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How much muscle to build. How long does it take to build muscle? How much you can pump up: how quickly you can progress and what it depends on

People start downloading the press with different goals. Someone just wants to get rid of everything superfluous and bring the body into tone, while someone dreams of becoming the owner of beautiful cubes that will attract admiring (read - envious) looks on the beach. And, of course, for most people, the question is interesting - how much can you pump up the press. There is no single answer to it, therefore we will try to understand in more detail.

There is no secret way in the matter of the appearance of the press. Efforts are needed, and on many fronts, especially if you dream of beautiful cubes. To figure out how long it takes to pump up the press, you need to find out the components that are required for this:

  • Diet. Even if your abdominal muscles are very beautiful and trained, but there is a fatty layer on your stomach, they simply will not be visible. Therefore, there may not be any sense from exercise if you do not adjust your diet. To eliminate excess fat, you need to follow a diet.
  • Aerobic exercise. To pump up the press, you must adjust not only the diet, but also the lifestyle. You will have to make friends with regular physical activity. Run, jump rope, swim - in general, any aerobic exercise will increase the effectiveness of exercises directly on the press at times.
  • Immediate press training. Like any muscle, the abdominal muscles need to be exercised regularly. Moreover, it is the work on it that is one of the most tiring. That's why you can't do without motivation. It is a mistake to think only about how long it takes to pump up the press and wait for the result. You have to love the process itself - this will help you not to abandon training halfway.

How much to download the press?

In fact, there is no unequivocal answer to the question of how many days you can pump up the press, since it will depend on many factors. In fact, you need to do this until you get the desired result, and then you need to perform exercises to support it.

For a not very full person, in order for the press to become embossed, it will take approximately 3-4 months. This is if you only resort to training and adjust the diet. You can also speed up the results through massage, the use of additional supplements, and so on. In a couple of months, you can simply tighten your stomach, and in four months you can get stripes or even cubes.

In the case of overweight people, the situation becomes more complicated, but everything is possible if you have motivation and exercise regularly. It will take a couple of months more, but the most important thing is the result!

How often do you need to download the press?

We roughly understand how long it takes to pump up the press. You also need to know how often to download it. This is where expert opinion often differs. On the one hand, the press is the same muscle as all the others. Hence the opinion that it is enough to train it 3-4 times a week. Other people think that you need to download it every day.

Actually pump the press about three times a week quite enough. Muscles need to rest and need about 48 hours to recover effectively. Therefore, it is not recommended to download the press more often than once every two days. More frequent exercise does not make sense. In addition, it puts additional stress on the spine, which increases the risk of problems with it.

During the day, you should not download the press more than twice. Professional athletes often do abdominal exercises twice a day. Basically, they break one hard workout into two lighter ones. At the same time, performance does not change, but the muscles get a break - this improves the quality of the exercises and, accordingly, their effectiveness. For beginners, this method may not be suitable. If you are not trained, then once a day to pump the press will be enough.

Features of training the press depending on the goals

The answer to the question of how long it takes to pump up the press is directly determined by the goals. Press may be different. Girls usually just want to get a slender and flat tummy, a thin waist and not too noticeable relief. Men, on the other hand, are more likely to work directly on the cubes, which will be very voluminous and noticeable even under clothing. These goals are different, and the features of training for them, respectively, will also differ.

Those who want to get exactly the bulk of the press should do a few approaches, but perform the maximum number of approaches. It is advisable to use additional weights. Do repetitions slowly and measuredly, controlling each movement.

Those who work on a thin waist should perform many approaches - about 6-7. You need to work hard, perform the maximum number of repetitions. Unlike the previous case, here you need to perform the exercises quickly. Over time, you should feel a characteristic burning sensation in the press.

Abs training should consist of different exercises in its own way. The press is divided into upper, middle and lower. If you work on only one area, then it will become more pronounced, but the rest may not be noticeable at all. In view of this, draw up a training program so that it is aimed at the work of all abdominal muscles - this is how you get a full and harmonious result.

You can also find different opinions on how long an abs workout should last. Someone thinks that you need to do at least 30 minutes, someone - that even five minutes will be enough. The best option is considered to be a workout lasting about 15 minutes. The press is a small muscle, and you should not load it too much either. It is better to spend 15 minutes on effective active exercises than to load yourself for half an hour, periodically languishing from fatigue.

