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Face fitness is the best exercise for facial rejuvenation. Fitness for the face, doing face culture, getting rid of jowls

Hearing the word “fitness,” many immediately imagine a gym filled with girls trying to lose extra pounds and tone up their flabby bodies. There are other training options. Face fitness is one of them. Facial exercises also help tidy up your appearance and eliminate imperfections caused by age and a relaxed lifestyle. The set of actions is broadcast completely free of charge, and it’s easy to get results. To achieve success in this matter, you need to become more familiar with the charging technique.

Alena Rossoshinskaya's approach

In Russia, when the combination of words “face fitness” is mentioned, women most often remember the method of Alena Rossoshinskaya. She developed her own program of exercises that tighten and sculpt her face.

A lawyer by training, Alena became interested in fitness and additionally completed training at the Faculty of Physical Rehabilitation.

In the present, Rossoshinskaya is an active trainer, a teacher of the program about a healthy lifestyle “Fitness for the Face” on the online channel, the author of 5 books promoting face fitness, an expert and an ardent fan of osteopathic principles of influence.

Alena has organized her own studio, where they conduct classes using her methods, and actively promotes her own methods of influence. Rossoshinskaya conducts training and education in the UAE, where he currently lives, in the cities of Europe, America, the Middle East and Russia.

Features of the technique

No matter how careful your skin care is, over time it loses its firmness, elasticity, and attractive appearance. The regularity and cost of cosmetic procedures does not play a significant role. Modern ladies have long switched to physiological prolongation of youth (fitness techniques for the face).

Regular exercise affects the condition of the muscles that hold the skin. Weakened muscles (lack of proper load, gradual age-related atrophy) become toned. The muscles increase in size, stretching and straightening sagging skin. As a result of exercises according to the method, wrinkles disappear, the correct contour is modeled, and a beautiful oval is formed.

The work process affects the restoration of natural tissue nutrition. Many internal processes are normalized (blood supply, lymph outflow, oxygen saturation). Thanks to the technique, normal complexion returns, swelling and bruising disappear, and a healthy glow appears.

Attention! Performing face fitness movements does not require a significant amount of time. You can master the technique yourself. Basic information on physiology, anatomy, descriptions or detailed video instructions of exercises is enough. 10 minutes of training every day and your face takes on a fresh, youthful appearance.

Set of exercises

Most of the exercises in the complex do not require special training. You can easily repeat them. Before performing the exercises of the main complex, you need to prepare: clean the skin, warm up the muscles.

At the initial stage, light stroking is carried out along the massage lines, “scratching” the scalp with fingertips. Actions help ensure the necessary blood flow and “wake up” the muscles.

The basic set of exercises is as follows:

  1. Exercise for the forehead area (strengthening muscles, smoothing wrinkles). Hands are placed on the forehead, lightly pressing the skin. In this position, create resistance with your muscles, trying to wrinkle your forehead. Fingers interfere with natural movement. Resistance helps strengthen muscles. The delay in a tense position is 15 seconds.
  2. Exercise for the eye area (elimination of “crow’s feet”). The index and middle fingers are placed at the outer corner and pressed firmly (the feeling of pain is unacceptable). They try to close their eyes (the muscles experience resistance). The voltage is maintained for 15 seconds.
  3. Exercise for the cheeks (elimination of jowls, wrinkles of the nasolabial triangle, strengthening of the lips). Fold your lips tightly and stretch them out as if for a kiss. The cheeks are pressed tightly. Move on to the next action: a wide smile with open teeth. Both movements alternate up to 20 times.
  4. Exercise for tightening the neck (eliminating the double chin). The head is thrown back up, with the chin “to the ceiling.” Make intense chewing movements. Be sure to feel tension in the neck muscles. The lower jaw is rolled forward and dynamic movements are made to the right and left.

Each exercise of the complex is repeated up to 20 times. After a series of movements they relax. Then proceed to the next block. There are many exercises for different muscle groups. They choose those that will be useful in achieving their goals.

Elimination of fine wrinkles often occurs after 1-3 weeks of regular training. Deep “furrows” and folds decrease after 1–2 months of complex treatment. Improvement in complexion, minimization of swelling and “bags” occurs in the first week of training.

Video instructions from Alena Rossoshinskaya for strengthening the oval of the face.

