Exercises. Food. Diets. Workout. Sport

Weight gain drugs. Preparations for increasing body weight. Sports supplements and non-steroid drugs for mass gain

Vitamins for weight gain - substances that make up and take part in metabolism. A person who wants to gain weight should eat high-calorie foods (meat, fish, dairy products) and rich complex foods (rye bread, cereals, vegetables) so that the body receives enough energy to process food. It is impossible to imagine a healthy diet without vitamins. They do not stimulate or inhibit metabolic reactions, but normalize their functioning.

Consider how to prevent further loss and gain weight.

Causes of lack of muscle mass

Before embarking on a weight gain program, it is recommended to understand what led to thinness. Otherwise, if the cause is not identified, the course of weight gain may be ineffective.

The main factor that affects the formation of muscles is metabolism. All people are individual. Each organism requires a different amount of energy to maintain life processes.

A fast metabolism is the dream of representatives of the endomorphic body type, in which there is a predominance of transverse body dimensions. It is easier for such people to build muscle mass, but it is difficult to deal with excessive fat deposition. With an accelerated metabolism, it is extremely difficult to get better, because even at rest, energy consumption will be very high. As a result, fat is consumed at lightning speed for the needs of the body, without accumulating, so the asthenic body type requires a special diet to gain weight.

To maintain body weight within the normal range, the amount of energy expended must correspond to the amount received, and for weight gain it should even be lower (for carbohydrate storage and body fat).

Causes of muscle wasting:

  1. Increased carbohydrate metabolism (genetic predisposition). Thin people suffering from this problem need an increased amount of carbohydrates in the daily menu. They should account for at least 60% of the total calorie content of the meal. The lack of carbohydrates in the diet causes an imbalance in metabolism, a decrease in cells in volume, which leads to a decrease in body weight.
  2. Insufficient calorie intake. With increased carbohydrate metabolism, more calories are required for the overall metabolism of the body. In this case, to determine the need, the current weight is multiplied by "40".

Another reason for underweight is lack of nutrition.

  1. Hormonal disorders. In particular, thyroid dysfunction is called hyperthyroidism. An excess of thyroid hormone causes increased oxygen consumption by tissues, which leads to an increase in energy metabolism (carbohydrate, protein, fat).
  2. Disorders of the digestive tract. We are talking about a reduced production of enzymes that contribute to the breakdown of products into vitamins, macro- and microelements, proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Their deficiency leads to the fact that food is poorly digested, and nutrients are released in transit.
  1. Malfunctions of the pancreas. The consequences of this violation are insufficient formation of insulin, which complicates the supply of the body with components of carbohydrate origin. Without the anabolic hormone, nutrients cannot enter the cells, which means that normal fat, muscle mass is out of the question.
  2. Stress, psychological problems, against the background of which appetite disappears, as a result, the body is in a hunger strike mode.
  3. Deficiency of vitamins, macro- and microelements. If the human body lacks useful nutrients, the development of cells, which serve as one of the main components in increasing body weight, is suspended. In addition, against the background of hypovitaminosis, there may be disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract, pancreas and thyroid gland, which affect metabolic reactions in the body.

Remember, an improperly selected diet, poor in vitamin and mineral composition and calories, negatively affects the state of the body:

  • body weight decreases;
  • immunity suffers, the frequency of viral, infectious diseases increases;
  • psycho-emotional balance is disturbed (irritability, nervous breakdowns appear);
  • fast fatigue, lethargy;
  • malfunctions in the hormonal system, which entails changes in the internal organs (sometimes irreversible);
  • muscle weakness;
  • decreased mental activity, performance;
  • developmental delay in children;
  • interruptions in the menstrual cycle in women;
  • decreased sperm production in men;
  • prolonged course of inflammatory reactions;
  • death due to extreme exhaustion of the body.

Underweight is a “signal” of malfunctions in the body that cannot be ignored.

Vitamins and minerals for body weight

To determine the physical condition, first of all, it is necessary to calculate the individual body mass index (BMI): weight (in kilograms) divided by height (in meters) squared. Compare the resulting figure with the norm.

BMI indicators:

  • 16 and below - underweight (obvious);
  • 16 - 18.5 - underweight;
  • 18.5 - 24.99 - the norm;
  • 25 - 30 - overweight;
  • 30 - 35 - obesity of the first degree;
  • 35 - 40 - obesity of the II degree;
  • 40 and above - obesity of the III degree.

Thus, if the body mass index is below “18.5”, you need to pay attention to the diet, make adjustments, be examined for the presence of concomitant diseases that cause food indigestion or accelerated metabolism.

Vitamins without which you will not be able to gain weight:

  1. . It serves as a kind of opponent of hormones that the thyroid gland produces to speed up metabolic reactions in the body. As a result, an overdose of these products causes the body to process calories in an increased mode, preventing the gain of additional mass. In addition, vitamin A promotes cell growth and development, which is important for muscle building. Retinol does not allow the membranes to dry out, which has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system.

