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Mudras - yoga for the fingers. Elena Merkulova - wise for fulfilling desires, attracting money, health and love

The human body is a complete mystery, over which the brightest minds have been struggling for centuries. He can cure himself of a terrible disease. All people use the resources of their body by a few percent, but in fact our physical shell can present amazing surprises.

As you know, the hand reflects all our internal organs. Thus, it makes it possible to manage health, maintain spiritual balance, without making great efforts.

The ancient followers of oriental cultures left behind an interesting technique. With its help, the practitioner builds various figures with his fingers, carrying a certain meaning. These configurations of hand gestures are called mudras.

Main mudra for meditation

In translation "wise" stands for "give joy". During the execution of mudras, the soul is filled with happiness and bliss. A special joy can be experienced with regular practice.

Wise have been used for a very long time in . They are true helpers in any life situation. For example, they give peace and clarity of mind when mental work is necessary. Students say that they passed the exams without difficulty by practicing this technique. Knowledge was simply absorbed and remained forever.

If, on the contrary, a person returned after work, where there are problems with superiors or constant disagreements with colleagues, and he wants to forget about an unpleasant life, then magic mudras will allow you to immerse yourself in a quiet and peaceful atmosphere. They will remove bad and unnecessary thoughts from the head and fill them with goodness and warmth. The final effect will make a fragrant bath with candles.

History knows many facts when the wise healed the sick. And this is said without exaggeration. Those suffering from this or that ailment, got rid of it after a few days, practicing classes. In addition to a complete recovery, they received a powerful boost of energy that filled them and strengthened them. They discovered new areas in life, got carried away, found hobbies. They became interested in life and wanted to create.

God Shiva - the ancestor of the wise

Mudras arose a very long time ago. Their ancestor is Ancient India. In some scriptures there is evidence that God Shiva gave wisdom to mankind.

All movements and positions used in the technique are simple. Everyone can master them in a few minutes. At the same time, do not forget about the mood and feelings that fill the soul. Only faith in the action of wisdom and the desire to merge with the streams of the Universe together can give you the desired effect.

With the help of a person, he is able to control enormous power, since these are universal conductors. They connect us with higher powers and allow us to control our own biofield.

A feature of mudras is the ability to perform them at any time. They do not require a special environment, privacy or tranquility. If a person can gather and concentrate in a noisy room, then he will easily perform correctly any of the mudras. The main thing is to feel the mudra, feel it, merge with it. Only in this way the desired effect will be maximum.

At first it may seem that it is quite difficult, but a few lessons - and everything falls into place. Oriental teachings have such a magical effect that clarity quickly sets in in the head, and a person plunges into himself in a matter of seconds.

The great followers of Hindu and Buddhist beliefs have identified five components of all life principles. These elements must be in perfect harmony, because the failure of one leads to complete chaos.

These are the parts of everything that exists:

  • The vault of heaven, located above the head;
  • The air we breathe;
  • Fire that retains heat;
  • Water that quenches thirst;
  • The earth that is the support.

Mudras: the meanings of the fingers

Each finger has a number of functional features with which you can put in order various areas of life.

Thumb compared with the Wind, the Spirit of the Heavenly Father. Associated with the sex chakra. Its patron is the fiery planet Mars. The animal is a leopard. Massage of the upper phalanx of the thumb eliminates problems in the brain, lower - treats diseases of the liver and gallbladder, lymphatic system. At the same time, mental activity is significantly increased. Has a blue color.

Forefinger associated with fiery power, God's Will. He is patronized by a planet called Jupiter, which is associated with leadership, selfishness, narcissism. Corresponds to the throat chakra. The animal is a tiger. When working with this finger, you can get rid of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The work of the heart muscle improves. Digestive processes are accelerated. In addition, mudras with the index finger bring the nerves to a normal state and quickly calm the entire central nervous system. Associated with blue.

Middle finger associated with the Earth and its forces, as well as with the Holy Spirit. It is ruled by the planets Saturn and Earth. The animal is a dragon. Massage movements affecting the middle finger allow you to harmonize the inner world, relieve fears, depressed mood and anxieties of a different nature. Improves blood composition, fights allergy problems. Promotes better metabolism and better digestion of food. Has a purple color.

Ring finger tied with the Metal element and the Ajna Chakra. Its patron is the star of our galaxy, the Sun. The animal is a snake. Mudra with this finger removes problems with the liver, intestines. Thanks to the massage of the ring finger, you can significantly improve the immune system, which will fight diseases in the future. In this regard, the body becomes protected. The color corresponding to the finger is red.

Little finger associated with water power. Eliminates problems with the kidneys and the genitourinary system. Massage of the little finger easily frees thoughts from unnecessary rubbish, improves mental attitude and helps to bring inner experiences in order. The patron is the planet Mercury. The symbol is a stork. Associated with green.

The ancient followers of the Buddhist and Hindu directions revealed the essence of each of the elements of nature.

