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Results of the egg diet for 4 weeks. Cons and negative consequences. There are also disadvantages to this method of losing weight.

egg diet for 4 weeks - ideal for those who believe in efficiency carbohydrate-free diets. Developed by American nutritionists monthly diet in fact, it prescribes eating eggs daily for only half the time: the rest of the time is spent on consolidating the weight loss result and testing the habit of being content with little.

The four-week egg diet is a serious test of patience and intention! During this month, the metabolism of losing weight will undergo major changes: due to the abundant intake of protein, the body will have to waste its fat energy reserve and make an effort to process and assimilate high doses of protein.

Thus, the main weight loss will occur in the first two weeks of the diet. However, it is important not to skip the second phase monthly plan nutrition, which may not seem very important when good result already reached. With an incorrect exit from the egg diet for 4 weeks, a quick return excess weight practically guaranteed.

Egg diet for 4 weeks: in short

Duration: 4 weeks;

Peculiarities: strict, it is necessary to strictly follow the prescribed menu. Chicken eggs are the main product in the first two weeks of the diet, the next two weeks are aimed at consolidating the result (the menu is mainly low-carb vegetable with in small portions squirrel);

Price: medium (up to 5 thousand rubles for the entire period);

Result: up to minus 25 kg (depending on the initial weight);

Additional effect: long-term preservation of the result of the diet due to the consumption of fat reserves;

Egg diet for 4 weeks is not suitable: strict vegetarians, suffering from kidney and liver diseases, during pregnancy and lactation, with allergies to eggs and / or citrus fruits. Before starting an egg diet for a month, you should consult your doctor!

Useful information for those who are attracted to the egg diet for 4 weeks: a chicken egg is 85% water, 12% protein (ovalbumin, ovotransferrin, lysozyme, ovomucoid,
ovomucin). It contains only 0.3% fat and 0.7% carbohydrates, as well as some glucose and a lot of vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, and magnesium. That is, to put it in "fabulous" language - truly the testicle is not simple, but

Egg diet for 4 weeks: myths and fears

Many of you have probably heard at one time the warnings of various therapists and nutritionists that overuse eating chicken eggs is fraught with development serious illness- they say, they have more than enough bad cholesterol, and the protein is digested for too long ... What then, you ask, can we even talk about an egg diet for as long as a month?

Indeed, a similar panic took place about 20 years ago. Namely: scientists sounded the alarm, bringing chicken eggs in " bad list"- it was reported that their constant use causes an increase in blood cholesterol and the appearance of cholesterol plaques in the arteries.

However, researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health (apparently very egg loving and worried about their undeservedly damaged reputation) conducted a large-scale study. In its course, it turned out that regular consumption of eggs does not affect “bad cholesterol” in any way - its occurrence is regulated by other factors.

Their colleagues from the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found out that the egg is one of the most healthy options for breakfast. At the same amount calories consumed, sandwich eaters are more at risk of becoming obese than egg eaters.

However, when dealing with eggs, you should not relax: one in about 20,000 eggs sold on the market may be infected with active salmonella, a bacterium that causes an acute intestinal infection, especially dangerous for children.

Therefore, when choosing eggs for the full 4 weeks of the egg diet, avoid those whose shells are damaged, runny or "decorated" with droppings or blood. Experts advise to wash even the cleanest eggs after purchase and cook so that both the yolk and the protein are completely curtailed (about 5 minutes). It is also important to monitor the expiration date of purchased eggs and, having bought them, store them in the refrigerator on a separate shelf, away from meat and milk. Eggs should be cut on a separate board, which is recommended to be rinsed with boiling water after each use, like the knife with which the eggs were cut.

How to "sit on the balls"?

Egg diet for 4 weeks does not mean eating chicken eggs alone. And their number on the menu is also quite moderate ...

“If there is a honeymoon, why shouldn’t we be an egg month?” American nutritionists thought, and relying on success, they invented egg week for 4 weeks. Longer duration - respectively, better effect. Cases have been recorded when, in a month of “sitting on eggs”, losing weight lost up to 25 kg (with an initial weight of about 100 kg).

Why is the egg diet good and why for 4 weeks? With chicken eggs you get pure protein without excess fat and less extra calories(including due to the fact that, in principle, eat less - after all, eggs perfectly saturate).

In addition, the cost of food on a diet becomes transparent and predictable. And one more interesting moment: overseas researchers have found that regular consumption of the same food really helps to lose weight. This moment is rather psychological: for example, a nutritionist may advise eating eggs every Wednesday and Saturday. Of course, this in itself will not help to lose tens of kilograms, but will create a certain discipline, to which the body will definitely respond positively. And the knowledge of such a mechanism obviously will not hurt those who follow the figure and seek to control their weight.

Love chicken eggs? Egg diet for 4 weeks good way to test how strong this gastronomic attachment is.

However, not everything is so simple with an egg diet for a month. The main surprise is that she... is not eggy all the time. The main shocks are the first two weeks, during which you are sure to eat eggs for breakfast and at least one more time a day.

From the third week protein component is replaced by other protein-rich foods (fish and beef or poultry), and the menu becomes especially rich in fruits and vegetables. The abundance of fiber helps intestinal motility, which is very useful especially if chicken eggs have a firming effect on your stool.

During the egg diet for 4 weeks, it is important to get enough fluids (at least 1.5 liters of plain non-carbonated water per day). As you already know, protein - complex substance. During its processing, indigestible residues are formed, which are very important to remove from the intestines. Therefore, fiber and fluid remain indispensable allies of fans of the protein diet.

Drinking juice and soda on an egg diet is strictly prohibited. You can afford a morning cup of coffee without milk and sugar and herbal tea(unsweetened).

Monotony is the bane of any strict eating plan. An egg diet for 4 weeks prohibits additional consumption of fats (although it cannot be called fat-free - eggs themselves, and fish, and meat contain inseparable fats, both saturated and unsaturated), but you can experiment with a clear conscience with the form of serving products. Vegetables and fruits (as well as meat) can be baked without oil, steamed, stewed. Boiling eggs can also be replaced by baking, making scrambled eggs without fat, poached eggs. The main thing is to ensure that the egg is evenly heat-treated.

To eat raw eggs during the egg diet for 4 weeks is impossible.

