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Triathlon: history, distances and types. What is the sport of triathlon? General triathlon rules

Let's say you're new to running or cycling, but you often hear the word "triathlon" from some athletes. If you "swim" in this sport, then our article is for you.

So what do people talk about when they talk about triathlon? Often their conversations boil down to how they will swim 3.8 km, bike 180 km, and then run 42.2 km. No, not in three days, but in one day - within 17 hours.

Yes, triathlon is a combination of three cyclic sports: swimming, cycling and running. And what triathletes most often talk about is the Ironman distance, or, as they call it in Russia, “piece of iron”. We will return to the distances of the triathlon, but for now we will tell the story of this multi-sport competition.

History of triathlon as a sport

It is believed that the ancestor of the triathlon was France. It was in this country that the first triathlon competitions took place in 1920. The first triathletes had to run 3 km, cycle 20 km and swim through the Marne Canal. Then, until 1974, history did not know such starts, until a tournament was held in the USA, which brought together 46 participants.

Three years later, the center of the “iron” triathlon will be Hawaii, where in 1977 the now classic Ironman race will take place - swimming 3.86 km, cycling 180 km, marathon running 42.2 km. Of the 15 starters, 12 people finished then. The first record was set by Gordon Haller, who covered the full distance in 11 hours 46 minutes 58 seconds. This start is now known as the Ironman Kona Classic Triathlon World Championship. This is the most prestigious "iron" race, the selection for which takes place in a number of competitions throughout the year.

Triathlon came to the USSR in 1984 along with the first amateur long-distance competitions. The triathlon federation in the USSR appeared in 1989, and the first USSR triathlon championship was held in 1990 in Leningrad. In Russia, the first national championship was held in 1994.

Triathlon has been a part of the Summer Olympics since 2000.

“Classic distance, iron distance, Ironman - is it the same thing?”, you may be asking this question after reading the beginning of the article. In the next section, we'll break down triathlon distances to put things in order in the beginner's head.

What are the distances in triathlon?

In general, triathlon is divided into five main distances (swim/bike/run):

  • Full, or "iron", distance - 3.8 / 180 / 42.2
  • "Half" - 1.9 / 90 / 21.1
  • Olympic distance - 1500/40/10
  • Sprint - 750/20/5
  • Super Sprint - 300/8/2

"Iron" distance

The longest triathlon distance (3.8 / 180 / 42.2 km) is called classic because it was from the Hawaiian IronMan Triathlon competition in Hawaii in 1977 that the victorious procession of this all-around around the planet began. Many beginners believe that triathlon is just a competition at a given distance, and only when immersed in the topic will they learn about the variety of disciplines.

The full distance has many synonyms: classic, long, full, “iron”, “piece of iron”, ironman. It should be clarified that Ironman is the brand name for the World Triathlon Corporation (WTC) long distance triathlon series. That is, if your friend finished the Norwegian Norseman Xtreme Triathlon, you cannot officially say that he finished the Ironman distance, since the WTC is not related to Norseman.


Before conquering the full distance of the triathlon, many beginners try themselves on the “half” or “half-rail”, consisting of a 1.9 km swim, a 90 km bike stage, and a 21.1 km half marathon. If you convert the distance to miles, you get 70.3 - another common version of the name is ready: triathlon 70.3. Despite the name "half", the 70.3 triathlon is an independent distance at which official competitions are held and sports categories are assigned.


It is easy to guess why the triathlon race of 1500 meters of swimming, 40 km of cycling and 10 km of running is proudly called "Olympic". It is at this distance that the best triathletes in the world compete at the Olympic Games. Rarely, it may be called otherwise: "international distance", "standard distance" or "short distance". This distance is popular among professional all-around athletes included in national teams.

Sprint and super sprint

Sprint and super sprint in triathlon, like other distances, are independent: such races are often held among professional triathletes at official starts. Short races like these are a great way for a novice athlete to test if the triathlon format is right for him.Then some realize that they want to develop in sprint distances, while others train to become an “iron man”.

It is wrong to think that the shorter the distance, the easier. If an athlete overcomes the distance for a while, he will work at a high level and be in a strong acid condition for the entire distance. As far as preparation goes, you might get a taste of triathlon over short distances, but sprints alone won't prepare you for the iron. These disciplines are very different in terms of preparation, tactics in the race, and equipment.