Wood they associated with the first steps in any business, with new trends, with development and progress. In flames fire they saw the breadth of the soul, warmth and trust. Element metal associated with clarity of action, brevity and directness, with correct behavior. Water and the aquatic environment is an element that helps to recover in new circumstances, get used to the environment and easily merge into the flow of life. Earth- the support under our feet is our strength and strength, inner strength and confidence.

Different teachings and methods connect the fingers of the human hand with various components of the Universe. There is no definite and clear algorithm that would balance the opinions of the ancient developers of the wise. Thanks to the mudras, a person can do a lot of work on himself and discover new sources of energy.

This allows you to grow both physically and spiritually, and also develops strengths of character, supports the work of internal organs in good shape. Using mudras, we change not only our attitudes, but are also able to influence the world around us and the circumstances around.

After all, it has long been known that the resources of the human body are not used even by half. The energy that our body possesses is incredible. And the wise will help guide you in the right direction. But do not forget that when starting the technique, thoughts should be tuned in a positive way and contain goodness and purity. Otherwise, energy flows will not be used for noble purposes and will not bring the desired effect.

Basic Mudras and their meaning

Shankh Mudra (Shell)

Shankh Mudra

If you want to improve your singing ability, then this mudra is the best choice.

The name of the mudra speaks for itself, that is, when performing it, you should build a shell with both hands.

With all fingers of the right hand, except for the thumb, grasp the thumb of the left. The unused finger should be applied to the middle of the opposite hand.

Surabhi Mudra (Cow Mudra)

Surabhi mudra

If the pain in the joints is tortured, then the Mudra of the cow is your savior. People who know about these pains firsthand say that nights become torture, and in the mornings there is no feeling of freshness.

In some cases, illness leads to a wheelchair. Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and other joint diseases will no longer bother you if you regularly perform this mudra.

Its implementation is easy. Connect the little fingers of one hand with the ring fingers of the other, and the middle fingers with the index fingers. Both thumbs are not involved, they should be placed apart and straightened.

Gyan Mudra (Mudra of Knowledge)

It is a well-known fact that success and luck depend on the internal mood. If you believe in yourself and be sure that everything will happen exactly as planned, then the probability of the desired result increases many times over.

Gyan mudra carries just such a meaning. It will improve the work of internal organs, help to deal with thoughts. Thanks to her, you will stop paying attention to envious colleagues and unfavorable people around you.

All enemies will leave your life, and only those who wish you good and tenderness will make up your social circle. You will become strong in mind and body.

Just connect your thumb and index finger to form a circle. Everything - the mudra is done!

Shunya Mudra (Mudra of Heaven)

Shunya mudra

Suitable for people who are prone to deafness. With this mudra, you will forget about problems with your ears.

Senile deafness or any changes in the auricle will be eliminated if time is taken to regularly perform this hand gesture.

The correct execution of the mudra of Heaven:

Use your middle and thumb to form a ring. In this case, the thumb should fix it.

Vayu Mudra (Wind Mudra)

Vayu mudra

Weakens the energy of air (wind) in various parts of the body.

After ten to twelve hours of practicing this healing hand gesture, there is a significant improvement and relief of symptoms.

If it is used in conjunction with the Wise Life (Prana), then the effect will be much stronger.

It is performed as follows: the index finger is twisted and fixed with a thumb. It is important to keep the rest of the fingers relaxed.

Linga Mudra (Lifting Mudra)

Linga Mudra

This figure of the fingers can help you lose weight if it is correctly combined with a fruit and rice diet.

Warning: mudra has a side effect - prolonged use of it leads to depression.

But at the same time, its moderate use will cure SARS, influenza, viral diseases, bronchitis, and so on.

This is especially true in the cold season, when the body is weakened and exposed to dangers.

The execution is very simple - form a lock with your fingers - that's all mudra!

Apan Vayu Mudra (Life saving)


This healing mudra is an “ambulance” for heart attacks, heart attacks, strokes. Agree, because you never know what can happen in a second.

There are many cases when people died from heart problems, and the ambulance did not have time to arrive. Therefore, you should know how to perform this mudra, which can come to the rescue and save from death.

Fulfillment: press the index finger with the base of the thumb. Bend the middle and ring fingers a little, the little finger, like an antenna, should be directed vertically.

Prana Mudra (Mudra of Life)

Prana mudra

Serves to stabilize the flow of energy flows throughout the body and increase the level of vitality. It is also good to practice it if fatigue has overcome and you are exhausted.

Helps restore visual acuity and other eye problems. Relevant for neurosis, mental problems.

If you cannot calm down or everything around you annoys you, then connect the ring finger, thumb and little finger to one point.

This will help you find peace and nothing else will unbalance you.

Prithvi Mudra (Mudra of the Earth)

prithvi mudra

Designed to improve the psycho-emotional state, prevent nervous breakdowns, to increase resistance to stressful situations and emotional stress.