Pros of the egg diet

At least in the morning, you will hardly believe that you are “sitting” on any weight loss system - breakfasts on an egg diet for 4 weeks are not much different from regular healthy protein breakfasts.

  • eggs - tasty food. Even given the restrictions on the use of fat in their preparation, there is room for culinary fantasy in the egg diet;
  • eggs cook quickly, which means that the diet will not require separate temporary resources. In the second part of the egg diet for 4 weeks, when eggs cease to be the main dish, foods that are easy to prepare also participate;
  • egg diet like any other protein diet, well suited for those involved in fitness;
  • egg protein and trace elements contained in eggs have a positive effect on the skin, hair and nails;
  • eggs saturate for a long time - even with a small amount of servings on an egg diet for 4 weeks, it is possible to keep hunger in check.

Cons and risks of an egg diet for 4 weeks

  • despite its relative diversity, the egg diet remains a fad diet, involving almost complete failure from certain type macronutrients (in the four-week egg diet, fat and fast carbohydrates become such "default figures") - that is, such a nutrition plan cannot be called healthy and balanced in its original form;
  • an excess of protein and a lack of carbohydrates can cause various problems and ailments, from migraines to bad smell from mouth. If you notice unwanted changes in your condition - get off the diet and consult a doctor.

For a diet, choose only the freshest selected chicken eggs ...

Egg diet for 4 weeks: a detailed menu of the first week and reviews

  • Breakfast every day this week is the same - 2 hard boiled eggs + ½ orange or 2 eggs + ½ grapefruit (Note also the separate so-called grapefruit and egg diet.


  • Dinner: lean meat (boiled or grilled)


  • Lunch: boiled or grilled skinless chicken
  • Dinner: cucumber, tomato, lettuce, bell pepper and carrot salad, 2 eggs + 1 toast + 1 grapefruit or orange


  • Lunch: any amount of low-fat lightly salted cheese + 1 toast + tomato
  • Dinner: lean meat, boiled or grilled


  • Lunch: any one fruit in any quantity
  • Dinner: lean meat grilled or boiled + leaf salad


  • Lunch: any one boiled vegetable in any quantity (beans, green peas, carrots or zucchini) + 2 boiled eggs
  • Dinner: boiled or grilled fish + a portion of leaf lettuce + 1 orange or grapefruit


  • Lunch: one fruit in unlimited quantities
  • Dinner: boiled or grilled meat without fat + leaf lettuce


  • Lunch: boiled or grilled skinless chicken + any steamed vegetables + tomato + 1 grapefruit or orange

Egg diet: complete menu of the second week

  • Breakfast is similar to breakfast in the first week.


  • Lunch: boiled or grilled lean meat + leaf lettuce
  • Dinner: 2 eggs + lettuce + grapefruit


  • Identical menu for Monday


  • Lunch: boiled or grilled lean meat + cucumber salad without dressing and salt
  • Dinner: 2 eggs + grapefruit


  • Lunch: 2 eggs + boiled vegetables + cottage cheese
  • Dinner: 2 eggs


  • Lunch: grilled or boiled meat + 2-3 tomatoes
  • Dinner: 2 eggs


  • Lunch: Friday lunch menu + grapefruit
  • Dinner: fruit salad(e.g. apple, pear, tangerine) no dressing


  • Lunch: skinless boiled chicken + boiled vegetables + 1 grapefruit
  • Dinner: same as lunch

Egg diet: complete menu of the third week

  • In the third week, all foods allowed on a certain day can be eaten at any time without limiting the volume and quantity.
  • Monday: fruits (except banana, grapes, mango, figs)
  • Tuesday: any boiled or steamed vegetables and fresh vegetables in the form of salads (avoid potatoes)
  • Wednesday: a combination of products allowed on Monday and Tuesday
  • Thursday: fish, boiled or grilled + cabbage
  • Friday: boiled or grilled lean meat or chicken + boiled or steamed vegetables
  • Saturday and Sunday: one type of fruit on each weekend (for example, only apples on Saturday and only pears on Sunday)

Last week's menu - leaving the egg diet

  • The products allowed on a certain day must be distributed on the day at your own discretion and consumed without reference to a specific time, but strictly adhering to the prescribed amount.
  • Monday: 4 small grilled steaks (75 g each) beef or ¼ boiled skinless chicken, a can of canned tuna in own juice, 4 cucumbers, 3 tomatoes, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit
  • Tuesday: 200 gr boiled meat, 4 cucumbers, 3 tomatoes, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit, 1 apple or pear
  • Wednesday: 300 gr boiled vegetables, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 tablespoon cottage cheese, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit
  • Thursday:½ boiled skinless chicken, 1 cucumber, 3 tomatoes, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit
  • Friday: 3 tomatoes, 10 lettuce leaves, 2 boiled eggs, 1 grapefruit
  • Saturday: 2 boiled chicken breasts, 1 toast, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 120 g cottage cheese, grapefruit, 1 glass of kefir
  • Sunday: 1 can of tuna in its own juice, 200 g of boiled vegetables, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 tablespoon cottage cheese, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit

An egg diet for 4 weeks (which, in combination with grapefruits, is very reminiscent) requires strict adherence to recommendations and does not tolerate regime violations. The result of observing this rather long and complex diet there will be nice-looking numbers on the scales. An egg diet for 4 weeks allows you to achieve a “dream weight” and it is only in your power to keep it at the desired level by monitoring nutrition and physical activity.

  1. Lack of feeling of hunger. The saturation of eggs with microelements and easily digestible protein contributes to the feeling of satiety.
  2. Hair and nails. The content of vitamins A and E in the composition of eggs plus citrus fruits can strengthen and improve the structure of hair and nails.
  3. Leather. As in the case of other protein diets, there is no sagging of the skin in the process of losing weight.
  4. Easily tolerated psychologically. Enough varied menu diet allows you to minimize possible disruptions.
  5. Gets rid of excess fluid in the body.
  6. Consolidation of the result obtained for a long time.
  7. The ability to lose more than a kilogram of weight per day.


The main disadvantages of the egg diet include the following:

  1. Weakness and dizziness are possible.
  2. Eating just three meals a day can make you feel hungry.
  3. Sometimes provokes disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.


Before you go on an egg diet, you need to consider that it has a number of contraindications for use:

  • period of gestation;
  • period breastfeeding babies;
  • egg allergy;
  • citrus intolerance;
  • high cholesterol in the blood;
  • atherosclerosis of the arteries;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • disorders in the liver.

