Exercises. Nutrition. Diets. Workout. Sport

How to pump up quickly, without effort and chemistry. How to pump up without chemistry. Five rules to build muscle without steroids

Hello! The most effective tips for pumping up muscles and acquiring the most beautiful body in your yard I will consider in this article!

First of all, this article is written for people who contact me about the following questions: “Nikitos, in short, I want to pump up the banks, but I can’t eat often, I eat only 2, sometimes (on holidays) 3 times a day, and in general, how can you pump up with push-ups and a horizontal bar? I don’t want to go to the hall, because I don’t want to be clumsy and have my muscles enslave! I want to know, so that without fat in general and relief there, you know. How can this be done faster?

I will not get personal.

Okay guys. Here are the most effective tips that can provide the best pump for lean and large muscles in a short time.


  • Eat as LESS as possible! Preferably 0-1 times a day.
  • You need to eat mainly sandwiches with sausage + chips + beer (very preferably).
  • No sports nutrition! This is chemistry and the liver is not worth it! Better take an extra kilo of sausage, it contains at least meat, everything is natural.
  • No water for training! And in general, drink as LESS water as possible! Why do you need extra water between the muscles?
  • Alcohol goes well with exercise and healthy eating, like "boy" sandwiches and lemonade. So no need to fill your head with unnecessary nonsense! If you want and "the body asks", then you definitely need it! At least a stack for health!
  • After a workout, you can eat a jar of sprats in your own juice and have a snack with your favorite sausage sandwich.

For now, that's all about nutrition. Remind me in the comments if I forgot something.

Now the MOST IMPORTANT thing, what about training? It's very simple, my friends.


Well, it's like pissing two fingers on the asphalt, as they say.

On this I ran out, friends)) Tell me something else?

End of demagogy

If you have already sharpened your skis and are 115% ready to go to the gym with these tips, then I hasten to stop you.

I think you understand that I'm just trolling those dudes who want to pump up the "big pots", but do not want to change anything in their lives! IT DOESN'T HAPPEN, FRIENDS! How much you give, so much you get!

I have repeatedly quoted on my blog the famous phrase of the brilliant scientist Albert Einstein:

"The biggest stupidity is to do the same thing and hope for a different result"

It would seem an elementary truth, but many people think that without changing anything in their lives, they can become better (bigger, slimmer, more athletic, more enduring, etc.). NO! I say this with all responsibility. IF YOU DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING IN YOUR ACTIONS, THEN YOU WILL NOT GET ANOTHER RESULT!

You can do garbage for years, THINK that you are doing it, don’t understand how to eat, but inspire yourself that this is “normal” and blame innocent GENETICS for your troubles. Or you can just gather yourself together, tear your flabby ass off the couch, brush off the chips, push the can of beer away, turn off the TV and START CHANGE YOUR ACTIONS TO FINALLY CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

“Your whole life is the result of your REGULAR actions”

Sometimes, when some people write to me that they CANNOT eat more than 2-3 times a day (such as no time, sick, lazy, etc.), DO NOT WANT to go to the gym (such as enslaves muscles, sets the heart, does not like etc.), but WANT to get a pumped up body, then I want to shout, as loudly as possible in their ear: “WAKE UP! YOU LIVE IN THE REAL WORLD!".

I have a feeling that these people just think that a pumped up body is some kind of mythical garbage that obeys some completely different physical laws.

THE BODY CAN'T NOT CHANGE IF YOU DO IT RIGHT. Or do you think that the body will simply "score" on regeneration (tissue healing, system restoration, homeostasis) and supercompensation (over-recovery, insurance), as a result of which you will train and eat for nothing?

I understand situations are different. Little money, a lot of energy is spent on study / work, family, environment, etc. But guys, I wouldn't have written this article if I hadn't been in a similar situation myself.

I was fat, really. It's not that I weighed over 100 kg, no. I just didn't let myself get started like that. I was 85 kg, with a height of 180 cm. But, the bulk of my body was fat.

At that time I was in my third year at the University, hard study, tests, electives, etc. We studied FROM MORNING TO EVENING! As you understand, the student has practically ZERO money, although I have always studied on a scholarship.

