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Is it possible to pump up the ass on the fitball. Top exercises for the buttocks and legs with a fitball. Basic rules for performing exercises with fitball

Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity know that an elastic and toned butt is not a gift of nature, but the result of hard work on oneself. Basic exercises for pumping up the buttocks are conditionally divided into complexes aimed at solving a specific problem of giving your body perfect bends.

Traditionally, it is believed that the most useful exercises for pumping up priests are squats. Yes, they allow you to pump not only the gluteal muscles, but also the back of the thigh, as well as the calf muscle. Due to this, the priest acquires an elegant silhouette. However, now fitness experts have developed programs in which squats are necessarily combined with other groups of exercises. The choice of complex depends on what problem you intend to solve.

What exercises are suitable for a flat butt?

If you do not have a very prominent butt line, then, answering the question of what exercises are needed to pump up the buttocks, we will definitely stipulate: the complex should be with weighting.

  • Squats with a load.
  1. We place our legs on the same level with the width of the shoulders.
  2. We take a weighting agent in our hands (1-1.5 kg in each).
  3. Slowly lower the pelvis, tensing the calf muscles as much as possible.
  4. We return to the starting position.
  • Lunges with a load
  1. We bring our legs into a narrow stance, we lower our hands with a load down.
  2. We take a step 60-70 cm forward with the supporting leg, the second leg straightens, and the knee touches the support.
  3. We do 10-15 attacks on each leg.
  • Mahi with weights
  1. We put on special weights (from 0.5 to 1 kg) on ​​our legs.
  2. We straighten our back, we hold our hands on a chair.
  3. We do 10-15 swings with each leg.
  • Complex swings
  1. We attach weights to the legs.
  2. We stand facing the chair, holding on to the back.
  3. We pull the knee of one leg to the chest and sharply throw it back, lifting it up.
  4. We do 5-7 times.
  • "Flexible Cat"
  1. We get on all fours, bending the legs at the knee joint.
  2. We bring the elbows under the level of the shoulders, turn the palms inward.
  3. Slowly straighten the leg so that it forms one line with the body.
  4. We do 15 approaches for each leg.
  • Pelvic lift
  1. We lie down on our back, the heels are completely on the floor, we stretch our arms at the seams.
  2. Slowly raise the pelvis until it forms a straight line with the body.
  3. We return to the starting position.
  4. We perform 30-40 approaches.

When choosing which exercises to do to pump up the buttocks, do not ignore the exercises on the ball. Fitball manipulation is one of the most popular types of training. To use the ball, it is absolutely not necessary to visit the gym, and the probability of incorrectly calculating the load is much less than in the case of weights. Especially for those who are interested in what exercises for the priests are best done on a fitball, we present a special selection.

  • Squats on one leg
  1. We stand with our backs to the fitball, stretch our arms along the line of the body.
  2. We raise the leg, bent at the knee, 30-40 cm from the floor.
  3. Slowly squat on the supporting leg until the buttocks touch the ball.
  4. Change the supporting leg. We perform 15-20 squats for each leg.
  • Hip lift
  1. We sit on the fitball so that the back touches the ball, and the heels rest on the floor.
  2. Slowly begin to tighten the hips until the knees are fully extended.
  3. We do 25-30 lifts.
  • We keep the balance
  1. We lie down on our back, stretch our arms along the body, put our legs on the ball.
  2. We raise the buttocks so that the pelvis forms a straight line with the legs, while trying not to fall off the fitball.
  3. We return to the original position. We do 15-20 approaches.
  • Balance on the ball.
  1. We bend the leg at the knee, put the foot on the ball.
  2. We also bend the second leg, turn it outward and rest our foot against the fitball.
  3. We raise the body, straining the muscles of the buttocks.
  4. We do 20 sets for each leg.

Many young ladies, having come to the gym, ask the instructor: “What is the most effective exercise for pumping up the buttocks?” And, of course, the answer is always the same: squats. You just need to do them right.

