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How to increase testosterone in men with folk remedies?

What is the function of testosterone in the male body? How to increase testosterone levels in men with medication? Medications and dietary supplements to increase the level of the male hormone.

Many men are faced with the problem of low testosterone levels, so you need to know how to increase it with medication. Testosterone is a male hormone that is responsible for a person's sex difference. The level of this hormone rises during puberty. According to statistics, many representatives of the stronger sex are faced with the problem of low testosterone levels, but they are not even aware of it.

Hormone deficiency causes a lot of inconvenience. Not only can problems with sexual function result from its deficiency, premature heart problems can also appear. The hormone contributes to the development of the genital organs, the strengthening of male strength, and the production of sperm.

With a low level of the hormone in the blood, a man may experience problems with reproductive function. To prevent infertility, you should take care of increasing testosterone. There are different ways to do this: diet, exercise, medications.

What causes a decrease in testosterone levels

It is natural for men that testosterone levels begin to decrease with age.
The situation is aggravated by other factors:

  • wrong way of life;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • work associated with excessive physical exertion;
  • taking certain medications;
  • sedentary work;
  • irregular sex life.

The first signs that the level of the male hormone in the body is lowered are a sharp change in mood, depression, stressful conditions, irritability and nervousness. The patient's muscle mass decreases, there may be trouble in sexual life, problems with erection.

Lack of the hormone affects the functioning of the genitourinary system, there are problems in the work of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. If you do not take any measures in time, you can face very adverse consequences. There are many ways to increase testosterone levels in the blood. First of all, this is the establishment of a lifestyle, then you can think about taking medications.

When is testosterone prescribed?

To normalize the production of the male hormone in the blood, patients are prescribed medications, diet, physiotherapy. You can increase testosterone with folk remedies, but only by prior agreement with a specialist.

It is important to understand that the lack of testosterone in the body of men is an extremely serious problem that can provoke a change in the entire hormonal background. The patient begins to increase in size mammary glands, there are problems with potency. However, drugs should not be taken on their own, since hormone therapy can have very unpleasant side effects.
Taking medications is justified in such cases:

  • problems with puberty in boys;
  • poor development of sexual characteristics;
  • male infertility;
  • poor quality or insufficient amount of sperm;
  • osteoporosis;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • impotence.

These conditions require the intervention of doctors. In some cases, the normalization of nutrition, the rejection of bad habits, the use of traditional medicine helps. If this does not help, the patient is prescribed hormonal drugs.

Hormonal drugs

If you are faced with symptoms that may indicate a lack of male hormone in the body, you should go to see an andrologist. After conducting a comprehensive examination and evaluating the results of the tests, the specialist can prescribe drugs based on synthetic testosterone. They contribute to the normalization and strengthening of men's health.

Hormonal drugs can be produced in different forms.
Each form has its pros and cons:

  1. Tablets and capsules. They are convenient to take, they are quickly absorbed by the body, well absorbed, excreted by the kidneys. Their disadvantage is that they do not stay in the body for a long time, respectively, the level of testosterone rises only for a while.
  2. Ointments and gels. They are taken topically, the active substance is absorbed into the blood through skin cells. The disadvantages of this form include the fact that with prolonged use of drugs there is the possibility of skin irritation.
  3. The patches can be applied to the scrotum or to other areas of the body. They can also be irritating.

A popular drug is testosterone undecanoate. It is produced in the form of a powder, used for intramuscular injection. The substance dissolves in an oil solution. The medicine helps to normalize testosterone levels in men, improve sexual function, solve the problem of impotence and infertility. Treatment with this drug should be carried out only under the close supervision of a physician, as there is a risk of side effects.

Dietary supplements-stimulants

Dietary supplements do not contain pure testosterone in their composition. Most of these drugs are based on the extract of the plant Tribulus terrestris. Its action is aimed at stimulating the production of the hormone by the male body.

The composition of dietary supplements may include other active and excipients:

  • essential oils;
  • extracts of medicinal plants;
  • protodioscin;
  • dioscin;
  • flavonoids;
  • steroidal saponins.

Drugs can be used not only to increase the level of the hormone, but also to prevent its decrease in the body of a man.

In addition, the active ingredients of the drugs have a positive effect on the state of the endocrine, immune, and nervous systems.

Side effects and contraindications

Like all hormones, testosterone preparations have a number of contraindications and may cause unwanted side effects. If teenage boys take drugs, they may stop growing and developing bone tissue, but puberty will accelerate. Patients who take testosterone preparations are accompanied by disorders of the sebaceous glands, they are often disturbed by the problem of acne, hair begins to grow all over the body.

If you take hormonal medications, sleeping pills and alcohol at the same time, the body can react very unpredictably to such a “cocktail”.

With prolonged use of testosterone, the patient experiences the following side effects:

  • mental disorders;
  • headache;
  • irritability and aggression;
  • apathy;
  • the appearance of edema;
  • hair loss;
  • pressure problems;
  • acne.

It should be noted that these side effects relate specifically to hormonal drugs, which include synthetic testosterone. If you replace them with dietary supplements that simply stimulate the natural production of hormones, you can bypass these unpleasant manifestations. This is the most secure method.

Treatment with hormonal drugs can have not only a positive, but also a negative effect on the state of the body of a man. In order to minimize the risk to your health, but at the same time effectively cure diseases and eliminate disorders, make up for the lack of testosterone, you should contact a specialist to determine exactly how to solve the problem.

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