However, I got up 2.5 hours before class and went to work out while everyone in my dorm room was asleep! I DID NOT KNOW HOW TO DO THE EXERCISES CORRECTLY. I JUST DID. But it was much better than doing nothing at all.

I saved on entertainment, but bought myself eggs, chicken, cottage cheese, milk, kefir, vegetables, pasta, buckwheat (I knew where it was, infection, the cheapest in the city))

However, over time, my level of knowledge and fitness grew, and now I have what I always wanted - a BEAUTIFUL, PUMPLED BODY.

This is how success is achieved in all areas of life. This is why I love bodybuilding.


  • To achieve results in bodybuilding, you need to EAT MORE (from 6 times a day), in small portions.
  • No chips, cola, lemonade and other infection. This will slow down your progress and "extinguish" your health. I wrote about a different, DEADLY infection and “freaky fats” .
  • Depending on what the goal is (losing weight, drying, gaining muscle mass), you need to take into account the PROPORTION OF NUTRIENTS (BJU). We talked about nutrients .
  • For the growth of muscle tissue, PROGRESSION OF LOADS is necessary (increase in weights, intensity of training, volume of training, etc.).
  • In order for your energy to be normal, you must sleep 8-10 hours a day.
  • At the beginning of your workouts, you must learn to feel your muscles! We talked about this

Is it possible to pump up without chemistry, a matter of honor for every bodybuilder. Agree, it is much more pleasant to realize that a muscular relief figure is the result of one's own efforts, and not a consequence of the action of substances, and not always useful ones. Usually, in the pursuit of rapid muscle growth, athletes consider taking chemical drugs.

How have you not read this yet? Well, it's useless...

What is chemistry?

Someone under this concept means all kinds of supplements, and even sports nutrition. But most athletes argue that protein should not be included in this category.

Chemistry is more like anabolic steroids. With their help, even the thinnest "squishy" is able to modify his body beyond recognition. Therefore, many beginners cannot avoid the temptation and tightly “sit down” on these drugs. Although, pumping up without chemistry is possible and even necessary. Of course, your body will not look like some bodybuilders. But the conscience will be clear, and the body healthier.

How to pump up without chemistry

If you decide not to use anabolic steroids, then get ready for a long difficult journey. Effective and correct training is the key to your success. To all this, a diet necessarily comes - every day you need to eat a lot of meat and fish, eggs and dairy products, vegetables and fruits. Normal healthy sleep will help the body quickly adapt to stress and not overwork.

If you decide to go to the gym and work out on the simulators, then this will also actively contribute to the growth of your muscle mass. A set of exercises is developed for each individual, but it necessarily includes an exercise with a barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, deadlift elements, and a press swing. Do everything in good faith and then you will quickly pump up without chemistry.

How to pump up quickly with chemistry

All bodybuilders know that gaining muscle mass of 20-25 kg is within the power of everyone. Well, if things do not go further and hung at a dead point, which often happens, many can not stand it and turn to the help of steroid chemistry.

The most famous and popular chemicals are:

  • Methyltestosterone;
  • Methandrostenolone;
  • Phenobolin;
  • Retabolil.

If you decide to take them, and thereby quickly pump up with the help of chemistry, then be sure to consult with your doctors - in matters of dose, side effects and consequences. Even if the doctors “gave you the go-ahead” to take steroids, you must constantly be under their control.

Is natural bodybuilding a myth or a reality? Coming to the gym, a beginner now and then hears phrases from professional athletes that you won’t pump up without chemistry. Muscle growth and an increase in strength are the lot of steroid lovers, and not athletes with natural methods. Let's figure out how to pump up without harm to health, without using chemistry. Consider a training program for natural athletes. Let's designate a list of nutrition tips for gaining muscle mass.

The natural mass limit of the natural: how to break through the ceiling

Training stress is the basis of the natural progression of strength and muscle performance. In this case, anabolic hormones are produced by the body itself. Another option is chemical preparations, with a quick effect on weight gain. When the natural level of progress has reached the ceiling, the athlete is faced with a choice: continue to work in the same mode or add fire in the form of steroids.

