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How to quickly learn to pull up

Do you want to tear everyone in competitions and disputes on the horizontal bar? But you don't know how to quickly learn to pull up. You are very lucky, my friend. Because I know this, and I will gladly share information with you.

With this information, you will be able to achieve such indicators in pull-ups that there will be no equal to you among your surroundings.

Would you like to have that kind of power? Then read everything carefully and do not even think about missing something. Every paragraph is important here. So let's go.

Two reasons to learn to pull up

- Have a masculine figure
"Destroy" everyone on the sports ground.

What is a male figure? Broad shoulders, narrow pelvis, V-shaped back. Pulling up the pelvis does not reduce, but it is quite possible to gain a wide back in the shape of the letter "V".

This is due to the development of the latissimus dorsi, the main muscle mass, which is responsible for the masculine appearance, as well as the ghost of the arms to the body. The latter we do when we perform various tractions.

In addition to the broadest, pull-ups seriously load the biceps. Therefore, regular pull-ups, as a bonus, will give you inflated jars. This was the first reason to learn to pull up.

The second reason is dominance in your yard, on the sports ground, and, if you study, then in physical education lessons. If my memory serves me right, then the standard for an excellent mark is 16 repetitions. This will be a funny number for you.

What you need to quickly learn to pull up

“Only one thing—a clear, undeniable desire.

On it alone you can not only learn to pull yourself up in a short time, but also build your life the way you want. It is real genuine desire that moves you forward towards the goal.

The best example of a super motivated person is someone who wants to go to the bathroom. He has no excuses, he has no obstacles.

You have to be so willing to learn how to pull yourself up so that enemies like laziness, self-doubt, cannot stop you.

This state will allow you to systematically perform the same actions, follow the training plan and quickly learn how to pull yourself up on the horizontal bar.

Pull-up technique on the crossbar

How to quickly learn to pull up if you don’t know how to do it right.

You can say: What is so difficult here, I have seen more than once how they pull themselves up.

Yes, but what makes you think they did it right? Perhaps those who are already able to pull themselves up more than 20 times, with the right technique, will not do even 10 repetitions.

How to properly pull up on the horizontal bar

We are used to the fact that it is enough to pull your body up so that your chin is above the bar. This is enough when you study, but further, this type of pull-ups will only limit progress in the growth of back muscles.

The correct pull-up technique looks like this:

He took the crossbar with an upper grip shoulder-width apart, his legs hang freely above the ground. As you exhale, you pull your chest to the crossbar - you pull your sternum to the horizontal bar, and do not try to put your chin on it.

This will give you maximum range of motion as well as better contraction of the latissimus dorsi.

About the grip. Positioning your hands shoulder-width apart is the best option. The more you put your hands, the more the biceps are connected. With a wide grip, there is more load on the back, but with a maximum width, the amplitude is seriously reduced, which reduces the effectiveness of the exercise. So use a shoulder-width grip or slightly wider.

Forget your forearms...

…if you want your back to work properly.

Imagine that your arms end in elbows. When doing pull-ups, try to pull your elbows in towards your body. Not brushes to the shoulders, but elbows to the body, while pulling the sternum to the crossbar.

Two ways to learn to pull up on the horizontal bar

- There are two options for quickly mastering pull-ups.

How to quickly learn to pull up. Option number 1

The advice is banal. To learn how to pull up, you need to pull up. Or at least try to do it regularly. Come to the horizontal bar more often and try to pull yourself up, no matter how hard it is for you. After two to three weeks, you will be able to complete one rep to the chin.

Negative reps

Negative repetitions help you quickly learn how to pull up from scratch. This is a type of exercise when the muscle is under load only in the negative phase of the exercise.

In pull-ups, this means that you need to hang on the horizontal bar, as if you had already pulled yourself up. Use a chair or stool as a stand. Having taken this position, slowly lower yourself down. For 1-2 months of practicing negative reps, you can easily increase the number of pull-ups to 5-10 at a time.

Half pull ups

Also, to learn how to pull up, use partial reps. Pull up with a footrest installed under your feet. This exercise is much easier to perform, but at the same time, work occurs in both phases of pull-ups.

How to quickly learn to pull up. Option number 2

The second way is to strengthen the target muscles before proceeding directly to pull-ups.

They are quite a heavy exercise, so it is logical to start with lighter ones, but those that involve the same muscles.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, this option is not possible without a gym. Buy a subscription for 1-2 months, and you may not want to leave.

In a rocking chair you will need a barbell, a simulator for vertical traction. Execute and. Take 40 to 50% of your body weight as weights.

These exercises are able to develop the back enough to practice high-quality pull-ups with their own weight. How to do these exercises, I have already written. Follow the links above if you're interested.

In addition to the broadest, also strengthen the auxiliary muscles: biceps and abs. Perfect for biceps, and for the press, various twists and lifts of the body.

Having learned to pull up one to three times per approach, form a training program. With her help, your progress will be much more fun. Six months of regular training and you will not be recognized.

Get outside to train, use extra equipment like parallel bars. The crossbar, the uneven bars, the desire to train will make you an athletic guy, and the girl will be given a toned, beautiful figure.

How to make a training program for street workouts, I wrote here. Follow the link, there is really useful information.


To quickly learn anything, not just pull-ups, requires constant practice and perseverance in achieving the goal. No need to give up at the first failures, do not pay attention to someone else's opinion, just go your own way and you will achieve success.

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