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It works - Wise! Hold your hand in this position and see what follows! Mudra for beginners, application. Practice

Mudras are an easy way to overcome stress and anxiety, improve your emotional state, strengthen the body's defenses and get rid of pain. There are mudras that are responsible for the general condition - they help to relax, relieve tension and restore strength. But there are also those that are aimed at solving specific physical and psychological problems.

Where to start the practice? Which wise ones to choose and how to work with them?

Mudras can be performed at any time and anywhere: at work, while watching TV, and in public transport. It is ideal to practice in a secluded place in a calm home environment or in nature, sitting in a lotus position with a straight back, and also combine mudras with yoga asanas for balance or combine them with meditation. You can strengthen the effect of mudras with the help of a certain nutrition system, breathing exercises, visualization, music, and color.

Favorable times for the practice of mudras are morning and evening. In addition, mudras can be performed when you feel the need to replenish energy. You should not practice immediately after eating, it is advisable to wait at least an hour.

The effect of practice

Some mudras give an immediate effect - you will immediately feel lightness, a surge of energy, release from negative thoughts, mental clarity, peace and tranquility. In acute conditions of the body and psyche, the effect of classes can be observed after 1-2 days, and in case of long chronic diseases - after a few weeks. Mudras are aimed at a long-term positive effect, and the effect of their implementation accumulates if the practice is constant. Only discipline and perseverance will bring about a profound change that will eliminate the problem.

Where to begin?

At the beginning of the practice, it is necessary to remove metal objects from the hands and even out breathing: exhalation should be longer than inhalation (inhalation - by 4 counts, exhalation - by 5-6). Now we begin to perform mudras: gently press on the fingertips of both hands and breathe evenly through the nose. It is better to choose for yourself 2-3 mudras that are aimed at solving a specific problem, and do them daily three times a day (each for 2-5 minutes).

If you are not worried about any specific difficulties, you can practice mudras daily 2 times a day: in the morning to recharge your batteries, and in the evening to relax. Thanks to this, you can always be in shape, relieve stress in time and maintain tone. Starting from a few minutes, as you master the practice, it is necessary to increase its duration gradually up to thirty minutes.

Wisdom of knowledge

This is one of the most important mudras. It is recommended to start the practice with it.

Indications: anxiety, anxiety, emotional overwork, depression, insomnia, lack of energy at the level of Anahata or Vishuddhi.

Effect: brings peace, promotes concentration, improves brain function, activates memory and the ability to perceive new information, systematize the knowledge gained, gives clarity of consciousness, helps to express one's point of view. Technique: We connect the index finger with the thumb pad, forming a ring. The remaining three fingers are straightened, but left relaxed.

Wise of life

Indications: lack of strength, lack of energy, stress, fatigue condition, vision problems.

Effect: increases efficiency and productivity, enhances the energy potential of the body, revealing the energy of Muladhara, strengthens the immune system, gives self-confidence and improves vision.

Technique: The pads of the ring finger, little finger and thumb are connected. The middle and index fingers are together and freely extended. The palms are turned up. Mudra is performed with both hands at the same time.

Mudra of energy

Life does not exist without energy. Channeled energy can do miracles of healing.

Indications: pain, slagging of the body, diseases of the spine, as well as the reproductive system.

Effect: relieves pain, removes toxins, cleanses the body.

Technique: we connect the pads of the middle, ring and thumb, leave the other fingers freely straightened.

Mudra "Shield of Shambhala"

Shambhala is a country of higher spiritual beings, virtue, prosperity, well-being. This mudra gives protection from the forces of evil, makes us invisible to them.

Indications: susceptibility to the negative influences of someone else's energy.

Effect: bestows longevity, kindness, spirituality, protects life, health and prosperity.

Technique: fingers of the right hand are clenched into a fist. We straighten the left hand, while pressing the thumb to the brush. With a straightened left hand, like a shield, we cover the right hand, clenched into a fist, and press it to the back of the fist.

Wisdom that saves lives

Indications: heart attacks, palpitations, heart pain, myocardial infarction.

Effect: In case of malfunction of the heart, it is recommended to immediately begin to perform the mudra. Relief comes immediately.

Technique: bend the index finger so that its pad lies on the base of the thumb. We fold the pads of the middle, ring and thumb, and straighten the little finger. We do it with both hands.

