Exercises. Nutrition. Diets. Workout. Sport

How to quickly get rid of the stomach, strengthening the muscles of the press and lower back. Ways to tighten the abdomen: physical activity, exercises and body wraps Strengthening the abdominal muscles for women

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Lying on the floor, bend your legs, place your feet on the floor. Hands on the floor along the body. Raise your head, lowering your chin to your chest, raise your arms low so that they are parallel to the floor. Stretch your right hand to the right heel, while lifting your shoulders and left shoulder blade off the floor (if possible). Return back without lowering your head to the floor, and stretch your left hand to your left heel, lifting your shoulders and right shoulder blade, respectively.

Do 5 sets of 4-6 reps. If your neck gets tired, lower your chin down. If the neck hurts, then support it with one hand and do 4-5 times in one direction, and then change hands.


The starting position is the same: you lie on your back, legs bent and standing on the floor. However, the arms must be bent and placed under the neck. Raise your left knee, at the same time lift your head, arms and shoulders off the floor and direct your chest towards this knee. Lower yourself and repeat the rise to the right side along with the right knee.

Do 4 sets of 10 reps each (5 on each knee).


The starting position is the same. Spread your legs slightly. Put one hand under the neck, stretch the other between the legs. Lowering your head to your chest, raise your shoulders and shoulder blades, stretch your straight arm forward to your heels.

Do 6-8 times and change hands. Perform 4 such approaches (one approach - exercises on both hands).


Lying on your back, stretch your legs, arms along the torso. Lean lightly on your palms and press your lower back to the floor. Make sure that during the entire exercise it does not come off the floor. Raise your straight right leg vertically up. Attach the left one to it. Lower the right down to the floor and after it - the left. Start the next movement with your left foot up. So continue: first all the time lift the leg that was last placed on the floor.

Do 5 sets of 10-12 full cycles on each leg.


Starting position - as in the previous exercise. The legs are extended, the lower back is pressed to the floor, the palms rest on the floor. Raise your legs, bend them and point your knees towards your right shoulder, while the feet should be above the knees. Lower your legs to the floor, straightening them, and repeat the movement to the left shoulder.

Do 4 sets of 6-8 reps (equal on each side).


If you decide to read this article in the hope that it will tell you some wonderful secret, having learned which, you will fall asleep with a cellulite tummy, and wake up with abs no worse than some famous athlete, then perhaps you will be upset . And not only because such a technique does not exist in this article. And because it does not exist in nature at all. All these ads promising a flat stomach in a week, nothing more than a lie designed to make you buy useless "couch" machines, which, supposedly, can be used almost in a dream.

Are you upset? Need to. Yet, this article is useful. But the benefit is for those girls and women who intend to make an effort, and not just believe in fairy tales. Yes, to get rid of the stomach and strengthen the abdominal muscles, you need to make an effort. But the question is how exactly to apply them so that the exercises for training the muscles of the press and back become more effective, and the result appeared faster. First, you should know that in order to shape the muscles of the press, it is necessary to train not only the rectus abdominis. It is necessary to do a whole range of exercises that involve all the so-called deep muscles. For a beautiful press, the transverse abdominal muscles are also important. These horizontally located abdominal muscles literally encircle your torso. So, if you correctly distribute efforts to achieve your goal, then as a result, you will get not only a beautiful tummy, which will not be ashamed to be naked on the beach in hot weather, but also strengthen the lumbar muscles, sacrum and improve the general condition of the body.

As for the exercises - they are quite simple, but in the complex they are very effective. In different sources, these exercises may be called differently., but the point is not in the name, but in how focused they are on the main goal - a flat healthy stomach. As for the number of approaches and executions - much depends on the individual. Ideally, of course, you need to perform two approaches for each exercise; each approach provides 10-15 repetitions. Exercising two to three times a week (so that the break between classes is one day), You will be able to see the results of your work in 2-4 weeks. And, not just anywhere, but on your own body. But don't jump right in. The main thing is the first step. So, let's go directly to the exercises.

1. Lowering the legs

Initial position: you lie on your back, arms folded on your chest, legs straightened and raised up so that they are perpendicular to the floor, while the feet are parallel to the floor. Raise your head slightly off the floor so that you can see your hips. Then, while inhaling, lower one leg so that a few centimeters remain to the floor. Exhale and return the leg to its original position. Then repeat the same with the second leg. It will be pretty hard at first.(especially do not lower your legs to the end on the floor when performing the exercise). To begin with, do 4-6 repetitions with bent legs, and then gradually bring their number to 10-15 and strive to straighten your legs along the way.

