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A story about a tortoise and a hare. Who is faster, the tortoise or the hare? Three fish days

In Aesop's famous fable, the hare boasts to all the animals about how fast and agile he is. The hare was indeed very fast, and he knew it. Therefore, when the turtle offered him a competition, the other animals did not think that she had any chance. And this is not surprising - the turtle moves quite rarely, and when it does move, it does so very slowly.

But in the fable, the overconfident hare lies down to take a nap while the tortoise slowly crawls, and when he wakes up, he finds that he has already crossed the finish line. But would this happen in real life? Could the tortoise outrun the hare? What would be the winner?

Tortoise or hare?

When people were asked this question, they reacted to the situation in the same way as the other animals in Aesop's fable. “Depends on what kind of competition it is. If the race is for the slowest, then I would bet on the turtle,” some ironically remarked. Others looked for a deeper meaning: "If the race is a metaphor for life, then the turtle will win." And it's true - some species of tortoises can live more than 150 years, while the maximum lifespan of hares is seven years, and on average they live between three and five years. Someone thought that the tortoise might win because it would move straight, while the hare might run from side to side. But many said that this question is too abstract and cannot have one specific answer. There were also skeptics who even carried out calculations and demonstrated that under no circumstances could the tortoise beat the hare. However, most people still looked positively at the picture and expressed hope that one way or another the turtle would still be able to win.

Long distance running

If we are talking about long distances, then there is a very interesting point. The hare needs more calories as he burns them quickly while moving, so he will have to stop often. The turtle, although it moves slowly, spends almost no calories and does not need breaks at all. So the people who bet on the turtle were right? To find out, I had to turn to people who understand such issues. First of all, naturally, it was necessary to determine what exactly this race was - after all, different types of races may require different characteristics and conditions. If we distinguish three types of races, then each of them may have completely different results. Just as at the Olympic Games there are short and long distance races, obstacle courses and much more, so the case of the hare and the tortoise must have its own conditions.

Three types of race

Firstly, if it is a sprint, a hare capable of reaching speeds of up to 50-60 kilometers per hour will win without any problems. Secondly, if it is a long distance race, the result may be equal. Desert tortoises, for example, have the ability to perfectly tolerate long-distance movements over rough terrain in difficult conditions. But it is worth noting that some hares also have similar abilities. For example, their large ears allow them to quickly cool their entire body. So, if you look at the tortoises and the hares, the long-distance race is likely to be a tie. Well, the last race is an evolutionary one, and the turtle will win it by a large margin. Hares have only been on Earth for about 40 million years, while tortoises have been around for over 200 million years. Combine this with their incredible lifespan, and turtles come out way ahead. But there is another factor that can be taken into account - the distance traveled during one's life.

Lifetime distance

Everyone knows that tortoises live a very long time - but does this guarantee that they will travel a greater distance in their entire lives than hares? Scientists think so, and here's why. Turtles walk on average about ten kilometers per month, traveling at a speed of about 60 meters per hour. A hare reaches a speed of 50-60 kilometers per hour, but most often it does not leave its habitat and moves over an area of ​​no more than ten square kilometers.

And if a tortoise walks 120 kilometers in a year, then in its approximately one hundred years of life it will walk 12 thousand kilometers - a hare will beat this result in one year if it runs at least three hours a day at maximum speed. But their lifestyle prevents them from winning the race, because they are always marking time, and in order to cross the finish line, they need to move somewhere.

The Tale of the Green Hood

Hello my little friends! Today I will tell you a tale about tricksters - cunning characters from African myths and fairy tales. “Trickster”, translated from English, means: “rogue”, “deceiver”, “cunning”. The most popular tricksters in Africa are the hare, fox, tortoise and spider. It is about these four cunning men that I will tell you this fairy tale, which I myself composed.

