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Russian bast. Rules of the game. Rules for playing rounders Rostov rounders short rules for children

There is no place for lazy people here! To play lapta, you must have resourcefulness, a good eye, fast running, attentiveness, and a solid blow. Agree, not every game makes the body so harmonious. The rules of the lapta are somewhat reminiscent of modern American baseball.

For quite a few years there have been discussions about who actually is the ancestor of baseball. Some suggest that Russia with its lapta, someone claims that the lapta has roots in England. The Americans, on the other hand, confidently declare that baseball is their national know-how, invented exclusively by them and cannot have analogues. However, they have a similar position on many issues, for example, such a name as a banal version of rugby, but for them it is a symbol of the nation. But let's get back to our lapta and find out all the most interesting details about it.

Game history

Now no one can say with complete certainty when the lapta was born. In a word, it is ancient. Some historians even claim that it was known to mankind as early as the 10th century BC. And the Armenian scientist Taryan expresses a completely fantastic version - even Jesus played bast shoes in childhood. One way or another, religious figures are known for their love of this activity. The archbishops indulged in ball games in their spare time. The scholar Durand says that during Easter and Christmas, the bishops, together with the clergy, closed themselves in monasteries and houses, playing bast shoes and singing musical parts. But in Veliky Novgorod, very real felt balls and wooden bats were found, which almost completely prove that the lapta existed here as early as the 14th century. According to the most conservative estimates, it is at least 700 years old! Other nationalities also had games like bast shoes. For example, among the Finns, a game called “pesa pallo” was popular, among the British, the similarity of a lapta is still called “cricket”, and among the Americans, the world-famous “baseball”.

History of bast shoes in Russia

The classic Russian bast shoes were especially fond of the Slavs. Although the rules of the game are quite complicated, this did not prevent this type of leisure from spreading across central and eastern Europe. She had completely different names: “cotton”, “bug”, “ball game”, “cue ball”. The fact remains: the lapta was the invariable guest for every holiday in Russia. As a means of training fighters (Preobrazhensky, Semenovsky, Shevardinsky regiments), specialized bast shoes began to be used during the reign of Peter. In pre-revolutionary Russia, it was well practiced by teachers of various levels for the education of children, adolescents, and young children.

Modern history of bast shoes in Russia

In 1957, during the Spartakiad, the lapta was officially presented to the whole world for the first time. But still then she could not become a popular sport. This changed in 1987 with a government push to develop softball, baseball, and rounders. The first state championship was held in 1990 in Rostov-on-Don. She was involved in the sports classification of Russian sports in 1994. Exactly one year later, a complete set of final rules on how to play rounders was drawn up. Competitions are now held every year. The Federation of Russian Lapta has been participating in the sports life of the society since the beginning of 1997.

Game Description

Lapta is using a special ball and bats. The first side players serve the ball as far as possible. While he is flying, they must run through the entire area (and it is rather small in size) and return with him back. The task of the team of the second side is to intercept the flying ball and prevent the opponents from catching it.

In order to play Russian rounders, you will need to assemble two teams. The number of players does not matter, but you should not go to extremes (optimally 8 people on each side). The main task is to hit the ball, which is served by a representative of the opposing team, as far as possible. The game of lapta involves constant simultaneous runs back and forth. The opposing team must "bump" the ball. If your run is successful (that is, the ball is beaten off and thrown far away), then points are awarded. The game of lapta takes place in a strictly agreed period of time. The team with the most points at the end of the match wins.

Russian bast. Rules of the game

The site can be either closed (in the premises of the sports palace) or open (on the open-air field). A prerequisite is that it should have a flat and rectangular shape. Two lines are drawn on the playing field, between which there are approximately 50 meters. The width of the field can vary from 25 to 40 meters. The first side is called the horse, and the second - the city.

The players enter the court. They have already split into two identical teams. With the help of lots, it is determined which of them will take a place in the position of the city, and which of them will drive. The city team attacks first. The first server beats a special ball with a bat (bast shoes) as far and as far as possible. At this time, the player must run after the direction of his movement. It is clear that he must hit in the direction of the horse. The driving team catches the same ball. If she gets it, she will try to tarnish ("tip") the running opponent player. The ball can be thrown to each other. Thus, a more comfortable position is acquired for throwing at an opponent. When this procedure is completed, the turn passes to the opponents.

If the kicker fails to hit the ball, and the opponents catch him, the player should not run, because the opponents can catch him very quickly and knock him down. The best solution in this case is to stay behind the line, in the "suburb" security zone.

Players who are in the suburbs or outside the game must simply wait for release. Only one person can do this - the server. If he manages to make a good pass (to hit the ball and throw it far), he manages to rescue a team player during his run.


Sometimes there are very difficult situations in the game of rounders. The rules of the game are still capable of resolving them. For example, if there is only one player in the asset, the team did not play very well, and everyone except the pitcher is behind the horse or in the suburbs. What can be done in such a case? The rules of Russian bast shoes say that here the move is given to a player who has never hit the ball yet. He can take three hits. But if he still misses several times, then the team gives way to others.

If the ball flies over the sideline, then it does not count. And the server himself has no right to enter the city line. The player, if he cannot hit the ball with his bast shoes, is allowed to throw it with one hand. A win will be counted when all participants hit the ball at least once, but it never crossed the line. The party is over. Players can now switch courts.

An interesting occupation is a lapta. The rules of the game state that any change in the composition of the teams must be notified to the secretary. The issue of a controversial ball is decided only by the referee. Players must thoroughly study the rules for substitution and placement on the playing field.

Penalties and violations

It also has a lapta foul system. The rules of the game warn that the ball must only be thrown vertically (not in an arc), from an open palm position, and without twisting. Pay attention to violations in jogging, returning the ball to the house, violations in defense and when tagging. Strict, but fair lapta. The rules of the game are mandatory to learn if you want to play rounders not as a beginner, but at a more professional level.

