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Skate run. Skating skiing: specifics and advantages The history of the appearance of skating

Even before 1990, the form of skating skiing was included in the international Olympic program, and to this day is very popular among winter sports. The name “skating” itself refers to the style of movement of an athlete on skis, that is, a skier, moving, makes similar movements, as if he were skating.

The essence of the movement of skating is as follows. The athlete, starting to move, first pushes off with the inside of the ski with one foot, after which he immediately transfers all his weight to the other leg, and so repeats the movement of the legs alternately. As a result, the skier moves on the snow as if on ice.

Those who are good at skiing can easily learn this type of walking. But it is important to note that talent and physical fitness do not always contribute to learning, you also need the right equipment.

The main methods of movement when skating

  • semi-skating;
  • skate in two steps;
  • skating in a simultaneous step;
  • alternating skating.

Now let's take a look at them in a little more detail.


It is the simplest type of movement when skating on skis. The very method of movement consists in pushing with each hand and foot at the same time, moreover, when one leg rests, the second one goes towards the sunset. Semi-skating has found wide application on flat tracks with small ascents or descents. On the section of the track itself, for semi-skating, a ski track is needed, which will “help” the athlete to glide correctly.


The style of movement is completely like on skates, but without pushing with the hands. The move itself can be accompanied, both without waving the arms, and with waving. The very method of movement consists in performing a sliding step with a one-time repulsion of the legs to the sides. Skating, like semi-skating, is applicable on smoother tracks with small ascents or descents.

Skating in two steps

A very complex movement consists in moving from the left (or right) foot, while pushing off with the push of the right (or left) hand. Here, the movement on the left ski, with a one-time push of the right hand, begins after the push of the right leg, and ends after the right stick leaves the snow cover. This type of walking is used already among steep ascents or descents.

Skating at the same time

This type of move requires good coordination. Here you need the ideal concentration of the athlete's movement. The move itself is performed by constantly extending the legs, forming a push, leaning the body forward. That is, with each next step, the repulsive leg unbends, accompanying the movement with the athlete's tilt forward and repulsion with sticks. This type of walking is used exclusively on slopes with steep slopes.

Alternate skating

On the mountainous sections of the tracks, athletes use alternate skating. The style of movement consists of two sliding steps, pushing off with sticks (two times on each hand). This move is often used on slopes with worse conditions, as well as if the skier gets tired and cannot push off strongly at one time.

Everyone can master any type of skating, but most choose one or two styles that are right for him. Of course, for competent training in skating skiing, it is better to first study the necessary exercises in detail, and then regularly perform practical exercises.

Where and how to learn skating?

For training and subsequent regular training on skis, first of all, you need to choose a flat track, and preferably a wide one. In this case, you should not choose sections of the tracks with an ascent or descent. Currently, almost all skis are made of plastic, which have a large sliding coefficient, which is why you should not train on hills when a beginner needs to maintain balance in the first place, and not maintain the very technique of skating.

For beginners, it is better to choose a snow surface that is slightly loose rather than icy and smooth, so it will be easier to learn how to push off. To begin with, it will be necessary to master the first pushes from a place, having learned to push off from a place - further training will be easier. To learn how to skate skiing as quickly as possible, there are exercises that have been developed for a long time. These standard exercises are almost always used by coaches around the world. Initially, any skating training begins without skis and sticks. After all, the future athlete must first imagine how the skis will glide, that is, master the theory.

Each type of skating movement has its own training nuances. For example, if you learn semi-skating walking, then first of all you need to try to imitate the movement. To begin with, the skier leans forward, and raises both hands to head height, after which he puts the supporting leg to the side and slightly forward, and then returns to its original position. Exercise should be done for both legs.

During the movement itself, repulsion occurs with one leg, and the other leg, at this time, should be in the fold. If, for example, someone decided to learn how to skate, then first you need to push off with the supporting leg, moving it to the side, put the second leg in front of you and to the side, immediately transferring all the weight to it. But, when moving on the rise, you need to move like a herringbone, actively pushing off with each ski.

