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Vegetables high in protein table. What vegetables and plants are rich in proteins

Some vegetables are very high in protein

Vegetables should be the basis of any diet, because they contain many vitamins and minerals. In addition, some vegetables contain a lot of protein. Protein-Rich Vegetables Are a Unique Plant-Based Replacement meat dishes. But you need to know that meat contains essential amino acids, so you should not become a vegetarian. But on the other hand, by regularly eating protein-containing vegetables, you can significantly reduce the consumption of meat.

If you are on a weight loss diet, then eating protein-containing vegetables will help you get the minimum number of kilocalories and maximum benefit for good health. Just a few weeks after you start eating protein-rich vegetables, you will have more energy, body weight will begin to decrease rapidly (even if before during years failed to lose weight). Protein-rich vegetables literally rejuvenate the entire body. The following are high-protein vegetables that, when eaten regularly, will energize your life and help build good health.

Peas are an ideal source of protein

Many people like to add peas to salads and soups. This vegetable not only adds flavor to homemade dishes, but also decorates them beautifully. appearance. Peas can be stored fresh, frozen and canned. It is one of nature's most readily available sources of protein. Therefore, if you want to enrich your diet with protein foods, do not forget to add a handful of peas to your meals.

Spinach – good for the eyes and high in protein

It is a superfood that contains eye-friendly antioxidants -. In addition, this rich dark green The vegetable is also an excellent source of protein. Spinach is a natural multivitamin (contains many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants) and plant protein.

Cabbage - a vegetable for all dishes

Cabbage contains not only the anti-ulcer vitamin U. This vegetable is also a superfood, as it contains healthy fiber, vitamins and even a lot of protein in the complex. To saturate the body with protein, you need to add cabbage to salads, soups or casseroles. The same vegetable is suitable for healthy and tasty green smoothies.

Broccoli is a cancer-fighting vegetable rich in protein

Many studies have shown that regular consumption of broccoli is protective against many types of cancer. In addition, this vegetable contains a lot of fiber, antioxidants, minerals and ... protein. You can eat broccoli raw, boiled, baked as a main or additional dish. Add broccoli to salads, soups, or simply steam kale with a splash of fresh lemon juice.

Sprouted grains are an ideal source of chlorophyll and protein

You can germinate cereals and legumes. Sprouted grains are rich in chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals and, of course, protein. Sprouted grains can be a colorful and tasty addition to sandwiches, salads and soups. Try mixing several types of germinated grains - you get a real multivitamin and super protein mix!

Mushrooms boost immunity and contain almost meat proteins

With a firm texture and immune-boosting properties, mushrooms (especially cordyceps, reishi, and maitake) are used to make delicious and nutritious meals. Mushroom proteins are similar to meat proteins. It is very tasty to cook them on a hot grill, pouring olive oil. When the mushrooms are almost ready, they can be sprinkled with chopped garlic and parsley on top. This dish goes well with scrambled eggs.

Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are not only high in protein, but also in fiber. A very tasty and nutritious dish is obtained if this protein-rich cruciferous vegetable is first fried, then salted and sprinkled with grated cheese.

Artichokes are a hearty treat

AT Ancient Rome artichokes were very revered, which gave the soldiers a feeling of satiety and contributed to the speedy recovery of strength. You can use artichokes in different ways: add to various dishes, steam or fry. This vegetable is very tasty and creates a feeling of satiety (due to its high protein content), so artichokes can even serve as a main dish.

Asparagus - a source of protein for cleansing the body

Not only is asparagus high in protein, but it also helps cleanse the body because it is high in fiber. This protein-packed vegetable contributes to a quick feeling of satiety after eating it.

Corn contains protein and carbohydrates

In addition to being high in fiber and carbohydrates, corn is high in protein. Fresh boiled corn is very tasty, but it can also be eaten in the off-season in the form of frozen or canned grains.

This article lists the leaders among vegetables in terms of protein content. They can be eaten in summer and winter. After all, vegetables containing proteins can be perfectly stored frozen and canned.

What foods rich in protein do you know? Usually the word "protein" conjures up images of meat. However, fruits and vegetables can also be a good source of protein. They have less saturated fat and more dietary fiber than in animal products.

Therefore, by eating fruits and vegetables, you lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes and some types of cancer.

In general, foods rich in protein plant origin, unlike products containing animal proteins, have only some of the 9 essential amino acids. In this regard, they must be supplemented to ensure a complete protein intake.

Protein Rich Foods - List of Vegetables

Soy protein. Soy is the number one source of vegetable protein. It contains a complete set of essential amino acids, therefore it is considered a complete source of protein. 100 grams of soy (mature seeds) contains 8.47 g of protein. Soy products such as tofu contain slightly less protein at 7.40 grams of protein per 100 grams of product.

Beans. Contains a large number of squirrel. White beans and lentils (25.80 grams of protein per 100 grams of lentils) will provide your body with plenty of essential amino acids such as lysine and isoleucine. Pinto beans contain 22.6 grams of protein per 100 grams. In 100 grams of white beans, there are 6.70 g of protein, and in red, 5.60 g, respectively.