The press has one unpleasant feature - it quickly adapts to the load. Therefore, focus not on the number of repetitions, but on quality. The training program needs to be changed periodically, to make it more diverse. Correct exercise technique is important. Pain in the abdominal area is a sign that the load is enough. However, they do not mean that the muscles are growing. As well as the absence of pain does not mean that the muscles have recovered.

Building a press is not easy. This process will require both time and effort, and a number of restrictions. But if you have already set yourself such a goal, in no case do not give up halfway. By devoting a few months to this task, you will get results that will delight you and amaze those around you.

Powerful video workout for the press

To choose from, the three most common questions people ask about building muscle (not counting questions about how you can build certain parts of the body) are:

  1. How Much Muscle Can You Gain?
  2. How long does it take to get pumped up?
  3. How fast can you REALLY pump up?

More often than not, when asking questions like this, people get an answer along the lines of “Stop worrying about how long it will take or how fast it will happen…just shut up and go rock!” To a certain extent, I understand the meaning of such an answer, but more I understand why this is a completely wrong approach.

Firstly, knowing the TRUTH about the speed and maximum muscle mass that, for example, can be gained in a month, you will be able to understand when the creators of various training programs, supplement manufacturers and other fitness gurus lie to you, assuring you that you can build muscle much faster .

When you see that this is what 95% of supplement manufacturers, workout planners, and fitness experts promise every day, you're less likely to fall for false promises.

Just as importantly, by understanding the real speed and limits of muscle growth, you will have realistic expectations and will not set yourself impossible goals that will ultimately bring nothing but disappointment. Most of us (both men and women) expect to build MUCH more muscle in a MUCH shorter amount of time than our body is capable of.

men such misguided expectations make you rush from one stupid program to another, even more crazy, trying to find the one for "lightning muscle growth", which is impossible even with steroids.

As a result, without gaining 5 kilograms of muscle mass in a week, which in their opinion they simply should have gained, people begin to blame the diet or training program for this and feel ashamed to change what most likely should not have been touched (usually such changes only make it worse ... “My biceps aren’t growing fast enough, so I just need to do ten times as much exercise!”).

At women the situation is diametrically opposite. They also grossly exaggerate their expected muscle gain BUT do everything they can to avoid it because they don't want to "swing like a man". That is why the completely useless "Women's Muscle Toning Workouts" appear almost every hour.

It doesn’t matter if you are a man or a woman, you cannot achieve the desired result precisely because you don’t understand what the real rate of muscle growth is and how much muscle mass can be gained per month in the real world, and not in the world invented by the creators of fitness programs advertising. That is why it is high time to analyze everything that will be written next and start changing right now.

How Much Muscle Can You Gain… REALLY?

Year after year, thousands of smart people around the world do not stop discussing how quickly and how many kg you can actually gain. There have been several studies on this topic.

Based on all this, for the rest of your life you will approximately be able to gain the following amount of muscle mass (without resorting to medications):

  • Average for men: about 18-22 kilograms of muscle in a lifetime;
  • Average for women: about 9-12 kilograms of muscle in a lifetime.

Please note that in this case we are talking exclusively about muscles, and not about weight. Of course, you can gain a lot more weight than muscle.

Also keep in mind that these are averages. There are always exceptions to any rule that either cannot reach even the lower end of the average, or easily pass all the upper ones. This is influenced by a number of factors, so the indicators for each person will be different (we will talk about these factors a little later).

But for majority of people, big part of the time… it maximum amount muscle mass that can be gained over a lifetime.

How long does it take to pump up ... really?

So, we have determined the maximum possible increase in muscle mass. Next question: how long will it take?

Based on the performance of many of my clients and clients of my colleagues, the results of a number of studies and my experience, which is more than 10 years, I can say the following.

Based on all this, the rate at which you can add muscle mass is as follows:

  • Average for men: from 100 to 200 grams of muscle per week (this is about 0.5-1 kilogram per month);
  • Average for men: from 50 to 100 grams of muscle per week (this is about 200-500 grams per month).

Again, this is pure muscle mass, not weight. In addition to muscle, weight gain in a week can include (and most often does) fat, water, and glycogen. But here we are talking exclusively about the muscles.

And frankly, such a rate of muscle growth can be expected with ideal conditions. That is, the ideal ratio of training and nutrients in the diet, the ideal amount of sleep each day, the ideal rest and recovery time, the absence of stress, and much more. Simply put, the closer your lifestyle is to this ideal, the faster you gain muscle mass (until you hit the ceiling described above).