Rules of Conduct for Players

Teams must cooperate, not be aggressive towards each other. Respect for the coach, judges, assistants is a mandatory requirement. Principles must not be violated. and neglect of the recommendations threatens not only with a yellow card, but also with exclusion from the team. Stopping time in unforeseen situations should be perceived adequately. It is very important to carefully study the gestures of the judges that they use. Here is some of them:

What do you need to play lapta?

An interesting feature of playing bast shoes is that you do not need specialized and often expensive equipment. It can be done well with a standard set:

  • lapta is a kind of stick, a special long bat;
  • a regular rubber ball, about the size of a tennis ball.

The dimensions of the bast shoes are as follows:

  • length - 60 centimeters;
  • base width -10 centimeters;
  • width, thickness of the handle - 3 centimeters.

Ball Criteria:

  • small size;
  • easy to grip;
  • should fit in a full palm;
  • should not injure fingers;
  • cannot cause severe injury.

Other types of bast shoes

English bast shoes are also common. A successful run is a successful return with points for your team. The game is over only when everyone has been inside the castle an equal number of times. The number of hits on the ball is unlimited.

A sport derived from the English lapta is baseball. The goal of the game is to score the most points. 18-20 players participate. The competition is held with the help of such accessories as a bat, a lapta and a ball.

A derivative of the game of lapta is laptball. It is a racket and ball game. The goal of the game is to score as many points as possible while passing through three bases.

Playing rounders is an exciting pastime for both beginners and world-class athletes. Try and you plunge into all the quirks of the sports world!

Rules of the game of lapta.

Rounders are played by two teams of 6 people.

The goal of one team located in the "city" is to make as many runs as possible for the line of the "kona" and back.

You can make a dash after performing a correct hit with a bat on the ball.

Each such run brings the team 2 points. , the strikes are made by the players of the "city" in turn from the strike zone.

One player takes a kick, the other player of the same team throws the ball to him. The thrower can be any of the six players on the team.

You are given two attempts to hit..

If one of the two attempts was correct, the punching player has the right to run, or can wait for the next players to hit in the run zone.

The player who made the illegal kick has the right to run only after the correct kick of one of the following players.

A player who has made a run for the line of the horse can stay there and return back after one of the subsequent strikes.

A kick is considered correct if the ball went out of the penalty area, but did not cross the touchlines in the air.

A ball that hits the court behind the foul line and bounces out of the field, as well as flying out of the “kona” line, is considered correct.

The second team is located in the "field".

Its goal is to prevent the opponent from running over and take the “city” as soon as possible. This can be done by “salting” / hitting / with the ball in any part of the body of the runner,without rebound from the ground, wherein the ball must be released from the hand.

Before the kick, the players of the "field" can be anywhere on the site, except for the penalty area.
After hitting, they have the right to move in any direction, as well as pass the ball to each other for “tagging”.

Having "taunted" the opponent, the players of the "field" must occupy the "city", the "tagged" ones can recoup.

You can recoup an unlimited number of times until all the players of one of the teams are behind the “city” or “kona” line.

Players of the "field" can score points by catching the ball from the air ("candle").

"Candle" - one point.

The game consists of two halves of 15-30 minutes, depending on the age of the players. The team with the most points wins.


Each player of the "city" team is entitled to the next hit every time after he runs over the line of the "kona" and returns to the "city".

Several players can run over after a good hit on the ball.

For back runs from the Kona line to the City, players can wait for the most favorable moment when the ball is successfully hit by their teammate.

Players of the "field" team have the right to run with the ball around the field and throw the ball to one another.

Change teams without a fight

It is made when:

1. The kicking team has no player left with the right to kick.

2. The striker steps on the city line or some other (i.e. goes beyond the striker's zone) at the moment of the strike or attempt itself.

3. One of the players in the city steps on the lines that limit the zones, or steps over them at the time of the hit or attempt.

4. At the time of the kick, one of the players is not in his zone:

a) the player who has already hit is in the turn zone and not in the running zone;

b) in the field, after changing teams without a fight or having not yet completed a run;

5. During the strike, the lapta flew into the field from the hands of the striker.

6. The player of the strikers, having started the run, left the lapta (bat) in the field, and not in the city. If the bat touches the city line, then it is considered that it was left in it.

7. The batter's player, waiting for a hit by his partner (in the suburbs), ran onto the field not from the suburbs, but from any other area, or before the ball was hit.

8. The batter's player ran over or stepped on the touchline.

9. The player of the batters, having started a run, returned back behind the line of the city or horse (or stepped on it).

10. The batting team received a penalty point.

11. There were more than six players in the kicking team during the game (in the playing areas).

Change of teams should be done quickly (running).

At the same time, the players who occupied the city, immediately, without waiting for the drivers to take their places in the field, begin to carry out the strike.

It is forbidden:

Players of the “field” team are prohibited from interfering with those who run across.

Crossing players are prohibited from crossing the side lines of the court.


The area for playing Russian bast shoes is a rectangle 25-35 m wide and 40-50 m long, depending on the age of the players.


City line, foul line, Kona line.

At a distance of 1.5 m from the "city" line, on the right side of the site, a "suburb" (penalty) line 3 m long is drawn.

At the ends of the lines marking the "city", "con" and "suburb", a flag is placed.


Queue zone, strike zone / 5 m /, run zone, penalty zone / 10 m /.

Queue zones can be equipped with benches

The width of the "city" is 5m.


The bat for impact must be solid and wooden.

Length 60-110 cm, diameter in the wide part no more than 5 cm, in the narrow part no less than 3 cm. The end of the handle should have a thickening.

Bit configurations may vary.

The game uses a tennis ball, as well as similar rubber and other balls with a circumference of 20 cm and a weight of up to 60 g.playground

It consists of a playing field and adjoining cities and horses. The city is divided into 3 equal zones: queue, hitter and running (suburb). A penalty area is allocated in the field, in which there should not be players at the moment the ball is hit.

If a football goal that prevents a kick gets into the kicker's zone, then it is allowed to move it towards the running zone. The field of a rectangular shape must be even and may have any surface.

1 - priority zone

2 - striker's zone

3 - zone of runners (suburb)

The size of the field for players aged 14 and over (grades 9-11) is 50-60 x 30-40 m, the penalty line is at a distance of 12-15 m from the city line.

