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Morning exercises for a 40 year old woman. The right start to the day: morning exercises for men

Hello dear guests of our blog! Everyone knows perfectly well that the body changes with age, and, alas, not always for the better. The reasons for this are always the same - overeating, a sedentary lifestyle and eating bad foods. So, gymnastics for women after 40 years old can help improve all this. Thanks to her, you will experience noticeable improvements in well-being, pleasing changes in appearance, and adjusting your diet will be just a matter of time.

The value of gymnastics

After forty years, hormonal changes begin in the female body, as a result of which weight is added due to a decrease in muscle mass and an increase in fat. It also increases the risk of developing osteoporosis, when the bones become less strong but more fragile.

To localize this process, you need to start doing gymnastics, including a power load with your own weight, as well as using dumbbells of an adequate weight for yourself. It is impossible not to understand the great importance of morning exercises for the female body:

  1. Metabolic processes in the body are accelerated.
  2. Muscles and bones become strong.
  3. Physical activity is also very important for weight loss.
  4. The blood pressure returns to normal with the level of sugar in the blood.
  5. Relieve joint pain and headaches.
  6. Increases overall endurance and performance.

It turns out that health and gymnastics are inseparable concepts.

Many women at 45 are afraid to use weights because they supposedly will grow muscles, like bodybuilders. This is basically impossible, since the female body does not have enough male hormones for this. Namely, they affect the build-up of large muscle sizes.

But by putting your muscles in order, you will thereby force the excess fat to be burned in the body.

Muscle is the best fat burner. Trained muscles are also a guarantee of a toned body.

Features of physical activity for women after 40 years

Having approached this age, many women already have a number of health problems. Therefore, if you have never done anything, deciding right now to radically change your life, start by going to the doctor to eliminate possible negative consequences.

In the absence of serious pathologies, the following recommendations should be considered:

  • Lessons should include exercises covering all age problems- burning fat, strengthening the main muscle groups, restoring joint mobility, strengthening the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • Aerobic loads - from 3 to 5 times a week for at least 30 minutes of medium intensity - running (by the way, read what the right run for weight loss should be), swimming, cycling or just walking outdoors at an average pace of at least half an hour a day;
  • Anaerobic or power- 2 to 5 times a week. This includes working out the press, muscles of the arms, legs and back with or without special equipment - fitball, dumbbells, wristbands or exercise equipment in the fitness room. If there is not enough time, you can divide classes into morning and evening for 15 minutes. The weight of the weights should be such that you can do at least 12 times in each of the 3 approaches;
  • At the end of the study of a certain muscle group, be sure to perform them stretching. For this, exercises from Pilates, callanetics and yoga are perfect;
  • Breath smooth - without delay. Otherwise, it can lead to an increase in blood pressure;
  • And don't forget about balanced diet, eliminating all fatty, sweet, canned and instant food. Lean more on protein foods, fiber, vitamins and carbohydrates in the form of a variety of cereals.

Starting a new life, try to stick to the new routine and nutrition until old age and regularly, and not just until the moment you achieve the desired results. Let this be your new way of life.

Suitable exercises for charging

Before the main part of the workout, be sure to warm up the body with any aerobic exercise and stretching - for 10 minutes. I want to bring you a complex suitable for all women after 40 years old, which does not require special physical fitness:

  1. Classic squats - from 16 to 30 times from 3 to 5 approaches, depending on the level of preparedness. Rest between sets is minimal - about 30 seconds.
  2. Lunges forward and backward 16 times on each leg 3 sets.
  3. Swing your legs forward, to the sides and back - 16 times 3-5 approaches.
  4. Jumping in place - from 30 to 40 times 3-4 sets.
  5. Working out the abdominal muscles - lie on your back, raise your legs to 90 degrees in relation to the body. Movement - lower your legs to the floor and return to I.P. Run 16 times 3 sets.
  6. "Bicycle" - lie on your back on your elbows. Leg movement - imitate pedaling a bicycle in the air above the floor - from 16 times 3 sets.
  7. Push-ups from the floor from the knees - from 12 times 3 sets.

At the end of the workout, be sure to stretch all the worked muscles.

With such a charge, you will put your body in order, you will always feel and look great.

In what cases can charging be contraindicated?