  • having decided to engage in skating on skis, seriously approach the issue of buying skis and ski poles;
  • when training, the main thing is not to overdo it with your abilities, so as not to get stretched or torn leg muscles;
  • when exercising, always increase the load gradually, do not rush;
  • to maintain balance, train, use the simplest exercises, such as the swallow exercise;
  • never despair, if it doesn't work the first time, try, train, work, and only then you will achieve the expected result and success.

Given that the skating type of movement requires heavy loads on the joints of the legs (near the foot), ski boots, for this type of movement, must be purchased only with high sides to securely fix the leg and heel itself. The skis themselves are chosen shorter in length than the standard ones. It will be good if the skis have rounded ends. Do not forget that the skating type of movement is difficult, and therefore requires physical fitness and, of course, patience.

How to choose skis for skating

Now, in all sports stores there is a huge selection of cross-country skis. Usually, a novice who comes to the store for skis immediately "dazzles". Here are some nuances for choosing skis and poles for skating:

When buying skis and poles for them, do not try to save on purchases. The higher the cost of skis, the greater the likelihood that the product is not faked. As a rule, the more expensive skis are skis with different finishes of the sliding side, and higher durability. There are also cheap skis for sale, but such skis can break at the most inopportune moment, which will likely lead to injury.

Don't forget skiing is sport and sport is life! If you love skiing, be sure to try ice skating. Having learned this type of movement, you will be able to ski as quickly as possible in almost any terrain.

Another article by Øyvind Sandbakk, trening.no expert on technique. This time - skating.
The article is not as detailed and worked out as about the classical moves, but nevertheless ..

Skating is getting more and more popular published on 30.12.2012 :)) - in this style you don't need to mess around with holding lubricant, with some skill you will be able to "dance" on the snow easily and rhythmically. There are several types of skating:
- mountain running (padling - rowing) is used in climbs
- simultaneous one-step move (OOH), aka "under each leg" (dobbeldans - double dance), on flat areas and gentle slopes
- simultaneous two-step move (ODKh, enkeldans - simple dance) - on flat areas
- move without sticks - on the slopes.
The basic principles of technology are the same in all varieties:

Effort, relaxation and rhythm

One of the most important requirements for marathon runners: the muscles must work with sufficient blood supply. It is important to be able to alternate tension with relaxation. Therefore, you should use a variant of the technique that allows you to relax the muscles to the required degree in each cycle. Effort must be generated in large and strong muscle groups and transmitted further - this can be called a central movement. In the upper body, movement begins in the muscles of the shoulder girdle. In the legs - in the gluteal muscles and thighs. Good synchronization of the tension of the upper body and legs leads to a longer relaxation phase and a better blood supply.
With the right technique, you feel how the force is transferred through the body, "gets into the push" and the body moves forward as a result of the coordinated work of the torso and legs. When this matching is optimal, we experience what is called a "good rhythm". You must learn to feel this moment - then you can become your coach in technique.


Footwork in skating consists of a gliding phase, preparation for the push, during which the center of gravity is lowered to the position for the push, a push phase, in which the propulsive force is generated by the sliding stop, and a pendulum phase, which passes into the next phase of the slide.

In the sliding phase, you need to keep your balance on one ski, while the muscles are relaxed and receive a good blood supply. The nose, knee and toe of the foot should be on the same vertical line.

Preparation for the push is carried out in accordance with the conditions of sliding and terrain. On a gentle rise, you have enough time to significantly bend the supporting leg at the knee before pushing. On steep climbs, you will have to push with a straighter leg. When you bend your leg elastically, you store energy for a push. In other words, first a kind of "slingshot" is charged, then this energy is transferred to the extensor muscles, which then generate a push force.

The push starts when the center of gravity is above the push leg and slightly shifted back. At the moment of the start of the push, the push leg should be loaded as much as possible. The push is directed perpendicular to the ski as it slides forward. A typical mistake is too early extension in the knee or ankle joint. A position with good balance on the ski at the start of the push is usually referred to as a good "base position".