For players aged 10–13 years (grades 5–8) - 30-40 x 15-20 m, penalty area - 6–9 m.

For players 9 years old (grades 3–4) - 18 x 11 m (gym), penalty area - an arc with a radius of 6 m.

The depth of the city and horse zones is 3–5 m. The width of the lines is 4–5 cm.

4. Inventory and equipment

Lapta (stick-bat)- made of wood, its size and shape depend on the age of the participants: for players 9-11 years old (grades 3-6) - bit number 1; for players aged 12–13 (grades 7–8) - bat number 2.

For playing in school conditions and for training players aged 12–13 - bit number 3.

For players 14 years and older - beat number 4.

For games in the gym of all age groups (under 14 years old) - bat number 1.

Players 14 years and older use a 40 cm piece of hose and 2.5–3 cm.

In the game from beginning to end, all players of both teams use one bat. It is replaced only in the event of a malfunction. Before the start of the game, the first referee checks the compliance of the bat with the rules of the competition, and during the game controls its serviceability.

Russian people should probably know what games their ancestors played. One of the most popular national Slavic pastimes is the Russian lapta. This game, which originated in the bowels of the people, requires from its participant the ability to play in a team, resourcefulness, attentiveness, dexterity, good breathing, fast running, accuracy, firmness in hands and great confidence in victory. Lapta has been recommended since ancient times both as fun and as a wonderful exercise that develops determination, courage and diligence.

History of Russian bast shoes

It will be interesting to know that today there is no exact information about when exactly the lapta appeared. According to some sources, it was played a thousand years ago, according to others, this time is pushed back another 1000 years.
For example, Dr. Abraham Taryan, who teaches at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, claims that there is a manuscript describing the game of Jesus Christ with the bast shoes. Thus, the age of the game can be dated to at least 2000 years.
Jean Bilet, who lived in the 12th century, mentioned a ball game very similar to a lapta, which was popular even among the clergy of that time.
And the excavations of Veliky Novgorod allowed us to see with our own eyes wooden bats and felt balls that our Slavic ancestors used to play this game in the 14th century.

If you do not go to extremes, then the average age of the lapta is 700 years. And a lot of peoples have similar games. We all know American baseball or English cricket. But few people know that the Germans also have a similar game called shlagbal. And in Cuba, a game similar to bast shoes is called pelota. In Finland, there is a game of pesa pallo, also very similar to rounders. Also in Norway, during excavations, archaeologists discovered ancient equipment for playing bast shoes. Quite a wide geography and ancient history, isn't it?
Since the lapta was popular, there were a large number of its varieties. The rules were slightly different from each other, and this game was called either "bug", then "clap", then "cue ball". But be that as it may, its popularity in Russia was enormous, and not a single holiday, not a single festivities passed without a competition in bast shoes.
The reformer Tsar Peter the Great loved and appreciated this game very much. By the highest decree, the Russian lapta became a means of physical training for soldiers of such elite units of the then army as the Preobrazhensky and Semyonovsky regiments. Gradually, the entire Russian army began to use the lapta as a means of training physical strength, endurance and other qualities so necessary for a soldier.
In general, in Russia, right up to Soviet times, various segments of the population enjoyed playing bast shoes at their leisure.
After the revolution, interest in this game began to decline, and in the second half of the last century, it was almost forgotten about. Organizations designed to bring physical culture and sports to the masses do not remember about it. So this ancient game would have sunk into oblivion if in 1987 the State Committee for Sports had not issued a resolution called “On the Development of Baseball, Softball and Russian Bast Shoes”. And now, 10 years after the decision, the Federation of Russian Bast Shoes was founded, which operates to this day, holding competitions at various levels.

What is the secret of such vitality and popularity of Russian bast shoes?

Everyone can play it. This is a truly democratic game. It does not require any special equipment. All you need is a wooden bat and an ordinary tennis ball. The length of the bit varies from 70 to 110 cm, and the weight is up to 2 kg.

When playing lapta, a person develops such qualities as reaction, speed, accuracy, concentration of attention, game thinking, the ability to be in a team with comrades and at the same time skillfully compete with opponents. The game is very dynamic: sometimes the participant has to make the only correct decision in a split second. Russian bast shoes can be played both in summer and in winter. They also play it indoors, but the field is somewhat smaller, and the rules have been changed. But playing indoors is just as spectacular as playing on a large outdoor field.

The simplest rules for playing Russian bast shoes

As already mentioned, the rules may vary. Below are the most simple ones.
For the game you need to choose a large area or lawn. However, if there is no large platform, you can play on a small one. The field is marked as shown in the figure.

An ordinary tennis ball is used for bast shoes. You can make your own bat, but a baseball bat is fine too. Team size can be up to 10 people. Each team has an equal number of participants. There are two teams, and in order to distinguish themselves, the players wear T-shirts of different colors.
At the beginning of the game, a draw is held, as a result of which one of the teams becomes an attacker and occupies the city line. The opposing team becomes the defending team and spreads out across the playing field. In other terminology, the attacking team is called the "hitting" team, and the defending team is called the "driving" team.

Preparing for the game
One short whistle sounds and the players take their places on the playing field. The batting team sends one player into the pitching area, while the rest of the team line up along the sideline of the city. Arranged by the team captain.
The driving team allocates one player who will serve the ball. He is located on a special platform for serving, and the captain places the rest of the team on the field.

Beginning of the game
The referee blows two short whistles, and the serving player tosses the ball, and the kicker hits it. With a successful hit, the ball flies over the control line. After hitting the ball, the kicker runs across the court to the Kona line. He must run to this line before the ball is caught, and if possible, return back.
The players of the driving team try to catch the ball or pick it up and hit the player who is running across the field with it.
If the player who hit the ball was able to run to the end and run back, then these actions bring his team 2 points. If the player remains on the horse line, then he is waiting there for the moment when the other striker does not hit the ball. After a successful strike, the player waiting on the horse runs into the city, and if he managed to run unstuck, the team gets 1 point. After a successful run, the player has the right to hit three times and takes the extreme position on the court of order.
The task of the players of the leading team is to catch the ball “from the fly”. Then the team is awarded 1 point and there is a change of sides. Players of the team can also pick up the ball and tag the runner with it. The tagger can either be the player who lifted the ball, or the other player to whom the ball was passed.
As soon as the drivers return the ball to the city, the game stops. The running player, if he did not have time to reach the middle of the field, returns back, and if he did, he continues to move.

