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Yoga for pregnant women. Yoga for pregnant women: indications and contraindications. Is yoga safe during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a magical time. And yoga is a loving tool that helps you understand your body and soul, becoming stronger and happier. To me, this is just the perfect duet. Therefore, when I learned about my second pregnancy, I did not stop practicing, but quite the opposite. I began to study all the subtleties even more so as not to harm myself, and practice even more often, in order to better prepare my body for ease for all 9 months and directly for childbirth.

During yoga, the practitioner learns to relax his body, understand it, control it. During breathing and meditation exercises, we learn to clear our mind of negativity and hackneyed thoughts, directing it in a positive direction, into silence and silence with all the answers. Isn't this exactly what a woman needs, especially during pregnancy and childbirth? Yoga will make it easier to experience stress and get rid of fears, make your body and mind more flexible. All this will be a wonderful gift for both the pregnant woman and the baby in the tummy.

And since the period of pregnancy is very tender, then the yoga approach to it should be very attentive - with its own subtleties and nuances, moreover, for each trimester separately.

I specifically made a video to show everything described below clearly. The practice suggested in the video lasts 35 minutes, suitable for beginners and for each trimester. It’s good if you have the opportunity at least once a week to attend full-fledged classes for pregnant women in yoga centers for 1-2 hours with a certified instructor (I went to Om Shanti in Dnepropetrovsk to a very good instructor Svetlana Taranenko). And for everyday exercises at home, this video practice is ideal for you, according to which I also practiced throughout my pregnancy.

  • be sure to consult with your doctor if you have any contraindications for yoga
  • Breathe deeply and calmly through your nose while practicing.
  • exercise on an empty stomach - 2 hours after a meal or 1 hour after a light snack
  • watch your well-being - get out of the asana if you are tired, reduce the time spent in the asana if you feel that you are overexerting yourself.
Recommendations for trimesters from the consultation of Vadim Poletaev and the book by Maria Schiffers

First trimester (1-13 weeks)

The first trimester is the period of fixation of the fetal egg, the formation of the placenta, the laying of all the main organs and systems of the baby. So you need to feel your body and states very subtly. And take into account all the features.

  • Lying postures are suitable for rest and adaptation of the body to new conditions.
  • Sitting postures will help to cope with nausea, digest food, improve blood circulation in the uterus and ovarian region.


Active twisting (sitting and standing), active backbends without support and lying on the stomach, poses with a load on the stomach, balances on the hands and forward bends without support under the head, mula bandha (perineal contraction lock), towards the end of the trimester also stands stop performing twisting variations of asanas - parivritta - which actively squeeze the stomach.

  • mastering full yogic breathing- this is when we first inflate the stomach on inspiration, then expand the chest, and then raise the collarbones, and on the exhale - on the contrary - lower the collarbones, return the chest and stomach to their place. This will help us fill the entire volume of the lungs with oxygen, strengthen the immune system, increase the level of hemoglobin, relax and relieve fatigue. It is good to master this breathing practice while standing - while inhaling, we raise our hands up, giving the opportunity to better open the chest and raise the collarbone, while leaving the shoulders in place so as not to pinch the neck, and also rise on toes, actively including the ankle. As you exhale, lower your hands and feet. You can start with 10 repetitions, gradually increasing the number of breaths - exhalations. But the main focus is well-being. I like to do this practice like this - I spread my legs a little wider, while inhaling I also raise my hands and toes up, and on exhalation I go into a small squat, remaining on my toes. So it’s better to work out the legs more. This is clearly shown in the video below.

  • bhramari pranayama(vibromassage for your baby) - the proposed version of its implementation will help to monitor posture. We sit in a comfortable position with crossed legs, the back is even, we remove the deflection in the lower back, pointing the tailbone down, we put our hands behind the head, without clamping the neck and opening the chest, eyes are closed. We take a deep calm breath, on exhalation - a soft buzzing sound. At the same time, we concentrate on an even spine on inhalation and on vibrations inside on exhalation. It is this version of pranayama with hands behind the head that helps to form the correct tone of the back in order to avoid deflection in the lower back, which is observed in pregnant women with an increase in the abdomen.

In general, with the growth of the belly and weight, a number of changes appear in the body that are best avoided - the already mentioned deflection in the lower back, tightness in the chest, stress on the legs and feet. How can prevention help? articular gymnastics:

  • To open the chest - in a comfortable sitting or standing position, we make rotation in the shoulders, first in one direction and then in the other direction.
  • For the lower back in dynamics, we make movements from the opposite - we stand and press the coccyx and sacrum forward (turn inward) while inhaling, while exhaling, let go. And so 10 times.
  • To form the correct arch of the feet, which can spread due to weight gain, articular study will help - rotation while standing on one leg with the lower leg clockwise and vice versa. Repeat on both legs. Can be done sitting or lying down.

It is good to perform visualization during asanas, giving a positive attitude for the entire pregnancy and childbirth.

Second trimester(14-27 weeks)

The most favorite period - the energy is in full swing, the tummy is not quite big yet and the most beautiful thing is that the baby is already moving.

Here we can increase the time spent in poses and be a little more active. We continue to follow the advice from the first trimester, with the difference that now mula bandha, on the contrary, is very useful. You can do it during asanas, it is good to start when performing the cat pose. It is in this position that I can learn how to perform this lock, without straining the abdominal muscles.

Bandha is an energy lock, and mula bandha is a compression of the muladhara chakra, in a simple way - a volitional contraction of the muscles of the perineum region, we know this lock as a Kegel exercise. To understand how to do this, imagine that you are trying to stop urination. What is the importance of this practice? The muscles of the pelvic floor support the uterus and the fetus of the pregnant woman, which are actively growing. And by contracting and relaxing these muscles, we strengthen them, also improve blood circulation, preventing hemorrhoids, learn to control them, which is very useful in childbirth.

