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How to pump up muscles?

In this article we will tell you how you can pump up muscles, make them strong, embossed and large, without using steroids. This muscle gain guide is recommended not only for everyone newcomers in the gym, but also for experienced athletes who cannot overcome stagnation in strength and muscle gain.

Strong, moderately inflated, embossed body, not only attracts the attention of girls, but is also a guarantee health joints, ligaments, tendons and blood vessels (which is why, on a subconscious level, any girl is drawn to a slender, embossed guy, that is, for a person who can bring a healthy genome).

Thanks to the development muscular system, a person becomes not only stronger, but also self-confident, simply because the process of muscle growth is a whole methodology, a system of rules and restrictions, adhering to and observing them, a person overcomes himself, his laziness, their shortcomings, and as a result, it turns out a conscious, self-confident, self-sufficient personality who knows firsthand what it means to endure muscle pain, fatigue, in the name of purpose and result.

That is why any self-respecting the male, should strive to develop a muscular, physically strong body, one way to achieve it is to pump up muscles (preferably, of course, in the future to make them functional, sign up for a boxing / martial arts section, or independently perform an additional one).

How to pump up muscles?

First of all, you need to correctly and consistently build in your head questions, which should be answered gradually, moving from simple to more complex, and of course, you should have performance what do you want to get from the gym, become a professional bodybuilder with large muscles (as he once did) or have slightly pumped up body shapes.

To pump up muscles, build a dream figure, anyone who has a powerful motivation, and not like this, “it would not be bad to pump up”, this approach is no good.

You must clearly understand what, how and how much you need to do, namely, how to eat, train how much to rest, and so on, therefore, firstly, all beginners need to find answers to the questions below:

  1. To get acquainted with the principle, so that you better understand how, and due to what, contractions and muscle tension occur during strength exercises.
  2. In theory, study/familiarize yourself with the exercise.
  3. Find out what the muscle groups are called, which in the future we will train in the gym.
  4. What do you need to go to the gym?
  5. What overtraining athlete, and why is it dangerous?
  6. What are the ways recovery body after exercise
  7. Why is it very important warm-up before performing working sets in exercises?
  8. How long should it take?
  9. Why basic exercises at the initial stage are extremely important for the development of strong and large muscles?
  10. How to build your own with active strength sports?

With awareness and understanding answers to the above questions, there must be a first acquaintance with the world bodybuilding if, of course, you want to build an athletic, inflated body of a bodybuilder in a short time, and conduct your workouts competently without injury or overtraining.

On the other hand, you can not read all this, but just come to gym, and start "pulling iron", however, without systematization, training plan, and knowledge of the technique of performing exercises, nothing will work out for you, you will not be able to pump up, rather it will be the other way around, due to destruction ( catabolism) muscle fiber, your muscle mass will begin to decrease, since you have no idea what training cycles, light, medium and heavy workouts, which means nutrition for muscle growth, in the end you will drive yourself into overtraining, and get injury.

How to start a beginner to swing?

Therefore, we highly recommend, especially to everyone newcomers to study in detail our recommendations, the listed reference articles, as well as subsequently the entire website, which will help you understand even more what you need to do to build muscle.

Training program for beginners

The main focus for beginners always done on basic exercises in the training program, because they are the fastest, stimulate muscle growth masses.

Basic exercises, they are - multi-articular, that is, they involve two or more joints in their execution. These exercises are primarily pectoral muscles- bench press lying on a horizontal bench, for legs- squats with a barbell on the shoulders, for the back- pull-ups on the bar with a wide grip, in general for the back and legs - deadlift (this is the only exercise that gives the strongest impetus to the growth of overall muscle mass, sometimes strength indicators in this exercise are judged on strength athlete).

At the initial stage, these are enough for you 4 exercises in order to increase muscle mass in an average of 1 year by 7-8 kg.

In addition to the basic ones, there are also insulating exercises, they are less effective for beginners, involve one joint, and load one muscle group, in the training program we will use them as an addition, and no more.

Training program for beginners

Building training cycles

The general principle of building a training cycle is as follows: for each training session, everything is pumped body(major muscle groups), the only difference is in getting training stress, which will be different depending on the intensity of the exercises, so each basic exercise will have signature, - if light, then working weights 60-65% from the maximum, if the average, then the working weights - 70-75% if heavy means 80-85% .

We will be interested strength indicators only in basic exercises, due to the fact that it is from them that you can judge your training progress(power will grow - the mass will also grow).

In its turn insulating we do not take into account exercises, because they are used as " utility room”and no more, so to speak, to add variety to the training program.