It is useful to feel the moment of the push and determine which point of the foot you are applying the maximum pressure. It is necessary to choose a position in which the push can be performed as powerfully as possible. The push must end with the force of the forefoot.

After the push is completed, a pendulum movement of the leg is performed with almost complete extension in the hip, knee and ankle joints. Next, the leg is actively extended forward. It is important to carry out the leg returned after the kick early. It is also important that during the rest phase the skier is in a high stance with relatively straight legs - in this case, the conditions for the muscles are better and it is easier to breathe.

Trunk work

Sticks set the rhythm of the movement as a whole. The work of the body is also reflected in the work of the legs.
Speed ​​is provided not only by the strength of the muscles, but also by the weight of the body, which turns ("falls") on the sticks. To avoid a tilt in the lower back, you need to lower the torso at the same time as flexing the ankle and hip joint, the abdominal muscles should stabilize the pelvis at the time of setting the sticks. The sticks are often placed slightly forward, this gives the best balance.

The elbows should be pushed forward so as to use the strong muscles of the shoulder girdle. During the entire push with the sticks, the abdominal muscles must be tensed to provide a stabilizing effect. The push with sticks is completed until the press is relaxed and the center of gravity of the body moves back.

After the push with sticks is completed, the hip joint unbends, the body moves forward and upward, simultaneously with the push with the leg and the pendulum movement ( with the other leg). This “platoon” of the trunk spring begins before the relaxation of the abdominal muscles. Use the "catapult effect"!

Hands are carried forward with "low" shoulders. Active pendulum extension ("swing") of the hands creates a large impulse relative to the support and contributes to the blood supply to the hands. Active shoulder extension also brings the opposite hip forward and improves weight transfer.

The "proud" position of the body with the chest pushed forward and the gaze directed high ahead distinguish good skaters.

Coordination of movements and "gear shifting"
In good riders, we can see consistency in the movements of the upper body and legs. The ankle, knee, and hip joints flex and extend at about the same time throughout the cycle.
You should be able to "change gears" depending on the speed and terrain. The speed and step of the movements of the arms and legs, the transfer of weight must correspond to the speed of returning the body to the "main position" before the next push. In steep ascents, the frequency of movements increases, and their step decreases. The steeper the climb, the faster the speed is lost and the next push is required to maintain it.

Varieties of skating

mountain course

In the mountain course there is a main side on which the stick works synchronously with the legs, and a free one. On the free side, the push is performed only with the foot. The stick on the main side is placed vertically, on the other - with a slight slope. You need to try to put pressure on both sticks. A great advantage is the ability to change the main side.
In a mountain move, quick weight transfer and a quick transition to the correct starting position to start the push are important. The angle of flexion in the ankle is large enough and must constantly adjust to the terrain. The push leg should be in line with the body. The pelvis should rotate from push to push, but excessive rotation should be avoided, as this takes strength - this can be prevented by tightening the press.
There is a jump version of the mountain course, which is used to start, accelerate along the distance, overcome short steep climbs. Movements are performed with high frequency, jumping from push to push. Pushes with sticks are short, hands do not go beyond the pelvis. "Swing" with a stick sets the movement and increases the power of the push.

Simultaneous one-step move

OOH is an effective technique on flat areas and gentle slopes. A push with sticks is performed for each push with the foot. The push with sticks is short and ends immediately after the brushes pass past the pelvis. The preparation of the push with the foot is very important, it is carried out simultaneously with the push with the sticks. The free leg is brought forward quickly and actively. This provides a good position for kicking, with the free ski "shooting" forward at high speed.
Good balance in the slip phase and stability ( through tension) the press and back in the push phase are important points in the correct OOH technique. The technique involves full balance on one ski for a relatively long time. Poor balance leads to knees falling inward and early edge skis.
OOH is most commonly used in spurt. In this case, the frequency of movements is high, but does not lead to stress ( there is a relaxation phase). The upper body and legs must work especially in harmony.

