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How easy it is to learn to pull up from scratch: recommendations for beginners

- one of the simplest, most affordable and at the same time effective exercises. They help develop the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle, allow you to create a beautiful muscle relief and an attractive appearance of the arms, chest and upper back. For beginners, it will take some time to learn how to pull up on the horizontal bar from scratch correctly, but if you have the desire and perseverance, the result will not be long in coming.

Factors affecting the result:

  • technique and scheme,
  • regularity and systematicity of classes,
  • breath,
  • physical state,
  • Lifestyle.

There is an opinion that for a quick result you need to practice daily, but this is not entirely correct. During a strong load, muscle integrity is disrupted, and it takes 1-2 days, and sometimes more, for complete tissue recovery. Therefore, the ideal training scheme is 3-4 times a week with a break of one day.

The key to success for those who want to learn how to pull themselves up on the horizontal bar from scratch is strong hands. In order for the muscles of the arms and back to become as developed as possible, you should not limit yourself to pull-ups alone. If you add exercises with dumbbells, a barbell bar and push-ups from the floor, then the desired result will be achieved faster than expected. A light warm-up should be a mandatory element of every workout. Also, after all the approaches, you need to stretch the muscles.

Physical condition and breathing

For beginners with a normal weight and physique, it is much easier to master the technique of pull-ups than for overweight people. The greater the mass of the body, the stronger the person's arms must be in order to pull their body up. Therefore, work on getting rid of extra pounds should take place in parallel with.

Breath. Someone might say that the correct breathing during training has little effect on the result. However, it is not. With improper breathing or air retention on effort, the muscles receive less oxygen, which significantly reduces the quality of their work, as well as the number of pull-ups. Specifically for pull-ups, the correct breathing pattern is a deep breath with an effort to lift and exhale while relaxing the arms and sagging the body.

Execution features

You need to start with minimal loads. It is best if a training program is drawn up, then it will be easier for a beginner to figure out what, when and how to do it.

In the early days, you need to start with a narrow reverse grip - this is the easiest and most comfortable position. You need to pull yourself up to the highest possible height, even if it is a few centimeters more than the starting position.

If there is very little strength in the hands, then you need to try to pull yourself up with exercises performed with the help of an assistant or leg support. If it is possible to perform, then you need to put your hands on the horizontal bar shoulder-width apart, and rest your feet on one of the crossbars of the wall. Thus, the work of the hands is greatly facilitated.

Also, the so-called “negative pull-ups” can be an excellent option for beginners - in this case, the starting point of the exercise will be the posture of the body when it is pulled up over the horizontal bar, and the essence of the exercise is to slowly lower the body, hanging on your hands.

The beginner program is a scheme designed for beginners who do not know how to pull themselves up at all. To keep track of the training sessions and the dynamics of improving results, the program, a table or a simple chart on paper, should contain information about the regularity of training, the number of approaches, as well as changes in nutrition and general physical activity. The program is designed for an average of 1.5 months. It is better to do 3-4 times a week.

1–2 weeks

If you can’t pull yourself up at all, then you need to start with a simple hang on the crossbar. This exercise is effective for strengthening the hands, stretching the muscles and ligaments. Thus, the body smoothly prepares for the upcoming loads. The execution time should be calculated according to the initial physical capabilities and increase with each subsequent workout. In parallel, you need to perform exercises that strengthen the arms and upper shoulder girdle. Push-ups from the floor - 3 sets, the number - according to one's own capabilities. Bench press - 3 sets of 10 reps.

3–4 weeks

When the strength has increased a little, you need to proceed directly to the pull-ups. It is during this period that you should perform negative pull-ups or pull-ups using the leg support. The number of approaches must be adjusted independently, however, the overall dynamics should be in the direction of increasing approaches and repetitions. Even the light version must be done correctly and slowly so as not to injure the muscles and ligaments. Exercises for the arms and back should be done in parallel. Also for the training program should be supplemented with cardio loads at your own discretion.

If the exercises in a simplified form are mastered well, then you can try to do it “for real”. If you manage to pull yourself up at least once, this is already a significant achievement. You need to increase the number of sets and repetitions with each subsequent workout until the desired result is achieved.


In order to learn how to pull up from scratch and achieve the desired result in a short period of time, regular training is not always enough. People involved in sports know that only the right training system and an integrated approach to lifestyle can quickly get the necessary sports shape. In the case of training in pull-ups on the crossbar, this is proper nutrition and drinking regimen, as well as the rejection of bad habits.

After intensive loads on the muscles, the latter require an additional portion of protein in order to recover faster. Therefore, during the period of active training, it is better to start consuming more vegetable protein: let it be legumes, nuts, sprouted grains and seeds.

It is advisable to pay special attention to nutrition immediately before classes. Food should be light, such as salad and fruit smoothies, which should be consumed 1.5-2 hours before class. Then, when pulling up on the crossbar, there will be no feeling of heaviness in the stomach or heartburn. When eating light meals, the body does not have to spend additional energy on digesting food, and all the forces will be spent on improving results.

The quality and quantity of food and liquids must be recorded, for example, in a table that is convenient for you. Then it will be easier to adjust the diet.

Separately, it must be said about bad habits. Smoking and drinking alcohol significantly reduces the quality and dynamics of the results of physical exercises. People who do not have bad habits improve their physical performance much faster than those who are prone to them. Therefore, if there is a desire to learn how to pull up from scratch, then for high performance, first of all, you should reconsider your lifestyle. Giving up tobacco and alcohol will not only allow you to quickly master new physical exercises, but also significantly improve the quality of life.

Summing up, it should be noted that the determining factor in achieving results for beginners is a properly designed program, hard work and some adjustments in lifestyle and nutrition. By following these simple guidelines, achieving your desired goals will not be difficult at all.

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