All people of any age need physical activity, but despite this, there are still some contraindications:

  • High blood pressure and body temperature;
  • Painful and profuse menstruation;
  • Heart disease;
  • Head injury;
  • Pregnancy (in this position it is necessary to perform special exercises);
  • Asthma.

But even with these contraindications, you can find a replacement for exercise - go up to your floor on foot, walk a couple of stops, sit in front of a computer, strain your abdominal muscles and many other ways to give a load to your muscles. Other ideas for classes between times can be gleaned from the article "Fitness at Home for Weight Loss".

It is very important at your most interesting age not only to lose weight, but also not to harm your health. And for this, sharp jumps in weight should not be allowed, rushing the result. The norm will be a loss of 0.5 kg per week. This mode is not stressful for the body, allowing you to qualitatively lose extra pounds and gain health and beauty - the skin will acquire a young blush and tighten, and the body will become slim and elastic.

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All people age without exception, but this process can be slowed down. Whether we will grow old slowly, as long as possible without losing our charm - it depends on us. First of all, we must lead a hygienic and reasonable life, meticulously watching our appearance. after 40 skin care and healthy lifestyle especially important for women.

Lifestyle of a woman after 40 years

The lifestyle of a woman largely affects her appearance, therefore:

- Do not overwork, do not abuse alcohol, cigarettes, strong coffee.

- Try to get at least eight hours of sleep a night. Nothing has such a beneficial effect on beauty as a healthy full sleep.

- Sudden weight loss is undesirable. Therefore, from a young age, control your weight. Every day, set aside at least ten minutes for gymnastics, and spend Sunday in the bosom of nature, do not pounce on food as you did in your younger years, but choose what you eat.

- After forty, you should eat less sugar and dough products. Breakfast in the morning is essential, and in the evening, if possible, eat fruits, salads, or milk. If you are invited to dinner, go hungry the next day. Eat only fruit or milk once a week.

Whether your skin was dry, oily or normal when you were young, it will inevitably lose moisture and become dry as you age. That's why after 40 skin care should be given the utmost attention.

Nourishing cream and moisture - that's what your face after 40 years.

After washing your face in the morning, lubricate your face with a nourishing cream. After 1-2 hours, wipe it with a cotton swab dipped in rose water. In the evening, before going to bed, thoroughly wipe your face with toilet milk, and then wash your face with cool water if your skin is dry, and hot soapy water if your skin is oily.

It is good to apply a fruit or nourishing mask on the face at least two or three times a week. In winter, make masks from sour milk, cottage cheese, eggs, bread yeast, vegetable oils, and agave juice. In summer, you have a richer choice: cucumbers, tomatoes, strawberries, grapes - in a word, all fruits and vegetables.

During excursions, walks or while on vacation (especially if you spend it on the sea or in the mountains), avoid using makeup. The skin must breathe freely.

Water, air and sun are factors that have a beneficial effect on the skin and overall well-being. Prefer light makeup, light and not very oily lipstick. A thin layer of powder hides wrinkles, but you should use it only in the evening, going to the theater or to a concert.

Exercises for women over 40

Weakened face and neck muscles can be strengthened with special exercises. At least twice a month, do a massage with a beautician (if you have the opportunity) or self-massage, if you have the necessary skill.

Pre-cleanse the skin of the face (best after morning exercises) with lotion or hot compresses (if you do not have high blood pressure), and then rinse it with cold water and lubricate it with cream. At first, do the exercises 2-3 times a day, and when you get used to it, up to ten times. Exercises for the second chin can be done 15-20 times a day.

Here are some of the most simple exercises that will be useful women over the age of 40:

Exercises for the second chin

1. Put your elbows on the table and strongly press your chin first on one and then on the other palm.
2. Hold a pencil with your lips, stretch your chin strongly forward and try to draw circles in the air, first from left to right, and then in the opposite direction.
3. Pull your chin forward and turn your head first to the left and then to the right, trying to touch the shoulder

Eye exercises

1. Close your eyes tightly, count to three and open them wide,
2. Close and open your eyes tightly, holding their outer corners with your fingertips.
3. Slowly roll your eyes - first from left to right, then in the opposite direction.