Why pump up without chemistry quickly will not work. The body is not a bottomless reserve of substances that can be pumped out on demand. The natural production of anabolic hormone, as a response to stress, is limited to a certain volume. This manifests itself when the limit of physiological capabilities, the growth of mass and strength, is reached. But when taking anabolic substances, the growth process is faster. Additional chemical stimulation steps over the ceiling. Pumping up without steroids is real, but not in a short time.

How to break through stagnation in the mass. There are two ways to solve the problem. The first way is periodization. She has many varieties. However, the essence is the same: an athlete whose physiological limit has been reached stops or takes a step back in the training process. Thus, the muscles become weaker. With the resumption of the load in the body, a hormonal response will occur, which will break through the resulting stagnation in the mass.

The second way is complex. The following changes need to be made to the job:

» duration of training - the optimal time is from 40 to 60 minutes;
»exercises - the basis of the complex should be heavy basic exercises;
» recovery - minimize other types of training (running, swimming) and establish a rest regimen.

Basic exercises. The natural person has less energy than the chemist. Hence the conclusion: it is important for an athlete to correctly distribute energy costs. Basic exercises with large weights are ideal for each muscle group. These include both the familiar "base" - squats, deadlift and bench press. And a number of other exercises:

Push-ups with weight on the uneven bars;
pull-ups with a wide grip;
various tractions (rod pull to the chin, rod pull to the belt);
bench press standing and other exercises.

What is the difference between the natural training process: basic rules

How do chemists train? Athletes on chemical anabolics can afford to train for slaughter: longer and more often. Since the concept of "overtraining" rarely concerns them. The number and difference of exercises is high. The chemist works with free weights and on simulators. Changes the training plan or adheres to one for several months. Develops both slow and fast muscle fibers. Works for wear, because it's fueled by steroids.

How to train without steroids. Muscle mass without pharmaceuticals in naturals does not come as quickly as with anabolics in chemists. Therefore, it is important for vnature to adhere to the rules in the training process.

1. Training plan. The program is based on a gradual increase in working weights - the stress created for muscle growth. There will be progress if there is consistency in the work.

2. training volume. The number of exercises and approaches for the natural should not be large. The best option for beginners: 2 basic exercises for 3-4 sets.

3. The type of muscle fibers that are being worked out. First of all, the athlete needs to focus on larger muscles. They lend themselves to growth without steroids, unlike muscles with slow fibers.

4. Discipline. Straight has no right to skip training. Without regular exercise, you should not count on an increase in muscle mass.

Nutrition, daily routine and caloric content of a natural athlete

You can gain mass without chemistry if you follow the rules of the training process and break through the natural limit of muscle growth with stress. But there are a number of important aspects that must be taken into account by the natural when pumping without steroids.

1. Homemade food, groceries. Without observing the diet, the athlete will be defeated before the start of the fight. Muscles need to grow from something. Food is the nutritional base of muscle fibers. Easily digestible protein of animal and vegetable origin is the basis of the athlete's diet. Priority products:

» low-fat poultry meat (chicken breast, turkey);
" fish;
" cottage cheese;
" egg white;
» cereals, legumes and nuts (buckwheat, quinoa, lentils, almonds).

For a qualitative set of precisely muscle mass, it is important for an athlete not to exceed the daily calorie content of meals. An excess of calories, especially in carbohydrates, can lead to an increase in subcutaneous fat, and not just muscle.

2. Sports nutrition, supplements. Natural without anabolics, but with high-quality nutrition and a disciplined training process, lacks only protein and vitamin and mineral supplements. They act as an addition to the overall race for muscle gain. The protein in the powder mix can be added to shakes. Other sports nutrition does not contribute to the progress in muscle building.

3. Recovery, rest. You can pump up straight without anabolic steroids, but not through daily training. Exhausting your body with activities every day will not lead to anything good. But such work will provide overwork. After a concentrated workout in the gym, the body needs a period of time to recover.

Muscles after hard work require rest for up to 48 hours. You can train every other day, but if the exercises were basic heavy and the working weight increased, it is better to take a break for two days. And after a full recovery, return to classes.

Natural training program

Muscle mass without pharmaceuticals comes after systematic training with a properly designed program. In a week, you can train a maximum of 3-4 times. Duration within one hour.