And again I repeat ... these are average figures. Someone pumps muscles faster (rarely), someone never reaches such a speed (the most common state of affairs). Exact the amount of muscle mass and the rate of its gain per week, month, year depends on a number of individual factors. Speaking of factors, let's figure out what affects muscle growth.

6 factors that affect the rate of muscle growth and their number

Everything you have read so far is true for most people because the results are averages. But there are 6 factors that vary greatly from person to person, and can significantly affect the situation as a whole.

  1. Steroids

It's no secret that the use of steroids and other drugs completely changes the amount of muscle mass and the speed of its set. If you see promises of crazy muscle growth (which is what almost every protein manufacturer promises) or people who have gone far beyond the indicators indicated above (most professional bodybuilders on the planet), don't be fooled, they don't know the secret workout, they just take steroids.

  1. Level of training

When you just came to the gym, then any competent training gives a quick result. That is why beginners build muscle mass quickly enough, often going beyond the average. However, the longer you train, the slower the process of gaining muscle mass becomes.

How big is the difference? Based on personal experience, I can say that in the first year of training, most manage to gain twice as much muscle as in the second. Then the speed and amount of muscle mass gained decreases by 50% every year.

  1. Muscle memory/muscle recovery

Did you know that re-building muscle mass after, for example, you have not trained for a long time, occurs much faster than the first time? This is not a marketing ploy. Muscle memory does exist and has a significant impact on training.

Unfortunately, just like steroids, this technique is often used to advertise various programs, promising beginners incredible muscle growth, backing it up with photographs that actually turn out to be a photo of a person who at some point lost a lot of muscle, and then simply restored their.

The most notable examples of such speculation are the Colorado Experiment conducted in the 1970s, and a more recent experiment by the now popular 4 Hour Body author Tim Ferriss, who gained public attention by publishing the results of how he typed " 15 kilos of muscle in just 4 weeks."

You can easily find information about these "wonderful" transformations. And if you choose to do so, please don't join the endless number of followers who, after reading such books, begin to believe that they can easily put on 4 kilos of muscle per week and in less than a month acquire the body of a Greek god.

  1. Genetics

It is difficult to think of a factor that would influence the volume and rate of muscle mass gain more than genetics. Hormone levels, muscle fiber length, bone structure and many other things play a huge role.

Unfortunately, we are not able to change our genes (although steroids and other drugs can increase hormone levels, so if you are not very lucky with your genes (thanks mom and dad), then you are unlikely to reach the top in bodybuilding. But you can still build muscle... it's just that the process will be slower and require more effort.

If you are the one who managed to win the jackpot in the genetic lottery, congratulations. Enjoy fast results. train to your heart's content and remember that every second person in and out of the gym curses all your organs.

  1. Age

Another factor that may shock you. At 16, thanks to raging hormones, you can gain much more muscle than at 50, when testosterone levels are steadily approaching zero.

In the case of muscle building (and probably any physiological changes), the younger you are, the better. The older you are, the slower and more difficult it will be for you to reach even the lower end of the average.

  1. Training program and diet

And finally, by compiling a training program and diet as much as possible in accordance with the characteristics of the body and the goals set, you can expect a much faster increase in muscle mass. Quite an obvious fact, but apparently this is not enough to prevent people from actively training, eating completely wrong, and then sobbing and frantically driving queries into all search engines about how many months you can gain muscle by eating I don’t understand what.


Now you know how much muscle mass you can gain, how long it takes to pump up and what factors have the maximum impact on this.

In most cases, you simply cannot physically gain as much muscle mass as the training gurus predict for you or how much you strive (hey guys!) or are afraid (hey girls!) to gain.

Now you can set adequate goals to achieve the desired results. Plus, you can now confidently ignore all the bold claims and pressures that the fitness industry puts out on a daily basis. Now, if someone lures you with programs or supplements that promise incredible muscle gains, remember this article and boldly walk past such advertising.

Most people who achieve incredible results in the shortest possible time are either genetically gifted, or use steroids, rebuilt muscles, or simply lie, trying to sell you another novelty.

(1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

How long can it take to pump up? At first glance, everything seems simple - diligent constant training, and in a month or two you are already the owner of a muscular camp. But this is only half the success, because for a successful result, an integrated approach is necessary.