Alternative Views


If you think that the Ironman distance is the absolute maximum of a triathlon, then you are mistaken. For some, 3.8/180/42.2 was not enough, and then not only a double ironman appeared, but also a triple, as well as other ultra-distances for people who have no endurance limits. Fantasy in this case has no limits.


Another kind of triathlon, for those who don't like cycling. There are three stages in the aquathlon, two of which are cross-country: running - swimming - running. In the Aquathlon World Championships, the standard distance is a 2.5K run, a 1K swim, and again a 2.5K run. And at amateur starts, you can hold competitions at any distance.

swimrun | photo: orca.com


Swimrun is a "wild" aquathlon. always take place in open and rough terrain. Running and swimming distances do not have designated criteria and alternate several times. Unlike other types of triathlon, there are no transition zones in the swim run, and therefore the participants swim in the same as they run, and vice versa. Get ready to swim in your running shoes.


The duathlon, in contrast to the aquathlon, does not have a swimming distance, and the participants first run, then ride a bike and finally run again. In duathlon, just like in triathlon, there are sprint and Olympic distances. Long distances are not unified today.


A less popular brother of aquathlon and duathlon is aquabike. From the name it is clear that the competitions are held with overcoming the swimming and cycling stages. For beginners, let us explain that aquabike in triathlon is not from the field of water-motor sports, where athletes race on jet skis.

winter triathlon | photo: triathlon.org

Winter triathlon

The winter triathlon is gaining more and more fans in countries where snow lies for a significant part of the year. This also applies to Russia: still, after all, the Russian triathlete has already become seven times. So, winter triathlon is running + cycling + skiing.

The distances in the winter triathlon are regulated: the International Triathlon Union holds official starts with a run over a distance of 2 km, a bike ride of at least 4 km and a ski stage of 3 km. The winter triathlon of all the alternative triathlons has become so popular that there is even talk of including this discipline in the program of the Winter Olympic Games.

indoor triathlon | photo: iron-star.ru

In addition to all of the above, there is also a cross-triathlon, cross-duathlon, where from the first word it is clear that the races are held on rough terrain using mountain bikes. Let's not forget to mention and , which means indoor competition. Triathlon enthusiasts, among other things, compete in relay races, dividing the stages into team members. As you can see, it's hard to get bored in triathlon.

And finally, we’ll clarify that biathlon is not from the triathlon family, just like skiathlon.

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    Name: Gazizov Sergey Marsovich

The topic of triathlon turned out to be unexpectedly attractive for the visitors of our forum. Moreover, the topic is not so much triathlon as a sport, but its cult variety - Ironman or "iron man", which in quantitative terms means a distance consisting of: swimming 3.8 km + cycling 180 km + running marathon 42.195 km. Thanks to Ivan Zhitenev, who shared his impressions with the forum members after his debut at Ironman. The debutant named a unique athlete as his mentor and inspirer, for whom the "iron triathlon" formula is, if not a walk, then a sprint distance!!! Such endurance supermen are called ultratriathletes. There are not so many of them who are seriously engaged in cyclic self-torture in the whole world: 2-3 dozen. Alexander Simonov is the only representative of Russia at the World and European Championships in ultratriathlon and its varieties. By the way, A. Simonov is a candidate master of sports in cross-country skiing.
Triathlon prompted him to take up the fatal diagnosis of doctors after the Afghan business trip of the military builder Simonov.

Probably, the doctors who pronounced the “death sentence” on 27-year-old Alexander Simonov, even in the brightest hopes, could not imagine that the athlete would celebrate his fortieth birthday, preparing for the world ultratriathlon championship, where he had to overcome - think, please, dear readers, in these figures - 11 km swimming, 540 km cycling and 126 km running ...

Here are some excerpts from an interview with the European ultra-triathlon champion:

“After graduating from a military school, I was sent to Afghanistan. I returned from there very ill, was almost at death’s door: hepatitis, malaria plus fever. Of course, there was no question of any triathlon. The doctors, having examined me, came to the conclusion that with such a liver, I will live quite a bit.Of course, this did not suit me, and I took up medical self-education, in parallel starting sparing training.

Then I worked in the construction and installation department and on weekends I started running - slowly, but very much. He followed the strictest diet, did not drink alcohol for eight years - he was treated and trained. Then again I thought about the triathlon. However, I experienced very big problems with swimming and at the age of thirty I set the task - to learn. I bought a subscription to the pool and worked out after work.

