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Sprained his leg swollen than to smear. What to do if you twisted your leg and what it can threaten. What does it mean to "tuck your leg"

Ankle sprain is a very common injury. There is a very strong possibility that during the game, as often happens in children, or because of walking on uneven surfaces, an ankle sprain occurs - about 25,000 people a day twist their foot.

Sometimes you lose your balance and twist your leg, but the pain goes away quickly and you can go about your business again. But there is another more severe outcome, a twisted leg, or rather an ankle, can be damaged so badly that you can’t even stand on it, it swells and hurts a lot and for a long time.

What to do if you sprained your leg? The pain is most often sharp, with gradual attenuation. To immediately check if there is a fracture, you need to try to move your fingers, if it works, then there is definitely no fracture, but the degree of dislocation can still be different.

A sprained ankle means that one or more ankle ligaments have been stretched (or torn). If you do not pay due attention to dislocation, then problems can drag on for a very long time. The ankle can twist inward (internal sprain) and outward (dislocation). An internal sprain causes pain along the outside of the ankle and is the most common type. Pain on the inside of the ankle can be caused by a more serious injury to the tendons and ligaments that support the foot, and you should definitely see a doctor for such pain.

Most often, a dislocated ankle occurs when the toes are on the ground and the heel is in the air (plantar flexion). This position keeps the ankle ligaments under tension, making them vulnerable. At the moment when you stand on an uneven surface, you can just twist your leg. In such an event, one, two, or all three of your ligaments may be affected.

A sprain can be difficult to distinguish from a fracture, and x-rays are needed for this. If you are unable to walk after this type of injury, or if there is significant swelling or deformity, you should seek medical attention from a doctor. This could be your primary care physician or pediatrician, emergency room, or orthopedist, depending on the severity of the injury.

What damage can be

if you twist your leg

If there is swelling in the ankle, then this may be a sign of more serious types of damage. Let's look at all possible types:

  • Sprain one of the most common types of ankle injuries. This is the easiest outcome of a twisted leg, with such an injury, the pain is sharp for only a short time, and after a minute a person can already go further, but with unpleasant pain. It is imperative to properly treat the ankle so that the ankle is fully restored and there are no problems in the future.
  • Bundles may be partially torn. The pain is intense and lasts much longer. A person will not be able to walk immediately with such damage and mandatory treatment is necessary. Full recovery can occur in about a month.
  • Complete rupture of ligaments. With such injuries, the pain is severe, and any load on the leg makes the pain even stronger, it is impossible to stand on it. Be sure to consult a doctor and follow his recommendations. It is highly likely that you will be given a special fixing bandage.
  • Dislocation. This means that the joint capsule has been damaged and the leg cannot function properly. The pain is also severe, it is impossible to stand on the leg. Be sure to consult a doctor and apply a plaster cast. Treatment will take at least 3 months.
  • If happened fracture, which most often happens with injuries sustained due to the height of the fall, then you should immediately consult a doctor, possibly go to an ambulance, since the pain will be very severe, and the severity of the injury is very dangerous. High chance of surgery.

Most ankle sprains do not require surgery, and few sprains need to be treated with a functional rehabilitation program. Depending on how many ligaments are injured, the sprain can be I, II or III degree. If there is no fracture, then it is more likely that the doctor will send you for home treatment.

Sprained leg treatment

Treating a sprained ankle properly can help you avoid chronic pain. For Grade I sprains, follow the O.L.P. methodology:

  • Ankle Rest, immediately after the injury, it is necessary to fix the ankle by bandaging it either with a bandage or with what is at hand, you need to start from the middle of the foot and wrap the bandage across it until there is good fixation, you can not tighten the bandage too much so that the blood can flow normally without obstacles, try to walk and load the ankle as little as possible. Use crutches if necessary; if there is no fracture, then you can load the leg with a small weight. An ankle brace will very well help to support the ankle at the right moments and remove excess load from it, which will help it heal faster.
  • Ice for swelling- It is necessary to cool the swollen area with an ice cube, this will help remove swelling and relieve pain. But do not put ice directly on the skin (use a thin piece of cloth to wrap the ice in) and refrigerate the skin for no more than 20 minutes to prevent frostbite.
  • Raise your leg reclining above the waist and fixing in this position for a while, this will also help relieve swelling, the leg will remain without stress, which will allow it to heal faster.

Stretch gels, such as Fastumgel and others, are good for mild sprains.

The swelling usually subsides after a couple of days.

For grade II sprains, the O.L.K.P technique must also be followed, but will take longer to recover. For a second degree sprain, you can see a doctor to put a splint on your sprained ankle.

A grade III sprain puts you at risk for chronic ankle instability. Rarely, surgery may be necessary, especially for professional athletes. Serious ankle sprains may require a special leg cast, which is usually worn for two to three weeks. If the sprain is not the first time, then surgery may also be needed.

Sprained ankle rehabilitation

Every damaged ligament needs to be rehabilitated. Otherwise, the sprained leg may not heal completely and you may re-injure it. All degrees of ankle sprain, from mild to severe, require three phases of recovery:

  • Phase I includes rest, protection and reduction of puffiness.
  • Phase II restore flexibility, range of motion and ankle strength.
  • Phase III includes a gradual return to normal activities, to exercise, and then to active sports.

Be sure to complete the rehabilitation program, as this greatly reduces the likelihood of re-sprains. If you do not complete the rehabilitation program, the pain can become chronic, and the risk of re-sprains may increase.

Rushing while walking, going down stairs, or running on slippery surfaces causes a person to twist their leg. Often this happens even out of the blue. What to do if you sprained your leg, while it hurts and is swollen.

Pain and swelling in the ankle indicate damage. What are the consequences of an injury?

  • Sprain. Often appears due to the fact that the heel has turned inward. With such an injury, a person can walk, but with a feeling of pain. It needs to be treated properly. Then the damage disappears without a trace after 2 weeks.
  • Ligament tear. It is an incomplete rupture of several or one ligament at once. The joint becomes unstable, and the person who twisted his leg experiences severe pain. Recovery can occur only after a month, if all the recommendations of treatment are followed.
  • Complete rupture of ligaments. With such an injury, it is almost impossible to stand on your foot, and acute pain immediately appears. In this case, a plaster cast is required. If necessary, the doctor prescribes surgery. The recovery period can reach two months, read more in the publication: "".
  • Ankle dislocation is a violation of the joint capsule. It will take at least 10 weeks to heal such an injury. Premature removal of gypsum can provoke the development of such a disease as the usual.
  • Ankle subluxation. Assumes a slight displacement of the bones during injury. To diagnose the degree of damage is possible only by x-ray.
  • Fracture of bones. Occurs when falling or jumping from a height. When landing, the foot is twisted, at the same time a blow occurs. The rehabilitation period after a fracture is about 6 weeks. In severe cases, the injury may take several months to heal.

How to act?

So, there was an injury - they sprained my leg, it was very swollen and it hurts. What to do in this case? You can immediately check for an ankle fracture by moving your fingers. If there is no sharp pain, then there is no fracture. But you need to see a traumatologist right away.

