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The PEOPLETALK Editor's Experience: A night out at a male strip club. The most famous strip clubs

"Oh, fu!"- my friends say when I share my impressions about the men's strip club, which I happened to visit. “I’d rather look at a woman. And these ... in oil, and everything is shaking, and rubbing against you! Well rub and rub. I, of course, also winced for the first half hour. But, you know, there are worse things in the world, but here there is no perversion, just half-naked guys, to whom girls put 500 rubles for a string of thongs. Another thing is that I don’t want to return to the country of pumped-up torsos in oil and imitations of orgies on stage, and there are girls who spend there every weekend. How a bachelorette party turned into a random investigation, read in our material.

It was a friend's bachelorette party. An hour before the trip to the “secret place”, her fiancé gave us a pack of dollar (no rubles, everything is serious) bills - they will come in handy. Of course, we immediately understood everything. And they got excited. Personally, I have never been to a strip club.

Our trip coincided with halloween. Of course, they dressed up (albeit without bruises instead of lipstick) - the bride warned in advance that dresses were needed (which I later regretted very much).

At the entrance, near the wardrobe, we were greeted by a bar with alcohol - some multi-colored shots. The guy in the suit (fully dressed, yes) nods with a wry grin. "It's a must to enter". I have to knock over a stack to dive behind the heavy velvet curtains into the hall.

We came when we were still just getting ready, and the guys (not so naked) were rehearsing dance numbers on a small stage. Sat at a pre-booked table. "Something ugly", - one of us looked around the club. The bride winked, saying, be patient.

The hall is dark, all in pink-orange lights and velvet upholstery. A half-naked bartender behind the counter and even more naked waiters who got confused with face painting and creepy masks. Hairy chest is not listed here. The guys are all completely smooth and shiny, with perfect figures, you even want to touch it to check - is it all real?

The behavior of our waiter at first confused me. Whenever he approached the table, he approached one of us and stroked her leg or hugged her waist, while whispering something in our ear. It looked insistent, but we felt awkward. "Do you want anything else?" he asked, and his palm crawled along my leg under the dress. "No thanks"- I smiled stupidly and crawled away (although there was nowhere) on a high leather chair. The bride just laughed at us.

Gradually the club was filled with women (and not only). The audience gathered was very different: young (and more liberated than us) girls, married women, and very wealthy ones, and even ladies aged 50 and above - my grandmother would see them! In addition, men, and absolutely heterosexual - they did not look at the naked dancers, but they stared at the girls.

There were also more and more oiled guys, as if they were coming out of some conveyor belt where perfect men are being churned out, like from a cookie ad. "Bonjour"(we're sure you don't remember cookies, but you do remember ads). The music got louder and we got drunker.

So, at some point, the presenter appeared on the stage in shorts and a jacket and announced the number that would open the evening. So we saw the first performance of the best guys of the club (and then the second, third, and then lost count ...). It’s strange: either from the drunk (after champagne we switched to cocktails), or from the oily bodies nearby, we too quickly lost our dexterity and the hands of those passing by Jack Vorobyov and Voldemort from the knees (and not only) have not been removed. And in general, felt much more comfortable.

I think, if not for cocktails, all this would seem to me to be completely wild. Just imagine: some unfamiliar guy (and an hour later each of us has already looked after a personal Halloween villain) comes up to you, touches you, starts kissing you. Naturally, many questions arise in the head: how to behave, whether to reciprocate, and why, in the end, do they all have a permanent erection? Yes, absolutely all the guys were in "combat readiness". "I wonder what they take?"- a friend whispers in my ear, and then turns to her "villain" and asks, pointing to neon shorts: "What did you put in there?" He reacts instantly: "All real, touch".

It's like there are no rules here - do what you want. Often my "villain", who was called Sasha(but in fact - the devil knows), came up with the word "relax". And I obeyed, and my dress crawled up. And the dollars were leaving too quickly, there was even some excitement in it. So, if you have never had to put money in someone's underpants, it's worth visiting a strip club just for this.

After they brought us a very sexy hookah (2800 rubles), which, as it turned out later, was on absinthe, we decided to make a gift to the bride - a private dance. It costs 2000 rubles, and you can find it in the so-called Crazy menu. True, we never found out about what happened in the private room, the bride returned too mysterious ... “Well, they didn’t sleep,” my friend whispered in my ear.

There is also an item on the menu according to which you can take the guy you like with you (price on request). Although some regulars, according to my villain, with whom we decided to chat after another hot dance, just wait for the guy they like until his shift ends, and then offer to continue the night. Is free . And many agree - after all, strippers are the same men as everyone else.

"Are you so nice to everyone?"- carried me after I don’t remember what cocktail, when we Sasha danced again (another joy - in the hands of these beefy guys you feel like a feather). "No, only with you"- he answered memorized, but for some reason I believed. Yes, there was also a whole set of phrases about what a gorgeous figure I have, how this dress suits me (I got under my skirt again), what beautiful hair I have, a bewitching look, and in general, he had never met such a person. I don’t know what kind of training these guys go through, but it all works flawlessly.