  1. We put our feet shoulder-width apart, we take the “fifth point” back. On the inhale we squat, on the exhale we stand up.
  2. We repeat the previous instruction, only bring the legs together.
  3. We put the legs wider than the shoulders, turn the socks outward. Slowly we go down and we rise just the same.
  4. We cross the legs, take the ass as far back as possible. The forward standing leg rests on the entire foot, the second - only on the toe. Bend your knees and do a squat.
  5. We lean on the back of the chair with our hands. Raise one leg at a right angle to the body. We squat on the supporting leg, at the same time bringing the bent leg back and straightening it.

Each type of squat should be repeated 20-25 times.

What exercises for the buttocks can be safely done during pregnancy?

An interesting position lasts for a whole 9 months, so it is not surprising that the expectant mother begins to worry about not losing physical shape after the birth of a child. Basic exercises for the buttocks for pregnant women, of course, are not so diverse, but no less effective.

  1. We stand straight, spread our legs shoulder-width apart. Rotate the body to the left and right. We perform 5 times in each direction.
  2. We sit on the fitball and do light rolls with the body.
  3. Sitting on the ball, we lean on legs wide apart, transferring body weight from one leg to the other.
  4. Press the ball against the wall with your back, bring your heels and knees together. We try to touch the floor with our knees, slightly helping with our hands, but do not break away from the fitball.

Reading time: 29 minutes

Fitball is an inflatable rubber ball with a diameter of 45-95 cm, which is used in fitness to work on muscle tone.

We offer you a unique selection: 50 fitball exercises for all problem areas with photos! Thanks to the proposed exercises, you can strengthen the muscles of the arms, abdomen, thighs and buttocks, improve your figure, get rid of sagging and cellulite.

Before moving on to the list of fitball exercises, let's remember how to properly exercise with a rubber ball so that the workout is effective and of high quality. We offer you 10 useful tips for training with a fitball at home or in the gym.

Features of performing exercises with fitball:

  1. During exercises with a fitball, you should be focused on the muscles, feel their tension. Try to train not for speed, but for quality.
  2. Use in your workout not only exercises for your problem area, but also exercises for the whole body. For successful weight loss, it is necessary to work in a balanced way on all muscle groups, and not just on the stomach or only, for example, on the hips.
  3. remember, that the more the fitball is inflated, the more difficult it is to perform the exercises. If you are just learning to train with the ball, do not inflate it for the first time to full elasticity.
  4. If you do not know how to build a workout, then use the circular principle. Take 5-6 exercises and alternate them with each other in several rounds. The second part of the article offers specific exercise programs that can be taken as a basis.
  5. All 50 fitball exercises that we offer are divided into 4 groups: for the upper body (shoulders, arms, chest), for the core (back, abdomen), for the lower body (thighs and buttocks), for the whole body (all major muscle groups are involved).
  6. Fitball exercises are especially effective when working on, so even exercises with a ball for the hips and buttocks help strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and back as well.
  7. For most of the proposed exercises, you will not need any other additional equipment other than a fitball.
  8. If you find it difficult to repeat some exercise with a fitball (e.g. due to insufficient balance), then either modify it to a more simplified version, or do not do this exercise at all yet.
  9. Fitball exercises are An excellent tool for the prevention of pain in the back and lower back.
  10. Read more about the benefits of a fitball, as well as how to choose it correctly, in the article: Fitball for weight loss: effectiveness, features, how to choose.

To begin with, let's recall once again what is the use of training with a fitball:

  • strengthening the abdominal muscles, arms, legs and buttocks
  • burning calories and accelerating fat burning
  • strengthening the deep abdominal muscles and muscle corset
  • improve posture and prevent back pain
  • fitball is a simple and affordable inventory for everyone

50 of the best fitball exercises

All exercises with a fitball are presented in GIFs so that you can clearly see the execution process. GIFs tend to speed up the process of the exercise, so don't try to rely on the speed that is shown in the images. Practice at your own pace, with focus and full concentration.

