Exercises. Nutrition. Diets. Workout. Sport

How to start exercising. How to start exercising at home: tips and benefits analysis

Do you want to lose weight and are wondering how to start training at home? Or do you want to improve your physical fitness and have a more athletic and toned body? We offer you a ready-made home workout plan for beginners with visual illustrations of exercises and a schedule that will help you lose weight and get rid of problem areas.

Regular exercise is essential even if you are not overweight. Firstly, it is the strengthening of muscles and the development of muscle endurance, which will help you easily withstand any physical activity in everyday life. Secondly, it is the development of the cardiovascular system and the training of the heart muscle, which reduces the risk of developing many diseases, including heart attacks and strokes. Thirdly, training contributes to the production of happiness hormones (endorphins), which reduces the risk of developing depression and a depressed state. Fourthly, regular sports loads stimulate a person to lead a healthy lifestyle without bad habits.

Home workout for beginners: general rules

At home, you can organize quite effective workouts for weight loss, and for this you will not need special equipment and even any fitness experience. If you choose an affordable exercise program and exercise regularly, you can achieve results even if you have never exercised before. We offer you ready-made circuit home workout plan for beginners, with which you will get rid of excess weight and improve the quality of the body.

Benefits of this home workout for beginners:

  • training will help you lose weight and tighten your body;
  • the lesson is suitable for beginners and those who have not trained for a long time;
  • with this program, you can start training at home;
  • the program includes exercises for all major muscle groups;
  • they will help you strengthen your muscles and get rid of problem areas;
  • most of the proposed exercises are low-impact;
  • you will need a minimum inventory.

Before going directly to the list of exercises, be sure to read the recommendations and rules that will allow you to train efficiently and effectively.

Rules for training at home for beginners:

1. Start this home workout for beginners with a warm up and finish with a full body stretch. Recommended to see:

2. Always wear running shoes; you can’t train at home barefoot if you don’t want to get joint problems.

3. Try not to eat at least an hour before training, otherwise digestive problems may occur. Half an hour after training, eat protein + carbohydrates (for example, 150 g of cottage cheese + fruit).

4. Drink a glass of water 20 minutes before training and drink water in small sips every 10 minutes during the session. Drink a glass of water after your workout.

5. Suggested workout for beginners consists of two rounds of 6 exercises in each round. Each round is repeated in 2 rounds. If you find it difficult to endure a workout from start to finish, you can take a 5-minute rest between rounds or shorten the duration of the program.

6. This workout for beginners involves the use of a timer. (each exercise is performed for 30 seconds). But if you are uncomfortable with this format, you can perform exercises on the account: 15-20 repetitions of each exercise.

7. There are exercises in this program that involve performing on different sides: first on the right, then on the left (eg, lunges, leg raises, hip adduction). We recommend dividing the execution into 2 circles, i.e. in the first round you perform exercises on one side, in the second round - on the other side. But if you want to make your workout harder and longer, you can do exercises on both sides in each round.

8. The duration of this workout at home for beginners is 20-25 minutes (excluding warm-up and cool-down). You can always adjust the training time to your liking by adding or decreasing the number of laps. Stop and stop exercising if you feel dizzy, weak, or have heart pain.

9. Some exercises for beginners will require dumbbells. If you don't have them, you can use plastic water bottles (1-1.5 liters) or do the exercises without extra weight. If in some exercises you, on the contrary, do not have enough load, you can use dumbbells, leg weights or an expander.

10. This workout for beginners is divided into 3 days.. You can train 3-5 times a week depending on your goals and capabilities - just alternate 3 ready-made plans with each other. After 3-4 weeks of exercise, it is desirable to increase the time of exercise (refer to your abilities) .

Home Workout for Beginners: Exercise Plan

So, we offer you a workout at home for beginners, which is performed on a circular basis. Perform sequentially the proposed exercises for the specified time, the exercises are performed in one approach with a little rest between sets. By alternating cardio and strength training, you will increase your heart rate and burn more calories, as well as tone your muscles. If you want to monitor your heart rate and calories burned per session, you can purchase a heart rate monitor.

How to do the workout:

  • we perform each exercise for 30 seconds;
  • break after each exercise 15 seconds (can be increased to 30 seconds if you have a weak heart or low stamina);
  • each round is repeated in 2 circles;
  • rest 1 minute between rounds, 2 minutes between rounds;
  • if you feel uncomfortable doing an exercise, then replace or skip it.