Already closer to the morning, when we experienced stage orgies (with the participation of female dancers) and moved a little away from the killer hookah, I was able to talk to him. Well, he had a higher education - technical. Came from Petersburg, where he worked as a model, then traveled to different countries, and eventually settled in Moscow. Now he is trying to develop his business (he assured that he had nothing to do with striptease) and takes several shifts here so that there is some kind of “bonus”.

« They come here for attention, − explains Sasha and comically beats his chest, − Or for a vest. I think it's all obvious". No, I don't agree. Okay, you came here for a bachelorette party, birthday, or out of curiosity, but what is there to do here every weekend? “Well, everyone gets rid of complexes in their own way and increases self-esteem. We are here to make women feel happy. At least for one night. You know, it seems to me that it’s better to kill depression by going here than to fill the refrigerator with all sorts of rubbish and cry in front of the telly, ”continued my interlocutor. And when I came to my senses and stopped attacking him to my favorite music, he said: “I really liked you. Will you write down the phone?

I lied that I have a boyfriend. But she still took the phone.
And with the dawn, our whole company, throwing a “mandatory exit condition” at parting, left the institution.

And recently I met Sasha at the casting of one music channel. Dressed, without erection and oil.

Irina Kulicheva
regular visitor to male strip clubs

Girls of all ages come to men's strip clubs. There are also very old women. By the way, men also go - in such a place it is much easier for them to meet a girl. There are luxury women who really come to have fun and buy boys for themselves: some enjoy their attention, while others simply cry into their bare torsos. And the boys are listening.

Oddly enough, it is quite possible to find a boyfriend or friend there. Unfortunately, I had this experience. I fell head over heels in love with a stripper and we started a relationship. That's probably why I stayed there for so long. It's like a swamp, these clubs are addictive. For two years (I first went there on my birthday - my girlfriends made a surprise) I went to the same place almost every weekend, and nowhere felt the same as there. I still can't name it. But there, at first everything seems wild to you, and then - this is the most comfortable place on earth, and despite all your life principles, character or complexes. All the girls there are equal, and no one tries to compare themselves with each other, perhaps because each one feels special. Of course, you perfectly understand that boys have such a job, but this does not prevent you from creating the illusion of uniqueness for yourself.

Here, of course, you need to be ready for anything (especially if you still started dating a stripper). And if you are jealous, it will be hard for you. It was very difficult for us together, I was worried, and it all ended badly, we are still completely different people. It’s not that he wasn’t going to sacrifice his work, for him it was not a priority - just earnings, but for me it was very difficult to accept all this on an emotional level. And it's a great experience.

All the guys there are really interesting, many with higher education, with wives and families. And for them to come to the club as a shift is like going to the office in the morning.

There are cool numbers, everyone dances professionally. But over time, you don’t even look at the dancers, you just have to be in this place. For me, an important factor was that when you dance there, men don’t pester you (of course, if you yourself don’t want it), so I could completely relax there.

Where the club manager kindly agreed to talk about the intricacies of this type of business. I am not a frequent guest of such establishments, so I tried to ask literally everything, about this is my further story.

Not everyone can become a stripper. It is clear that the main factor in hiring is external data. Such girls are usually tall and undeniably attractive. But the main thing is weight and size. In the club I studied, girls with a clothing size no larger than 44 work. I nervously smoke on the sidelines with my 54-56. That is, not a gram of excess weight. Therefore, girls are constantly on diets, which is very exhausting. As pretty as Demi Moore was in the film Striptease, she would most likely be considered too fat for a striptease.

With such a complexion, the size of the breast is usually 2-3. But there are 4th and even 5th. But this is either a nugget or a banal breast augmentation, which, oddly enough, is not very common among strippers.

The age of the stripper is short-lived. As a rule, girls from 18 to 30 years old are taken here. Most of them are not even 25. And the average stripper has only a few months, a maximum of 2 years. Why is that? Very often, girls here find their soul mate and simply leave this profession. Few are married. It is unlikely that anyone will tolerate a spouse sitting every evening on the lap of other men.

There is a club that is not thematic, then the girls in it are usually Slavic - Russian and Ukrainian (with a work permit, of course). There are no problems with employment also for citizens of Belarus and Kazakhstan. Oriental girls are very rare - they are not for everybody.

According to American films, we basically imagine a typical street club, when men sit in a bar, in the middle there is a stage with a pole and girls can only be seen on it. In reality, while one (two) girls are on stage, the rest of the girls are in the hall with clients, creating an atmosphere of relaxation. Usually this is a light flirtation, you are unlikely to be able to discuss the philosophy of Kant, especially since loud music is not very conducive to conversations.

Strippers make pretty good money. In Moscow, this is an average of 70 - 100 thousand for a part-time work week. The employer often pays for a beautician, provides housing, and so on. And to this you can add bonuses from customers - booze, monetary "gratitude" and so on. In general, there is a big catch with monetary gratitude. There is such a thing as "consummation". This is when a girl persistently enough encourages a client to spend money in a bar - on himself and on the girl herself. From this it has a certain percentage. In this case, this is no longer a vacation, but some kind of sucking money, which is not very pleasant. Try to choose clubs where this practice is prohibited. Burlesque is just one of those.