During the game, you can earn penalty points kicking team:
- the fourth exit of the ball out of the field after the impact, and each subsequent - 1 point;
- referee's remark - 1 point.

Who wins in bast shoes without a set of points?
The game is considered won when, after tagging the running player, all members of the defending team fled to the city without being tagged.

Also the game ends in favor of the drivers in the following cases:
- gross violation of the rules of the game;
- if a player of the kicking team took the ball in his hands or otherwise restricted access to it;
- slipped out and the hand of the bit flew out of the city.

Mixed teams can play - boys and girls. The game is divided into two sets of 20 minutes each and terminated by a long whistle from the referee. The team that scores the most points wins.

To the described rules, there are some additions:
If a player steps with one foot over the line of a city or horse, then he may not run, but go back. If he steps over the line with both feet, then he cannot return. Otherwise, at the command of the referee there is a change of teams.
If the kick fails, then the player who did not have time to run around should be located in the suburbs along the city line.
After the run, the players take their places in the order in which they ran over the line.
If there was a salting, then the players of the kicking team regain the right to hit.
If the ball goes over the sideline, then all the players of the kicking team do not move from their places.
After three outs (hitting over the sideline), penalty points are awarded to the team of hitters (one point for each out).

What is forbidden in Russian lapta?
It is forbidden for all players, except for the server, to come closer than 2 meters to the batsman.
It is forbidden to touch the head, groin and solar plexus.
It is forbidden to insult other players and spectators.
It is forbidden to use a bat that is too heavy or too long. Standard bit parameters: 2 kg. 90X15cm.
You can not delay the running player.
Baseball pads must not be used.
You cannot play without a team-colored jersey.

As you can see, the rules of playing Russian bast shoes are quite simple and clear. And it's wonderful that the ancient Russian game has returned to us again. Let's hope it gets back to being as popular as before.

Russian people should probably know what games their ancestors played. One of the most popular national Slavic pastimes is the Russian lapta. This game, which originated in the bowels of the people, requires from its participant the ability to play in a team, resourcefulness, attentiveness, dexterity, good breathing, fast running, accuracy, firmness in hands and great confidence in victory.
It will be interesting to know that today there is no exact information about when exactly the lapta appeared. According to some sources, it was played a thousand years ago, according to others, this time is pushed back another 1000 years.
Since the lapta was popular, there were a large number of its varieties. The rules were slightly different from each other, and this game was called either "bug", then "clap", then "cue ball". But be that as it may, its popularity in Russia was enormous, and not a single holiday, not a single festivities passed without a competition in bast shoes. Peter the Great loved and appreciated this game very much. By the highest decree, the Russian lapta became a means of physical training for the soldiers of the Preobrazhensky and Semyonovsky regiments. Gradually, the entire Russian army began to use the lapta as a means of training physical strength, endurance and other qualities so necessary for a soldier. In general, in Russia, right up to Soviet times, various segments of the population enjoyed playing bast shoes at their leisure. After the revolution, interest in this game began to decline, and in the second half of the last century, it was almost forgotten about.

The most simple rules for playing Russian bast shoes.

For the game you need to choose a large area or lawn. The field is marked as shown in the figure. An ordinary tennis ball is used for bast shoes. You can make your own bat, but a baseball bat is fine too. Team size can be up to 10 people. Each team has an equal number of participants. There are two teams, and in order to distinguish themselves, the players wear T-shirts of different colors. At the beginning of the game, a draw is held, as a result of which one of the teams becomes an attacker and occupies the city line. The opposing team becomes the defending team and spreads out across the playing field. In other terminology, the attacking team is called the "hitting" team, and the defending team is called the "driving" team.

Preparing for the game
The players take their places on the playing field. The batting team sends one player into the pitching area, while the rest of the team line up along the sideline of the city. Arranged by the team captain. The driving team allocates one player who will serve the ball. He is located on a special platform for serving, and the captain places the rest of the team on the field.

Beginning of the game
The serving player tosses the ball, and the kicker hits it. With a successful hit, the ball flies over the control line. After hitting the ball, the kicker runs across the court to the Kona line. He must run to this line before the ball is caught, and if possible, return back.
The players of the driving team try to catch the ball or pick it up and hit the player who is running across the field with it. If the player who hit the ball was able to run to the end and run back, then these actions bring his team 2 points. If the player remains on the horse line, then he is waiting there for the moment when the other striker does not hit the ball. After a successful strike, the player waiting on the horse runs into the city, and if he managed to run unstuck, the team gets 1 point. After a successful run, the player has the right to hit three times and takes the extreme position on the court of order. The task of the players of the leading team is to catch the ball “from the fly”. Then the team is awarded 1 point and there is a change of sides. Players of the team can also pick up the ball and tag the runner with it. The tagger can either be the player who lifted the ball, or the other player to whom the ball was passed. As soon as the drivers return the ball to the city, the game stops. The running player, if he did not have time to reach the middle of the field, returns back, and if he did, he continues to move. During the game, penalty points can be awarded to the kicking team: - the fourth exit of the ball out of the field after the kick, and each subsequent one - 1 point; - referee's remark - 1 point.

Who wins in bast shoes without a set of points?
The game is considered won when, after tagging the running player, all members of the defending team fled to the city without being tagged. Also, the game ends in favor of the drivers in the following cases: - a gross violation of the rules of the game has been committed; - if a player of the kicking team took the ball in his hands or otherwise restricted access to it; - slipped out and the hand of the bit flew out of the city. Mixed teams can play - boys and girls. The game is divided into two sets of 20 minutes each and terminated by a long whistle from the referee. The team that scores the most points wins.