While medical care is not available, there are a few important things you can do on your own:

  1. The ankle should be fixed immediately after the person twisted the limb. The easiest way is to bandage the place that you twisted. At the same time, it is not worth tightening the bandage too much so that the limb does not turn blue. You can make a bandage from anything (gauze, scarf, bandage or scarf). You should start from the middle of the foot, wrapping the bandage constantly across the foot. 2-3 layers are enough to fix the limb;
  2. It is recommended to apply cold to the painful place. At home, it is enough to take something cold from the freezer. If the injury occurred outdoors, try dampening the cloth with cold water. This is an effective measure of assistance in the first 2 hours after a person sprained a limb. In this case, it is necessary to observe the intervals for applying cold: 10 minutes, then a break, 20 minutes, another break, then for several hours;
  3. It is desirable to attach the limb on a hill for its normal blood supply;
  4. If there are abrasions and wounds on the leg, they must be treated with hydrogen peroxide and smeared with brilliant green;
  5. Good helpers that help treat a leg if a person sprained it are gels and ointments that are sold in pharmacies. Among them are Troxevasin, Nurofen and many others.

After seeing a doctor

These funds are only first aid. You need to see a doctor. Only a traumatologist will be able to determine the nature of the injury and prescribe the correct treatment. After twisting her leg, you need to get to the traumatologist as soon as possible. As soon as the doctor conducts an examination, takes an x-ray and makes a diagnosis, it is necessary to follow his recommendations. Usually this:

  1. taking medications;
  2. physiotherapy procedures.

In difficult cases, it is necessary to treat the leg in a hospital under the close supervision of doctors.

  • if the limb is swollen and sore, it is necessary to do foot baths several times a day with the addition of sea salt (you can buy it at any pharmacy). The water temperature should not be higher than 36 degrees. The course of procedures should last about 10 days. The injured leg must be kept in water for 10 minutes.
  • folk recipes are effective. So, you can make compresses from burdock, cabbage leaves or aloe juice. These will help reduce swelling.
  • it is important to leave the leg alone. If you sprained a limb, then during the entire period of rehabilitation it is necessary to remove the load from it.

By following these simple rules, you can quickly recover from an injury.

After recovery

After recovery, you need to take care of your leg. She will require careful handling. After all, if you once sprained your leg, then the ligaments will remain stretched or slightly torn. And this will make the injured limb prone to further injuries. In addition, there will be a fear of twisting your leg again. After all, there is no desire for her to swell again and start to hurt.

  1. Avoid wearing high heels. And flat soles can hurt your feet too. Therefore, it is recommended to wear shoes, boots, boots with a small and stable heel;
  2. The ankle and ligaments must be carefully strengthened. Do it through exercise. Just 15 minutes a day will be enough. You can alternately walk around the house in different ways: on the inside, and then on the outside of the foot, on the heels, then on the toes. Walking on sand, grass or pebbles will be useful. Of course, you need to carry them out barefoot.
  3. Massage is an affordable means for healing the legs. You can perform self-massage in the area where there was an injury. It is useful to do the procedure at night. Massage is recommended not only for those who constantly twist their limbs, but also for everyone over 40 years old. Indeed, over the years, bones, muscles and ligaments weaken, lose their strength and elasticity.

Did you twist your leg so much that it swelled up, and pain appeared? You just need to see a doctor immediately. Then no complications will arise, and the treatment will be as quick and comfortable as possible. And in the future, you should just take care of your feet and constantly take care of their health.

The ankle is a complex articulation that bears a colossal load. This joint supports the entire weight of a person and performs many movements in different directions when walking or other actions.

You can twist your leg and damage the joint, pull or tear the ligaments just by walking and stepping on your foot unsuccessfully. The most common causes of injuries in this area are:

  • increased load on the ankle as a result of active physical activities: sports, dancing, etc.;
  • excess weight (it increases the already significant load on this joint);
  • pregnancy (a growing belly increases a woman's weight, moreover, it can put pressure on veins and arteries and disrupt blood flow in the lower extremities, which is also a risk factor);
  • sudden or unnatural movement;
  • fall and blow;
  • weakness of the ligamentous apparatus;
  • age (older women are more susceptible to such trauma);
  • wearing uncomfortable shoes with high heels.

These factors, individually or in combination, can cause joint injury.

If a person sprained their ankle, the following injuries to the ankle joint can occur:

  • sprain, tear or complete rupture of the ligament;
  • dislocation of the joint;
  • bone fracture of varying severity (closed or open, with or without displacement).

It should be emphasized that with age, the bones become more fragile, the ligaments lose their elasticity, the joints are no longer so strong. This is especially true for women. If an elderly woman fell for no particular reason, while complaining that she “just walked and twisted her ankle at the ankle”, this is most likely not an injury due to external factors, but the result of ligament weakness and bone fragility.

The main causes of injury:

  • excess weight;
  • sudden movement, fall, blow;
  • uncomfortable shoes;
  • circulatory disorders.
  • Some people believe that injuries appear in those who lead an active lifestyle, so they try to take care of themselves and do not play sports. Given the peculiarity of the structure of the lower extremities, limiting the load leads to weakening of the muscles, contraction of the ligaments, and impaired blood flow. With atrophied muscles and short ligaments, the weight of the body is transferred to the bones, the joints are overloaded.

    Therefore, any household push, fall, jump, blow lead to dislocation. With a dislocation, the joint moves out of its normal position, the ligaments are stretched due to rupture of microfibers, sometimes there is an extensive rupture.

    You don't have to be an athlete to twist your leg. An ordinary person can earn an ankle injury literally from scratch, stumbling, stumbling, twisting his foot, or just taking an awkward step. Of particular note are the representatives of the weaker sex, who love high heels. The rule here is simple - the higher the heel - the more likely to be injured.

    How to determine that you sprained your leg and bruised the joint? The first symptoms are pain in the joint, it hurts to step on, the ankle is swollen or the bone is swollen. At the first sign of symptoms (especially ankle swelling), go to the nearest hospital and have an X-ray taken.

    First aid for ankle injury

    Timely provision of first aid is the key to successful treatment of an injury.

    In case of an ankle injury, you must:

    • free the injured limb from shoes and socks;
    • provide complete rest to the leg;
    • place a piece of tissue folded in several layers under the injury site;
    • fix the leg with an impromptu stand so that it is above the level of the heart in order to reduce blood flow;
    • apply ice to the injury site (if it is not at hand, a piece of meat from the freezer will perfectly cope with its role, or, in extreme cases, a rag moistened with cold water).
    • if you twisted your leg in the foot, then you should bandage the foot and lower leg with an elastic bandage (the bandage should be tight, but so that the pain in the leg does not increase);
    • take some kind of painkiller if the pain does not give rest at all.

    If the injury caught you in the park or during a trip to the forest, you will have to get out of the situation with the help of improvised means. For example, a scarf is suitable as a bandage for rewinding a leg, you can tear a handkerchief. If the injury is serious and the leg hurts, it is necessary to apply a splint, which can be any suitable tree branch.