You can combine the useful with the pleasant - mula bandha and meditative Pranayama SoHm. We sit down exactly with crossed legs and a straight back, removing the deflection in the lower back and opening the chest. While inhaling, we mentally pronounce Hm (ham) and contract the muscles of the pelvic floor, while exhaling, we relax them and mentally pronounce So (so). We start with 10 approaches and adjust to our well-being, bringing up to 50-100 approaches per day.

With the growth of the tummy and weight, there may be some “joys” that are best avoided. And yoga will help in this). For example,

  • with heaviness in the legs and varicose veins it is good to perform inverted asanas, especially Vipariti karani mudra(photo below, you only need to perform this asana near the wall, propping your pelvis and legs against the wall, and putting pillows under your lower back (clearly shown in the video), which is also good for swelling and hemorrhoids. If varicose veins progress, you do not need to perform standing asanas. And for its prevention, you just need to consider the following: We need standing asanas because they strengthen the muscles of the legs and the body as a whole, help control weight, develop self-confidence, reduce the likelihood of cramps and swelling, improve blood circulation in the fetus, keep the spine healthy and And to avoid varicose veins, you can simply reduce the time in these poses and make compensation after them in the form of dynamics (rolling on the feet while standing, joint exercises for the legs standing or sitting) to turn on the muscle pump and active breathing.
  • if you suffer from heartburn, you need to do more asanas while sitting with an open and high chest. And also do not forget about fractional and alkaline nutrition (for example, fresh fruits and vegetables).

For the right mood for childbirth and well-being during pregnancy, communication practices will help: singing mantras, pranayama (for example, bhramari), singing vowel sounds.

Since the tummy is getting bigger, you need to remember that when bending forward while standing and sitting, we spread our legs a little so that there is a place where to put the belly.

For the lower back, it will be very useful to perform the pose half bridge. Lying on our back, we bend our knees and put our heels to the buttocks hip-width apart, arms along the body. Then, while inhaling, like an adhesive tape, we begin to raise the buttocks from the floor, vertebra by vertebra, trying to wrap the coccyx and sacrum, as high as it will be comfortable. And on the exhale - again slowly vertebra by vertebra, starting from the upper back, lower the buttocks to the floor.

Shavasana (complete relaxation pose) starting from the 20th week is best done on the left side, so as not to compress the inferior vena cava, which runs on the right side, and not cause malnutrition and possible fetal hypoxia.

third trimester(28 - 42 weeks)

Now you can do less and less. We leave light dynamics, pranayamas, voting, we perform statics near the wall, we walk more on the street. Standing asanas are performed if health permits, and preferably near a wall in order to feel good support.

It is undesirable to gain excess weight (more than 14 kg for the entire pregnancy). To avoid this, we walk more in the fresh air, eat fractionally according to the feeling of hunger, do not forget about adequate physical activity and conscious nutrition.

What is mindful eating? This is when we eat in silence, chewing food thoroughly, feeling when our body is full. We avoid jamming of emotions and negative moments.

The Best Asanas for a Cheerful Pregnancy and Easy Childbirth

Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana)

We sit on a roller (folded blanket) with a flat back, bend our knees, connecting the feet closer to the body. We concentrate on a flat back and how the relaxed hips fall. The arms are lowered and the palms rest on the knees. We take a few calm deep breaths and exhalations. We can make several variations of this asana. By spreading the feet wider apart, we open the pelvis even better, which serves as an excellent preparation for childbirth. And another option is to move the feet brought together forward and lower a flat back, while we stretch forward and upward with the crown of our head, trying to fold like a book in the lower back, and not reach out with our chest to the feet.

Looking at my photo, I already want to straighten my back and open my chest.

Asana develops the hip joints, stretches the muscles of the inner thighs and groin, from which it prepares the body very well for childbirth.

cat pose

We get on all fours. Our knees are under our pelvis, our palms are at shoulder level and exactly below them. The head and neck hang relaxed forward. We feel good balance and support. On the exhale, starting from the coccyx, we round the back up, vertebra by vertebra, press the chin to the chest. On inspiration, again starting from the coccyx, slowly, feeling each vertebra, we bend back. Usually in this asana we form an arch in the lower back and stretch the chin forward and upward, opening the chest. Since the deflection in the lower back in pregnant women physiologically appears anyway, it would be more correct to leave it straight here. We do several approaches, then bending, then arching, slowly and in complete relaxation. Feeling your soft and flexible back, feeling how all the unpleasant muscle tension and tightness go away. This asana can be done during and between contractions.

pigeon pose

We get on all fours. We put the right knee between the hands, and the heel - near the left thigh. At the same time, we stretch the left leg behind us, the knee of the left leg and the upper surface of the foot should look at the floor. Here you can make several variations. First, resting your hands on the floor, stretch your back up, opening your chest well (as in the photo below). After, continuing to lean on the hands, lower the pelvis and hips down. If the sensations in the back allow, we lower ourselves onto the forearms of the hands. The head and neck hang forward, while increasing the stretch. We go into the slope as deep as is comfortable for our body. Feelings should be pleasant, we do not overstep our boundaries. It is better to stay with a straight back without tilt than to harm your body. We enjoy how the muscles in the groin and buttocks soften and stretch. All this will be useful in childbirth. Repeat variations on the other side.

Crow Pose (Malasana)

In a standing position, set the feet slightly wider than the hips. We squat, keeping our heels off the floor, and spread our knees as wide as possible. We place the elbows between the knees, thereby pushing them a little further apart. The palms in namaste are at the level of the heart. The pelvis is relaxed, the back is straight, the breathing is even and calm. We enjoy how the hip joints open and the groin muscles stretch, reducing the likelihood of perineal tissue rupture during childbirth.

It is natural to give birth in this position, as it is easier for the baby to get out using gravity.

If your heels come off the floor, place a folded blanket under your heels. At later dates, it is better to do the asana near the wall.

Seated Wide Angle Pose (Upavishta Konasana)

Gita Ayengar (author of Yoga for Women) writes, “In order to have an easy childbirth, upavistha konasana should be performed until late in pregnancy.” She also recommends this asana for leg cramps, stomach pains and heartburn.