Once, having swum 1500 meters, I realized that I was ready to overcome the distance of the Olympic triathlon: 1.5 km swimming, 40 km cycling and 10 km running. But then health did not yet allow for something to count on, constant stress at work only exacerbated this problem. And then my seniority came up. I retired. I was 33 years old when I went in for professional sports, and at 37 I became a master of sports. In the short triathlon, the competition is quite high, and it was hard for me, then not quite healthy. I switched to long distances, where the speed is less. But in Russia, competitions in the "iron man" were not held. Finally, I accidentally read in a magazine that there is an organization for ultra-triathlon. I sent a request there and I was invited to the Iron Man tournament in Panevezys. It was the 97th year. He performed well for a debutant - he finished fifteenth with thirty participants, and was accepted into the family of ultratriathletes.

My diagnosis - cirrhosis of the liver - is in the past, and the only thing that is contraindicated for me is nervous stress. So I probably won't go back to construction.

Ultra triathlon is double or triple the distance of the classic "Ironman" triathlon: double - swim 7.6 km, bike 360 ​​km, run 84 km; tripled - swimming 11.4 km, biking 540 km, running 126 km. World championships at these distances are held every year. There is also a ten-time triathlon. It is held once every two years in Mexico. This is the most extreme competition on the planet. It is believed that even climbing the eight-thousander is easier. Judge for yourself: the distance of a ten-time triathlon is 38 km of swimming, 1800 km of cycling and 422 km of running without the right to rest. When climbers make an ascent, they can rest or wait for good weather as long as they like. Here it is excluded. There is a time limit - two weeks, after which the results are no longer taken into account. There are only 25-30 people in the world who can overcome such a route! The best result is 8 days 8 minutes.

Alexander Simonov has his own page in Runet. You can view it

Superheroes are not born, they are made.

The most prestigious and toughest competition of all time, IRONMAN turns 38 this year. Perhaps the main difference between the "iron" race and all other sports is that the participants compete with each other to a lesser extent - everyone overcomes himself. Here the main rival is fatigue, and the main ally is will. It is not so important here what number you will reach the finish line, it is important to reach the end.

Viktor Zhidkov

Investment bank chairman, triathlete and IRONMAN

When I first heard about IRONMAN, I just didn't believe it was possible. But something still grabbed me. Having studied and felt the distance, my friends and I realized that we should try. First we made a half of IRONMAN, then my friends made a full one - I still continued to prepare, because I always train with a large margin, at my own pace and without fanaticism. And when I realized that I was ready, I made my first complete IRONMAN. Next year I plan to do it for the fifth time. For me, this is now a way of life, or rather, life itself.

Many people say that IRONMAN is dangerous and destroys the body, but this is not true. Maybe the day itself, when a person goes to the start, does not bring any benefit as such, but the efforts that he makes to be at the starting line make him completely different.

The IRONMAN triathlon consists of three non-stop events: a swim (3.86 kilometers), a bike ride (180.25 kilometers) and a run (42.195 kilometers). Participants must overcome the entire distance in 17 hours (less - you can, more - no). The passage of each stage is limited: 2 hours 20 minutes are allotted for swimming, the cycling race ends at 17:30, the race ends at midnight. Failed - disqualification. Success - victory.

IRONMAN Triathlon: How It All Began

In 1978, during the awards ceremony after the annual race in Hawaii, a heated debate broke out among the participants about which athletes can be called the most enduring - swimmers, runners or cyclists. John Collins, a Marine and one of the main debaters, argued that they were undoubtedly cyclists. He referred to an article in Sports Illustrated about Belgian cyclist Eddy Merckx - he was voted the fittest cyclist in the world as he had the highest recorded maximum oxygen uptake. To test this, Collins proposed a race combining three existing events that were held annually in Hawaii: the Waikiki Roughwater Swim (3,862 kilometers), the Around-Oahu Bike Race (185 kilometers, originally held in two days) and the Hanolulu Marathon (42.195 kilometers). Collins calculated that if the race was shortened by 4.8 kilometers and run clockwise around the island, the course would start at the finish line of the swim course and end at the Aloha Tower, the traditional starting point for the Honolulu marathon. "And whoever finishes first, we'll call IRONMAN," said Collins. And despite the fact that the idea of ​​​​a new competition was met with little enthusiasm by the participants in the dispute, John, along with his wife Judy, set about preparing the most deadly and powerful start in the world. Today, the IRONMAN triathlon is held in more than 10 countries around the world, but the main annual Ironman World Championship is held, like 38 years ago, in Hawaii.