    A scarf, or even sneaker laces, will again come in handy as a fastening material. Try to find some kind of pole or stick that you can lean on while walking. Remember that your main task is to get to a crowded place faster, which means you have to move around somehow.

    The entire bone apparatus in the ankle is connected by a special dense capsule. Leg movements are provided by ligaments that act as shock absorbers. Therefore, when injured, the ankle joint can be damaged in any of its components. You should know that sprains account for only 25% of the total number of injuries. Other injuries are more serious: fractures or dislocations.

    We list the provoking factors that contribute to ankle injury:

    • Active sports;
    • Accident;
    • Uncomfortable shoes with high heels;
    • Excess weight;
    • Sudden movements, falls, blows;
    • Pathological changes in the functioning of blood circulation.

    Whatever caused the leg to twist, if swelling of the ankle is observed, accompanied by severe pain, you need to take the necessary first aid steps and go to the emergency room.

    The symptoms and consequences of an ankle injury are directly dependent on the location of the injury.

    Sprain - microdamage at the cellular level of their fibers. Most often occurs due to the fact that a person turned the heel inward. The patient can walk, but feels severe pain in the leg. When resting the injured limb, the pain syndrome disappears after 2 weeks, due to the ability of the ligaments to quickly regenerate.

    Injuries due to tears and complete rupture of ligaments are characterized by severe pain. Symptoms of a complete rupture of the ligaments are always pronounced: pain accompanies swelling, and the damaged joint is unstable, it is painful for the patient to step on his foot. With a complete rupture of one or more ligaments, a pop is clearly audible, at the moment of which a person experiences a sharp pain.

    Ankle subluxation occurs due to a slight shift in the bones. Only a doctor can recognize the pathology with the help of hardware diagnostics on x-rays.

    Dislocation of the ankle is manifested in damage to the joint, more specifically, its capsule. The talus is displaced more than 40 degrees. Such trauma is always accompanied by severe pain and significant swelling. The entire foot is limited in movement. Pathology requires mandatory immobilization.

    A bone fracture can be open or closed. It is often accompanied by complications in the form of a rupture or tear of the ligaments. Severe pain is accompanied by rapid swelling in the area of ​​​​the entire ankle. The foot does not move, its complete numbness is felt. Rehabilitation after a fracture takes the most time.

    It is important to remember that a timely diagnosed pathology and correctly prescribed treatment will help to avoid disability, which will come as a complication after an accidentally twisted leg.

    In fact, what we used to call the ankle is the area of ​​the ankle joint. It connects the lower leg and foot, withstands huge daily loads. The articulation includes three bones: fibula, tibia and talus. The ankle joint can move in two planes (the foot can turn left-right or pull the toe / do the opposite movement, as when standing on tiptoe).

    All bones in the joint are connected by a strong shell (capsule). They fasten the structure of the ligament, acting as shock absorbers during movement. A special membrane is stretched between the bones of the lower leg, preventing it from dispersing. Only 25% of ankle injuries are due to sprains, the remaining percentages are bone fractures of varying degrees. It is important to know the differences between these conditions so as not to harm yourself when giving first aid.

    About 20% of extremity injuries are caused by ankle injuries. The reason for this is inaccurate sports, accidents, unsuccessful walking in high heels. Often, women over 40, professional athletes, people who are overweight turn to the doctor.

    After twisting the leg, almost all patients complain of swelling of the ankle, which may indicate serious pathologies that require immediate medical attention.

    The unpleasant consequences of an ankle injury depend on the specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bdamage:

    • sprain. The fibers that make up the ligament undergo microdamage, stretching occurs at the cell level. Often, pathology occurs against the background of turning the heel inward. Walking during stretching is possible, but the patient feels acute discomfort. Due to the rapid regeneration of the ligaments, the pathology disappears in 2–3 weeks (subject to bed rest, the use of special means);
    • ligament tear. One or more ligaments are not completely torn, but the ankle joint can perform its functions. Damage is accompanied by severe pain, joint instability. In addition to discomfort, the ankle swells, it is difficult for the patient to step on the foot. With proper therapy, complete recovery occurs after 4 weeks;
    • complete disconnection. Pathology is characterized by a complete rupture of one or more ligaments, even their separation from the bone. During this process, a sharp pop is felt, it is accompanied by severe piercing pains. Recovery requires a cast and time (minimum six weeks);
    • subluxation of the ankle joint. The injury is often accompanied by displacement of the talus relative to the bones of the ankle. The pathological process is clearly visible on x-rays;
    • dislocation of the ankle joint. The pathological process is characterized by damage to the joint, in particular its capsule. The displacement of the talus is 40 degrees. At the same time, the victim feels severe pain, the ankle swells, foot movements are significantly limited;
    • bone fracture. Such damage is often accompanied by a dislocation / subluxation, complete or partial sprain of the ligaments. A fracture often occurs during a fall from a height, an unsuccessful landing on a limb, a car accident, or any other dangerous situation. The rehabilitation period after a fracture without displacement is about six weeks, with a displacement - up to 4 months.

    Signs of tears and complete rupture of ligaments or muscles

    Torn ligaments or muscles are serious injuries that require long-term treatment. Pain and swelling occur in the same area as sprain, but the pathology is characterized by the complexity of the damage. Symptoms will be as follows:

    • sharp pain in the ankle;
    • rapidly growing edema and hematoma;
    • the ankle remains mobile, but any movement causes pain;
    • a person cannot lean on an injured limb.

    First aid is practically no different from that which is necessary for sprains. In case of serious violations of the integrity of tissues, the help of a doctor is necessary; it is impossible to cure such an injury at home. If the patient has a torn muscle, ligament or tendon, in most cases they are connected surgically.

    The modern rhythm of life makes a person constantly rush somewhere. While twisting the leg, the victim may not attach importance to the injury, only after detecting swelling in the ankle area, pain (which intensifies in the late afternoon) will suspect something was wrong. Doing so is strictly prohibited!

    Sprain (partial fiber damage is the most successful outcome of foot tuck):

    • edema;
    • difficult mobility in the damaged joint;
    • rarely there is bruising in the ankle area;
    • pain that worsens when you try to move the affected leg while walking.

    Ligament rupture:

    • puffiness. Not only the ankle increases in size, over time the entire foot swells, which indicates the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space;
    • difficulty walking, bruising (a sign of hemorrhage);
    • instability in the joint, non-specific motor activity.

    Fracture (considered the most severe, difficult to treat result of an ankle injury):

    • the patient feels a sharp shooting pain in the ankle;
    • it is impossible to stand on an injured leg;
    • unnatural position of the foot, uncharacteristic movements in the joint (up to 18 degrees);
    • numbness of the limb, swelling over the entire surface of the ankle joint;
    • the toes cannot be moved.

    Important! Carefully examine the injured leg, remember your feelings, the first actions after the injury to the ankle joint depend on this.