Gymnastics for beautiful eyes

The main rule of any workout: listen carefully to your body. Any advice or recommendations should be passed through yourself. It is advisable to carry out the exercise in an organized group with an individual approach from the trainer. To achieve an effective result, you need to read the author’s advice:

Gymnastics are done in front of a mirror. It is advisable to listen to this rule until the exercise is memorized. Visualization of movements will allow you to better understand the technology of actions.

  • The exercises are performed in order, gradually shifting the order. As the actions are mastered, new zones are added.
  • An intensive course of training lasts at least a month. At this time, be sure to exercise 1-2 times a day, without breaks. Having completed the basic course, it is permissible to reduce the load (perform exercises once a day), but do not relax by skipping classes.

Attention! It is important to work out the force of influence. Movements should not cause significant pain, but actions “half-heartedly” will not bring the expected result. Excessive load can aggravate the situation, weak load can unjustifiably disappoint you in the technique.

Face fitness classes will take only 10–20 minutes. Exercises are allowed both in the morning and in the evening. It is recommended to focus on the process, perform actions carefully, without haste. Then you will be able to achieve the stated result.

Safety regulations

All exercises of the complex are safe, the possibility of injury is minimal. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is advisable to gradually start working and not exceed the recommended load.

Optimal focus on the result is achieved by detaching from thoughts and affairs. The presence of outside “spectators” is unacceptable. Eliminate any distractions.


The procedure is refused in the following cases:

  • wounds, inflammation of the skin (herpes, eczema, cuts, acne);
  • oncology, problems with the heart, blood vessels, and other serious disorders;
  • after plastic and injection interventions.

It is advisable to stop doing exercises if your health worsens (fever, infectious diseases, blood pressure problems). When health stabilizes, procedures are resumed.

Face fitness can fit perfectly into your lifestyle. A simple and effective technique will definitely delight you with positive results, fill you with vigor and a positive attitude. When the result “minus 10 years” is achieved, the complex will definitely be included in the daily care program. The miracle technique will become favorite propaganda.

Useful videos

Fitness for the face “forget about old age.”

Face culture. “Gymnastics without complexes” program.

Facial techniques from Natalia Osminina.

Elena Karkukli. How to get yourself in order in the morning - simple and useful tips.

Exercises for the face to “not wrinkle” from Katya Energy.

The first signs of aging begin to appear on the face after 25 years, and by the age of 30 the process rapidly gains momentum. The further you go, the more reasons for excitement appear, but not a single woman wants to lose her beauty! If you want to cross the 40-year mark with elastic and velvety skin, you definitely need facial fitness. The technique has existed for more than 85 years; it is practiced by fitness instructors around the world, modifying and making their own adjustments. One of the famous instructors, Alena Rossoshinskaya, has developed her own exercises to help maintain youth. What is facial fitness with Alena Rossoshinskaya, how to perform these exercises and when to expect the first results you will learn from the article.

About facial fitness

Facial fitness, or as it is also called face-building, is a series of exercises aimed at restoring skin elasticity, correcting the oval of the face and combating the signs of age. In essence, this is a symbiosis of exercises for “pumping” facial muscles and self-massage.

The author of this technique is German plastic surgeon Reinhold Benz. He developed the first set of exercises for the facial muscles specifically for his ballerina friend, who after performing them looked ten years younger. Well, here it goes, as they say! The idea was quickly picked up in Europe and America. True, in Russia, facial fitness has been known in wide circles for no more than 10 years, and the peak of popularity came in 2011, when Alena Rossoshinskaya demonstrated a miracle technique on one of the popular TV channels “Live.”

About Alena Rossoshinskaya’s technique

There are plenty of photo and video materials on the Internet that allow you to master Alena Rossoshinskaya’s rejuvenation technique. However, Alena herself warns that not everyone will be able to learn it from videos on YouTube. Many women make a lot of mistakes by repeating exercises, thereby only aggravating their skin condition. Unfortunately, it is impossible to convey the force of pressure during a massage via video, but if you wish, you can take Alena’s training courses and then feel free to “make a face,” because this is how the word “face-building” is translated.

Fitness results for the face of Alena Rossishinskaya

Facial fitness with Alena Rossoshinskaya will allow you to achieve the following results:

  • You can rejuvenate your face without the participation of plastic surgeons, beauty injections or mesotherapy. The technique allows you to remove jowls, a double chin, bags under the eyes, and “crow’s feet” in the corners of the eyes.
  • The exercises are aimed at improving blood circulation in the tissues of the face, which will have a positive effect on its color.
  • By becoming younger and more attractive, you will feel more confident.
  • You will acquire lively, rich and aesthetic facial expressions.
  • You will always be in a good mood, and your reflection in the mirror will lift it.