It is worth noting that IRONMAN is by no means the first triathlon competition. Most sports historians agree that triathlon originated in France at the beginning of the 20th century - in the town of La Rochelle, Les Trois Sports races (three sports competitions) were held, similar to modern triathlon starts, only the distances were much shorter then - swimming in the canal (200 meters), cycling (10 kilometers) and running in Laleu Park (1.2 kilometers). Regular triathlon competitions - "Resourceful Races" - began to be held only in 1920, they included running (3 kilometers), cycling (12 kilometers) and swimming (crossing the Marne Canal). But talk about making triathlon an Olympic sport only began in the 90s - for a long time the world sports community could not come to a consensus on what the length of each distance should be. In September 1995, the International Olympic Committee nevertheless included triathlon in the program of the Olympic Games, and the International Triathlon Union adopted the following resolution: triathlon is swimming (1.5 kilometers), cycling (40 kilometers) and running (10 kilometers). The distance less than the Olympic is called sprint (swimming 0.75 kilometers, cycling 20 kilometers, running 5 kilometers), more - extra long (swimming 1.93 kilometers, cycling 90 kilometers and running 21.1 kilometers - this is a "half-iron" distance; swimming 3, 86 kilometers, bike 180 kilometers and run 42.2 kilometers - classic IRONMAN; swim 10 kilometers, bike 420.2 kilometers and run 84.3 kilometers - "ultra-iron" distance).

Especially for you, we have collected the most interesting facts about the coolest and most difficult race in the world, whose participants never tire of proving that if there is a goal, then nothing is impossible.

1. First IRONMAN triathlon winner

February 18, 1978 on the island of Oahu (Hawaii) at seven o'clock in the morning was launched the first in the history of IRONMAN. Each participant received a parting note with the same legendary phrase that later became the slogan of the IRONMAN triathlon: “Swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 miles, run 26.2 miles and be proud of it for the rest of your life!”. Of the 15 starters, only 12 reached the finish line, and the fastest of them was the American Gordon Haller, who covered the distance in 11 hours 46 minutes and 58 seconds. Gordon, a physicist by training, worked as a night taxi driver in 1978. He woke up late in the afternoon and immediately went to train - he ran, swam and rode a bicycle, after which he slept and went to work. So, unnoticed by himself, he was not only able to prepare for a grueling race, but also go down in history as the first winner of the coolest competition in the world.

2. The first female IRONMAN

In 1979, Lyn Lumer became the first woman to complete the iron race, finishing in a time of 12 hours 55 minutes 38 seconds. Lin, a biochemist by training, has been an excellent swimmer since childhood, went on long bike tours from Vancouver to Los Angeles, and in 1975 took second place in the individual 40-kilometer race. When the girl found out about IRONMAN, she immediately realized that she needed to participate! On the day of the start, there was a strong wind and it was raining, out of the declared 30 people, 15 refused to participate, and 15 went to the start - among them was Lumer, who eventually took fifth place in the overall standings. Later, Lin recalled that she literally forced herself to go forward - it was no longer possible to run. Step by step, she begged herself not to stop. And didn't stop. In the fall of 1979, Lin entered Harvard Law School and six years later founded and headed the magazine Ultrasport, which lasted 17 years and was published in a million copies all this time. This is how the IRONMAN triathlon changes lives and opens up new horizons.

3. The youngest IRONMAN

The youngest competitor to ever complete the IRONMAN course was 14-year-old Rodkey Faust of the small town of Rusdrum, Idaho, who finished the race in February 1982 in a time of 13 hours 36 minutes 17 seconds. Perhaps there would have been even more young ironmen, but a few years later the organizers decided to introduce a lower age limit of 18 years. But since 1985, the International Triathlon Organization has established new IRONKIDS competitions, especially for children from 3 to 15 years old. Of course, the distances that children need to overcome are significantly less than for adults: 45.72 meters swimming, 3.2 kilometers cycling, 457.2 meters running for children from 6 to 8 years old; 137 meters swimming, 6.4 kilometers cycling, 1.6 kilometers running for children from 9 to 11 years old; 274.32 meters swimming, 12.87 kilometers cycling, 3.2 kilometers running for children from 12 to 15 years old.

