, and legs are at right angles to the floor. As you inhale, slowly tear your shoulders off the floor and stretch your arms up. As you exhale, slowly lower yourself down. It is not recommended to perform this exercise abruptly so as not to damage the back muscles.

Exercises for oblique and lateral abdominal muscles

To work out this zone, we take a position - lying down and throw the left leg on the previously bent right. We securely fix the outstretched left hand perpendicular to the body, and take a dumbbell in the right and bend it. Now we stretch the right elbow to the left thigh. The exercise is performed 15 times, after which they change the arm and leg. This exercise allows you to use not only the oblique muscles of the press, but also the lumbar.

You can also try the following exercise. Starting position - lying on your back, legs bent, and feet firmly on the floor. Holding dumbbells in our hands, we alternately stretch to the right leg, then to the left. During execution, make sure that the muscles of the press are in tension, and not the back or legs.

Another exercise for the press with dumbbells “mill” also gives good results. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder width apart. We spread our arms to the sides and lower the body parallel to the floor, while in no case do we bend. Having firmly fixed the body in this position, we swing like a windmill. Turning the body, we try to touch the fingers of the opposite foot.

From physical education lessons, we know about body tilts to the sides. For this exercise, we need a medium weight dumbbell. We take a standing position. We take a dumbbell in one hand, put the other on the waist. Now slowly lower the hand with the dumbbell along the leg to the lowest possible level. It is very important that during the exercise the back is even, you cannot lean forward.

Exercises for the lower press

The lower part of the press will allow us to pump “body lifts on a chair”. And so, the starting position is sitting on a chair, while you need to fix the feet (at home, you can use the gap between the floor and the sofa). Crossing your arms over your chest, lower your body parallel to the floor. It is important to ensure that the buttocks are on the very edge of the chair surface. Now slowly rise and return to the starting position. To make this exercise more difficult, take a dumbbell in each hand.

You can also work out the lower press with dumbbells using the following exercise. Starting position - lying on your back, arms extended along the body. We bend our legs at the knees with a dumbbell sandwiched between the feet. While inhaling, we do leg raises without releasing the dumbbell. Exhale - slowly lower your legs. The range of motion should be maximum.

If the exercise seems not difficult enough for you, you can do it with straight legs. Please note that while lifting the legs, the lumbar muscles are also actively involved, so try to transfer the load to the press as much as possible.

If earlier the classic exercises seemed too boring to you, now you have the experience of how to pump up the press with dumbbells. Weights will make your workouts more productive and will soon help you achieve excellent results. Ab exercises with dumbbells are a very effective way to make your figure irresistible.

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