Reviews indicate that the first results can be expected after the first week of classes, and after a month, women aged 30-40 years will see noticeable improvements. Older women will have to practice longer to achieve the same effect, about 2-3 months.

Exercises from Alena Rossoshinskaya

We will not describe to you all the exercises included in the “fitness for the face minus 10 years” complex from Alena Rossoshinskaya, since the author of the method has a lot of them. In addition, no text can convey the details that are visible in the video. That is why we are attaching a video with exercises, and below we will talk about a complex that allows you to remove a double chin. To perform it, it is enough to allocate about 10 minutes a day, but to achieve the desired effect, training should take place no less than 5 times a week:

  1. For this exercise you will need a regular towel. Wind it into a tight rope and place it under your chin, holding the ends in your hands. We rest our chin on the towel and press, maintaining tension for 5 seconds. Do 5 such approaches.
  2. The next exercise is performed with a ball with a diameter of about 15 cm. Place the ball under your chin and press on it. Perform 10 such pressures. If you don't have a ball, you can put your fists under your chin.
  3. Tilts of the head in different directions have a strengthening effect on the muscles. Perform bending movements without raising your shoulders.
  4. Place your palms on your forehead. Straining your neck muscles, overcome the pressure that appears.
  5. Stroke the side and back of the neck, using gentle movements.
  6. Close your hands on the back of your head and try to tilt your head back. This will tighten the neck muscles. Maintain tension for about 5 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
  7. We perform circular movements with our heads: 10 revolutions in one direction, the same in the opposite direction.
  8. The following exercise completes the complex: place your palm to your temple and press. Tighten your neck muscles and try to resist the pressure. After this, repeat the same with the other hand.

Regardless of whether you choose fitness for the face minus 10 years or any other proprietary method, of which there are plenty today, the following recommendations will help you maintain the results achieved for as long as possible:

  • Try to smile as often as possible. This has a beneficial effect on the facial muscles of the cheeks.
  • Simple conversations also have a beneficial effect on the appearance of your face. By talking, you train your muscles and help smooth out wrinkles.
  • Deep breathing improves the circulation of oxygen in the blood.
  • To improve the contour of your chin, chew gum, in reasonable quantities, of course.
  • Don't forget to take care of your facial skin, moisturize it and cleanse it thoroughly.
  • Remember the importance of healthy sleep for female beauty.
  • Try not to eat foods high in salt, as it retains fluid in the body, and this leads to edema.
  • Keep your body hydrated, drink enough fluids and this will make your facial skin elastic and fresh.

Alena Rossoshinskaya says that: “If you take proper care of your body, forgetting about your face, letting everything take its course, is simply unacceptable. It doesn’t matter how young you are, what’s more important is your desire to change for the better.”

Video: facial fitness with Alena Rossoshinskaya

The concept of “fitness for the body” is familiar to all of us, which cannot be said about fitness for the face. Today on the Podglazami.ru website we will talk about a unique method for preserving youth and expressiveness of the look, which is offered by Alena Rossoshinskaya - an osteopath, a specialist in physical rehabilitation, an international class face fitness trainer and the author of a book on this topic, the presenter of the “Facial Fitness” program "on the TV channel "Live" and is simply a charming woman.

A little about Alena Rossoshinskaya and her technique

Facial fitness or so-called face-building, which can be literally translated as “facial structure,” was developed more than 85 years ago. The idea of ​​working out the facial muscles in this way was enthusiastically received in Europe and the USA. In Russia, face fitness has been known not so long ago, and Alena Rossoshinskaya has been actively involved in popularizing this system.

She systematized the entire volume of previously known information on facial gymnastics and included it in her book, diluting the content with her own author’s techniques. So in 2014, a work entitled “Face Culture: Home Lifting for the Face and Neck” appeared on store shelves with a detailed description of the technique of performing anti-aging exercises.

Useful tips from Alena on caring for your face can be easily found on the Internet in the form of video tutorials. The popularity of facial fitness among women has increased many times after Alena began practicing this technique on the “Live” TV channel. Her face fitness program is complemented by lively interesting communication, various massage, meditation and relaxation programs.