We sit on the floor, with our hands we take the buttocks back a little. We spread our legs as wide as we are comfortable. At the same time, we push the heels away from us. The back should be flat, if necessary, you can put your fingers in support next to the pelvis. Raise the chest and open it to the sides from the center. Belly, neck, head are relaxed.

We breathe relaxed and enjoy how the legs are stretched, the groin area and the hip joints are opened.

To stretch the lateral muscles of the back, we can alternately bend over to each leg, while opening the chest, as in the photo below.

If the abdomen tightens and the lower back falls, place a folded blanket under the buttocks and place the fingers behind the back.

Baby pose (balasana)

The pose is good for relaxing between asanas. We get on all fours, spread our knees to the sides so that there is enough space for the tummy. We shift the soles, from which the toes touch each other. We lower the buttocks, pressing to the heels. With outstretched arms forward, we fit between the knees, putting our forehead on the floor. If necessary, we put a roller in front of us and lie down on it. We relax the neck, back, buttocks. We feel how the lower spine stretches, how all the tension in the muscles of the back and hips disappears, how the abdominal muscles relax. This asana helps to increase the flexibility of the joints of the pelvis, expanding the space inside it.

Triangle pose (trikonasana)

Spread your legs wide, at a distance of approximately 1 meter. Turn the right foot outward 90 degrees, the left foot 45 degrees inward. In this case, the heel of the right foot looks at the middle of the left foot. On the exhale, stretch the right arm to the side and stretch the torso after the right arm. The left hand can be brought behind the back so as not to fall forward. We lower the right hand on the brick or on the leg as low as the stretch allows. Stretch the left hand up, perpendicular to the floor, so that both hands are on the same line. We turn the head and neck up, look at the ceiling or at the thumb of the left hand. We stretch our arms well at the elbows, and our legs at the knees. In this case, the pelvis is not tilted back, but the body is forward. If the neck gets tired, we can lower our head and look at the floor. We remain in the asana for 10-20 seconds, depending on how you feel. As you exhale, bend your right leg, push it off the floor and gently stand up. Let's repeat everything on the other side.

Asana works well on all muscles, joints and organs, relieves pain in the back and sides, stretches and strengthens the whole body.

The above is illustrated in this video. Happy practice! It is you who can make your body stronger and prepare it for childbirth.

I really want this post to be useful for you and help you feel lightness and strength in your body for 9 months, and give birth to a baby as much as possible.

I would also like to write a little about my results of practice for pregnant women to confirm its effectiveness;). In addition, I have something to compare with, since pregnancy and childbirth were the second. I can say with confidence that I am very grateful to the lifestyle with yoga and without meat (which was not the case with my first pregnancy). All 9 months passed for me with maximum pleasure and cheerfulness. I practiced literally until the last day, and during childbirth I was able to really meet the baby with her husband without screaming in pain (as during the first birth), but with music and tenderness. And I didn't even notice the postpartum period. Less than a week later, I caught myself thinking that I had no sensations at all, that I had just given birth. And instead of discomfort, I felt only pleasure from the appearance of my second son and an irresistible desire to resume practice faster.

For myself, I have identified several very important points of practice that are simply necessary during childbirth:

  • during the “correct” yoga classes, we learn to concentrate on the sensations in the body. At the same time, feeling the work in some muscles, we are able to relax others.
  • even with intensive work in the body, we control our breathing, keeping it even and calm. And even if there is tension in the body, breathing remains so.

These two skills, if mastered in advance, will greatly facilitate childbirth. And even with intense contractions, keep your smile and body relaxed.

So practice and enjoy! With your body, with your strength, with your abilities!

Nowadays, there is hardly a person who would not have heard anything about yoga at all. But every second person has an incomplete idea of ​​it. Yoga should be understood not only as exercises and postures for meditation. It is also a philosophy that combines all the spiritual values ​​of our inner "I" into a single whole. People who have been practicing such activities for a long time can say with confidence that the benefits of yoga are many-sided. It gives strength to the body, and peace and tranquility to the spirit. Therefore, having originated in India, she gradually found her fans in all corners of the globe and among different people. This eastern direction is also very popular among expectant mothers. But is yoga good for pregnancy? And is it not dangerous to do it while carrying a baby?

Can yoga be practiced during pregnancy?

Yoga during pregnancy is useful, and you can do it throughout the entire period of bearing a child. However, here it is necessary to take into account some nuances and limitations, making allowances for the "interesting" position of the expectant mother.

Of course, it is better to master the exercises in specialized groups under the close supervision of competent trainers. But homework is also not excluded. Provided that you first consult with your obstetrician-gynecologist. And also discuss with an experienced instructor which asanas you can perform and which are contraindicated during pregnancy.

A set of exercises for a pregnant woman is compiled individually. When developing it, the instructor must determine all the dangerous points that need to be eliminated.

Yoga is a great way to get in tune with your body and inner self before your baby arrives.

From what date and for how long?

You can start practicing yoga according to a specially designed program from the first month of pregnancy. If you have practiced it before, be sure to transfer to the group for pregnant women. And you need to do this as soon as possible in order to be under the constant supervision of instructors.

It has been proven that yoga classes in the last 2-3 weeks before the birth of a baby help the expectant mother approach childbirth in a good mood and well-being, ready to resolve the burden mentally and physically.

Who can't?

Yoga during pregnancy, for all its safety, still has some contraindications.

Some people need to be very careful when exercising.

  • If a woman has not previously been involved in sports, then the load should be given gradually.
  • When diagnosing polyhydramnios, the risk of miscarriage increases.
  • Pregnant women suffering from increased uterine tone are allowed to engage only with the permission of a doctor.
  • With hypersecretion of any hormone, consultation with a gynecologist is also necessary.
  • Some asanas are undesirable for various chronic diseases.

Contraindications for yoga

  • uterine hypertonicity;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • bloody issues;
  • preeclampsia;
  • hypertension;
  • arthritis;
  • varicose veins;
  • toxicosis with manifestation of nausea or vomiting;
  • tachycardia.