    Sprain symptoms

    Symptoms of dislocation and internal injuries of the joint, which require a visit to a doctor, are:

    • pain that does not go away or increases;
    • crunch when twisting the foot and trying to step on it;
    • swelling of soft tissues in the area of ​​damage. It may not appear immediately and be insignificant when the bone above the foot is visible or strong when the foot and lower leg swim in such a way that mobility is limited;
    • hematoma (internal bruising);
    • impaired mobility of the foot;
    • increased pain when trying to turn the foot to the left, right, up or down, while moving your fingers;
    • increased pain when touching the injured ankle.

    External swelling or bruising may appear some time after the injury, the lower leg may turn blue and swell due to internal rupture of ligaments and blood vessels. All of the above, individually or in combination, indicate the need to contact a traumatologist.

    • The ankle bone hurts during emphasis on it or during palpation;
    • The joint is poorly mobile, not stable, it hurts;
    • The pain is aggravated by bending or unbending the leg;
    • Swollen, blue ankle;
    • Redness and swelling appear on the injured area.

    What to do in case of stretching:

    1. Ensure a comfortable position for the injured person: seat or lay down (if possible), remove shoes;
    2. Apply a cold compress;
    3. Apply an anesthetic and decongestant ointment that does not warm, eliminating the risk of increased swelling;
    4. Fix the foot to the shin with a tight bandage so that an angle of 90 degrees is formed to ensure a comfortable position, provided for by the structure of the person. The bandage should not pinch the blood flow, it is removed after 2-3 hours.

    With tears, a ligament or several ligaments are fragmentarily torn, but the ability of the joint to perform a function is preserved, although it is unstable. With ruptures, the ligament(s) are torn completely, making it impossible for a person to step on their foot due to severe sharp pain.

    With injuries of this type, identical areas of the ankle are damaged, the symptoms and first aid actions are similar. The severity of injury varies.

    • a hematoma appeared;

    What to do in case of rupture (tear) of ligaments:

    1. Take a calm comfortable position with your foot on the pillow (above heart level).
    2. Apply cold compresses to the injured area. It is preferable to keep the compress for 15-20 minutes every 3-4 hours for a couple of days. Thanks to the cold, the swelling subsides, the pain subsides.
    3. Take anti-inflammatory painkillers (after consulting a doctor), apply an anesthetic ointment with a cooling effect on the tumor.
    4. Secure the foot to the shin with a tight bandage to create a 90 degree angle (straight) to ensure the most comfortable position provided by the structure of the person. The bandage should not pinch the blood flow, it is applied progressively from the heel towards the knee. If the foot moves in different directions, it is required to put a splint from improvised materials on the leg, immobilizing it.

    You need to contact the trauma center so that the doctor prescribes medical and rehabilitation measures. Complex fractures require surgery. The minimum recovery period for an anguish will be 3-4 weeks, for a rupture - 6-8.

    Dislocation, subluxation - frequent injuries of the ankle. With a dislocation, the position of the articular bones is disturbed, which is accompanied by a rupture or tear of the ligaments. With subluxation, the bones of the joint are displaced relative to each other, without losing contact.

    Injuries are similar in characteristics and signs, differ in severity. Symptoms:

    • impaired functioning of the joint;
    • the ankle is slightly swollen (with subluxation), in severe cases, the swelling is obvious, extending to the entire foot;
    • the ankle hurts when walking and feeling, with a complication it is impossible to walk, acute pain does not leave the leg in a calm state, sometimes it radiates to the knee.

    What to do in case of dislocation or subluxation of the ankle:

    1. Immobilize the leg by placing it on a roller, pillow, other device;
    2. For fixation in an immovable state, apply a tight bandage and splint, make sure that the bandage does not compress the blood flow and the limb does not go numb;
    3. Apply cold to the sore spot to reduce swelling and pain;

    Symptoms characteristic of a fracture:

    • sharp severe pain at rest and during movement;
    • unable to stand up;
    • the leg takes an irregular shape due to the deformity of the joint;
    • unnatural mobility of the leg;
    • the ankle is swollen, bruising and bruising may occur;
    • the sensitivity of the limb disappeared (numbness set in);
    • it is impossible to bend the foot and move the toes.

    Sprained muscles and ligaments are one of the simplest injuries that can occur with a fall and ankle injury. This damage will be manifested by characteristic symptoms:

    • sharp pain in the ankle is felt, which increases with movement of the joint;
    • the bone hurts when touched;
    • the area around the injury site may swell and turn blue;
    • impaired mobility in the injured joint.

    In the treatment of such an injury, it is important to ensure the immobility of the foot by applying a bandage to it and fixing it with the foot at a right angle. You can also apply an ice pack before the doctor's help. Warming ointments are contraindicated at first, as they can provoke an exacerbation of inflammation. If the mobility of the ankle is not impaired, this means that a complete rupture of the muscles and ligaments has not occurred.

    Ankle dislocation is a condition in which the ends of the bones change their position relative to each other. In this case, the victim will not be able to get up and get to the doctor on his own, he will need help. A less dangerous injury is a subluxation of the joint, in which it partially retains mobility.

    If a joint is dislocated during a fall, it can be easily identified by the following symptoms:

    • edema of varying intensity: with subluxation, it is localized in the ankle area, with dislocation, it spreads to the entire area of ​​the foot;
    • sharp pain, which increases when trying to lean on the injured limb;
    • the patient cannot fully lean on the leg, moves only with outside help.

    A dislocated joint can swell within a few hours. Swelling of the tissues will interfere with the diagnosis of damage, so it is important to take timely measures to prevent this complication. Cold compresses will constrict the blood vessels and the swelling will be less pronounced.

    The only thing to do with a dislocated joint, if touching the ankle or trying to lean on the leg causes pain, is to see a doctor urgently. In most cases, the patient will need to wear a brace to allow the tissues to heal and prevent further damage to the ankle.

    After providing first aid, the injured person is transported to a medical facility, where treatment and rehabilitation are prescribed. With a competent approach, correct treatment and rehabilitation, the injury will pass in 2-3 weeks.

    Ligament tear

    • swollen ankle - a sign of inflammation and accumulation of joint fluid where the leg turned up;
    • a hematoma appeared;
    • the injured leg hurts a lot;
    • there is no ability to move independently;
    • the foot moves in different directions, but can lead to unwanted dislocations.

    Cold compress

    If your leg doesn't seem to be in much pain, visit a doctor to diagnose the injury and provide medical advice on treatment and rehabilitation. If the injury is not aggravated by other signs, the patient follows the doctor's prescription - the recovery period is 8-10 weeks.

    An ankle fracture occurs when the leg is twisted due to a bad landing after a jump or fall from a height. The extreme and severe degree of injuries of the ankle joint is indicated. Adults with brittle bones or children whose bones are not fully formed are most at risk for this type of injury.

    Fractures are either closed or open. Accompanied by the above injuries - ligament rupture or dislocation of the foot. In an open fracture, bone fragments are visible in the wound, which is difficult to treat.

    Ankle immobilization

    Try to seek medical help.

    The treatment of the fracture depends on the severity and can be traditional or with the use of surgery. Rehabilitation without complications will take up to 6 weeks, with complications it will be at least 4 months.

