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How to build muscle fast

It has long been known that muscles that are used often become more powerful, while those that do little work weaken and lose volume. In this article, we will talk about how you can quickly gain muscle mass, how to train and eat for fast muscle growth. We will also touch on the issues of supplements for muscle growth a little.

Obviously, you need to train the muscles that you want to build and make stronger more often. To do this, there are many sports, various exercises and workouts, during which blood flow increases in the muscles, and they grow more intensively.

And, nevertheless, the question remains unanswered: “How to quickly build muscle, looking at which others will endlessly admire?” Here are the most effective tips that will quickly help your muscles become strong and stay in great shape.

After reading our tips, you will learn how to quickly gain muscle mass.

1. Find out how many calories you need

The calorie requirement depends on your age, sex, weight and active lifestyle. For simplicity: multiply your current weight in kilograms by 40. If you weigh 70 kg, that's 70 x 40 = 2800 calories per day. What, not used to eating so much?

Workouts for fast muscle growth

2. Train large muscle groups to jump-start your muscle-building process

Studies show that training large muscle groups triggers the growth of muscle fibers, which leads to rapid and powerful mass gain. Make sure you work all of these muscle groups at least once a week. These include the muscles of the legs, back and pectoral muscles.

3. Increase the weight you lift gradually

As the muscles get used to the load, you need to stimulate them by constantly changing the weight with which you work. If you bench press 50kg in the first week of training, try adding 5kg in the second week. Add another 5 kg next week, and so on. The same for other parts of the body.

Gradual weight gain ensures that your muscles don't stop growing. Weight will stimulate the growth of muscle fibers, since its intensity directly depends on the load experienced. Just watch your muscles get bigger and stronger every week.

4. Change your workouts

If you train two body parts three times a day, try spreading your workouts over six days for only one body part per day. Or if you work your chest and biceps on Mondays, and your back and triceps on Wednesdays, then reverse the order: work on the chest and triceps first, and then the back and biceps. By loading the body in unusual combinations, you will stimulate the growth of muscle fibers more intensively.

5. Take different approaches

Instead of doing three identical sets in a row, do only a third of the required reps on the first set, two-thirds on the second set, and the full number on the third. This reverse load will allow you to lift more weight on the first set and less weight on the second and third.

Sports nutrition for fast muscle gain

6. Use nutritional supplements

Supplements, of course, should not be your only source of nutrition. They play a supporting role because they fill in the gaps in your diet that occur when you don't get enough nutrients to increase muscle synthesis. Here are some well-known supplements widely on the market:

Whey Protein

This supplement should almost always be used when looking to build bulky muscle, increase performance, and lose fat. Whey protein is an essential part of the diet for those who want to increase muscle mass. It is easily digested and absorbed by the body.


Casein is the twin brother of whey protein. This is another type of protein found in milk. Compared to whey protein, our body digests casein more slowly. By consuming casein before bed, you can prevent the development of catabolism, protecting hard-earned muscles from being converted into fuel for internal use.


The advent of creatine has been one of the most important discoveries in the field of sports supplements in recent years. It increases the amount of energy flowing into the muscle cells, so it becomes possible to do more reps and lift more weight.

Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)

Leucine, valine and isoleucine, called branched chain amino acids, are the most important amino acids for muscle tissue repair and synthesis.


Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the human body. It increases the amount of leucine in muscle fibers and reduces the intensity of muscle breakdown. It has also been shown to stimulate the immune system.

One bonus tip:

How to lose weight

It may seem to you that this is contrary to your goal of gaining pounds through muscle tissue, but without this stage, you will never get the body of your dreams. You ate a lot and lifted weights during the first two months of your program, the next mandatory stage of preparation is weight reduction. Along with powerful muscles, most likely, deposits of fat can be noticed on your torso, arms and legs. These "reserves" appeared during a massive weight gain, when you needed to eat a lot. You will have to cut back on food so that others can see your big, ripped muscles that you work so hard on.

While resting, do aerobic exercise such as jogging or walking. Aerobic exercise is the best way to lose excess fat. Just don't do cardio with weights during the day, or you'll burn muscle that way.


It takes time to build beautiful muscles. Even if you do everything right, you will gain only 3-9 kg of muscle mass per year. If you follow the tips mentioned above, you will certainly get voluminous and sculpted muscles for a long time and in the shortest possible time.

According to materials:


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