In addition to the bar, the girl can suck out the client’s money as a “thank you” for communication, company, etc. Again, there are clubs where the girls are not paid salaries, they only earn directly from the clients. This is a very harmful practice, since every visitor immediately becomes the object of persecution. The obsession of girls in this case is annoying.

Contrary to popular belief, girls can and should be touched. Stroking, caressing is normal. It is clear, within the bounds of decency and certain rules, but "hands off" there is no. In a private room and in a private dance, more is available, but, most importantly, do not bring the matter to direct sexual intercourse. The rules of the indicated club are in this respect displayed in the form of these plates. I confess, I was lying like a log at a private dance ... which even somewhat embarrassed the girl)))

A particularly piquant issue is sex with girls. It is clear that in decent establishments this is prohibited. But most clubs do not disdain this. The stripper that the client likes usually agrees and, for a certain fee, receives a leave of absence at the club, that is, she temporarily stops working there. Pleasure is not cheap. If, say, an hour with an ordinary prostitute in Moscow costs from 2000 to 5000, 8000-10000 per night, then here you pay the club around 30,000 rubles and take the girl. You want to party with her, you want to take her to the cinema, you want to drag her to bed. It is clear that the club takes most of the money, and maybe even all of it. Even on the Red Light District in Amsterdam, it's much cheaper. But, again, this is not always possible everywhere.

Striptease clubs, of course, are different and designed for different audiences. Above, basically, a classic strip club was described, but there are clubs for narrower audiences, lovers of certain girls - age, vest, uniforms, etc. There are clubs for older clients, there are for students. Every niche is occupied and there is a lot of competition in this area. There are many striptease clubs in Moscow.

It is clear that there is not much point in going to a strip club with an empty wallet. Even if you paid for the entrance (it is usually inexpensive, a little more expensive than a regular club), then sitting all night (or standing if there are a lot of people) and just staring at the stage is a very mediocre pleasure. It is better to have money for a few glasses of booze, 1-2 private dances, well, and a few notes of "thank you" to the girls you especially like. This is, so to speak, a standard set. Drinking costs like in any club - from 300 to 500 rubles per glass (glass) on average, a private dance is about 1000 rubles (5 minutes). The main thing in the morning is not to be left without a just received salary. Leaving money in a strip club is as easy as leaving money in a casino. In this case, I advise you to take a strictly defined amount of money with you, with which you are potentially ready to part. Naturally, there are ATMs in the clubs, but you can use them as long as you are adequate, it will be difficult for a drunk person to withdraw money.

There are times when there is not enough money to pay. In this case, no one will beat you and will not force you to wash the dishes, even here, alas, you won’t have to wash the girls’ robes. If the client is regular, it is easier with him - you can leave a receipt, a photocopy of your passport. If the client is new and it is not known what to expect from him, then in addition to this they may be asked to leave something valuable as a deposit - a phone, a watch, jewelry, etc. In extreme cases, you will have to wait until someone brings the money or go home with an employee. 21st century in the yard - everything is civilized.

This entertainment is considered truly masculine. If you want to enjoy the beauty of the female body without undesirable consequences and at the same time have a desire to have fun spending money, going to a strip club will be the best option.

Few people walk away disappointed, and a lap dance can be a great adventure. The best striptease clubs allow you to break away from reality and immerse yourself in the world of eroticism, pleasures and the naked female body. Let's talk about the best such institutions, the fame of which goes around the world.

Hot Lap Dance, New York, USA. Hot Thigh Dance doesn't beat around the bush with the client. If usually men look at the naked dancers, and serving girls flit next to them. This strip club uses an individual approach. Here, the focus is on private lap dances by men. The institution is considered one of the most popular in America for bachelor parties and stag parties. The club is located in the heart of Manhattan, in commercial premises. It also offers escort services.

Night Flight, Moscow, Russia. In the capital of Russia, it was considered that striptease can be compared with a night flight. This is how the club got its name. Moscow is generally used to surprising foreign guests, and in this striptease establishment, surprises are only pleasant. The guest here will feel like a real king, because all his senses will be involved. "Night Flight" was created according to the Swedish type. Along with a strip club, there is a restaurant, a nightclub and a lounge area. And on stage, all the girls are real beauties. The motto of the club is "Still number 1 in Moscow." And it opened in 1991. The striptease club is located in the very center of the capital, on Tverskaya.

Larry Flynt's Hustler Club, New York, USA. Larry Flynt created a whole network of strip clubs named after himself throughout America. But among them all, it is the institution in New York that is considered the best. This is not surprising - after all, the lights of the big city attract the best girls and the richest visitors. The costumes of the strippers here are fantastic and exciting, and their tips are immodest. Yes, and the salary of the dancers at the level. The club has rather high ceilings, which allows strippers to perform real acrobatic stunts. Visitors leave their rave reviews on the institution's website. They note that most of the strippers have natural forms, besides, the girls speak English, keeping up the conversation with the client.

Play Gentlman's Club, Los Angeles, USA. This club offers gentlemen some fun. The institution breathes the spirit of California and in particular the City of Angels - it is full of silicone blondes. But the virtues of girls are not limited to this, because they are well versed in erotic and exotic dances. Strippers willingly demonstrate these skills to clients. Playmate caliber dancers perceive the dance floor as their favorite vibrator, bending there with all parts of the body. No wonder customers easily lose their minds and all their money. Visitors can enjoy private dances not only on the sofa, but even on the bed.