In order for yoga classes to be beneficial and not cause complications during pregnancy, a consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist must be completed before starting training. This is especially true for expectant mothers who decide to study at home on their own.

Benefits of yoga for expectant mothers

Yoga helps:

  • prepare as much as possible for future childbirth mentally and physically;
  • learn to breathe properly, as well as control your body during contractions and attempts;
  • bring your psychological state back to normal and get rid of depression;
  • the fetus to take the correct position, thereby reducing the risk of miscarriage.

Yoga will teach expectant mothers to breathe correctly, which will greatly help in the process of childbirth

Basic Terms and Conditions

Mode and regularity - that's what is important in any workout. Intermittent loads will not lead to the desired result and will even have the opposite effect.

However, there are a few other rules that also need to be taken into account.

  • Do not exercise with a full stomach or bladder.
  • After the last meal, at least 1.5–2 hours should pass (light snacks are not considered a meal).
  • During classes, special attention should be paid to well-being.
  • Do not practice yoga on days when you should have been on your period.
  • You can't overstress.
  • The abdomen should always be in a relaxed state.
  • You need to train only with a good mood.
  • Try to avoid jumping and sudden body movements.
  • All exercises are performed slowly, smoothly, carefully.
  • Training with an experienced instructor is safer and more effective.

Yoga will bring a lot of pleasure, and most importantly, it will bring the desired result (you will feel it during childbirth) only if all the rules are followed. Otherwise, negative consequences and complications cannot be avoided.

During pregnancy, it is best to enroll in special yoga courses.

  • Postures that put pressure on the stomach are excluded from the complex. These include asanas that involve intense twisting of the torso.
  • During pregnancy, postures such as Halasana, Shirshasana, bridge and half bridge are not recommended.
  • In the second trimester, poses that are performed on the stomach are excluded. Thus, unnecessary pressure on the abdomen is removed.
  • At a later date, it is desirable to exclude forward and backward tilts (in the first trimester, they can still be performed).
  • Particular attention should be paid to asanas that stimulate blood circulation in the abdominal cavity.
  • Sitting and lying postures are practiced throughout pregnancy as they develop the diaphragm, helping to ease breathing and improve overall well-being.
  • In the third trimester, back exercises are not recommended, as they impair blood circulation and compress large vessels.
  • Starting from the second trimester, postures are recommended - standing with the use of a support.
  • Throughout pregnancy, it is strictly forbidden to do backbends in the supine position.

Types of yoga suitable for pregnant women

Currently, there are many methods and techniques of yoga, but only a few are suitable for pregnant women. The following are the most effective and safe for expectant mothers.


Kundalini- the symbolic name of human potential. Therefore, Kundalini yoga is a practice that opens up your possibilities. This technique is ideal for beginners because it does not require special skills and training. In the process of training, you yourself already choose the subsequent techniques.

The effect of the exercises is felt almost immediately, so spending many years of life to learn yoga as an art is not required here. This technique is unique in its accessibility and results, such as clearing the mind and keeping the body in good shape.

Like any other technique, Kundalini includes postures, gestures, certain ways of breathing. It is an excellent technique in terms of spiritual development and moral hardening.

Prana yoga

Prana yoga is a breathing technique based on three light exercises.

  1. Rechaka is a full breath.
  2. Puraka is a full deep breath.
  3. Kumbhaka - holding the breath for a while.

By learning to control your outer breathing, you can feel inner peace and harmony. Prana yoga is a breathing technique. She teaches the skills of maintaining calm and self-control. And this is very useful for the expectant mother in childbirth.

Aqua yoga for pregnant women is a special direction, specially developed by the writer F.B. Friedman. In addition to a positive effect on the general condition of the body, this technique helps to prepare as much as possible for childbirth and recovery after them.

Aqua yoga is the safest method. The risk of injury is the lowest here.

A woman in the classroom learns to feel her body and own it. At the same time, the main muscle groups are effectively worked out without unnecessary load, which leads to a significant increase in their elasticity. During training, fatigue and tension are relieved, and the body can relax and quickly tone up.

In water, the risks of injury are minimized. In addition, aqua yoga classes are held in groups, which gives expectant mothers the opportunity to enjoy communication with other pregnant women, exchange experiences and impressions with them.

Instructors constantly monitor the progress of the exercises and monitor the well-being of their wards. And if necessary, they will always give advice and answer questions of interest.

Aqua yoga visibly fills the body with health, makes it toned, energetic and beautiful. And most importantly, gently and unobtrusively prepares him for childbirth.

A set of exercises on the ball

The ball (fitball) not only adds variety to yoga classes. It perfectly supports the body at the right moments, springing, and thereby softening the impact.

Yoga on the ball is suitable for absolutely everyone, regardless of age and build. With regular training on the fitball, the flexibility of the body will increase significantly.

Specially designed exercises prepare expectant mothers for the upcoming contractions, which can also be facilitated with the help of a ball, resting on it and relaxing.

Fitball helps the expectant mother relax not only during training, but also during childbirth

Iyengar Yoga

Iyengar yoga is named after its founder. Iyengar, having extensive knowledge, created a special technique based on breathing techniques. The main difference of this type of yoga is the use of supports during exercises. Pregnant women can safely practice Iyengar yoga.

Video tutorial on the application of Iyengar yoga

Training should always be preceded by meditation. Take the position of Sukhasana (Turkish). Stay alone with your thoughts, throw away all the negativity, try to feel your future baby. This action will help to relax as much as possible and prepare the body for classes.

In any position, you can linger exactly as much time as provided by the developer of the complex. A time equal to 5-6 respiratory cycles is optimal. At the same time, one should not forget about proper breathing - we do everything slowly and calmly.

Asana #1

Seated Wide Angle Pose - Upavishtha Konasana

  1. First you need to sit comfortably on the floor and stretch your legs in front of you.
  2. Next, you should push them apart and grab the corresponding feet with the fingers of your left and right hands.
  3. Flex your chest (diaphragm) and take several complete breaths.

