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Russian culture Olympiad for preschoolers. Intellectual Olympiad for preschoolers “Culture of the Nizhny Novgorod region. On the portal "Sunshine"

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Development of intellectual abilities with the help of the Olympiad for preschoolers

Olympiads are held annually for preschool children aged 5-7 years, who study under a special program in educational institutions. Competitions are held for students in all cities of Russia and for Russian-speaking children living abroad. The Sunshine portal provides an excellent opportunity to participate in an exciting process. The Olympics for preschoolers is a huge experience that stimulates a competitive nature in children and develops a desire for knowledge and victory. The winner of any online Olympiad on our portal can receive a corresponding personal certificate.

All-Russian competitions for preschoolers are a method of high-quality personal development!

Children aged 5-7 years should be able to write, count and read, this is required by the educational system. Tests for preschoolers help educators identify “child prodigies” as well as capable children. Such events allow gifted children to go straight to second grade. All-Russian competitions for preschoolers are a quick way to get a diploma. If you want to raise your child to be an excellent specialist or scientist, then our portal will be useful. We offer kids amazing tasks that help develop interest in a particular discipline. If you notice that your son or daughter has a craving for a certain subject, you can at any time invite him to take part in a competition to receive a diploma. We are sure he will definitely like your idea.

Benefits of Testing Children

Intellectual competitions for preschoolers play a huge role in the development of any person from an early age. Each test on our portal is developed by leading experts. Participation in the competitions we offer is characterized by the following advantages:

  • Development of logical thinking skills;
  • Testing knowledge of the studied material in practice;
  • Broadening your horizons;
  • Development of responsibility;
  • Stimulation of brain activity growth;
  • Increasing interest in scientific activities;
  • Eradication of embarrassment in front of peers.

The development of a child is in the hands of his parents. It is important to instill in your child a love of learning from childhood. Online Olympiads for children and adults are a great opportunity to test your knowledge without leaving home!

Order a diploma on the Sunshine portal

The child’s desire for development should always be encouraged by parents. We offer free competitions for preschoolers in 2017, after passing them you can receive the corresponding diplomas. Your baby will be incredibly happy to receive his first document confirming his high level of knowledge. Instill in your child a love of learning from early childhood, this is the only way to raise a comprehensively developed personality. The All-Russian Pedagogical Portal will help to do this. Solving the intellectual tasks we propose is an exciting process that many children will enjoy. And receiving a diploma will be a pleasant bonus and a symbol of pride for every child. Develop in children from early childhood the desire to understand the world around them!

Olympiad “On the Road of Knowledge” for children of senior preschool age.

Kuzmicheva Yulia Viktorovna, teacher-psychologist MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 1", Engels
Description: The event summary was compiled for children of senior preschool age. This material contains tasks from several educational areas. The event can be held as a final lesson at the end of the school year. The material will be useful to preschool teachers.
Target: Develop the ability to search for and solve problems in a competitive environment, consolidate the ability to compare, analyze, draw conclusions, develop curiosity, independence, and the ability to work in a team.
1. Contribute to consolidation of acquired knowledge and skills
2. Maintain interest in intellectual activity, the desire to play games with mathematical content;
3. Show persistence, the ability to strictly follow instructions, determination, mutual assistance, resourcefulness and ingenuity;
4. Encourage individuals to independently search for necessary information and solve problem situations;
5. Induce in children a feeling of joy and pleasure from educational games;
6. Activate creative imagination, fantasy, develop logical thinking, visual attention.
Rules of the game:
Test tasks are offered, the correctness of which is assessed by a jury. Each task is determined by time. The team receives points for the correct answer or completed task, which makes it possible to evaluate the success of the game participants. The team with the most points becomes the winner and is awarded a diploma.

Leading: Today we are opening an intellectual Olympiad for preschoolers. The Olympics are a competition not only for the most athletic, but also for the smartest! They have been going on for many years.

From Ancient Greece, from Hellas
The new century took an example,
Revived the Olympics
Modern man.
And for those in the world of knowledge
Showed intelligence and intelligence -
Olympic medals,
Olympic podium.
(E. Ilyin “Solar Torch”)

Leading: Dear Guys! Dear guests! We are pleased to welcome you to our cozy kindergarten. And although today you will have to go through many difficult but interesting tests to show your ingenuity and knowledge, we wish you to go through them with joy and a smile! And now the most important moment.
The Olympiad “On the Road of Knowledge” is declared open!
(music sounds)

Let's play a fun and useful game.
An excellent jury will help with this.
To evaluate the best of the teams, we chose a fair jury.
(Jury Presentation)

Leading: Are the participants ready? We start our game by introducing the teams.