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the neck

1. Slowly tilt your head first to the left, then to the right.
2. Close your lips tightly, touch your tongue to the sky and lower it.
3. Strongly stretch the neck forward, then make a sharp circular motion with the head
turn first from left to right, then in the opposite direction.

A woman at forty is still fresh, full of energy, but she already has experience and knowledge, including how to care for skin after 40 years😉 Therefore, it is completely unjustified that at this age she refuses her favorite cultural and other activities, communication with relatives and friends, and so many joys that life is rich in. Stay fit is the motto women after forty!

Many people believe that exercise is the solution to all health problems, even those associated with aging. Of course, no amount of physical activity can stop the natural aging process, but there is plenty of evidence that physical activity can increase life expectancy by limiting the development and progression of chronic diseases, which many people begin to think about after they turn 40 years old. In the article we present 5 easy exercises for women over 40 which must be performed weekly to achieve a noticeable effect.

“Sooner or later, there comes a point when we realize that we are no longer invulnerable,” says Holly Perkins, personal trainer and author of Lift to Lose Weight.

“Believe it or not, the body begins to fail after 30 years, and every year the situation only worsens.” Good news: not only exercise, but also the body and prevent some common diseases.

Here are five exercises you should start doing every week when you turn 40 to stay healthy and look as good as you feel.

1. Cardio training, 3-4 times a week

As the name implies, cardio training refers to the exercises to strengthen the heart muscle, familiar to many people who work out in the gym (running, aerobics, rowing, and much more!). However, if you really want cardio to benefit your heart, you need to train at an anaerobic capacity of 80% of your maximum heart rate for at least 30 minutes 3-4 times a week (if you imagine a scale from 1 to 10, you should be laid out by about 8.)

“So if you're barely breaking a sweat while walking, or aren't really exerting yourself while doing Zumba, it's time to pick up your pace and increase your effort,” says Perkins. “Cardio should be hard, you should not feel comfortable during the exercises.”

2. Exercises with high impact load on the legs, 1-2 times a week

You probably already know that calcium is responsible for the health of your skeletal system. Recent research suggests that high-impact exercise can also help build bone strength, Perkins says. “There is still a widespread misconception that high-impact exercise does more harm than good, but this is not the case, especially when it comes to bone health,” she adds.

"Dancing, jumping feet together-feet apart, racket games, and even a little jogging while walking are great examples of bone-strengthening exercises."

3. Strength exercises, 2-3 times a week

The risk of developing arthritis increases with age. However, according to the Arthritis Foundation, chronic pain and stiffness in the joints can affect a person at almost any adult age, especially overweight people and those who have suffered a joint injury. However, it is never too late to start protecting your body.

Strength training is one of the best ways to prevent pain. “It has been proven to reduce the pain caused by arthritis and prevent the development of the disease itself,” explains Perkins. And you do not need to torture yourself for hours in the gym to get the desired result.

“Squats, deadlifts, and overhead presses are all you need to strengthen multiple joints and muscles.”

4. Yoga, once a week

According to John Hopkins Medicine, one of the leading US medical centers, women aged 45 to 64 are at increased risk of depression.

While any form of exercise can help prevent anxiety and depression, a growing body of scientific evidence suggests that yoga may be particularly helpful in reducing stress. and mood enhancement. One study found that yoga increased GABA levels. Typically, people who suffer from and anxious feelings are deficient in this mood-regulating neurotransmitter. In another study, stress levels in women with mental health problems were found to decrease after attending a yoga class for three months.

“We know that yoga is very effective in dealing with stress, we also know that there is a link between stress and mood disorders,” says Perkins. “Moreover, some styles of yoga also develop strength and endurance and prevent cardiovascular disease, being a versatile and effective health promotion tool.”

5. Plank exercise, 90 seconds 3 times a week

According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, a division of the National Institutes of Health, most people experience back pain for the first time between the ages of 30 and 40, with back pain becoming more common as they age.

Strengthening the spine can help prevent pain. The plank is a great exercise to try because it tones all the major muscles in your body. According to Perkins, it involves not only the abdominal muscles, but also the muscles of the chest and around the spine.

“As these muscles are strengthened, the middle part of the body, especially the lower back, becomes stronger, which prevents pain.”