Wide angle pose is safe for expectant mothers

Asana #2

Head at the knee pose - Janu Shirshasana

  1. Without changing the previous pose, bend any knee and place the corresponding foot on the inside of the opposite thigh.
  2. Straighten your back and lift your chest.
  3. Change legs and repeat this exercise.

When doing Jana Shirshasana, take your time, breathe slowly and deeply.

Asana #3

Bound Angle Pose - Baddha Konasana

  1. Lean against a wall (or a special stand).
  2. Place a roller under you.
  3. Adjust the knees so that they are no higher than the pelvis (you can use auxiliary belts).
  4. Try to relax in this position and think about something pleasant while keeping your back straight. This is a great exercise for relaxation and meditation.

Asana Baddha Konasana perfectly relaxes the body

Asana #4

Standing Half Forward Bend - Ardha Uttanasana

  1. Use a support that is no longer than the length of your legs.
  2. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart.
  3. Make a slow forward lean. At the same time, the arms should be kept straight and extended in front of you, and the body should not fall below the pelvis during execution.

Asana Ardha Uttanasana perfectly develops flexibility

Asana #5

Wide Leg Pose - Prasarita Padottanasana

  1. Starting position - standing, feet a little more than a meter wide.
  2. The feet are parallel and close to the floor.
  3. Lean forward and grasp the prepared support. The back should be straight, and the stomach with the lower back should be in a relaxed state.

Prasarita Padottanasana exercise

Asana #6

Rest Pose - Savasana

  1. Starting position - lying on your back. You can put a blanket under your back and neck.
  2. Relax, breathe smoothly, try to feel your baby as much as possible.

Asana Shavasana will allow you to focus on your thoughts and feel your baby

Video "Yoga for pregnant women: exercises"

Features of exercises depending on the period

Depending on the duration of pregnancy, there are certain restrictions on the performance of certain exercises. This should not be forgotten. Then you will get the maximum benefit from training and will not cause any harm to yourself and your unborn baby.

First trimester

The body during this period is subjected to the greatest stress, because a new life is just beginning to emerge in the body of the mother. Often a woman at the beginning of pregnancy is tormented by toxicosis, she quickly gets tired and is prone to depression.

Yoga in the early stages is especially important for the expectant mother. By choosing the right exercises for herself, she can learn to relax and cheer herself up. Moreover, in the first trimester there are no restrictions on asanas.

Second trimester

The time when the body has already adapted to a new state. The problems of toxicosis and irritability gradually fade into the background. The belly begins to grow noticeably, the expectant mother is gaining weight.

Exercises are now limited to only inverted poses. Asanas performed lying on the stomach should be completely excluded in the second trimester of pregnancy.

third trimester

In the later stages, your main task is to prepare the body for childbirth as much as possible. In this case, you can not use postures - lying on your stomach, as well as standing on your feet. Turns of the body must also be excluded.

In the third trimester, constant monitoring by a gynecologist is necessary. It is better to replace workouts at home with group ones, and conduct them under the supervision of experienced instructors.

Yoga classes are very useful for expectant mothers. They help to improve blood circulation and strengthen muscles, help to calm down and find spiritual harmony. You just need to learn to feel, understand, love your body. And you should strictly follow all the recommendations of instructors and physicians. Then you will be fully prepared for childbirth. So, you will give birth to your little one quickly and easily. Good luck and good mood!

Yoga during pregnancy is a whole system of preparation for childbirth. Yoga classes are very useful for pregnant women due to the following factors:

  • Having mastered breathing according to the yoga method, it will be possible to confidently control breathing during contractions, since yoga breathing exercises are most consistent with proper breathing during childbirth. Proper breathing increases the oxygen supply to the child and mother by 30% and helps to avoid possible hypoxia in the child.
  • Yoga will help you find psychological comfort and inner balance, get rid of emotional stress, depression, anxiety - frequent companions of pregnancy. Yoga classes will make the future baby more balanced and calm, and his psyche more stable, since during classes there is communication between mother and child.
  • Yoga allows you to optimally prepare the body for the upcoming birth, strengthening the muscular corset of the spine and thereby eliminating back pain, increasing the elasticity of the muscles and ligaments of the pelvic floor, improving stretching. Yoga classes contribute to the correct location of the fetus, which greatly facilitates the course of childbirth and prevents ruptures.
  • Yoga strengthens the immune system, stimulates the work of many body systems: cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine, digestive, excretory, which ensures the successful course of pregnancy and eliminates such unpleasant consequences as toxicosis, edema, varicose veins, hernia, constipation, excessive weight gain body, and also promotes quick and easy recovery of the body and figure after childbirth.

Rules for practicing yoga during pregnancy

  • Yoga, like any other exercise, should be done regularly. Non-systematic and short-term stress during pregnancy is harmful, it is stress for the body, which can lead to undesirable consequences.
  • You can practice yoga from the first weeks (if you didn’t practice yoga before pregnancy). Those who have practiced yoga before can perform the usual set of exercises and switch to “sparing” from 3-4 months. You can do it throughout your pregnancy if you pay attention to your health from the very beginning of pregnancy.
  • You can not exercise with a full stomach and bladder. You need to eat 1.5-2 hours before class. But you can have a snack with some light food (banana, apple, pear, yogurt, drink green tea) 20-30 minutes before training.
  • During classes, you should carefully monitor your well-being and, if any discomfort occurs, immediately exit the pose. The abdomen in any position should be free and relaxed. Watch the baby's reaction to the performance of certain asanas. If he protests against certain postures, obey.
  • Yoga for pregnant women differs from the usual one in that the inner message for classes changes dramatically: from complete dedication and striving for maximum intensity of the pose to finding inner harmony and sensitive attention to your feelings.
  • Attitude towards work is important. If the motivation is: "I have to, because it is necessary", it is hardly worth waiting for serious results. You can practice yoga only with a positive attitude, it requires not so much physical investment as emotional and energy.
  • You can not overstrain, you should avoid jumping, shaking, bending forward, sudden changes in body position. You need to get up and lie down smoothly, all poses in a standing position should be performed with support.
  • It is best to engage in special groups under the guidance of an experienced instructor, especially if you are worried about toxicosis, drowsiness, fatigue. The practice of yoga helps to cope with these problems. If it is not possible to attend classes for pregnant women, you can attend regular classes, having warned the instructor about your situation. If jumps in blood pressure or increased uterine tone are observed, classes should be suspended and a decision should be made to continue them, in consultation with a doctor and an experienced yoga instructor for pregnant women.