Spearmint Rhino, Las Vegas, USA. This institution has a rather unusual name - "Mint Rhino". Meanwhile, it has won numerous awards, including becoming the "Best Men's Club of the Year." The club opened in 1989, becoming an addition to the existing "mint" restaurant. 250 girls dance in the institution, so many visitors always come to see them that a full house is formed. The club is open 7 days a week, working from 11 am to 2 am. In addition to dancing, clients are offered the best food and drinks, as well as an unsurpassed interior. Entertainment shows include the participation of adult film stars. Such popularity of the strip club was the reason for the opening of its branches around the world and the store of the same name. In 2010, even a special nightclub for minors was opened in Los Angeles. And the visiting card of the institution has become private rooms, designed for those who do not count money at all.

Le Crazy Horse, Paris, France. For some reason, animal names are popular for naming strip clubs. The Parisians called this place "The Crazy Horse". It is classic for the capital of France, resembling the outwardly legendary Moulin Rouge. The club hosts cabaret performances and burlesque shows. Visitors can watch the girls in several scenes at once. Somewhere strippers dance in the beams of lasers, and somewhere they just bathe in a bath of champagne. Often girls are covered only by a veil of light. Recruitment to the club is so brutal and polished that all the dancers look alike. Alan Bernardin created this club. He initially abandoned the narrowness of the traditional show, incorporating lasers, illusionists, special effects into it. The female body is presented here with refined eroticism. But it is forbidden for visitors to communicate with dancers. A ticket to this strip club costs from 100 euros. There is a copy of such an institution in Las Vegas, and it has a much more scandalous fame than the Parisian one.

Seventh Heaven, Tokyo, Japan. In the capital of Japan, the client is invited to get to the "Seventh Heaven". Despite the Asian location of the club, with its interior and inner spirit it resembles Western models. And the girls here are gathered from all over the world - there are Americans and Europeans here. Many strippers came to Tokyo to teach English to the Japanese. And dancing became their second profession. The club is especially appreciated by traveling businessmen, because even far from their homeland they can touch something dear. Admission prices are time dependent and start at 5,500 yen. On the institution's website, you can find out everything about each of the 30 dancers, including their favorite drinks.

Mons Venus, Tampa, USA. This institution, by its name, directly offers to contemplate the roundness of Venus. After all, this goddess of love is responsible for female beauty. There are no private rooms, traditional for other similar clubs. All the most interesting things happen right on the stage - there are six naked girls dancing at the same time. There is where to scatter the eyes! The club is over 25 years old and all this time it has been constantly suing the city authorities, who are trying to limit this area of ​​​​entertainment. On the site of the institution around the clock there is a broadcast from webcams aimed at the locker room of the dancers.

Wanda's, Montreal, Canada. Montreal has long been considered a sin city. The number of strip bars here just rolls over. A classic example is the Wanda's Club. They say that it is there that the most beautiful strippers in the city are located. Dancers offer exotic dances, and excellent Mediterranean cuisine is also offered to guests. At the same time, it is emphasized that both women and couples will undoubtedly like the club. The seats and sofas inside the club are positioned to be as close to the action as possible. On the second floor there are cozy lounges and VIP-rooms, you can order them via the Internet. Especially for stag parties there are special rooms. On the terrace, you can enjoy the view of the city at night.

K5 Relax, Prague, Czech Republic. An unusually beautiful city offers to relax in the company of charming girls with Slavic appearance. At the same time, here you can not only enjoy the dances of strippers, but also order their escort services. During the sultry dances, you can eat deliciously. Then you can retire with one of the strippers in the K5 themed room, getting a real "dessert". No wonder Prague has become the capital of Central Europe for sex tourists. The club has 4 floors, located in the heart of the Golden City. There is also a sauna, a Roman-style steam room, pedicure or manicure masters. The rooms are made in themed styles. In one of them you will feel like a knight, in the other - a Roman emperor, you can watch dances in the "cave", or you can - in the rich eastern chambers. There is also a room in space style.

In the dark, you always want to do something crazy, something that will blow your mind and leave only vivid emotions from the night you lived. Therefore, many residents and guests go to strip clubs in Moscow. The noise of music, beautiful female and male bodies that move to the beat. Comfortable tables and sofas, varied cuisine and alcoholic drinks. All this awaits visitors. In such establishments, you can celebrate not only stag and hen parties, but also birthdays. Gorgeous parties diversify the monotony of gray everyday life.

The best striptease clubs in Moscow

"KM 19"

The first place in the ranking is occupied by the KM 19 club. It can be called a restaurant and a private club. Alcoholic drinks and sultry girls fill this place. A man can look at sexy girls, enjoying their plasticity and grace.

Guests are attracted by the convenient location and reasonable prices. You have to pay 1,000 rubles for entry. The aristocratic interior is chic. It makes the environment cozy and comfortable. The location is also functional and convenient for wealthy men.