2. Emphasis lying on the forearms

Initial position: the body is turned face down; arms bent at the elbows. You lie, but not on your stomach, but on your forearms in such a way that they are directed along the body, and the elbows are just under the shoulders. To make it a little easier, open palms can rest on the floor to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe supporting surface. The feet are perpendicular to the floor, the legs are also straightened and rest on the floor with the thumbs (or just socks). Raise your head so that the line of the back of the head is a continuation of the line of the back and legs, and the face is parallel to the floor. Actually, this is the whole exercise. The task is to keep the body parallel to the floor (without sagging or lifting the pelvis) from 15 to 20 seconds. To get started, try doing 3 sets. This exercise, borrowed, by the way, from yogis, is aimed not only at strengthening the abdominal muscles, but also at strengthening the lumbar region.

3. Bicycle

Initial position: you lie face up on the floor, legs straight, hands clasped loosely behind the head, elbows out to the sides parallel to the floor. Bend your right leg at the knee and bring your thigh as close to your chest as possible. At the same moment, slowly stretch your left elbow, wrapping it inward, towards your right knee. As soon as you feel slight discomfort, stop stretching. Hold this position for a short while, then return to the starting position. Repeat the same combination with the left leg and right arm. Remember - when performing this exercise, the back should bend, but not the neck!

4. Sit with legs up

Initial position: you lie on your back, legs are also straightened parallel to the floor. The arms are extended along the body, palms down. Trying to keep your back straight, simultaneously raise your legs and upper body so that your hands reach for your knees, and you balance on your tailbone. Hands, rising, must, nevertheless, maintain a position parallel to the floor. Your body and legs should strive to form the Latin letter "V". Try to hold for just a couple of seconds in this position, then slowly lower yourself to the floor. If this exercise is difficult for you (which is usually typical for beginners), you can bend your legs a little at the knees.

5. Gimlet

Initial position: You lie on your back with your arms parallel to the floor, palms down. The legs are also straightened and lie on the floor. Trying not to bend your legs, lift them so that they are vertical to the floor and, accordingly, to your body. Then, also trying to keep the upper part of the body motionless on the floor, try to tear the sacrum a little off the floor, tilting both raised legs to the right at the same time. Stay in this position for a while. Then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise one more time just tilting the legs to the left when raising the sacrum.

Reading time: 21 minutes

The question is one of the most relevant among those who think about their physical form. This problem area worries both men and women, and this is not always associated with excess weight.

The article discusses the basic rules on how to remove the stomach and what methods are considered the most effective in the fight against the stomach. Also offered ready-made set of exercises for the abdomen, which will help to remove the fat layer and strengthen the abdominal muscles.

How to remove the stomach: basic rules

Despite the fact that the Internet is replete with a variety of tips on how to quickly lose belly fat, getting rid of any problem areas on the body essentially boils down to two basic requirements:

  1. Decreased total body fat percentage
  2. Strengthening the relevant muscles

In order to reduce the overall percentage of body fat, you need to eat in a calorie deficit (eat fewer calories than your body can use) to begin the process of breakdown of adipose tissue. You can create a calorie deficit with proper nutrition, increased exercise, high daily activity, or all of the above. Without reducing body fat, you will not get rid of the belly.

The second factor that will help you to remove the stomach is performing exercises to strengthen the muscular corset or in other words, the muscles of the cortex (muscles of the abdomen and back). Core exercises won't help you burn fat, but they will help tone your muscles, improve your posture, tighten your abs, and ultimately transform your stomach. But this only works in combination with an overall reduction in body fat percentage.

How to make the body burn belly fat?

You can't force your body to burn belly fat. It is a mistake to think that by pumping the press, you remove the stomach.. No! With the help of abdominal exercises, you strengthen the abdominal muscles, and the fat layer decreases throughout the body with a calorie deficit: on the face, on the arms, on the stomach, on the legs. Regardless of what exercises you do (or do not do), the whole body loses weight (if there is a calorie deficit!), and training you only work out the muscles. It is impossible to force the body to get rid of fat in the abdomen, there is no local fat burning.