"Team View"
Leading: Attention! The floor for introduction and greeting is given to the captain and team No. 1 (Children perform a performance).
The floor for introduction and greeting is given to the captain and team No. 2 (Children perform a performance).
Well done boys! Let's applaud each other.

Warm-up – “Funny Questions.”(4 minutes)
A knowledge nut will help you warm up. When you open the nut, you will find two questions: mathematical and cognitive. You must give the correct answers to them.
1. How many ears do two mice have? (4)
What does a hedgehog do in winter? (sleeping)
2. How many ends do two sticks have? (4)
What happens in the sky after rain? (rainbow)
3. You, me and you and me. How many of us are there in total? (2)
A blind animal living underground? (mole)
4. How many tails do 4 cats have? (4)
Who composes the music? (composer)

First tour– “In the country of the native language” (speech development). “Sound trailers.” (2 minutes)
The animals were going to visit friends. Everyone will sit in their own trailer.
Determine: Who will go where? There are as many sounds in the name of the animal as there are windows in the trailer. Place the animals in trailers.
You are given 2 minutes for this task. Time has passed! (The jury checks the correctness of the task).

Second round- “Smart and savvy” (2 minutes). It includes mathematical and logical tasks.
No math friends
There's no way we can live
Neither add nor count
Neither multiply nor subtract!
Much needed science!
Task 1 – “Tangram”(2 minutes)
Guess the riddle:
What kind of forest animal
Stood up like a post under a pine tree
And stands among the grass -
Are your ears bigger than your head? (Hare)

In front of you in the sample picture, the figure of a hare is made up of geometric shapes.
You each have your own geometric shapes. Do the math. There should be seven of them.
Based on the model, make a hare from your geometric shapes.
Be careful!
Whoever completed the task first, raise your hand.
The task completion time is 2 minutes.

The jury passes by and watches the progress of the task.
Task 2. – “House” (2 minutes).
The task is not easy. It's called "House". In front of you is a house and its future residents - triangles, squares, circles. They can't wait to occupy the new apartments as soon as possible. But this is only possible under two conditions:
1. On each floor there should be one triangle, one square, one circle.
2. The order of resettlement of residents on each floor is different - not the same as on other floors.
The first two floors, as you can see, are already inhabited, but then your help will be needed. The task completion time is 2 minutes.

Children complete the task. The jury monitors the progress of the task.
Leading: Time is over. Well done! How quickly did you complete the task?
Let's play and relax!

Physical education minute: One-two-three (3 minutes)

Goal: Develop a sense of rhythm and right-left, etc.
We'll go right - one, two, three.
(take 3 steps to the right, holding hands)
And then to the left - one, two, three.
And then we stamp together - one, two, three.
And then we clap our hands - one, two, three.
And then we turn around - one, two, three.
Let's hold hands together - one, two, three.
And let's go right again - one, two, three.
And we will jump high - one, two, three.
And then we’ll sit down together - one, two, three.
Now you need to clap - one, two, three.
Now let's go left - one, two, three.
And we will continue the game boldly - one, two, three.

Captains competition
The task is “Riddle”.
Listen carefully. Take your pens. Get ready to draw a guess line under my dictation. The path starts from the red dot. Under dictation, children complete a graphic dictation task.
(I collect the works and give them to the jury)

The third round is “Creative”.
"Intricate Patterns"(4 minutes).
You must guess the riddle and find the desired type of painting on the cards offered to you and try to name them.
Leading: So, let's begin.
The jury listens carefully to the answers and sums up the results.