Basic rules and principles

In order for the egg diet to be as effective as possible, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Water. You must drink at least one and a half liters of fluid per day. This will help avoid problems with the digestive system.
  2. Cellulose. try to eat a lot raw vegetables or drink pharmacy fiber or bran on an empty stomach. This is, in principle, an important point for all protein diets.
  3. Vitamins. This is one of the few diets when you do not need to take vitamin and mineral complexes. Moreover, it is highly undesirable because it can lead to allergic reactions due to a large number eggs and citrus.
  4. If you don’t really like chicken eggs, then you can safely replace them with quail eggs (the ratio should be 3/1).
  5. Dinner. Try to have your last meal no later than 7-8 pm.
  6. Dream. Try to get at least eight hours of sleep. At the same time, it is desirable to go to bed at ten or eleven o'clock in the evening.
  7. Cooking. Eggs must be soft-boiled or hard-boiled. AT last resort beating and baking without fat is allowed. All other foods must be raw or steamed, grilled or oven baked. They can also be boiled. Frying is allowed only in a dry frying pan.
  8. Spices. You can safely use your favorite spices or season products lemon juice to improve them taste qualities. However, it is better for you to refuse them if you are still not full.
  9. Raw eggs should not be eaten.
  10. The diet is not recommended to be repeated more than once or twice a year.
  11. In extreme cases, the eggs can be replaced lean meat or low-fat cottage cheese to avoid breakdowns.
  12. To obtain a tangible effect of losing weight in more than short time Regular physical activity is also required. You can use our sections with or and draw up the most suitable training plan for yourself, or choose a ready-made one.

Varieties of the egg diet

There are several varieties of the egg diet. All of them are quite effective, although they are designed for different results. Therefore, the choice depends solely on how many kilograms you need to lose and how quickly.

The egg-orange diet, unlike other varieties, is a mono-diet and its entire menu comes down to hard-boiled eggs and fresh oranges or. This nutrition system is ideal if you urgently need to lose a few pounds before any event. The main rule is to drink plenty of water. Eggs and oranges are eaten alternately every hour during the day. The last meal is made no later than eight to nine in the evening. To maintain this diet for more than 5-7 days is contraindicated. 3-4 days is considered ideal. During this period, you can easily lose 2-5 kilograms, depending on the initial weight.

Seven Day Diet

The 7 Day Egg Diet is designed to eat four to six eggs a day. They are a must for breakfast. At the same time, one of the meals at lunch or dinner a couple of times during the week can be replaced with fish or lean meat. Weight loss can be up to 10 kilograms during this period. In some cases, it may be extended for another seven days. Then the menu of the first week is repeated during the second.

Egg diet for 4 weeks

This type of egg diet is the most effective and allows you to lose up to 25 kilograms of weight. An added advantage is the consolidation of the result for a fairly long period. Despite its longevity, it is fairly easy to carry due to the high amount of fruits and vegetables. During the third week, food intake is generally limited only by how much you can eat.

What can and cannot be eaten?

The egg diet is rightly considered one of the varieties protein diets. Therefore, the list of allowed / prohibited products will not differ much. The only exception is the high content of eggs and citrus fruits.

Approved Products

The list of approved products for the egg diet is quite extensive, which makes it easier to tolerate:

  • chicken eggs;
  • meat: skinless chicken fillet, lean pork, veal, rabbit;
  • white and red fish;
  • vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, lettuce, herbs, root, radish, White cabbage, carrots, asparagus, green beans, eggplant, zucchini;
  • fruits: lemons (lemon juice), oranges, grapefruits, apples, tangerines, plums.
  • dairy products: unsalted sheep cheese, low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat milk, low-fat kefir and/or yogurt;
  • coffee;
  • spices.

Prohibited Products

The list of prohibited foods, in principle, is not very different from most diets:

  • sugar;
  • alcohol;
  • flour products;
  • pasta;
  • cereals;
  • potato;
  • confectionery and chocolate;
  • fatty meats;
  • sour cream;
  • mayonnaise;
  • nuts;
  • soft cheeses;
  • vegetable oils;
  • any fats;
  • fruits: bananas, grapes,.

And, as always, it is advisable to reduce salt intake as much as possible in order to get rid of excess fluid in the body, since salt is known to retain water in the body.

Menu tables on the egg diet

The egg diet is essentially not a mono-diet, as is commonly believed. But nevertheless, it is very strict and does not allow for a serious replacement of these products. But the results will not be long in coming. Below you can find full menu for both the short seven-day egg diet and the four-week one.

Diet menu for the week

The egg diet for a week is more like a mono diet due to the large number of eggs consumed. However, you can add greens and lettuce and lettuce to diversify the menu. Their calorie content is too small to affect the final result.

1st day 2nd day 3rd day 4th day 5th day 6th day 7th day
breakfast two boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half a grapefruit + unsweetened coffeetwo boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half a grapefruit + unsweetened coffeetwo boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half a grapefruit + unsweetened coffeetwo boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half a grapefruit + unsweetened coffeetwo boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half a grapefruit + unsweetened coffeetwo boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half a grapefruit + unsweetened coffee
dinner two boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + tomato + favorite unsweetened teatwo boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + a serving of spinach + your favorite unsweetened teatwo boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + a serving of spinach + unsweetened coffeeundressed salad of your favorite fruits200 grams of boiled chicken breast + two unsweetened tomatoes + orange
dinner two boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + orange + boiled vegetable salad without oilveal steak + raw vegetable salad without oiltwo boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + a salad of boiled vegetables without oil + 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheesetwo boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + a salad of boiled vegetables without oil + 100 grams of any unsalted fishtwo boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + raw vegetable salad + a piece of boiled chickentwo boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + raw vegetable salad + unsweetened coffee

Menu for the egg diet for 4 weeks

The four-week version of the detailed egg diet can be roughly divided into two periods. The first of which is the diet itself, and the purpose of the second is to consolidate the result. It is very important to observe the sequence and quantity of these products. In order to diversify the menu somewhat, it is allowed to replace chicken with other types of meat or fish. The same goes for vegetables. You can safely change them based on the list of allowed ones. Grapefruit and orange are interchangeable.