Nicotinic acid controls the creation of proteins, fats in the body. It is an important nutrient for weight gain. The main source of the component is brewer's yeast.

Pyridoxine is needed for the synthesis of the building material of proteins -. Natural sources: sunflower seeds, chicken meat.

  1. and C. Due to their properties, they reduce the number of free radicals in the body, without the suppression of which it is almost impossible to gain weight. found in black currants, strawberries, citrus fruits, and E - in sunflower seeds, vegetable oils.

Macro- and microelements that promote tissue growth and the formation of muscle proteins to increase body weight: potassium, magnesium, calcium, copper, iron, zinc.

Vitamin and mineral complexes:

  1. "Hi-Tec Vitamin A-Z". It is an antioxidant formula - a complete range of macro- and microelements, vitamins with seeds, extracted green. Vitamin A-Z supplies the body with a complex, has an immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effect. In addition, the drug strengthens blood vessels, increases efficiency, accelerates the recruitment of muscle mass, restores the retina, and protects the skin from UV radiation.

The complex includes the following nutrients: vitamins A, B, C, E, calcium, copper, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron, potassium, phosphorus,.

Take 1 tablet twice a day after meals with plenty of water.

  1. Allmax Zma. This is a sports supplement that promotes tissue repair, the opening of anabolic zones of muscles, and an increase in strength. Allmax Zma contains vitamin B6 (3.5 milligrams), zinc (10 milligrams), magnesium (150 milligrams). The main advantages of the drug are the optimal ratio of trace elements, easy digestibility.
  1. "Mega Mass 4000". This cocktail is a classic meal replacement that serves as a building material for muscles. The composition of Mega Mass includes easily digestible carbohydrates, highly purified whey, milk, egg proteins, creatine, vitamins B, C, E and minerals (zinc, iodine, phosphorus, calcium, iron). The action of the drug is aimed at providing the body with calories and energy (for strength training, muscle recovery after it and the production of protein in muscle fibers), which are the main factors that determine weight gain.

The cocktail is taken 1-2 times a day 30 minutes after sports, in between meals. How to prepare a sports energy drink: dissolve 150 grams of powder in 550 milliliters of milk with a fat content of 1.5%.

Pharmaceutical preparations for gaining body weight: "Nutrizon", "Peritol", "Riboxin", "Glutamic acid", "Elevit Pronatal", "Potassium Orotate", tincture of the golden root, Eleutherococcus, "Diabeton MB", "Cytochrome C", "Cytomac".

Are drugs for weight gain so harmless?

At present, there is no clear answer to this question. Some drugs have a not very pronounced effect, but are safe for the body, others are effective, but dangerous.

Remember, losing and gaining weight is a process that affects all systems. A thoughtless, reckless approach can lead to functional impairment.

As a result, after stopping the use of appetite stimulants, metabolism or hormonal agents, weight may continue to grow / decrease regardless of them. Therefore, before using radical methods, it is recommended to try to achieve the desired result with the help of folk advice.

Interestingly, gaining the desired kilograms is much more difficult than losing it. Various methods are used to solve this problem: physiotherapy, vitamin preparations, sports activities, hormonal drugs, protein shakes. One such remedy is ordinary brewer's yeast. This is a natural product, the uniqueness of which lies in the chemical composition, which helps to accelerate and restore metabolic processes, biochemical reactions in the body that stimulate weight gain.

The energy value of the product is 75 calories per 100 grams. The B:W:U ratio is 68% : 32% : 0%.

Table No. 1 "Chemical composition of brewer's yeast"
NameNutrient content per 100 grams of product, milligrams

Due to their rich composition, they have the following effect on the human body:

  • improve the absorption of food and the functioning of the digestive system;
  • normalize metabolism, hormonal background;
  • stimulate appetite;
  • regulate the production of insulin;
  • stabilize the energy balance;
  • remove toxins;
  • improve the condition of hair, skin, nails;
  • promote cell regeneration;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • lower "harmful";
  • increase efficiency, susceptibility to stress.

Brewer's yeast is divided into two groups: raw, autolyzed. In the first case, the product is unicellular fungi. They are contraindicated in people with a weak gastric system, a tendency to allergic reactions and candidiasis.

Brewer's yeast autolysate is a food supplement in the form of tablets or powder. This form is better digested by the human body than raw. Autolyzed yeast contains nutrients in an easily digestible free form and does not cause fermentation in the body.

For a quick weight gain, follow these rules:

  1. Eat at least four times a day in small portions. Nutrition should be balanced, without salt, unhealthy fats.
  2. Drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day.
  3. Consume brewer's yeast immediately after a meal.
  4. Exercise regularly. With low physical activity, body fat will increase, with high - muscle mass.
  5. The minimum course of taking brewer's yeast is 1 month.

