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How to gain muscle mass mesomorph. Mesomorph nutrition training program. Standard split training program for mesomorph

At first glance, choosing a training program for a mesomorph is not so difficult. These lucky guys with broad shoulders and muscles that grow without problems seem to be created to impress those around them with an athletic figure! But everything is not so smooth. Mesomorphs also have their own training pitfalls, having flown into which, you can seriously go astray and get stuck somewhere in the initial stages of bodybuilding. Let's try to determine in advance the traps placed on the way and chart the right course - straight to the athletic pumped-up body.

Arnold Schwarzenegger is the clearest example of what a mesomorph is capable of.

Three body types

Despite the calls of fitness and bodybuilding stars to build their own body, each of us is naturally endowed with a certain set of physiological traits that cannot be changed with all diligence. It is they who determine whether a person belongs to one of the groups according to body type: ectomorphs, mesomorphs and endomorphs.

Tall and slender ectomorphs (asthenics)- These are people of "aristocratic" physique. They have thin wrists and ankles, light bones, long limbs, a slender waist, and minimal body fat under the skin. The ectomorph has a hard time gaining excess weight, but it is even harder for him to try to build decent muscles.

Asthenic can neglect cardio loads for a long time, but he cannot do without strength training.

An ectomorph is able to bring himself into an enviable shape, there would be a desire

Endomorph (hypersthenic) is the other extreme. He has short arms and legs, wide hips and a corpulent body, ready to grow into rollers and folds, as soon as the owner gives himself some slack. However, muscles in endomorphs also appear relatively easily - the main thing is to make sure that they do not drown under a layer of fat.

Hypersthenic like air needs cardio training to burn extra calories, and only then - strength, for mass growth.

Strength sports are great for endomorphs

If nature has favorites, it is without a doubt broad-shouldered and broad-chested mesomorphs (normostenics). Proportionately built, with a large bone and a strong skeleton, but at the same time having a slender waist, mesomorphs received an excellent metabolism in addition, which allows them to lose excess fat and build muscle in the shortest possible time.

The main thing for a mesomorph is a training program for relief, since it is with him that people of this type have problems due to increased muscle density. In general, 2-3 visits to the gym per week are enough for a normosthenic, so that the muscles give a gradual but steady increase.

Mesomorphs have the easiest time

How to increase the mass of a normosthenic?

  • Training for the mesomorph should equally combine strength and cardio loads. Last but not least, a treadmill is perfect.
  • In addition, representatives of this breed should bet on exercises that increase endurance, which normosthenics often lack. And for isolating exercises, which allow you to work out one or another muscle group in a targeted manner - this will make it possible to create the desired relief.
  • Try to avoid monotony. A mesomorph who stubbornly performs the same movements runs the risk of quickly reaching a good physical shape, losing the ability to progress and getting stuck in it for a long time.
  • Actively use three-day splits, which offer to break the overall training program into parts - in this case three - and each allocate a separate day of the week.
  • Do supersessions or supersets 1-2 times a month. Your task will be to do two sets in a row without interruption on muscles located nearby, but performing different functions (for example, biceps and triceps, pectoral muscles and back muscles, hips and quadriceps). This will increase the intensity of training, burn more adipose tissue and increase endurance.

By changing the load, you will reach the goal faster

  • In the training program for mass for the mesomorph, “pyramids” should be included from time to time. Their meaning is to gradually increase the weight of the projectile with each approach and reduce the number of repetitions with it. Or vice versa - increase the number of repetitions with weight loss.
  • More about weight: don't go for the max, you should be able to do 8-12 reps with the barbell and not overstrain.
  • Do 3-6 sets for each exercise with 1.5-2 minute breaks between sets.

Possible risks

Mesomorphs face three main dangers.


Dense muscles and less flexibility compared to other types often cause all kinds of damage in normosthenics. To avoid problems, move forward without jerking: gradually increase the weight of the projectile, the number of repetitions, the frequency of visiting the gym.

Mesomorph should be careful with loads

Overtraining or underrecovery.