    Any injury is unpleasant and painful. Having gained knowledge about first aid measures, if a leg has turned up, it is possible not to worry while waiting for help. To protect yourself from getting such an injury, follow safety measures when moving on a slippery surface, while playing sports, wear comfortable shoes, look under your feet.


    It is possible to treat an ankle injury only after an accurately established diagnosis, which is made by a doctor on the basis of hardware studies:

    • Radiography - allows you to obtain data on the state of the bone tissue;
    • CT, MRI are more informative methods by which they learn the state of soft and articular tissues.

    Treatment methods will vary depending on the extent of the injury to the leg. However, most of them are based on the following key points:

    • Providing rest to the tucked leg;
    • Immobilization in case of severe injuries;
    • With the accumulation of blood in the joint bag, it is removed;
    • Administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and chondroprotectors;
    • Physiotherapy during the recovery period.

    If the doctors did not reveal serious injuries, but the ankle is very sore, home treatment is indicated. However, independent appointments should not be dealt with in this case either: therapy should be prescribed by a doctor.

    "Home" treatments

    At first, the injured leg must be provided with complete rest, excluding any physical exertion. The ideal option in this case is bed rest for 2-3 days. Then you can start home methods of recovery from injury.

    Folk recipes for the treatment of a twisted leg offer many ways to get rid of severe swelling and pain.

    Consider some of the most effective and popular recipes offered by traditional healers.

    • Garlic vinegar essence

    3-4 heads of peeled and chopped garlic are poured with apple cider vinegar and left in a dark place for 2-3 days. The resulting essence is moistened with tissue and applied to the damaged part of the leg. From above, the compress is covered with cellophane and woolen cloth. The effect of the remedy should last all night. Remove the compress in the morning.

    With this tool, you can not only relieve pain and swelling, but also increase the overall tone of the body.

    Sea salt - 4 tbsp. l.; Favorite aromatic oils - 1-2 drops; Water - 2 liters. Make sure that the water is not too hot.

    Vodka has excellent warming properties. To make such a compress is simple: just moisten a cloth in it and attach it to a sore spot. Cellophane and a warm scarf must be placed on top. To keep the compress securely on the leg, it is fixed with a bandage. After 5-6 hours, the procedure is repeated.

    Warm milk will also help to quickly get rid of swelling. The compress is made in the same way as from vodka. However, it must be remembered that only natural milk has healing properties.

    Tansy flowers in the composition of the compress have a strong warming effect. Prepare it as follows: 4 tbsp. l. vegetable raw materials are poured with boiling water (half a liter is enough). The container with the infusion is wrapped in a warm cloth and insisted for half an hour. Remember that this compress must be used hot! It is placed on gauze and fixed to the leg at the site of injury.

    Freshly chopped cabbage, onions, garlic and potatoes relieve pain and swelling no worse than the most expensive pharmacy ointments. Each vegetable is used separately, carefully chopped. The resulting slurry is placed on a cloth and applied to a sore spot. The cabbage leaf can be applied to the swollen part of the body as a whole. A mixture of garlic and salt will quickly remove all excess fluid, reducing puffiness.

    After the treatment and complete recovery of the leg, you need to remember that it will be more difficult to avoid re-injury: the ligaments are already stretched. Therefore, it is important to perform special exercises that help strengthen them, wear comfortable shoes and control physical activity.

    See a doctor after an ankle injury. The doctor will conduct a series of studies, examine the sore leg. Based on the results obtained, the correct diagnosis will be made. To study the ankle area use:

    • radiography. The easiest and most accessible way. The pictures show damage to the bones, minus the procedure - the lack of information about soft tissues;
    • CT, MRI. They are informative diagnostic methods, allow assessing the condition of the joint, bones, surrounding tissues, which speeds up the process of making a diagnosis and starting treatment.

    Effective Treatments

    If a dislocated ankle is diagnosed, the doctor will apply a fixing bandage and prescribe oral and/or topical anti-inflammatory and pain medications. Inside the medicine can be taken only in case of severe pain. Mostly local funds are assigned.

    Usually, a patient who twisted his leg around the ankle is treated at home. Sometimes physiotherapy is prescribed.

    A damaged joint can take a long time to heal, it all depends on the severity of the injury and the individual characteristics of the victim, as well as on the actions immediately after the injury.

    For those who twisted their leg, if the ankle is swollen, ointments will help to cure the injury at home:

    • "Fastum gel";
    • "Nicoflex";
    • "Finalgon" and others.

    Gels or ointment should be applied to the area of ​​the damaged joint with light massaging movements, 1-2 times daily, until the joint stops hurting. The leg should be protected from stress, give it rest for several days.

    Tissues in children regenerate faster, but do not neglect going to the doctor. You need to make sure that there is no fracture and follow all prescribed procedures.

    During the treatment of ankle injuries that are associated with an unsuccessful fall or dislocation, medications must be prescribed. They may be sold in the form of gels or ointments for topical use, but in some cases, tablets are used. They belong to different pharmacological groups:

    • painkillers - do not affect the inflammatory process, but simply block the passage of pain nerve impulses to the brain;
    • anti-inflammatory ointments - affect different stages of inflammation, relieve pain and swelling of tissues;
    • Cooling or warming compresses are used depending on the stage of inflammation and other factors.

    In the first few days after the injury, the inflammation is acute. During this period, warming ointments are contraindicated, since they can exacerbate the process and contribute to its spread to neighboring areas. The main sign that the inflammation has passed into the chronic stage is that the temperature at the site of injury drops to normal, but the swelling does not go away.

    You already know what to do if you twist your leg and your ankle is swollen, and how to provide first aid. Now it's time to talk about treatment at home.

    Baths with sea salt

    You will need: sea salt, water, basin, terry towel, aromatic oils. Take 2 liters of warm water and a basin in which to place your feet comfortably. Dissolve in water 4 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt. The greatest effect is achieved by adding mint, eucalyptus, pine or spruce oil.


    For the manufacture of compresses, you can use vodka, tansy flowers, ginger root, green tea, mountain arnica.

    Vodka compress

    One of the easiest homemade recipes. To prepare it, you need to moisten gauze in vodka and put it on a sore spot, then cover it with a plastic bag or wax paper, put a layer of cotton wool on top of all this and bandage it. You need to change the compress every 6-8 hours. It will help quickly enough, within 2 days, to get rid of swelling on the leg.

    Milk compress

    It is done in a similar way. Only warm (but not hot) milk can be used. Moreover, the product must be natural.

    Tansy flower compress

    Requires 3 tbsp. spoons of tansy color pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Infuse for 25-30 minutes, wrapped in a towel. Apply the still hot mixture on gauze and place on the injury site as a warming agent.

    Ginger root compress

    Grate a small amount of ginger and squeeze through cheesecloth into a container, add 5 tbsp. tablespoons of very hot water (but not boiling water, as the beneficial properties of the plant will decrease). Keep the bowl on low heat for about 5 minutes. Then moisten a towel and apply on the sore spot. After the fabric has cooled down, repeat the procedure.