Carved spoons and ladles
Take a look, don't rush.
There is grass and flowers there
They grow not of local beauty.
They shine like gold
Or maybe sunlit.
(Khokhloma products)

Cups, teapots and vases
Distinguish these immediately.
White background - snow fields,
Blue - a sky blue.
All the flowers are lace,
All heavenly beauty.
(Gzhel dishes)

Merry white clay,
Circles, stripes on it.
Goats and lambs are funny,
A herd of colorful horses,
Nurses and water bearers,
And the riders and the children,
Dogs, hussars and fish,
Well, call me!
(Dymkovo toys)

We were blinded by the masters,
It's time to paint us.
Horses, ladies, soldiers -
Everyone is tall and slim
Yellow-red stripes,
They are visible on our sides.
(Filimonov toys)
Spare tasks:
Round, iron,
Useful on the farm.
Black, yellow, red,
Amazingly beautiful.
(Zhostovo trays)

The boards are made from linden,
And spinning wheels and horses.
Painted with flowers,
It's like half-shaks.
There are horsemen galloping dashingly,
Firebirds fly high,
And the dots are black and white
They sparkle in the sun.
(Gorodets products)

Leading: Well done! We completed the task!

Fourth round“Erudition” - development of horizons and erudition.
Assignment: invite the children to answer the questions as quickly as possible - in this case, all team members can express their opinions.
- At what time of year does a blizzard occur? (winter)
- What is made from flour? (bread)
-What is made from clay? (dishes)
- What is made from milk? (cottage cheese, kefir)
- Is Moscow a city or a country? (city)
- What country do you live in? (Russia)
- What other countries do you know?
- How many notes are there in music? (7)
- They pour sand, but what about water? (pour)
- The cutlets are fried, what about the soup? (boil)
- The table is set, and what about the bed? (cover)
- The chair can be broken, but what about the cup? (break)
- They cut the hay, but what about the hair? (cut)
- Name the first month of autumn (September)
- Name the last month of spring (May)
- What time of year comes after winter? (spring)
- The thick-skinned animal that Aibolit pulled out of the swamp? (hippopotamus)
- Where does the little kangaroo live? (in mom's bag)
- How many people pulled the turnip? (3 people and the rest animals)
- Which of the animals was the second to run to the tower? (frog)
- Who broke the tower? (bear)
(Completion time – 4 minutes. Score – 1 point for the correct answer)

Host: We will all join hands
And let's smile at each other.
One two three four five
Get ready to play.

While we are playing, the jury will sum up the results and reveal the winner.

Outdoor game.
You run, funny ball,
Quickly, quickly, hands over.
Who has a funny ball?
He jumps up on his own!

Leading: Well done! You did a good job. And now we give the floor to our jury.
(speech by the jury, the children with the most points win)

WITH March 1 to May 31, 2019 in preschool educational organizations of Russia are carried out VI All-Russian educational Olympiads for preschool children.


Maintaining and strengthening the cognitive motivation of preschool children;
- identification of gifted children among preschoolers;
- developing children's interest in scientific (research) activities, promoting scientific knowledge.


The following can take part in the Olympiads:
– preschool educational organizations of various types;
– general educational organizations that include preschool groups;
– early development studios.
The Olympiads are held without preliminary selection of participants. Participation in the Olympics is voluntary; it is strictly prohibited to invite children to participate in the Olympics against their wishes. The decision to participate in the Olympics is made by children and their parents (legal representatives).
Recommended age of participants: 6 -7 years.
Minimum number of participants per application – 10 people.


In order to take part in the Olympiads, a representative of a preschool organization must register and submit an application on this website in the section “All-Russian Olympiads for preschool children.” Format of the Olympiads:electronic. The organizer downloads all the necessary materials in his personal account, holds competitions and fills out electronic answer forms for each participant in his personal account. Using the software, electronic forms are automatically checked. After that, the organizer downloads personalized diplomas in electronic form in his personal account.


General management of the Olympics and its organizational support is carried out by the Center's Organizing Committee.

Functions and tasks of the Organizing Committee:
- development of technical documentation for the Olympics;
- preparation of tasks for the Olympics;
- checking electronic response forms of participants;
- summing up the results of the Olympics.
The organization of children’s participation in the Olympiads is carried out by a teacher, director or other representative of a preschool educational organization (hereinafter referred to as the Organizer).