Autolysate is used according to the manufacturer's instructions indicated on the package: 1 - 2.5 grams of powder, previously dissolved in 100 milliliters of water, or 3 - 5 tablets 3 times a day. For athletes with intense power loads, the daily rate is determined based on the calculation of 0.3 grams of the drug per 1 kilogram of body weight. If necessary, the course can be repeated after 2 months.

Contraindications to the use of brewer's yeast:

  • thrush;
  • allergy, in particular to penicillin;
  • gout;
  • kidney disease;
  • drug sensitivity.

Thus, the mechanism of weight gain with the help of brewer's yeast lies in the presence in their composition of easily digestible protein, essential amino acids, which act as "building blocks" in the construction and restoration of tissues, which leads to weight gain (subject to regular physical activity). At the same time, vitamins, macro- and microelements, which are part of the yeast, saturate the body with nutrients, prevent depletion, and improve the absorption of proteins.

Vitamin products for weight gain

To increase body weight, increase the caloric content of the diet by 200 - 300 units. The daily rate is calculated taking into account labor loads, height, weight. The daily calorie intake for young people aged 19 to 30 is 2400, for athletes it starts from 3000, depending on the type and intensity of exercise. After 30 years, the metabolism slows down, the need of a person with a “sedentary” lifestyle decreases to 2200 calories per day, after 50 years it drops to 2000 calories.

cottage cheese, milk) and healthy fats (vegetable oils).


A beautiful figure is not a gift of nature, but the result of hard work on oneself. To gain weight and normalize metabolism, follow a healthy lifestyle, moderate physical activity, a balanced diet, drinking regimen, avoid stress and observe a rest regimen. To support the body, when it is weakened by the struggle for the desired result, it is recommended to additionally use vitamins A, B, C, E. They will protect against viral attacks, strengthen the nervous system, improve the emotional state, supply energy, and accelerate the growth of muscle tissue.

Remember, gaining weight is much harder than losing it.

Regularly monitor nutrition, emotional state, which have a direct impact on body weight. Strengthen your immune system, sleep more, worry less and the result will not be long in coming.

Everyone needs vitamins: sick and healthy, thin and full. Do not forget to keep the body "afloat" and regularly take "vitaminized" courses twice a year: in spring and autumn.

Every second woman in the world has a problem with being overweight, and only every tenth dreams of gaining weight. In this race against nature, women are increasingly resorting to the “easy way” using hormone pills. To understand how they affect weight, you need to understand their action and nature.

Hormonal pills contain analogues of physiological hormones that have certain effects.

Hormonal pills

The most popular among hormonal drugs is triiodothyronine. Normally, triiodothyronine is produced by thyroid cells and has a number of effects. Basically, its action is aimed at maintaining metabolic processes at a constant level.

That is, its attractiveness for losing weight ladies is based on the fact that triiodothyronine enhances the breakdown of fat (lipolysis) and inhibits the process of deposition and formation of fat. But let's read what other actions (not side effects) this hormonal drug actively performs, referring to the drugs of the thyroid group of hormones:

  • stimulates the growth and development of the body;
  • raises body temperature;
  • increases the need for tissues in oxygen;
  • increases systemic arterial pressure;
  • increases the frequency and strength of heart contractions;
  • increases the level of wakefulness ....

Everything seems to be beautiful. But let's start from the end. People with an extra 2-3 kg of weight are unlikely to take diet pills (especially hormonal ones). And they go to this extreme step - with a greatly increased weight. But with long-term obesity, the first consequences are high blood pressure and a slow heart rate.

I really want to draw attention to such an action as - stimulates growth.

"The action of thyroid hormones on the growth and development of the body is synergistic with the action of somatotropic hormone"

Somotropic hormone - growth hormone of the anterior pituitary gland

“As a result of preliminary studies on older people conducted in the early 1990s, the impression arose that the administration of exogenous growth hormone can slow down aging and improve the physical condition of the elderly. This data was inflated by journalists and advertising. Further studies in mice have shown that with a reduced content of growth hormone or a reduced sensitivity of cells to it, as well as with a reduced concentration of IGF-1 during embryonic development, life expectancy is significantly increased.

In adults, a pathological increase in the level of somatotropin or prolonged administration of exogenous somatotropin in doses characteristic of a growing organism leads to thickening of the bones and coarsening of facial features, an increase in the size of the tongue - acromegaly "

Got a connection?

If not, then everything is simple - taking hormonal drugs that increase the level of hormones in the blood artificially will not work without consequences. If not now, then later.
Hormonal diet pills will never replace the effect you get from proper nutrition and exercise. Despite the slogan “beauty requires sacrifice”, the pursuit of an ideal figure is not worth the complications that you earn.

Hormonal pills for weight gain

The opposite effect of hormonal pills is weight gain. Such problems arise in male athletes who need to increase muscle mass at the expense of adipose tissue. Steroids have this effect. Steroid hormones are a group of physiological hormones that regulate metabolism. These include sex hormones and corticosteroids.

