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Protein for weight loss - build your slim figure!

Good day to you, my dear readers! Did you know that protein for weight loss, however, as well as for our health, is simply necessary? When used correctly, protein will not only help you, but also make this deliverance satiety. Dream, and more!

And in order to turn this dream into reality, let's figure out how to eat protein food for weight loss - how much, when, with what and even why.

Why is protein important for weight loss?

We are mostly made up of protein and water. We need proteins as a building material for new cells so that the body functions normally, renews itself and does not age.

Including they "feed" the muscles, which help to actively burn calories.

Another good news is that protein does not turn into fat in the body. In addition, it is able to regulate appetite - after a protein meal, the feeling of satiety lasts quite a long time.

And plus to all this, with a lack of protein, quite often there is an insurmountable craving for sweets.

By the way, if there is enough protein in the diet of those who lose weight, then the skin suffers less when losing weight.

How much protein do you need to eat to lose weight?

But you can go on a simpler path - you should eat at least 60-70 grams of protein per day.

For your information: the amount of protein required increases by 10-30% in case of illness, during menstruation, and gradually decreases with age. In summer, our need for protein is also somewhat lower.

When using protein, as in everything else, a measure is needed - both a lack of protein in the diet and its excess are equally bad.

By the way, our body can absorb no more than 35 grams of protein per meal (and this is the limit!). Any protein above this amount is left to rot in the intestines, waiting for enough fiber and water to be flushed out.

Where can you get so much protein?

I want to draw your attention right away - not all the protein contained in the products is absorbed by our body. Therefore, I have made a convenient table for you, in which you should be mainly interested in the last column - THE AMOUNT OF DIGESTIBLE PROTEIN.

Example: 1 egg, 0.5 liters of kefir, 150 gr. cottage cheese, 50 gr. dry oatmeal, 100 grams of pink salmon is 68.8 grams of protein.

Do you eat that much in a day? Try to keep it under control.

For you, AT LEAST one to two meals per day should consist of lean protein foods, you can add fresh vegetables or from them. Plus 1-2 protein snacks.

Lean protein: eggs, lean dairy, legumes, lean fish, poultry, meat, seafood. Do not make this protein fat yourself - i.e. do not fry it or add oil to it. Let it be boiled, stewed, baked or steamed dishes.

For protein products, an interesting pattern is true: the less fat they contain, the more protein they contain, which helps to lose weight.

A small practical task.

Right now, sit down and write down at least 10 lean protein meals you know. Here is the approximate beginning of this list: steamed cheesecakes, scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, baked fish ...

The more dishes you find, the better - so you will not constantly have a question: “What protein am I going to eat today?”.

How to eat protein food?

How to use - this is the most important question!

In order for the protein to be perfectly absorbed, it must be eaten either separately or with non-starchy vegetables (cucumbers, zucchini, etc.). Dairy products can be mixed with fruits of the same type (for example, kefir plus a banana - an apple will already be superfluous).

Carbohydrates (bread, potatoes, cereals and even fruits - except for the combination with “milk”) should be eaten separately from protein foods, namely 2 hours before or 3-7 after protein foods.

The fact is that the protein digestion time is different: for dairy products and eggs it is about 3 hours, for fish and seafood - about 4 hours, for poultry - 4-6, and for meat - 6-7 hours.

And one more thing that should not be missed when eating protein foods. As you know, there are vegetable protein products - these are legumes, grains, nuts. But their protein is defective, and therefore it is not absorbed by the body, unless it is supplemented with the missing amino acids.

So, legumes are well absorbed with cereals or fish, and cereals should be combined with legumes or animal protein.

Those. if you add milk to porridge, then it is - voila! - at the wave of your hand becomes a valuable protein product. Alas, without milk, it is an exclusively carbohydrate product, although there are proteins in the composition of cereals.

When is the best time to eat protein?

In general, lean protein can be eaten at any time. But it is advisable for those who are losing weight to eat in the first half of the day, and in no case should you refuse them.

From this we conclude: good in the morning, afternoon and evening - a combination of protein foods and vegetables. Snacks can be both protein and carbohydrate, but try not to eat carbohydrates 2 hours before a protein meal.

I note that the best time for a protein meal is the evening. Such a dinner categorically will not let you get better. At night, energy will be consumed, which you almost did not provide to the body in the evening (after all, you ate little carbohydrates or did not eat them at all).

Well, he will have to take energy from your fat reserves. And you don't mind, do you?

But avoid indigestible protein foods (for example, meat) for dinner - this will interfere with a good sleep. And such a dream is important for weight loss and for your well-being.

Why are high protein diets bad?

Surely, after reading the above, many will be tempted to go on some kind of protein diet, and lose weight quickly and satisfyingly. And this is a mistake that can be fatal for your health!

High-protein diets provoke a number of diseases - colitis, gout, bladder and kidney stones, and even atherosclerosis. No wonder American doctors called the Atkins diet (in our country it is common as) a direct path to a heart attack.

By the way, about the figure - everything is also quite difficult here. During the protein diet, the weight goes away for the most part due to the muscles, but the kilograms that returned after the diet are already fat.

There are frequent cases when a person does not gain more weight than before following the protein diet, but looks much fuller than before. Fat weighs more than muscle! In addition, the muscles burn fat actively, but the fat itself does not burn anything.

Of course, the body spends a certain amount of energy to “serve” the fat reserve and transport it in space (for example, a lot of weight is harder to “carry” with the legs) - but these expenses are not comparable with the energy consumed by the muscles. Bad change!

Protein for Weight Loss - Important Notes

So, a person does not live by protein alone - the dangers of "mega-protein" nutrition are described above.

Then how should it?

And you need more fiber (cereals, vegetables, fruits,), do not forget about complex carbohydrates (1-2 times a day, a serving of the same porridge weighing 150-200 grams) and drink enough water (the minimum value is 1.5 liters per day , but more is better). Read about the rules at the link.

The composition of protein foods is also important. It is preferable to get protein from low-fat dairy products, fish, seafood, eggs, white poultry meat.

And once again: the protein from legumes is absorbed only in combination with the protein of cereals or animal products. With cereals, the same story - they must be eaten either with legumes or with milk.

Protein is needed for weight loss, not only because cells are built from it, it is not deposited in fat reserves, and at the same time it is quite satisfying.

Thanks to protein, we:

  • more energetic;
  • we better resist diseases (immune cells die when fighting infections, and protein is needed to build new ones);
  • we assimilate vitamins (proteins are a kind of transport for them);
  • and even stay in a better mood!

Let the above not be directly related to, but without these important processes in the body, it’s not just losing weight - it’s impossible to live!

In a word, protein is important for weight loss, and for a happy existence it is completely indispensable. In order for the muscles to grow stronger, the skin to shine, diseases to be bypassed, and at the same time you were full, and even lost weight - eat protein! Beauty to you, harmony and health!

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