Beginner Workout: Day 1

First round:

(for cardio, abdomen and arms)

2. Squat with calf raise (for legs, buttocks and arms)

3. Dumbbell press (for arms and shoulders)

(for buttocks and abdomen)

(for abdomen and legs)

Second round:

(for cardio and toning the whole body)

(for the waist and legs area)

3. Breeding hands with dumbbells lying down (for chest and arms)

(for legs and buttocks)

(for cardio and abdomen)

6. Static bar

Beginner Workout: Day 2

First round:

(for cardio and legs)

(for hands)

(for cardio and toning the whole body)

(for stomach and back)

(for abdomen and legs)

6. Elbow plank static (for arms, shoulders, stomach and back)

Second round:

(for cardio and legs)

(for hands)

(for legs and buttocks)

(for cardio and toning the whole body)

(for legs and buttocks)

(for stomach and back)

Beginner Workout: Day 3

First round:

1. Walking with an overlap of the lower leg(for cardio and toning the whole body)

( for arms, abdomen and legs)

(for legs and buttocks)

( for cardio, abdomen and buttocks)

(for chest and arms)

(for the abdomen and waist area)

Second round:

(for cardio and toning the whole body)

(for back and chest)

(for cardio and legs)

(for stomach)

(for legs and buttocks)

(for legs and buttocks)

BehindGIFsThank youyoutube channels: mfit, Linda Wooldridge, Live Fit Girl, Jessica Valant Pilates, FitnessType.

Workouts for Beginners: Top 7 Videos

If you are planning to use ready-made programs, then we offer you a selection of great videos for beginners that you can start practicing at home with.

1. Low Impact Cardio (Low impact cardio workout without jumping for 25 minutes)

Regular exercise is the best thing you can do for your health. Most people are interested in a healthy lifestyle, but do not dare to do anything, because they often do not know where and how to start playing sports.

Soon after you start exercising, you will notice and feel all the benefits that physical activity can bring to your body and health in general.

Be that as it may, incorporating sports into your daily life will take time, determination and discipline from you.

If you're thinking about getting into the sport but don't know where to start, this article is for you. It contains all the information you need about where to start, when is the best time to exercise and how to make exercise a part of your life.

It has been proven that regular exercise can significantly improve and improve your health. Therefore, before moving on to the question of how to properly start exercising, let's first talk about the benefits of exercise.

They help achieve and maintain a healthy body weight, lean muscle mass and reduce the risk of chronic disease.

In addition, studies have shown that exercise elevates your mood, gives your brain a boost, helps you sleep better, and boosts your libido.

And that's not all - they help maintain good energy levels.

In short, exercise makes you strong and changes your life for the better.

Conclusion: Exercise can improve your mental performance, reduce your risk of chronic disease, and help you lose weight.

Types of exercises

There are many different types of exercises.
Here are the most common ones:

  • Aerobic exercise: As a rule, they are the basis of any fitness program and include periods of constant movement. Examples are swimming, running and dancing.
  • Power: Helps increase muscle strength and endurance. For example, resistance exercises, plyometrics, weight lifting and sprinting.
  • Rhythmic gymnastics: Basic body movements performed without the help of simulators at an average aerobic pace. Examples are lunges, squats, push-ups and pull-ups.
  • High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): Involves alternating short periods of high-intensity exercise followed by low-intensity exercise or rest.
  • boot camp exercises(from English - "training camp for beginners" : Time-controlled, high-intensity workouts that combine aerobic and resistance exercises.
  • Resilience exercises: Strengthen muscles and improve coordination. For example, Pilates, tai chi postures and general strengthening exercises.
  • Flexibility exercises: They help to restore muscles, improve coordination of movements and prevent injuries. Examples of such exercises are yoga or individual movements to stretch the muscles.

The exercises listed above can be performed individually or in combination. The main thing is that this or that exercise suits and pleases you.

Conclusion: The most common types of exercises are aerobics, strength, rhythmic gymnastics, HIIT, boot camps, flexibility and stability exercises. You can perform them individually or in combination.

Where to start?

Your sports journey starts here. Before you start exercising, there are a few important things to consider:

1. Check your health

Preparation for such an important stage in your life must be thorough. If you decide to seriously go in for sports, then first consult your doctor and undergo a complete medical examination.

