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Top recommendations in yoga for conceiving a child and features of asanas when planning pregnancy

In this disease, endometrial cells grow outside the uterus, on the walls and tissues of other internal organs. Therefore, it is very important to adjust yoga practice depending on the cycle. In its beginning and middle, that is, outside of menstruation, it is worth paying attention to dynamic exercises with an emphasis on opening and working the pelvic region. “During this period, stimulation of blood circulation in the pelvic area is necessary in order to activate the immune response and the work of the ovaries. Plus, it is important to stimulate the adrenal glands and perform relaxation techniques, this will increase your stress resistance, ”advises Marianna Goroshetchenko, yoga therapist, founder of the Psy-Yoga Studio and author of the Yoga for Women seminar.

To do this, according to Marianna Goroshetchenko, it is recommended to include the following groups of movements in yoga practice:

1. Twisting with a closed pelvis:, etc. These positions stimulate the blood circulation of the pelvic organs.

2. Almost and - these poses improve the work of the adrenal glands and normalize the hormonal background.

3. that stimulate the outflow of venous blood and lymph.

4. Lower locks -. “These elements also well stimulate the blood circulation of the pelvis and abdominal cavity, which is important for eliminating congestion,” says Marianna Goroshetchenko.

By the end of the cycle, the intensity of the practice must be reduced. “During menstruation, women with endometriosis should exclude all poses with an inverted element and pressure on the stomach: all this can provoke the reflux of blood with mucosal cells into the abdominal cavity,” says Marianna Goroshetchenko.


When it occurs, the practice of yoga will depend on how the disease proceeds. “In some cases, it is possible to achieve the disappearance of small-sized fibroids (up to 5 mm). In other cases, yoga is of an auxiliary nature, it should not be counted on as the main means of therapy, although we can use it to achieve normalization of the psycho-emotional state, reduce stress and eliminate blood stasis in the pelvis, ”says Marianna Goroshetchenko.

If the development of fibroids is accompanied by abundant and prolonged menstruation, progressive growth, menstrual irregularities, or is complicated by the presence of a leg, classes will have to be significantly limited. “Techniques that can enhance the growth of fibroids, stimulate its blood supply and, in the case of pedunculated fibroids, cause twisting of the pedicle and tumor necrosis are excluded from practice,” says Marianna Goroshetchenko. Therefore, the following are prohibited:

* Twisting with a closed pelvis:, garudasana, gomukhasana, etc.

* All poses associated with pressure on the abdomen and tension in the abdominal muscles.

* Locks and manipulations of the abdominal cavity: mula bandha, uddiyana bandha, nauli, etc.

If the fibroid does not manifest itself in any way, experts allow you to gradually introduce all these elements. “However, regular ultrasound monitoring is necessary, at least once a year, and preferably every 6 months, which will eliminate the growth of fibroids,” recalls Marianna Goroshetchenko.

The emphasis in the practice of yoga with fibroids should be done on inverted poses (to avoid stagnation of blood) and deep relaxation techniques - meditation, yoga nidra. “They normalize the psycho-emotional state and increase stress resistance, and it is stress that increases the sensitivity of the uterus to hormones and contributes to the growth of fibroids,” concludes Marianna Goroshetchenko.

Varicose veins of the small pelvis

With this disease, experts recommend excluding from practice all elements associated with straining (increased pressure in the abdominal cavity) and pressure on the stomach - navasana, ardha shavasana, ardha matsyendrasana. “The emphasis in the classes should be on asanas that improve lymph flow and venous outflow from the pelvic organs, dynamic practices, practices to stimulate diuresis and abdominal breathing to activate the diaphragm — it plays an important role in venous outflow,” says Marianna Goroshetchenko.

Try to include in your practice:

Backbends and open twists;

Inverted postures;

Abdominal breathing;

Locks - mula bandha and uddiyana bandha and ujjayi breath on inhalation;

Relaxation techniques - yoga nidra and meditation.

“In the case of varicose veins in the pelvic organs, stretching exercises are also very useful, as they help stretch the veins,” adds Dhaniya Dharania, doctor of the network of Moscow clinics "Atreya Ayurveda".

Polycystic ovaries

This diagnosis is often accompanied by insulin resistance, ie. decreased sensitivity of the body to insulin. “As a result, large amounts of insulin circulate in the blood. According to a number of studies, increased insulin stimulates the ovaries to overproduce male sex hormones, androgens, which disrupt the structure and function of this organ,” says Marianna Goroshetchenko.