Fitball exercises for the abdomen and core

1. Twisting on a fitball

2. Lifting the body on a fitball

3. Oblique twists

4. Crossing legs

5. Body rotations

6. Raising the legs on the fitball

7. Hyperextension on a fitball

Or this option:

8. Side Plank Knee

9. Side plank against the wall: for advanced

10. Dumbbell crunches

11. Double crunches

12. Passing the ball from hand to foot

13. Bicycle

14. Leg lift

15. Scissors

16. Leg twists

17. V-pleat with one leg

18. V-pleat

19. Rolling a fitball on your knees

Exercises with a fitball for the hips and buttocks

20. Butt lift

21. One Leg Butt Lift

22. Rolling fitball on the back

23. Side knee raise

24. Lateral leg raise: a more difficult option

25. Leg swings to the side

26. Leg raise back

27. Squat

28. Sumo Squat

29. Wall Squat

30. Squat on one leg

31. Reverse Lunge

Fitball exercises for the upper body

32. Push-ups with support on the floor

33. Push-ups based on fitball

34. Fitball plank

35. Breeding dumbbells for chest muscles

36. Dumbbell French Press

Fitball exercises for the whole body

37. Plank Knee Pull-ups

With the help of a fitball, you can carry out both strength training and cardio, as well as stretching with stretching.

Another of its features is the involvement of several muscle groups at once. So, performing exercises with a ball for the buttocks, the legs, hips, back and abs will be additionally transformed.

The fitball will be especially useful for overweight people and pregnant women. It does not put stress on the joints and does not have a negative impact on health.

People with varicose veins can gladly acquire a bright assistant. The fitness ball not only does not aggravate this disease, but also helps to saturate the veins with oxygen, which has a healing effect.

What muscles are involved?

Let's talk about the buttocks. The gluteal muscles of our body consist of three parts:

  • Large - located on the back of the pelvis and are responsible for the bulge and relief;
  • Medium - located on the sides of the pelvis and are responsible for the beautiful line of the hips;
  • Small - attached next under the middle muscles and perform the same functions.

By training each of them, doing exercises for the buttocks on a fitball, you will help your butt become convex, toned and elastic.

It is important to understand that fitball training are not insulating. This means that in addition to the gluteal muscles, many other muscles will be involved. Below are the most effective fitball exercises for the buttocks, thighs, abs and lower back muscles.

Note! The size of the fitball that suits you can be calculated as your height - 100 centimeters. Having chosen the desired one, sit down on it, pressing your feet to the floor. The hips should be parallel with respect to a flat surface, and the knees should be at an angle of 90 degrees.

Top 3 ball moves for beginners

These movements are quite simple to perform and do not require serious physical training. They are quite suitable for beginners.

1. Hyperextension on a fitball for the buttocks (extension in the lumbar region)

The exercise is suitable for both beginners and advanced athletes. The primary muscles involved are the iliocostal, lumbar, and mid back. Additionally, the gluteus maximus muscles and thigh biceps are strained. The exercise with the ball differs from the fact that, among others, it also involves many more stabilizing muscles.


  1. Starting position - lie with your stomach on the ball, arms bent behind your head, legs straight with support on the toe, look down, the dorsal region is completely relaxed (as if hanging from a gymnastic apparatus);
  2. On inspiration, the back muscles straighten and the body stretches into one straight line, the lower back is slightly tucked up so as not to overstrain it;
  3. On the exhale, we return to the I.P.

The difficulty of these actions is to maintain balance and coordination.

You should start from 10 repetitions in 3 sets. You can gradually increase the number of repetitions to 20-25.

Be sure to watch the video before starting the lesson:

Important! Before any sports activities, ALWAYS do a warm-up!

2. Squats along the wall

The work is aimed at working out the priests and the front surface of the thigh. The complexity is easy, if you wish, you can weight yourself with dumbbells or do squats on one leg. There is more, special attention should be paid.


  1. Starting position - stand with your back to the wall and firmly press the ball against it with your lower back. The legs are set slightly forward and are shoulder-width apart;
  2. Tighten your abs, inhale and squat while balancing, thighs should be parallel to the floor. Hold at the bottom for a few seconds, feeling all the tension in the buttocks;
  3. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

The ball should roll up and down along your back. Be sure to watch the lower back, it should be tightly pressed against the gymnastic instrument. For a greater load, do this.