Suitable for insecure individuals who are lost at a crucial moment.

To prevent this, you need to perform mudra - connect the thumb and ring fingers at one point, while keeping the other three straightened.

Apana Mudra (Mudra of Energy)

Apana Mudra

Designed to accelerate the process of removing toxins from the body, metabolic products and other kinds of pollution.

The modern age is characterized by poor quality food and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. All this leads to various kinds of poisoning and intoxication.

It is with these manifestations that mudra effectively fights. It is also recommended to use it for problems of the urinary system.

Fulfillment: we connect three fingers at one point - middle, ring and index, while leaving the rest straightened.

You can read more about the Energy Mudra here:

The list of wisdom is simply endless. The above list is just a small part. In terms of its effectiveness, the practice of mudras is not inferior to advanced technologies in the medical industry, so mudras are worth paying attention to.

Applying regularly wise, you will feel all the inner power of your body and thoroughly strengthen it. After all, true happiness is good health!

Be healthy!

Artur Golovin


Mudras - yoga of the fingers, they help to fill up with energy, get rid of diseases, become more self-confident, attract love, health and money into your life. If you feel that everything in your life is not going the way you would like, start applying mudras and see how everything will change for the better.

In the article:

Where to practice finger yoga

When embarking on any practice, it is very important to provide yourself with an ideal place to practice. There you should feel as comfortable as possible. Of course, there are mudras that can be used on the go, directly when communicating with another person (for example, this can be done with some mudras of love and attracting money).

However, daily practice should still take place in a calm and comfortable place. It is desirable that a special room be allocated for such classes. If this is not possible, then at the time of training, ensure yourself absolute comfort and peace.

There should be no strangers in the room, pets, working equipment, you can turn on music that will relax you at most. If you are sure that the sounds of nature will not distract you, then opt for some energetically charged place outside your home.

The ideal posture for practicing mudras

Before proceeding to the yoga of the fingers, it is necessary to take the correct posture. The lotus position is ideal. In this case, in the initial position, your hands should lie on your feet with your palms up. If it’s still hard for you to sit down like this, it’s advisable to at least take a sitting position (with a straight posture).

You can also cross your legs or squat down. However, the most important thing is that during yoga you have a completely straight back. You can sit in a chair if you feel comfortable, but make sure your posture is straight. Try your best to avoid curvature of the spine. The neck should be slightly pushed back. As if you want to form a second chin.

If you decide to use a set of exercises or some separate mudras, it is best to practice in the morning and evening (the duration can vary from 2 to 30 minutes, as you wish). However, there are separate gestures that need to be practiced 3, 5, 10 times a day. Be sure to follow the recommendations for the selected gesture.

Use mantras when doing finger yoga. help you concentrate. If you do not know which prayer to choose, opt for the universal one. However, if you are doing the Ganesha mudra, of course it is better to opt for.

Don't let your mind think about anything else during your workout. Remember, these gestures are also meditation. If, while doing yoga, you take a certain asana, then you don’t start thinking about what to cook for dinner tonight and what dress you will wear while visiting. In this situation, everything is exactly the same.

You can concentrate on achieving the goal (if you want to fulfill a desire, then you need to think that the dream has already come true), on energy, on the words of the mantra that you hear.

If you want to take up such a practice, you should purify yourself in every possible way. Give up bad habits, high-calorie foods, drive evil out of your heart, open your soul to universal energy.

Using the wise without the desire to change yourself for the better, trying to adjust the whole world around you to your needs, neutralizes the effect of the wise.

Finger mudra exercises for beginners

The first exercise is basic. It will help you concentrate and prepare for the direct execution of magical gestures.

You need to connect the pads of all fingers in order to make a house. Imagine that there is concentrated energy that will help you, tune in to the right wave, give you everything you need.

Then you can proceed to the main mudras. First of all, the most popular are those that help relieve stress, relax, fill with energy, increase the protective functions of the body. Therefore, you can start with a gesture that will save you from the accumulated negative energy, stress.

Connect the little finger, ring finger and thumb together. The rest should be straight and joined together. The gesture is performed with both one and two hands. In this position, you need to stay on average two to three minutes.

After that, change the position of the fingers. Now the nameless and large should be connected in a ring. The rest are relaxed looking up. This gesture also relieves nervousness and anxiety (hold for 2-3 minutes).

After you get rid of the negativity, take on the following exercise, which will help put your nerves in order after a hard day's work. Clench your hands into fists and press them together. The thumbs should be up.

Breathe deeply for two minutes, inhale through your nose for two counts and exhale for one count through your mouth. After two minutes, slowly open your fists and join your palms as if you were praying. Stay in this position for 2 minutes.

The next step- We continue to get rid of negative energy. But this time the gesture will help get rid of possible disturbances on the physical plane (from probable diseases that are just beginning to develop). You need to connect the pads of the ring, middle and thumb. Stay in this state for 2-3 minutes.