Below is an example of a natural workout program. Each exercise is performed in 3-4 approaches, repetitions from 6 to 10. Be sure to do one warm-up before performing working approaches.

Monday (1st day)

1. ;
2. Bending the legs in the simulator;
3. Leg extension in the simulator;
4. Rise on socks while standing..

Saturday (4th day)

1. Push-ups with weights on the uneven bars;
2. Bench press from behind the head;
3. Dumbbell bench press;
4. .

Gaining weight without harm to health is real, the main thing is to take into account all the components and not forget about the nuances. For example, about quality sleep. The duration of a night's rest for an athlete is 8-10 hours. The best time to fall asleep is from 22.00 to 24.00. During a sound and healthy sleep, the body is restored, and the muscles gain long-awaited volumes.

Such a question of how to build muscle without chemistry worries many athletes involved in bodybuilding. Everyone wants to achieve maximum results in a short time, and to do this without significant damage to their health.

First you need to understand what are the chemical additives used by bodybuilders in their practice. According to the classification, they can be conditionally divided into several categories.

1. Nutritional supplements - this category includes those drugs that affect the activity of the body, which indirectly contribute to muscle growth. These include drugs such as glutamine, L-carnitine, creatine. Taking these drugs does not have a strong negative effect on the body, but it helps to increase the intensity of training and achieve maximum results. Therefore, their use is fully justified.

2. Vitamins - they also cannot be classified as chemistry that is not harmful to health, they can be taken and even necessary during active bodybuilding, the main thing is to observe the measure in everything, to take it only in the necessary doses.

3. Anabolic steroids are exactly the drug group that should not be taken under any circumstances. These drugs have a negative impact to an equally large extent, both on the body of a man and a woman.

You can pump up muscles without chemistry, but for this you should approach the issue of bodybuilding quite seriously and pay attention not only to the preparation of sets of exercises, but also to a few related issues. Which should be listed first.

1. Complete nutrition, which includes the necessary amount of protein food and the whole complex of vitamins and amino acids. It will not be superfluous to include various nutritional supplements and cocktails in the diet, they will not directly affect the growth of muscle mass, but will help you become more resilient and reduce the time for recovery processes after intense training.

2. Good rest and sleep, you should rest in such a way that you would just be eager to attend the next workout, try not to burden yourself not only physically, but also mentally during breaks. Having a good rest, you will get the maximum boost of energy that you need to pump up your muscles without chemistry.

3. Use various advanced muscle building systems in the training process. Only this approach will give you the opportunity to create the most effective training regimen necessary to stimulate muscle growth.

Do not believe those athletes who claim that build muscle without chemicals it’s just not realistic, in order to dispel their claims, it’s enough to look at the athletes of the 50-60s of the last century, who had quite athletic figures, and this at a time when the pharmacology of sports was not yet as developed as it is now.

The main thing when doing bodybuilding is to correctly set goals, draw up a plan for the path to the intended goals, and be able to make a detailed analysis of your failures and successes. As a result, you yourself will be surprised by the result of training without the use of anabolic steroids, while maintaining and improving your health.

Many bodybuilders take "chemistry" for quick achievements in sports. But there are those who want to achieve everything naturally, without steroids. Is it possible?

Basic rules for naturals

  1. Nutrition. Weight gain without steroids depends very much on how the athlete eats. This also applies to other achievements. You should draw up a specific schedule according to which you will eat at least five times a day. Next, calculate your one-time protein intake at each meal. The diet should include foods such as meat and cottage cheese, fish and chicken. Many athletes use sports supplements to replenish their protein stores.
  2. Workout. It's pretty hard to train without steroids. Be sure to make it a rule to constantly increase working weights. But here there is a danger of overtraining, the body does not have time to recover from one training session to another. Overtraining itself passes only after a three-week rest. Many are faced with another problem - this is the Plateau, the period when the muscles stop and do not grow further, no matter how many workouts and what they are in terms of difficulty. Many athletes in this case give up, get disappointed, even quit training. You must always go to the intended goal, not being afraid of difficulties on the way. Only in this way will you achieve the desired results.
  3. Can you pump up without steroids? Yes, but it's important rest. If you feel tired or have a headache, or maybe you are not in the mood, then it is better not to train on this day. As a result of training in such a state, you will get even more tired, and you will not achieve any results from doing exercises. It is necessary to enter the mode of proper rest and sleep. Then you will be energetic and cheerful, you will have a desire to play sports.