Broccoli. This vegetable is also high in protein. In broccoli, 34% of the dry matter is protein. Cauliflower, which is considered a cousin of broccoli, contains 27% protein. These are 2.82 and 1.98 grams of protein per 100 grams of product, respectively.

Spinach. Known for its nutritional value is a good source of protein (2.86 grams of protein per 100 grams of spinach). Cooked spinach is more valuable in protein than frozen or canned. Dried spinach has slightly more protein.

other vegetables. Corn and potatoes also have some protein. It must be remembered that an unpeeled potato with a skin has 2.5 times more protein than a peeled one. There is enough protein in the artichoke (3.27 g of protein per 100 g), although you need to spend more time cooking it.

Fruits containing protein

In general, fruits have less protein than vegetables and legumes. In melon, 11% of dry matter is protein, which is 2/3 less than in some vegetables. Fresh strawberries, respectively, about 7.5%, the navel of an orange has 7.2% protein. Watermelons and bananas, respectively, have 6.4 and 5.1 percent protein. Other fruits less than 5%.

What is the role of proteins in plants and which vegetables and plants are rich in proteins?

At the heart of all physiological processes occurring in a living organism, lies primarily in the exchange of proteins. In the human body, proteins account for 15-20% of the wet weight. The source of protein for humans are products of animal and vegetable origin.

Proteins make up the bulk of the cytoplasm and nucleus of plant and animal cells.. All enzymes are proteins, proteins are antibodies that provide immunity, many hormones, proteins are part of hemoglobin and blood plasma. Proteins are polymeric molecules, which include 20 different amino acids, some of which can be synthesized by the body (essential), and some must be supplied with food (essential).

The most important and most often deficient amino acids are lysine, tryptophan and methionine. Lysine in the human body is closely related to the processes of hematopoiesis, the synthesis of alkaloids. With its participation in the bones, calcium is accumulated.

Contains the most lysine in carrots, vegetable beans, spinach, cauliflower and kohlrabi.

Tryptophan is involved in the formation of hemoglobin and serum proteins necessary for the synthesis of vitamin PP. Tryptophan is found in large quantities in the protein of vegetable beans, green peas, and beets.

Methionine is necessary for the synthesis in the body of choline, adrenaline and other biologically active substances. Its deficiency leads to metabolic disorders, primarily lipids, and is the cause of severe diseases of the stomach and liver. Methionine is found in carrots, beets, white cabbage, cauliflower, radish, parsley.

Specific proteins are of great value Enzymes that play the role of catalysts in the process of digestion. Enzymes are stored only in fresh vegetables. In the process of drying, heat treatment and due to improper storage, enzymes are destroyed, so only fresh vegetables are the most beneficial for humans.

The activity of peroxidase can be used to judge the overall redox process in the body. This enzyme is present in most vegetables, cabbage, lettuce, radish, radish, and carrots are especially rich in it.

The greatest amount of amylase, accelerating the breakdown of starch found in vegetable beans, peas. Sucrose and raffinase stimulate the breakdown of disaccharides, regulate carbohydrate metabolism. Most of these enzymes are found in carrots and beets.

What vegetables have the most pectins?

Pectin substances are gelled intercellular substances, consisting of high molecular weight carbohydrates. AT digestive tract pectins are not digested and absorbed by the body, but are sorbents of toxic substances, help to reduce cholesterol in the blood. A large amount of pectin contains parsley (root crops), sweet pepper, eggplant, watermelon, carrots.

Before looking for products containing protein in their composition, let's figure out why we need it at all, for what processes in the body it is responsible.

Protein takes over enough important features. By the way, there are practically no reserves of protein in the human body, it must be replenished with food. Firstly, protein is one of the main building materials in the body; our muscles, skin, internal organs even hair and nails. Secondly, protein is involved in the metabolism in the body. Thirdly, he has protective function involved in the human immune system. Also, with the help of protein, important substances are delivered to the cell.

When a smaller amount of protein enters the body and it becomes insufficient, it negatively affects all the processes that occur in the body. Immunity falls, metabolism is disturbed, efficiency decreases, growth and development in children slows down, leads to liver changes, beriberi, memory impairment, weakening of the heart system, respiratory organs, weight loss.

To prevent this from happening, the body needs to constantly replenish the supply of protein in the cells. Let's see what protein contains.

Foods that contain protein

In fact, the most healthy protein, which is well absorbed by the body, is found in plant foods. Protein from animal products is absorbed much worse, and its excess can even harm the body.

What plants contain protein? A high protein content is present in nuts and seeds:

  • peanut;
  • cashew nuts;
  • pine nuts;
  • almond;
  • hazelnut;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • sunflower.

There is also a lot of protein in legumes (peas, lentils, beans, beans).

And what fruits contain the protein that our body needs? If you ask this question, then enough this element is in:

  • avocado;
  • passion fruit;
  • apricot;
  • dates;
  • bananas;
  • figs;
  • coconut
  • nectarine;
  • kiwi;
  • from dried fruits - in prunes, dried apricots.

A large concentration of protein is not only in nuts, legumes and fruits, because it is also found in vegetables. What vegetables contain protein, you will find out now. These vegetables include:

  • Potato;
  • Brussels sprouts;
  • Parsnip;
  • asparagus;
  • cucumbers;
  • Zucchini.