Thus, the training cycle will consist of heavy, medium and lungs training, gradation goes to basic exercises. For example, if you did heavy Monday bench press(80-85%), then on Wednesday it will already be medium (70-75%), and on Friday it will be light (60-65%), and all over again, Monday bench press is heavy, medium on Wednesday, and light on Friday . The same applies to load planning in deadlift and barbell squats.

Recovery phases after regular training

Cyclical approach to training, will provide a complete recovery, as well as the maximum growth rate of muscle mass, due to adaptation muscle to the load, by increasing them in size.

Mass gain exercise program

This training program has a pronounced cyclical(which we wrote to you above), with an emphasis on basic exercises. She fits very well newcomers for mass gain.

Unhealthy foods in the human diet

No full recovery (rest)

Remedy: sleep 8-9 hours, balanced, good nutrition, well-thought-out training, cyclical and periodicity power load in the gym.

Healthy, full sleep is the key to your full recovery, and alternation light, medium and heavy intensity training is the key to successful progress in gaining strength and muscle mass. Nutrition in this matter will be a source of fuel, an energy component that will help accumulate strength for training.

What causes an error: overtraining, loss of strength, loss of muscle mass, increased susceptibility to various injuries in training, diseases, due to a decrease in immunity, as well as depressed consciousness, loss to further bodybuilding.

Poor athlete recovery

A frivolous approach to bodybuilding

Remedy: a serious responsible approach to their training, nutrition and recovery. As a rule, a lot of athletes, especially beginners, pick up purposefulness, purposefulness for the result. 1-2 years regular exercise in the gym, with proper nutrition and rest, can change your body beyond recognition.

Any, even the most insignificant things, determine your consciousness, the way you do, you give all the best in training, or you say to yourself "it will do."

Deeds and actions define a person, not thoughts, everyone wants to be champions, to have a beautiful, embossed body, but few people are able to endure muscle pain, limit themselves in food, do not skip workouts, “plow” in the gym for the sake of the set goals in the gym.

What causes an error: lack of results in bodybuilding, injuries in training, the appearance of obsessive thoughts like "all the jocks were pumped up on steroids."

A light-hearted approach to training

Rules for gaining muscle mass

A set of muscle mass is directly related to, which will depend on your body type, which is why it is easy for some athletes to gain mass, for others it is difficult. However, there are general rules that will help you quickly gain the treasured kilograms of muscle.

Nutrition as a natural anabolic

Balanced, fractional nutrition is the main anabolic factor growth of muscle mass. Malnutrition calories will lead to a negative or zero result in bodybuilding.

To gain muscle mass, you need to create calorie deficit, in relation to the calories that you spend daily, in addition to all this, your diet should be rich in quality protein(plastic material for muscles) that will create a positive nitrogen balance(with a negative - muscle growth is impossible), complex carbohydrates(energy for muscles) and unsaturated fatty acids (), which have such important properties for bodybuilding as increased production testosterone and lower bad cholesterol levels.

Many sports experts, the starting point in a set of muscle mass is to adhere to the following ratio: 2 grams of protein / kg, 4 gram carbs/kg, and 0.5 gram fat/kg.

Good results, in mass gain, will be when you gain no more than 1 kg in Week. If you do not gain at this ratio nutrients, then you should gradually add, you can start with carbohydrates, then proteins and fats, while remembering that more 3-3.5 grams of protein/ kg of weight it is pointless to take, “lean” better on carbohydrates, which are a universal source of muscle contractions when doing strength exercises in the gym ( anaerobic glycolysis).

Nutrition as a powerful anabolic muscle growth factor

Performing basic muscle exercises

At the initial training stage, the first 1-2 years Special attention basic exercises that train large muscle groups. The most important exercises for a beginner:

  • Barbell Squats
  • Bench press
  • Pull-ups on the bar with a wide grip

Six months later, when the muscle corset is strengthened, turn on deadlift.

The exercises listed above will be enough for you to start the processes of muscle growth, you will find how and in what range to perform them in ours, or use the above scheme strength exercises for mass gain.

A huge plus of basic exercises is that they have the maximum load on the large muscle groups(back, legs, chest), due to the fact that they involve two or more joints, in contrast to isolated (single-joint) exercises.

Performing basic muscle exercises

Recovery and muscle growth

Recovery body after training stress does not occur immediately, but after some time, moreover, than heavier there was muscle training, the more time the body needs to restore the spent strength and energy. Neglect of this rule will lead very quickly to overtraining athlete, which is so popular not only among beginners, but also among experienced athletes, which is why we recommend it is better to rest fully for an extra day than to go to strength training broken and tired.

One of the most important rules for beginner athlete, is to learn listen to your body, that is, to understand when you should rest a little more / less before training / approach / between exercises, when and how it should be better warm up, use the ointment to warm up the muscles when the body needs more rest/improved nutrition. All these subtleties are the guarantee of your health, the prevention of injuries in training.