There are some additions to the described rules:
If a player steps with one foot over the line of a city or horse, then he may not run, but go back. If he steps over the line with both feet, then he cannot return. Otherwise, at the command of the referee there is a change of teams.
If the kick fails, then the player who did not have time to run around should be located in the suburbs along the city line. After the run, the players take their places in the order in which they ran over the line. If there was a salting, then the players of the kicking team regain the right to hit.
If the ball goes over the sideline, then all the players of the kicking team do not move from their places. After three outs (hitting over the sideline), penalty points are awarded to the team of hitters (one point for each out).

What is forbidden in Russian lapta?
It is forbidden for all players, except for the server, to come closer than 2 meters to the batsman.
It is forbidden to touch the head, groin and solar plexus.
It is forbidden to use a bat that is too heavy or too long. Standard bit parameters: 2 kg. 90X15cm.
You can not delay the running player. Baseball pads must not be used.

As you can see, the rules of playing Russian bast shoes are quite simple and clear. And it's wonderful that the ancient Russian game has returned to us again. Let's hope it gets back to being as popular as before.

1. Definition:

Russian lapta is a two-sided team game that is played both outdoors and indoors, on a rectangular area bounded by side and front lines. The goal of one team is to make as many runs as possible after perfect bats on the ball in the allotted time for the game, where each player who made a full run earns his team points. The goal of the other team is to prevent the opponents from making runs by tagging with the ball and catching more “candles”, moreover, having tagged the defector, the team gets the right to hit and run, if there is no over-tagging (reciprocal tagging).

2. Equipment of the competition area:

In order to ensure the safety of spectators and participants, competitions are allowed to be held at sports facilities accepted for operation by state commissions, subject to the availability of Technical Inspection Certificates on the readiness of the facility for the event.

Before the start of the competition, the chief referee, a representative of the organization conducting the competition, and the doctor draw up an act that the equipment of the competition venue complies (does not comply) with the rules of the competition.

3. Playground and its dimensions:

The playing field (annex 1) is a rectangle having a hard surface (grass or artificial turf), free from any objects, measuring 40-55 m in length and 25-40 m in width for outdoor play, and measuring 23 -40 m long and 15-20 m wide, for playing indoors, with a ceiling height of at least 6 m. Dimensions are measured along the inner edge of the lines that limit the court. dku.

The organizers of the competition, based on local conditions, determine the size of the site by regulation, but not less and not more than the above dimensions. ov.

4. Lines limiting the site:

The playing field is marked with clearly visible lines. The width of the marking lines is 8 cm. The lines located along the long sides of the playing area are called the side lines, the lines along the short sides are the home lines and horse lines.

The site must be surrounded by a free zone: behind the house line - at least 5 m, behind the side lines - 5-10 m, behind the horse line - at least 20 m. A control line is drawn 10 meters from the house line, which forms a "penalty zone" (outdoors).

For playing indoors: behind the house line - at least 3 m, for

side lines - 1 m, behind the horse line - at least 5 m, a control line is drawn 6 meters from the house line, which forms a penalty area.

5. Penalty area:

The penalty area is a rectangular area measuring 10 m by 25-40 m (6 m by 15-20 m for indoors), necessary to determine the validity of a ball hit, i.e. kicks are valid if the ball, under other conditions (Appendix 1), did not enter the penalty area.

6. Playground priority:

The turn-around area is for the players to wait for their turn to hit the ball.

7. Suburb:

Suburb - the place where the players who hit the ball run from.

8. Server's court:

The server's court is located in the center of the house line. The width of the site is 3 m, in the center, at a distance of 50 cm from the line of the house, with a diameter of 50 cm, a supply circle is drawn.

9. Bat:

The bat must be solid wood, without additional winding, 60-110 cm long, with a diameter of not more than 5 cm ± 1 mm. The diameter of the handle of the bit must be at least 3 cm.

The end of the handle has a thickening that ensures safety when hitting the ball. Each player may use an individual bat corresponding to these dimensions. Players under the age of 12 are allowed to use a flat bat 80 cm long, up to 6 cm wide and with a handle 2 cm thick. Baseball and softball bats are prohibited. The weight of the bit must not exceed 1500 g ± 50 g.

The organizers of the competition must mark all bits before the start of the game.

10. Ball:

The game is played with a tennis ball, the circumference of which is 20 cm, weight 60 g.

11. Sectors of substitute players of playing teams:

Two sectors for substitutes are located behind the suburbs, the server's court and the rotation area. The size of each sector (length -5 m, width -2 m) is indicated by markings. Each sector should have benches or chairs for 12 people. The sectors accommodate the players of the playing teams, coaches and their assistants. Players are allowed to carry a sports bag and bats. The coach is allowed to lead the team without leaving this sector, except when he is about to make a change or take a minute break.

12. Admission of participants to competitions:

To participate in competitions in accordance with age groups, persons are allowed who have undergone proper training under the guidance of a coach and medical supervision and who have received permission from the coach and doctor to participate in the competition.

The permission of the coach and the doctor is issued by a personalized application in the prescribed form, the signature of the doctor and the seal against each name of the participant are required (see article 51). The application for the participation of the team in the competition is signed by the head of the relevant sports organization and certified with a seal.

In some cases, with the permission of the doctor, coach and sports organization conducting the competition, participants of the younger age group may be admitted to the competitions of the senior group if they are well physically and technically prepared (with the presentation of a special medical certificate).

The admission of participants is carried out by the credentials committee. It is approved by the organization conducting the competition. The credentials committee includes: chairman of the credentials committee, chief judge, chief secretary, competition doctor, representative of the organization conducting the competition. They check the applications and documents of the participants.

The chairman of the commission and the representative of the federation are responsible for the admission of participants. An insurance policy for each participant and his waiver of claims are submitted to the credentials committee.

The organizers of the competition are not responsible for injuries or accidents that may occur during the competition, provided that these rules are observed.

Insurance of participants is carried out by clubs, federations or directly by participants.

13. Composition of the team:

Each team consists of 10 players, one of which is the captain.