Following it is necessary to consolidate the result and increase the protective function of the body. The thumb and ring fingers are connected, and the index finger is placed on top of the thumb (approximately on the second phalanx). The two remaining fingers are straight. After two or three minutes, change the position of the hands.

Now place your left palm in your right hand and touch the center of your left palm with your right thumb. This exercise will help saturate a person with energy and increase the tone of the body.

People are ready to spend a huge amount of money and time to maintain their health, completely forgetting that there have long been effective proven methods. Mudras are one of the most effective methods of maintaining health, energy balance and harmony in the human body.

sacred gestures

Sacred mudras are a multifaceted concept. Most often, the word mudra is understood as a special yoga for the fingers: complex specific gestures, sacred positions of the hands or combinations of fingers. However, mudras are not only a ritual special language of gestures through fingers. Mudras are also called special body postures, eye positions, certain breathing techniques. The very word "Mudra" is translated as "sign", "seal" (in Sanskrit).

All mudras are various processes or states of consciousness expressed in the external world. Therefore, using such gestures or hand positions, a person can consciously evoke in himself such states of his consciousness that they personify. So, healing mudras are aimed at improving the condition of the diseased organ that they are intended to symbolize.

Each specific mudra always corresponds to a certain part of the brain (or soul), through which it affects the spirit and body. Therefore, mudras always affect the person practicing them at all levels: spiritual, physical and energetic.

Conscious application of mudras can contribute to:

  • amazing changes and improvements in life;
  • generating a huge amount of energy;
  • instant relief from many ailments and diseases (from a simple earache to a serious heart attack).
  • the formation of the intellectual, physical and spiritual aspects of the human personality.
  • very quickly ensuring the balance of all elements of the body.
  • a complete revision of the various destructive changes in the body of a particular person.
  • true godliness, as well as the development of positive character traits.
  • awakening the Kundalini energy.

Yoga claims that energy flows when applying healing gestures are normalized not only in the human body, but also in its environment. Therefore, mudras can be cured even at some distance from the patient, simply by performing them next to those who need your help.

In yoga, not only asanas and bandhas are used, but also a set of 25 mudras, which include special positions of the body and eyes. Finger gestures are of particular importance in Kundalini yoga, where they are used to enhance the effectiveness of special postures.

How to practice

Different interweaving and crossing of fingers can be very effective in influencing your body. How can this be done correctly?

Each of the mudras has its own, well-defined combination of fingers. First of all, you need to carefully study the location of the fingers or hands in the photo or illustration, and only after that you can start reproducing the gesture. The pressure of the brushes should be delicate and light, and your hands should be completely relaxed. If the reproduction of a gesture is very difficult, then this does not indicate its complexity, but about an existing problem in the part of the body or organ corresponding to this gesture.

You can start by learning the position of one of the hands, then the other, and then connect the gestures of the two hands together. Don't force yourself to do yoga designed for the fingers. If something is not working out for you, or your hands are very tired, temporarily stop this activity. With practice, your hands will become much more mobile, then you can easily perform such finger exercises synchronously with both hands. However, remember that you need to fold your fingers very carefully and carefully, since all mudras are not only healing, but also sacred gestures.

Healing mudras can be used standing, lying down, sitting, even on the move. At the same time, the body must necessarily be well-centered, symmetrical and relaxed, since any distortion in it prevents the flow of healing energy through the body, greatly weakens the direct impact of mudras.

Healing mudras work best when used in conjunction with meditation. While it is traditionally recommended for them to use the already traditional Lotus position, it is not at all necessary for a Westerner to sit in this position. It is only important to carefully monitor that your hands are on your hips, your knees are apart, your spine is straight and even, and the body itself is well relaxed and calm.

It is necessary to take into account the requirements for proper breathing. While doing yoga for the fingers, you can think about anything, but it is still better to focus on your breathing. A good helper is light meditative music, so use it. Affirmations are great support as well as visualizations.

Where and when to practice?

You can do yoga for the fingers everywhere, at any time, but it’s better to do it all the same, facing the east, in a calm, unhurried atmosphere. But it is necessary to learn gestures only in a relaxed and balanced state. Sacred gestures require turning inward, not outward, as well as a respectful attitude towards oneself.

The time of studying or playing mudras is the time of inner immersion, regardless of whether it will be only ten minutes, or several hours. A wonderful yoga time for fingers is before bedtime or immediately after it, during a leisurely walk or rest.

Starting to engage in mudras, a person must be convinced that such healing gestures will bring him significant relief. It is important that the hands of the practitioner must be without any jewelry: no rings, no bracelets.

It is necessary to start studying sacred gestures with the most necessary mudras, gradually adding more and more new signs. The effect of healing signs can manifest itself both immediately and with a delay. Improvement in the condition of chronic patients may occur only after a couple of weeks or months.