This is the main condition for those who are not used to physical activity, as well as for people in the 45+ age category.

Timely about the review will identify any health issues that may increase the risk of injury while exercising.

A visit to the doctor will help further optimize your training and make it easier for you and your coach to choose the right training program..

2. Make a plan and set realistic goals

Once you have decided to start exercising on a regular basis,
try to make a plan that will consist of goals and ways to achieve them. So, how to start exercising at home from scratch?

Start with simple activities and goals and build up in complexity as your fitness levels improve.

For example, if your goal is to run 5 kilometers, then a few shorter distances can be added to the plan to start with.

As you get through the shorter distances, add more meters until you've covered the full five kilometers in one go.

Starting with small and achievable goals will increase your chance of success and will keep you motivated along the way.

3. Make exercise a habit

Another key component of a successful start, and equally important, is that you need to find time for training and make it part of your schedule.

It will be easier to do this if sports become a habit and take place on a regular basis. This will train discipline and responsibility in you.

Replacing one bad habit with another healthy one ensures that the new habit enters your life and becomes a part of it for a long time, according to research data.

Moreover, if you make a schedule or work out every day at the same time, for example, every day after work, it will allow you to turn training into something familiar.

Conclusion: Before you start exercising, check your health and make a plan with achievable goals. Then turn exercise into a habit by incorporating it into your daily routine and your life.

How many exercises should you do?

You don't have to be a high performance professional athlete or get used to long hours of training to start exercising today.

You can distribute these 150 minutes yourself by the days of the week, as it is most convenient for you, that is, when it is better to play sports, you decide for yourself. For example, you can train for 30 minutes 5 times a week or 35-40 minutes every other day.

Recent studies have shown that if you spend 150 minutes in the gym at a time or two, it will be the same.good for your health and well-being, as well as daily training at home or exercising every other day.

At first, your workouts should be at a moderate pace, gradually increasing in intensity as your fitness level improves.

And finally, even though daily physical activity is required to maintain health, it is also important to give the body proper rest.

If the body is not given time to recover and rest, then the risk of injury (stress fracture, muscle strain) and overtraining syndrome increases several times.

Exercising too intensely can weaken your immune system and increase your body's susceptibility to infections, hormonal imbalances, depression and chronic fatigue.

Weekly workout program

Where to start training and when is the best time to play sports ?! Below is an example of a simple weekly training program that does not require the use of additional equipment and will take 30-45 minutes a day. It will give you a rough idea of ​​how to start exercising from scratch and help you create your own fitness program.

It can be changed depending on the level of your physical fitness and complicate at will. It can start with any kind of exercise.

Monday: 40 minutes of moderate jogging or brisk walking.

Tuesday: Day of rest.

Wednesday: Vigorous walking for 10 minutes. Next, follow the set of exercises below, rest for a minute after each set, not exercises. After that, stretch.

  • The first set of exercises: 3 sets of 10 attacks on both legs, 10 push-ups, 10 torso lifts from a supine position
  • The second set of exercises: 3 sets of 10 push-ups from a chair, 10 "strings", 10 air squats each

Thursday: Day of rest.

Friday: 30-minute cycling or jogging at a moderate pace

Saturday: Day of rest.

Sunday: Run, jog or long walk for 40 minutes.

This program is just a simple example of how to start training from scratch.

Conclusion: There is a wide variety of exercises that you could easily do. The workout plan above is just an example to give you a general idea of ​​how to start exercising at home.

1. Consume the required amount of liquid

Fluid intake throughout the day is very important to maintain proper fluid levels in the body.

It is also important to drink plenty of fluids while exercising. maintaining an optimal pace of work, especially if it is also hot outside.

After training, you should also drink plenty of water, as it contributes to the speedy recovery of the body for the next workout.

2. Optimize your nutrition

Make sure your diet is balanced enough to meet your body's nutritional needs.

All food groups are essential to maintain optimal energy levels in the body and maximize the benefits of training. Carbohydrates are especially important because they "feed" the muscles before training.

Carbohydrates are also important post-workout as they replenish glycogen stores and aid in the absorption of amino acids into the muscles during recovery.

Protein protects your muscles from breakdown during exercise, repairs damaged tissue after exercise, and promotes muscle growth. Consuming some proteins after a workout speeds up the process of muscle recovery.