At the same time, you can intensively train the muscle corset, and arms and legs will lose weight faster. You will try to remove the stomach, and the volumes will go away from all parts of the body, except for the stomach itself. This is normal and natural! Usually the problem area loses weight last. How quickly you can remove the stomach depends largely on your body type, physiology and lifestyle.. Some men and women, even with a low percentage of body fat, have a small amount of fat in the lower abdomen.

What to do if you can not remove the stomach?

What to do if you have lost weight, your body has changed, but your stomach still does not go away? Or what to do if you are already in great shape, but you still have a small tummy? There are frequent cases when it is not possible to remove the stomach even with a low percentage of body fat. Hands, hips, buttocks are in perfect condition, but a small stomach does not want to leave. In this case, you can continue to lose weight and eventually achieve a flat stomach, but not the fact that this will improve the overall quality of the body. Along with fat, you will also lose muscle mass throughout the body, which will eventually lead to excessive thinness, and not a beautiful figure.

Always look at your overall body composition when adjusting your diet and training. Usually the problem area (and everyone has their own) very difficult to perfect. It takes time. Yes, regular exercise and proper nutrition will improve your body, but better is not always perfect. You should not get hung up on a small stomach and excessively torture yourself with diets if you are already in good shape. Keep exercising and eating with, continue to work on improving your figure. Gradually, step by step, you will bring yourself into great shape.

First circle: cardio exercises

: 20-25 times

: 20-25 times (each side)

You can repeat this circle with cardio exercises twice.

Round two: core strengthening exercises

: 20-25 times

: 30-60 seconds

: 10-15 times (each side)

: 10-15 times (each side)

: 15-20 times (each side)

: 10-15 times (each side)

Third circle: cardio exercises

1. Breeding hands in a semi-squat: 30-35 times

: 8-15 times

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    What will be required

    One of the signs of an athletic man is a relief press. The same is true for girls - a toned belly is both beautiful and indicates sports. Exercises for the rectus abdominis muscle will help to achieve excellent shape.

    There are dozens of movement options. Consider the most effective and versatile ones - those that are suitable for both women and the stronger sex. Most of the exercises you can easily do at home, but some are designed to be performed in the gym.

    A bit of anatomy

    The abdominal muscles are made up of four sections:

    • rectus muscle;
    • transverse;
    • internal oblique muscles;
    • external oblique.

    The rectus muscle is the largest. It is most often called the press. This muscle group comes from the pelvic bone and is attached to the sternum. The muscles are crossed by several horizontal connective fibers and a vertical tendon line, visually forming cubes. The number and expressiveness of the latter depends on the nature of the tendons. If genetics let us down, then even millions of repetitions will not help to catch up with those to whom nature has given a chic gift.

    It is possible to divide the press into upper and lower regions only conditionally. This is one whole. These or other movements provide only a different degree of tension in the zones. Therefore, for a qualitative study of the abdominal muscles, it is not necessary to include dozens of different exercises in the training program.

    For cubes to appear, two conditions must be met:

    • increase the volume of muscles;
    • lower your fat percentage.

    Local fat burning is a myth. Almost always, fat goes evenly throughout the body. Therefore, it is important to follow a diet and do aerobic exercise. If you get rid of all the excess, you will see your abs, even if you don’t pump them at all.

    Women need a combination of multi-rep abs, cardio and diet. Men in this formula need to replace the high-rep style with a power regimen that implies no more than 15 repetitions per set. Otherwise, instead of cubes there will be only squares - the press will be inexpressive. Although this level is worthy of respect.

    Note. Everything is individual: some manage to increase the volume of the press and when performing a large number of repetitions.

    Exercises for the rectus abdominis

    Exercises for the abdominal muscles can be done in any conditions. For a high-quality study of the muscles of the abdomen, newfangled simulators are not needed. But we will also consider various movements in the gym.

    Home exercises

    Most home exercises are variations. In general, the body is pulled up to the knees. During the reverse movement, the knees move towards the body.

    Straight crunches on the floor

    The easiest option that suits both beginners and experienced athletes. To perform the exercise, only the floor is needed.

    • Starting position (IP) - lying on the floor, legs bent at the knees, hands located near the chest. To increase the load, you can cross your arms behind your head, and throw your legs on a chair.
    • Slowly raise your shoulders and upper body. The amplitude is small and is designed for a powerful contraction of the upper part of the abdominal muscles. The loin should not come off.
    • Hold for a second at the peak point, tighten your abdominal muscles as much as possible, and then return to the PI under control.