Menu table of the first period.

breakfast dinner dinner
1st day
2nd day raw vegetable salad + orange + two boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + a piece of whole grain or rye bread
3rd day two boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half a grapefruitany unsalted sheep's cheese as much as you can eat + a medium-sized tomato + a slice of whole grain or rye bread200 grams grilled chicken fillet seasoned with lemon juice + herbs
4th day two boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half an orangeapples as much as you can eat200 grams of veal baked in foil with spices + lettuce
5th day two boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half a grapefruittwo boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + boiled asparagus as much as you can eatgrapefruit + 200 grams of grilled fish with lettuce
6th day two boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half an orangeapples as much as you can eat
7th day two boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half a grapefruitboiled veal + medium-sized tomato + grapefruit + steamed green beans
8th day two boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half an orangebeef steak with lettuce
9th day two boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half a grapefruitbeef steak with lettucetwo boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + medium-sized tomato + lettuce
10th day two boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half an orangeraw vegetable salad + 200 grams of chicken baked in foiltwo boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + orange
11th day two boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half a grapefruittwo boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese + favorite vegetable
12th day two boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half an orangesalmon steak + a few unsweetened tomatoestwo boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs
13th day two boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half a grapefruitsalmon steak + some unsweetened tomatoes + orangefavorite fruit salad
14th day two boiled (hard-boiled or soft-boiled) chicken eggs + half an orange200g lean pork + orange + favorite vegetable

Menu table of the second period.

breakfast dinner dinner
1st day favorite fruits, how much you can eatfavorite fruits, how much you can eat
2nd day grilled vegetables as much as you can eat
3rd day favorite fruits, how much you can eatgrilled vegetables as much as you can eatraw vegetable salad as much as you can eat
4th day salmon steak + raw cabbage salad, as much as you can eatsalmon steak + raw cabbage salad, as much as you can eat
5th day veal baked in foil with spices + any grilled vegetables, as much as you can eatveal baked in foil with spices + any grilled vegetables, as much as you can eat
6 th day apples as much as you can eatapples as much as you can eatapples as much as you can eat
7th day as many oranges as you can eatas many oranges as you can eat
8th day beef steak + cucumber + grapefruit200 grams of canned tuna + salad of two cucumbers and three tomatoesbeef steak + cucumber + slice of whole grain bread
9th day small piece of boiled veal + orange + lettucesalad of three cucumbers and three tomatoes + a slice of whole grain breadsmall piece of boiled veal + apple + cucumber
10th day a small plate of boiled asparagus + a slice of whole grain breadsalad of tomatoes, two cucumbers and 50 grams of low-fat cottage cheesesmall plate of boiled green beans + grapefruit
11th day grilled chicken breast+ grapefruitsalad of one cucumber and three tomatoes + a slice of whole grain breadgrilled chicken breast with lettuce
12th day one hard boiled egg + grapefruittwo large tomatoes + lettuce leavesone hard boiled egg + one tomato
13th day baked veal + grapefruitsalad of two tomatoes and two cucumbers + 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheesea glass of low-fat yogurt + baked veal
14th day 100 grams canned tuna + 100 grams grilled vegetables + orangesalad of two tomatoes and two cucumbers + 40 grams of low-fat cottage cheese + a slice of whole grain bread100 grams canned tuna + 100 grams grilled vegetables

you came for effective diet? Then you've come to the right place! The egg diet (its second name is chemical) was developed a talented doctor from the USA, Dr. medical sciences- Osama Hamdiyem. The primary goal of his program was to help reduce weight in people suffering from diabetes second type. However, the effectiveness of the system was so impressive that it began to be used in wide circles.

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The essence of the egg diet and its options

“What kind of animal is this - an egg diet?” - you probably think. From the "speaking" name it is clear that it is based on eggs, and, apparently, there will be a lot of them. Why eggs? How one sang good band- Eggs are very nutritious. And they were right! This amazing chicken reproduction product contains pure protein(in its protein part) and incredibly rich in vitamins, microelements and all kinds useful substances yolk. Consuming a minimum 3 whole eggs per day you can provide for yourself required dose healthy fats.

Did you know that our hormonal system without such fats suffers and collapses? Did not know? So know and eat your eggs for health. Even if you are not going to sit on an egg diet in any of its forms.

“And how many types of egg diet?” you ask again. And we will answer that we know 4 species and one more. Here they are:

  • egg diet for 4 weeks full version, original version diets;
  • egg diet for 2 weeks - for those who need it faster;
  • egg diet for 7 days - for those who urgently;
  • egg diet for 5 days - for those who are "tomorrow" on vacation;
  • Maggi's egg diet is written in detail and with taste, and we will now talk about the first four varieties.

As you may have guessed, you will most likely choose the egg diet weight loss program for yourself according to the time that you have at your disposal. If you need urgently for some event, take the shortest version - an egg diet for 5 days. Well, for those who decided to do everything on time and stock up on time at least a month in advance, we advise you to take the most complete option - an egg diet for 4 weeks.

egg diet rules

So, let's not walk around the Christmas tree for a long time, but go straight to the instructions and manuals. In order to properly follow the regimen and get the coveted result (and fans of the egg diet of all kinds promise sky-high from 3 to 30 kg- it all depends on how long you get hooked on eggs), you must first learn the rules (by heart!), And then stock up on scales, a centimeter and go to the store for allowed products (read more about this later).

Now directly regulations:

  • When doing an egg diet, be sure to drink a lot of clean water - no restrictions, but not less than 2 liters per day. We recommend starting every morning with a glass or two of water on an empty stomach. This will wake up the body and start metabolic processes, as well as the gastrointestinal tract;
  • tea and coffee you can drink without restriction, provided that you exclude any additives containing calories: sugar, milk, cream, syrups, etc .;

Advice: drinking a cup of coffee, drink the same amount of water. Coffee has a dehydrating effect, and this can cause false feeling hunger and lead to a breakdown.