And finally, the regular consumption of "healthy" fats helps to fight excess weight, and these fats are also a source of energy for the muscles and the body as a whole during training.

Every beginner should know and remember this.

3. Warm up

Before starting any workout, be sure to warm up. Warming up significantly reduces the risk of injury during training and improves your athletic performance.

It increases the flexibility of the body and reduces pain after exercise.

Just start your workout with simple aerobic exercises such as arm swings, leg overruns, and walking lunges.

You can warm up using simplified versions of the exercises that you are going to perform during your workout. For example, walking before running.

4. Hitch

The cool-down is also important, as it helps the body return to its normal state. This is essentially just a short pause, but it is just as necessary as a warm-up.

A few minutes of cool-down restore normal blood circulation and breathing, reduce the risk of pain after a workout.

After doing, for example, aerobic exercises, you can simply walk slowly, and after doing resistance exercises, you can do stretching exercises.

5. Listen to your body

If you're not used to exercising every day, then be mindful of your limits.

If you feel pain or discomfort during the session, stop, do not force yourself to do something that you do not like. Rest before you start exercising again. Training through pain is not the best idea as it can lead to injury.

Remember also that training harder and faster does not mean better.

It will take a lot of time before you can achieve really visible and tangible results. Just stick to the chosen training program and try to complete at least most of it.

Conclusion: Drink plenty of fluids, eat a balanced diet, warm up before and after a workout, listen to your body and learn to love yourself.

How to stay motivated

So, it's a start, but to stay motivated and make exercise a habit, try to approach training with ease and positive emotions and really enjoy the process. This approach will save you from the anxious thoughts and fears that often arise in people who decide to start training from scratch.

You can adjust and change any program for yourself and depending on your preferences and desires.

If you're not at home, then go to the gym, join a fitness group (yoga or Pilates), hire a personal trainer, play a team sport, or choose your favorite activity. These are just a few options that will help boost your motivation and get youpleasure from sports.

If you train with a group or a friend, it will spur you on to a good pace of work, due to indirect competition, increase your motivation for a longer period and help you become confident in your abilities.

Keeping track of your progress, such as recording the weight you lift or your run time, will also keep you motivated, as you will definitely want to beat your personal record.


This article is devoted to only one question: where and how to start playing sports?

Deciding to go in for sports can sometimes be difficult. However, having well-defined goals will help you stick to your training program for the long haul.

There are many different types of exercise, and you can do just about anything. Choose what suits you and change and vary the types and amounts of exercises as you like.

Start small, gradually improve your fitness level and let your body rest from time to time to avoid injury. Listen to your body, it will tell you when is the best time to exercise.

Stay motivated and reach your goals with a fitness group or tracking your progress. It is also important not to forget about a balanced diet and sufficient fluid intake.

What are you waiting for? Make the only right choice in favor of a healthy lifestyle: start exercising today!

Many people in the modern world often think about how to radically change their habitual lifestyle, diversifying it with regular training, in order not only to increase efficiency, endurance, but also to acquire toned body shapes. But, most people never make physical activity a part of their lives, just because they don’t know how to start exercising from scratch.

To achieve such goals, it will take a lot of time, and it will also be necessary to make a lot of effort, work on your own discipline, as well as stock up on patience and clear determination. All this at the initial stages seems to be something difficult and not achievable, but as a result, after the first 2-3 workouts, everyone will be able to feel the benefits of physical exercise and exercise, how they can improve overall well-being, strengthen muscles and normalize the state of the whole organism. Therefore, in the presented review, we will take a closer look at how to train and where to start playing sports, what a beginner needs to know and what should be done in order for sports to become part of life.

It has been established that regular exercise contributes to the improvement and strengthening of the general state of human health. The results of ongoing research have shown that if you regularly engage in sports and exercise, it will provide:

  • effective weight loss and maintenance of optimal body weight;
  • muscle strengthening;
  • reducing the risk of occurrence and progression of chronic diseases;
  • mood lift;
  • charge the brain with incredible energy;
  • increase in the level of sexual desire;
  • normalization of evening sleep.

In other words, thanks to the exercises, a person is filled not only with energy, but also with physical strength and good spirits, which radically changes the usual level of life that has been present for many years.

Varieties of exercises

There are a huge number of different physical exercises with which you can make each workout as effective and interesting as possible.