Therefore, for the successful treatment of polycystic ovaries (PCOS), patients, in addition to drug treatment, also often receive recommendations for changing the diet (reducing fast carbohydrates, salt in the menu) and lifestyle (increasing mobility and physical activity). “Yoga in this case should be quite intense (dynamic practices, power asanas) to increase glucose uptake by the muscles. Along with this, deep relaxation is necessary to increase stress resistance, ”advises Marianna Goroshetchenko.

Inflammation of the ovaries

With this diagnosis, yoga, as a rule, is of an auxiliary nature (with the main treatment with antibiotics), although it can significantly help with chronic inflammation. An important task is to stimulate blood circulation in the pelvic area to activate the immune system. “But this must be done carefully, without an acute condition. First, it is advisable to perform asanas sitting and lying with legs apart as the softest in this sense and gradually introduce poses with an active effect on the abdominal cavity - inverted poses, dynamic practices on the pelvic region, closed twists, uddiyana and mula bandha, ”says Marianna Goroshetchenko.

“In inflammatory diseases, it is necessary to establish a stable and uniform blood circulation in the ovaries, which can also be achieved through relaxation exercises,” advises Dhaniya Dharania. — To keep your reproductive organs healthy, try to avoid junk food and drink plenty of water. Reduce the amount of fried, canned, pickled, salted and white flour products in large quantities in your menu.

Don't give up on yoga. Correct practice in female diseases will speed up recovery and improve well-being.

What is the cause of women's diseases?

Women's consultations in modern times do not know rest day or night, and are always crowded, queues need to be taken a week sometimes and more, and chronic diseases such as thrush, herpes, gardnerellosis, papillomatosis, cystitis, colds, tonsils, etc. d. etc. , "reduced immunity", dysbacteriosis and constant infections are a common occurrence in our lives.
You have known about this for a long time because you have poor immunity, you are always sick. Not realizing that antibiotics only ruin the body even more, we often look for the cause of opatija outside, in someone to blame for our grievances. After all, these sores are not infected, because we have been surrounded by these microbes since childhood. It’s just that the body suddenly stops coping with them, which means that it is tired, it needs to rest. It is not your personal reduced immunity that is to blame, but you, for whom suffering, worries, extra stress are more important than yourself. It is more profitable for your body to constantly get sick - how a child imitates an illness so as not to go to school. Be honest with yourself and take responsibility for your health and beauty into your own hands, because it is only in your hands - you just need to realize this and come into harmony with yourself.
To radiate positive, beauty and health, you need to be happy and satisfied, and for this you need to come into agreement with yourself, into harmony and balance. This seemingly difficult undertaking is quite technically feasible. Like any science, yoga approaches this methodically, and brings us home. Through an exciting journey of asanas, pranayamas, bandhas and Vinyasas, we will find the way to ourselves and to the World. After all, our happiness does not stop with the happiness of other people. The only thing you need to understand when starting practice is that you are a single whole with your body, you need the same thing, both of you are partners, friends, your goal is You are the one and only, beautiful and young, healthy Woman.

What is female strength, and what is female health?

lovely women, our psyche is woven from love.
A woman is born to love, take care of, communicate with people, create an environment of warmth and happiness around herself. For a woman, the concept of beauty and health lies in the normal functioning of the endocrine system, this is a well-established hormonal background. For a man, the concept of health is a strong nervous system. 70% of a woman's health and happiness depends on her security. A woman needs a home, like a man needs a society. By nature, a man earns. He gives (Yang) - the woman (Yin) receives and saves. Therefore, if a woman does not make due efforts, the family falls apart, because a man, by his nature, cannot regulate family relations. He only follows the instructions that his wife sets. Not feeling satisfied with life in general, women often suffer from chronic female diseases. Remember, dear ones - if you are well, then everyone is well.
The following yoga complex is designed specifically for women going through menopause and for all women. To strengthen the ligaments of the uterus, as well as improve the flexibility of the spine during prolapse of the uterus, bladder, anterior and posterior walls of the vagina, for the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth, for the prevention of menopause and the treatment of its manifestations, to strengthen the muscles of the small pelvis and improve feelings
balance and various gastrointestinal diseases.

What is the strategy for change in a woman's life?