4. Longest IRONMAN

5. The Most Spectacular IRONMAN Finish

In 1982, 23-year-old college student Julie Moss overnight became one of the most famous IRONMANs of all time. Julie owes her wild popularity to the ABC World Wide channel, which showed millions of viewers how, step by step, overcoming pain, Moss moved to the finish line. If you need a boost, just check out these footage (WARNING: especially impressionable triathletes are requested to arm themselves with handkerchiefs).

6. Hardest IRONMAN

For today IRONMAN considers Norseman in Norway the most difficult. Just imagine: swimming in the fjord (water temperature 10-15 degrees), cycling through the mountains and a marathon with the finish at the highest point - 42 kilometers almost uphill. 226 kilometers from start to finish. Interestingly, 60% of the participants are from Norway, and only 15% of the athletes are women. Perhaps Norseman is the most powerful challenge to human capabilities.

Photo: triathlete-europe.competitor.com

7. The craziest IRONMAN

American James Lawrence is an absolute champion and hero. This "iron cowboy" - nicknamed James for his love of cowboy hats - did 50 IRONMAN races in 50 days in 50 states of America this summer. Yes, yes, we did not seal, but you were not mistaken - 50 races, one every day. In honor of this significant event, James launched his own and distributed a million interviews. The father of five children explained his decision with a desire to draw public attention to the problems of obesity among adolescents. On June 6, James made the first IRONMAN in Hawaii, then on June 7 in Alaska, and after - in 48 neighboring states. Interestingly, during his IRONMAN tour, James "ate" about 8,500 calories every day, and half of them directly during the race: 2,000 calories between the swim and the bike race (he usually ate eggs and potatoes), the next 2,000 calories - while riding a bicycle (sandwiches that were given to him by volunteers and members of his large family).

The finish of IRONMAN is perhaps the most fantastic sight that you will not see in any other sport. Spotlights, thousands of spectators, completely tired, but absolutely happy athletes. A few more seconds, a few more steps - and they will hear these cherished four words: "YOU ARE AN IRONMAN!". This phrase is inextricably linked with another iconic man of racing, Mike Riley - "the voice of IRONMAN". Mike first took the microphone in 1989 to name finishing athletes, and since then he has hailed tens of thousands of triathletes around the world as Ironmen. “I can say for sure that I pronounce 95% of the names and surnames of the participants correctly. I do not argue - with 5% it is difficult. But many athletes, knowing in advance that there may be difficulties with the pronunciation of their names, send me personal messages on Facebook with recommendations and the correct stress before the competition, and I, of course, mark all this on my list. I know how important this is for a person, what an important moment in his life. A true triumph. That is why I want to pronounce every first name and every last name correctly.”

Sports all-around, which includes three types of activities, refers to complex competitions. Before you define what triathlon is, you should know the type of this sport. Competitions belong to the summer version and are held as part of many international games. Triathlon, which includes open water swimming, cycling and running, requires maximum focus, speed and endurance. This is due to the fact that the athlete goes through all the stages without a break. At the same time, all types of triathlon have some features. A set of rules, therefore, must be observed, as well as take into account all the important points in this sport.

Basics and types

Triathlon, which includes three types of competitions, is a fairly new sport in the world of sports. This triathlon involves a lot of workload. At the same time, there are such types of triathlon as short and long distances. In each case, there are certain features that characterize the type of sport. There is a division, thus, new subspecies of distances are created. Each option has its own rules that must be followed.

The main feature of triathlon is that all stages follow continuously one after another. First, athletes go through a certain area for swimming in open water, then the cycling and cross-country races begin. The transitional moment can be considered as zones in which for each athlete there is a transit area for placing individual equipment. The programs of many games include professional triathlon competitions for certain distances.

The sport is divided into several formats. For example, the Olympic distance includes a 1,500-meter swim, a 40-kilometer bike race, and a 10-kilometer run. Sprint-type competitions are carried out with a 750 m swim, a 20 km bike race and a 5 km run. The distance "Iron" is a rather severe type of competition. In this case, the athlete must swim a distance of 3.86 km, carry out a 180 km bicycle race and a 42.2 km run. The "half-iron" distance is a race with a 1.93 km swim, a 90 km bike and a 21.1 km run. The "Olympic triple" sport distance is no less severe and consists of a 4 km swim, a 120 km bike and a 30 km run. These types of triathlon are popular, but the simple Olympic distance is also relevant.