Natural and chemist - what's the difference?

Firstly, the process of influencing the DNA of cells with information about protein synthesis in athletes taking steroids occurs faster and to a greater extent. Against the background of taking "chemistry", the rate of recovery of muscles damaged by training is higher, it becomes possible to overcome the physiological ceiling.

Training for those who take steroids is more impressive, and more frequent. Due to the large stimulation of the necessary receptors, the growth of muscle mass occurs quickly and in large volume. A person who wants to gain weight without anabolics, in response to training, a certain amount of anabolic hormones is produced - they perform the same functions as anabolic steroids. But the size of the impact in this case is much smaller than that of the chemist.

As soon as an athlete approaches the physiological ceiling in muscle growth and strength, further progress is stopped due to the fact that the effect of the natural amount of hormones is limited. It is necessary to increase the volume of the lungs - the amount of hormones in the blood. In addition, you should pause after exhaling, and then inhale again - this is sports periodization.

How fast can you pump up without steroids?

There are various factors that affect the rate of muscle building.
  1. Your experience. For those who are new to bodybuilding, muscle growth is faster than experienced athletes, but then it slows down when you reach the genetic limit.
  2. own hormonal background. Hormone levels for increasing muscle mass can be different, depending on what kind of training regimen. If you do not swing your legs, do not lift heavy weights, then the growth of testosterone is impossible.
  3. Genetics. This is a normal distribution of genetic predisposition. Some are given by nature to develop their muscles, others do not have such a maximum potential. Genetics influence hormonal balance. The same applies to the structure of the musculoskeletal system. Despite the fact that taking steroids to some extent is able to even the odds, still a genetically ungifted athlete will never be a champion in bodybuilding. There are people who tend to build a lot of muscle, and there are those who will always have trouble building muscle.
  4. muscle memory. If you decide to quit training, and then lose ten kilograms of weight, then returning to classes after a while, you will be able to gain this weight much faster - in just a couple of months.
For muscle growth, it is not necessary to use steroids, but it is very possible to use sports nutrition as an assistant.

What is needed to gain muscle mass without steroids?

  1. A special program based on basic exercises.
  2. Intensive training.
  3. High protein diet.
  4. Proper training regime.
  5. Strict regime of the day.
  6. Gym partner - he will help you with heavy weight exercises.

Instructions for gaining mass without steroids

  1. It is necessary to provide a nutritional base for the muscles. Every day, a bodybuilder needs about 2 grams of easily digestible protein per kilogram of body weight. Pay attention to chicken breast, cottage cheese and fish. Nuts and boiled eggs should definitely be added to the list.
  2. It is necessary to perform work aimed at a large muscle group. Perform basic exercises to work out the maximum number of muscle fibers in the minimum amount of time. These are bench and standing presses, as well as squats and deadlifts. The best exercise is a barbell chest lift and a weightlifting clean and jerk or push.
  3. You need to work with free weights.
  4. Muscles need rest - it is better not to train every day. It takes about two days for muscle recovery. Therefore, when working with a lot of weight, even one day of rest between trainings is not enough. Muscle fibers must have time to fully recover.
  5. It's good to train together. To grow muscle, you have to train to the point of exhaustion. When your strength is running out, your partner will insure you and help you remove the barbell from your chest.
  6. Drink plenty of fluids. Mineral water without gas is best. The thing is that along with sweat, the athlete loses a lot of fluid. Microelements are removed from the body, the acid-base balance of the body is disturbed, the work of the joints is disrupted, and muscle growth is reduced. During intense training, you should drink three to four liters of water per day.
  7. It is necessary to give rest not only to the muscles, but to the whole body. Therefore, eight hours of sleep is obligatory for you. Fall asleep before midnight, do not break the sports regime. Night sitting at the computer and strong muscles are incompatible.
About the physiological differences between naturals and chemists in bodybuilding in this video:

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