Perfect plank

Get the most out of this amazing exercise by doing it right:

To perform the plank correctly, position your forearms parallel to each other, elbows under your shoulder joints and rise on your toes. Your legs should be fully extended and your feet should be shoulder-width apart. Also, be sure to pull your stomach in to "turn on" the abdominal muscles. Stay in the position for 30 seconds, kneel down for a short break, and then repeat the exercise two more times. As you get stronger, try to hold the position for 90 seconds without a break.

Are you wondering how to do push-ups correctly? Read in the material where the fitness trainer tells all the nuances of this exercise:

A woman always remains a woman, and no matter what the number in the “year of birth” column is in your passport, you can really look great. And the training program for women over 40 will help you with this.

Why do we need training 40+

After the age of 40, the body undergoes many age-related changes.

In particular:

  • Muscle mass decreases, which leads to a weakening of the body tone, sagging skin on the thighs, abdomen, and the appearance of wrinkles.
  • The risk of developing adipose tissue increases.
  • Metabolic processes worsen.
  • The main building material of bone tissue, calcium, is washed out, as a result of which the health of bones and joints is weakened.
  • Reduced immunity.

To avoid this, consider starting actively engage in or continue (if you are not new to this), but already according to a new program focused on your age.

How to start training

Before starting classes, you need to make sure that you:

  1. You have the opportunity to conduct certain types of training with high loads under the supervision of an experienced trainer.
  2. You have no contraindications to certain loads, recommendations for taking exercise therapy courses. To do this, you need to conduct a diagnosis of your body in a medical center.
  3. Follow the right program, with the amount of nutrients calculated according to your age, needs and special instructions.
  4. Chose the right clothes. It should be comfortable, not restrict movement, not irritate the skin.
  5. You have the time and 100% desire to train regularly in a well-established training schedule.
  6. They gave up bad habits - this is, of course, alcohol abuse, smoking.

Of course, an individual training menu is developed for different somatotypes. So there are programs - “how to lose weight after 40” or, on the contrary, “how to gain muscle mass” at this age. There are also a huge number of types of universal fitness training that allows you to keep fit.

Here is one of them, quite effective, a working scheme consisting of several exercises.

Running in place

It is performed first, so it is considered a warm-up. In addition, it helps to warm up, as well as support the joints, bones, and allows you to maintain the elasticity of the ligaments.

It’s worth starting with light kneading of the feet in place, turning into light jogging. After about 5 minutes, you need to increase the pace to a fast one, raising your knees as high as possible. The back should be straight, the initial position of the arms should be bent at the elbows. In general, the exercise looks like a regular run, only the athlete runs in place. Peak speed should be kept for about a minute, at least 15 seconds. It is very convenient to use a treadmill for these purposes.

Lunges with weights

Use dumbbells as weights, each 0.5-1 kg. You can also take plastic bottles of the same size and shape filled with sand or water. Stand up straight with weights in each hand. Lunge forward on the leg bent at the knee, trying to touch the chest in the rise. Straight arms with weights, while evenly lift up. Then return to the starting position and play the lunge, only from the other leg. The number of repetitions - as many as you can, ideally up to 20.

ATTENTION! Many women do not risk using weights in training, because of the fear of gaining “titanium hands”. In fact, this is impossible, without the use of steroids, you will not have huge bodybuilder muscles due to the fact that your body does not contain enough male hormones.


Squat down (feet on toes), press your palms to the plane. Make a sharp jump back so as not to take your hands off the surface, and your legs take their original position as in a classic push-up. Do 1 push-up from the floor, then again, in a jump, return to the starting position. Jump up, stretch your arms up. Do as many reps as you can. For beginners, this exercise may seem difficult, and in this case, it can be replaced with classic push-ups from the support.

An exercise borrowed from the ballet school, slightly modernized. To perform it, take the starting position - stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, on a full foot, socks apart. You can take weights in your hands, but only if it's not too hard for you. Squat with a straight back so that your knees “look” to the sides as much as possible. Bend your arms at the elbows at the same time, trying to touch the deltoid muscle of the shoulder with weights. Then take the starting position.


Stand in the starting position - the back is straight, the arms are straightened along the body. Slightly bending one leg at the knee (for balance), swing the other leg to the side and at the highest point, fix it for a short time (a couple of seconds). Return to the starting position, and then repeat, but on the other leg. In the first days of training, you can use a support (chair) for balance.