Simultaneous double step

The RHD is used mainly on flats and gentle descents, sometimes, with a slight correction, on gentle ascents.
With ODH, a push with sticks is performed for every second push with the foot. Push with sticks is performed at the end of the sliding phase on the "main" leg at the same time as the push with this leg. The sliding phase on the main leg is usually longer than on the other, also called "free". On the main leg, the push force with sticks is added to its pushing force. The free leg push is performed relatively quickly and directly.

A relatively high position of the body, its stability, sufficiently large flexion angles in the knee and ankle joints during the kick are signs of good technique. Rhythm and speed of hand movement, footwork - all this is very important in this technique. You must "dance" rhythmically and efficiently.

If there is winter with snow where you live, and you, while enjoying watching skiing and skating on TV, dream of learning how to do this, this article is written for you.
A child who wants to learn how to ski can be sent to the ski section - but there are practically no sections for adults! What if you really want to? Then you need a skating track (make sure that there is one nearby; it is laid by special machines), ski equipment and, most importantly, a desire! Desire to learn how to skate.
Just a little bit of history. The classic style of skiing in its modern version (with two sticks on the track) appeared around 1850, and for a century this style was the only one. In the 1960s, with the advent of track-laying machines, skiers in training began experimenting with alternating right and left foot take-offs—and found that it worked faster! And since 1988, skating has become part of the Olympic Games.


So, the skating track has been found! Now you need to get equipment - these are, sticks,. If you are sure that you will ride, and there are no problems with finances, it is better to buy all this at once. Or you can rent it / from friends for a while, and buy later, when you are sure that skating is for you!
We will talk about the choice of equipment later, but for now - a minimum of information. This can be especially useful for those who rent skis (there is always a manager in the store who can answer questions, but there may not be such a specialist at the rental).
Skating ski. Its main visual features are a rounded toe and the presence of an edge on the side surfaces of the ski. If the skis are not new, check for nicks or bumps on the edges. It also makes sense to check and select the desired stiffness of the skis. Skating skis are more "hard" compared to classic ones. There is a fairly simple way to select skis according to stiffness: the skis are placed on a hard surface, the future skier stands on them (if the skis are not new and with bindings, it’s even easier: you don’t need to look for the center of gravity). Further, the body weight is transferred to one leg, and the skier rises on the toe, simulating repulsion. In this position, the ski for the “classic” should be completely pressed through, but the skating ski should also maintain a gap of 30-40 cm in this position. If the gap is larger, softer skis are needed, if less, harder ones. Although for the first lessons the ideal selection of stiffness is not so important, you should not take completely unsuitable skis.
There are no special requirements for sticks (except for a suitable length), but it is better that they have a secure fastening with adjustment on the wrist (as in the photo). Such sticks cannot be dropped while riding. And given that a beginner usually needs sticks not only for pushing, but also for maintaining balance, securely attaching a stick to the wrist can prevent falls.

