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How much protein do you need for muscle growth?

Athletes. However, beginners still have questions. Find out how much protein you need to consume for muscle growth.

It would seem that today there should no longer be questions about how to properly consume proteins and in what quantity. However, many aspiring fitness fans continue to ask questions. Today we will tell you how many protein compounds you need to consume and which ones.

How much protein do you need per day?

Probably, some of you thought that you were well aware of the rules for consuming protein during the period of mass gain. What could be simpler - two grams per kilo of body weight and there are no problems with progress. However, in practice, everything is more complicated. Let's start with the fact that the standards of official health organizations differ significantly from those indicated above.

For example, in Russia it is recommended to consume 60-120 grams of protein daily, and WHO says about 0.75 grams per kilo of weight. It should also be remembered that the use of a large amount of protein compounds dramatically increases the load on the liver and kidneys, which is fraught with serious health problems. Doctors do not recommend exceeding the daily dosage of 3 grams per kilo of weight.

At the same time, most professionals consume a lot of protein and do not have major health problems. At the same time, there is no point in consuming more protein compounds than is required for progress. This is due at least to the fact that protein foods are the most expensive in your diet.

To understand how much protein you need to gain mass, you need to understand the physiology of the body. Our muscle tissues are only 20 percent protein compounds. This suggests that, in theory, the body does not require large amounts of protein to build muscle fibers. For example, for a kilogram of muscle, it is necessary to supply only 200 grams of protein compounds to the body.

However, protein compounds are necessary for the creation of other body tissues, the synthesis of enzymes, hormones, etc. No one can say for sure how much protein an average person needs to satisfy their need. From scientists, you can most often hear the figure of one gram for every kilo. We have no choice but to take this value as a starting point.

As an example, to calculate the daily requirement for protein compounds, let's take the average bodybuilder with a body weight of 80 kilos. Based on all of the above, he is recommended to consume two grams of protein for every kilo of body weight. As a result, the daily dosage of the nutrient will be 180 grams. For an ordinary person with the same body weight, it is enough to consume 80 grams of protein compounds per day.

As you can see, the difference is 80 grams, but we already wrote above that muscles are only 20 percent protein. It is quite obvious that the athlete's body consumes more protein, but not twice. In most cases, bodybuilding and fitness enthusiasts will need to consume 1.6 grams of protein. The maximum amount of the nutrient is 2 grams per kilo, but this is applicable for those who train a lot and want to achieve maximum results.

It is important to remember that different types of protein compounds have a certain. Moreover, the efficiency of protein processing largely depends on the human body. For some, all 100 percent will be digested and assimilated, while someone's body will be able to get only half from a similar dose of protein.

There are many factors that influence the efficiency of protein digestion. For example, a low carbohydrate diet will slow down the absorption of protein compounds. This is due to the fact that with the simultaneous intake of these nutrients, the body uses carbohydrates for energy, and the protein goes only for plastic purposes. Also, don't eat too much protein at the same time. The body is not able to immediately process more than 30 grams of protein.

Best Protein Sources

This is an equally important issue in comparison with the amount of protein. The optimal choice for an athlete are animal protein compounds. This is due to the most balanced amine profile. The benefits to the body of a hundred grams of proteins derived from meat and soy will differ significantly.

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