Mudras are a very simple energy exercise that everyone can master. Mudras do not replace treatment, but the result obtained with their help is good support. The goal of the wise is not only maintaining health, but also spiritual work. Practicing this type of yoga constantly, one can notice profound changes in life on the path of self-realization.

How to practice mudras

Any person can perform mudras, regardless of age and health status.

Mudras are performed only while sitting with a straight back. If you want, you can sit on the floor in a lotus or half lotus position, or cross your legs in Turkish style. But you can do it just sitting on a chair.

You need to sit with your face turned to the east.

Place of employment - any, but preferably secluded. You can imagine that you are in your sacred place that you have imagined in order to create the right mental attitude for yourself.

The presence of other people is acceptable only if they are like-minded people, know what you are doing and approve of your activities. You can also work in a group with like-minded people. When several people perform the same mudra, the effect will be stronger.

The best time to practice is morning or evening. Ideally - twice a day, both in the morning and in the evening. But in some cases, another time of day is acceptable. Usually mudra is performed within a few minutes (from 1 to 5 minutes). To more accurately determine the duration, follow your feelings.

Mudra usually works as long as it is pleasant, easy for you to do it and it does not cause tension and discomfort. So you can safely trust yourself - keep the mudra for as long as you want. In some cases, this duration of time can be extended up to 10, 15 minutes, in exceptional cases - up to 30 minutes, but no more.

More specific instructions will be given in the sections on describing mudras.

All mudras are performed with both hands at the same time.

Rules for working with mudras

Before mastering the art of influence and power with the help of mudras, three conditions must be observed:

- firmness and activity of your intention;

- the presence of a creative goal;

- the right mental attitude.

Firm active intention

The implementation of each mudra must necessarily be accompanied by the formation of a clear intention to get exactly what you want as a result.

A mudra that creates a configuration of energy threads changes reality. But our consciousness is also a force that changes reality!

In order for an intention to come true, it must be not only active, but also firm. That is, you must be firmly convinced of what you want. You should not have any doubts or hesitation.

How to create the right intention

Sit in a comfortable position, relax, calm down - for which breathe rhythmically, measuredly, taking slow deep breaths and exhalations. Then think about what you want. And imagine that your wish has already come true.

As soon as duality appeared, when you want the fulfillment of a desire only under certain conditions, then again you need to think about another goal.

If, at the thought of your desire, you are filled with energy so that you are literally ready to fly towards your desire, and if at the same time you want the fulfillment of this desire without any reservations and conditions, then you have formed a clear, firm, active intention.

What happens if you perform mudra without such an intention?

In any case, you will create a favorable configuration of energy. But without a firm intention, these conditions will either disappear very quickly, because your energy configuration will not have enough strength to hold them, or you simply will not be able to take full advantage of these conditions. Therefore, the desire will either not come true at all, or will not be fully realized, or you will not get the result you expected.

Creative Purpose

What does creative purpose mean? This means - a goal that does not involve harming other people, infringing on their will, violence against them and other evil intentions.

What happens if you choose the first path - the path of evil?

Mudra will not work the way you want. You simply cannot harm another person. The reason is that the wise, by their very nature, work only for creative purposes. With the help of mudra, you will not be able to disturb the harmony of the universe. Because it is an instrument that, on the contrary, helps to increase this harmony.

But you can do harm to yourself in this way. But only this will not be done by wisdom, but by your own evil intention. It will just come back to you and hit your life already.

So be doubly careful. Do not allow even a hint of unkind thoughts and wishes addressed to other people.

Right mental attitude

For the best performance of mudras, it is desirable to be in a calm, relaxed state.

This is especially important when performing mudras aimed at improving relations with people. We all know that any nervousness, anxiety, fears spoil the relationship. And if you perform mudra in a nervous or restless state, you will thereby introduce interference into the channel of its action. That is, put obstacles in the way of unfolding that ideal energy configuration of space, which is embedded in the mudra.

The practice of creating the right mental attitude

Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes. Imagine that you were temporarily transported to another world - one where everything was created especially for you, so that you feel good, comfortable, pleasant and joyful. You deserve this little rest and you can safely leave behind all your usual worries for a while. You can come back to them later if you want, but now it's time to enjoy peace.

