Exercises. Food. Diets. Workout. Sport

Tip 1: How to gain weight without exercise


Review your diet. Introduce high-calorie and high-protein foods into it. Eat at least three times a day. Try to think ahead of time. The first should be cooked in concentrated meat broth. Second courses should also include meat - pork, beef, chicken.

Gradually increase portions. Excessively thin people tend to eat little and irregularly. Always have a hearty breakfast, preferably milk porridge and a cheese sandwich. Remember that at first you will feel discomfort from such a plentiful and varied diet, but this feeling will pass as soon as your body gets used to this amount of food. Eat salads regularly dressed with olive or any other vegetable oil.

Eat as often as possible. For example, you can have several snacks between main meals. It can be muesli, yogurt, nuts, sweet or dried fruits.

Remember that a strong increase in the volume and calorie content of food can cause unpleasant pain or colic. That is why try to increase the number of calories you eat by about 1000 per day and no more.

If you are trying to gain weight, then drink as much milk, kefir and other high-fat foods as possible. If all your efforts are aimed at building muscle mass, then purchase dry milkshakes that contain proteins, vitamins and fiber.

Excessive thinness can sometimes be the result of a metabolic disorder. Remember that alcohol is precisely those factors that negatively affect metabolism. If you want to gain weight, then give up bad habits.

Remember that if you want to gain muscle weight and get a beautiful body shape, then you must not only eat properly, but also exercise, as this is the only way to turn fat mass into muscle mass.

Many girls dream of giving a figure appetizing shapes. At the same time, young girls want to get fat in the “right places”. But for some get better, gain some fat mass becomes a real problem.


It often turns out that it is much more difficult for thin people to increase weight than for full people. The cause of excessive thinness can be hormonal diseases, such as improper thyroid function or an incorrect balance of female and male hormones in the body. Painful thinness and loss of appetite are often associated with diseases such as tuberculosis, gastritis, helminth infection, malignant neoplasm. Therefore, those who wish should especially monitor their health and undergo a medical examination.

If you are healthy, cheerful, active and do not have chronic diseases, but have not been recovering well since childhood, then most likely thinness is a feature of your metabolism. Your body is accustomed to very quickly turn into energy and expend the calories received. But nevertheless, you can try to gain a little fat mass with the help of a daily routine and rational nutrition.

Sometimes the cause of thinness in quite healthy people is the wrong way of life, lack of sleep. Maybe you are eating on the go, not enjoying the food. Or sit in a stuffy room, from which the appetite disappears. Pay special attention to your habits. Try to wake up, go to sleep and eat at about the same time to normalize your biological rhythms.

Eat rationally. On the advice of girlfriends, you should not overeat with sweets, fatty foods and flour products. Those products that upset the balance between the income and expenditure of energy are equally harmful for both full and for. But due to the characteristics of the body, make sure that carbohydrates, preferably slow ones, make up a significant part of your diet. It is better that these are cereals, cereals, pasta made from durum wheat. Let there always be seeds, sweet dried fruits, nuts on your table.

Do not overeat for dinner, but make it more nutritious. And before dinner, in any weather, take a half-hour walk to whet your appetite. With severe thinness, you can drink a glass of warm milk or cream at night.

If possible, give up strong tea, coffee, alcohol, smoking and medication. All this can lead to excitation of the nervous system and adversely affect the metabolism.


If you have noticed that you have recently lost weight dramatically, seek the advice of a doctor.

Useful advice

Try to sleep at least 8-9 hours a day. If you have trouble falling asleep, take a warm bath with pine needles extract in the evening.

Drawn abdominal muscles, tightened legs and pumped up arms are signs of lean muscle mass without fat. If you want to have such a body, as well as well-developed endurance, then you should follow a special sports and dietary regimen.


Train hard with weights to gain dry muscular mass. Work all the major muscle groups properly, like the thighs, biceps, glutes, back, chest, shoulders, arms, and abs. Of course, in one workout, do exercises for a maximum of 2 muscle groups. For these purposes, sign up for a gym or purchase a complex for the home. As a result, it will be much cheaper than permanent ones in the hall.

Do a maximum of 60 minutes per session. Each exercise should be performed with maximum dedication. The number of approaches in each of them is at least 4-5. The number of repetitions is 8-10 depending on the weight being lifted. Add a few pounds a week to your shells. Thus, you will hone your muscles. mass rather than just gaining weight.

Expend a little more calories than you consume. For this purpose, any additional activity to classes in the hall is suitable, for example: or cleaning around the house. These simple daily actions will help burn more calories, which will lead to the burning of excess fat under the body. This will be the basis for gaining lean muscle mass.

Include aerobic exercise in your training cycle as well. These may include: cycling, morning jogging, swimming. This type of training is designed to increase the endurance of the heart muscle and dry the body. Do this type of training no more than 2-3 times a week, combining it with weight training.