Gyan is considered the basic mudra, one way or another included in the construction of almost all other mudras. Gyan is performed by the usual connection of the pads of the thumb and forefinger. Its main purpose is to increase the overall energy potential of a person. And besides this, Gyan perfectly improves blood circulation, enhances all metabolic processes in the body.

It is better to learn finger yoga daily for 45 minutes. If the practice of mudras is combined with meditation, then it lasts as long as meditation. You can practice the language of sacred gestures for any amount of time, the main thing is that it brings you pleasure.

If yoga for your fingers is used to eliminate diseases or problems, it is better to do it daily for 15-20 minutes, at the same time three to four times.

Healing Gestures Everyone Should Know

Apana Vayu

Everyone really needs to know the great mudra, since the use of this gesture helps to instantly save health or human life.

Alternative name: Life Savior, Guardian, First Aid.

Why: they do it with suspicion of myocardial infarction, with any discomfort in the heart. Apana regulates heart palpitations, removes unpleasant sensations caused by melancholy, anxiety or fear. Treats even chronic heart disease. Relief for the heart comes instantly, and the action of Apana is similar to taking nitroglycerin. Apana is also used to prevent heart disease.

How to do it: Both hands are used. Each bent index finger touches the base of the thumb with its end. The pads of the middle, ring and large on each hand should be connected together, and the little fingers laid aside.

Duration of application: in the event of an acute attack - perform until there is a noticeable relief, if as a long-term treatment to strengthen the heart - several times daily, 20 minutes.

Dragon Temple

The Eastern Dragon is the personification of animal flexibility, strength, real wisdom, power, longevity. The temple is a symbol of true holiness, mind, strict discipline, thought. The Temple of the Dragon personifies the unity of our ideas, nature, and also the Cosmos. The fulfillment of this sacred gesture directs the actions and thoughts of a person along the path of knowledge and worship of the Higher Mind, to good deeds. The Temple of the Dragon helps people to achieve true nobility, to feel their unity with the Universe.

Alternative name: mudra of heart disease, Tukse.

It is indicated: for ischemia, arrhythmia, discomfort in the heart. It calms well, helps to concentrate thoughts and energy.

Execution: we bend the middle fingers, pressing them tightly to the palms. The remaining straightened fingers are connected in pairs. Pairs of index and ring fingers are connected by tips above the middle ones, denoting the roof of the "Temple".

The thumbs depict the head of our Dragon, and the little fingers on both hands represent the dragon's tail.

Important: thumbs and little fingers are far apart.

The most famous image of Buddhism is the image of Buddha Shakya Muni, who already knew Nirvana. On the images that have come down to us, he is represented on a high throne made of diamonds in an original cap in the form of a cone. It is this image that the Hat of Shakya Muni embodies.

Alternative name: mudra, which helps with headaches.

Indications: recommended for people who are depressed or have other mental problems. Exercise also has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Excellent help to get rid of any localized pain, such as severe headache, toothache.

How to do it: done with both hands together. Pressed to the palm of the index and ring fingers of the right hand are connected to the same on the left hand. Straightened little fingers and middle fingers are connected to each other. Both large adjoin sides.

Important: Shakya Muni is performed in a sitting position, facing the east. Hands should be held freely, relaxed.

Alternative name: bronchial, respiratory mudra.

What it's for: Any breathing problems.

How to do it: done on two brushes. The index finger is straight. The middle one touches the tip of the thumb, the ring finger lies on the upper joint of the thumb. The little finger is located at the base of the thumb. We line up the fingers of the second hand in the same way.

Important: in case of acute asthmatic attacks, this mudra is performed with Asthma Mudra.

Mudra Asthma

Alternative name: mudra for the treatment of asthma.

For what: treats asthma, other respiratory diseases. Eliminates the nagging feeling of loneliness, isolation. Treats various sexual problems and grief.

How to do it: we bend the middle fingers, pressing their nail plates, and spread all the other fingers. Done with two hands.

Important: in case of an acute asthmatic attack, such an exercise is done for five minutes, then bronchial mudra is performed until breathing returns to normal.


Alternative name: lifting, vertical.

For what: at low temperature, problems of the upper respiratory tract. Gives resistance to colds, lung infections. In addition, Linga stimulates the immune system, generates heat, removes mucus from the lungs. This mudra is also effective as a way to lose weight.

How to do it: first we connect the fingers into a lock. The thumb of one hand rises vertically, surrounded by the index and thumb of the other hand.

Important: Linga generates heat, so it causes a feeling of lethargy. When mudra is used for weight loss, a person needs to eat only cold food, drink at least two liters of fluid daily.


Alternative name: Sink.

For what: problems of the larynx and the entire throat, hoarseness of the ligaments. With regular performance of Shankh, the voice improves, so it is very useful to do it to everyone who needs it.

How to do it: The sink is made with two hands. The four fingers of the right hand tightly wrap around the thumb of the left hand. The thumb of the right hand touches the pad of the middle left finger. With the remaining three fingers of the left hand, we relaxedly embrace the fingers on the right hand.