Functions and tasks of the Organizer:
- inform the children of your preschool educational organization (their parents) information from the official website of the Center, information letter or other source about the holding of the Olympics;
- on the website in the section “All-Russian Olympiads for preschool children” submit an application for participation - register;
- in the Organizer’s personal account, add the organization that he represents;
- form an application for participation in the Olympics (in the Organizer’s personal account);
- indicate teachers from the institution taking part in the organization of the Olympiads locally;
- print a receipt for payment for participation (in the Organizer’s personal account). Payment of the registration fee is carried out by the Organizer with one receipt for all participants;
- pay for participation and confirm payment by sending copies of payment documents (in the Organizer’s personal account);
- hold the Olympics in preschool educational institutions;
- enter children’s answers in your personal account;
- download personalized award materials in your personal account;
- print and give diplomas to children.


The organization and holding of the Olympics is financed by organizational fees. Organizational fee – money paid by a parent (legal representative) for the child’s participation in the Olympics. The registration fee forms a fund of funds intended for financial support for the organization of events. The amount of the organizational fee is established annually by the Organizing Committee. For the 2018-2019 academic year, the registration fee per participant for one of the offered subjects is set at 55 rubles. 5 rubles per participant remains at the disposal of the Organizer to pay the bank commission. Accordingly, the Organizer pays 50 rubles for the participation of one participant in one subject.


The Olympics are held in an educational organization. The procedure for holding Olympiads is determined directly by the preschool educational organization, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children, daily routine, etc. The tasks contain 10 questions in the form of a test, with a choice of answers from 4 options. Each task may have one or more correct answers. It is allowed for the teacher to read the questions to the children. Electronic forms are filled out by the Organizer after the child marks his answers directly on the task sheet (in order to simplify the performance of the Olympiad by children, they mark their answers directly on the task sheet by circling or underlining the answers).


Winners of the Olympics receive diplomas of I, II and III degrees. All participants who took part in the Olympics and did not take prizes receive participant diplomas. All teachers involved in organizing the Olympics will be awarded with thanks or diplomas from the organizers.

Sincerely, Organizing Committee of the Center.

Irina Denisova

Dear colleagues! I want to tell you about an event that has been taking place in our area for several years now. This- " Intellectual Olympiad for preschoolers". IN Olympics Children from preparatory groups participate, and since we have a preparatory group, we of course took part. Every year Olympics dedicated to some event, last year it was Olympic Games, this year-" Culture of the Nizhny Novgorod region".

For participation in Olympics we had to prepare a motto and homework about culture and the life of our city, and of course it is worthy to show it.

Separately, I would like to say that our Nizhny Novgorod Region rich and diverse, it is here that one third of all artistic crafts in Russia is concentrated.

In preparation for Olympics The children and I studied crafts Nizhny Novgorod region, architectural monuments of Nizhny Novgorod, and of course they practiced solving logical problems, composing numbers, and retelling stories.

And now this solemn and important day has come.

This is our team

Captain: our team "Znayki", children in order raise signs with their letters - knowledgeable, resourceful, artistic, intriguing, creative, intellectual

captain: our motto

We are Team Know! Know-it-alls are not arrogant!

Let's think, convince, going to victory - win!

Like the real one children discussed the Olympics, answered questions, participated in a blitz tournament.

This is our homework

1 seller

Nizhny Novgorod fair opens! People are gathering!

Our city is famous for its miracle craftsmen; wood and clay are fired in a kiln!

Russian nesting dolls in bright sundresses,

Khokhloma spoons - there is no better gift!

2 seller

Bogorodsky clay pots are molded and fired in a kiln

Thick and thin, wide and thin,

With a nose and handles, beautiful squiggles!

3 seller

Gorodets painting, how can you not recognize it?

Here the hot horses are great.

There are such bouquets here that it is impossible to describe!

There are such plots here that nothing in a fairy tale can be said!

4 seller

Polkhov-Maidan nesting doll, a little slimmer and stricter

Loves the color crimson, scarlet, all in poppies of unprecedented beauty!

5 seller

Khokhloma, Khokhloma! The whole people were driven crazy!

Wooden spoons for anyone? Suitable for eating porridge from a bowl!

And also sing, dance, and play along with the harmonica!

Our musical number - the girls danced and the boys played spoons.

The art of ancient masters has long been known to everyone in the world.

They contain the beauty of native nature and the ancient wisdom of centuries!

Our Olympians after performance. Well done!

This is how it went for us olympic day. I would also like to bring to your attention the presentation “Precious Heritage” about Nizhny Novgorod industries. Thank you all very much for your attention!

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