  • Diet-allowed vegetables (see list below), if you don't eat them raw, steam or water them. Usage meat broths for cooking is not allowed;
  • if hunger overtook you before the next main meal, you can eat cucumbers/tomatoes/carrots(only one type), but no dressings from mayonnaise, butter and fatty foods can be used on an egg diet. Also, a snack should not be earlier than 2 hours after the main meal;
  • the main meals should remain in the form in which they are prescribed by the diet. You can not change the order of "breakfast-lunch-dinner" and replace one product with another. You can only exclude the food that you do not like;
  • if you violated the diet, there is no point in continuing it - you need to start over again in order to start the necessary chemical processes in the body again;
  • you can not pause in the diet: if you interrupted, start over;
  • having completed the diet, it is necessary to get out of it correctly in order to consolidate the long-awaited result (more on that later);
  • during the egg diet for 7 days, 2 weeks or 28 days recommended to take a multivitamin;
  • lovers of hamburgers, fried potatoes, schnitzels, fatty cutlets, hot dogs, donuts, as well as ice cream, chocolate shakes, sweet coffee drinks, pastries, cakes and other fast food pleasures will have to completely abandon these products;

  • sugar must be excluded, use substitutes instead, which can be read about in our informative articles and. Fructose banned!
  • salt on a diet can be used without restrictions. For hypertensive patients, it is better to exclude or severely limit this seasoning;

Advice: salt should not be abused, as it contributes to the accumulation of water ( 1 g of salt attracts 7 g of water), and this can create an undesirable weight gain and threatens to demotivate.

  • alcohol is prohibited in any form and in any quantities. Taboo!
  • sugary carbonated drinks are prohibited, but it is allowed to drink 1-2 cans of Pepsi or Coca-Cola without calories;
  • if the amount of the product is not indicated, you can eat it (from the heart) until you feel full;
  • if you want to repeat the diet, after its completion, complete the program of the first week twice, and then go to the fourth.

Allowed and prohibited foods on the egg diet

Knowing what you can eat and what you should avoid is very important for a proper diet. Read both lists carefully, and if possible print it out and keep it handy. So you can always make sure that you are on the right path.

List of allowed products:

  • vegetables: any non-starchy vegetables. This includes all types of cabbage, zucchini, eggplant, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, radishes, all types of onions, celery, bell pepper and others;
  • fruit: apples, pears, plums, peaches, apricots, pineapples, kiwi, tangerines, oranges, grapefruits, nectarines, melon, watermelon;
  • greens: lettuce, dill, parsley, cilantro, green onion, basil and other salad greens;
  • seasonings: all natural seasonings and spices without sugar and harmful additives: black and red ground pepper, turmeric, dried herbs, coriander, etc.;
  • animals protein products: eggs, chicken, turkey, fish, seafood, beef, veal, lean parts of pork;
  • low fat white cheese: ricotta, feta cheese, Adyghe, cottage cheese, homemade;
  • dairy products: natural yoghurt (without sugar and fillers) up to 1% fat, skim cheese/ grained cottage cheese / soft cottage cheese;
  • bakery products: rye or whole wheat bread.

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List of prohibited products:

  • vegetables: due to the high content of starch, which is fast carbohydrate, potatoes are prohibited on the egg diet;
  • fruit: due to high content simple sugars excluded bananas, grapes, mangoes, dates;
  • meat: lamb, fatty pork;
  • all fats, including oils, in any form are prohibited; you can fry food only in a dry frying pan;
  • all products that are not in the list of allowed and in the menu tables.
  • meat products must be prepared without the use of any fats. Suitable for baking in the oven or in a dry frying pan, baking in foil, steaming or boiling in water, grilling or grilling / skewers. Chicken should be cooked without skin, cutting off subcutaneous fat;
  • eggs are best boiled soft-boiled or poached, so they retain more useful substances; fried eggs in a non-stick pan without fat or an omelet that can be steamed or boiled in a bag are suitable;
  • dry bread in a dry frying pan or in a toaster;
  • eat vegetables whenever possible raw, it is allowed to steam, boil on water, as well as bake and stew without fat;
  • fruit is desirable eat raw, but you can bake apples, so they increase the amount of useful pectin.

Did you know? Rye and whole grain bread are rich sources of coarse fibers (fiber) that stimulate the digestive tract.

General recommendations for those on an egg diet for 2 weeks or more

If you follow the egg diet for more than 7 days, you can provide a more significant result of losing weight by performing simple recommendations:

  1. When eating on a diet, keep in mind that you cannot limit the intake of calories from food to an amount less than what the body needs to maintain its vital functions in calm state. This number of calories is called the basal metabolic rate. This number varies from person to person, however. minimum calorie content maybe 1200 kcal per day. If you want to benefit as much as possible from losing weight on an egg diet and harm yourself as little as possible, count calories and try to fit in the minimum.
  2. In order to control weight loss and avoid breakdowns, we recommend that you weigh yourself on an electronic scale that will show weight changes down to tenths of a kilogram. It serves additional motivation to weight loss. It is best to weigh yourself on an empty stomach by completing a full morning exercise. Get on the scales always in the same place (do not move them), in the same clothes (or without it), in the same condition (after the toilet, sorry). On an egg diet for 2 weeks or more, weigh yourself better time a week to avoid disappointment from daily natural weight fluctuations.
  3. Because weight loss proper observance the diet is expected to be quite significant, it is better to take measurements before starting. The most revealing measurements are waist circumference (OT), chest circumference (OG) and hip circumference (OB). For more detailed results, additionally measure the arms, wrists, neck, buttocks, under the buttocks (breeches) and the area under the chest. In a word, measure all the "bulging" parts of the body, from which you expect a change in volume.

Advice: during the egg diet is not necessary, but you can take multivitamins: this way you will avoid a deficiency of important trace elements and negative consequences for the skin, hair and nails. Give preference vitamins on a natural basis: they are safer for the body than synthetic ones.

Well, now that everyone is armed with the necessary knowledge, sufficient to achieve their goals and dizzying success, we can move on to the most important thing - to detailed diet and the egg diet menu. Let's start with the longest variation of it and gradually move on to the shortest. AT good luck!

Egg diet for 4 weeks: detailed menu in the table

Maximum weight loss promises exactly this, the longest variant of nutrition. Sticking to it, you can expect weight loss up to 30 kg. It's worth it, right?

Before the diet itself, we will give one more very the right advice: it’s better to buy food according to the list for the week ahead (you can see the menu below, and also print it in two copies - carry one with you and hang the other on the refrigerator), and go to the store only after eating. So you save yourself from unnecessary trips to supermarkets and will not scour the shelves with hungry eyes with sausages and other delights of a gluttonous life. save yourself from breakdowns.