First steps

Skating skis are skis with a plastic tread surface. If you have never skied on such skis, keep in mind that they are slippery (!), and sliding is possible both forward and backward!
We are at the ski slope, putting on our skis. We choose for this (as far as possible) a surface without slopes. The first ski is easy to put on, because we have a fulcrum - the second leg is securely on the snow. And when you try to put on a second ski, a problem may arise in the form of the first ski that has gone “somewhere”. Therefore, while there is no skill, before putting on the second ski, we “fix” with a ski stick stuck in the snow. With one hand we hold a stick, with the other we fasten the ski mount.
Here we go? For the first lessons, a section of a skating track with a slight slope is best suited (just a slight one, not a hill!). This will allow you to maintain the speed of movement even when the push has not yet been worked out.
There are such options for skating:
  • semi-ridge simultaneous;
  • skating without repulsion by hands (without sticks);
  • simultaneous two-step;
  • simultaneous one-step;
  • alternating.
The last two are too difficult for beginners, and we will not talk about them.
And the first three are quite suitable for beginners to work out the technique.
Half-horse walk. One ski slides along the track, and the second (jogging) skier pushes off at an angle with simultaneous pushing with his hands. This is the simplest and most economical move, and the easiest way to maintain balance here - but you need both a skating track and a laid track on it. If there is such a track, you can start riding! With this method of skiing, the load on the legs is uneven, so periodically change the jogging leg (right on the track, left jogging, and vice versa).
If the first option “didn’t work out” due to the lack of a track with a ski track (or you have already mastered it), go to simultaneous double step(the so-called “under one foot” move, when the skier does two slides and one repulsion). For example, we ride “under the right foot”. We take the right leg forward at an angle, the body "goes" in the same direction (the center of gravity should not be between the skis!). We push off with sticks, rolling on the inside edge of the right leg. We also put the left one on the snow at an angle (we should have herringbone skis) and do a long roll on it (the right leg is torn off the snow after the push, and the weight is now on the left leg!). After the end of sliding on the left foot, we put sticks and push in the direction of advancing the right foot. And so we went - under the push of the right ski, repulsion with the hands, then sliding on the left ski. It turns out? Well done!!!
Sometimes (especially for those who are used to riding “classic”), when learning a two-step course, an unpleasant mistake occurs - the sticks are placed too close to each other on the snow, and one of the sticks is between the skis. Those. if you ride "under the right foot" - lean to the right, put sticks for pushing, but at the same time, the left stick may not be behind the left ski, but between the skis. Unfortunately, you won't be able to avoid falling while doing this.
Skating without repulsion(without sticks) is possible both with swings and without them. This method is most similar to the movements of a skater and is probably the best way to train both the push and coordinated footwork and the sense of balance. It is advisable to start training with this type of skating. You need to push off with your heel, not your toe, and sideways, not back, and try to ski as far as possible. If you have sticks with you, they are held horizontally with the points back! When riding with swings, sticks are held in hands, and without swings, they are often clamped under the armpits. The weight must be on the supporting leg! With each skating step, the weight should move from one foot to the other. This is important for both balance and good gliding. The push leg bends before the push and straightens after it. No need to ride on bent legs! You also don't have to ride with a straight body.
You need to be able to ski with different angles of divergence of ski toes, since the track in some places may have a natural narrowing and you need to be able to “fit in” into it. Too wide an angle on a narrow track can cause the tip of the ski to get stuck in the snow, which can result in a fall. And the general rule: the greater the speed, the smaller the angle of divergence of the skis and the longer the rental; on the ascent the angle is greater, and on the descent - less.
Turning on the plain is easiest to do with a semi-skate: we ride on the “inner” leg, and push off at an angle with the “outer” leg. If you need to turn downhill, don't forget that our skis have edges! Of course, they are not the same as on skis, and they need to be protected. But if the slope is “soft” enough, then you can also turn on the edges: we stand on two right (or two left) edges and smoothly change the direction of movement. You can practice on a good gentle hill - what if it comes in handy?
If the three previous skating moves are mastered, you can try to master the one-step skating (one slip - one repulsion with your hands, the so-called move "under each"). Learn to ride on sections with descents, with small climbs, turns, increase the length of the route passed and improve your skills!
Information for women! When skating, the muscles of the inner and outer thighs actively work, which will help remove the “breeches” and restore the tone of the inner thighs. Which is better: an hour on the simulator or skiing in the forest or park? In addition, skating is a very energy-intensive sport. Regular skiing will quietly “remove” those extra pounds.

Useful exercises

Many, having started skating, understand that they don’t have enough muscles for a good push, and there are problems with balance. No need to despair - it's fixable! Below are a few exercises to help you deal with the difficulties.
Balance can be trained in almost any way: for example, doing a “swallow” while standing on one leg. This is especially helpful if the hoop is heavy (the so-called hula hoop). If you are, make long arcs on the inside edge of the skate alternately on the right, then on the left leg.
A useful exercise is lateral jumps on two legs. Mentally choose an axis and jump in a zigzag forward-right, then forward-left. If you feel sorry for the neighbors downstairs, this exercise can be done on a path in the park when the snow melts.
Jumping from foot to foot with side push. This exercise is best done on the grass (we get an imitation of sliding). It is also recommended to do this exercise with dosing of lateral movements.
A good workout for both muscles and balance is zigzag jumping in a squatting position and squatting on one leg.
If there are problems with coordination (inconsistency in the movements of the arms and legs), any exercises to imitate movements will be useful: stepping, jumping, sliding, repulsing, etc.