Artificial synthesis of anabolic steroids was carried out on the basis of the molecule of the male sex hormone - testosterone. Male sex hormones provide a bright male appearance, deep voice, facial and body hair growth, strong muscles, good health and great stamina. Those. along with weight gain due to muscle mass, a male type of figure is formed (roughness and angularity).

However, the use of steroids in our country is prohibited and pharmaceutical companies have found another hormone that increases muscle mass. This growth hormone is somatostatin. Somatostatin is a pancreatic hormone and one of the hormones of the hypothalamus:

Stimulates the growth of muscle tissue;

Burns adipose tissue;

Reduces fluid levels in the body.

In fact, it seems to be the ideal hormone for bodybuilders. But it is also a growth hormone and the consequences are often even more serious because these drugs are taken for a longer time. Remember that hormones are highly active substances, the level of which must be maintained at certain numbers. Exceeding their content can lead to formidable complications, including the development of oncological pathology.

“Hormones are a chemical scalpel that very actively breaks into the work of the body. Sometimes even stronger than a surgeon's scalpel. And when we abuse the achievements of pharmacology, we get very serious side effects” (M. Obukhov)

Hormonal pills for weight gain - personally for women.

Hormonal oral contraceptives (pills against pregnancy) - contribute to weight gain. This is one of the side effects that is officially recognized by the pharmaceutical industry. And despite the fact that all manufacturers say that modern hormonal contraceptives give a very small probability of weight gain, which can be corrected by rational nutrition and physical activity, the reality, alas, is much more complicated and harder.

Long-term (more than 10 years) use of hormonal pills - gives an unambiguous weight gain. And to cope with this is much more difficult than just dropping a few pounds after the New Year.

Even more difficult is the situation with the use of hormonal drugs for girls during puberty as a forced (from the point of view of doctors) treatment. In my experience, there are 2 cases where hormone therapy at the age of 13-15 years old gave a serious weight gain. And now no diets and physical activity can help girls lose weight.

For example, the hormonal drug dexamethasone. It really gives weight gain. But for what? Due to impaired lipid metabolism and glucose resistance. Those. a kind of artificial diabetes mellitus. Moreover, the weight is kept only while you are injected with this drug. And after its cancellation, the effect can be twofold: either you start to get better and get better, or you start to lose weight and lose weight.

Hormonal pills - interfere with the system and break it.

Weight gain pills for men and women may be needed in cases where weight gain through diet and exercise fails. You should start using drugs with supplements that do not have significant side effects: vitamin and mineral complexes, various Chinese herbal pills, sports nutrition, brewer's yeast and dietary supplements that help fill the nutrient deficiency in the body. A greater effect can be achieved with drugs that stimulate metabolic processes: potassium orotate and calcium glycerophosphate. In the most severe cases, it is allowed to use hormonal and psychotropic drugs: testosterone, insulin, benzodiazepines and others. These drugs are used in professional bodybuilding and under the supervision of a doctor; it is forbidden to prescribe them yourself.

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    Vitamins and minerals

    Lack of body weight is often due to violations of the processes of digestion and metabolism. Deficiency of vitamins, macro- and microelements is capable of causing metabolic failures.

    In order to get better, first of all, it is necessary to provide the body with:

    • Vitamins E and C. They have antioxidant properties, reduce the number of free radicals, improving the protective mechanisms of cells and tissues. Foods containing a lot of vitamin C are rose hips, black currants, strawberries, oranges. Vitamin E is most abundant in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds and seafood.
    • Vitamins of group B. They are found in almost all plant foods that have not undergone thermal and chemical processing. Milk, eggs, brewer's yeast contain a significant amount of vitamins. Their deficiency leads to disturbances in the body: metabolism slows down, food absorption worsens, protein synthesis is inhibited, lipid metabolism is disturbed.
    • Vitamin A. Controls the metabolic rate by acting on catabolic and anabolic hormones: thyroid, testosterone, somatropin, insulin. A sufficient amount of vitamin A is necessary for the growth of muscle tissue, the formation of bones and joints. The best sources are fish and other seafood, meat, eggs, liver, chicken.

    For the normal functioning of the body, a sufficient amount of such macro- and microelements as magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, calcium, and iron is also necessary.

    In a situation where it is not possible to get them with food, it is advisable to use vitamin-mineral complexes: Complivit, Alphabet, Supradin, Vitrum, Pikovit, Centrum.

    Brewer's yeast

    Biologically active food supplement stimulates appetite and improves the absorption of nutrients from food. The B vitamins and amino acids contained in brewer's yeast in large volumes are responsible for these properties.

    The energy value of the product is 75 kilocalories per 100 grams.

