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Hand exercises for women at home

The smartness and beauty of female hands in youth is a gift of nature. Women who have crossed a certain age limit will have to make an effort to maintain an excellent appearance of their hands.

In modern life, hands do little physical work - mainly it is pressing computer buttons and cleaning the home. With this lifestyle, the muscles become flabby, making the appearance of the hands unattractive.


The ideas of men and women about the beauty of hands are different - if for the first it is a mountain of stone muscles, then for the second, the main thing is smartness and femininity. At the same time, depending on the fullness of the woman, classes and a diet are built.

The most effective in terms of working out the muscles of the upper limbs are exercises using weights - dumbbells, which can be replaced with bottles filled with water. But static (isometric) exercises will also give positive results with regular training, which even an office desk will become a simulator.

The best option for beginners would be to visit the gym - an experienced trainer will select an adequate load and teach you how to perform the exercises correctly. Having mastered them, after a while you can do the same at home. But do not forget that every two months you need to change the complex so that the body does not get used to the loads.

In addition, there are sports that contribute to the development of the muscles of the hands - swimming, tennis, volleyball or rock climbing. Occupation with one of them in addition to the complex will help to gain grace and smartness in the hands.

How to train the muscles of the hands?

A mandatory item in each workout is a warm-up, including aerobic exercise (running in place, jumping rope, exercise bike or treadmill) and warming up the muscles of the hands:

  • Rotation of the hands, elbows and the whole arm inward-outward and back and forth 10 times;
  • Standing on the floor, tilt the body forward parallel to the surface, raise your arms forward and to the sides;
  • From the same I.P. hands work crosswise to the sides.

Home exercises without dumbbells

For women who prefer to exercise at home, there are exercises for hands without dumbbells:

  • 1. Classic - push-ups that contribute to the development of the whole body. Beginners are advised to perform them from a chair, gradually moving to the floor. You should carefully monitor the technique - the back is straight, the buttocks are tense, the stomach is pulled in, the palms are located strictly under the shoulder. To begin with, 8 times in each of 3 approaches will be enough with a gradual increase in load up to 16-20 times.
  • 2. Sit in the "Turkish" position, raising your elbows to parallel with the floor and joining your palms with your fingers up. Make the movement of the hands towards each other, holding from 15 to 30 seconds. After that, rest a little and repeat the exercise up to 5 times.
  • 3. Standing at 4 points with knees and arms shoulder-width apart - lower yourself to touch the floor with your chest, bending your arms and return to I.P. At the beginning, 8 times are enough, bringing the load to 16 in 3 sets.
  • 4. Lie on your stomach with your pelvis and hips pressed to the floor, and your legs slightly apart. Hands with palms on the floor in emphasis - straighten up and linger at the top point for 3-5 seconds, returning to I.P. Elbows look to the sides with shoulder tension. Perform the exercise from 12 to 16 times 3 sets.

It is worth starting training with such simple exercises, gradually complicating and diversifying the complex.

Add dumbbells - get the result!

The best option for women will still be exercises with dumbbells, which contribute to a more thorough study of the hands at home:

  • Hands with dumbbells are located along the body with palms turned forward - bending the arms at the elbows and extension. Weight at the beginning of the minimum 1-1.5 kg in order to be able to perform 8-12 times in each of 3 approaches;
  • Put your hands with dumbbells behind your head with your elbows pressed to your head - extension of the arms and flexion. Repeat 3 sets of 8-12 times;
  • I.P. - stand on the floor, legs slightly wider than shoulders, tilt the body forward, arms with dumbbells along the body - unbend and bend the arms at the elbows 8-12 times 3 sets;
  • From the same I.P. - hands with dumbbells spread apart to the parallel with the floor and return to I.P. the same number of repetitions and approaches as in the previous exercise.

At the end of any complex, a hitch (stretching) is performed, which helps to relieve muscle pain by removing metabolic products from the worked muscles. A great addition would be a massage or / and taking a bath.

Timing and results

Giving hands a beautiful relief is not a matter of one week, so you should prepare yourself for long-term work, and most importantly, regular and thoughtful work.

As a rule, the terms vary from a couple of months to six months, depending on the initial weight, age, genetic predisposition, lifestyle, and diet. This point is especially important for the effectiveness of the training process.

It is necessary to eat fractionally and little by little from 4 to 6 times a day in compliance with the drinking regime - 8 glasses. The basis of the diet should be healthy and high-quality products:

  • Fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits.
  • Lean meat and fish (can be oily).
  • Eggs, milk and low-fat dairy products.
  • Vegetable oils and cereals.
  • Pure water, green tea and honey.

It is best to eat boiled, stewed or baked dishes. And most importantly, having embarked on the path of a healthy lifestyle and nutrition, follow it all your life and then there will be no problems either with being overweight or with health.

You need to train 2 hours after eating, and sit down at the table after class after the same period of time.

During training, be sure to drink plain non-carbonated water in small sips approximately every 10 minutes. This will help speed up metabolic processes and remove more harmful substances from the body, as well as help eliminate muscle pain.

Many women incorrectly think that by starting to work out in the gym, they will pump themselves up big muscles. This is of course possible, but when working with heavy weights and additional use of sports supplements and others, the female body does not contain the amount of hormones necessary for this.

But to give your hands a beautiful relief and smartness is quite real, both in the gym and at home.

Find time for yourself, exercise regularly, and you will always catch admiring male glances!

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