Consider the main types of exercises from their numerous diversity:

  • Aerobic exercises, which are the basis of all varieties of fitness programs, consisting of periods with the preservation of constant physical activity, such as running, dancing, and even swimming;
  • Strength training to improve strength and endurance. These include: sprinting, plyometrics, weight lifting, resistance training;
  • Gymnastic exercises of a rhythmic type consist in performing basic exercises without simulators and maintaining an average pace of aerobics (lunges, pull-ups, squats and push-ups);
  • Interleaved training with alternating intensity intervals, for example, high-intensity exercises are replaced by exercises of less intensity, or a short rest period;
  • The boot camp, which translates into Russian as a training zone for beginners, consists in performing high-intensity and strength exercises for a while;
  • Stability exercises that help strengthen muscles and normalize movement coordination, such as Pilates and general strengthening training;
  • Exercises to increase flexibility, contributing to muscle recovery, prevention of injury, normalization of coordination of movements.

All types of exercises can be performed both separately and in combination, which diversifies and makes training more interesting. It is very important that this or that type of exercise is completely suitable and pleasant for you.

First steps

Before you start training at home from scratch, you need to consider the following points.

Check health status

To start making such a dramatic change in life, you must first take care of your health. To do this, you should first consult a doctor and undergo a complete examination of the whole body to identify even hidden pathologies. This is primarily necessary for people who are accustomed to a "sedentary" lifestyle, as well as for citizens over 45 years old.

Practical advice: Conducting a timely examination will help you competently start changes in life, determine the level of health, and also choose the most optimal training program.

Set a realistic goal and make a plan

After making the final decision about regular physical education without training, you should correctly draw up a plan that includes very realistic goals and basic methods for achieving them. So, let's look at the main points, where to start playing sports for a girl, woman, or man?

It is recommended to start playing sports with easily achievable goals and perform simple actions that should be complicated as they are achieved. For example, if you set a goal - to overcome 10 km with an easy run, then in the column of the action plan you can write down overcoming several distances of 500-1000 meters. After distances of 500-1000 meters become easy to give in, it is recommended to gradually increase these distances by a certain number of meters until the main goal is overcome: a 10 km run.

It is important to understand that regularly achieving simple and realistic goals increases the chances of success and reinforces the motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

Make exercise a habit

Another key to a successful start is to allocate a certain time for training and make a daily schedule so that they become an integral part of life. This is very easy to achieve if training becomes a habit and you practice on a regular basis, which will help develop qualities such as discipline and increase a sense of responsibility to yourself.

Number of Exercises Required

To take care of your health and understand how to properly exercise at home, you should know that you do not have to be a super professional or have a high level of endurance. It is quite enough to allocate only 150 minutes a week to perform daily workouts, including aerobic exercises with medium intensity. Moreover, this amount of time can be distributed independently on an individual basis for all days of the week, in accordance with the usual way of life. For example, you can start playing sports for half an hour 5 days a week, or 40-45 minutes every other day.

Starting to play sports is quite difficult, therefore, in the early stages, training for beginners should take place with moderate intensity. As the body gets used to the load, the intensity of the workout should be increased gradually.

Important! Do not forget about proper rest in order to reduce the risk of injury and prevent the development of overtraining syndrome.

Moreover, if you start immediately with high-intensity training, this can lead to a decrease in immunity, the development of depression and chronic fatigue. Therefore, the right approach to training is very important.

Weekly training program

Below is a table of workouts for beginners, designed for 40-45 minutes of daily exercise.

Weekly workout program
Days of the week Exercises
Monday Moderate jogging or brisk walking - 40 minutes
Tuesday Rest
Wednesday Walking at an energetic pace - 10 minutes, then you should perform a set of exercises, you need to rest no more than 60 seconds after each approach, at the end, perform stretching exercises:
1st complex:
3 sets of 10 lunges on each leg;
Push-ups - 10 times;
Lifting the body from a prone position - 10 times.
2nd complex:
Push-ups from a chair - 3 sets of 10 times;
Stretching exercise - 10;
Air squats - 10.
Thursday Rest
Friday Average pace of jogging or cycling for 30 minutes.
Saturday Rest
Sunday Jogging - 40 minutes, or a long walk.

This training program is only a rough plan of how you can start training from scratch.