It is necessary to do from 15-20 repetitions for 3-5 approaches.

Learn more from the video:

See also:

3. Jumping

One of the easiest exercises with a gymnastic ball is jumping on a fitball for the buttocks. This movement is similar to , which has a set.

It is necessary to sit on it, firmly press the feet to the floor and begin to make intense jumps. Do not tear off your legs from the floor, and the fifth point from the ball. It is desirable to make jumps as quickly as possible, more rhythmically and more energy-intensive. Such movements perfectly strain the whole body as a whole, and especially the ass.

It is necessary to jump from 3-5 minutes in several approaches.

Learn more from the video:

Carefully! Contraindications to exercise with a fitball can be a complicated pregnancy or local skin diseases.

2 more exercises for the buttocks on the ball of increased complexity

If you have a fairly good physical condition and want to work out the gluteal and other muscles even more effectively, the complicated exercises with the ball for the abs and buttocks presented below will suit you.

1. Glute bridge

A complex exercise aimed at working out the muscles of the press, hips and buttocks. Increases coordination and endurance of the whole body. Be sure to watch your breathing and do not pinch your stomach so that oxygen is well distributed throughout the body.


  1. Starting position - lie on the mat on your back, feet are on the ball and pressed tightly against it;
  2. While inhaling, it is necessary to push the pelvis up. Watch your lower back, it should not bend much. At the top point, the muscles of the press and buttocks will be as tense as possible. It is advisable to stay in this position for a moment.
  3. As you exhale, gently lower your pelvis onto the mat.

It is necessary to perform 10-15 repetitions for 3-4 sets.

More on video:

2. Reverse bridge (raising the pelvic area with rolling the ball)

An advanced version of the exercise above. The work includes the muscles of the cortex and thigh-gluteal.


  1. Starting position - back on the floor, legs on the fitball, while the feet are not pressed against it, hands lie along the body;
  2. While inhaling, you need to tighten the muscles of the press and buttocks, raise the pelvis and roll the ball towards you and linger for a minute;
  3. Without lowering your lower back to the mat, roll the ball back to the starting point. Keep your balance by using your arms.

Do 12-15 reps in 3-5 sets.

The video shows a simplified version of this movement:

Note! You can complicate the bridge by adding a pancake from a barbell / dumbbell to the pelvic part, or you can perform actions alternately on one of the legs.

Don't forget to cool down after your workout, which can also be done using a fitball.

It does not hurt to reconsider nutrition: less fatty and harmful, more protein and vegetables. Observe the drinking regime - two liters of pure non-carbonated water per day. Add a scrub, hard washcloth/brush and massage with your favorite cream to your body care routine.

A little patience and perseverance, exercise and moderate proper nutrition, and a beauty who will soon look at you in the mirror will sincerely say “thank you”.

Useful materials:

  • through exercise?
  • How to spend just 20 minutes a day to lose weight in the lower body.
  • How to get rid of?
  • and and are in the TOP 10 best movements for the buttocks.

It has been proven that the fitball helps to turn on the deep stabilizer muscles, which remain unused in normal training. As a result, more calories are burned, and the range of motion of the hips increases, which allows you to pump the gluteal muscles. That is why it is so relevant.

What needs to be done for a good result? Do exercises from our selection twice a week. The complex is best done without long breaks, three sets for each workout. It is important to follow the sequence of exercises.

Fitball exercises for legs and buttocks

This complex includes only four exercises, but each of them is designed to ensure that your legs, hips and buttocks receive the maximum load and delight you with their beautiful relief and smartness. Let's get started!

  • Fitball leg curl

Take the starting position: lying on the floor, the ankles are on the fitball. Lift your pelvis off the floor so that your body is in a straight line from your shoulders to your heels. Slowly bend your legs so that the ball rolls as close to the buttocks as possible. Then do the opposite movement, lowering the pelvis to the floor. Do the exercise 15 times.

  • Glute bridge on one leg

Lie on the mat, place one bent leg on the fitball, and stretch the other up. Perform pelvic lifts while squeezing the gluteal muscles.