All postures that put pressure on the abdomen should be avoided. These include asanas that involve intense twisting of the torso. By the second trimester, all postures performed in the prone position are excluded.

During pregnancy very inverted postures recommended(Sarvangasana, Halasana, Shirshasana, bridge and half bridge), they normalize hormonal balance. On the days of menstruation, these asanas are not performed, but during pregnancy they are mandatory. Inverted poses are useful to include in classes throughout pregnancy.

In all poses where the legs are joined together (Dandasana and inverted poses), the feet should be separated by the width of the pelvis. In the second and third trimesters, deep forward bends should be avoided.

Increased attention should be paid to asanas that promote the opening of the hip joints, stimulating blood circulation in the peritoneum and pelvic organs. Do Moola Bandha, not only during Pranayama and Asanas, but at every opportunity.

As for Pranayama, it is better to do it in a sitting position on a chair or reclining and perform only simple options like Ujjaya and Viloma.

Sitting and supine postures such as Baddha Konasana and Supta Baddha Konasana as well as Viparita Karani Mudra can also be practiced throughout pregnancy. They increase the space between the pelvis and the diaphragm, making it easier to breathe and improve overall well-being.

In the second and third trimesters, it is good to include standing postures (holding on to a support) in your classes. They help control weight, reduce the likelihood of convulsions and edema, improve the blood supply to the fetus, and heal the spine.

It is strictly forbidden throughout pregnancy to do backbends lying on the floor (Shalabhasana), complex balances (Bakasana), closed twists (Marichyasana III) and abdominal poses (Navasana).

You need to be especially careful in the 12-14th week of pregnancy, as hormonal changes take place at this time. During this period, only postures in the supine position and inverted positions should be included in the complex.

Sufficient attention should be paid to the development of relaxation skills (include contrast exercises, Shavasana, visualization in classes).


Stand up, heels together, toes apart. Squat deeply, balancing on half-toes, knees look to the sides. Connect the palms in front of the chest, but it is better to take hold of any support with one hand. This pose strengthens the leg muscles and improves blood circulation in the pelvic area.


Stand up, feet at a distance slightly wider than shoulders, socks look to the sides. Transfer the weight of the body to the heels and slowly sit down, knees directed towards the toes, keep the back straight. Fold your palms in front of your chest, rest your elbows on your knees from the inside with your elbows and gently push them apart with your elbows. Stay in this position for 30 seconds. Make sure that the heels are on the floor, not looking up from it. Breathing is calm, the pelvis is relaxed.


Sit down, back straight, stomach raised. Put your feet together and pull them as close to you as possible, your knees look to the sides. Press the outer surface of the feet to the floor, clasp them with the hands, striving for the maximum opening of the perineum. Spine stretch up, stretching the inner thighs from the sacrum to the knee, gently lowering the knees to the floor. Breathing is deep. Having mastered this position, you can put your elbows on the floor in front of you for 15-20 seconds. The systematic performance of this asana facilitates childbirth, strengthens the muscles of the uterus, reduces back pain, improves kidney function and the condition of the bladder.

Supta Baddha Konasana is a variation of Baddha Konasana. When performing it, put your hands behind you, lean back and take a semi-lying position.

Next asana: get on all fours and spread your knees as wide as possible, put your feet together, rest your palms on the floor in front of you, bend slightly in your back, look forward. After 10 sec. lower your elbows to the floor in front of you and relax as much as possible, focusing your attention on breathing, directing the exhalation to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe greatest tension (inner thighs that are stretched). Stay in this position for 30 seconds. This posture increases the elasticity of the ligaments of the hips and pelvis. It is also recommended to do it during contractions so that the baby is in the correct position before birth.


Get on all fours, rest your hands on the floor, palms exactly under your shoulders, hips perpendicular to the floor, look down. After inhaling, raise your head and tailbone and gently bend at the waist. On the exhale, pick up the tailbone and round, arching, back. Pull the navel to the spine, open the shoulder blades and focus on the feeling of lengthening the back. Repeat several times. This asana improves the elasticity of the back muscles, reduces the pressure of the growing uterus on the spine.


Sit down, stretch your legs forward. Connect together the thighs, shins and big toes that look at the ceiling. Put your palms on the floor to your side, fingers pointing forward. Taking a breath, raise the pelvis. Do not bend your elbows, raise your chest, look straight ahead. Stay in this position for 10 seconds. In late pregnancy, the legs should be spread apart to the width of the pelvis. This asana strengthens the muscles of the lower back, tones the abdominal organs and kidneys, straightens the spine, and stretches the muscles of the legs.


Sit on the floor, put your hands behind you and spread your legs to the sides as much as possible. Straighten your back and move your hands forward. Relieve excess stress. Hold this position for 15-20 seconds (increasing the fixation of the pose over time up to 1-2 minutes). Asana gradually stretches the pelvic area, the inner surface of the legs, strengthens the spine.


Lie on your back, arms along the body, palms on the floor. Raise your legs up and bring them over your head, keeping them parallel to the floor. Relax in this position and hold it for 10 breaths. Then put your toes on the floor behind your head and stay in this position for 10 breaths. When leaving the asana, first return the legs to the first position, then slowly lower the back to the floor, vertebra by vertebra, then straight legs. Do not get up immediately, take three full breaths.