The energy in the female body moves from the bottom up, as in the male body, the only difference is that in women it rises through the Yin channel - the front channel, the stomach, and descends through the Yang channel - the back, back. And for men, the opposite is true: it rises up - along the back from the coccyx to the back of the head, then in a circle it descends to the Muladhara chakra along the anterior channel. Of course, this does not apply to all people. You must yourself feel how the energy moves in your body, for this, while moving, round and bend your back. Your breathing, synchronized with the movement, will tell you the type of energy rotation you have. This explains the peculiarity of a woman at first to feel, then to think, the energy in front rises to the heart and only then to the head. A man is arranged differently, the energy immediately reaches the back of the head, so he first thinks, then, descending to the heart, the man already feels.

Thigh secret.
In our bipedal body, the organs of the pelvic and abdominal cavity eventually sink down! The pelvis supports the organs from below. The female pelvis, unlike the male, must ensure the bearing and birth of a child, therefore our sacrum is naturally tilted back, the ilium bones are wider apart. That is why it is so important for women to learn to direct the coccyx forward, thereby contracting the muscles of the pelvic diaphragm and maintaining the organs of the internal cavities in their place.

What issues does yoga for women solve?

  • Improves the innervation of the pelvic organs due to the work of the deep muscles of the pelvis, we will establish microcirculation in the pelvic organs;
  • Unloads the lower back. The lumboiliac muscle takes the greatest load on itself, being in constant tension from stress, it is here that the most mental “garbage” accumulates.
  • Creates a strong foundation for the pelvic floor. Eliminating the main cause of prolapse of the uterus, bladder, anterior and posterior walls of the vagina, weakening of the muscles and ligaments of the small pelvis. It also ensures the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Improves the activity of the entire gastrointestinal tract;
  • The program develops the flexibility of the spine, forming a "center of beautiful posture" in the cerebral cortex.
  • Releases the shoulder girdle, heart, neck clamps, fingers, where most of all, emotions are blocked;

How to eat during practice?

Adequate nutrition helps a woman maintain sexual health and childbearing function.
I know from experience how my body feels when I deprive it of Omega-4 fatty acids - this is ordinary fish oil, olives, olive oil, any oily fish, herring rich in folic acid. And who wants herring during PMS? And - something the same.
Grape seeds are useful, pumpkin seeds and apples - eat a lot, especially green varieties. I always choose small apples, and in general everything small - vegetables, fruits - ripe - no, but those specimens that have growth energy. Every day you are obliged to eat one apple - all your life. For the normal functioning of the ovaries, vitamin C is needed, which is contained in citrus and green vegetables, herbs, cabbage, turnips, tomatoes, black currants. The lack of this vitamin causes anemia, which destroys the sex glands. Vitamin A and E, which are found in fish oil, root vegetables, potatoes, cabbage, turnips, tomatoes, lettuce, liver, kidneys, milk, butter, and cream, also contribute to the good functioning of the ovaries.
With female “malfunctions” (and not only female ones), it is always necessary to remember that treating only the mammary glands or the uterus is the same as not treating anything. Don't waste your time and money. It is necessary to start with the whole organism, all systems - in general - the central nervous system.

How to change your attitude towards yourself?

Mantra before starting practice.

"I am excited about the wisdom that has opened up to me and the possibility of knowing the greatest secret - the secret in life and before my own ability to rebuild myself with the help of the young cells of my body with the power of my mind alone. I direct the activity of my young cells to be beautiful and expressive face, so that the body has perfect and symmetrical forms, flexible waist, hips, slender smooth neck, tender breasts, silky, healthy skin. My mind will be quick and active. I have a strong and firm character, I am a real woman. "

What exercises to do?


A set of exercises, I recommend performing with the prolapse of the uterus, bladder, anterior and posterior walls of the vagina, weakening of the muscles and ligaments of the small pelvis, for the normal course (before pregnancy) of pregnancy and childbirth, for the prevention of menopause and the treatment of its manifestations.

Warm up:

  1. Exercise "Grape Harvest" - warming up the spine. Lying down for a few minutes.
  2. Twisting the spine lying down: 10 times for 10 seconds.
  3. Pinky Shakti Lying on your back: Raise and lower your tailbone off the floor 50 times, “kicking” the spinal tourniquets of the pelvic nerves.