Where to start classes? Is it possible to pump up at home? What are the other rules for getting a muscular body? Further, detailed answers for those who want to become more perfect.

There is no exact answer for how much you can get the desired muscles. Everything here is individual and, first of all, depends on many factors: physique, correct training, healthy nutrition, motivation, good sleep and the absence of bad habits. It doesn’t matter where you will work out in the gym or, the main thing is to reasonably combine all the circumstances.

Let's start with the physique. It is much more difficult for a thin person, without natural muscle mass and with a minimum amount of subcutaneous fat, to pump up than for the owner of a textured camp by nature. And if you are overweight, then it is imperative to lose it, because extra pounds are an obstacle to the effectiveness of classes.

Healthy eating and good sleep are also important factors for exercise. To gain muscle mass, foods containing protein are needed: fish, eggs, milk, cheeses, grains, vegetables and fruits. It is also imperative to drink enough water, because the lack of fluid in the body can negatively affect the functionality of the whole body and muscle growth.

Protein foods can be replaced with protein. It has both positive and negative aspects, and the choice is yours. With protein, you can quickly gain muscle mass, but no one has canceled intensive ones. It is just one of the points about the speed of inflating the camp and more, as a sports nutrition.

It is very important to calculate the correct dose of protein intake per body weight. This mistake is often made, hoping to see an achievement in a short time. Therefore, only you decide whether to fully eat products of natural origin or replace them with a chemical sports diet to accelerate the effect.

Time calculation

In order to try on the image of a highly professional bodybuilder, and get an answer to the question of how much you can pump up, you need to go through several stages:

  1. Preparing the body for a set of muscle mass. This period takes about 3 months. It is the most important for a spectacular outcome. During this period, the body adapts to physical activity and the technique of exercises is developed. But depending on the physique of the athlete, the training period can last up to six months.
  2. Muscle growth or. This period lasts from 2 to 5 years. After the first stage, it seems that the period is very long, but for the desired result, this is the most important time. If you approach everything professionally and comprehensively, with a healthy diet, proper sleep, constant proper training, the athlete can really significantly increase muscle mass during this period, without the use of pharmacology.
  3. muscle hyperplasia. At this stage of training, it is necessary to do the so-called distribution of muscle fibers in order to see a positive trend in their growth in the future. A specially selected program effectively affects the further result.
  4. The final period or professional adaptation of the organism. Not everyone falls into this period, only professional athletes and bodybuilders. Muscular mass increases while it is being trained, gradually increasing the load. The first three stages form not only the shape of the physique, but also harden the psyche, nervous, cardiovascular, circulatory systems of the body. But there comes a point when physical training no longer affects the muscles. This is either genetic or due to the fact that the developed system of loads no longer works. This period is not determined by time, because everything depends on the desired result.

Based on the results of the four stages, it approximately turns out that from 2 to 6 months is needed for preparation, from 2 to 4 years for gaining muscle mass, from 1 year for their distribution, and then everything is individual, and depends on the type of activity of the athlete.

For those who swing in the gym a little easier. There are special simulators and devices, and the instructor will prompt and give the right advice, and also advise on sports nutrition. But what if there is no opportunity to visit the gym, but there is a great desire to have an ideal camp and great potential? Is it possible to achieve such results on the horizontal bar and uneven bars?

With constant training, the correct execution of them, and the desire, you can pump up the perfect body at home. There are athletes who achieve much more at home on the horizontal bars than in the gym. The main thing is to remember about a reasonable and integrated approach to business, as well as to complete all four stages. But, in order to pump up on horizontal bars or uneven bars, you need to independently draw up a lesson plan for yourself:

  • exercises on a specific part of the body:, back, press
  • number of exercises and approaches. For a beginner, for example, you need to do one exercise for each part of the body, for an experienced athlete - 2-3, and for a professional bodybuilder - 4 sets.
  • the duration of classes and the time of rest between them
  • determine the training time. Better when it will be either early morning or evening
  • systematic training

This plan will help you achieve maximum efficiency. It is also important to combine physical activity with a good diet of protein foods and healthy sleep. Home workouts can also be combined with a protein diet. The ideal camp will turn out with classes at home, only this period will take as much time as in the gym.


Now you know how long it takes to pump up. Those who wanted to radically change their physique in a couple of months, having received this information, will be a little upset. The reality is a little different from commercials about protein, and the next presentation of a new fitness club. But everything is real, even regardless of financial capabilities, the main thing is a huge desire and willpower. Even on simple horizontal bars and bars, you can achieve decent results.

