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Taking protein to gain muscle mass - tips for beginners

Every athlete knows about the benefits of protein products and their role in shaping the relief. Moreover, without the additional use of protein in the form of sports nutrition, it is impossible to achieve voluminous muscles even by stubbornly doing bodybuilding. To achieve the maximum effect, you will have to follow a special diet, using protein to gain muscle mass.

Beginners often ask the question: “Why can’t you get by with natural protein products and not use nutritional supplements?” The answer is simple: with excessive consumption of meat or cottage cheese, in addition to proteins, a lot of fats and carbohydrates enter the body. Such a set will inevitably lead to the formation of an unaesthetic fat layer on the abdomen. That is why it is recommended to introduce high-quality protein into the daily diet for mass gain in industrial production.

A little about proteins

All proteins that exist in nature are divided into vegetable and animal. Animals are found in meat, eggs and dairy products, while plants are found in legumes and seeds. Protein shakes prepared on the basis of milk and cottage cheese are a real storehouse of not only protein, but also vitamins and microelements.

However, for a rapid build-up of muscle mass, you can use the results of many years of development of the largest manufacturers of sports nutrition. There are several types of protein for weight gain to choose from:

  • whey (isolate or concentrate);
  • egg;
  • casein;
  • multicomponent;
  • based on soy protein.

One of the most popular is whey protein isolate, which is produced using a unique technology, in a special environment and at low temperatures. The content of pure protein is more than 90%, which provides a quick and lasting effect after ingestion. However, the price of such nutritional supplements can be quite high, so not every beginner in bodybuilding can afford such a “luxury”. Concentrate can be attributed to more democratic options. The protein content in it is somewhat less than in the isolate, but the price will be very pleased.

Casein protein for weight gain is not used so often, as it belongs to the "slow" drugs and is absorbed gradually. That is why it is recommended to take food based on it before bedtime.

A good result can also be expected from multicomponent supplements, which may contain combinations of different types of protein. For example, whey and soy. The main thing is not to forget that any sports nutrition is just an addition to the main diet. Therefore, you can not refuse to eat meat, fish and eggs, as well as dairy products. If necessary, you can additionally take multivitamin complexes.

The nuances of taking protein for mass gain

There are a number of key points that are fundamentally important with weight gain. After all, those who want to lose weight must adhere to several other rules. The key to success in such a difficult task will be the correct dosage, high-quality whey protein and a well-designed training program. Indeed, without special physical exertion, an increased protein content in the diet will certainly lead to an increase in the amount of adipose tissue.

Each manufacturer supplies a jar of nutrition with a measuring spoon, the volume of which corresponds to a one-time norm. At one time, the body absorbs no more than 30 grams of pure protein, so it makes no sense to exceed the indicated dosage. The schedule of use can be either three or five times a day and depend on both the training process and meals. Detailed instructions can always be found in the package with food.

There is also an opinion that it is better to take any drug at night, and after training, replace the protein with a gainer and add as many low-fat protein-containing foods to the diet as possible. For example, milkshakes with cottage cheese and homemade berries.

If we talk about manufacturers (for example, whey isolate), the difference is mainly in packaging, taste and price. Therefore, you should not blindly chase after expensive advertised drugs and stick to the golden mean when choosing sports nutrition.

The best proteins for mass gain can be summarized in the form of several of the most famous brands:

  • 100% Whey Gold Standard (Optimum nutrition), consisting of both isolates and concentrates;
  • Platinum Isolate Supreme SAN containing peptides;
  • ISOFLEX Allmax fat and lactose free.

Only a small fraction of those drugs that the industry produces is given here. More detailed information can always be found both from sports nutrition sellers and on the Internet. But in any case, it is important not to forget that even the most expensive jar can cause a number of undesirable processes in the body.

The most common side effects are:

  • allergies;
  • constipation and disorders of the digestive system;
  • rash and other skin reactions;
  • increase in the percentage of adipose tissue;
  • malfunctions of the excretory system.

Most often, the causes of such disorders are not the protein itself, which is taken for weight gain, but the wrong dosage and ignorance of the nuances of one's own body. In such a situation, it is better to stop taking it and seek the advice of a specialist.

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