Viparita Karani

Lie on your back, arms along the body, palms on the floor. Leaning on your hands, raise your straight legs and bring them a little behind your head, place your hands under the buttocks, straight legs above your head. Ankles at the level of the nose (eyes), the weight of the lower body falls on the hands supporting the pelvis; head and shoulder blades lie on the floor, breathing is free. To exit the pose, place your forearms on poly and slowly lower your legs.


Lie on your back, stretch your legs, arms along the body, palms up. Taking a deep breath, tighten the muscles of the whole body. Exhale and, without relaxing, take a few full breaths. Close your eyes and gradually relax the whole body: legs and arms - from the fingertips to the hips and shoulder joints, the torso - from the bottom up. Then sequentially relax the muscles of the neck and head: the neck, crown, ears. Next, relax the cheeks, lips, tongue, nose, forehead, eyes.

Despite its apparent simplicity, this is one of the most difficult and important yoga asanas. When performing it, you first need to breathe deeply, slowly and rhythmically, in the future, breathing should become natural. The main difficulty is to relax the brain so that all thoughts completely disappear from the head. But even if only the body can be relaxed, the beneficial effect of this asana will still be felt.

From 5-6 months of pregnancy, you need to change your position and lie on your side, resting your head on your arm bent at the elbow (the other arm is extended along the body and lies on it).

Shavasana releases the body from tension, relieves physical and mental fatigue, brings the body into a state of balance and prepares it for the upcoming loads during childbirth. This asana also helps to regulate lactation.

Expectant mothers turn to yoga for pregnant women when they encounter unpleasant symptoms that are inherent in all trimesters of pregnancy. Does yoga really "work"?

What is yoga for pregnancy?

Yoga for pregnancy is a special set of exercises aimed at preparing you physically and emotionally for future childbirth and motherhood.

This is an excellent prevention of fetal hypoxia and early toxicosis of pregnancy.

Yoga takes into account the special position of the expectant mother, and you can practice it from the first to the last weeks of pregnancy. Thanks to yoga for pregnant women, you can not only improve the stretching of the muscles of the pelvis, legs and back (which is useful during childbirth), but also unload the spine, leg joints and relieve swelling. Many yoga poses help improve blood circulation, especially in the pelvis and uterus, and breathing practices help oxygenate the blood.

Yoga during pregnancy also has a positive effect on the psyche of the expectant mother: it calms, helps relieve stress and relax.

There are special yoga exercises for pregnant women that can help the baby roll over into head presentation if the fetus is in the pelvic or transverse position. The effectiveness of these exercises is very high and reaches 70-90%. But the class should be led by a certified yoga specialist who can assess the correctness of the exercises and provide assistance.

Yoga for pregnant women: indications and contraindications

Doctors recommend that you consult with your doctor before starting yoga for pregnant women. After all, the start date for classes is individual and depends on your state of health, the presence or absence of contraindications. If there are no health and well-being problems, then yoga is shown to all girls, starting from the first weeks of pregnancy and ending with the last month. 2-4 weeks before the birth, depending on the condition of the expectant mother, you can complete classes and start preparing for childbirth.

Yoga contraindicated with increased uterine tone and the threat of miscarriage, hypertension, impaired liver and kidney function, chronic diseases in the acute stage. But if you did yoga before childbirth, you can pick up special exercises and practices that will allow you to practice yoga even with a complicated pregnancy.

Pregnancy Yoga Class Safety!

Even if you are healthy and feel great, you still should not forget about the minimum safety precautions when exercising:

  • Do not exercise through pain: each asana should not bring pain and discomfort!
  • During the exercise, there should be no delays or difficulty in breathing. Pay more attention to how you breathe, and if you have any difficulties, contact the instructor.
  • If you feel bad, you do not need to wait for the end of the class - immediately attract the attention of your roommates or yoga instructor.
  • Do not squeeze the urinary tract during exercise, especially in the last trimester of pregnancy. This can lead to cystitis in pregnancy.
  • Be attentive to yourself: your well-being and the health of the baby is the most important thing!

Yoga during pregnancy can work wonders for a woman's health with the right selection of exercises and postures. It allows you to gently stretch and take control of all parts of the body. Pregnancy yoga asanas are a gentle way to stay active and gain flexibility. The result is a healthy pregnancy, easy natural childbirth and a quick recovery after them.

Yoga offers five useful tools for pregnant women:

  1. Exercises. They are gentle on the genitals and pelvic organs, resulting in a healthy pregnancy, an optimal supply of blood and nutrients to the fetus, and a relatively easy delivery.
  2. Breathing or Pranayama. Provides enhanced oxygen supply and increases the vitality of the woman and the unborn child.
  3. Mudras and Bandhas designed to awaken inner energy. These postures contribute to psychophysical stimulation and normalization of the organs and systems of the body.
  4. Meditation. This form of yoga will help get rid of the deepest psychological problems - anxiety and conflicts, which for many pregnant women grow to the level of neuroses in the early stages. Meditation allows you to look into yourself and gain a strong spiritual connection with the child.
  5. Deep relaxation - yoga nidra (sleep of yogis). It is effective for physical and mental relaxation, as well as for preparing for the birth of a child. Relaxation is relieved due to fluid retention and sometimes appearing in recent months.

Together, they work wonders on a physiological and psychological level. So why is yoga good for pregnant women?

It provides:

  • increase energy levels, reduce stress, restore calm and composure;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • reduction, morning sickness and mood swings;
  • relaxation of the cervix and birth canal, opening the pelvis to facilitate contractions and childbirth;
  • sufficient, but not tiring physical activity for easy falling asleep and sound sleep;
  • reduced risk of development and;
  • strengthening and stretching of the muscles, which avoids or the pelvis, often encountered during pregnancy, as well as facilitate and speed up the process of childbirth;
  • quick recovery after childbirth;
  • the opportunity to communicate with other expectant mothers with similar views and lifestyles.

For pregnant women, in the absence of contraindications, gynecologists recommend 20 to 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise daily. Yoga is an excellent choice for early and late pregnancy.