Important: it must be done facing the east side.


Alternative name: Needle, Intestinal Mudra.

What it is for: chronic intestinal constipation.

How to do it: we hold clenched fists in front of us. On a long breath, we put forward to the right and slightly up the right hand, stretching out the index finger. The head is turned to the same side. The left hand remains fixed. We remain in this position, take 6 breaths, then return to the starting position. We repeat 6 times in each direction.

Important: with severe constipation, the exercise is done daily in four sets during the day. For minor constipation, it should be done for 6-12 such breaths in the morning.


Alternative name: Beak-Hand.

What it is for: a simple healing mudra, one of the ambulance mudras, a very effective way to relieve acute pain. It is used for various diseases of the lungs, stomach, liver, spleen. Mukula is effective for the kidneys, intestines, urinary and gallbladder.

How to do it: performed with one or two hands. We collect the brush into a pinch (to resemble a beak), then apply it to the sore spot. The pain will go away in just a few minutes. It will be good to reinforce this action with a thought - to imagine how energy flows from the hand to the diseased organ.

Important: when performing this mudra, it is placed over the internal organ that hurts or is tense. So you can direct a concentrated energy flow to this place.

Finger yoga for body, soul and mind


Alternative name: Wind gesture.

For what: the specific purpose of Vayu is the instant elimination of gas from the stomach and intestines. Mudra Vayu is effective in sciatica, gout, and also in the treatment of wind diseases.

How to do it: actively press the thumbs on the index fingers. The remaining three fingers are straight, relaxed.

Important: the exercise should be done three times for a quarter of an hour with chronic flatulence.


Alternative name: Sky gesture.

What it is for: helps with a variety of ear diseases, significantly improves hearing. Shunya relieves dizziness and nausea.

How to do it: with your thumbs, lightly press on the middle ones, pressed to the palms. The remaining fingers on the two hands are simply straightened.

Important: Shunya is performed three times a day.


Alternative name: Root, mudra of the Earth.

For what: stimulation of the stomach or liver. Prithvi, if necessary, activates the muladhara, preventing energy deficiency.

How to do it: done on two hands at the same time. The thumb easily presses on the top of the ring finger. The remaining three fingers are simply straightened.

Important: Prithvi is an ideal tool to prevent energy loss.


Alternative name: Water gesture.

What it is for: specifically to remove excess mucus.

How to do it: the thumb of the right hand presses the little finger, which touches the base of the thumb. The palm of the left hand clasps the right one from below, and her thumb is superimposed on the thumb of the right hand.

Important: the exercise removes the overall energy block.


Alternative name: Fluid gesture.

For what: maintains the balance of fluids, therefore it is most useful for the bladder, with dry eye syndrome, for the kidneys.

How to do it: done on two brushes. The thumb and little finger touch the tops, the rest are straight.

Important: if necessary, reduce the amount of fluid in the body, Bhudi is performed on the waning moon. When it is required to retain more fluid in the body, Bhudi is practiced on the growing moon.


Alternative name: Cow.

Why: it successfully works with inflammation of the joints of various kinds, rheumatism, arthritis, sciatica, arthrosis.

How to do it: the left little finger connects to the right ring finger, the right little finger to the ring finger of the left hand, the middle finger of the right hand touches the index finger of the left hand, and the middle left finger touches the index finger of the right hand. The two thumbs are set wide apart, like the horns of a cow.

Important: this exercise should be combined with a light diet and only positive thoughts.

Alternative name: dorsal.

What it is for: relieves back pain.

How to do it: three fingers of the right hand (thumb, middle, little finger) touch, index and ring fingers are straight. The thumb of the left hand should be placed on the index nail.

Important: since back pain often appears as a result of stress, the exercise relieves nervous tension.

Mudra for joints

Alternative name: Marman mudra.

When it is used: a narrow-profile mudra that balances the energy of the joints.

How to perform: Right hand - thumb and ring finger are connected. On the left hand, we connect the middle finger with the thumb.

Important: for chronic joint pain, the exercise is done four times a day for a quarter of an hour.


Another name: the mudra of flow, liberation from everything unnecessary.

Indications: stimulates the excretion of body waste through the large intestine, skin (sweat) and lungs (through breathing). Promotes the release of any tension, getting rid of negative energy, obsessive states.

How to do it: the fingers are interlaced in the lock, then we straighten the index fingers, connecting them only with pads, the thumbs are crossed. The brushes need to be relaxed. If this exercise for the fingers is done while sitting, then the index fingers point to the ground, if in the prone position, then to the legs.

Performing Xepana, you first need to take 15 breaths. Then the hands, turned palms up, are placed on the hips.

Important: Xepana cannot be performed for a very long time, since the output of pure energy will begin.


Alternative name: Fist-Mudra.