Maintain water balance in the body

Optimize your diet

To prevent muscle burning, you should balance the diet, which should contain the optimal amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Note: Carbohydrates are also essential post-workout as they replenish glycogen stores and assist in the absorption of amino acids into the muscles during recovery periods.

Proteins protect muscles from burning during physical exertion and fitness, contribute to the restoration of damaged tissues and the growth of muscle structures. And regular consumption of healthy fats will act as a reservoir of necessary energy for the whole body. Everyone who is just planning to start playing sports should remember and know this.


Before starting a workout, you should first warm up, which will help reduce the risk of injury and improve personal performance in sports. Moreover, the warm-up helps to increase the level of body flexibility and reduce the pain threshold.

  • swing with hands;
  • walking lunge;
  • "scissors";
  • "mill";
  • for kicking your feet.

Before jogging, you can start the warm-up with regular or sports walking.


Cooldowns are small pauses during training that allow the body to return to normal and are no less important than warm-ups. A couple of minutes of hitches will help restore blood circulation processes, and reduce soreness after a workout.

Listen to your body

In the event of pain or discomfort during training, you should stop and do not do what causes discomfort and does not like. It is better to start training again only after a break. If you train without paying attention to pain, this can lead to injury.

Please note: the more intense and faster the exercises, this does not mean at all that the result will be achieved faster.

It may take a long time to achieve a certain result. Therefore, you just need to start with regular exercise and stick to the chosen program.

How not to lose your temper

In order not to lose your motivation, it is recommended to take training for really wonderful moments and get real pleasure from them. This will help get rid of the doubts and fears that arise in most cases for beginners. Do not forget that the training program can be changed and adjusted to suit you. If you start training in a company or with a group, then this will spur you on and help you really achieve a good result. You can also regularly write down personal achievements so that you do not lose your zeal to beat personal records.

Deciding to change your lifestyle and start playing sports is quite difficult and not everyone can do it. But, if you set clear goals that you need to achieve at any cost and follow the training plan, then the first results will not be long in coming. It is recommended to start with the simplest, gradually increasing the load and improving your body, not forgetting to listen to it. Without losing motivation, eating right and drinking as much water as possible and exercising regularly will help make sports a habit and a healthy lifestyle.

Hello everyone who is interested in the topic of sports and fitness! My name is Julia. I am 31 years old. I've been into fitness since I was about 12 years old. At first I was driven by the desire to lose weight, then, over time, came a deeper understanding of health and the reasons why you need to make friends with sports for life. The types and nature of training have changed, and continue to change to this day. But I do it regularly. There are good health achievements. I talked about fitness with many people and noticed that there are much more people who want to do it, who actually do it, and also that it’s not laziness that’s to blame (no matter how they blame it), but not the right attitude towards it (fitness) . Therefore, this article is dedicated to those who want to practice, but just can not start.

How to start playing sports? Which of us at least once did not promise himself to start a new life: eat right, play sports or just get up in the morning an hour earlier than usual? Unfortunately, very few people manage to put this into practice. Perhaps you ran for a month or two in the mornings a few years ago, or even visited a fitness club for a whole year and built up. But what happened next? Why in this so-called “run” are there only enough people to run short distances? It seems strange to lose weight by the summer or get healthy for pregnancy, and then return to the old way of life, but that's exactly what we do.

Perhaps, it’s not just about motivation, because, as the well-known supporter of a healthy lifestyle, singer Valeria, says, there simply can’t be more motivation than one’s own health, and if this is not motivation, then it’s not known what can make a person do it at all. And not in willpower, since it is actually not infinite.

Therefore, I want to talk here not about motivation, but about the ability to enjoy what is considered to be hard work (that is, regular training) and about those psychological “pitfalls” that so often prevent these very workouts from becoming an integral part of your life. And the latter is extremely important, since this is what you need to tune in to in the first place.

A certain period of regular exercise is needed (each has its own, but, as a rule, a long one or two years), where you reach a level where the lack of training brings discomfort, and not vice versa.