Imagine yourself in a place where you are pleased to be, where everything is to your liking, and most importantly - where you feel completely safe. It can be a Garden of Eden, or some resort place, or a desert island, or a temple.

Create in your imagination such an ideal place for yourself. Fill it with whatever you want - let there be flowers, a sea coast, a rainbow, a blue sky or twilight with burning candles. Remember that you are doing this only for yourself, you are creating your own world, where you and only you are the master.

You can stay in this world as long as you want. Breathe deeply and measuredly and imagine that you are exhaling all your worries, anxieties, and inhaling pure and bright peace, which spreads pleasantly and relaxingly over your body.

If you have some kind of heaviness in your soul, unpleasant memories, resentment, if something oppresses - exhale all this, and inhale joy and balance.

Gradually, you will find the right mental attitude.

In addition, you will create your own special sacred place that you can go to any time you need to sort out your emotions.

At the beginning of each session wise , rub your hands together 10 times, keeping them at the level of the navel chakra, this will help the energy to flow better in your hands. Rule for thumbs: when other fingers touch them, the pressure should always be very light and the hands should be relaxed.

Mudras can be done in any position. You can do it sitting, standing, lying down or even walking. The body should be free and relaxed. It is important not to be tense because this will interfere with the flow of energy. Mudras are meant for liberation, journey into consciousness and healing.

If you are sitting, sit with your back straight and cross-legged, or in a straight-backed chair. Place your fingers together as described for each mudra.

Wise can be practiced anytime and anywhere. They are more likely to help if a person is in a good mood and in the right environment. Then there will be no obstacles for the flow of energy to flow easily. Several serious practitioners have made doing mudras a ritual performed a few minutes before going to bed and a few minutes before getting out of bed in the morning. But this is not very important. You can do mudras at any time. There are also several serious practitioners who do mudras at different times of the day.

Perform mudras slowly, without haste . Show some patience. Do not rush to do many of them at once. You have a book with instructions and diagrams, and it is very tempting to do a lot of wisdom at once. But that's exactly what you shouldn't be doing.

Feel the mudras working within you. Don't expect miracles and then don't be disappointed when nothing happens. The changes you will experience will be holistic. As your mind heals, your body will respond and you will begin to feel better and better. Many problems of the mind manifest themselves in the body. With the help of mudra treatment, the mind will heal slowly but surely, and you will experience many wonderful feelings of joy and delight, the recovery will be complete and for a long period. The body becomes ill whenever the mind goes through upheavals, etc., different sets of Mudras may be required at different life periods.

By doing continuous practice of the Mudras, along with distinct visualizations and affirmations, you will find yourself embarking on a new path of self-discovery. It is the use of chakra energy, an uplifting mood and a new sense of calm and healing.

There are different opinions about how long Mudra must be performed. Some recommend performing one mudra per day for 45 minutes. If this is too long, divide this time into three periods of 15 minutes each. Initially, you may feel tired, but this is a good sign. When you start to feel good for a certain period of time, you notice that the mudra works for you.

Proper breathing plays an important role. When we exhale deeply, we release not only carbon dioxide, but also expend energy. Take a little longer pause after inhaling and exhaling. If you need to calm down - slow down your breathing, when you need to restore strength - activate it. Breathing plays a very important role. When it is deep, slow and flowing, it has a calming and regenerating effect on the body.

1. Do classes every day until you get the result and fix it.

2. To cure chronic diseases, it is necessary to perform mudras for a long time. This requires patience, humility and hard work.

3. Set a maximum goal - to completely recover from the disease.

4. In case of an acute illness, the initial effect of performing mudras appears - after 1-3 days.

5. It is most effective to combine mudras with asanas, that is, to engage in full-fledged yoga.

6. Spend at least 2-5 minutes on each mudra.

7. Perform 3-4 mudras in one session. It is advisable to repeat them 2-3 times a day.

8. Mudras should be performed with two hands. There is no need to stress them too much.

9. Remember that outstretched fingers contribute to the release of energy, while bent or joined fingers contribute to the accumulation of energy.

10. Perform mudras in a quiet, calm environment, best of all alone.

11. The best time to practice mudras is in the evening by candlelight or in the morning, facing the sun.

12. To relax in the best way, sit or lie down, although you can also be in a standing position. Relax and feel the state of drowsiness. Feel the flow of energy in the body.