    For more experienced athletes, a good option would be to use an additional weight that can be held at chest level or at outstretched arms.

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    Reverse crunches

    There are several variations of this exercise. All of them are aimed primarily at the lower part of the press. The simplest performance is on the floor.

    • IP - lying on the floor, legs half-bent and slightly torn off the floor.
    • Keeping the position of the legs, bring the knees to the chest.
    • After lingering for a second or two, return your legs to the IP.

    Throughout the exercise, the legs do not touch the floor, tension should remain in the abdominal muscles.

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    A more advanced variation is performed on a bench. If there is no bench at home, stools or a sofa will do.
    • IP - lying on a bench, half-bent legs hanging from the bench, hands provide support.
    • Bring your knees to your chest.
    • Return your legs to the IP.

    Due to the unstable position of the pelvis and increased amplitude, this exercise is more effective. It is important to work with the press. A common mistake is over-engaging the hips. In the absence of control of the abdominal muscles, the hips are involved in the work almost automatically. Therefore, it makes no sense to perform a more complex option if the athlete’s training allows you to correctly make only a simple movement.

    An even more advanced option is reverse twisting on an incline bench. The execution scheme is similar.


    Now - this is one of the most popular exercises for the press. Together with the abdominal muscles, the buttocks, back and arms work. By doing the plank along with twisting, you will quickly achieve a noticeable result.

    There are several types of planks:

    • on straight arms;
    • on the elbows;
    • with outstretched arm and/or leg;

    All of these variations are suitable for training the rectus muscle, with the exception of the last one.

    The scheme for performing a full plank on straight arms:

    • Lie face down on the floor.
    • Rise up so that you are standing on your palms and toes, while the body should be straight.
    • Keeping your breathing even, stay in this position for as long as possible.

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    Legs can be kept together or spread apart. The press must be tense all the time. At a certain stage, the abdominal muscles will turn on powerfully automatically, but even at an early stage it is worth controlling the degree of their tension.

    Other varieties are performed in a similar way.

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    Beginners do not need to stand up to the blackout. The first step is to prepare the muscles. On the other hand, after mastering the bar on straight arms, it is recommended to combine this option with more complex ones.

    Experienced athletes can use additional weights.

    Hanging leg raise

    If there is a horizontal bar at home, the training program can and should be supplemented. As with other exercises, there is variability here.

    Classic technique:

    • IP - hanging on the crossbar.
    • Pull your knees up to your chest.
    • After a second pause, slowly return to the PI.

    © Jacob Lund - stock.adobe.com

    In a more advanced version, the legs are straight. The final position is parallel to the floor.

    Having mastered this variety, move on to V-shaped lifts - touching the crossbar with your feet or raising them to an angle of 45 degrees relative to the floor.

    © Makatserchyk - stock.adobe.com


    Another effective exercise -. Hanging legs on the horizontal bar can not only be raised / lowered, but also kept in a fixed position - parallel to the floor. Readiness indicator - the time during which the athlete can hold out in the desired position.

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    The exercise is aimed not so much at visual development as at increasing the strength of the press. This is a great help to improve performance in other exercises.

    Exercises in the gym

    Simulators allow you to diversify your workouts, but you should not get carried away with them too much. The movements described above are enough for the eyes, but if you get bored, no one will forbid you to turn to modern training machines for help. They are also great for strength work, as they can vary the load.


    For training, you will need an upper block or a crossover with a rope handle. In fact, these are ordinary twists, reinforced due to increased resistance.


    • IP - kneeling in front of the block, hands holding the ropes, the body is tilted forward.
    • With the force of the press, bend over and twist so that your elbows are close to the floor.
    • Training program

      The training complex depends on the goals. Here are examples of programs that are suitable for home and gym.

      The program for the mass of the press (do not forget that the relief depends on the diet, not on the exercises) in the gym for men:

      Program for girls in the gym:

      Press Strength Program:

      Complex for men at home:

      Complex for women with home workouts:

      The press is trained 1-3 times a week. During the recruitment period, you can leave only one workout per week. During the drying period, connect another one or two. In the case of three workouts per week, they should be fairly light and include no more than 3 exercises. With a rarer load, the number of exercises can be increased to 4-5.

      Every day you don’t need to train the press, because, like any other muscle, it needs time to recover.