There is one large bar here, where social and business conversations can be held. The second one is a little smaller, where you can tune in to an intimate wave and intimate conversation. And also in the services of the institution there are separate two-room and small rooms with showers.

The club boasts the number of its girls. There are almost a hundred of them. Each of them has an individual appearance, a flexible and plastic dancer of a high level.

Various events take place daily, which makes the atmosphere unforgettable. For this, striptease clubs in Moscow were invented.

"Deja Vu"

In the club you can watch an exciting show program. The luxurious hall creates an atmosphere of passion and love. Erotic dancing girls act like lighters for men. Three scenes were specially made so that the review was excellent. There is a VIP zone, karaoke and private booths here. All this can be enjoyed for little money.

A varied cuisine (European, Japanese and American), a sufficient amount of alcohol and non-alcoholic cocktails will brighten up the evening. And a hookah, where without it during the rest. It will help you relax and get real pleasure.


The SOS club settled on the third step of our rating. He works until the last client every night. In addition to incendiary dance performances, you can visit karaoke or a SPA center. Everything is in one building and it is very comfortable. You can order a private belly dance or striptease for a fee.

In this club, many famous people celebrate their birthdays or other holidays. Bachelor and hen parties are often held. A step before marriage, many prefer this particular club. The whole system is so thought out and worked out that you want to come to this place again and again.

Striptease clubs in Moscow: vacancies

Many girls are already working, and someone else is afraid to reveal themselves and show their talent. Striptease clubs in Moscow often require young, attractive and talented girls. These vacancies are not only interesting, but also highly paid. You can work:

  • Striptease dancer.
  • Bar lady.

Girls who have learned how to make cocktails and know how to do it will pass the casting without any problems. The working uniform is provided by the club. Responsibility, the ability to communicate culturally, good looks - this is all that is needed for this profession.

  • Waitress.
  • Hostess girl.

A hostess is a person who meets guests, escorts them to a table and introduces them to the girl they like. The main task is to show politeness with your appearance. We can say that this position is the face of the institution. But you also need to dance. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to quickly switch from elegant communication to a passionate dance.

  • party girl.

The task of this position is to fill the dance floor. You need to dance, flirt and communicate with guests, create a positive atmosphere. Sensuality and the ability to be liberated - this is what is useful to the applicant.


This establishment is in great demand throughout the capital. The management decided to expand its network and open another male strip club in Moscow. Therefore, the clubs are constantly looking for talented girls for vacancies.

Requirements: chiseled figure, attractive appearance, age of majority, no work experience required.

Working conditions: no intimacy, training, free schedule, make-up artist and stylist services are provided, a trip to the solarium at the expense of the institution, and if the girl is from another city, she will be provided with housing for free. Salary - from 95,000 rubles.


Striptease clubs in Moscow are visited not only by men, but also by women. Why hide your desires if you can be liberated and not give way to men? Once in such an institution, people forget about time. They enjoy emotions and enjoy. Such entertaining evenings help brighten up the monotony of gray everyday life, take your favorite holiday off and just have a good time with friends or girlfriends.


Moscow knows this women's strip club well. Seductive, sexy atmosphere will melt the heart of the most strict lady. In this institution you can participate in an erotic dance show. Beautiful and sexy boys will surround the visitors all night. You can watch, touch, dance with the daring "male" you like, satisfy all your lustful desires. Guests forget that they are in the room, because they feel like in paradise. You can order a private dance, create with an erotic massage.

Many ladies prefer to celebrate their birthdays or bachelorette parties in "Egoistka". And if you warn the administration that the visit is in honor of something, then the institution will prepare a special gift. In this case, the holiday will be original, and memories will remain for many years, because striptease clubs in Moscow were invented for this.

Today we are talking about how the most popular erotic club in Moscow Virgins positions itself. Unexpected, right? Meanwhile, the creation and promotion of Virgins is a revolutionary approach.

  • In the club, not only intimate relationships are strictly prohibited, but also any “divorce” of clients for money (including tips).

  • The club hosts not experienced strippers, but newcomers who are released onto the stage just a couple of weeks after a short training.

  • The club is allowed only from the age of 27, immediately declaring that we work for a narrow audience of successful adults and adequate people. The monthly turnover of the club is about 10 million rubles, and the number of visitors breaks all records.

And all this is due to successful positioning and unconventional thinking. We reveal the secrets of erotic business processes!

One of the founders of erotic clubs and marketing director is Artem Ovechkin. He agreed to lift the veil of secrecy over such an unusual (and, frankly, controversial) business. However, there are no special secrets, one dry calculation.

There is striptease, no sex

What does our strip club do? We do striptease. We have two clubs in Moscow (already mentioned Virgins and Burlesque), and at the moment these are the most popular clubs. Why am I so open about this? I am not ashamed of them. They are quite environmentally friendly and built according to a new business model, which had previously been unprofitable in Moscow, and the club was either simply closed according to it, or people did not think that it was possible to work in this niche.

How are we different from others? We do not practice intimacy. Totally, in no way, nowhere, under any circumstances, not for any money, not with anyone, even acquaintances, even if Vladimir Vladimirovich himself visits us, nothing will come of it.