The main complex for strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor and sphincter:

4. Mula Bandha. Sitting, standing and lying, strain the muscles of the pelvic floor for 1-2 seconds, then relax. Repeat 10 times. Gradually increase the number of times to 20 per day.
5. Boat Pose, Face Up - to strengthen the muscles of the small pelvis and improve the sense of balance: 5-10 repetitions.
6. Staff Pose with Open Heart. Relying on the hands and heels, raise the navel as high as possible. Hold for 3-5 breaths here.
7. Pose. Crow. Crouching in emphasis, legs apart, slowly transfer the center of gravity of the body to the hands. Repeat 4-6 times.
8. Fighting Fish Pose 50 reps. Perform until tired.
9. Cobra pose (complex snake pose).

I stage. Leaning on the palms, slowly raise the upper body as far as possible up and back. Do not tear off the lower part of the abdomen from the floor, arms bent at the elbows, look up, relax the non-working muscles. Hold 30 s.
II stage. Turn your head and torso to the left and look at the heel of your right foot. Hold 30 s.
III stage. Turn your head and torso to the right and look at the heel of your left foot. Hold 30 s.
IV stage. Return to the position of stage I and hold the pose for 30 s.
Take the starting position and repeat the exercise in a different sequence: up, right, left, up, down. Breathing is arbitrary, through the nose. Attention should be directed in the initial position to the thyroid gland, in stage I - to the spine from top to bottom, in stages II, III, IV - to both kidneys. At the beginning of classes, the duration of stay in each position is 1 s. By adding 1 s every 10 days, this time can be increased to 30 s.

10. Drawn Bow Pose - 10 reps. Lying on your stomach, arms up (in relation to the body). Bend back, lifting the upper body and closed legs off the floor. Hold 3 s - 10 reps to strengthen the ligaments of the uterus, as well as improve the flexibility of the spine
11. Downward Facing Dog Pose.
12. Inverted Triangle Pose. To improve the activity of the ureters, ovaries and appendages, as well as the entire gastrointestinal tract, the development of spine flexibility, the formation of a "beautiful posture center" in the cerebral cortex.
13. Dove Pose. Pigeon pose is great for stretching the thigh muscles and opening the pelvis. In addition, this asana develops flexibility, which is so necessary for performing many asanas, and also prevents kidney diseases.
14. Supta Virasana. From a kneeling position, sit on the floor between the feet, heels at the hips, toes pulled back, knees together. Lie on your back without changing the position of the legs, stretch your arms behind your head (or grab your elbows with your palms behind your head). Relax, breathe calmly. Hold for a few minutes. In case of difficulty in performing the asana, place a blanket under the backs, knees or buttocks.

When practicing yoga during the menstrual period, all inverted postures should be avoided, as they block the natural cleansing processes. Failure to follow this recommendation over time can lead to the development of serious diseases.
Do yoga and stay healthy.
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Greetings, readers of my blog! Namaste! I think that as a result of our regular communication, you already know this Indian greeting. Topicof this article women's yoga from which you will learn the best women's asanas in yoga and how their correct implementation affects the harmonious state of a woman as a whole

Positive emotions from yoga classes affect the development of female hormones , reproductive system and health in general. Evenbeginners to practicewomen already after the first classes enthusiastically note changes in the quality of life. System exercises for women in yoga resonates with the secrets of Taoist practices, which are also aimed at revealing the essence of female nature.

Why is yoga important for women?

After a course of classes, the cycle is normalized in women who had with this Problems , many refuse to take hormonal drugs. More about this in the article. For healthy women, the practice of yoga helps to maintain their reproductive health, gives an excellent healing effect.

You already know that everything in our body interacts with each other. It is known from the theory of yoga that when we act on the muscles in a certain way, we thereby influence the internal bodies . Everything is quite simple. The joints, ligaments and muscles of our body are equipped with sensitive nerve endings, with their help we feel our body.

They play an important role in the proper functioning of the human internal organs. In the event that you do not lead an active lifestyle, the pelvic region is inoperative, which has a very negative effect on the condition of all the organs of the small pelvis.

It helps to restore the correct circulation of energy in the female body with a set of correct asanas. They will improve blood circulation in the pelvic area, restore mobility to the joints and simply give self-confidence, harmony and calmness - this is the minimum. What yoga gives a woman, we spoke in detail in.

Top 5 best exercises:

1. Baddha Konasana

This asana can be called the first in the women's Top-list “Grapped Angle Pose”.

This asana is just a treasure for women. It is aimed at opening the pelvis, strengthens the uterus and bladder, improves blood circulation in the pelvic area. Baddha Konasana is recommended during critical days especially!