13. Watch your breathing and imagine that when you inhale you comprehend the sacred meaning of mudras, and when you exhale, you drive away thoughts and emotions that are not needed at the moment.

14. First remove all jewelry and watches from your hands.

15. It is advisable to practice mudras in nature. This can be done in a park, in a forest, etc.

16. For men, the leading hand is the right hand, and for women - the left. The dominant hand contains the action. It represents the sincerity of intentions and feelings, power and logic, gives a message to the outside world. The second hand reflects your desires and hopes.

17. You can perform several sets of mudras during the day, depending on your health, personal and life problems.

18. Perform mudras with pleasure. When there is tension in the body or uncomfortable sensations, the energy will not be able to move in the right direction. If this happens, then interrupt the lesson and continue to perform other mudras.

19. It is not enough to perform mudras mechanically. Focus on your thoughts and listen to your body.

20. Finishing classes, get out of the meditative state gradually. Don't make sudden movements.

Raise and lower your head several times, rub your palms together, then clench them into fists. Then stretch and take a deep breath.

21. With the correct execution of mudras, you will feel calm, invigorated and cheerful.

22. There are no contraindications for mudras.

Some mudras help to cope with stress. They can be performed in order to quickly calm down and pull yourself together. To prepare for their implementation, you must try to relax, for which you can freely put your hands on your knees if you are sitting, or lower them along the body if you are standing. Then normalize breathing. To do this, inhale for a count of 1-3, and exhale for a count of 1-5. Exhalation should be longer. After you calm down a little, you can proceed to the mudras. Perform them with relaxed hands and breathe through your nose.

Yama consists of five basic principles: ahimsa (absence of violence), satya (honesty), asteya (prohibition of theft), brahmacharya (abstinence) and aparigraha (absence of greed).

If your life passes in a tense rhythm, then you can do mudras in the morning to help recharge your energy, and in the evening to promote relaxation. This will allow you to have a good rest after a hard day and always be in shape. Mudra practice in combination with meditation, asanas, proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, herbal medicine will help restore and strengthen health. It is also useful to perform mudras to meditative music, to combine with color therapy.

When performing mudras, be guided by the drawings. Do not strain your hands, and make the contact of your fingers light. Some mudras may cause you difficulty. Fingers will hardly move in the right direction, slip off, get tired quickly. This is due to the stiffness of the joints and the whole body as a whole. In this case, our recommendations and wisdom will benefit you and help improve the condition of the body.

Performing mudras with both hands at once is not easy. Therefore, practice first with one hand, then with the other. Only after that start doing them with both hands.

Perform mudras in accordance with the rules, but do not overdo it. If any mudra does not work out or the hands get tired quickly, then interrupt the lesson. Gradually, your hands will train and become more mobile and resilient, coordination of movements will develop and you will be able to perform mudras with both hands at once. Remember that mudras are not just exercises or gestures, they are endowed with a sacred meaning.

If you are unable to focus on the main thought when doing mudras, then switch your attention to your breathing. Watch your inhalation and exhalation. This will help you calm down and then move on to important thoughts. Then it will be possible to start visualization (presenting your goal - the desired object, a relaxing landscape, a healthy organ) and affirmations (positive suggestion phrases that help you achieve your goal).

Do not do all the mudras in a row. Choose from them those that you really need at this stage of life. Remember that the effect will not appear immediately. Sometimes it may seem that mudras are not useful and everything is only getting worse, but this is not so. Each change in the body, in life can be accompanied by side processes and short-term exacerbations of chronic diseases or worsening of the situation. Change is a violation of stability, but it helps to come to a new, more acceptable or beneficial situation for you. Therefore, the initial period of change should simply be experienced and at the same time as calmly as possible. Keep practicing mudras and gradually you will reach the goal. Don't be afraid to correct it. Perhaps, if the former stability is violated, you will realize that you were striving for something completely different and set yourself a more correct, more realistic, more beneficial goal for you. Keep practicing and things will change for the better.