In a couple of years you will not recognize yourself - the right diet, healthy sleep, regular exercise - will definitely benefit you. Physical training not only pumps muscles and improves appearance, but also tempers the spirit and builds character.

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Hello dear friends! Today's topic is more suitable for beginners, because. a person who enrolls in a gym roughly estimates how much time he will spend to achieve his result. Most, of course, mistakenly believe that they will be able to do this in a month, well, let them try.

The Internet has become full of all sorts of motivational videos, posts, for me this is complete nonsense, a person either wants to or not, and no “motivations” will help, everything is in your mind. Are you ready to follow the regime for years, are you ready to plow? You need to ask yourself this question.

Once, while working in the hall, a man of about 40 approached me and said, if only there was a magic pill to eat like Arnold in the morning. I say you don’t even need such a pill for nothing, because it’s difficult and the whole buzz is there, and if everyone were healthy, then the athletes would not stand out. Go, I say dry, we will get more girls. This is the best motivation to show a person that he could have more or prove that he is no worse than others, it gnaws at his soul, and he pulls himself together.

In general, the question of how much you can get pumped up for is a philosophical question that is difficult to answer. After all, you do not know what a person is capable of for the sake of his goal and what to pump into his understanding. For some, a hand of 40 cm is a chapel of dreams, but for some, even 50 cm is not enough, everyone has their own concepts of inflated. Well, this is all the lyrics, and now let's take a closer look at the timing.

To begin with, I will give one sacred thought. Always set yourself big plans and intermediate ones, so in any business. If you now weigh 60 kg, and decided to gain up to 90 kg, and in a few months, of course, you will not be able to achieve this result, you will be upset and, most likely, will give up your idea. But if you set mini goals of 65, 70.75, etc. then you would rejoice at every peak and it would motivate you more and more.

Let's take an average guy of average height and weight, with an average salary, so that he has enough for a full diet, without sports nutrition and with good motivation.

Stage 1

The first few months he will need for the preparatory period. At this time, he will need to learn the correct technique for performing exercises, train the “brain-muscle” connection for greater muscle efficiency, and allow the body to adapt a little to an unfamiliar load.

Everyone probably noticed that, just when you came to the gym, for example, you press 40 kg, and after a month it’s already 50-60, and the muscles no longer became. So you just develop your body, teach your muscles to contract as much as possible. During this period of 2-3 months, there is no need to chase the scales, there will be no sense, it is necessary to smoothly approach future work.

If you now drive the wrong technique into yourself, then it will be difficult to relearn. Perhaps the first couple of months there will be some changes, but this is more likely due to the fact that there are more energy reserves and blood in the muscles. But this is not the growth of muscle fibers. After a few months, you also most likely noticed that the progress in the growth of strength has stalled, and this is no accident that your muscles have not become larger, you have simply taught them to work more productively.

Stage 2

Then the next stage begins - the growth of muscles (myofibrils) in thickness. I already wrote about the number of repetitions for slow and fast muscle fibers, about the number of approaches and rest between them, you can read. If the body is prepared correctly in the first months, then muscle growth will occur at this stage.

I read in various sources that the muscles maximally hypertrophy in thickness in 2 years, a person is approximately capable of gaining 15-20 kg during this period. Personally, I did. Further, growth is already difficult, and here it is necessary to approach training wisely.

Stage 3

The next stage of hyperplasia is the division of new cells. If hypertrophy is an increase in existing cells in size, then hyperplasia is the formation of new cells. Science has not yet proven this in humans, but it has already been tested in animals.

The essence of the training changes from strength to high volume. You have probably heard the word “pumping”, when the muscles are filled with blood to the maximum and a burning sensation appears.

By the way, two friends who came to the gym at the same time, doing the same program and eating the same, will grow differently. It's simple, one initially has more muscle fibers than the other. One, for example, increased 10 fibers by 2 times, and the other 20, this is the whole difference, genetics, whatever one may say, decides. The stage of hyperplasia or volumetric training can also be extended for 1-2 years.

Stage 4

The last and eternal stage is the adjustment of all body systems. It is necessary to train not only strength, but also ligaments, the cardiovascular system, develop the circulatory network, energy, etc. Usually few people follow this. How many times have I given advice to people, I say, you already have your weight, how many years you press and you don’t progress anymore, maybe you will change the program? No, they don’t want to be afraid, but what if it becomes even worse, suddenly it becomes weaker, and much worse than marking time and wasting time. It is necessary to analyze everything and only approaching wisely, you can achieve the desired result.