All the fair sex wants to have a flat, toned tummy and beautiful curves of a thin waist. Low physical activity, a sedentary lifestyle leads to a weakening of the abdominal muscles. Long sitting work also stretches the rectus abdominis muscle, which makes the stomach bulge. Today, the site site will tell you how to make your stomach flat and show special effective exercises aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles.

To make the stomach flat with the help of exercises, you need to know why the stomach begins to grow and look not the way you wanted. The stomach bulges for several reasons:

  1. Stretching of the rectus abdominis muscle from a sedentary lifestyle (always pull in the stomach when you sit for a long time!);
  2. Weakening of the muscles that keep the torso in good shape and support the internal organs;
  3. Deposition of excess fat in the abdomen;
  4. Poor digestion and intestinal blockage, overeating;
  5. After pregnancy;

In addition to weakening muscles due to a sedentary lifestyle, improper diet and lack of exercise leads to the deposition of excess fat deposits under the skin. The female body is designed in such a way that, under the influence of hormones, excess fat is deposited in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hips, buttocks and abdomen, especially its lower part. After pregnancy, the abdominal muscles also stretch and lose their tone. But this is easy to fix if you take the time to take care of yourself!

It may seem to someone that this is a difficult, impossible task and it will not work to make the stomach flat, you will not have enough willpower and patience. Know that everything is possible and it's easy! The main thing is regular training, which should become a habit for you. At first it will be a little hard, the body will resist and be lazy. But soon you will feel that it is already impossible to live without exercise! The body needs exercise and movement!Look at the girls who pulled themselves together and achieved amazing results:

You should know that strengthening the abdominal muscles themselves is very simple, it is enough to do exercises regularly, where the torso muscles will be involved. The muscles will come in tone, it will be very easy to keep the stomach drawn in. Tightened and strong muscles will be a corset for the internal organs. It is not only beautiful, but also extremely healthy! In general, first of all, you need to put health, and if the body and the whole organism are healthy, then the figure will certainly be beautiful!

Flat stomach - The basics of proper nutrition

Strengthening muscles is easy, but in order to drive off excess fat, you should try. A flat stomach is first of all:

  1. Proper nutrition!;
  2. Physical exercises (aerobic and strength);

If you do abdominal exercises, you can strengthen the abdominal muscles well. But, without cardio, without proper nutrition, your strong and toned abs will be hidden under a layer of fat. To get rid of fat, you need to adjust your diet. Do not overeat, give up flour, sweet. You can count the number of calories you eat per day and the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

You need to consume more protein foods, low fat, and get carbohydrates only from foods that contain complex carbohydrates and are able to supply the body with energy for a long time and gradually. Remember one rule that in the morning you can eat a lot of carbohydrates (sometimes it can be your favorite sweet!), but in the afternoon you should give preference to protein foods with a low fat content.

You can’t eat an hour before training and after training for an hour and a half you also need to refrain from eating, you can and should drink water. It is at this time that excess calories and belly fat will be burned.

Cardio make the heart work hard, accelerate the blood and burn fats and calories. Therefore, jumping rope, running, cycling, swimming, vigorous dancing contribute to weight loss and burning excess fat.

Some girls are afraid to do ab exercises because they don’t want to pump up cubes and relief, like men do. If you do exercises without weights, only with your own weight, it is impossible to pump up cubes and increase muscles. Do not be afraid that the exercises will make the waist look like a man's - a wide torso with prominent cubes. Pumping cubes for a girl is very, very difficult.

But still, if you want not only a flat stomach, but also a thin waist with a beautiful curve -do not get carried away pumping oblique, lateral abdominal muscles with weights, they make the waist wide. It is enough just to tone them up and strengthen them so that they pull themselves up and keep their shape firmly. So the waist will become thinner and more elegant. Muscles will not increase if you do not do exercises with weights! But for a beautiful bend in the waist and a flat stomach, it is imperative to do strengthening exercises for the oblique muscles.

How to make a flat stomach - exercises for weight loss and muscle strengthening

You need to do 4-5 times a week.

Before every lesson you need to do cardio exercises for 5-10 minutes first. It can be various jumping ropes or not, running, you can just actively dance. The main thing is to warm up well and increase the heartbeat. Warm up the muscles, make torso tilts (to the sides, forward and backward).

After training it is also desirable to connect cardio exercises for at least 15 minutes.

Each exercise should be done in 2-3 sets of 10-25 times, depending on your fitness.

1 exercise - pulling the knees to the chest . Strengthening the lower and upper press.