Now let’s touch on the very concept of face fitness. This phrase covers a range of numerous exercises for the face, the action of which is aimed at solving certain problems:

  1. Droopy eyelids, tired look.
  2. Facial contours that have lost clarity.
  3. Double chin.
  4. Nasolabial folds, facial and age wrinkles in the bridge of the nose and forehead.

In order for our body to remain fit and slim longer, we must regularly expose it to physical activity in the gym. Strength training and cardio are the best ways to burn excess fat and build strong muscles.

Face fitness is a technique based on the same principle. A specially developed program contains a set of exercises that allow the facial muscles to maintain their elasticity even under the pressure of age-related changes. Systematization of these exercises, according to Alena Rossoshinskaya, significantly increases the tone of the facial muscles and improves tissue metabolism. Increased blood circulation allows the skin to remain fresh, smooth and healthy longer with an even tone.

According to Alena Rossoshinskaya, face fitness is not just an unquestioning and accurate reproduction of the actions performed by the trainer. To accurately follow the methodology, constant reasonable control over compliance with a certain code of rules is necessary.

In order for eye exercises to give noticeable results, you need to remember the following points:

  1. It is recommended to do gymnastics while standing in front of a mirror. This way you can protect yourself from making some mistakes.
  2. In order for a noticeable effect to be visible in less than a month from the start of face fitness classes, the exercises must be done systematically: in the morning and in the evening.
  3. Facial gymnastics should not cause pain, but finger actions should be intense and noticeable.
  4. Performing exercises requires attentiveness and composure. If there are distractions during gymnastics, it is better to reschedule the workout.
  5. The area around the eyes is practically devoid of subcutaneous fat, and careless movements during exercise can aggravate the original condition of the skin.

Any serious health problems, incl. Colds, accompanied by an increase in body temperature and inflammation, as well as the first years after surgical interventions on the face are a contraindication for performing face fitness exercises.


A set of eye exercises from Alena Rossoshinskaya

Every woman faces problems with the skin around her eyes. With age, morning puffiness and dark circles under the eyes no longer become a surprise, but a common sign of tired skin. With the help of regular face fitness classes, you can avoid this trouble. Alena Rossoshinskaya, looking fresh and young at 38, believes that age can be deceived. Defects in the skin around the eyes can be eliminated using a set of special exercises and you can simulate the look of your dreams - expressive and open.

A set of exercises that target a specific problem area should begin with a relaxing warm-up, for example, scratching your head.

To do this, sit back and relax. Using the pads of your index and middle fingers, begin to gently comb your hair from the hairline to the crown. To get in the right mood, and at the same time activate hair growth, you need to do 10-20 repetitions of this exercise.

To awaken all body systems, you need to treat the ears with your fingers: actively rub them with your fingers in the direction from bottom to top. Only 5 repetitions. Finish the exercise by pressing on your earlobe.

Now, according to the facial fitness program, you can begin to treat the problem area itself.

Exercise 1

To eliminate small facial wrinkles and give an open look.

Cover the crow's feet with the pads of three or four fingers and press firmly, but not painfully, against the protruding edge of the bone. Close your eyes so that the eyelids tremble slightly and tension is felt. Count to 20.

Exercise 2

To reduce blueness of the skin and swelling under the eyes.

Place the pad of your thumb at the lower edge of your jaw. Place the pad of your middle finger at the outer corner of your eye. This will be the starting point. Slowly move along the lower eyelid just below the lash line to the inner corner of the eye, then follow the upper contour of the moving eyelid back to the outer corner. Then make a new circle along a larger radius - under the lower eyelid along the edge of the bone and upward, going around the bridge of the nose, along the brow ridge. The spiral movement is performed without stopping in a clockwise direction.

Also pay attention to this lymphatic drainage massage from Alena in the video.


Exercise 3

Solves the problem of drooping eyelids and heavy eyes.

With this exercise, you can model your look without even leaving your workplace. You need to rest your elbows on the table. Using pressing movements with the pads of your thumbs, walk along the length of the brow bone in the direction from the inner corner of the palpebral fissure to the outer one.

Exercise 4

To moisturize the eyes and give them shine.

Using the index fingers of both hands, press on the inner corners of the eyes near the bridge of the nose and hold for 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise 3 times.