If during the execution of the wise you notice a deterioration in health, then interrupt your classes. Perhaps your goal is not well thought out and you have chosen the wrong mudras. It is especially worth considering this if there are complaints from previously undisturbed organs or parts of the body. The conditions for performing the mudras that we recommend allow you to listen to your body as much as possible and notice all the changes that are happening to it.

If you are filled with negative thoughts and irritated, then you should not start the lesson. First calm down, apply breathing techniques (full yoga breathing works very well).

When performing gyan mudra, concentrate your attention on the joined fingers. At the same time, think of something pleasant and sublime. This will allow you to gain inner freedom and tune in to the implementation of subsequent mudras. You will be able to feel the flow of energy coming from the index finger. To maximize the impact of this attitude, try thinking about something unpleasant while also catching energy in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe index finger. You can notice the difference in sensations. Thus, you will see how important it is to think positively and perform mudras after the appropriate mood.

With the help of mudras, you can correct your emotional state - increase your tone, calm down, reduce the significance of something, etc., so you need to perform some mudras depending on the situation. Remember that they must be well worked out by you. As we have already said, mastering new mudras should be done in a calm environment. Mudras will help you feel comfortable in various life situations and develop calmness and peacefulness. In a balanced state, a person perceives more information from the surrounding world, understands himself better and uses logic and intuition to a greater extent. Balance as a character trait allows you to make the right decisions and choose the best behavior under any circumstances. This is the secret of the success of many famous and happy people.

Most yoga experts recommend practicing mudras for 45 minutes a day. It can be one lesson or 2-3 for 15-20 minutes. The timing does not matter, just 45 minutes is enough to master and practice a few mudras. Short sessions do not allow you to get tired and help to distract from various problems and relax during the day. If you combine mudras with meditation, then you will need more time. So you yourself can decide how many times a day to perform mudras.

After the end of the session, you can feel a surge of warmth and energy in your body, cheerfulness, an increase in mood, and a more comfortable state of health. Other sensations may appear - coldness, increased pain, malaise and fatigue. Any changes in the body mean that the mudras have their effect. The fact that it will be gradual and at first may differ from the desired, we have already said.

Some mudras change the flow of energy not only in the body, but also in the surrounding space. It follows from this that mudras can be used to heal another person. It is very important to have a sincere intention to help the suffering. To provide energy assistance, you can approach a person or, if he is far away, mentally imagine him. Then it is necessary to perform mudra, addressing all positive energy and thoughts to him.

Some mudras can be taught to children. This is easy to do in the form of a game. Gradually, the child will master the most significant mudras for life and health and, having matured, will use them.

Mudras have become very popular in the West. Their practice is spreading along with the passion for yoga, oriental culture.

Music helps to easily achieve the necessary emotional state and distracts from extraneous and obsessive thoughts. It is better to perform mudras to calm slow music. Classical pieces of music in appropriate arrangements are suitable for this. For mudras, preference should be given to music performed on the cello, violin, organ, piano. Orchestral music and singing have a stimulating effect on the body and are not suitable for meditation.

Before including music in mudra classes, listen to it for several days and track how it affects you. If you notice a positive effect from music, then perform mudras to it. It is recommended to practice mudras to music for 30 minutes a day.

The main conditions for the implementation of the Mudra are patience and daily implementation. The lesson is carried out while sitting, it is advisable to face the east, with both hands from 5 to 15 minutes for 3-4 times, gradually gaining up to 45 minutes a day.

If there is a desire and opportunity, Mudras can be performed in any place convenient for you, for example: on a walk, while watching TV, at a meeting. Since, such exercises are carried out without the slightest tension, without making any special efforts. Many Mudras allow you to experience relief on the first day, others after a few days, and some instantly.

Many diseases are interconnected, and it is not strange if a Mudra intended for a different type of disease helps. The role of the “secondary” Mudra turns out to be the main one due to the connection between the internal organs and the system.

To begin with, try and determine which of the proposed Mudras is right for you. As already known, some Mudras give instant results (Mudra 7 and 23), and some need time, because the disease also did not appear immediately.

During classes for a disease, a diseased organ or the entire body system, you should choose the most effective time to work with the energy channel. To do this, it is more expedient to carry out the exercise for several days at different times and observe the effectiveness of the action. Any Mudra gives an excellent result if it "works in due time." Even during the exercises to increase the effectiveness of the actions of the Mudras, prayers or mantras are read.