It will relieve spasms and improve your condition. In any other exercise, this exercise will also be useful to you. Try to stay in Baddha Konasana for as long as possible. When the technique is familiar to you, you can do it while watching your favorite show or just relaxing at home.

Execution technique.

You will need a bolster (roller, cushion and belt). If you don't have them, they can be purchased from online store of goods for yoga

Sit on a cushion (bolster) that is pushed up against a wall. The legs need to be bent at the knees and connecting the feet, spread the legs to the sides. Try to bring your feet as close to your perineum as possible. Keep the natural curve of the spine, lean against the wall with your back, press the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades and the sacrum against the wall.

Place your fingers on the bolster (pillow) along the edges of the pelvis. Stretch your spine up while helping yourself with your hands. At the same time, your hips should be in a certain movement. Point the inner sides of the thighs up. The front sides of the hips are back, the outer sides are down and the back sides are forward. By working in this way, your hips rotate your hip joints, release your lower abdomen, and lower your knees.

Your breathing should be calm and even. The abdomen is soft and relaxed. All these skills will come with practice . Try to stay in this position for 1-2 minutes.

2. Upavista Konasana

Immediately after the first pose, you can do the second one to open the pelvis - the “seated angle pose”.

This pose will help with reduced ovarian function and other gynecological problems. diseases.

Sit on the mat, legs spread wide apart. Try to keep your pelvis and feet in line. The heels are directed to the floor, the legs are extended.

Hands should be placed on the edges of the pelvis. Stretch your spine up, pushing your hands off the floor. Try to sit up straight, do not move. Push the legs out of the pelvis to the sides, and the spine up. Bend slightly at the hips and grab the big toes with your big index and middle fingers.

Breathe calmly, remaining for about 1-2 minutes in this position.

3. Upavishta Konasana slopes

It is especially useful to do these inclinations on critical days.Sit on a folded blanket and spread your legs wide apart.Place a bolster or brick across the right side. Put your hands on your fingers on both sides of it.

Push off with your fingers from the floor, while inhaling, turn the body to the right leg. When performing the exercise, make sure that the left buttock is pressed to the floor. Slide your hands over your leg, stretching forward as you exhale. Grab your foot with your palms and rest your forehead on the bolster. Stay in this position for 1 minute. Rise up and return to the center on an inhale. Watch your breath!

Place a bolster or brick in front of you. Perform a forward bend in the same technique.

The next slope to the left leg.

4. Supta Baddha Konasana (“Locked Angle Pose” lying down)

You will need a bolster and a blanket, fold it into a rectangle and place it under your head on the bolster. Sit in Baddha Konasana on the floor.

The toes are spread apart and rest against the wall. Bolster put along the spine from the sacrum. Slowly lower your back onto the roller and rest your head on the blanket. Stretch your arms along the body and try to relax. Try to stay in this position for 5 to 8 minutes.

This is a wonderful resting position. The chest opens, the internal ones begin to function better. Opening the chest gives a feeling of peace and harmony throughout the body.

5. Viparita Karani.

“Inverted Candle Pose”

Put a bolster against the wall, you will also need a brick

On the support you need to sit sideways to the wall, bending your knees. Lean back and raise your legs alternately so that their backs touch the wall. The arms and shoulders are on the floor, the chest is raised and feels like it is open. Place a blanket under your head, especially if you are prone to high blood pressure.

Spread your legs like in Upavishta Konasana after a couple of minutes, and then bend your legs like in Baddha Konasana. Stay in this pose for a total of 5 to 10 minutes. After carefully slide off the support, lie down for a while and stand through your right side.

This is a very good pose for relaxation, perfectly relieves fatigue.


Like other poses it cannot be performed during critical days.Often women come to yoga after 40 and even 50 years.At a time when health is not the same, and the physical condition leaves much to be desired.

But therein lies the good news, my dears, that therapy yoga at any age will help maintain your health and refresh your beauty. An experienced instructor adapts each asana to your body, even if you have never been engaged in physical culture for decades.

We all know that the sooner we start to maintain our feminine beauty and lead a healthy lifestyle, the more positive feedback your body will give you.

If you, the readers of my blog, are interested in our topic, tell your girlfriends and friends about it and invite you to our regular and very important conversations for life.

See you soon, friends!