Indications: effectively activates the full functioning of the liver, stomach, and also helps to treat constipation. Worked well for working through grievances. But in martial arts, Mushti is used to fight enemies (the Vajra-Mushti technique is a lightning fist).

How to do it: done on two hands. All fingers are clenched into a fist, the thumb is placed over the ring finger.

Important: works most effectively in conjunction with Suchi. When overeating, use Mushti after eating, but then you can not drink anything for half an hour.


Alternative name: gesture of Dignity and Harmony.

What it is for: harmonizing mudra, relaxes well. Matangi has a calming effect on the excited heart, liver and stomach. Treats kidneys, spleen, gallbladder, pancreas. Instantly activates breathing, but any internal tension goes away.

How to do it: hands are closed with palms near the solar plexus, and all fingers are intertwined. We straighten the middle fingers, connecting them. The focus is only on the breath.

Important: Matangi can help with minor pain, and also relieves various spasms.

Arrow Vajra

Other names: flaming lightning gesture, Vajra.

What is needed for: with cardiovascular pathologies, with hypertension, to stimulate blood circulation, blood supply. It effectively lowers blood pressure. Vajra relieves general weakness, dizziness.

How to perform: fingers of two hands in the castle. Pressed index and thumbs straighten.

Important: massaging the bridge of the nose, forehead in the middle, the back of the head, and also the neck after performing the Vajra, get an additional effect.


Alternative name: detox gesture.

Why it is needed: Helps detoxify the body.

How to do it: with your thumb, touch the lateral surface of the ring finger just above the palmar crease. The rest of the fingers are extended. We do it with both hands.

Important: the exercise can be done as often as you want. Your body will only thank you for it.

Maha Sakaralnaya

Another name: mudra of the large pelvis.

Indications: Maha relieves diseases of the lower abdomen, has a positive effect on the sexual and excretory sphere. Mudra relieves menstrual pain, and also provides effective help in diseases of the prostate and bladder.

How to perform: The sacred gesture is usually divided into 2 stages. First, the pads of the ring fingers are connected, and the thumbs and little fingers of the two hands are connected at one point. After 10 cycles of breathing, the design is transformed: we connect the rings from the ring and thumbs, and the little fingers simply lean against each other.

Other name: Immunity gesture.

What it is for: impaired metabolism, reduced immunity, recuperation.

What to do: the ring and middle fingers on the left hand, palmar surfaces towards, are placed on similar fingers of the right hand perpendicular to them. The left little finger lies on the base of the ring and middle fingers of the right hand on the outside, and on top it is pressed with the other little finger. The right index finger is clamped by the index and thumb of the left hand.

Important: hands are held at the level of the abdomen. The three columns of the Cosmos practice by turning towards the east.

Other name: 9 Jewels.

What it is for: helps active digestion, completely eliminates stagnation.

How to do it: the fingers of the left hand (except the big one) wrap around the fingers of the right from below. The two thumbs are exposed outward, forming the handles of this bowl.

Important: 9 jewels that make up the human mind, his body and consciousness, as well as the world around him, symbolize spiritual wealth. A full bowl means prosperity, well-being.

Anyone can master the art of ancient gestures, incl. and children. The child easily learns this activity, since folding fingers into bizarre figures is a real game for him, which he always plays with pleasure. Teach your child at least the most basic mudras, and then in any difficult situation he will always be able to help himself.

At the beginning of each session wise , rub your hands together 10 times, keeping them at the level of the navel chakra, this will help the energy to flow better in your hands. Rule for thumbs: when other fingers touch them, the pressure should always be very light and the hands should be relaxed.

Mudras can be done in any position. You can do it sitting, standing, lying down or even walking. The body should be free and relaxed. It is important not to be tense because this will interfere with the flow of energy. Mudras are meant for liberation, journey into consciousness and healing.

If you are sitting, sit with your back straight and cross-legged, or in a straight-backed chair. Place your fingers together as described for each mudra.

Wise can be practiced anytime and anywhere. They are more likely to help if a person is in a good mood and in the right environment. Then there will be no obstacles for the flow of energy to flow easily. Several serious practitioners have made doing mudras a ritual performed a few minutes before going to bed and a few minutes before getting out of bed in the morning. But this is not very important. You can do mudras at any time. There are also several serious practitioners who do mudras at different times of the day.

Perform mudras slowly, without haste . Show some patience. Do not rush to do many of them at once. You have a book with instructions and diagrams, and it is very tempting to do a lot of wisdom at once. But this is exactly what you should not do.

Feel the mudras working within you. Don't expect miracles and then don't be disappointed when nothing happens. The changes you will experience will be holistic. As your mind heals, your body will respond and you will begin to feel better and better. Many problems of the mind manifest themselves in the body. With the help of mudra treatment, the mind will heal slowly but surely, and you will experience many wonderful feelings of joy and delight, the recovery will be complete and for a long period. The body becomes ill whenever the mind goes through upheavals, etc., different sets of Mudras may be required at different life periods.