    Ginger improves blood circulation and removes toxic substances from the body.

    Compress from mountain arnica

    Mix 4 teaspoons of the plant with 1 liter of hot water and let it brew for about 10 minutes.

    Green tea compress

    Chop the leaves and pour boiling water for 15-20 minutes. Apply thick tea leaves to the injury site in a warm form. Green tea relieves pain and reduces swelling.

    I sprained my ankle, my ankle is swollen, what to do - herbs will help

    With a slight injury, a slight pain is felt, the mobility of the joint is preserved, and discomfort is felt when moving the leg.

    First aid and measures to restore ankle mobility:

    • take off outerwear and shoes;
    • fix the leg in a comfortable position;
    • do not load the limb for 2-3 days, try to leave it alone more often.

    At home, you need to determine the degree of injury - is there a fracture. To do this, you need to move your toes - if mobility is present, then there is no fracture.

    If your ankle is injured, you need to take the following steps:

    • raise the sore ankle above the level of the heart;
    • fix the limb and provide it with peace;
    • ice is applied to the damaged area and an iodine grid is applied;
    • wrap with severe pain the ankle with a tight bandage;
    • take painkillers;
    • treat abrasions and scratches with hydrogen peroxide or brilliant green.

    Hospitalization is necessary if the ankle quickly swells, turns blue, fibers are torn, it is difficult to move the leg, and there is constant severe pain.

    If the leg is sprained on the street, then instead of a bandage, a scarf or scarf will do. The tire can be replaced by a tree branch, it can be fixed with laces. Any strong stick can serve as a support when moving until a person reaches a settlement where an ambulance can be called.

    At home, you can use ointments that are sold in pharmacies:

    • Fastum gel;
    • Finalgon;
    • Troxevasin;
    • Diclofenac;
    • Voltaren;
    • Nurofen.

    These funds promote blood circulation, anesthetize and relieve inflammation. Apply drugs to the ankle joint carefully, in a thin layer.

    If, after all the procedures, the swelling does not go away for several days, and the pain intensifies, you should immediately consult a doctor. You can not make a diagnosis on your own, instead of a dislocation, there may be a closed fracture.

    Therapy in each case is different, it all depends on the degree and area of ​​damage to the ankle after twisting the leg.

    First aid

    What to do if the ankle is swollen after twisting the leg? The specific plan of action depends on the symptoms, and the situation around the victim. Approximate sequence of actions:

    • ensure complete rest of the injured limb. It is forbidden to step on the foot, sit down or lie down, place the limb above chest level (pain syndrome decreases, bleeding stops);
    • if necessary, stop the bleeding (apply a tourniquet above the knee). It is typical for serious injuries, fractures;
    • apply cold (any bag from the freezer will do). Compresses should be no more than 20 minutes with breaks of one hour;
    • tight bandage. It is used for all situations, except for a fracture (by such actions you can aggravate the situation). Use an elastic bandage, tightly wrap around the ankle, describing the "eight";
    • immobilize the joint (in case of a fracture). To do this, use a splint or its semblance from improvised materials (stick, another object, fasten to the leg, clearly fixing and limiting the movement of the sore leg);
    • taking analgesics. Use the funds from the home first aid kit, potent medicines often "lubricate" the clinical picture during a doctor's examination;
    • contact a traumatologist or call an ambulance (for fractures, serious injuries, other injuries to internal organs, limbs).

    Medical therapy

    An approximate scheme for the treatment of sprains, dislocations, ligament ruptures has common aspects, the terms of complete recovery differ. Approximate treatment regimen:

    • if necessary, blood is removed from the joint bag, which immediately reduces swelling in the ankle area;
    • gypsum splint. Allows you to immobilize the damaged area, speeds up the healing process;
    • the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The drugs stop the inflammatory and pain syndrome, have a positive effect on the patient's condition;
    • chondroprotectors. They are used to start the regeneration of bone and cartilage tissue, accelerate the rehabilitation period even after a fracture;
    • physiotherapy, massage, therapeutic mud. The specific choice of manipulation depends on the degree of damage to the ankle, the characteristics of the patient;
    • tight bandaging. It is indicated for incomplete rupture of ligaments, sprains or during the recovery period after removal of the cast. Such manipulations protect the ligaments, preventing a new injury to the ankle.

    Folk remedies and recipes

    Natural drugs do not cope with the problem, but reduce pain and reduce swelling:

    • combine several heads of garlic with apple cider vinegar, let the drug brew for several days. Apply the resulting mass to the site of damage, wrap with polyethylene and a scarf. Keep the compress on all night;
    • in a similar way, use onion gruel and cabbage leaf (attach the first ingredient to the sore spot, wrap it with a slightly beaten cabbage leaf);
    • use green tea. Brew a strong drink, let it brew for 20 minutes. Moisten gauze in the drug, attach to the ankle, hold for several hours, if necessary, repeat the manipulations after three hours.

    Products that can be purchased at the pharmacy

    If a person has sprained his leg and the ankle is swollen, but there is no serious injury to the ankle, you can get by with folk recipes.

    They are based on the use of plant decoctions, compresses and baths.

    Baths for ankle injuries

    Baths with salt and aromatic oils will help relieve swelling and relax the leg. This is not only useful, but also a pleasant procedure.

    It is necessary to collect warm water in a suitable container (basin). Dissolve ordinary salt in it in a proportion of 4 tablespoons of salt per 2 liters of water. Add a few drops of eucalyptus, pine or spruce, mint oil.

    Lower your legs into the pelvis for 15 minutes in the evening. Then wipe the feet with a towel, spread with gel or cream and leave the injured leg at rest.

    So, if a person twisted his ankle at the ankle, it is possible to be treated at home only with moderate pain, which does not interfere with movement. If the pain is severe, you should go to the hospital to avoid complications.

    There was a nuisance: I sprained my leg, my ankle was swollen - what can be done? Folk remedies, of course, can be treated, but it is better to consult a doctor. On his recommendation, you can purchase some products that will help relieve inflammation, swelling and pain relief:

    • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that reduce swelling, relieve inflammation and pain: Ketonal, Fastum-gel, Naftalgin, Diclofenac;
    • coolants based on menthol, camphor: "Bengin", "Troxevasin", "Menthol ointment";
    • to improve blood circulation, relieve inflammation, accelerate regeneration processes and prevent the formation of blood clots: Heparin, Lyoton.

    When going to the emergency room, patients with dislocation are often advised to apply a cast. The gypsum fixes the ankle, eliminating the possibility of additional injury. Some doctors believe that a cast is necessary, while others say that a dislocation can be managed with a bandage, because it is impossible to develop joint mobility in a cast. A few weeks in a cast is bad for muscles, ligaments, and blood vessels.