  • Fitball Plank

Take a lying position, place your legs on the fitball, and place your palms on the floor under your shoulders. You can complicate the exercise by lifting a straight leg up. Thus, you will pump the muscles of the core and buttocks.

  • Reverse hyperextensions

Lie on your stomach on the fitball, place your palms slightly in front of the shoulder line. Slowly lift your hips up so that the ball stays in place. Do the exercise 15-20 times.

Video source: youtube

Fitball workouts are usually associated with gymnastics for pregnant women or classes during the recovery period after childbirth. A large ball is well suited for high-quality study of the muscles responsible for stabilizing the hips, pelvis, and spine. Suitable for people who are looking for an answer to the question of how to pump up their ass on a fitball.

The simulator was developed in the middle of the last century in Switzerland (another name is the Swiss ball) and was intended to solve problems with the musculoskeletal system. It develops back muscles well, forms posture, trains coordination of movements and a sense of balance. Later it turned out that the fitball is useful for everyone who decides to strengthen the core muscles, develop flexibility, harmony, and is suitable as an auxiliary simulator for the gluteal muscles.

Is it possible to pump up the ass on a fitball

What is the use of a fitball for the buttocks? Many practicing coaches claim that the main use of the Swiss ball is to strengthen the stabilizer muscles. These are deep-seated small muscles, they are rarely involved in regular training, they are little loaded and not visible. We are talking about small and medium gluteal muscles. The middle muscles are only partially stabilizing and affect the shape of the buttocks. Small gluteal muscles occupying 1/7 of the volume of the gluteal muscles, for the appearance of the priests "do not make the weather." Stabilizers experience not dynamic, but isometric contractions. Strengthening the endurance of such muscles is possible and necessary, but increasing their muscle mass is unlikely. Conclusions - it is impossible to pump up the ass on a fitball, but the inclusion of a projectile in training has a tangible practical meaning.

Basic exercises for the buttocks on the fitball

Fitball is considered one of the least traumatic projectiles, but it is still recommended to start classes with the simplest exercises. Fitness club trainers are often asked if it is possible to pump up the ass by jumping on a fitball. Usually the answer is: no, but you will have fun. Do the exercise correctly. Sit on the ball, keep your back straight, press your feet firmly to the floor. Move on to jumping without taking your feet off the floor, and the remaining fulcrum from the ball. Try to make jumps rhythmic, as fast and energy-intensive as possible. Don't forget to tighten your gluteal muscles. The exercise lasts 5-7 minutes, but this is already individual, as is the number of approaches.

Quite effective for the back, abs and buttocks is the plank on the fitball. Kneel near the projectile, lean on the ball with your elbows and forearms, straighten your knees and take up a plank position. The retention time can be gradually increased from a few seconds to a minute. The number of repetitions from 5 to 10 should also be increased gradually as you train. If you stubbornly look for a way to pump up your ass on the ball, then in the future the exercise can be complicated by alternately moving your legs back. Let this not bring you closer to the goal, but at least at first it will give you a little pleasant adrenaline, and in the end it will increase your sense of balance.

Anticipating the question of young mothers about how to pump up the ass on a fitball, shaking a child, we can say that there are two answers: short and detailed. Let's start with a short one - sequentially. Now let's be consistent and give a detailed answer. First you need to rock the child, and then start training. If the first half of the plan is successful, then the second will go unhindered. If the child does not fall asleep, then you can try to perform a gluteal bridge on a fitball. As a rule, this switches the child's attention to the contemplation of an unusual phenomenon, and he calms down in surprise.

To perform the exercise, you need to lie on your back on a gymnastic mat, spread your arms to the sides, and place your ankles on a Swiss ball. Then raise your ass up so that the body forms a straight line with straightened legs: the shoulder blades and the back of the head rest on the mat, the ankles on the ball, the angle between the mat and your body is 25–30º. After that, bend your knees, rolling the fitball towards you until you rest your feet on it, and the angle between the mat and your body reaches 75-80º. At the top point, try to tighten the muscles of the buttocks. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times.

You can perform fitball exercises at home, or under the guidance of an experienced trainer, for example, at.

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