Face fitness complex for eyes

The site also offers a set of 7 exercises that will not only help give your face a fresh and toned look, but also relieve the skin around the eyes from signs of fatigue, swelling and dark circles:

From crow's feet

To reduce the severity of crow's feet and open your eyes, acupressure from Alena Rossoshinskaya will also help:

Exercise 1. Place the pads of the middle fingers of both hands opposite the outer corners of the eyes, where the bone protrudes. This point must be pressed at least 20-30 times.

Exercise 2. Then move a little lower, at a distance of 2 cm from the eyes, and apply 20-30 pressures at this point.

According to Alena Rossoshinskaya, women aged 30 to 40 years old need a month to get the first visible results, provided they perform the exercises correctly. For those who have crossed the 45-year mark, 2-3 months of regular facial gymnastics are needed to get the same effect.

Positive and charming Alena Rossoshinskaya proved by her own example to millions of Russian women that the desire to change for the better is the strongest argument in the struggle for facial beauty. And it doesn’t matter at all how old you are, the main thing is to start now and not stop!

*exercises taken from magazines and open sources

Unfortunately, the human body begins to fade after 25 years. Doctors have proven that if the mobility of the muscles of the human body were the same as that of the facial muscles, then by the age of 35 they would suffer complete atrophy, and the person would be doomed to absolute immobility.

It has long been noticed that people who often use facial muscles (actors, teachers) look much younger than their age. Face fitness gives you the opportunity to train your facial muscles. They will become firm and elastic, create a chiseled oval face, smooth out wrinkles, and return the skin to a fresh, pleasant appearance and healthy glow.

Face building is a set of exercises used to restore elasticity, youthfulness of facial skin and form a beautiful oval face.

Alena Rossoshinskaya has developed a facial fitness complex based on the following basic principles:

It is important to know! To get the desired result, you need to train daily. Regular exercise is the key to success.

Daily, 10-minute exercises will soon become a habit and restore youth and beauty to a woman’s face.

Training rules

Accurate adherence to recommendations and strict control over the implementation of the rules of the method are a guarantee of a successful result. Alena Rossoshinskaya created facial fitness to help women maintain the beauty of their skin, remove wrinkles and restore a healthy glow.

Class rules:

Advice! The main thing to achieve a goal is faith in success. The confidence that training will restore youth and beauty to the face helps to obtain a positive result in the shortest possible time.

Facebuilding introductory lesson

The first lesson of the complex presents warm-up exercises that warm up and prepare the muscles for training. This part of the complex is performed before each lesson. The second part is devoted to actions that will allow trainees to feel the muscles of their head. The warm-up cycle consists of the following exercises.

Exercise name Description of the technique
Carding Comb your head with energetic movements, starting from the periphery to the center. The movements should be intense to create a feeling of warmth in the scalp. This stimulation of the skin helps increase blood flow.
Warming up It is necessary to grab the roots of the hair and gently, in a circular motion, pull the skin with hair away from the skull. The skin on the entire surface of the head should move very well relative to the skull, hard areas are worked on additionally. The exercise is quite painful, but you need to pay great attention to it.

The next part of the warm-up consists of exercises that affect active biological points of the head. Stimulation of these points leads to an improvement in complexion. The impact is made with the tips or knuckles of the phalanges of the fingers. You should only press on the points; you cannot rub these places. The pressure should be strong, and you should feel the bone of the skull when applying pressure. The exercise is performed 10 times.

Alena Rossoshinskaya developed fitness for the face taking into account techniques that allow activation of biologically active points:

  1. The first point is at the base of the eyebrows, press the tips or knuckles of the phalanges of the index fingers to the skin and apply pressure. The impact should be slightly painful. Apply pressure so that the skin does not move, neither rub nor rotate, but simply press.
  2. Move your fingers two centimeters above your eyebrows. Repeat pressing movements. Over time, the painful sensations will pass, and there will be no unpleasant moments.
  3. Warming up the bridge of the nose and sides of the nose. Very carefully, using air movements, rub the side of the nose with the pads of the index and middle fingers. You can't pull the skin. The implementation of the effects should be monitored in the mirror; the appearance of creases, wrinkles and folds when rubbing is not allowed.
  4. The next point is at the base of the nostrils of the nose, the pressure should be strong, slightly painful.
  5. Use the knuckle of the index finger of your right hand to press on the point between the nose and lips.
  6. Move to the place between the lips and chin, carry out the impact
  7. The next two symmetrical points are located under the base of the fangs on the lower jaw.
  8. Go to another pair of points located on the most protruding part of the zygomatic arch. You need to place your fingers on the bone.
  9. Act on two symmetrical points located at the tragus of the auricles.