During the game, there must be six players of each team on the court, but not less than four, who can be replaced in accordance with the provisions provided for in these rules.

14. Obligations and rights of participants:

Competitors are required to know the rules, program and regulations of the competition.

In case of violation of the rules of the competition or incorrect behavior, the participant is punished with a yellow card, in case of repeated violation, he is punished with a red card and removed from the competition.

In case of especially gross violations, the participant may be removed from the competition without warning.

The participant has the right to address the judges only through the team captain.

15. Sports uniform of participants:

Competitors are required to wear neat sportswear.

All players of the same team must wear the same uniform, which consists of a T-shirt with a number on the front and back, shorts with a number, socks and boots. The numbers on the T-shirt must be of the same color, contrasting with the color of the T-shirts, on the back 20 cm high, on the chest - 10 cm. The numbers on the shorts are in a contrasting color on the left half of the front, 8 cm high. The team has the right to use numbers from 1 to 12. Gaiters are high, fixed under the knee joint. Boots with short spikes. Sneakers are allowed for indoor play.

T-shirts (on the chest on the left) must have the emblem of the respective sports organization. Sponsor logos are allowed.

Participants of all-Russian competitions must have the emblem of the Federation of Russian Lapta of Russia on the right sleeve of a T-shirt with a diameter of 8 cm.

During the cold season, participants are allowed to wear a warm training suit (of the same color for the entire team) under the uniform above, a sports cap and gloves.

Note. To avoid injuries, players are not allowed to wear watches, bracelets, rings, chains around the neck during the match.

It is not allowed to enter the game in baseball caps, knee pads, shorts and cropped underpants (such as swimming trunks).

16. Coach and team captain:

Each team must have a coach who is the team leader for all matters. He is responsible for the discipline of the participants, ensures their timely appearance at the competition; participates in the draw, is present at the meetings of the panel of judges, if they are held together with the leaders.

When leading a team during a match, the coach of the team must be only in the sector of substitute players in a tracksuit with the emblem of the club or the corresponding sports organization.

The coach is prohibited from interfering with the work of judges and competition organizers.

He has the right to submit an application to the panel of judges in writing through the secretary. The application must be a reasonable reference to a section and article of these rules.

At least 15 minutes before the start of the game, the coach must inform the secretary of the names and numbers of the players, the team captain, assistant coach and sign the protocol. If a player changes his number during the game, the coach must inform the scorer and the chief referee about it. If the coach is about to make a substitution or take a one-minute break, he must inform the scorer.

The assistant coach performs the duties of the coach if, for some reason, he cannot perform them.

The duties of a coach can be performed by the team captain. If the team captain has left the playing court for any good reason, he may act as coach.

However, if he received a red card, he is not entitled to perform the duties of a coach.

The team captain controls the behavior of his team and may address the chief referee in a polite, correct manner on issues related to the interpretation of the rules or to obtain the necessary information.

If, for any good reason, the captain of the team leaves the court, he is obliged to inform the chief referee which of the players remains the captain during his absence.

17. Panel of judges:

The panel of judges is appointed by the organization conducting the competition. The panel of judges includes: chief judge, deputy chief judge, chief secretary, senior judges, line judges, informant judge, timekeeper judge, competition doctor as deputy chief judge.

The match between the two teams is judged by a team consisting of: a senior referee, two line judges, a secretary, an informant referee and a timekeeper referee. All of them must be neutral with respect to the playing teams.

Judges must be qualified (fully know the rules of the competition and have their own copy of the rules), objective and impartial.

The referees in the field (head referee and line referees) must wear a special uniform.

The referees conducting the match must not enter into conversations with the players, enter the coach's sector and talk with the coaches. They must be active, attentive and always polite, remembering that the referee's only duty on the court is to officiate.

18. GAME:

1. Game duration

The game consists of two halves:

30 minutes each with a 5-minute break in between outdoors;

20 min. each with a 5-minute break in between indoors.

2. Warm up

Teams warm up 30 minutes before the start of the match. During the final part of the warm-up (5-10 minutes before the start of the game) on the playground, one of the teams occupies its right half, the other - the left. In this case, the conditional border is an imaginary line passing through the center of the service circle parallel to the side lines to the Kona line.

3. Start the game

Before the start of the game, on the whistle of the senior referee, the teams go from the side of the house line to the middle of the control line and turn to face each other to greet.

After the greeting, the senior referee conducts a draw, in which the team captains participate.

The players of the team that starts the game in defense by lot take their starting positions on the playing court, and the first number of the attacking team stands with a bat on the serving court near the service circle. The rest of the players are on the benches of their teams. The ball is served by the attacking player (without the right to run over). The player serving the ball stands at the service circle.

On the whistle of the senior referee, the server makes the serve, and the striker - the first hit on the ball. The player who served the ball, after a correctly executed hit, must leave the serving area and move to the serving sector (free zone).

4. Serve and hit the ball

The ball is served by one of the attacking players with an open hand over the service circle to a height indicated by the attacker. At the moment the ball is served, the attacking and serving players are located on the serving court near the service circle. Each offensive player has the right to use two tries when playing outdoors; one attempt indoors.

The attacking player may not hit the ball once if the ball is not to his liking, but the second time he is obliged to hit the ball, otherwise he loses the right to hit. For indoor play, for safety reasons, it is only allowed to strike from above.

If, after one of the strokes, the ball is in play (knocked into the playing field outside the penalty line or, having touched the field, flew out of one of the side lines, or flew out of the line of the horse on the ground or in the air between the flags), attacking players entitled to a run-out may start (except for the serving player, who is not eligible for a run-out).

An attacking player who fails to put the ball into play after two attempts is entitled to run out of the suburbs only on the next legal hit by one of the players of his team.

Players have the right to refuse to perform strikes and go for a run, about which they warn the senior referee in advance.

If, when hitting the ball, the bat breaks out of the hands and falls on the court, this is counted as a miss.

At the beginning of each half, as well as after the transition from defense to attack, attacking players go to the kick at the discretion of the coach.