    Depending on the form of release, the additive can be raw or autolyzed. The first option is used infrequently for weight gain, since such yeast is contraindicated for people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. They can also cause allergic reactions and candidiasis.

    The autolysate does not activate the fermentation processes in the intestines, and all useful substances are contained in an easily digestible form.

    The supplement should be taken as directed. Autolysate in the form of a powder is consumed 1-3 grams 2-3 times a day. Before use, the substance must be mixed with water. Tablets are drunk 3-5 pieces three times a day.

    dietary supplements

    In situations where low body weight is associated with the inability to regularly receive all the necessary nutrients from food, various dietary supplements can come to the rescue. As a rule, they have a natural composition, and you can buy them at a pharmacy without a prescription.

    The most popular are Chinese dietary supplements containing extracts and plant extracts.

    According to the manufacturers, the Samyun Wan supplement allows you to gain up to 8 kg within 4 weeks. This effect is due to the ability of dietary supplements to increase the metabolic rate, increase the digestibility of food, and improve mood.

    These properties are responsible for:

    • Japanese quince fruit extract;
    • ginseng root extract;
    • atractylodes bighead root extract;
    • deer antler extract.

    Samyun Wan is taken once a day, one capsule with meals. Duration of admission is about 3-4 weeks.

    During the use of dietary supplements, such a side effect as drowsiness is possible. The supplement is not recommended for children under 8 years of age and women during pregnancy.


    Nutrisone is a meal replacement for people who have trouble eating normal food.

    Depending on the composition, two types of additives are produced:

    1. 1. Nutrizon. It can be used as a complete meal replacement or as an additional source of energy. The energy value of 100 ml of the Nutrizon mixture is 100 kcal. The ratio of BJU: proteins - 4 g, fats - 3.9 g, carbohydrates - 12.3 g.
    2. 2. Nutrizon energy. The supplement has a high calorie content (150 kcal per 100 mg of the mixture) and a high protein content (6 g per 100 ml of the mixture).

    Both types are also available with dietary fiber.

    The supplement can be consumed by adults and children over 1 year of age. There are no side effects when taking Nutrizon.

    Hormonal drugs

    The most effective class of drugs for weight gain is represented by anabolic hormonal drugs.

    The most effective of them are presented in the table:

    Name of the drug Action, side effects and contraindications A photo
    DuphastonThe active substance of the drug is dydrogesterone, a hormone that exhibits progestogenic properties: it increases protein synthesis, provokes fluid retention in the body, and increases appetite. Taking the medicine may be accompanied by headache, impaired liver function, skin itching, swelling. The drug should not be taken in diseases of the liver and heart
    JintropinThe medicine contains human growth hormone - somatropin. The drug promotes the growth of muscle mass without a set of fat and water. You should not expect a large weight gain from Jintropin: only 2-4 kg per month. Taking the hormone may be accompanied by an increase in blood sugar, an increase in internal organs, and water retention. The medicine should not be taken for weight gain in thin children. This can lead to premature closure of growth zones. From the use of Jintropin, it is necessary to refuse men and women who have a hereditary predisposition to oncological diseases.

    One of the oldest and proven hormones for rapid weight gain. Tablets allow you to effectively increase body weight for both young girls and adult men. On average, the monthly weight gain is from 5 to 8 kg. In this case, the set occurs both due to muscle hypertrophy and as a result of fluid retention in the body.

    The most significant side effects are:

    • gynecomastia;
    • acne;
    • pressure surges;
    • liver enlargement and jaundice.

    The drug is contraindicated in liver diseases, gynecomastia, prostate and breast cancer.

    RosinsulinIn a situation where you need to quickly gain 8-10 or even 12 kg, insulin is the drug of choice. The medicine significantly increases appetite and metabolic rate, which allows you to consume a large amount of food daily. If the dosage is observed, there are no significant side effects. Sometimes allergic reactions are possible. The main danger posed by insulin is the risk of hypoglycemic coma and death as a result of an overdose.
    OxandroloneAnabolic steroid that allows you to gain high-quality muscle mass without fat. Oxandrolone will not give a quick weight gain, like from Insulin or Methandrostenolone, however, most of the gain gained during the course of taking the drug will remain even after its withdrawal. The drug has fewer side effects compared to other anabolic steroids. The most dangerous of them is the cessation of testosterone production and, as a result, testicular atrophy in men. Oxandrolone is contraindicated in oncological diseases, liver pathologies

    Hormonal drugs are the most effective and most dangerous means of rapid weight gain. The scheme of administration and dosage of drugs should be established only by a doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable.

    Birth control pills

    Medicines of this class contain the hormone ethinylestradiol, a synthetic analogue of estradiol, a substance with a powerful anabolic effect. While taking the drugs, appetite and mood improve, efficiency increases, fluid retention occurs in the body.

    In order to choose the most effective birth control pills for weight gain, you need to pay attention to the content of ethinyl estradiol in them. Most of this substance is found in the following preparations:

    • Non-Ovlon;
    • Tri-rigol;
    • Triziston;
    • Ovidon.