Yoga Rules

Can pregnant women do yoga? Many women during pregnancy find that this is the ideal form of exercise in their condition. Those who are well acquainted with asanas will be happy to know that they can be performed while expecting a child.

However, prenatal yoga is slightly different from regular yoga, primarily by some limitations in postures and intensity:

  1. Deep forward bends, even if the abdomen is small enough to allow it, constrict the blood vessels and nerves that go to the uterus, but postures in which the body and legs form a right or obtuse angle are quite acceptable. Strong twists and folds can also disrupt blood and lymph circulation.
  2. For pregnant women, prolonged lying on their backs, which some yoga postures involve, during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters causes the pressure of the weight of the uterus to interfere with nutrients to the fetus, it can also aggravate lower back pain, and raise blood pressure.
  3. Postures that require you to stand upside down increase your risk of falls and injury because the weight of your belly changes the balance of your body. In addition, before childbirth, a child is considered normal, and inverted asanas can “confuse” and make him turn to the birth canal.
  4. For pregnant women, yoga asanas that involve the press, especially the oblique muscles, are not recommended. Excessive strengthening of these muscles leads to the fact that they pull the rectus abdominis muscles towards themselves, causing diastasis - the divergence of the muscle fibers of the rectus muscle. Extreme arching in the back, especially for beginners, can also lead to diastasis.
  5. Bikram "hot" yoga involves doing exercises in a room with a temperature of 38 to 43 ° C. It threatens pregnant women with hyperthermia, dehydration and increased blood pressure.
  6. The presence of the hormone relaxin can make you feel more flexible, especially in the 1st trimester when your belly isn't in the way yet, but inadvertent stretching while doing pregnancy yoga can destabilize your joints and ligaments.

Pregnancy is not the time when you need to go to new yoga achievements. During this period, exercises are aimed at maintaining flexibility, relieving pain, reducing anxiety, and communicating with the child. Feel free to take breaks during classes to rest, trust your own feelings and instincts when performing asanas.

The simplest yoga exercises for pregnant women can be performed at home using books or instructions from the Internet, but only in classes with a professional instructor will you be sure of the correct movements and postures.


Contraindications to yoga are the same as for all forms of physical activity for pregnant women:

  • elevated;
  • preeclampsia ();
  • bloody issues;

In addition, physical activity should be avoided in recent weeks in order to avoid. When practicing yoga for pregnant women, you should perform only the simplest sets of exercises and devote more time to relaxation and breathing.

Let's see what asanas are allowed for pregnant women at different times.

1 trimester

In the first trimester of pregnancy, in the absence of contraindications, a woman is able to do basic yoga poses, but it is important to listen to her own feelings and condition, resting if necessary. Here are some yoga poses for early pregnancy.

Purna Titali Asana (Full Butterfly Pose)

Sitting with your legs extended, bend your knees and bring the soles together, keeping your heels as close to your body as possible. Relax your inner thighs completely. Grab your knees with your hands.

Effortlessly move your knees up and down, using your elbows as levers. Repeat 20-30 times.

Chakki Chalana (millstone rotation)

Sit with your legs stretched forward and spreading them at a distance of 30-50 cm between the feet. Hold the joined fingers of both hands in front of the chest. Move your hands in a circular path between your toes, trying to reach them - first moving back and forth along the lower semicircle, and then along the upper one. Repeat 10 times in each direction.

Tadasana (mountain pose)

Stand up straight, spread your arms to the sides. Raise them above your head, interlock your fingers, and then turn your palms up. Inhale and stretch your arms, shoulders and chest up. Rise on your tiptoes and stretch your entire body up. As you exhale, lower yourself onto your heels and move your hands to the top of your head. Rest for a few seconds and repeat 5-10 times.

2 trimester

During the 2nd trimester, yoga poses for pregnant women may be as follows.

Meru Akarshanasana (Spine Curvature Pose)

Lie on the right side of your body with your legs straight. Bend your right arm, place your elbow on the floor, and support your head with your palm. Place your left hand on your left thigh. Raise your left leg as high as you can, and grab your big toe with your hand. Roll over to the other side and repeat.

Hasta Uttanasana (arms outstretched pose)

Stand with your feet together, hands at your sides. Raise and cross your arms in front of you. Inhale and slowly raise your arms above your head, keeping them crossed. At the same time, raise your head, following your hands with your eyes.

Exhale and spread your arms to the sides to shoulder level. Inhale and re-cross your arms above your head. Exhale and lower your arms straight down at the front of your body.

Ardha Titali Asana (half butterfly pose)

Sit with your legs extended forward. Bend your right leg and place your foot on your left thigh as high as you can. Place your right hand on your bent knee and hold your right toes with your left hand.

As you inhale, move your bent knee up with your hand, as you exhale, move it down to the floor. Slowly repeat 10 up and down movements with each leg. Don't stress.

3rd trimester

Yoga exercises for pregnant women during the 3rd trimester should be especially gentle and unhurried.

Marjari Asana (cat)

Sit with your buttocks on your heels. Raise your buttocks and kneel. Lean forward and place your hands on the floor - this is the starting position. Inhale as you lift your head and arch your spine down. Exhale as you lower your head and arch your spine up. At the end of the exhalation, tighten your stomach and tighten your buttocks. The head should be between the arms, facing the hips. Repeat 5-10 times.

Vajrasana (diamond pose)

Get on your knees. Connect the big toes, and spread the heels to the sides. Lower your buttocks to your feet and place your hands on your knees, palms down. The back and head should be kept straight, but not strained.

Bhadrasana (beneficial posture)

Sit in vajrasana (above). Spread your knees as far as possible, keeping your toes in contact with the floor. Spread your feet out to the sides so that your buttocks touch the floor.

In the absence of contraindications, moderate physical activity ensures a healthy pregnancy, helps to keep fit and relieve psychological stress. Yoga is the perfect combination of stretching and strengthening muscles, breathing and relaxation that bring awareness and understanding of how the body changes during pregnancy. Plus, it's a great way to connect with your child and connect with like-minded people.

Useful video about yoga for pregnant women


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