This is one of the most common mistakes when building workouts for a mesomorph male who wants to see impressive muscles in the mirror as soon as possible. The rapid muscle growth characteristic of normosthenics makes many novice athletes lose their heads and ignore the signals of a body that is at the limit of its capabilities. Hence the "burnout", stop progress and the appearance of various ailments. Don't forget to give your body time to recover, get at least 8 hours of sleep a night, and slow down when you show signs of fatigue.


The other side of the coin: when he sees that mass growth is easier for him than for his fellow ecto- and endomorphs, the mesomorph begins to be lazy, skip classes and stop chasing results, so he quickly loses shape.

Video: Training Program

Pros and minutes of the mesomorph physique and the option of building a training program from the leading channel "Egor Van Damme Cherkasov":

Diet Features

Mesomorph training and nutrition are closely related.

  • If you want to get a stable increase in muscle volume, you need to increase the calorie content of the diet - of course, at the expense of healthy foods. On average, it is enough for a normosthenic to add 500 Kcal to his usual daily intake.
  • Carbohydrates should be about 45% of the total food, and proteins - 30-35%. By the way, the combination of products in such a proportion allows the normosthenic to close the window after training with maximum benefit.
  • Get the remaining 20-25% of your nutrients from healthy fats: high-quality vegetable oil, fish, nuts.

The general rule for all athletes who want to build muscle - eat small portions 4-5 times a day - applies to mesomorphs.

Video: Sports nutrition for the mesomorph

Practical advice on diet planning from Denis Semenikhin and the Sports, Fitness, Weight Loss! channel:

Mesomorph is one of the three most common human body types. The main characteristic of mesomorphs is a sincere love for physical activity and an athletic physique from nature. It is believed that only 10-15% of all people are mesomorphs, but most professional athletes and fitness models have just such a somatotype.

Often, mesomorphs have an increased level of testosterone and a fairly fast metabolism against the background of a good appetite - this allows them to easily gain. However, the main problem with the athletic type of metabolism is that mesomorphs often take it for granted, and often lose shape with age.

Athletic mesomorph physique

It should be noted separately that in its pure form, body types are quite rare - real people are always a mixture of different somatotypes. A sports mesomorph who does not receive enough calories may mistakenly classify himself as, and overfed with sweets and.

It is also important that an athletic physique does not manifest itself - in order to reveal its mesomorphic component, an athlete will need months (or even years) of hard physical training and the right diet. If you have doubts about your somatotype, take a closer look at your parents, since body type is most often inherited (1) .

Mesomorph: key characteristics

What foods should you eat to build muscle and keep testosterone levels high? .

Mesomorph training program

Due to the peculiarities of metabolism and for a sports mesomorph, any physical training will be effective. Representatives of this somatotype usually have no problems either with gaining muscle mass, or with working out the relief or creating the perfect press. The main rule of mesomorph training is constant variability.

Since male mesomorphs are characterized by increased levels of testosterone, their behavior is characterized by a thirst for adrenaline and an increased tendency to the spirit of the competition - which is why the mesomorph will seem much more interesting than the usual one performed in the gym in splendid isolation.

Mesomorph training strategy

It must be remembered that the mesomorph is more of a sprinter than a marathon runner. An athletic body type is best suited for high-intensity, short workouts with glycogen () as the main fuel, rather than long-term, medium-low paced workouts that force the body to use fat stores.

Another feature of choosing the right physical training strategy for the mesomorph is the extremely fast muscle adaptation to stress, reaching a plateau and stopping in progress. That is why they are advised to regularly change and vary not only the strength exercises themselves, but also the training program itself or even the type of sports activity.


Mesomorph is a classic athletic body type that has the best genetic prerequisites for a rapid set of muscle mass without a significant increase in body fat. The most effective training for mesomorphs is "explosive" high-intensity short loads, competitive sports, as well as any outdoor activity.

Scientific sources:

  1. Multilevel modeling of somatotype components: the Portuguese sibling study on growth, fitness, lifestyle and health,
  2. Somatotype and stress hormone levels in young soccer players,

Mesomorph training program Designed for experienced athletes with at least 1 year of regular training experience. It can be used for both gaining muscle mass and losing weight. The achievement of a particular goal occurs mainly due to the adjustment of the bodybuilder's diet, and not. More about that, or described in the relevant articles of the "" section.