The categories of this type of activity also include cross-country triathlon, aquatic aquathlon, as well as winter triathlon and duathlon. All disciplines have certain differences, but the classic Olympic sports distance is always the basis. The program of the Olympic Games has just such an option. In this case, triathlon competitions begin with a swim along the route in the shape of a triangle. Any reduction in the distance is prohibited and not allowed, any athlete must overcome the established distance using special buoys and signs.

A professional athlete who has passed the swimming stage reaches the training area. Here the next stage begins, that is, a bicycle race, the duration of which depends on the type of triathlon. The cycling race is over, the cross begins. One of the most interesting points of the rules states that the athlete must move all the way through the course on his feet. Given the complexity of this sport, triathlon can be considered a rather severe type of competition. Each part of the stage requires an even distribution of forces, and when you are in the transition zone, you need to take a breath and tune in to the further track and field cross-country or another part of the classic triathlon distance stage.

This sport and the classic distance have such features as:

  • The start in swimming can be carried out from a pontoon, a suitable part of the coast or directly from the water. In this case, the athlete can wear a wetsuit with a thickness of not more than 5 mm, which is allowed at low water temperatures of about 24.5 degrees Celsius;
  • The passage of the swimming stage involves the use of a style that is comfortable for a professional athlete;
  • After swimming, the team of runners prepares in a special zone, another stage begins - the cycling race. Drafting is allowed at the distance of the Olympic version. At the same time, there is no technical type assistance for runners;
  • The basic of all the rules that cross-country has is that the athlete must move only on his feet.

The change of any next stage in this type of sport is clearly regulated. At the same time, the athlete must quickly and accurately prepare for the next distance in the transit zone, without interfering with the competitors. Changing clothes takes place while in such a zone, and then, without delay, the group of runners continues to overcome the distance.

Equipment and rules

Passing the classic triathlon distance requires preparation, so equipment is carefully selected. This type of summer competition requires the presence of elements corresponding to the rules. For example, a swimming suit for cool water should not be thicker than 5 mm. A bicycle helmet and a bicycle are also obligatory elements, and before passing the stage, the athlete must make sure that the vehicle is in optimal technical condition.

Any version of triathlon requires special shoes in which the athlete can effectively cross-country. At the same time, triathlon competitions have rules of conduct that correspond to the rules for road cycling, the rules for runners and for swimming. This is due to the fact that the Olympic distance of the competition or another version is a combined sport.

Swimming, cycling or cross country are not won individually. It is best to be in the leading group, which happens during the swim. A significant gap from competitors at this stage of the summer competition does not lead to a good result, but only to an untimely loss of strength. That is why, when passing the classic triathlon distance, each athlete seeks to find a balance, to be in the group of leaders. This approach allows you to control the success of other runners, your own strength and compliance with the rules of the competition.

The basic rules of movement in this sport are as follows:

  • The passage of the swimming stage is carried out in special clothes, a swimming suit, which complies with the rules. All athletes start after the signal;
  • The next stage - a bicycle race - begins after changing the person's clothes. At the same time, you need to start moving only outside the transit zone on a bicycle;
  • The cycling race is the key moment in the fight for victory. Each athlete applies his own strategy, which should not violate the rules of movement on the highway;
  • After the cycling race is over, the athletes change their shoes, which happens while they are in the transit area. It is the cross that determines the strongest fighters for victory. This sport is quite severe, since the passage of all distances requires significant physical preparation, knowledge of racing strategies, a professional approach and strict adherence to the rules. For example, swimming must be carried out clearly along a specified route, and shortening the distance leads to a penalty and increases the risk of disqualification. Also, the cycling race is often held on the road, and each version of the triathlon has certain rules for passing the stage.

Classical triathlon competitions of different levels can be held several times a year. In any case, the champion is determined by the results of successful and fast passage of distances. At the same time, different types of this sport suggest certain features. For example, the Olympic race is characterized by a short swimming distance, a short race and a short cross-country track, which includes track and field running. More strenuous are the "Iron" version of this sport or "Half-Iron". In any case, it is important to carefully study all the rules that occur during the preparation period. So you can win or successfully complete the championship in the classic triathlon distance or in another form.

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