At the same time, our clubs are the most popular in Moscow in terms of traffic, we have about 5 thousand people a month, which is very good for simple entertainment venues, but for such a narrow business as a strip club, it is considered simply something unrealistic. If you visit us on Monday, Sunday, Tuesday, you will see that we have a load of 70-80%.

The turnover fluctuates within more than 10 million rubles for each institution. We reached such indicators (to full payback and profit) in about 8 months in one club and in 9 months in another.

It's impossible!

When we started the business, we didn’t understand it at all. None of our team - and there were three of us. I had to solve a huge number of questions along the way. My first partner had good experience in managing large numbers of people. The second partner dealt with legal aspects, contracts. I was in marketing and advertising. I think this is the key to our success, because each of us was a specialist in his field.

We opened the club for thirty days, which is considered impossible. It is impossible to enter a building with nothing in it, and in a month to make an opening, albeit, of course, with jambs, but to which people came! And on the first day we have already started earning. That is, they never worked in the negative.

We were just starting to hatch this idea, we had the opportunity to talk with former directors of the clubs, when we started to look closely, to collect information about what was happening in this market in general. And everyone to whom we described the concept of the club, what it would be ... We even left the name “stripper club” in order to abstract from all this brothel that exists. Our clubs are called "erotic show club". And when we described the concept - without intimate services - everyone said that it was impossible.

How to interest a man in naked girls?

Imagine how much work needs to be done to make it just interesting for a person to sit surrounded by naked women, drink, watch a show program that goes on during the night. This requires much more effort than when the business is built on instincts and needs - come, drink, pick up, go home. Not the quality of service, not parking - nothing. We paid tremendous attention to details, trifles.

We have a very strong show team. In addition to dancers, we have ballet in each of the clubs, and there are no longer stripper dancers, but professional dancers with a choreographic education. There are also boys. That is, we have quite a family entertainment - about 50% of the guests are just couples who go to watch the show together.

Striptease is not as expensive as it seems

We didn't go all out, but at the same time, we didn't have huge business plans with strategies for the year and so on. Our entire economy fit on A4 Excel, where it was calculated how many guests should come, what their average check should be. And, having thrown such a table, we understood what the clubs were up against. They rest only on the fact that they cannot provide traffic, because the striptease market in Moscow at that moment, until we broke into this market, was considered expensive. Such is the prejudice. We broke it, because the average check in our clubs is 7-8 thousand rubles, which is comparable to any other restaurant, nightclub, party.

We were faced with the task of ensuring the cross-country ability of 4,000 people. Here I applied all my eleven years of internet marketing skills. You can talk about this endlessly. Our club is the pinnacle of innovators in this market. Before that, when the same directors who worked in the clubs asked me what I would do, I answered that I would use only the Internet. And I will not use any offline advertising. Actually, now it's the fourth year, we don't have any offline advertising. And only now the competing clubs are starting a little… They don’t understand how this is possible, where do such a number of people come from?!

Those advertising campaigns that we are conducting are conducted in two directions. On the one hand, what competitors see, so that they are equal to it and do absolutely inefficient things. We deliberately spend money on this - on those Internet marketing tools that do not bring results, but which competitors copy without getting results. On the other hand, these are real working campaigns for us.

We have developed a special CRM system that completely counts from what source a person came, how much it cost to join the club, how much money he left in the club and how much he goes during the year. That is, this kind of analytics, which is not established even in some large b2b businesses. Many people think that marketing and advertising are some kind of creative things. There is no creativity. There are dry numbers, standard tools, clear measurements, analytics and marketing management by goals. All strip clubs market by whether the director likes the layout or not, but we do marketing by purpose. I have clear goals, from what source how many people should come, and the whole funnel is laid out.

Why we stole the movie idea (and what came of it)

When I was sitting and coming up with the concept of the club, it was in a restaurant, without any focus groups, I was sitting alone, drinking tea on Tverskaya Street, looking out the window and thinking: damn, why would the club be positioned? I understood that it was not located in the center of Moscow, it was located on Polezhaevskaya, in the area of ​​the third transport ring. That is, people should come there on purpose ... And I sat, thought, thought, and a couple sat next to me at the next table, discussing the film "Burlesque", which was supposed to be released in 8 months, about which there was no information at all. He stood somewhere in the grid of producers and, maybe, did not even start filming. I heard this, then I checked this information on English-language sites and saw that the film "Burlesque" was really coming out. And I realized that our first club would be Burlesque.

And we opened under the Burlesque brand. After our opening, literally a month and a half later, as soon as we rebuilt all business processes, the film "Burlesque" was released, and it thundered throughout Moscow. And we were the only burlesque club in Moscow. Accordingly, on this we ate a huge number of audiences.

I knew that any Hollywood movie spends millions of dollars in advertising budgets. So we just took this name, and in addition to the name, we also took the very concept of "Burlesque": corsets, stockings - the so-called entertaining beautiful striptease. We attracted Lyalya Bezhetskaya to this, this is the only prima of Moscow in burlesque. Here she came to us in pea hats, told how to take off gloves, how to dress girls properly, how to behave correctly, how to communicate with a guest correctly, how to undress on stage.