I will say right away that we are talking about training without pharmacology and there is no need to look at competing athletes, the sport of great achievements is not possible without doping.

To summarize, you can pump up in 4 years, if you do everything correctly and in stages. Then you will definitely gain your cherished 20-25 kg. Many are unlikely to reach such a result because of laziness to constantly learn. For those who do not want to stagnate for years and who do not have time to read dozens of books, you can contact a personal trainer or write to me, I will help.

Personally, I have been training for 6 years, and all this time I read and study regularly. As the saying goes, live and learn. Only in our sport, for some reason, they doubt the need for a coach, I have never seen someone come to boxing and say, I don’t need a coach, I’ll knock everyone out in a couple of months, it doesn’t occur to anyone say. It is the same in bodybuilding, it is a very complex process that requires knowledge in the field of physiology, anatomy, biochemistry, and for some, pharmacology. An athlete is not a loader who has the concept of “take more - throw more”, you need to think here.

Now you know how much can you pump up and I hope you do not drive horses, but act wisely, this will save your time.

Friends, hello everyone. In this issue, we will talk about the most frequently asked question, both for beginners and more advanced athletes - how long can you pump up? This is the question that worries many. I receive a lot of letters in the mailbox, which are somehow related to this topic. Just yesterday, I received a letter and made the final decision to write an article on this topic.

Most athletes, and even coaches, don't plan muscle growth phases at all. No one knows anything about this, or simply does not want to bathe. Because my task is to tell you about how to learn how to plan muscle growth, and of course answer how much you can pump up.

Most often, such questions are asked by beginners, i.e. those who have just come to the gym and are just starting their journey. He wants everything at once. And knowing what we know now, it's honestly just ridiculous. For this question, it is impossible to give an answer without knowing from and to the ward!

I explain that all people are different, we are all different from each other, the desire to train (motivation), the level of knowledge, finances, etc. Want a simple example for this line? One geneticist has a mesomorph, another has an ectomorph - i.e. the first is much easier to gain weight, because. his physique is prone to this, and the second ectomorph (among the people is skinny) with great difficulty is gaining spruce. Someone has a crazy desire to train, he is full of motivation all for the sake of achieving the goal, while someone has less or none at all. Someone has the level of necessary knowledge (has a head on his shoulders), he does it right in the gym, but someone doesn’t, i.e. he, roughly speaking, jerks off from year to year in the gym with the wrong workouts. Someone has money for and, but someone does not. In general, a bunch of factors that affect muscle growth, and I hope I have clearly explained why it is so difficult to answer our question.

Okay, that's good, let's get down to business (now I will give you an approximate, and for someone, an exact time guide - how much you can pump up). In order to compose the following, I have repeatedly looked at the statistics in order to select the right type of person for an example.

A guy weighing 70 kg, 178 cm tall, with average capabilities (i.e. there is motivation to exercise, there is money for ordinary food: fish, meat, eggs, cottage cheese, etc.) but no money for sports nutrition . Some read and marvel, that's me. Well, friends, how can such a person plan his muscle growth, how much will he be able to pump up?

Your progress should be built in the four stages of bodybuilding:

  • Stage 1. Prepare the body for hypertrophy (muscle growth) - it will take from 2-3 months.
  • Stage 2. The process of muscle hypertrophy (i.e. muscle growth itself) - takes from 2+ years, for someone 3,4,5 ...
  • Stage 3. The process of muscle hyperplasia - takes from 1-2 years.
  • Stage 4. Systemic adaptation of the body

Let's start in order, I will tell you everything in order about these stages.

Stage 1. Prepare the body for hypertrophy(i.e. prepare the body for future muscle growth), takes 2-3 months the shortest period of time, it is also the most necessary.

Our body, roughly speaking, is smart-assed. A beginner who first came to the gym, worked out with weights caused a huge stress for the body as a whole. And if such stress is repeated regularly, then our body simply simply rebuilds all the transport systems of our body in such a way as to spend less energy (suffer less from such stress), in short, our body is not high (it is blocked).

The first thing that changes our body is energy supply. Those. when we train, we spend a lot of energy, this is not beneficial for the body, it begins to store and release more glycogen and ATP in the muscles.