Keep in mind that in order to lose 500 grams of personal weight, you need to create a deficit of 3500 calories. Reducing calorie intake by 500 calories per day or increasing activity will result in one loss of 500 grams of fat per week. Always keep a training and nutrition diary where you record everything you eat and how you exercise. This will help you track your progress and lead you to your goal much faster.

Many women around the world are asking the same question: how to lose weight? How to keep yourself in shape? But some of the fair sex, on the contrary, suffer from excessive thinness. And by any means trying to gain weight. By the way, gaining weight is much more difficult than losing weight. But in both cases, a competent approach is important and the golden rule should apply: do no harm!

So, your goal is to gain the coveted number of kilograms. What should you start with? First of all, consult a doctor, you should know your thinness, a nutritionist will help you in choosing the right food. This is the most correct option. If there is no time for doctors, then try to follow the further recommendations.

Review your diet. It should contain as many proteins and carbohydrates as possible. For example, eat more legumes, potatoes, rice, eggs, meat. Be sure to include cheese, dark chocolate, nuts, honey in the menu - these products are very high in calories and contain many useful substances. When choosing meat, give preference to chicken (homemade, not broiler). It is very easy to digest, and the protein contained in it is good for muscles. Eat cottage cheese and any dairy products every day. They don't have to be fat free.

You can try eating (drinking) infant formula by increasing the recommended infant dose by about 2 times. Folk: 300 suet, 6 green apples (with skin) cut into small pieces and melt over low heat, stirring regularly. Grind 12 egg yolks with 1 glass of sugar, add 30 g of chocolate chips. Mix everything together. Eat, spreading on bread and washing down with warm milk.

Eat five to six times a day. The interval between meals should be equal. If you feel hungry - have a snack with some fruit or vegetable, a piece of dark chocolate, but not a bun, so as not to interrupt your appetite at the main meal. Do not allow yourself to starve, otherwise all your efforts to gain weight will be meaningless. Keep in mind that a monotonous diet does not allow you to gain weight.

Try to stimulate your appetite. Drinking a glass of vegetable or fruit juice before meals can help. Non-alcoholic beer is also suitable. But you shouldn't get carried away here.

Rest after eating. You can lie down for thirty minutes to allow the body to digest food.

Fasting can be a good stimulant for the body. A severe shortage of food instructs the body to stock up at a convenient opportunity. Therefore, hunger stimulates subsequent weight gain. But before that, be sure to consult with a nutritionist to develop a fasting program that is right for you.

Of course, do not forget about physical activity. A sufficient amount of protein food contributes to the development of muscle mass, which means that most of the calories will go not into fat or "out", but into muscle relief and at the same time help to form a beautiful figure. Sign up for a gym. Create a personalized program with your trainer. If there is no time to visit the hall, then do exercises at home. Give exercise 20-30 minutes a day.

And most importantly: love yourself in any body. It is not necessary to engage in only self-criticism, looking in the mirror. Smile to yourself, think more often about what you will become. Self-esteem will also play a role. A little faith in yourself, a little effort and the result will not keep you waiting.


  • what to do if you don't gain weight in 2019

Weight loss can occur for various reasons: these are psychological trauma, hormonal disruptions, and serious illnesses, including anorexia. Unfortunately, it is as difficult for a person to recover as it is to lose weight. the weight. But there are some folk remedies to solve this problem.


Appetite and digestion improve infusions of medicinal herbs, including clover, alfalfa, thyme, wormwood, dandelion, yarrow, knotweed, nettle, mint, coriander and others. They can be used individually, but it is best to prepare a phytocollection from several components.

Pour two tablespoons of crushed collection with a liter of boiling water, bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes in a saucepan under a lid. Then pour it into a thermos and insist all night. Drink half a glass of this decoction during the day half an hour before meals. To improve its taste, add sugar, honey or jam.

These herbs should be used for a long time. Drink them for three to four months, then take a short break (up to two), replace the components so that there is no addiction, and continue. And even if your condition improves, keep drinking these herbs. In the future, they can be used in prophylaxis in the weight enne-autumn period.

Rose hips will help you improve your appetite and replenish your body with vitamin C. Brew two tablespoons of dried fruits and drink the decoction several times a day, like tea.

If you have decreased the weight severe illness, exhaustion and weakness can be overcome by making a regimen of enhanced therapeutic nutrition. The intake of calories should exceed the energy expenditure of the body. You need food rich in proteins (meat, fish, eggs), as well as dough and rice products, butter and sour cream. These foods are well absorbed in the body.

Increase the weight and the body is promoted by vitamin preparations, fish oil, daily consumption of at least a small amount of walnuts. Nuts can be mixed with honey and eat several tablespoons a day with tea or better with milk.

Divide the daily ration into small portions. It is better to increase the number of meals, and not its single amount, so as not to overload the stomach. Eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly. Do not read while eating

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