Week #1

grapefruit or orange - ½, eggs - 1-2 pcs.


The first day:

  • Dinner: fruits (choose one, such as apples);
  • Dinner: green salad, meat.

Second day:

  • Dinner: eggs - 2 pcs., vegetables;
  • Dinner: fish, green salad, grapefruit or orange - 1 pc.

Day three:

  • Dinner:
  • Dinner: green salad, meat.

Day four:

  • Dinner:
  • Dinner: vegetables.

Day five:

  • Dinner: fruits (choose one);
  • Dinner: meat.

Day six:

  • Dinner: poultry meat, vegetables, tomatoes, grapefruit or orange - 1 pc.;
  • Dinner: eggs - 2 pcs., rye bread toast - 1 pc., grapefruit or orange - 1 pc., green salad.

Day seven:

  • Dinner: white cheese, rye toast - 1 pc., tomatoes;
  • Dinner: meat.

Download complete version of the 4-week egg diet you can by clicking on the button.

Egg diet for 2 weeks, menu

Egg diet for 14 days will take half the time and help to get rid of 5-10 kg in full compliance with the rules, regimen and duration. Fruits and vegetables are allowed without restrictions on the list of acceptable products.

Advice: if not filled with anything vegetable salads- a very dreary prospect for you, use freshly squeezed lemon juice or some natural soy sauce sugarless.

Week #1

Daily breakfast during the week: grapefruit or orange - 1 pc., eggs - 2 pcs.


The first day:

  • Dinner: fruits, whole grain bread - 2 slices;
  • Dinner:

Second day:

  • Dinner: poultry meat, green salad;
  • Dinner: eggs - 2 pcs., vegetable salad, orange - 1 pc.

Day three:

  • Dinner: white cheese, tomato - 1 pc., whole grain bread - 1 slice;
  • Dinner: salad: vegetables and / or greens, poultry meat.

Day four:

  • Dinner: fruit;
  • Dinner: salad: vegetables and / or greens, poultry meat.

Day five:

  • Dinner: eggs - 2 pcs., vegetables;
  • Dinner: fish, salad: vegetables and / or greens.

Day six:

  • Dinner: fruit;
  • Dinner: salad: vegetables and / or greens, poultry meat.

Day seven:

  • Dinner: poultry meat, vegetables, tomatoes;
  • Dinner: vegetables.

Download complete version of the 2-week egg diet you can by clicking on the button.

Egg diet for 7 days

According to one renowned nutritionist Every woman goes on a diet at least 30 times in her life. It turns out that the first time it often does not work out to get rid of the hated kilograms, or they return again. And if weight retention after achieved weight loss depends entirely on whether we then monitor our nutrition or not, then the ability to maintain a diet may depend on various factors, among which one is important - duration.

If you, knowing yourself, are sure that you will not last 2 or 4 weeks on an egg diet, try this weekly option first.

Daily breakfast during the week: grapefruit or orange - 1 piece, rye / whole grain toast.


The first day:

  • Dinner:
  • Dinner: tomatoes - 2 pcs., eggs - 2 pcs., mixed greens - a large cup.

Second day:

  • Dinner: eggs - 1 pc., yogurt - 200 g, grapefruit or orange - 1 pc.;
  • Dinner:

Day three:

  • Dinner: eggs - 1 pc., yogurt - 200 g, grapefruit or orange - 1 pc., mixed greens - a large cup;
  • Dinner: meat - 125 g, tomatoes - 1 pc., grapefruit or orange - 1 pc.

Day four:

  • Dinner: white cheese - 125 g, grapefruit or orange - 1 pc., rye / whole grain toast - 1 pc.;
  • Dinner: poultry meat - 125 g, tomatoes - 2 pcs., apple - 1 pc., rye / whole grain toast - 1 pc.

Day five:

  • Dinner: meat or fish - 200 g, tomatoes - 1 pc., rye / whole grain toast - 1 pc.;
  • Dinner: eggs - 1 pc., vegetables - 500 g.

Day six:

  • Dinner: eggs - 1 pc., yogurt - 200 g, grapefruit or orange - 1 pc.;
  • Dinner: tomatoes - 2 pcs., eggs - 2 pcs., mixed greens - a large cup.

Day seven:

  • Dinner: eggs - 1 pc., yogurt - 200 g, grapefruit or orange - 1 pc.;
  • Dinner: meat - 125 g, tomatoes - 1 pc., grapefruit or orange - 1 pc., rye / whole grain toast - 1 pc.

Egg diet for 5 days, menu

The most short version an egg diet (for 5 days) will help you lose up to 5 kg in a short time. It must be borne in mind that the larger the number you see on the scales initially, the larger the weight will go. If you are already close to the ideal, the body will hold on to “its own” with its “teeth”, and you will have to be patient.

Another important point: the first few days on the diet go away excess fluid, so at the beginning of the journey you will celebrate a kilogram, or even two, of success a day, but then the euphoria will be replaced by bewilderment, because the pace will slow down. Do not lose your spirit and motivation - this is normal, since water cannot leave you indefinitely, but fat burns slowly.


The first day:

  • Breakfast:
  • Dinner: eggs - 1 pc., poultry meat - 200 g, grapefruit or orange - 1 pc.;
  • Dinner: eggs - 2 pcs., tomatoes - 2 pcs., cucumbers - 2 pcs.

Second day:

  • Breakfast: eggs - 2 pcs., apple - 1 pc.;
  • Dinner: eggs - 1 pc., fish - 150 g, green salad;
  • Dinner: yogurt - 200 g, eggs - 1 pc.

Day three:

  • Breakfast: eggs - 2 pcs., grapefruit or orange - 1 pc., vegetable salad;
  • Dinner: meat - 150 g, eggs - 1 pc., vegetable salad;
  • Dinner: eggs - 2 pcs., grapefruit or orange - 1 pc., yogurt - 200 g.

Day four:

  • Breakfast: eggs - 2 pcs., grapefruit or orange - 1 pc.;
  • Dinner: eggs - 1 pc., fish - 150 g;
  • Dinner: eggs - 2 pcs., apple - 1 pc., vegetable salad.

Day five:

  • Breakfast: eggs - 2 pcs., vegetable salad;
  • Dinner: eggs - 1 pc., fish - 150 g, vegetable salad;
  • Dinner: eggs - 2 pcs., grapefruit or orange - 1 pc., white cheese - 2 tbsp.