    It should be borne in mind that drugs that began to be produced 15-20 years ago have a side effect in the form of an increase in body weight. Modern birth control pills do not have this property.

    Potassium orotate

    The drug exhibits anabolic properties, not being a steroid. During the intake of potassium orotate in the body, the rate of protein synthesis increases, the processes of wound healing and bone fusion increase, appetite and digestion improve.

    In terms of its effectiveness, potassium orotate cannot be compared with insulin or synthetic testosterone, however, these pills do not have dangerous side effects. The most common of these are impaired liver function, water retention in the body.


    • hypersensitivity to components;
    • liver disease;
    • impaired renal function;
    • lactose intolerance.

    Do not use potassium orotate and children under the age of 3 years.

    Calcium glycerophosphate

    Tablets have a moderate anabolic effect. Their use is justified in situations where a lack of body weight is associated with overwork, nervous exhaustion.

    The drug is available in two forms: granules for oral suspension and tablets.

    Contraindications to the use of calcium glycerophosphate are individual intolerance to the components, age up to 2 years, thrombosis, hypercalcemia, thrombophlebitis. Side effects are most often manifested by allergic reactions.

    The attending physician should establish the regimen and dosage of the drug.


    Drugs of this class have a sedative and hypnotic effect, help to cope with anxiety, convulsions, epileptic seizures.

    The most popular benzodiazepine-containing drugs used for weight gain are phenazepam, diazepam, and bromazepam.

    Fighting insomnia and relieving psycho-emotional stress, they help normalize appetite and digestion, contributing to weight gain.

    With prolonged use, this class of drugs can lead to psychological and physical dependence. Other significant side effects are respiratory depression and exacerbation of certain mental illnesses.

    Benzodiazepines should not be used in people with personality disorders and mental retardation, along with alcohol, narcotic drugs.

    Features of taking drugs by women, men and children

    For adult men, the most effective way to quickly gain weight is to take synthetic analogues of testosterone and insulin. In terms of price, safety and efficacy, these drugs are the best. The use of dietary supplements, potassium orotate and calcium glycerophosphate will be justified if it is necessary to increase body weight slowly, no more than 3-4 kg per month.

In most cases, a significant problem for many modern women can be overweight. Nevertheless, there are cases when, for a number of specific reasons, a woman is faced with a completely opposite situation, when, due to a variety of circumstances, a particular girl / woman, even with regular use of high-calorie and sufficiently fatty foods, fails to gain the necessary kilograms in a timely manner (weight corresponding to your height).

So how does the average girl manage to gain the necessary weight? How to achieve the formation of seductive forms of breasts, dense rounded buttocks, when only angular, thin forms were genetically laid down? Undoubtedly, in order to achieve your goal related to body shaping, it will be necessary not only to change your dietary principles, taking into account the peculiarities of the metabolism of a particular organism, but also to engage in adequate physical exercises that contribute to gaining the desired muscle mass directly in the so-called problem areas.

How to quickly be able to gain the necessary weight for an ordinary girl?

Today, more and more young girls are thinking about how they can bring their weight back to normal as quickly as possible, and they are not interested in losing weight, but in gaining weight, but without excesses and without the slightest harm to their own health? Indeed, an increasing number of girls began to understand that excessive thinness is not just ugly - it is a very definite flaw in the female figure. At the same time, the lack of muscle mass in your body, as well as the lack of adipose tissue, can become a real cause of many health problems - ranging from some difficulties in planning a pregnancy with the conception of a baby, and up to the development of a variety of chronic diseases.

So among such chronic diseases there is a sharp decrease in the body's immune defense, various, elementary digestive disorders, etc. In the same case, if such an asthenic constitution is not hereditary, but acquired, such girls should consult an experienced doctor as soon as possible, since excessive thinness that has appeared can suddenly indicate the same rapid development of serious diseases, say, oncological diseases.

Yes, and to find out exactly how it is more correct to gain weight for an ordinary average girl, it is also best of all with a qualified doctor. After all, it is such a doctor who will be able to initially determine the reasons that could cause excessive weight loss, and then he will be able to recommend one or another diet necessary in a particular case.

And since self-eating of the most high-calorie or frankly fatty, sweet food, in principle, does not bring the desired results, then it will be necessary to start choosing the right diet with measures aimed at some increase in appetite. It turns out that today there are many different ways and techniques for a particular person to slightly increase his natural desire to eat more and with maximum pleasure.

At the same time, the simplest and most effective of these methods is the method of naturally increasing the natural physical activity of a person, for which doctors recommend spending more free time somewhere in nature, in the fresh air, participating in any outdoor games or movements. As a rule, after such an active walk, most people have a completely healthy and fairly strong appetite. In addition, such a pastime leads to some improvement in metabolism, which is necessary for a more correct and complete assimilation of the food that has entered the body.