Well, the most important rule, which is forgotten by many athletes, we growing up, When we rest, and not vice versa, that is, muscle mass after training increases when a person sleeping, and not when he performs an intense set in the gym (visual effect " puffiness» muscles, temporary, simple blood rushed to the trained muscle and no more).

In order for the muscles to increase in size, the body must first of all compensate spent energy, restore strength, heal damaged muscle tissue up to baseline, and then, as a counterbalance (counteraction), increase muscle mass in order to withstand training stress in the future ( phase supercompensation).

If you continue to rest after the phase supercompensation(usually within 24-96 hours no more, depending on the received load), the working capacity will come to the initial level to the training level, and if you continue to rest, then the phase untrainedness, after which your strength indicators and mass will begin to decrease (it is not beneficial for the body to have energy-consuming muscles just like that, when nothing stimulates them, no power stress with iron).

Recovery and muscle growth

But not everything is so bad, even if you have stopped training for a long time, comes to the rescue. muscle memory, which will quickly lead you to the initial level fitness when you resume regular training, due to the fact that the training itself increases the amount muscle cells, and even if we don’t train for a long time, then the accumulated muscle cells do not disappear anywhere, they just “ fall asleep”, it is worth waking them up, as muscle mass and strength will “trample” again, this explains why a trained athlete after 2-3 a year break, quickly catches up with all his former results in the gym.

Every sport has its secrets and bodybuilding is no exception. Great experience in the gym, formed certain skills and skills, which protect against mistakes, prevent injuries during training, help to reestablish strength, build muscle mass.

We offer beginner bodybuilders, the best tips by mass gain:

  1. sleep at least 8 hours a day (a daytime sleep hour will not hurt, for example, from 13-00 - 14-00)
  2. Increase your intake proteins high BC, and reduce consumption carbohydrates, while do not reduce the total calorie content, this combination will provide a high-quality set of muscles.
  3. Drink at least a day 3-4 l water.
  4. Do it always warm-up before working approaches and a hitch at the end of the workout.
  5. Include in your training program basic exercises for the main muscle groups.
  6. Take, most importantly, amino acids, pre-workout complexes, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin and mineral complexes.
  7. Increase your calorie intake by 200-300 kcal per day, with the condition that the weight is added no more than 1 kg in Week.
  8. Don't be lazy to do squats on the shoulders is one of the most effective exercises that starts the processes of protein synthesis in the body, due to a powerful burst of anabolic hormones into blood)
  9. For better mass gain, use, 3 workouts per week, duration 60-90 minutes, while reducing the rest between sets to 1-1.5 minutes.
  10. Be sure purposeful, unshakable in their desires and capabilities - a confident person in his abilities, always achieves his goal
  11. Don't look at the weak and losers that will pull you down, look at successful athletes and champions.
  12. Surround yourself, your social circle strong people and you will see how you involuntarily become stronger psychologically

Very fast, does not mean high-quality pump. Everything that is given quickly, as the legendary said, is for the weak, we need a permanent result, which can only be achieved by competent approach to the training process.

Tips for Gaining Muscle Mass

Of course, you can, no matter what, use, which in the short term will bring you better results in bodybuilding than if you were rocking on natural training however, in the long run, training on steroids is useless, the result will be temporary, plus the hormonal system with this approach, to put it mildly, will “shake”.

Wishes for beginner athletes

Not everyone will become bodybuilding champions, not everyone will have the body of Arnold Schwarzenegger, and not even everyone will become “jocks”, but absolutely everyone can make their body physically stronger and more beautiful, and most importantly you will appear "champion" spirit, which will move you to conquer new heights.

When we reach our goal, and it doesn’t matter what it is connected with, with sports or study / work, an unshakable confidence in our power that makes us psychologically strong, and now we don’t tell ourselves, I can’t, or it’s difficult for me, and we answer ourselves where, when and with whom to compete ... the seasoned one will do the rest for us iron character, which will not allow us to go down, and will only speak forward, not a step back.

Wishes for beginner athletes

Everyone will have mistakes, injuries, defeat, no luck, hands will fall down, motivation will disappear, this is normal, we are all living people, we each have our own Problems at work, in the family, with health, but it is all these problems, how we will treat them and solve them, that will distinguish a true champion from wimp.

Strong man will fall and rise until he gets up and reaches his goal, and the weakling will not rise, having come up with a bunch of excuses and excuse.

Having realized the above information, having passed it “through yourself”, it will be much easier for you, and it will be easier to achieve your goals, from how to quickly pump up, ending, for example, how to master a complex profession.

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