Genetically gifted mesomorphs are ideally predisposed to power sports. The mesomorphic body type is especially well combined with bodybuilding training. They naturally have an athletic body that responds well to strength training. It is also able not only to quickly build muscle mass and strength, but also to effectively burn excess body fat.

Training for the mesomorph often leads to a set of impressive muscle mass with a relatively low percentage of body fat. Due to the good metabolic response of the body to stress and adaptation to it, which is expressed in the rapid growth of strength and muscle mass, many believe the following. Representatives of the mesomorph body type will suit any training program and do not need any special training program for the mesomorph. Partly it is. But, nevertheless, there are some features of mesomorph training. And these features most effectively contribute to the rapid achievement of goals.

Features of mesomorph training

Before proceeding to review mesomorph training programs, let's look at the key features of normosthenic training. As I mentioned above, this body type responds well to strength training. They also progress relatively quickly in terms of increasing strength and muscle mass. Because of this, mesomorph workouts can and should be more voluminous than ectomorph workouts.

How is this expressed in practice? Unlike, which should consist exclusively of basic exercises, the mesomorph training program also includes isolating exercises for aiming to work out target muscle groups.

Best of all, mesomorphs progress by performing 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions in an exercise. The optimal number of exercises per workout is 6-7. Rest between sets is approximately 2 minutes. The duration of the workout is 60-90 minutes, including warm-up and cool-down.

This increased volume of training for the mesomorph contributes to faster and more pronounced progress. However, it will take longer for the body to recover after a workout. Therefore, a training program 3 times a week () with an interval between workouts of one day (and two days on weekends) is the ideal solution for mesomorphs.



  1. Pull-ups with a weight of 3-4x8-12
  2. Deadlift (in a week) 3-4x8-12
  3. Barbell / dumbbell row to the belt in an inclination with a reverse grip 3x8-12
  4. Barbell/dumbbell press standing up 3x8-12
  5. Barbell / dumbbell row to the chin 3x8-12
  6. Mahi dumbbells to the sides 3x8-12


  1. Bench press 3-4x8-12
  2. Incline Dumbbell Press 3x8-12
  3. Breeding hands with dumbbells on an inclined bench 3x8-12
  4. Lifting the bar for biceps 3x8-12
  5. Hammer exercise for biceps 3x8-12
  6. Close Grip Bench Press 3x8-12
  7. Standing French press 3x8-12

FRIDAY (QUADRICEPS + hamstrings + calves + abs)

  1. Barbell Squat 4x8-12
  2. Deadlift with barbell-dumbbells 3x8-12
  3. Leg press in the simulator 3x8-12
  4. Rises on socks standing 3x12-20
  5. Rises on socks sitting 3x12-20
  6. Hanging Leg Raise/Crunches 3-4 to failure.

The owner of the mesomorphic body type can be called lucky. The somatotype is between the extreme types - and, and is the golden mean of their qualities and characteristics. A mesomorph can easily, but under certain conditions it is just as easy to fat, but it loses it easier.

To reduce subcutaneous fat during endurance work (when losing weight and), you can consume amino acids, and avoid simple carbohydrates and fats in supplements.

Mesomorph training

  • Since mesomorphs easily gain muscle mass, training can be performed in muscle growth mode. 8 to 12 repetitions.
  • If the goal of training is relief, reduction of fat mass, then you can work in endurance mode. more than 12 repetitions.

In both cases, the mesomorph will not need much effort and time to achieve a good result.

Mesomorph program for a week

Day 1 (legs, shoulders)

Day 2 (back, chest)

Day 3 (biceps, triceps)

  1. Extension of the arms from the lower block due to the head.

Mesomorph women are naturally more fortunate than women with other body types. It is much easier for them to gain muscle mass, the results are not long in coming. However, despite such giftedness, mesomorphs still need to monitor their diet and choose the right training program. We have already covered workouts for female ectomorphs and for female endomorphs. Today we’ll talk about the features of training and nutrition for women with a mesomorphic body type.