If during the game the attacking team does not have players eligible to kick, then there is a free change.

In the event of a miss by five players of the attacking team or in a situation where there are 5 players in the suburbs, and the sixth player takes a kick (he is served by a substitute attacker), with a counted kick, the defenders must quickly remove the ball from the game, if there is no need to taunt the attacking players.

Offensive players, while the ball is in play, have the right to run over the line and step on the court with both feet. In this case, they also receive points and are entitled to a kick, returning to the house.

A kick is considered valid if the ball touches a defending player and goes through the air over the side line, or after touching a defender falls into the penalty area. In addition, the defenders may catch the ball in the free or penalty area (up to the home line), such a hit is also valid.

A kick is considered invalid if:

After the striker hit the ball, without touching the playing field, flew over the side line, or did not reach the control line, falling into the penalty area;

The ball after hitting the attacker touches the ceiling in the room.

5. Returning the ball to the home

Defensive players, having received the ball, are obliged to return it over the home line to the server's court, putting it in the circle of service, if there is no situation for tagging. When the ball returns to the pitch of the server, there must not be more than one team player in the penalty area. The ball is returned without delay and is considered out of play if it crosses the home line between the flags. Back from behind the home line, the ball cannot be returned to the court, as it is considered that it has already gone out of play. The player can take the ball out of the game only while being within the playing area.

6. Dashing

Each offensive player who, after a legal hit on the ball (or putting the ball into play), made a complete run from the suburb or court of the server over the line and back to the home line and was not tagged or self-tagged, earns his team two points. The player who made a legal hit may start to run from the server's court.

Attackers who are eligible to run can start running at any time as long as the ball is in play and not returned to the home.

If, before the ball crosses the home line, the attacking players began to run, then they must finish it in one direction.

A player who has made a dash from home to the knight line may, if necessary, stay there and return to the house after one of the subsequent hits of his team, which is also a full run.

A run is considered started if the player started moving in the appropriate direction and at the same time touched the playing field with both feet or crossed the line of the house or horse with his whole body. The initial phase of the run is considered to be touching the playing area with the foot, after which the player does not have the right to return to the line of the house or horse and may be tagged by the players of the defending team. The run is considered over if the player stepped over the line of the house or horse with at least one foot, and the other foot does not touch the playing field, or the player crossed the line of the horse or house in the air after the finish jump.

If, after the start of the run, the attacking players are behind the horse line, then the defenders are required to deliver the ball to the house without delay to continue the game.

3. Salting

A player making a run is considered tagged if he is touched within the playing field by a ball thrown at him by any defending player. In enclosed spaces, tagging is considered if the attacker touches the ball after bouncing off the court, wall or other objects, except for the ceiling.

For the purpose of tagging the attacking players, the defenders have the right to move with the ball at their own discretion or to pass the ball to any player of their team.

After the tagging, the defending players are required to run behind the home or horse line, as the tagged team may retaliate. Retaliatory tagging may continue until all players of the last taunting team run away behind the horse or home line.

Players must not touch each other when attempting to tag, otherwise the offenders may be penalized (see article 42).

For return tagging, players of the attacking team behind the home line have the right to run onto the court, helping their players, but their number should not exceed 6 players. If there are 7 players on the court, there is a free change. The team that violated the rules goes to play defense. Players of the opposing team who ran over the line may return to the turn area.

4. Self-greasing

An attacking player is considered self-defeated if he started a run and returned behind the home or knight line. In this case, the attacking team goes to play defense.

An attacking player is considered self-taunted if he started a run and stepped on the sideline with his foot or hit it with any part of the body when falling.

A defending player is considered to be self-tagging if, after tagging or self-tagging of the attacker, he himself was the last behind the sideline or touched the ball after a perfect tagging or self-tagging.

The moment of self-tagging (as well as tagging) is fixed by the referee's whistle and the corresponding gestures of the judges.

If by the time of tagging or self-tagging the attacking players did not have time to complete the run to the house, then they do not bring points to the team, but only get the right to hit. Players who linger at the same time behind the horse line also do not bring points when returning to the house.

If one of the players turned out to be self-feeding, then the player of the opposite team, who is with the ball, is obliged to put it so that the ball is within the field, and leave the area behind the line of the house or horse along with his players.

5. Catching the ball from the summer

If the defender caught the ball from the summer within the field or outside it, then he brings his team a point and must be ready to pick up the attacking players if they go for a run.

If a defender catches a batted volley within the penalty area, or behind the sideline in the free zone, also brings his team a point (the game continues).

Catching the ball outside the home line does not bring points to the defense, since the hit is not considered valid.

6. Glasses

The player who catches the “candle” brings a point to his team, 2 points - the player who has made a full run and remained not tagged, or until the other player of his team is tagged.

7. Game result

The result of the game is determined by the highest number of points scored by the team during the playing time.

With an equal number of points, a draw is fixed.

When playing butt games or games according to the system with a knockout, in the event of a draw after the regular time of the game, an additional time of 10 minutes (2 periods of 5 minutes each) or several such periods is added (after the draw), which is necessary to gain the advantage of one of the teams. Between additional periods, breaks of up to 3 minutes are provided, at the beginning of each additional period, a draw is held.

8. Defeat

If during the game one of the teams has less than four players on the court, then the game stops; this team is considered defeated.

If the team to which the victory is credited due to the removal of the opponent from the game has an advantage in the score by this moment, then this score is fixed. If the team does not have an advantage in the score, then the score is fixed at 20:0 in its favor.

If a dummy player(s) or a player(s) with fictitious documents is found in the team, then the team will lose with a score of 0:20. The team is withdrawn from the competition and may be fined by the decision of the federation.


1. Changing players

Before entering the court, the substitute player must inform the scorer about this. He must be ready to immediately take part in the game.

The scorer signals for a substitution after the ball is out of play on the referee's signal, but before the whistle is blown again.

The substitute player must remain out of bounds, close to the scorer's table, until the referee gives him permission to enter the court, after which he must leave immediately.

Replacements must be made as quickly as possible. If, in the opinion of the referee, there is an unjustified delay in time, then the offending team will be credited with a one-minute break.