Choosing equipment

Skis for skating, they are selected according to the formula “Height + 10-15 cm”. A spread of 5 cm is associated with the selection of skis for stiffness, depending on the weight of the skier and the specific ski model. The more weight - the more rigidity is needed and the longer the skis. It is known that approximately 60% of the sliding properties of a ski are determined by the deflection (i.e., stiffness), 20% by the material and condition of the sliding surface of the ski, and another 20% by ski preparation (lubrication). Therefore, first of all, skis are selected according to stiffness!
If you find it difficult to choose between the two models, please note that slightly softer skis (within reason) are recommended for beginners. it's easier to push them off. If it is difficult to choose between two skis of the same stiffness, but of different lengths, shorter ones are easier to ride, but the speed will be slightly lower.
All skating skis have a sliding surface made of various types of plastic, but the “stuffing” can be made using different technologies and from different materials, which affects both the price and quality. This is exactly the same 20% slip - the choice is yours!
Sticks for the "horse" are selected according to the formula "Height - 20 cm". We have already talked about the fact that they should be conveniently attached to the wrist. For sticks, aluminum, fiberglass and carbon fiber (carbon) are mainly used. Fiberglass sticks are the cheapest and most fragile. They can break even with a strong push, which may lead to a fall. Aluminum sticks are also not too expensive, and this is not a bad option! The best (lightest and strongest), but also the most expensive are carbon sticks. You can also find composite ski poles made of carbon and fiberglass. If they suit you for the price, you can buy (the more carbon content, the better)!
Mounts There are two systems: SNS and NNN (and its variant NIS). You can buy bindings of any system, but keep in mind that ski boots must be of the same system! By the way, almost all sports shops (with the simultaneous purchase of skis and bindings) put ski bindings for free. It is better not to engage in self-installation of fasteners - this is not such a simple matter: correct alignment and so on ...
ski boots it is best to buy "for skating." Or, if you're buying versatile, choose a model with a high ankle. After all, we will be pushing sideways - which means we need to take care of the ankles! As for the rest... choose beautiful, warm, comfortable, and don't forget about the abbreviation NNN and SNS.

A few words about ski care

The sliding surface of skis needs regular maintenance. This improves the sliding qualities (another 20%) and prolongs the life of the ski. We will need paraffin wax (it can be all-weather or sets of sticks of different colors according to the weather), a plastic scraper (can be replaced with a regular ruler) and an iron. A special iron is a good thing, but not cheap. Some skiers use ordinary household irons, but there is a risk of burning the sliding surface, since special irons maintain a constant soleplate temperature, while household ones only within a certain range.
And then everything is simple. We apply paraffin on the sliding surface of the skis, melt it with an iron, then remove the excess with a scraper. Do not forget to put something under the skis (for example, a newspaper) - paraffin crumbs are a nasty thing in terms of subsequent cleaning! On skating skis, paraffin is applied to the entire sliding surface. 10 minutes - and our skis are ready and waiting for us! MirSovetov hopes that you successfully master the technique of skating and enjoy skiing!

Polina Yermoshina, winner of the Krasnogorsk Ski Track 2013, Tour de Ski participant and SkiGrom model, shows four exercises that will help you learn how to skate, explains how to move your arms and legs correctly, and talks about the main mistakes of beginners.

Skating, or free style, differs from the classic in absolutely everything - this is a different type of movement. The main difference is the direction of movement. In the classics, skis always go strictly straight, and in the “skate” - diagonally. Another difference is that the “skate” requires different equipment: sticks must be longer, skis must be shorter, and boots must be higher. Skating boots have a support element that keeps the slope in the ankle. This element fastens at the lower leg, just above the ankle, helps to fix the knee and remove excess load from the foot.