The book "Dishes from eggs"

On our site you can download the book "Egg Dishes" written by Zhebit T.E. The book gives valuable advice on cooking eggs in various types, as well as collected the most delicious recipes containing chicken eggs. Download the book "Dishes of Eggs" for free You can download it in PDF format on our website.

Eggs contain pure protein and almost the entire set of amino acids. Due to these components, muscle fibers will not thin out during weight loss. On the contrary, they will grow. Muscles require per day burn more calories, that's why weight loss is coming faster.

The mechanism of action of the egg diet

Completely get rid of extra pounds The 7 Day Egg Diet Won't Help, But It Can Be good start for further weight loss. Judging by the reviews, depending on the initial weight, it will be possible to lose about 3-7 kg per week. The result will be better if you enter at least minimal physical activity.

The Weekly Egg Diet is not just about eating eggs. Inclusion in the menu of dishes only from this product can cause an increase in cholesterol, exacerbation of diseases of the liver or kidneys.

For this reason, the diet is supplemented with vegetables, fruits, meat, herbs. Beneficial features of this slimming product:

  • Rapid saturation of the body.
  • low calorie- 80-100 kcal per 1 pc.
  • The body absorbs egg white by 98% - when it is eaten, slags are almost not formed.
  • The lack of carbohydrates forces the body to use its own energy to provide the body with energy. fat reserves.
  • Eggs contain biotin, which is involved in lipid metabolism and promotes fat burning. They also contain lutein, which increases the body's endurance and helps to endure the diet without irritability.

Nutrition rules

A diet with eggs for a week completely eliminates the use of alcohol. It is better to cook boiled soft-boiled, because this way they are better absorbed by the body. The list of rules to be followed includes the following:

  • Do not increase portions. A single meal is measured by the volume of a glass.
  • Don't swap meals.
  • Completely eliminate sugar from the diet.
  • Do not use salt in cooking.
  • Drink at least 2.5 liters of pure water every day.
  • Steam or boil vegetables.
  • With a strong feeling of hunger, have a snack with a cucumber or carrots.
  • Do not consume simultaneous fats animal and vegetable origin.

Allowed and prohibited products

Please note that if you break loose and allow yourself something from the prohibited list, then it is better to start losing weight from the very beginning. Diet food lists:

Menu for 7 days

To draw up a menu for a week, you need to use the list of prohibited and allowed foods. The latter can be combined with each other, getting new diet options. sample menu for 1 week of the egg diet:

diet day

  • hard-boiled egg - 2 pcs.;
  • coffee without sugar or green tea- 1 cup;
  • grapefruit - 1 pc.
  • grapefruit - 1 pc.;
  • boiled meat - 200 g.
  • freshly squeezed citrus juice- 1 tbsp.;
  • boiled egg - 2 pcs.
  • stewed turkey fillet - 150 g;
  • mineral water without gas - 1 tbsp.;
  • 2 oranges.
  • grapefruit - 1 pc.;
  • boiled egg - 2 pcs.;
  • kefir or milk with low fat content - 1 tbsp.
  • boiled egg- 1 PC.;
  • non-carbonated mineral water with 1 tsp. lemon juice - 1 tbsp.
  • boiled egg - 1 pc.;
  • boiled or baked chicken fillet - 150 g;
  • apple - 1 pc.
  • green tea - 1 cup;
  • omelette - 150 g.
  • mineral water - 1 tbsp.;
  • stewed chicken legs, lettuce leaves - 200 g.
  • boiled egg - 1 pc.;
  • grapefruit - 2 pcs.
  • green tea - 1 cup;
  • salad of 2 eggs, boiled carrots, greens with sour cream - 200 g.
  • boiled egg - 1 pc.;
  • boiled fish with lemon juice - 200 g;
  • non-carbonated mineral water - 1 tbsp.
  • citrus juice - 1 tbsp.;
  • low-fat cottage cheese - 150 g.
  • boiled egg - 2 pcs.;
  • grapefruit - 2 pcs.

Non-carbonated mineral water - 1 tbsp.

  • grapefruit - 0.5 pcs.;
  • boiled egg - 2 pcs.
  • boiled meat - 200 g;
  • orange juice - 1 tbsp.;
  • orange slices - 5-6 pcs.

Non-carbonated mineral water - 1 tbsp.

Contraindications and side effects

Lack of carbohydrates in the diet can adversely affect the body. In conditions overconsumption protein this leads to the appearance of side effects from the list:

  • disorders of the heart and blood vessels;
  • increased cholesterol levels;
  • allergy;
  • fatigue, drowsiness;
  • exacerbation chronic diseases liver or kidneys.

smooth out side effects will help plentiful drink. More useful on an egg diet is alkaline mineral water. It improves bowel function and neutralizes the effect of fruit acids. Another option is to replace chicken eggs with quail eggs, but they will need 3-4 times more. Egg diet for 1 week is prohibited in the following cases:

  • with an allergic reaction to egg white or yolk;
  • during pregnancy;
  • during lactation;
  • with diseases of the kidneys and liver;
  • with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.


Egg diet for 4 weeks is in the TOP of the most effective diets for weight loss! The results and reviews of people about the egg diet for 4 weeks speak for themselves!

Against the backdrop of a multitude dietary systems nutrition for weight loss, the project of American experts, called the egg diet, looks very attractive. The name should not mislead you, it does not mean that you will have to eat only eggs for the whole month. This product will be in your diet for only two weeks, and after that the menu is designed in such a way as to consolidate the result - a significant weight loss in the first half of the week.

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Reviews about this diet are mostly positive. They talk about the need for patience and willpower to meet all the requirements. And it is also extremely important to get out of the diet correctly so that there is no rapid return of weight. Anyway, if you are a fan low carb diets or just looking for guaranteed effective system nutrition for weight loss, then you should get to know the principles of the egg diet and its menu better.

Short description

  • Timing: the diet is designed for 4 weeks.
  • Nuances: it is important to strictly follow the recommendations and the prescribed menu throughout the entire period; reviews say that the result is saved long time, as fat reserves are significantly consumed.
  • Price: dieting will not hit your budget hard, the cost is estimated as average, based on reviews (around 5,000 rubles).
  • results: subject to all requirements and taking into account the initial weight - up to 25 kg.
  • Frequency: do not abuse, 1 time per year will be enough.
  • Contraindications: prohibited this system nutrition for diseases of the liver and kidneys, breastfeeding, pregnancy, allergies to any food, especially to citrus fruit and eggs. A doctor's advice is required before starting a diet.