ATTENTION! Pay attention to your posture. The back "wheel" will worsen the results, and in addition, the risk of injury and pinching increases.


A familiar exercise from childhood. Lie on your back (use a comfortable fitness mat), slightly lifting the lower part of your lower back, imitate with your feet riding a bicycle, as when you are riding and pedaling. Do as many "circles" as you can in one direction, then in the other.

ATTENTION! You can also do this exercise on the simulator. However, it is better to do it naturally.

Leg raises

A simple exercise that can be done at home. Lie on a straight back (use a mat) and take turns lifting your straight legs up. If you wish, you can perform the "birch" exercise, with a slight rise in the lower lumbar region and both legs with straightened toes. Then the exercise can be complicated - lifting a straight leg, starting position, lifting a bent leg to the chest.

After completing this cycle of exercises, you should not immediately run into the shower. It is necessary to walk around the hall, perform a complex for stretching, tilting (on straight legs), working out with a skipping rope, and so on.

It should be noted that there should be no pauses between sets. That is, breaks should be mandatory, for 5 minutes, but sitting still is categorically not recommended. Walk around the gym, warm up, and then return to class.

In addition, you can choose your own type of training. So perfectly develops all muscle groups, the Latin American Zumba fitness dance using technical equipment - step platforms or weights. There is a kind of Zumba for training in the pool, which also works out the relief of the body perfectly and improves the state of health in general.

Extend your youth as long as possible. You can and will look 2 times younger and more energetic, the main thing is the right training program for women over 40.

Morning is perhaps the most difficult time of the day, when you wake up from a hated alarm clock and want to sleep for another 10 minutes, you pull yourself out of bed and think “Oh, gods, it’s morning again and you need to get up.” To start the morning on a positive note, you need to do exercises!

Yes Yes exactly. Yes, you want to sleep and laziness, and, in general, in the morning you look like a sleeping bear, which was awakened at the wrong time. But it is light morning exercises that will wake up the body and set the mood for the whole day.

A few morning routines

1. Charging should be done immediately after waking up.

The body and brain can resist, but it needs to be. Wash your face and run to exercise. Believe me, after a few exercises, the body will begin to wake up, and the mind will clear up. Gradually, you will get used to doing exercises in the morning.

2. Gymnastics should be short.

No need to starve yourself with an hour-long workout in the morning, so you won’t wake up, but will get even more tired. 15-20 minutes is quite a suitable duration.

3. Charging must match your goals.

In addition to general warm-up exercises, you can pay attention to problem areas. Do you want to keep your buttocks in order? So in the complex of morning exercises it is worth including squats and lunges. If you want to remove the stomach and cubes on the stomach, then abdominal exercises will help you.

This does not mean that the whole complex should go to pumping the muscles you need, but you can pay attention to problem areas with the help of 2-3 special exercises.

The main thing in morning exercises is systematic, and even when you want to sleep, more than ever, you need to get up and do exercises. You will wake up, your body will be in order, and the pride that you got up and started exercising will just go through the roof.

A set of exercises for morning exercises.

Gymnastics is done from top to bottom, that is, we begin to knead the neck and arms to begin with and end with the feet.

Basic exercises for the neck and head.

Each exercise should be done 4-5 times in each direction.

Charging for arms and shoulders:
  1. Rotation of the shoulders forward and backward 5 times in each direction.
  2. Working out the hands - clench your palm into a fist so as to hide your thumb in the fist. Extend your arms to your sides and rotate your hands 5 times in each direction.
  3. Rotation in the elbow joints - straighten the hands, bend the elbows, rotate the elbow joints 4-5 times in one direction and the other.
  4. Rotation of the shoulder joints - spread the sides to the sides parallel to the floor. Starting with a small amplitude, rotate your arms forward, drawing imaginary circles, gradually increasing the radius. When you reach the largest amplitude, start rotating your arms in the opposite direction, reducing the radius to the smallest.

Important: In this exercise, it is important that the arms are tense.

Body exercises:Leg charger.Back exercises:

All exercises for the back will be done lying on the floor.

These exercises are enough to warm up the body. Then you can already include exercises for other muscle groups, for example,

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