    1. 1. Grate ginger root (20 g) on ​​a grater.
    2. 2. Squeeze juice.
    3. 3. Add 5 tbsp. l. warm water.
    4. 4. Keep the container with the liquid on low heat for 5 minutes.
    5. 5. Remove from heat, let cool slightly

    Moisten the cloth in a warm composition and apply to the ankle, repeat the procedure several times in a row as the compress cools down

    1. 1. Pour milk into a container.
    2. 2. Warm up

    Apply gauze (every 6 hours) soaked in warm milk to the affected area

    Pour vodka into a wide container

    Dip a piece of gauze cloth into vodka, wring it out and attach it to the ankle, cover it with a plastic bag on top, and bandage it. Change gauze three times a day, for 2 days

    Sea salt

    1. 1. Dilute 4 tablespoons of salt in 2 liters of heated water until completely dissolved.
    2. 2. Add a few drops of eucalyptus, mint, pine oil

    Soak the affected leg in the liquid for 20 minutes. Wipe the limb with a dry towel

    1. 1. Pour 3 tbsp. l. dried flowers 500 ml of boiling water.
    2. 2. Infuse for 30 minutes, wrapping the tincture with a cloth

    Moisten gauze in hot infusion and apply to the swollen area. Change the compress 2-3 times within 3 days

    mountain arnica

    1. 1. Pour 4 tbsp. l. 1 liter of water.
    2. 2. Bring to a boil.
    3. 3. Insist 15 minutes

    Apply to the ankle 3-4 times a day


    1. 1. Take 40 g of dry calendula flowers.
    2. 2. Pour a glass of warm sunflower oil.
    3. 3. Keep a day in a dark place.
    4. 4. Strain through cheesecloth

    Rub into the dislocation site 4 times a day until the pain subsides.

    1. 1. Finely chop the root of elecampane.
    2. 2. Pour 3 tbsp. l. raw materials with a glass of boiling water.
    3. 3. Insist 20 minutes

    Moisten the cloth in tincture, attach to the problem area. Use 3 times a day

    1. 1. Take 3 tbsp. l. plant roots.
    2. 2. Pour 500 ml of water.
    3. 3. Keep on low heat for 30 minutes (the liquid should not boil).
    4. 4. Infuse for 4 hours.
    5. 5. Strain

    Moisten gauze and put on the ankle

    Wheat germ and St. John's wort

    1. 1. Mix 1 tbsp. l. Hypericum perforatum and germinated wheat.
    2. 2. Add 2 tbsp. l. butter.
    3. 3. Place in a water bath and hold for 20 minutes.
    4. 4. Remove only the top fraction

    Apply warm to the affected joint


    1. 1. Take a few potatoes.
    2. 2. Grate

    Place the mass on the injured area of ​​​​the leg for the night

    cabbage (leaves)

    Crush the cabbage leaf

    Place on the site of injury and leave until the morning, fixing with a bandage

    Onion and salt

    1. 1. Grate the onion.
    2. 2. Add a pinch of salt

    Put the mixture on gauze and place on the joint. Wrap with polyethylene on top and leave for 90 minutes. Wash off with warm water. Can you use sugar instead of salt?

    Garlic and Vinegar

    1. 1. Grate the head of garlic.
    2. 2. Mix with apple cider vinegar (6 tablespoons).
    3. 3. Infuse a week

    Make lotion once a day

    Rock salt and vinegar

    1. 1. Take 1 tsp. rock salt.
    2. 2. Pour 100 ml of vinegar (9%)

    Soak a cloth in the solution and apply to the ankle

    1. 1. Grind bryonia root (15 g).
    2. 2. Add 1 tbsp. l. badger fat or melted fat.
    3. 3. Mix thoroughly

    Apply to a sore spot before going to bed, fix with a bandage and leave until morning

    First aid

    If an ankle injury occurs, the joint hurts and swells, it is necessary to provide first aid to the victim as soon as possible. If a person is able to move on his own, he can easily cope on his own.

    It is not always possible to determine the extent of damage on your own. But in any case, immediately after what happened, you need to:

    1. Reduce the load on the injured area, remove shoes and socks if the situation allows and there are no open injuries or severe pain.
    2. Sit down and stretch your leg so as not to bend your knee. Spend some time in this position.
    3. Apply ice or any cold object that is at hand to the joint.
    4. If the pain is moderate, it is possible to move independently, you can limit yourself to this. For several days, simply smear the damaged area with cooling and analgesic and anti-inflammatory gels. In case of severe pain and loss of mobility of the injured leg, you should call an ambulance or go to the emergency room yourself.

    The period of rehabilitation and treatment largely depends on the actions in the first hours and days after the injury.

    What not to do in such a situation:

    • Pull the leg sharply, step on it, try to straighten the dislocation on your own.
    • Warm the joint, this can provoke an increase in edema.
    • If the victim twisted his leg and the ankle is swollen, you should not fix the joint with any non-elastic material yourself.
    • Diagnose yourself. What at first glance may seem like a dislocation to a layman, is likely to be a fracture or rupture of the ligaments.

    It is advisable to consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

    When providing first aid, it is important not to harm the victim. With any injury that is accompanied by sharp pain, a person may experience shock and not realize its severity. It is necessary to fix the injured limb, apply a cold compress and wait for the arrival of doctors.

    There are several rules by which you can help yourself or a stranger if he sprained his leg:

    • try to gently move your toes - if these movements do not cause sharp pain, tears and fractures can be excluded;
    • it is also worth putting a bandage on the area of ​​​​the foot and ankle, which should fix the joint, but not squeeze the blood vessels from the inside or outside;
    • A cold compress will help prevent swelling.

    Scratches, wounds and abrasions can be treated with hydrogen peroxide before dressing. Applying ice to the skin is undesirable, it is better to place it on top of clothing or a piece of fabric. After performing all these procedures, you need to visit a traumatologist. Treatment at home is fraught with serious complications.

    Causes of injury and their consequences

    The consequences of an ankle injury depend on which structures of the joint are damaged.

    A person can walk and do something, but at the same time he experiences pain. Due to the high ability of cells to recover, the ligament grows together after 10 days. This injury is painful, but with proper treatment, it will pass without a trace in a few weeks.

    An ankle ligament tear is an incomplete tear of one or more ligaments. Here we note that:

    • With a partial rupture, the ligament continues to do its job.
    • This injury is characterized by severe pain and joint instability.
    • A person can step on his foot, however, the pain is very strong. Recovery will occur within 30 days, subject to proper treatment.

    Ankle ligament rupture is a complete rupture of the ligament, sometimes the separation of the ligament from the bone in the area of ​​​​attachment. With such an injury, a person hears the sound of a torn ligament, he cannot do anything.

    After that comes a strong piercing pain, if you try to stand on your leg. A plaster cast is needed, because the ankle is swollen and needs to be fixed. Treatment continues up to 8 weeks.

    Subluxation of the ankle joint. If the external ligaments are torn, then the talus may be displaced in relation to the bones of the ankle. Subluxation is distinguished from dislocation by the angle of displacement of the talus, which is determined by radiographic examination.

    Dislocation of the ankle joint. The integrity of the joint and the structure of the joint capsule are disturbed. A dislocation can only occur when the ligament is torn.

    1. The angle of displacement of the talus can reach 40 degrees.
    2. Therapy should be carried out up to 10 weeks.
    3. The danger of injury is that if you ignore the fact that the ankle is swollen and do not carry out the correct treatment, then a habitual dislocation of the ankle may form.