We dispel doubts

Diet reviews are something worth researching before you start. But it is also worth dispelling the myths that many have developed regarding such a tasty and useful product like chicken eggs.

The main myth that has arisen for a long time is the dependence of the occurrence of cholesterol plaques on the consumption of excessive amounts of eggs. In fact, research from the Harvard School has proven that this is not true. "Bad" cholesterol occurs in the blood for other reasons.

The only thing to be wary of when eating eggs, and not just as part of a diet, is the presence of bacteria in them. salmonella, which causes an acute form intestinal infection. To avoid this risk, you need to choose your eggs carefully.

  • Those whose shells are damaged or have traces of blood and droppings are not worth buying.
  • Be sure to wash even visually clean eggs before cooking.
  • It is best to give preference to those that are hard-boiled.
  • Store eggs in the refrigerator away from milk and meat products.

Before moving on to studying the menu and reviews, it is worth understanding what the egg diet is. It involves eating eggs for breakfast for 2 weeks and 1 more time a day. On the 3rd and 4th weeks, you will need to replace eggs with meat or fish, the menu is filled with fruits and vegetables as much as possible.

Important drinking regimen - up to 2 liters of liquid per day. In order for the protein to be processed normally, and its residues that are not digested to be excreted from the body, you need a lot of fluid.

Reviews say that you need to follow strict requirements. For example, do not add fats to the menu at your own discretion. Of the cooking processes, cooking and stewing are allowed (you can bake).

Menu for 4 weeks

Consider the menu, which is painted by experts for each of the 4 weeks of the entire diet.

First week

Days of the week Breakfast Dinner Dinner
MondayFruit - 1 pc. (the number is unlimited).Meat (necessarily lean).
Tuesday Chicken meat - boiling or grilling is acceptable (do not eat the skin).Portion of salad (you can put lettuce, pepper, tomato, cucumber, carrot in it), var. eggs - 2 pcs., orange. Or grapefruit - 1 pc., Toast - 1 pc.
WednesdayVar. eggs - 2 pcs. and half a grapefruit or orange.Lightly salted cheese (necessarily low-fat) - any quantity is possible, tomato - 1 pc., toast - 1 pc.Var. eggs - 2 pcs. and half a grapefruit or orange.
ThursdayVar. eggs - 2 pcs. and half a grapefruit or orange.Var. eggs - 2 pcs. and half a grapefruit or orange.Var. eggs - 2 pcs. and half a grapefruit or orange.

green salad leaves.

FridayVar. eggs - 2 pcs. and half a grapefruit or orange.Vegetable - any and in any quantity. It can be carrots, beans, zucchini, peas. And also var. eggs - 2 pcs.Fish (low fat), green salad. leaves - 1 serving, orange. or grapefruit. - 1 PC.
SaturdayVar. eggs - 2 pcs. and half a grapefruit or orange.Var. eggs - 2 pcs. and half a grapefruit or orange.Var. eggs - 2 pcs. and half a grapefruit or orange.

green salad leaves.

SundayVar. eggs - 2 pcs. and half a grapefruit or orange.Chicken (var. or grilled) - any number, vegetables (steamed), orange. Or a grapefruit. - 1 pc., pom-r - 1 pc.

The main thing is not to give up, gradually you will get used to the new diet.

Second week

Days of the week Breakfast Dinner Dinner
MondayVar. eggs - 2 pcs. and half a grapefruit or orange.
TuesdayWe repeat Mon.Meat (lean variety) and 1 serving of leaf lettuce.Leaf salad, var. eggs - 2 pcs., grapefruit - 1 pc.
WednesdayWe repeat Mon.Meat without salt (low-fat variety), salad made from cucumbers. without added salt.Grapefre - 1 piece, var. eggs - 2 pcs.
ThursdayWe repeat Mon.Var. eggs - 2 pcs., cottage cheese in grains, vegetables (boil).Var. eggs - 2 pcs.
FridayWe repeat Mon.Tomato - 3 pcs., Meat (low-fat variety).Var. eggs - 2 pcs.
SaturdayWe repeat Mon.Add 1 grapefruit to the Friday menu.Fruit salad (e.g. tangerines, pears and apples) - do not dress.
SundayWe repeat Mon.Kur. meat, grapefruit - 1 pc., decoction vegetables.

Third week

Everything that is written on the menu can be eaten without time and volume restrictions.

  • Mon: fruits. You just need to exclude mangoes, grapes, figs and bananas - they are too high in calories.
  • Tue: vegetables (fresh, boiled, etc.). You need to exclude potatoes.
  • Wed: vegetables and fruits (we combine Mon and Tue).
  • Thu: fish and cabbage.
  • Fri: meat and vegetables (as on Tue)
  • Sat: fruits (only 1 kind).
  • Sun: same as Sat, just different fruit.

Fourth week - home stretch

  • Mon: beef. or chicken (4 pieces of 75 g each), tuna - 1 can, tomato. - 3 pcs., cucumbers - 4 pcs., grapefruit. - 1 pc., toast - 1 pc.
  • Tue: meat - 200 g, tomato. and cucumbers - as in Mon., grapefruit. - 1 pc., apple - 1 pc., toast - 1 pc.
  • Wed: decoction vegetables. - 300 g, tomato. and cucumbers - 2 pieces each, granular cottage cheese - 1 tablespoon, grapefruit. and toast - as in Tues.
  • Thu: chicken - half a carcass, tomatoes - 3 pcs., grapefruit. and a toast - like on Wednesday.
  • Fri.: lettuce - 10 leaves, var. eggs - 2 pcs., tomato. - 3 pcs., grapefruit. - 1 PC.
  • Sat: chickens. breast - 2 pcs., cucumber. and tomato. - 2 pieces each, cottage cheese - 120 g, kefir - 1 tbsp., toast and grapefruit - as on Wednesday.
  • Sunday: decoction vegetables. - 200 g, tuna - 1 can, granular cottage cheese - 1 tablespoon, tomato. and cucumbers - 2 each, grapefruit. and a toast - like on Wednesday.
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