When she came to visit us in the basement, where the repairmen go, everyone swears, and she came in in this hat and polka dot dress: “Oh my God, how can I sit here?” We say: “Lalya, good. Sit down here. Take off your hats, veils, cigarette cases, mouthpieces, stockings and just tell us what the topic is - burlesque. But on the first day of opening, when we opened with a classic understanding of burlesque, when I looked at the people who came to us, and realized that something needs to be changed. We did classic burlesque. What it is? This is when the girl on stage can take off her glove, for example, 15 minutes. And when, after the opening, the first batch of people who came to us said: “Are you all right?”, I came to my people the next day and said: “Boys, let's leave the topic of burlesque, but more movement, fun, delicious drinks ".

We were also innovators in doing our own show every day. This is the so-called "Week" program. For example, on Monday we have all 80 strippers as secretaries. I mean, everything changes every day. And for competitors, it was a brain break, because they did not understand how to structure 150 women so that they all wear the same thing, and that it is not from the market. How can this be managed?

You are bred in all clubs, and we break this system

When we started inviting our acquaintances, they appealed with concepts that were unusual for us. They said: “How much money should I take with me? Take 100 thousand with you, I won’t seem like a sucker there? Take 7,000 rubles with you, have a drink, smoke a hookah, watch a show program, go again, a girl will dance a private dance for you, and you will go home in a taxi. He says, "Yeah, that's not the case." But it happens.

It is clear that there are checks and much higher than 7 thousand rubles, but now we charge on average. And we realized that people still have a prejudice that they will swindle you, that there is a tough consummation, that is, a girl will order a drink, it will cost 5 thousand rubles. And what is most interesting, this is how all clubs work.

I sincerely feel sorry for the people who get into the clubs of competitors, because they spoil the impression for the rest of their lives about striptease. They are bred. And we just changed the system. We took everything that bothered the guests and removed it. If girls order drinks from us, it is because they want it, and not because they earn money from it. Moreover, we feed the girls for free, pour for free.

This is the philosophy of the story. But fairy tales are not in terms of deception, but in terms of "happily ever after." I am trying to push this ideology even in the topic of striptease: everyone who interacts with us, whether they are girls or guests, contractors and suppliers, everyone should live happily ever after.

Sales department

I have a sales team at the club, which is nonsense because we were the only club you could call during the day. People did not understand how it is possible to call a nightclub during the day, and even more so a strip club? Can! You can call us at the club at any time, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, even on December 31 and January 1.

We close on ourselves a huge number of leads. By leads, I understand people who have shown interest in our club. Roughly speaking, we collect a certain number of leads, let them be 50 per day. Next, we have a sales department, which consists of four managers trained in classic B2C sales techniques. And this is by no means a manipulation, not a divorce, but a properly structured dialogue with benefits, the removal of objections and closing a person either to an arrival, or to booking a table, or to the next conversation.

They come to a strip club ... by email

Other leads come to us by subscription. A chain of letters has been compiled under them, a chain of touches, and only after about the seventh touch do we invite them to come. In these letters I have business advice from a stripper. In each letter, she gives some advice and undresses. For example, a girl sits and says that all people who have earned money in this life have always learned to say “yes”. Are you ready to say yes? Are you ready to come to our club today? This is not business advice in terms of useful skills. These are just playfully presented more or less useful thoughts.

We are working on the UniSender cape. In the first letter, the open rate was almost 80%. Then it fell to 40%, which is also not bad. And all the time we have less than 0.5% of unsubscribes and spam complaints. That is, people read. Moreover, what is most interesting, people correspond with this robot. They answer. The matter is that all letters are made on behalf of our dancers and with photos of our dancers.

We "catch up" with advertising everywhere

Retargeting is a technology that allows you to “catch up” with a site visitor on third-party sites with our advertising. We took the top retargeting sites that have the maximum coverage network, except for social networks, because we do not go through moderation on social networks. The technology is next. If you have a website, and you bring traffic to this website from any sources - a recommendation on social networks, contextual advertising, SEO promotion, media advertising - accordingly, traffic flows to the site, and every person who comes to your site, is marked. And after just through retargeting providers, they can be found.

I'll tell you with an example. A guest calls us at three o'clock in the afternoon and starts yelling obscenities: “What the hell, you are crazy, you are on sites that sell children's toys, you have advertisements for striptease clubs there, how is this possible?” I say: “Hey, buddy, this is retargeting. Ads are shown to you because you were with us, and they will disappear after five touches.

This is how retargeting works. He catches up with you in all the sites that participate in this network, either in the second or in the third through which you work, and finishes you off with an offer. Moreover, these offers can be segmented. For example, if you left the “prices” section, it means that the offer “Do not think that we are expensive, look at the comparison of the average check” can catch up with you. Left the photo gallery - the offer "See the new photos of our girls" is catching up with you.

This is correct retargeting. It is very hemorrhoidal: isolate these segments, make an offer for each segment, and make a landing page for each offer, where to bring it - this is retargeting for five plus. And by three with a minus, retargeting is that a person is caught up with the same offer on the same site, on the same landing page. And it works too.

Internet promotion

We started with the most standard tools: Direct, teaser networks. We introduced the concept of "burlesque" into everyday life, so we took people from search queries like "strip club", by the name of competitive clubs, by related queries, such as "where to go in Moscow." We started to break the ideology that striptease is expensive.