    Fracture of the bones of the ankle joint. Such an injury in many cases is accompanied by a partial or complete rupture of the ligaments, or dislocation. A fracture can occur if you do certain physical exercises without preparation, run or jump from a height.

    The foot is twisted or a blow occurs - and the bone breaks. Recovery after a fracture, provided there is no displacement of the fragments, takes up to 6 weeks.

    With a fracture of both bones of the ankle with displacement, therapy should be done for more than 4 months.

    Ankle sprains, like any sprain on the leg, are microscopic damage to some of the collagen fibers that make up the ligaments. When stretched, damage occurs at the cellular level. As a rule, stretching occurs after the heel is turned inward.

    Often in a hurry, especially if we move in high heels, we tuck our legs. This can happen both when descending the stairs, chasing a minibus, moving on slippery surfaces, and on level ground - some “lucky ones” manage to twist their legs at home, unsuccessfully jumping up to the top shelf of the closet. So what should a lady do if she sprained her leg (at the ankle or knee), and the limb is swollen and hurts a lot? Let's look at what to do the first time after an injury and how to behave after the leg recovers.

    I twisted my leg, it hurts and is swollen, what should I do?

    It will certainly not be news to anyone that with any injury, you need to see a doctor, only he will make a diagnosis and tell you how to treat the leg. But what to do if you twisted your leg outside the city, and you still need to get to the nearest medical care, what to do in the first time after receiving such an injury?

    What to do after recovery?

    After the leg has recovered, it must be protected - once stretched (torn) ligaments will make your leg prone to various injuries. Therefore, it is better to reduce walks in high heels. And of course, the ligaments need to be strengthened. For example, perform such simple exercises as walking alternately on toes, heels, outer and inner sides of the foot. Summer walks barefoot on pebbles and sand are also useful. It is not bad to do a light massage at night in the area where there was damage.

    None of us is immune from injury, no matter how careful and prudent a person is, sooner or later something will happen. After all, many accidents and simply unpleasant incidents occur through the fault of others. If it so happened that you twisted your leg, it is better to know in advance what to do in the first minutes after the injury. Unskillful attempts to help can only aggravate the condition.

    What can be wrong?

    You can twist your leg even while walking around the city, one wrong step and that's it. In fact, in medicine there is no concept of "twisted leg", the phrase means:

    • Tears and tears of ligaments.
    • Even a relatively harmless stretch.
    • Dislocations and subluxations of joints.
    • Fractures and fractures of bones.

    If you stumble, you feel discomfort, then you have one of the listed items. But the pain can also be different, if after a couple of minutes you can already calmly move on and not worry about your condition, then there were no serious injuries.

    When, an hour after a walk, a person still complains of leg pain and gait disturbance, everything is a little worse. But medicine has long learned to cope with injuries, so there should not be any special problems.

    I twisted my leg, my ankle is swollen, what should I do?

    You should still seek help from the nearest traumatology in order to avoid possible consequences. Without adequate therapy restoration of structures can occur independently , but that's just not the way you want:

    • The bone will not grow properly.
    • The link will not be fixed there.
    • The elasticity of the tendon is broken.
    • The chance of spontaneous reduction of dislocation generally tends to zero.

    Before doing anything, you must wait a few minutes, hoping that the pain will pass by itself, and you can continue your journey. In 99% of cases, this is exactly what happens. With intense and acute pain, there is no point in waiting: the seriousness of the condition is already clear.

    Step-by-step procedure if you sprained your leg:

    1. Gently try to stand on the injured limb.
    2. If it works, then it's not so bad.
    3. Bandage the place of the alleged dislocation, but not very tightly. It is not worth blocking the vessels, we do not need a blue leg.
    4. If the sensations are too unpleasant, and you can get to the traumatologist's office only after a few hours, take an anesthetic.
    5. Try to get to the doctor as soon as possible. The pain will not go away on its own.

    Sprained leg: what to do at home?

    But after all, the leg does not always turn blue or it is impossible to step on it, sometimes just a little discomfort torment. They torment me for a day, two, three... A week, maybe even longer. There's no need to go to the doctor, can be cured at home?

    In fact, you should get to the doctor in any case, thanks to the advice of a specialist, the recovery process will be much faster. Yes, and there will be no consequences for the leg, the gait will not suffer in any way. But a few precautions you need to know to help yourself:

    1. Fix the limb with a bandage or scarf. The bandage should be applied across the foot, for your own convenience.
    2. Secure the leg complete rest don't even try to step on it.
    3. Find an ottoman or a stool so that the injured limb is always in a slightly elevated position. Improves blood circulation.
    4. to the site of swelling apply a piece of ice or just something cold.
    5. If after a few days the edema is still bothering you, it will help you salt bath.
    6. An important point water temperature should not exceed body temperature, 36 С̊. Do not apply anything hot to the injured leg.

    We are trying to determine the type of damage.

    People usually determine the severity of their condition by one indicator - you can step on your foot or not.

    Can be stepped on

    Impossible to step on

    The problem is sprained or torn ligaments.

    The reason is a torn ligament or tendon, a broken bone, a dislocation of the joint.

    Healed for a few weeks, nothing serious.

    Pain can be given throughout the limb, any attempt to step on the injured leg leads to another attack.

    The structure is not broken or broken, but slightly.

    Without proper assistance, the consequences will be unpleasant. Serious gait disturbances are possible in the future.

    Swelling and bruising are rare.

    Usually, swelling that does not disappear begins to bother by the end of the week.

    The bones in the skeleton are connected to each other by joints, their ligaments and tendons. If the binding structure is only stretched or partially torn, nothing terrible happens. The sensation is unpleasant, but the contact between the bones is not disturbed. But rupture or dislocation always leads to the fact that the limb can no longer function normally.

    And given that the whole mass of a person is pressing on his feet, the situation is aggravated with each step. It can be said that physiology and the laws of physics work against us when it comes to injuries of the lower extremities.

    Fractures and dislocations - how to provide first aid?

    Such obstacles can be dealt with, but the treatment will take too much time. Especially if a bone fracture or joint dislocation has occurred, in which case it is necessary to apply a plaster cuff, if necessary, adjust and wait up to several months.

    Incorrectly fused bone can later break along the fusion line. After all, this is no longer an integral structure, but a section of a defect that cannot withstand constant pressure due to gravity.

    With a dislocation, you won’t go far at all, the joint capsule can become inflamed, and here you have a swollen, painful leg.

    Procedure for suspected fracture:

    1. Put on an impromptu splint if you know how to do it.
    2. Fix the leg, use sterile dressings if they come into contact with the wound.
    3. Never attempt to straighten a bone or joint on your own. This will only make the situation worse.
    4. Do not try to massage the limb, especially directly in the area of ​​damage.

    You should not be angry with yourself if you twisted your leg, what to do and how to avoid the consequences are the main questions that should be of concern right now. And self-flagellation will not give anything good.

    Video lesson: what to do when you twist your leg

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