These exercises form a warm-up complex and should be done every morning after waking up. They will provide a person with a boost of energy for the whole day and allow them to maintain a beautiful appearance.

The next part of the lesson is devoted to actions that ensure the development of the skill of sensation and awareness of the facial muscles. First, relaxation and breathing exercises are performed. You should mentally imagine a beautiful and healthy image of the face that you need to strive for.

Take a deep breath, hold your breath for five counts. Exhale deeply, breathe according to this system for a couple of minutes, tuning into the image of youth and beauty. It is advisable to feel the muscles of your face when performing breathing exercises. Listen to the forehead, eyebrows, eyes, nose, cheeks, under-eye area, temple area, scalp, back of the head.

Description of exercises for awareness of facial muscles:

Repeat this exercise:

  • on the outer corner of the eye;
  • on the lower eyelid;
  • on the upper eyelid;
  • between the eyebrows;
  • put your hands on your forehead;
  • move to cheeks;
  • on the lower part of the chin;
  • on the nasolabial lines.

When performing the impact, you should feel the pulse of the muscles and imagine the movement mentally. If you don’t succeed right away, you don’t need to be upset, you should train regularly and this feeling will come with time.

Exercises for the area around the eyes

Lesson program for eyelid rejuvenation and lifting:

Advice! You should strive to smile more often. This action has a good effect on the facial muscles of the cheeks.

You need to communicate more often; conversations create a positive impact on your facial appearance.

By talking, a person trains his facial muscles, which helps eliminate wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin.

For an oval face

The group of masticatory muscles is responsible for the appearance of the oval face; it is located on the side of the ears. Relaxing the masticatory muscle and stretching it allows you to bring your face to a beautiful, youthful state.

To form a beautiful oval face, you must perform the following exercises:

Advice! Deep, full breathing increases the circulation of oxygen in human blood and improves the metabolism of body tissues.

Face culture for the forehead

Alena Rossoshinskaya created fitness for the face taking into account techniques that smooth the skin of the forehead and help restore its former beauty.

Exercises to smooth the forehead skin and rejuvenate the face:

Advice! You should remember to care for your facial skin, moisturize it and cleanse it thoroughly.

For the bridge of the nose

The following exercises are suggested:

Advice! Try not to eat highly salted foods; salt retains water in the body, and this leads to swelling and edema.

Try to control the balance of water in your body, you need to drink the required amount of water and this will provide your face with elastic and youthful skin.

For cheeks


Gymnastics for lips

Sequence of classes:

From the double chin

Alena Rossoshinskaya developed fitness for the face taking into account techniques that help remove a double chin and restore self-confidence.


Lymphatic drainage facial massage

All influences should be superficial, light, like stroking. The fingers do not slide over the skin, but move along with it.


How to remove nasolabial folds?

In order to remove nasolabial folds, Alena Rossoshinskaya recommends performing exercises from her face-building complex “Exercises for the cheeks.”

Many people know what physical culture is. But not everyone has heard what face culture is. This word also has another name - facial fitness. International face culture trainer, rehabilitation therapist, certified osteopath, author of one book and several articles on this topic, host of the “Live” TV channel and simply beautiful woman Alena Rossoshinskaya will talk about the main techniques of her method for maintaining attractiveness and youth.

Let's get acquainted with the concept

In order to stay beautiful and slim, we go to the gym. They perfectly tighten muscles, help eliminate excess fatty tissue, and add optimism to us. What about the face? After all, these are also muscles that lose their firmness and elasticity over time. As a result, the oval of the face “sags”, a double chin appears, the lines of the lips blur... What to do? The same as for maintaining a figure: special exercises. The technique that allows you to do this is called “Facial Fitness”. It is worth noting that this includes not only special gymnastics aimed at increasing the elasticity of the facial muscles and neck muscles, but also exercises for posture, meditative and breathing techniques. But this is a topic for another article. We will introduce you to special exercises and complement them with a special relaxing massage.