When performing Mudras during the period of several diseases, one must be very careful, since one has to perform Mudras at the same time up to 3-4. Here, not only the execution time, its duration, but also the sequence is of great importance.

If we consider all the options of Mudras, then we will notice that in most cases the thumb will connect with other fingers and this is what happens.

1. When connecting the tips of the thumb and forefinger, Energy is released in the channels of the pericardium, "3 heaters" and the heart, and Energy is concentrated in the channels of the large intestine and lungs.
2. When connecting the tips of the thumb and middle finger, energy is released in the channels of the thick
intestines, "3 heaters" and the heart, and energy is concentrated in the channels of the lungs and pericardium.
3. When the tips of the thumb and the ring finger are connected, energy is released in the channels of the large intestine, pericardium and heart, and energy is concentrated in the channels of the lungs and the “3 heaters”.
4. When connecting the tips of the thumb and little finger, energy is released in the channels of the large intestine, pericardium and "3 heaters", and energy is concentrated in the channels of the lungs and heart.
5. All fingers open - energy is released from all channels.
6. All fingers are compressed - energy is concentrated in all channels.
7. Bent index finger - regulation of energy in the channels of the heart, lungs and large intestine.

Assessing the state of energy during the execution of Mudra No. 7 “Saving Life”, we notice that energy is released in the channels of the heart and large intestine, but it accumulates in the lungs. Therefore, in the channels of the "Three heaters" and the pericardium, there is an "exchange" of energy. Note that any Mudra act in a complex manner, which is why they are so effective.

Before starting treatment, first stop for a minute and analyze your actions, thoughts and actions, it’s worth it, it may reconsider some life principles.

These Mudras help a person with any kind of disease. It is known that the internal system of a person is connected with each other and with the Cosmos, therefore, Mudra has a beneficial effect, as a complex treatment, on the entire human body. With a certain disease, you can pick up two or three suitable Mudras for a more effective result.

When treating, you should pay attention that sometimes not everything that hurts should be “treated”. Mudras do “their work” informationally; they direct the flow of Energy exactly where the treatment should be carried out, i.e. on the causes from which the disease or pain spreads.

Our body is constantly in information exchange with the Cosmos, the same Information in the presence of "Dominant" is read, stopped, and sometimes distorted. In this case, the body does not receive the necessary Information from the Cosmos, and with it the flow of Energy stops. When conducting Mudra, the same process occurs. Sometimes the same Mudra affects everyone differently, it all depends on the presence of the “Dominant”.

Dominant is the body's response to external factors that cause irritation, fear, longing, strong resentment, etc. for more successful treatment. It is also important to increase spirituality, first of all, to change the attitude towards others, to become kinder, let go of past grievances and find more positive things in the world.

Many are interested in how to feel, see and understand the "Dominant" on the physical plane. It manifests itself as a reaction to change.

Each organ, system of a person depends on the flows from the Cosmos, Energy and Information, and an individual approach is required for each person. Doctors have established that homeopathic medicines act on people with different specifics of work, the same drugs affect people in different ways. By performing the Mudras, we close or strengthen the flows from the Cosmos, inside the human body, with its help we restore the aura, some psychics “see” the action of the Mudras.

Today we know about the existence of the astral, mental and etheric bodies, the cause of our diseases, which is mainly associated with the spiritual inner world. Some Mudras also act at a distance. Mudra “Saving Life” is sometimes transmitted to others and causes “Dominant”, an annoying factor. To perform the Mudras, a calm and confident state is required.

For greater stability of the whole organism - Mudras No. 8, 9, 11,14,16,18,23,26,27;
to improve the functioning of the respiratory system - Mudras No. 1, 6, 10,20,25,30;
to relieve pain in the joints - Mudras No. 2, 5, 8, 11;
for violations in the work of the nervous system - Mudras No. 3.9, 12, 15,17,19,25,28;
for diseases of the cardiovascular system - Mudra No. 3,
for diseases of the digestive system - Mudras No. 10 18,21,24,29;
for diseases of the internal hollow organs - Mudra No. 24;
with hearing loss - Mudra No. 4;
with a decrease in vision - Mudra No. 8.

To enhance the effect when conducting Mudras, it is advisable to read the prayer "Our Father".

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