But if you specifically don’t have enough free time for elementary walks in nature or just ordinary fresh air, then immediately before eating you are advised to drink some kind of peristalsis enhancer - it can be a glass of fresh, necessarily natural juice, perhaps a glass of dry red wine. Also, it is recommended to eat at least five or even six times a day. Ideally, with such a daily routine, between main meals, organize yourself snacks with those foods that at this time are most desirable for your body. Say, after breakfast at lunch, you may want to have a snack with fruit, or just a glass of kefir. And for an afternoon snack, your body may wish to have a bite of cottage cheese casserole or nuts.

Today, most doctors, answering numerous questions regarding how exactly to gain weight safely for an average girl, recommend that immediately after eating, such girls do not fuss, but at least have a little rest (say, about half an hour). It is for extremely thin young ladies that this is a great way to improve the digestion process, which ultimately allows most of the nutrients to be absorbed as much as possible.

Since it is quite difficult for an average girl with an asthenic physique to gain weight, such young ladies are also recommended to adequately adjust their own daily diet, giving the highest priority to proper protein-carbohydrate (but not too fatty) food. It is desirable that at least half of the proteins consumed daily come from chicken or quail eggs, not too fatty meat and, of course, fish of any variety.

Poultry meat can be considered extremely useful in this context - after all, it is such meat that is not too fatty and nutritious enough, while the protein contained in such meat allows you to build up the necessary (and also desired) muscle mass much faster directly to achieve the preferred body relief. In addition, daily eating of the right not too fatty sour-milk or dairy products will definitely contribute to some improvement in digestion processes, and this means a significant improvement in all metabolic processes that normally occur in a woman's body.

For example, for breakfast for girls who want to get a little better, moderately fatty cottage cheese with the addition of a small amount of ordinary homemade sour cream is quite suitable. It is quite suitable for breakfast and the right energy cocktail, which can consist of one glass of fairly heavy cream, one hundred grams of moderately fatty cottage cheese and literally a few tablespoons of your favorite jam or honey.

When choosing a diet for yourself and deciding how to gain weight for an ordinary girl, you must always remember that any human body needs a sufficient amount of fat anyway. And actually, for this you need to periodically use (say, for dressing ordinary salads) high-quality olive or soybean oil. It is this type of oil that is as rich as possible in such a vitamin as, capable of giving vessels sufficient elasticity and giving the whole body a wonderful rejuvenating effect.

In addition, in order to build up a sufficient amount of subcutaneous fat as quickly as possible, one should definitely not neglect such products that contain the right carbohydrates. Such products include durum pasta, potatoes, bran or even white bread, sugar and homemade sweets.

Situation: I lost too much weight. How to return the desired weight?

For all those who are interested in answering the question of how exactly to be able to gain the necessary (normal) weight for a girl, we propose to consider the following simplest and, most importantly, the safest ways. Indeed, today, quite often among women and girls, one can find an active discussion of situations like: “I have lost too much weight. And how after that it is safe to gain the desired weight? Many people are primarily interested in whether it will be enough to achieve the goal of only constantly following a certain diet?

It turns out, according to the opinion of most experienced doctors, after timely examinations to confirm the absence of a particular disease, it is often completely insufficient for a more active gain in the desired weight. It is generally accepted that this kind of diet should be supplemented with equally adequate physical activity.

And all because the constant performance of special aerobic, as well as strength exercises (say, exercises with a load, dumbbells and other devices) contributes to a noticeable improvement in the metabolism in the body and at the same time a fairly rapid increase in the desired muscle mass.

In most cases, experienced trainers, advising their wards on how best and faster to gain the desired weight for an average girl, for the entire first month strongly do not recommend overloading themselves with any physical activity. It is during this time that the human body will be able to fully tune in to a completely new mode of operation for it.

At the same time, later the girl will be able to slightly increase the weight of the dumbbells used in training, as well as the number of repetitions of certain exercises performed. Note that any girl can be engaged both completely independently (but according to a program previously selected by an experienced trainer), and visiting a fitness club or gym she likes. However, at the same time, it would be desirable to combine this type of training with relaxing swimming in the pool, with elementary skating, rollerblading or cycling, with any active games, etc.

However, if, for example, after one, two or even more months, the body weight simply stops increasing, and the results achieved still do not suit you, after consulting with the trainer, you should simply change the former exercise program and change the primary diet.

It should also be understood that a clear lack of body weight can be not only a strictly independent symptom, this phenomenon can also be an unpleasant consequence of a wide variety of problems in a woman's body. Moreover, these can be problems both from the side of the purely physical, and, in fact, even the mental health of a woman.