When playing defense, any player can be replaced.

In offensive play, only the player entitled to kick is entitled to a substitution. The player who kicked the ball has the right to change only after a full run.

2. Drop ball

If a disputable situation arises, the referee on the field gives the players the opportunity to finish the game moment, then stops the game and makes a decision within the framework of these Rules.

When a dropped ball is played, the players return to the places that preceded the controversial situation, and the points scored in it are cancelled.

20. Violations and penalties

1. Violations when serving and hitting the ball

Ball toss violations are:

Tossing the ball not over the service circle;

Delay time for filing;

Serving the ball from the playing field.

Impact violations are:

Throwing a bat on the field;

The next batsman entering the court while the ball is in play;

Time delay for blows after the referee's whistle;

The player, when performing a strike, steps over the line of the house;

Impact from the side and from below (indoors).

If the player performing the strike flies out of the hands of the bit, then a miss is counted.

It is forbidden to strike the ball while holding the bat with one hand.

In the case of these violations, the referee gives a warning, in case of a repeated violation, a yellow card is presented.

2. Violations when returning the ball to the home

Infringements when returning the ball to the home are:

Returning the ball not to the server's court;

Returning the ball over the home line by throwing a player standing outside the court;

Throwing the ball to the side after the removal of the line of the house;

Keeping the ball on the field when the attacking players are behind the horse or home line and do not attempt to run;

The ball returns to the house hidden by the player;

Deceptive movements with the ball hidden in the hand while taking the ball out of the home line;

There are two defensive players in the penalty area.

A yellow card is presented to the offending player for concealing the ball. In case of deceptive movements during the transfer of the ball over the home line, the referee blows a whistle to indicate that the ball is out of play or gives a warning. When two defending players are in the penalty area, the senior referee gives a warning to the players.

3. Violation when running over

Crossing violations are:

Running out from the line of the house or horse of the players who have the right to run over, including intentionally, before hitting;

Collision with a defensive player while catching the ball;

Deliberate self-salting;

Jumps from the platform of priority.

Running out of the home line of the player producing the ball.

With these violations, the senior referee makes a warning, then presents the violators with a yellow card.

4. Defensive offenses

Defensive offenses are:

Defenders running out of bounds before the kick;

Blocking players when they run;

Unreasonable transfers of the ball between themselves in order to delay time;

Throwing the ball out of bounds during the self-tagging of a player performing a run;

Hiding the ball from players and referees.

In case of these violations, the senior referee gives a warning or presents a yellow card to the offending players.

5. Violation during salting and over-salting

If the defending player performed the tagging of the attacking player without releasing the ball from his hand, then the tagging of the defensive player is counted.

The tagging is considered invalid if the players of the tagged team return the ball to the field that has gone beyond the home line.

Tagging from outside and outside the playing field is considered invalid.

1. Definition

The correct flow of the game requires the full cooperation of the members of both teams, including the coaches and their assistants.

Both teams have the right to make every effort to achieve victory, but must not violate the principles of sports ethics and fair play.

2. Yellow card to the player

Players must not disregard the instructions of the referees or allow themselves unsportsmanlike conduct:

Appeal to judges and spectators;

touch the judges;

Swearing and indulging in offensive gestures;

Teasing or obstructing an opponent and blocking him when running over by holding him with his arms or tripping him;

Hold up the game;

Do not properly raise your hand after a complete run;

Change your game number without notifying the scorer or chief referee;

Enter the playing court for a substitution without notifying the scorer or referee (unless the substitution takes place at half-time) or during a one-minute break.

Infractions that are intentional, unsportsmanlike, or that give the offending player an unfair advantage must be penalized immediately with a yellow card.

3. Yellow card to coaches, assistant coaches and substitutes

Coach, assistant coach, substitute players are not allowed to:

Enter the playing court (unless authorized by the referee to assist an injured player);

Leave your place and go beyond the sector of substitute players;

It's disrespectful to judges.

The coach is allowed to address the players of his team during the one-minute break, provided that he does not enter the playing court and the players do not cross the touchlines (unless the referee has given permission to do so).

4. Red card to the player

A player who has a yellow card and has committed a violation again is punished with a red card and sent off before the end of the game without the right to be replaced.

A player with a yellow card who has committed a deliberate violation specified in articles 38-42 is punished with a red card, he is also removed before the end of the game without the right to substitute and automatically misses the next calendar game of these competitions. A player who received a red card for disturbing public order (fight on the site with an opponent, obscene treatment of the panel of judges and spectators, etc.), is disqualified for all days of the competition without the right to substitute.

Note. If a team puts up a player who has received a red card in the cases described above, then it will be counted as a defeat with a score of 0:20; she is withdrawn from the competition and may be penalized by the decision of the Federation.

5. Red card to coaches and substitutes

For a serious repeated violation of Article 45 or unsportsmanlike conduct by the coach, assistant coach and substitutes, the team coach is penalized with a red card and suspended from the team until the end of the competition.


1. Minute break

Each team may take one break in each half and one minute break in each extra period. Minute breaks are not included in the total game time. Unused breaks in the first half do not carry over to the second half.

The coach has the right to request a minute break. He must do this personally, address the secretary and clearly say: "Time out", accompanying the request with the appropriate hand gesture.

The scorer informs the referee of the receipt of a request for a one-minute break as soon as the ball is out of play and always until the ball is back in play.

If the team that took a minute break is ready to start the game before the time expires, the referee has the right to start the game immediately.

Exception. A minute break is not counted if the injured

the player is ready to play immediately or is quickly substituted or the referee allows the delay.

2. Stop time in case of injury

The referees may stop the game if a player is injured or for any other reason. If the ball is in play at the time of the injury, the referee must refrain from giving the signal and wait until the end of the play action, i.e. the moment the ball is taken out of play.

If urgent care is needed for an injured player, the referee may immediately stop the game.

If the injured player cannot continue the game immediately, he must be substituted within one minute. If an injured player is replaced with a delay, the chief referee counts a minute break for the team and has the right to add playing time.

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