By doing continuous practice of the Mudras, along with distinct visualizations and affirmations, you will find yourself embarking on a new path of self-discovery. It is the use of chakra energy, an uplifting mood and a new sense of calm and healing.

There are different opinions about how long Mudra must be performed. Some recommend performing one mudra per day for 45 minutes. If this is too long, divide this time into three periods of 15 minutes each. Initially, you may feel tired, but this is a good sign. When you start to feel good for a certain period of time, you notice that the mudra works for you.

Proper breathing plays an important role. When we exhale deeply, we release not only carbon dioxide, but also expend energy. Take a little longer pause after inhaling and exhaling. If you need to calm down - slow down your breathing, when you need to restore strength - activate it. Breathing plays a very important role. When it is deep, slow and flowing, it has a calming and regenerating effect on the body.

There are many different techniques that help manage energy flows. Even in ancient times, people found that certain combinations of fingers and meditation can change life, affecting its different aspects. As a result, mudras appeared that are accessible to everyone.

What is wise?

Sacred gestures that can change consciousness are called mudras. Used them for magical and healing practices in India. , since different combinations are able to activate energy flows, and they affect different aspects of human life. More often, fingers are represented as five chakras or reflex zones of the body. It is believed that six energy channels run through the fingers, which are associated with different organs and systems. By connecting fingers in combinations, you can activate the meridians.

Wise for all occasions

To benefit from practicing mudras, a number of important rules must be observed.

  1. You can perform different combinations while in any position, the main thing is to be comfortable. It is best to relax, and this applies to the body, but also to the thoughts.
  2. It is important before starting the practice to properly tune in psychologically.
  3. In order for the life-saving mudra or any other combination to work, it is necessary to connect the fingers so that no tension is felt.
  4. During work, there should be no discomfort, otherwise you need to stop.
  5. Breathing should be normal so as not to be distracted.
  6. Holding one mudra in most cases does not exceed 5-10 minutes. During the day, you can do up to 5-6 repetitions.
  7. When performing several poses, it is important that at least a couple of minutes pass between them.
  8. In all the mudras below, the fingers on both hands will be indicated as follows: thumb - 1, index - 2, middle - 3, ring - 4, little finger - 5.

Wise for protection

By performing special combinations, you can protect yourself from bad thoughts and enemies, and if someone sends a negative, then he will certainly return to him. The mudra of protection strengthens spiritual forces and helps to generate positive energy. If the enemies are active, then you need to practice every day for 3-5 minutes.

Wise to attract love

Regular practice of special combinations helps and strengthen existing relationships. It is recommended to perform mudras a couple of times a day for 10 minutes. During this, it is important to think that the desired has become a reality. You can perform the following combinations:

Wise for wealth, attracting money and prosperity

To cope with financial problems and attract material flow, it is recommended to use special gestures. Before doing mudras to attract money, mentally repeat your goal, and then visualize it in detail.

Wise for good luck

You can significantly make your life easier if fortune is your life assistant. You can attract her thanks to the following magical gestures:

Wise for stress

Special gestures activate the movement of energy in the body, which helps to deal with various mental problems, such as stress and depression. It remains to figure out how to make mudras:

Wise for health

Thanks to healing gestures, you can not only normalize the functioning of the body, but also improve the energy of space. Healing mudras help heal at a distance, most importantly, powerful visualization. It is important to remember that regular practices do not remove the cause of the problem. There are different mudras of health and the following can be cited as an example:

Mudras for weight loss

There are many programs that help you lose weight, but they do not have a scientific basis. These include mudras for weight loss, which trigger important processes in the body.

Mudras for facial rejuvenation

With the help of properly directed energy flows, you can prolong your youth and preserve beauty for many years. To do this, it is recommended to regularly perform the following mudras:

Mudra for work

There are practices for people who want to open a business, advance their careers and deal with other problems. Wise to find a job helps to increase income and working capacity. You need to practice twice a day for 4-5 minutes. Hold the brushes in the center of the upper abdomen parallel to each other. Interlace your fingers so that they look inside the palms. Women should keep the left 1 finger on top, and men - the right one. Without changing position, straighten 3 fingers.

Wise for the fulfillment of desires

Among all the existing combinations, the most popular is a gesture that helps to fulfill a cherished desire. Mudra carries energy that gives self-confidence and helps to go towards the goal. It is recommended to repeat it every day, while it is important to meditate, imagining yourself in a blooming garden and inhaling the scent of flowers.

  1. First you need to formulate a desire, which should be concise and clear and not carry any negations.
  2. To realize the mudra of the fulfillment of a desire, it is necessary to connect the tips of fingers 1, 2 and 3 on each hand, and press 4 and 5 to the palm of your hand. The gesture is identical to the one used by believers for baptism.
  3. Say your wish out loud three times. It is important that breathing is free.
  4. Repeat practices 1-2 times a day for several weeks.

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