In addition to the above, our muscles learn to work more economically, well, to spend less energy than before in training. This happens due to the more coordinated work of our muscle fibers under the influence of the central nervous system, i.e. the more muscle fibers work together (as a group, friendly), the less energy the body needs to perform the exercise.

But in practice, everything happens in the form of an increase in human strength. Those. here our teenager, without knowledge, did not plan the stages of muscle growth, he came and began to train like all ordinary people. At the first workout, the bench press did 60 kg, the next kneading easily presses 75-80 kg. Or he pulled 60 kg there, for a trace of 90 masses. It's not because his muscles have become larger in size, it's because our smart-ass body has learned to work more efficiently than before. Yes, of course, a person can add a couple of kilograms of muscle mass, his appearance has changed for the better, a person thinks: well, everything is ok, I'm moving in the right direction. However, it is not. You are making a big mistake , in just a couple of months, the growth of your strength and muscle mass will slow down. And all because he didn't exist! In fact, there was an increase in the efficiency of muscle work and an increase in the transport muscle systems. But the MUSCLE GROWTH ITSELF - occurs during the second stage.

Stage 2. The process of muscle hypertrophy (i.e. muscle growth itself) - begins 2-3 months after the start of bodybuilding training in the gym. Normally, this stage should come after the first stage, after you have prepared all the body systems for strength work. Remember, if you skipped the first stage, the second one will not start properly.

This stage (muscle growth) does not take much time, I gave you a rough guideline, but it is not. Most, when they saw that muscle growth would take 2-5 years, closed the page with an Oh why look.

In fact, the muscle cell inflates to its maximum size in 2 years! Therefore, for that It only takes 2 YEARS to realize your maximum muscle growth potential.

On the example of our guy, weighing 70 kg these two steps will look like this: the first 2-3 months will increase its weight from 70 kg to 72-74 kg. For the second stage (over the next 2 years), he will actually add in the growth of muscle fibers (muscles), in the form of 10-15 kg in the first year and about 5-10 in the second year. I guarantee that if a person exercises, eats, rests properly, in general, does everything right, he will easily increase his weight from 70 to 90 kg, without the use of pharmacology.

That, in general, and that’s all, I hope I answered your question - how much can you pump up. Those if our guy does everything according to science, then for two years he can, roughly speaking, pump up.

Another question is how to continue muscle growth, how to grow further for our guy?) He has been training for 2 years, in fact, you can still train for a year or two, depending on the visible result. But when our guy sees that there really is no progress, it means only one thing, his fibers have increased to the maximum and are no longer growing, so what should he do, how to live then.

The third stage of our today's release will come to the rescue - the stage of muscle hyperplasia.

Stage 3. The process of muscle hyperplasia. Its essence lies in the fact that due to the new specially selected high-volume training with light weights, you need to separate the muscle fibers. Those. those fibers that are formed will be able to grow and therefore we will grow.

In practice, it looks like this: our boy, already weighing 90 kg (after the 2nd stage of muscle growth), switches to high-volume training and grows due to the formation of new muscle cells. In the first 1-2 years, he will gain 5-10 kg of muscle mass. Those. again, if everything is according to science, then our boy is already a 100 kg athlete.

Okay, let's say we have been training for 4 years already (we have passed the 1st stage, the 2nd stage lasting 2-3 years, and we have passed the 3rd stage, well, let's say the duration is 1 year) our weight is already 100 kg, we are no longer dry . But even here progress has stopped, everyone does not grow muscles, what to do next?

Stage 4 - systemic adaptation of the body. The essence of this stage is that you develop all those functions and systems of our body that limit the growth of our muscles. Those. you train the energy, nervous, cardiac, circulatory systems of the body and other body systems, and all in order to make them stronger, more powerful, and this, in turn, will make your muscles even bigger. Almost no one reaches this stage, only professionals reach, only successful experienced people who are ready to make sacrifices for the sake of their future potential growth. The duration of this stage is also uncertain. Those. whoever reaches it will be able to decide how and when to stop.

Well, friends. A very useful lesson for you to learn. I encourage you to do so. If you really want to build big muscles, you need to do everything according to science (with your head). You will need to go through each of the stages: 2-4 months to prepare for future growth, 2-4 years to realize hypertrophy (muscle growth) and 1 year to muscle hyperplasia, then you will reach your genetic ceiling, and you will have to pay attention to the fourth stage.

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Sincerely, administrator.

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