Skating has three types: a move under each leg, through the leg and lifting. The first two are flat options. Under each leg - more power move. In terms of muscle tension, it is the heaviest - it involves the most muscles and spends the most energy, while the move under each leg is the fastest. Walking through the foot is usually used in gentle areas where there is a slight slope. It used to be very popular, now it is used less and less, only in top competitions - it is slightly less efficient than the rest, and all athletes have strong muscles to ride under each leg. The lifting stroke, respectively, is used in the ascents.

Under each leg (simultaneous one-step move)

"style="background:url(https://the-challenger.ru/wp-content/themes/rspchallenger/images/zaglushka.jpg); width:100%; height:150px; display:block; background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; cursor:pointer;"/>

Through the leg (simultaneous two-step move)

"style="background:url(https://the-challenger.ru/wp-content/themes/rspchallenger/images/zaglushka.jpg); width:100%; height:150px; display:block; background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; cursor:pointer;"/>

lifting stroke

"style="background:url(https://the-challenger.ru/wp-content/themes/rspchallenger/images/zaglushka.jpg); width:100%; height:150px; display:block; background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; cursor:pointer;"/>

Correct position of arms and legs

The sticks should be parallel to each other and be approximately shoulder-width apart. You do not need to push them wide apart or, conversely, press them against each other. Important: the stick should rise at an acute angle relative to the ground. The main thing is that the sticks do not spread apart when a person brings his hands to the middle, and do not “fly away” back away from the body - they run parallel along the thigh and go back. Much depends on the length of the sticks, but in any case, they should not rise above eye level. At the same time, the hand goes back until complete relaxation and opening of the brush. The hand must open up so that the brain receives a signal about the need to relax the limb. There are two phases in the skate: the rest phase and the work phase - first there is an inert strong repulsion, and then rest.

As for the legs: the main thing in the “horse” is to remember about the spring. You should never just stand on your foot - first you need to crouch, straighten up and then push off. You can not fix the legs and go - they must always be in work. Keep track of the length of the rental - the longer you can ride, the better. But keep in mind: too long a roll is also not good. It is best to always maintain the same speed. If during one slip the speed starts to decrease, it is wrong. Try not to let this happen.

Lead up exercises

All these exercises will help improve skills for each of the three options. The main thing in the skate is the transfer of body weight. If you learn how to properly transfer weight from one foot to another, and not keep it in the middle, you will move inertly, that is, in fact, you will move only due to the shift in body weight.

Exercise number 1. "Floating" skier

"style="background:url(https://the-challenger.ru/wp-content/themes/rspchallenger/images/zaglushka.jpg); width:100%; height:150px; display:block; background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; cursor:pointer;"/>

This exercise helps you learn how to properly shift your body weight and move. Sometimes, when shifting body weight, we are not wide enough or, conversely, we put the skis too narrowly. When we stretch our arms forward and spread them, we set the correct direction of movement. This exercise - and all subsequent ones - also teaches you to keep balance and be in balance, and also helps to increase the length of the rolled.

Exercise number 2. For the shoulders

"style="background:url(https://the-challenger.ru/wp-content/themes/rspchallenger/images/zaglushka.jpg); width:100%; height:150px; display:block; background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; cursor:pointer;"/>

In this exercise, you need to take a stick and set it at eye level - this is necessary in order to see and understand how the shoulders react. The stick must always be strictly horizontal, parallel to the ground. It should not change the angle, lean to the right or left, or, conversely, move back and forth in the projection - all this is considered an error. The shoulders should always be directed forward with a slight turn on the leg on which we are trying to transfer the weight of the body.

Exercise number 3. "Half-horse"

"style="background:url(https://the-challenger.ru/wp-content/themes/rspchallenger/images/zaglushka.jpg); width:100%; height:150px; display:block; background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; cursor:pointer;"/>

In this exercise, one ski should be in the track, and the second should be pushed to the side. "Half-horse" is one of the main exercises for teaching beginners - when a person is oriented only on one side, it is easier for him to remember the movements. The main thing to understand during this exercise is that there is a supporting leg, which is in the track, and a push leg, with which we push off. On the supporting leg, we do a “half-squat”, at this moment the pushing leg is pushed to the side. But in order to correctly perform this repulsion, it is necessary to initially take the jogging leg half a foot ahead of the supporting one. Here you can help yourself with your back and hands.