Mesomorph is the most common body type. Characteristic features: average height, average width of the shoulders and pelvis, the width of the back, waist and chest are optimally correlated, the limbs are of small length. This allows people with this body type to perform complex exercises and quickly build muscle mass. That is why most female bodybuilders are mesomorphs.

In addition, such people have a balanced synthesis of proteins and the breakdown of energy substrates. Which is also a positive characteristic for sports. An optimal balance is also observed between the severity of the muscles and the thickness of the subcutaneous fat. A typical representative of the mesomorph is Hercules: he has powerful shoulders, chest, well-defined muscles of the arms and hips.

Nutritional features of mesomorph women:

  • Control the calorie content of foods. It is necessary to calculate the daily rate of calorie intake and not go beyond it;
  • Consume as little animal fats as possible, vegetable fats should be no more than 20%;
  • 45% of the total diet should be carbohydrates;
  • Include protein-rich foods in your diet. They must be at least 35%. It can be skinless poultry meat, eggs, fish;
  • Enjoy your meal by chewing your food thoroughly;
  • Do not overeat and do not forget about extra portions and late dinner;
  • To avoid feeling hungry, eat often, but in small portions;
  • Eliminate alcohol from the diet;
  • Spend as much time as possible outdoors, play outdoor games, go swimming;
  • For 1 kg of weight should be 2.5 grams of protein per day;
  • Try to diversify your menu.

Features of training women of the mesomorphic body type.

To speed up the metabolism, it is necessary to carry out frequent aerobic training. In a week, you need to devote 3-4 days to such training. Duration - 15-20 minutes. It is best to take in the morning to speed up the metabolism.

First of all, you need to work on large muscle groups. To do this, you need to choose 4-6 exercises for each muscle group and work them out effectively.

When you first start exercising, then during one workout, do exercises for all muscle groups. Separate workouts begin to be carried out 1-2 months after the start of classes. Alternate between intense workouts (3-4 weeks) and light workouts (1-2 weeks).

The duration of training for a mesomorph woman is no more than 2 hours. The number of approaches per muscle group is 8-10. You should change exercises every week, thanks to this your body will not get used to the same loads, which will make training effective. To make your workout more intense, do different exercises for each muscle group each time. Alternate different methods: trisets, supersets, etc.

There should be at least 48 hours between workouts for the body to rest and recover. Metabolism in women of the mesomorphic type is slow, so 6-7 hours of sleep is enough.

Training programs for mesomorph women.

An exercise Approaches repetitions

Kneeling floor push-ups

1 12
Squat with ball between legs 1 12
Reduction of legs on the simulator 1 12
Breeding legs on the simulator 1 12
Standing up on toes 1 12
1 12
1 12
Lifting dumbbells to the sides 1 10
1 12
Contraction of the transverse abdominal muscles standing on hands and knees 1 10
1 Max.
Two-stage twisting 1 Max.

Exercises for mesomorph women to lose weight.

An exercise Approaches repetitions

Bench press on the simulator lying

2 15
Wide-legged barbell squat 2 15
Reverse lunge with a barbell 2 15
Reduction of legs on the simulator 2 15
Lying leg curl 2 15
Pulldown block with a wide grip 2 15
Press on the simulator while sitting 2 12
Extension of arms on the upper block 2 12
Program for stabilizing abdominal muscles 2 Max.

Exercises for mesomorph women to improve posture and flexibility.

An exercise Approaches repetitions

Emphasis lying on the ball BOSU

2 20 s
Advanced program for stabilizing abdominal muscles 2 Max.
Stabilization of the shoulder blades on an incline bench 2 12-15
Pulling the block down with straight arms 2 12-15
Block pull to the chest 2 12-15
Kneeling floor push-ups 2 12-15
Side lunges 2 12-15
Straightening the legs with the ball lying down 2 1 2-15
"Swallow" - with a ball 2 1 2-15
Bridge on the shoulders with arms raised 2 1 2-15
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