  • First: Feel respect for your body, for the fact that you have it, for the fact that thanks to it you breathe cool air, swim in the sea, hug your loved ones, achieve some of your goals, just live. Believe me, it was not given to you to spend hours on the couch in front of the TV! The well-being of the body is YOUR well-being! And for this, it is necessary that every day there is an opportunity to sweat, get a little out of breath, and strain your muscles.
  • Second: You can teach yourself to treat training like hygiene of your body. Let's say how to regular brushing your teeth or washing in the shower. Track the feeling that drives you in these already familiar actions, and try to transfer them to your attitude to training, put them on a par. If you do not take a shower, then after a while you will feel discomfort, and you will start looking for an opportunity and time to properly rub yourself with a washcloth. It should be the same with exercises: with a long break, you will simply physically miss them!
  • Third: Set aside 10-15 minutes a day, preferably before bed, for visualization (this will come in handy in any area). This is not much, and you will notice the results after a week of regular practice. For those who are not familiar with the concept of visualization, in short, this is a representation or vision of yourself the way you want to be, and in great detail: imagine your figure, parameters, the ability to sit on a twine, an internal charge of energy, how easy and joyful you are. do, in general, anything that you consider important for yourself in order to start practicing, and feel yourself in this image as if you have already become such a person.

Solving newbie problems

I always ask people who are interested in my lifestyle, but do not play sports themselves, about what exactly does not allow them to train. Among these obstacles (although I don’t like this word), I have identified several that I myself have encountered in my life, and I hope that the ways I found to solve them will help you too.

    • Lack of time. Please analyze your day and calculate exactly (up to minutes) how much time you spend in front of the TV/computer. If you are really tired at the end of the working day, then it will be enough for you to just lie down and lie down with your eyes closed for a while. Agree that switching channels on the TV remote control, watching programs and videos, playing games on the computer, social networks take energy and do not contribute to relaxation in any way. By doing this and observing yourself, you will notice that you now need much less time to rest. The best kind of rest, as you know, is a change of activity, and if you have been sitting at the table all day, training will be most welcome. You can do it at any time of the day, especially when work is not standardized, then you don’t have to choose.
      For example, I worked from 11-12 in the morning, I worked out in the morning and the boost of energy that I received helped me a lot in working with clients. As for the duration of the training itself, it does not have to last 1.5 hours. To be healthy and slim you do not need to exhaust yourself at all! It has been proven that 20-30 minutes a day 3-4 times a week is enough to get results! But, of course, during this time you need to not just wave your arms and legs “for show”, but work out the workout with maximum intensity and with full concentration on the process.
    • I don't have money for a gym membership. If you are already quite advanced in matters of fitness, and have experience in the club, then I suppose you know the main points (at least basic safety precautions) that must be observed during training. If you are a beginner, then I would advise you to go to a few classes in a club, or take a couple of individual lessons with an instructor in order to acquire this knowledge. And then, you can safely go to the store and choose fitness discs there, or open the Internet and download workouts from there (from the same youtube).
      I worked out in different fitness clubs for several years, and then I realized that I go there not for knowledge, but for communication (which is what they are good for). In addition, in winter, the pleasure of exercising in the club was overshadowed by the need to take a uniform with you to work and go to the club in the dark at -30 - 40 degrees and, accordingly, back. At first I began to regularly go to the DVD store, until I collected a certain collection of discs (pieces 5-6) that suited me and which I could change depending on my mood. With the advent of the Internet in my life, the collection of video workouts has become much more diverse.

  • I'm too lazy (always / on specific days) to train. Here I simply suggest that you choose those public people whom you consider a model of a healthy lifestyle, whose figure you consider ideal and periodically watch interviews and programs with them. By the way, these can be people from your environment, watch what and how they say about their workouts. In fact, it's hard not to be inspired to take action by watching beautiful, healthy people talk about it as an effective and completely natural way to achieve health and wellness. And if it’s about just getting up and starting to exercise at the moment, and it’s raining outside or you’re not in the mood, then here you just need to let the blood circulate faster in the body, that is, do any active exercises that you know: you can push up, jump. In such cases, I put on energetic music and dance. In a few minutes, you will be ready for exploits!
  • At home, I am always in full view of relatives / Relatives will not understand. This prejudice is directly related to your attitude to sports. Again, I repeat, you need to start treating it as a part of your life, then this moment, and many others, will simply cease to matter. It would not occur to you to be embarrassed to eat or drink tea when you are not alone in the apartment, as you need it, and you are sure of it.

In conclusion, I want to say a common, but no less important truth: it’s never too early and never too late to start doing fitness (any physical exercise), and doing it correctly you will always get only pluses!

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