Sit on the mat, raise your legs at a right angle, rest your palms on the floor near the buttocks. Pull your knees to your chest - exhale. Straighten your legs (so that the shin becomes parallel to the floor) and slightly lower the body back - inhale.

2 exercises for a flat stomach - straight twisting. Strengthening the upper press.

Lie on the mat on your back, press your lower back to the floor. Hands behind your head, but do not pull or jerk your hands behind your head! The palms only lightly hold the back of the head. Raise your shoulder blades off the floor and exhale. Gently lower yourself to the floor - inhale.

Read also:

Exercise 3 - leg raises . Strengthening the lower press.

Lie on the floor, arms extended along the body, lower back pressed to the floor. Bend your legs at a right angle. Raise your legs (so that the hips are at a right angle to the floor) - exhale, lower to the starting position - inhale.

4 exercise - side plank. Strengthening the oblique abdominal muscles.

Lie on your side, lean on the floor with your arm bent at the elbow. Feet and buttocks should be on the same line. Exhale - lift your hips off the floor. Inhale slowly lower. The exercise can be made more difficult and focus not on the knees, but on the feet, i.e. legs should be straight. Exercise should be done on each side.

Exercise 5 - twisting from the side bar. Strengthening the oblique muscle group.

Starting position - side plank on the knees. The body from the top of the head to the knees should form a straight line. The knees and hips are on the same line. Stretch your arm up (inhale) and gently lower it behind your waist on the other side (exhale). Do the exercises first on one side, then on the other side - this will be one approach.

To complicate the exercise, you can take a dumbbell (or a bottle of water :) in your hand and perform it from the bar with support on your feet. Those. the legs should be straight, and the body from head to heels should form one straight line.

6 exercise - side twisting with leg raises . Strengthening all abdominal muscles.

Starting position - lying on the floor, legs raised up, hands behind the head. Lower your left leg without touching the floor - the leg should be in weight. At the same time as lowering the leg, lift the shoulder blades off the floor with a twist to the side - pull the left elbow to the right knee (exhale). Return to the starting position - inhale. Do the exercise on one side, then on the other.

7 exercise - side twisting with raised legs. Strengthening the upper and oblique muscles of the press.

Starting position - lying on the floor, lower back pressed to the floor, legs raised up at a right angle, hands behind the head. Raise your shoulder blades off the floor and extend your arms to the right side - exhale. In this exercise, alternate sides like this: the first lift to the right, the second lift to the left, the third lift again to the right, etc.

8 exercise - lifting straight legs from a lying position on your side . Strengthening oblique muscles.

Starting position - lying on the rug on the right side, the right arm is extended forward and lies on the floor. Left hand behind the head, legs straight. Raise your legs up as far as possible, at the same time lift the body and pull towards your legs - exhale. We lower our legs and shoulders - inhale.

9 exercise - raising legs . Strengthening the lower part of the press.

Lie on the mat, hands behind your head, lower back pressed to the floor. Legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor. Straighten your legs and hold for 1 second at an angle of 45 degrees - exhale. We put our feet on the floor - inhale. Watch the position of the lower back - it should always be pressed to the floor, and the abdominal muscles are tense.

10 exercise - lateral twisting. The upper and oblique muscles work.

Lie on the floor with your legs bent at the knees and lowered to the side, hands behind your head. Tear off the shoulder blades from the floor - exhale, gently lower yourself to the floor - inhale. After 10-25 repetitions, switch sides and shift your knees to the other side.

11 exercise - plank. Strengthening all the muscles of the press, muscles of the back, lower back, buttocks and arms.

Very good complex static exercise. Almost all muscles are involved here. During static exercises, muscles are strengthened and fat is burned.

Starting position - lean on your arms, bent at the elbows, back straight. The body forms a straight line from head to heels. The lower back should be straight, the press is tense. Watch your breath - a sharp exhalation (the abdominal muscles tighten even more) and a smooth breath. Stay in this position for as long as you can. Start with 10-20 seconds. To rest, lower your body to the floor, then return to the plank position again. Do several approaches.

During the execution of all exercises, make sure that it is the abdominal muscles that work, the number of repetitions must be done until the burning sensation in the muscles. We felt that the muscles begin to burn and burn - another 3-5 repetitions and you can relax.

Watch your diet, do cardio and abdominal exercises - and your stomach will certainly become toned, flat and beautiful. The main thing is not to quit! Be beautiful!

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