And if you have a question, which cereals contain protein, then this:

  • Buckwheat;
  • Oatmeal.

The queen of protein is buckwheat. It must be present in the human diet. No wonder many diets consist of taking buckwheat. And oatmeal is not only useful because of the high protein content in it, it is also useful to eat this porridge for the stomach, many patients with gastrointestinal diseases, stomach ulcers are offered a diet in which oatmeal is the main food.

Protein is very well absorbed by the body. In its raw form, it can be eaten with fruits, nuts.

Animal proteins

Proteins of animal origin are very useful for our body. Of these, the best absorbed:

  • Cottage cheese;
  • Eggs;
  • Milk;
  • Fish;
  • Meat (beef, pork);
  • Bread, both rye and wheat;
  • Pasta;

By the way, nutritionists advise combining foods containing vegetable protein with an animal, both are better absorbed. It is useful to cook such dishes as, for example, rice with fish, beef steak with buckwheat, scrambled eggs with beans, oatmeal with candied fruits.

Surplus in the body

An excess amount of protein in the body can lead to the formation of cholesterol plaques in the blood and cause diseases of the cardiovascular system.

If you overdo it with animal protein, it can lead to intoxication of the body. The whole point is that animal protein poorly broken down and releases toxins, and their excess negatively affects the body as a whole.

Therefore, in your diet you must observe, as they say, golden mean everything should be in moderation.

Video on the topic of the article

You are most likely familiar with the benefits of fruits on our body. Some high protein fruits promise great effects on the skin, promote muscle growth, cleanse our system and stimulate activity. immune system. Fruits that are high in protein are able to meet the needs of proteins in our body. When these fruits are part of our diet, we are less likely to suffer from protein deficiencies. Avocados, Brazil nuts, coconuts, walnuts, dates, raisins, figs contain the highest amount of protein. In addition to protein, they also contain all the nutrients needed for normal functioning our body.

The advantage of consuming fruit rich in proteins is that what happens correct growth muscles and improvement in skin structure. In addition, fruits, high in protein and fiber, act as a wonderful lubricant for our digestive system.

List of fruits rich in proteins(per 100g)

Brazil nuts: 23.4 Apricots: 1.40 Avocados: 2.00

Banana: 3.89 Blackberry: 1.39 Blueberry: 0.74

Breadfruit: 1.07 Grapefruits: 0.63 Cherries: 1.06

Carissa: 0.45 Carambola: 0.54 Currant: 1.25

Durian: 1.47 Apples: 0.26 Elderberry: 0.66

Rice: 0.75 Coconut: 3.33 Dates: 2.45

Grapes: 0.60 Guava: 0.82 Jackfruit: 1.41

Kumquat: 1.88 Kiwi: 0.79 Lychee: 0.80

Limes: 0.39 Loganova: 1.52 Lemons: 0.96

Mango: 0.51 Melon: 0.80 Mulberries: 1.44

Nectarine: 1.06 Olives: 0.84 Oranges: 0.94

Peaches: 0.91 Pears: 0.50 Pineapples: 0.54

Papaya: 0.61 Plums: 0.70 Pomegranates: 0.89

Passion fruit: 2.20 Pamelo: 0.76 Rhubarb: 0.90

Raisins: 2.88 Raspberries: 1.20 Hibiscus: 0.86

Strawberry: 0.67 Sugar apple: 2.06 Anona: 1.00

Walnut: 15.23 Mandarin: 0.63 Tamarind: 2.72

Watermelon: 0.56

Including protein-rich fruits in your diet

As already mentioned, protein is very important for muscle growth and the generation of new cells. These fruits are also rich in amino acids, which are building material for the body. It is for this reason that bodybuilders and athletes are advised to regularly eat foods that contain a large amount of protein. We will explain to you how to include them in your diet.

Brazil Nuts / Walnuts for Snack

Brazil nuts contain the highest amount of protein. One ounce of brazil nuts is enough to fulfill daily allowance protein in your body. Walnuts and Brazil nuts are rich in OMEGA -3- fatty acids and minerals. brazil nuts, in addition to assisting in muscle development, also have an antioxidant property because they are rich in selenium. You can eat them with meals. Avoid fried and salted nuts.

bananas for breakfast

Mandatory for all is the use of one banana. You can eat it with milk better digestion in the stomach. From the table you can find out that 100 grams of banana contains 3.89 g of protein, which is enough for our body. Those who have constipation problems can eat a ripe banana before bed, also high content amino acids in banana.

Salad with coconut

The soft flesh of the coconut is extremely rich in proteins. Coconut should be eaten regularly with salad. You can also consume it in the afternoon or just have a snack at any time. Coconut milk is also rich in proteins and healthy fats. Avoid eating coconut with sugar.

Fruit salad

Refer to the table to choose those fruits that contain a large amount of protein. For example, you can add avocado, passion fruit, mulberries, dates, raisins, blackberries, apricots, etc. to the salad. Include assorted protein-packed fruits in your diet. And you will certainly notice an improvement in your health after a certain period.

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