A woman is the heart of every family. Therefore, it is so important that she be healthy and happy. Various practices help to achieve this, one of which is yoga for women. It differs from men's just as the body and women differ from men's. It is important to keep these differences in mind before starting classes.

Why Women's Yoga

Often, yoga classes in fitness centers are held simultaneously for both sexes. But this is wrong, because the structure of a woman differs from that of a man in appearance and hormonally. So, for a girl to be happy and healthy, sixty hormones must function. If the balance is disturbed, there will be problems with different organs and systems of the body.

Yoga helps restore normal hormonal balance. But only when all the features of the female hormonal system and the condition of the woman at the beginning of classes are taken into account. Ideally, you need to start taking lessons from adolescence, when the hormonal background is in the formation stage.

Training affects the endocrine system on three levels:

  • at the level of the pituitary gland;
  • hypothalamus;
  • ovaries.

Inverted asanas, bandhas, twists, backbends, abdominal positions that require opening the pelvis, combined with breathing exercises, lead to the regulation of endocrine changes. The biochemical composition of the blood, the level of hormones, the menstrual cycle and the psycho-emotional state of the woman are stabilized.

It is important not to harm. This is another reason not to work out with men who are stronger, more stamina and require a more complex training program. Classes for the fair sex should be based not only on the initial state of health, but also on how their body changes from one menstrual cycle to another.

When the time comes for discharges, inverted asanas and loads on the press area are undesirable. The training should consist of positions during which the pelvis should be opened. Due to this, blood flow to the internal organs of the abdomen improves, and the muscles located here are strengthened. The sequence of exercises in combination with proper breathing is also important.

Problems to be solved

Properly organized yoga classes for women can bring many benefits.

The positive effect is:

  • in alleviating pain during menstruation;
  • reduction of manifestations of premenstrual and postmenstrual syndromes;
  • normalization of the endocrine system;
  • slowing down the natural aging process;
  • reducing leg fatigue after walking in heels.

From physical education lessons, girls know that physical exercises are not shown during menstruation. But few people think that refusal to move is also harmful. During this period, moderate, carefully adjusted loads are good. The best solution is yoga. During it, you do not need to constantly change positions. Instead, it is required to repeatedly repeat asanas that are safe during menstruation. It is also important to be able to keep them for a long time. The “dove pose”, “bridge” and some others are excluded.

Premenstrual and postmenstrual syndromes

In order to improve well-being during menstrual bleeding, a woman is recommended to perform asanas that involve being in a sitting position. These include the half-moon pose. It also allows you to make the pain during menstruation less pronounced. Positions in which you need to be located on the floor on your back make it possible to stay in them for a long time. Thanks to this, tension is removed from the muscles, the woman's body relaxes.

Gynecologists and endocrinologists have long come to the conclusion that the cause of the development of premenstrual and postmenstrual syndromes is stress. The body is forced to respond to it in order to adapt to too high loads or a change in the environment. When a woman begins to practice yoga, her production of hormones that have the effect of antidepressants increases. Stress is no longer so noticeable, and the condition before and after menstruation improves.

In the fight against the mentioned syndromes, inverted asanas are good. They are done before the spotting begins, or starting from their last day. Twisting also gives a positive effect. They help because they change the blood flow in the pelvic organs, eliminate the stagnation of lymph and blood. This is beneficial not only for the menstrual cycle, but also for the genitourinary system. Performing "Viparita-Karani Mudra" or "Sarvangasana", you can avoid the appearance of cystitis and other inflammations.

During the second phase of the cycle, Halasana and similar asanas are indicated, because they help reduce estrogen production and stimulate the proper functioning of the liver. If there is too much estrogen in a woman's body, her periods will be irregular or scanty. Other asanas useful at this time are vyayamas. Thanks to them, the hip joint opens up, blood flow improves in it.

Endocrine system

Yoga allows not only to regulate the cycle, but also to establish the functioning of the entire endocrine system. Not only the physical health of a woman, but also her mood and emotions depend on how well these glands work. These glands secrete a secret that enters the lymphatic system and blood and affects the chemical composition of the latter. In order for women's health to be normal, it is necessary that the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal glands and their cortex, parathyroid and gonads work properly.

An experienced yoga instructor is able to select a set of asanas that will help solve health problems and the endocrine system of a particular woman. But before that, you need to undergo an examination in an ordinary clinic. If the endocrinologist has found dysfunction of the pituitary gland, then the main goal during classes is to relax the body and improve blood flow in the neck and head. Rotate postures, meditation tactics, yoga nidra and pranayama are ideal for this. If it is necessary to overcome diabetes, then twisting, backbends and inverted asanas are performed.