Once upon a time, four tricksters: a tortoise, a hare, a fox and a spider, argued which of them was the most cunning. They argued for a long time, but were unable to prove anything to each other in words, and then the turtle suggested organizing a competition. The tortoise challenged the hare to a competition and invited him to compete in a race.
"Wow! Well, she made me laugh! Do you really think you can overtake me? Ha-ha-ha-ha!” - the hare laughed, clutching his stomach and rolling on the grass with laughter.
“Listen, hare. In my family, from generation to generation, worldly wisdom is passed on: “He who laughs last laughs!” If you win the race, then you’ll laugh, but if you lose, then I’ll laugh at you!”
"OK then! If you insist so much, then let’s run...,” the hare agreed, laughing.
The turtle suggested running around the large lake, near the shore of which they had all gathered. We decided to go around the lake from the left side, that is, clockwise. The judges were a spider and a fox. As soon as the fox gave the command, the hare ran so hard that only his heels sparkled. And the turtle crawled into the tall grass that grew along the shore of the lake a meter away from it, and as soon as it disappeared into the grass, it turned counterclockwise. She crawled about half a meter, looked out of the grass and, seeing that the fox was dozing off in the shade, and the spider was not visible at all, she crawled out of the grass and crawled to the finish line. The turtle crawled to the finish line and shouted: “I won!” Then the fox and the spider came up, and a moment later the hare galloped up. Seeing that the tortoise was celebrating his victory, the hare was indignant:
“I protest! You cheat! You tricked me! Why didn’t I see you running ahead of me?”
“Why are you so angry, hare? - says the turtle. “Or have you forgotten what kind of competition we have?”
“I haven’t forgotten anything! We competed in running!” - the hare answered angrily.
"Fool! We competed in cunning! And I outwitted you! - the turtle answered laughing. “You see, hare, the one who laughs last laughs!”
The judges recognized the victory of the tortoise, and the hare had to accept defeat, but he dropped out of the fight for the title of the most famous trickster. It's the turn of the spider and the fox to find out which of them is more cunning. Paku suggested to the fox: “Let's find out which of us is the most successful hunter?”
The fox laughed: “Don’t make me laugh, spider! Yes, I can catch more in half an hour than you can in your entire life!”
“Listen, fox! I said that no one else will catch, and who will be the luckier hunter! Do you agree to such conditions?
“I agree, I agree, spider!” - the fox answered laughing.
The judges, the hare and the tortoise, gave the spider and the fox until noon, until the sun rose at its zenith. The fox rushed into the coastal grass and began to catch reed mice there: he caught a mouse, carried it out of the grass in his teeth and put it in a cage. So, one by one, by noon I caught two dozen mice. And the spider climbed onto his hunting web, dragged into it a bee filled with sweet nectar, which he had caught in his web early in the morning, and began to calmly wait for prey. By noon, the spider's web was filled with flies, horse flies and wasps.
It's noon. The hare compared the prey of the fox and the spider and said: “Of course, the fox won!” But the tortoise objected: “Don’t rush, hare. We must decide who was the most successful hunter, and I know how to properly resolve this dispute. We must weigh the hunter and his prey. If the prey outweighs the hunter, then the hunter was the luckiest!”
Next to the lake there was a playground with swings for the little ones and for those who were already getting ready for school. Here, they put a cage with mice on a swing for preschool children, and a fox sat on the other side of the swing. As soon as the fox sat down on the swing, the cage with the mice flew into the sky, then fell to the ground, opened and the mice ran away.
Then a spider was placed on the swing for the little ones. And as soon as his web-net with prey was placed on the other side of the swing, the spider flew into the sky. It's good that the spider was very light and landed smoothly.
The judges, the tortoise and the hare, unanimously awarded the victory to the spider. But no one has ever figured out who is more cunning - a turtle or a spider, therefore, since then, the turtle and the spider in Africa are considered the most cunning tricksters.

Or maybe you can figure out how to resolve the dispute between the turtle and the spider, which of them is the most cunning? If you come up with an idea, please let me know. I will then immediately go to Africa to resolve this centuries-old dispute between the turtle and the spider....

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Many people remember the fairy tale about how the Tortoise and the Hare competed in a race. The turtle won thanks to his persistence and cunning. This game shows the continuation of the fairy tale - a gang of losing hares is very angry with Sheldon the Turtle and will do everything to catch up with her and win the cup. Sheldon has to work hard to escape the rabbits and win this race.

In the game you need to help Sheldon escape from his rivals, collecting coins and bonuses along the way that will help him win. In order to achieve victory, you will have to not only run, but sometimes fly, jump, swim.
The animation and interface are pleasing to the eye, the images of the characters are drawn and thought out to the smallest detail. Pleasant background music and exciting sounds of the chase delight both children and adults. Control is just one button, which allows even the smallest to play.

When the game was launched for the first time, the child watched Sheldon closely before his life burned out. Then the game stopped, the baby began to cry and asked to “turn on another cartoon about a turtle.” Due to the beautiful graphics, children consider it a cartoon. At first, the child just watched, but did not want to play on his own. A couple of weeks later I tried it and was completely delighted: controlling a cartoon yourself is even more fun than just watching it!

Depending on the tour, the game takes place during the day or at night in various picturesque places: from green fields to impenetrable jungles and deep reservoirs. To add more excitement to the game, it is proposed to collect bonuses that will increase speed, add extra lives or make you invincible. Additional points are given for collecting all the coins or neutralizing the hares. To deal with them, just jump on the hare's head. More than ten enemies will intersect on your way to victory. To escape from the hare, you will have to defeat them all!


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