Problems that can be solved

The printed publication, in which an experienced trainer talks about his original methodology, is called “Face Culture. Home lifting." What will doing the exercises that Alena Rossoshinskaya presented in her book give us? Facial fitness will help us:

Remove double chin;

Get rid of wrinkles on the forehead, cheeks and bridge of the nose;

Smooth nasolabial folds;

Tighten drooping eyelids.

Regularly performing the following exercises will help increase the tone of the facial muscles, improve blood circulation and metabolism in the skin tissues, smooth out wrinkles, and achieve an even and healthy complexion.

“Beginners often make mistakes. The main thing in our business is to fully follow the advice of the coach,” says Alena Rossoshinskaya. Fitness for the face is not just doing certain exercises, but constantly monitoring compliance with certain rules for the implementation of this technique. It is important to adhere to the following points:

It is necessary to do gymnastics only in front of a mirror. This will help avoid some mistakes when performing the complex.

You need to do facial fitness regularly, preferably twice a day: morning and evening. Only in this case can a noticeable effect be guaranteed within a couple of weeks.

Exercises should not cause unpleasant painful sensations. However, finger pressure on the skin should be quite strong and noticeable.

You should choose a convenient time for training so that you can fully concentrate on doing the exercises. Being distracted by extraneous matters is highly discouraged. If you can’t do this, it’s better to reschedule the workout to another time.

When performing the complex, more attention should be paid to the problem area itself. This will not only eliminate existing defects, but also prevent the appearance of new ones.

You should only exercise when you are healthy. Contraindications to it may be fever, weakness, colds, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. Also, people should not engage in face culture during the first years after plastic surgery on the face.

Problem areas need to be treated quite delicately. Do not rub, pinch, or press on the skin in this area. Illiterate influence on it can only aggravate the problem.

Where to begin?

Any workout should begin with relaxing light exercises. In our case it will be scratching the head. To do this you need to sit down and relax. Then, using the pads of the fingers, first the index fingers, then the middle ones, we move from the beginning of hair growth to the crown. Repeat 10-20 times. This technique will not only help you relax and tune into the right mood, but will also have a positive effect on hair growth and health. Now let's move on to more complex exercises. We rub our ears from bottom to top 5 times and press our fingers on the earlobes. Here are active points that activate the work of the whole organism.

Removing the double chin

Keep your head straight, do not stretch your neck. We clench our fingers into fists and press them quite noticeably on the zone. Repeat 20 times. This is not the end of facial fitness with Alena Rossoshinskaya for the chin area. There are several more effective exercises to remove this defect. One of them: raise your face a little up, tap the area of ​​your double chin with the back of your palms for a minute.

Strengthening the area around the eyes and lips

Head straight, eyes tightly closed. Using finger pads, press the skin under the eyes in the place where the wrinkles are located. Stay in this position for 20 seconds and release. The skin in this area will turn slightly red. This means the result has been achieved. Let us remind you that there should be no pain when performing the exercise. Here’s a good trick against nasolabial folds from the book “Face Fitness.” Reviews from Alena Rossoshinskaya's clients indicate that it is very effective for this area of ​​the face. Extend your lips with a tube, as if pronouncing the sound “O”. Stay in this position for 40 seconds. Repeat 10 times. It is not recommended to perform this exercise for those people who have pronounced wrinkles around the lips.

“No” to wrinkles on the forehead!

Head straight. Place your fingers on the forehead area. Try to wrinkle it by exerting resistance with your fingertips. Stay in this position for 15-20 seconds. And then relax your forehead. Repeat 10-20 times. This technique from the book “Facial Fitness” by Alena Rossishinskaya will help lift and eliminate wrinkles that have appeared on the forehead.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage as an addition to the method

What else does Alena Rossoshinskaya recommend that we try? “Facial fitness is not only exercise, but also other techniques, such as lymphatic drainage massage,” says the trainer. This technique will help get rid of puffiness in the morning. Accordingly, it is recommended to do this massage after sleep. To do this, you need to stand in front of a mirror and perform all the movements with your fingertips, carefully rolling them over your face. In this case, the pressure of the hands should be very light, without pressure. The skin cannot be moved. You need to perform the exercises along the following lines:

Neck area. From down to the shoulders.

Chin area. From the center of the lower jaw to the ears.

Cheek area. From the nose along the cheekbones to the ears.

Eye area. From the inner corner of the eye to the temples, then along the brow ridges to the temples.

Forehead area. From the center of the forehead to the temples.

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