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How many grams of protein do you need per day to lose weight?

In order for the process of losing weight to be as effective as possible, you need to plan everything correctly. You must have the right menu with the right ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates + physical activity (well planned workout). In this article, I will tell you How many grams of protein do you need per day to lose weight? How to calculate everything correctly, and I will give an example of the best sources of protein foods.

Protein is one of the vital components for our body. If you do not consume enough protein, it will negatively affect the health of the whole body. (problems with skin, hair, immunity, hormonal levels, etc.).

Also, this element is very important in the process of losing weight and drying the body. By the way, during drying, it is much more important than during normal weight loss, because it is protein food in combination with strength training that allows you to maintain muscle mass. During weight loss, proteins need to be consumed less, and on drying - more.

If the goal is then you need to consume 1.2 - 1.5g of protein per 1kg of body weight if you are a woman (for example, if your body weight = 70kg, then you need to do this: 1.5 * 70 = 105g) and 1.7 - 2g of protein per 1kg of body weight if you are a man (for example, if your body weight = 90kg, then you need to do this: 2 * 90 = 180g). When calculating, it is very important to take into account your initial percentage of subcutaneous fat. For example, if you are a woman and your height is 150 cm and your weight is 90 kg, then most likely your protein norm is 1.2 g per 1 kg of body weight (maybe even 1g per 1kg). And if, with this growth, your weight is 70 kg, then you need to multiply 1.4 - 1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight. That is, the more excess fat, the smaller the number by which to multiply (same goes for men).

If the goal is cutting, then you need to consume 1.5 - 1.8g of protein per 1kg of body weight if you are a woman and 2 - 2.3g of protein per 1kg of body weight if you are a man. In some cases, women can increase their protein intake to 2 grams per 1 kg of body weight, and men to 2.5 g per 1 kg of body weight. Do not need anymore. And then, to such norms it is necessary to raise only if the muscle mass begins to collapse. If everything is ok (muscles are normal, but only fat burns), then you do not need to increase the protein.

How many grams of protein do you need per day to lose weight, you already understood. Now I want to talk about such a myth as: "At one meal, the body is able to absorb no more than 30g of protein." Have you heard this? So, I’ll tell you right away that this is nonsense!

Each organism is individual, so it is foolish to say that everyone has the same rate of assimilation of protein foods. For some, the body really cannot absorb more than 30g of protein at a time, but there are those who can easily absorb up to 70g of proteins at a time. Also, if you eat more than 30g, this does not mean that only 30g will be digested, and the rest will go down the toilet. Your body can probably absorb all 70g, it just takes longer to do so. (food takes longer to digest).

Only experimentally can you find out how much protein your body absorbs at a time. Start eating small protein meals. Break down your entire daily protein intake to get about 20g per serving. Gradually increase servings to 30, 40, 50g of protein. If you increase the portion and at the same time there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract + progress does not slow down, it means that your body calmly absorbs large portions of protein foods.

Finally, I want to provide you with a list of the best protein foods:

  • chicken eggs (they are the best source of protein)
  • turkey and chicken meat
  • meat (beef, lamb, rabbit, pork, etc.)
  • cottage cheese (I recommend choosing one that has a minimum% fat content, since it is in such cottage cheese that there are most proteins)
  • fish (low-calorie sources of proteins, which most often form the protein basis of the diet during weight loss)
  • seafood (shrimps, crabs, squids, etc.)

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