If you want to find out from the doctor what kind of medications (tablets, capsules or powders) can moderately gain weight, you should first check with this specialist for a list of possible negative consequences that a particular drug can have on the health of your body. In the future, when deciding for yourself how a young woman can safely gain weight, you should also remember that any of the hormonal drugs (for weight correction) will interfere with the work of the whole organism, while destroying certain of its systems. And besides, in some situations it will be almost impossible to restore broken systems.

But unfortunately, among the main pills that the doctor can still recommend to you for weight gain, there may be drugs of the hormonal type, most often these or those oral contraceptives. I must say, moderate weight gain is considered the most common of the side effects that occur when taking these medications. Moreover, excessive long-term use of certain hormonal contraceptives (according to the results of many modern studies) can lead to fairly persistent and even significant weight gain.

But unfortunately, practitioners have long noted that subsequently getting rid of excess weight (if it turns out to be superfluous) will be incredibly difficult. But before consulting a doctor on how to quickly and effectively gain the desired weight for teenage girls aged twelve to sixteen, you need to try to take into account all the real and possible negative consequences of this process and then correlate the benefits and risk.

In addition, many of the women, discussing questions regarding which pills are best for gaining weight, can recommend drinking pharmaceutical brewer's yeast for this purpose. It turns out that the action of this remedy is aimed at the full regulation of all metabolic processes in the body, which occurs due to adequate replenishment of the deficiency of all kinds of vitamins from various groups (and especially B vitamins, which are urgently needed for the full functioning of the entire nervous system), essential proteins, correct carbohydrates and fats.

It should also be noted that it is brewer's yeast that can contribute to:

  • A noticeable strengthening of all vascular walls in the body.
  • A significant decrease in the total amount of dangerous and harmful fats (cholesterol) in the blood.
  • Quite a sharp increase in the immune forces of the body and its performance.
  • Quite fast and effective removal from the body of many toxic metabolic products.
  • A noticeable increase in the resistance of a particular organism to the negative effects of many extremely unfavorable factors from the environment around us.
  • A very significant improvement in general condition and well-being.

Joining the discussion on how to gain the desired weight for an ordinary woman, most of us note that it is brewer's yeast that can be an ideal addition to a proper diet and adequate physical activity. Indeed, due to the normalization of the full functioning of the intestines, this remedy improves our appetite and contributes to an even more complete absorption of food.

And in addition to weight gain, many of the women who use brewer's yeast also noted a noticeable improvement in mood, general well-being, noticed a clear surge of strength. We also recall that before deciding to take measures to gain weight, it is imperative to find out the root causes that cause the primary underweight. After all, in many cases, a sharp weight loss is associated with certain psychological problems or even injuries. This means that an experienced psychologist should help to solve such problems.

And even if you do not want to seek adequate help from professionals in their field, you need to know that many problems that arise in our body can be directly related to our own psychological mood. Actually, therefore, following the basic recommendations of the doctor, try not to forget that it is desirable to love yourself the way you are with all the advantages and disadvantages.


In the modern world, people quite often face the problem of excess weight, while underweight is observed quite rarely. But in this article we will talk about how to gain the missing pounds. Each person has a genetic personality. That is why some eat everything in a row and do not get better, while others adhere to a strict diet, but cannot achieve results and at least lose some weight. Modern medicine offers a huge variety of diets and training programs, but not all of them will give a tangible effect.

For starters, of course, you should try to gain the missing pounds without using various drugs, such as weight gain pills. First of all, consult with a professional dietitian, draw up a diet menu and stick to it. Evaluate the results after two or three months. If the desired effect is not achieved, then tune in to resort to more stringent measures and start using special drugs. Weight gain pills are most commonly used by people at risk of anorexia. These drugs slow down the metabolism in the body and cause appetite. Before taking the tablets, be sure to consult your doctor. Improper use can lead to various disorders in the body - from poor health to pain in the kidneys, liver and stomach.

Weight gain pills, of course, will help you gain the missing pounds, but they are not always safe for the body. The best way is to use different proteins for weight gain. Firstly, protein is a pure protein that the body always needs, and secondly, it is safe and does not burden the kidneys. Most athletes consume protein shakes in order to build muscle, so this method of gaining weight is also suitable for the average person. Immediately, we note that there are two types of proteins - whey and soy. Whey protein is very quickly absorbed by the body, so it should be taken after waking up and after sports, while soy protein should be consumed before bed, as it takes a very long time to digest. Do not be stingy when buying these products, a good protein will give you results much faster. Cheap proteins contain not only protein, but also various impurities that adversely affect the kidneys and stomach.

What should I do to gain weight?

In the article, we examined in some detail what drugs to use and how they work. But in order to ensure rapid weight gain, it is necessary to draw up a comprehensive scheme for every day. First you need to determine what you will use - pills for weight gain or protein. If you prefer pills, then immediately go to the doctor and consult.

If you chose protein, then be sure to sign up for a gym. A personal trainer will help you create a program and explain how to take such a protein supplement. Choose your path to achieve the goal, and you will definitely succeed!

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