Exercise number 4

"style="background:url(https://the-challenger.ru/wp-content/themes/rspchallenger/images/zaglushka.jpg); width:100%; height:150px; display:block; background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; cursor:pointer;"/>

In this exercise, you must first push off, and then put the skis in parallel, and not separate them, as is necessary. This will allow you to completely move the weight of the body - in this position it will be on only one leg, otherwise it will not work.

To perform this exercise, you need to be patient and try to concentrate not on speed, but on the correct technique - push off, put two skis in parallel, when you feel that body weight is moving to the other side, quickly turn the skis and switch to the other leg.

Skating is one of the existing cross-country skiing techniques. Initially, it was used in running when cornering or climbing uphill, but soon the technique was used to teach skiers the classic move.

Features of skating

The technique of skating on skis appeared relatively recently. It is characterized by the active participation of the legs, which is how it differs from classical running. The skier must take off from the surface at a certain angle relative to the direction of travel. Outwardly, this method is similar to skating, which is how the technique got its name. Depending on the level of training of the skier, the features of the track and other factors, skating may be different.

The appearance of the skating method is associated with progress in the field of creating equipment for skiers. More modern skis, boots and their bindings began to appear, thanks to which the athletes received a reliable lateral support on the leg. This contributed to the emergence of a fundamentally new way of skiing, in which the legs began to turn on more actively, and the hands were slightly unloaded. Although it is also not difficult - you can read more about this on our portal.

Skating technique

Next, we’ll figure out how to learn how to skate skiing for a beginner. First of all, the main rule is that skiers who start skating do not need to throw poles far forward when moving uphill. At first, you need ski poles not only for pushing, but also for maintaining balance in order to transfer body weight to them. You must control the movement of the ankle joint relative to the body. The body of the body when moving with the ridge method should be in front of the legs.

Take a starting position, bringing the back ends of the skis together and spreading the socks. The angle between the skis is no more than 60 degrees (otherwise, movement will be difficult and uncomfortable).

Cross-country skiing is based on a correct and powerful push. With it, you will give your body movement, and your muscles will rest at this moment.

To correctly make a strong push, the sticks should be put forward, but not very far, and push off with them. Along with this movement, you need to push off with your foot. The push should be done not with the toe of the ski, but with the whole base. To do this, you should transfer the body weight to one leg, and the other to make a repulsion. Lean your body slightly forward and keep your balance. After pushing the sticks, press them against your elbows so that they do not interfere with the inertial movement forward.

After a powerful and technical push, you will drive forward for a few seconds, and when you notice a decrease in speed, repeat the push with the other foot. The more often you make repulsive movements, the higher your speed will be.

Useful exercises for skiers

Many people who start skating find out that their muscles are too weak, or they do not know how to balance. Do not worry - everything can be fixed with the help of simple exercises, which we will tell you about below. Pay attention to the photos that will help you improve your technique.

For balance training, you can twist the hoop on one leg or do the so-called swallow. Over time, the regular hoop can be replaced with a heavier hula hoop.

A useful exercise for mastering the technique of skating on skis is lateral jumps on your feet. You need to imagine a line on the floor and start jumping over it: forward-left, and then right, moving in a zigzag.

To help learn how to ride skating techniques can jump from one foot to another with a side push. It is better to perform the exercise on the grass, which imitates the sliding of skis on snow.

If you have impaired coordination, that is, you cannot move your legs and arms in a coordinated manner, start doing exercises to imitate movements: jumping, stepping, repulsing and sliding.

Finally, we want to give you some tips for learning to skate skiing:

  1. High and fairly rigid boots will allow you to protect yourself from damage and injury, and.
  2. Do not overestimate your abilities and start riding on gently sloping grounds first and do not rush to move down the big descents.
  3. Balance plays an important role in skating technique, so do the above exercises regularly.
  4. Do not be afraid to start practicing all the movements in practice. After a few turns and small descents, you will realize that skating is not that difficult.

Be sure to watch the video on teaching the technique of skating on skis, which is presented in this article.

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