Body aging

Regardless of whether a person goes in for sports and leads a healthy lifestyle, the body is constantly aging. Yoga is beneficial for women's health in that it reduces the speed of this process. Many Western stars, who can boast of a beautiful figure and appearance at a middle age, have been adherents of this exercise system for many years.

With regular training, menopause is easier to experience. Classes lead to the fact that the blood flow remains normal, so the general tone, mood, condition of the skin, joints stay at a high level for a longer time.


Women in the modern world are very tired. They need to be good specialists at work, wonderful wives, mothers and girlfriends. Often, to look more attractive, they wear heels. This adds fatigue, especially to the legs. Over time, it develops into problems with the calf muscles, kneecaps, and spinal column. Little attention is paid to the legs in vain.

With the help of inverted asanas and those aimed at stretching, the problem of tired legs is solved. When the muscles are stretched, the likelihood of cramps is reduced. Postures such as Trikonasana, which involve placing your feet on a wall or other vertical surface, can help relieve swelling. If you immediately after this asana go to "Virasana", you can improve the circulation of blood in the legs.

Exercise complexes

Before thinking about a set of exercises, you need to decide where and how they will be performed. If a woman is new to yoga, she should go to a specialized center where a trainer will teach her all the positions. Experienced yogis can conduct classes at home or in the fresh air on their own.

Pay attention to . Her set of exercises is useful in that it acts in several directions at once:

  • relaxation;
  • improvement of the work of the abdominal organs;
  • positive effect on the genitourinary system.

A set of exercises is optimally performed in the morning, when a woman has just woken up from sleep. If it is not possible to train in the morning, then you can choose any other time. But you need to observe the regularity of classes.

First, a breathing exercise is performed. To do this, choose one of three techniques:

  1. "Kapalbhati";
  2. "Nadi shodhana pranayama";
  3. "Viloma Pranayama".

The first clears the mind of unnecessary thoughts. The second allows you to achieve inner harmony and align the female energy. And the latter calms the emotions.

After the breath is set, you can move on to asanas. Women's yoga is more dynamic than men's. Here you do not need to be in a static position for a long time, and the movements gently flow into one another. The goal is to improve the flexibility of the body and stretch the muscles.


  1. Janu Shirshasana. For her, it is necessary to straighten the right leg, pulling the toe towards you. In this case, the sole of the foot of the left leg is turned up and placed on the thigh. If the stretch is still not enough, lay it near the hip, as close to the pelvic area as possible.
  2. Virabhadrasana. The right leg while sitting is pulled forward at an angle of just over 90 degrees. The left leg is straightened, while the legs should not be in the same line. They are lowered so that the region of the lower ribs is adjacent to the thigh. The arms are extended forward and upward, while lowering the shoulders.
  3. Baddha Konasana. Sitting on the floor, you need to pull your heels to the hip joint, use your hands to turn your feet so that their soles look up, and pull your knees down. In this case, the back should be straightened as much as possible, pointing the back of the head up.
  4. Ushtrasana. It is necessary to stand on the floor, leaning on your knees. In this case, the legs should be at the width of the pelvis, and the buttocks, hips and the pelvis itself are tense. With the help of the palms, you need to focus on the lower back, bringing the shoulder blades, shoulders and elbows together from behind, bending in the chest. The chest area should be stretched up as much as possible.
  5. Halasana. It is necessary to lie on the floor on your back, taking both hands behind your head. Gently raise your legs and bring your feet behind your head, taking them with your hands. The heels should reach towards the floor, and the neck and shoulders should be in a relaxed state.

It is important that the exercises are performed with smooth breathing, without overload. There are several options for each of the above asanas, but the trainer will help you choose the right one for a particular woman.

If properly organized training, they will include power asanas. They will help get rid of excess fatty tissue. But do not overdo it, otherwise the figure will become masculine. This is fraught with changes in the hormonal composition: polycystic ovaries, amenorrhea and infertility may appear. With an increase in testosterone levels, facial hair will increase, especially the chin and area around the lips.


Like any training system, female yoga has its own contraindications. They are divided into permanent and temporary.

Permanent contraindications include:

  • mental disorders requiring medical treatment;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • spinal column injuries;
  • traumatic brain injury and contusions.

Temporary restrictions apply.

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