For example, one of the directions - I call it "base vacuum cleaner". What it is? This is when we collect fairly cheap traffic using teaser networks, social networks and lock these people, for example, not to a promo code, but to participate in a contest. For example, in our case it is "Win a 6 hour limousine ride with ten strippers from our club." Yes, we do play it in the club.

We have everything: groups in all social networks. Which source brings traffic, I, unfortunately, cannot tell you unambiguously. In order for us to be fair about this, we need to work for another year, because only recently we started collecting deep analytics with an average check from the source where the guest came from.

Personnel search

When we were planning to buy a competing club, he came and said: “Guys, I can’t pull anymore, I spend about half a million on attracting dancers, 50 people come to me, of which I take 10.” No girls, no money. And when I answered him: “Guys, for 50 thousand we get 150 people who came to the club,” he took his head: “Lord, how is this even possible?”

We collect traffic from dating sites, sports portals, regional student organizations and drive this traffic to the same landing page.

The main ideology of Virgins is the virginity of striptease. That is, those who have never worked in a striptease. And if it was a problem for other clubs, we made it a competitive advantage: guests, come to us, we have girls who have never been to other clubs. Yes. They don't dance well, yes. They don't speak well, but they're newbies, that's their thing. We at the Virgins club have six bracelets of the same color that every girl wears. White is a virgin, blue is an experienced dancer, black is a "black pearl". This is also a very good corporate incentive, a girl can really burst into tears if she is demoted or promoted, for example, if she reaches KPI. And we have a KPI for each dancer, we clearly know who earns how much.

Pretty girls are scared

We have a very complex KPI system, which combines the number of shifts, the number of privates, the number of gatherings. Some elements of the show menu have different coefficients, and each girl has an index of her success. And we always clean up the tails. About 50% of girls leave us per month.

There is a backbone, of course. But staff turnover is definitely a problem. It's not just us. It’s even worse in other clubs, they just don’t know how to attract and retain them, and we keep them with the help of some kind of conversion, all sorts of corporate topics. Thanks to these KPIs, we did not step on a very interesting trap that ruined some clubs. This rake sounds paradoxical, but it's true. The first Burlesque club we did was like... folk striptease. These are some middle peasants in terms of the public: not oligarchs, not super-rich, but just good middle peasants. And when, for example, we built this KPI system, and my partner measured it, and I came to the club, I say: “Sasha, well, I’m not ready to see 60% of girls here.” It's not that they are ugly, but my inner state of beauty is not comparable to what I saw. He says, "Let's go." And we opened these KPIs and realized that in this club they are afraid of beautiful women.

Here you come, for example, to a club, a middle-class man, for example, a sales director, and you have never seen this before, you have a huge number of girls in stockings. A beauty, a real Victoria Secret model, comes up to you, she sits next to you, and you don’t know what to talk about. You start to feel shy, the booze doesn't help, you don't even know how to touch it! If she starts dancing, you generally lose consciousness.

When we started to analyze KPIs, we realized that girls with an average appearance, such a normal, homely one, earn more. Why? There are two reasons. On the one hand, the guests of the beauties are afraid, they are uncomfortable, they do not know what to do. Either way, a merry laughter came from a neighboring yard, you can hug her, crackle, treat and dance with her. On the other hand, girls who, in their opinion, are deprived of beauty, begin to develop some other qualities of their own: for example, try to communicate better, read Carnegie books. They have something to talk about with the guests.

There was an interesting case when I went into a branch of a very famous bank, and I was a privileged guest there, I had a cool card, and when the bank manager came out to meet me, I realized that this was our dancer. I say: "You drive, what are you doing here?" She says, “This is where I work. And I come to you because I have a need for men to compliment me. In ordinary life, she really is such a business woman, beautiful. He says that in ordinary life men do not approach me, they are scared, and I already just dream of getting to know me.

By the way, we do not forbid getting acquainted. In other clubs for this hard layoffs. No problem. Change phones, chat, meet. We've got 15 couples married.

How to make such a business?

There are two important points:

  • You need to rely on yourself, or be in an environment that does something by itself. If a person is surrounded by people who do nothing, unfortunately, these people drag the person back. Unconsciously. Thus, showing him that we didn’t succeed, because we didn’t do it, and you won’t succeed, don’t even try. With this message they live. Therefore, try to be in the environment that develops.

  • Right from today, you need to start working on yourself, on your inner territory. All our actions, all our undertakings can be directed either to the outer territory, that is, to where you act physically, that is, you enter, do, ask, knock, learn something, and so on. But besides this, the inner territory is much more important - what happens inside the head of each person. Fear, doubt, uncertainty. For example, my basic stage was a business psychoanalyst, who cleared out a huge amount of destructive thoughts from me. For example, "it's a shame to be rich", "there is no big money". Something our parents instilled in each of us.

And, of course, you need to take care of yourself. I don't drink, smoke or drink myself, only in Amsterdam. We are constantly on the topic of yoga, sports, fitness, because we need inner strength. And physiologically it needs to be received. Because if your energy is spent digesting complex carbohydrates, then there is no energy left for anything else.

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