Exercises. Food. Diets. Workout. Sport

Poor muscle recovery. Overtraining. Signs. Muscle Recovery

Muscle Recovery - this is a hot topic for any sport, because, other things being equal, the more often and more intensively an athlete trains, the faster he pro-res-si-ro-et, and in order to train more, more often and more powerfully , not-about-ho-di-mo re-hundred-but-twist-sya after training. Co-from-vest-ven-but, absolutely any sports-shifter is looking for ways to speed up the process of restoring. Is it possible? Yes it is possible! Moreover, it needs to be done. This topic is especially relevant in speed-growth-but-strength sports, since technical skill in this case plays a lesser role than in game disciplines or martial arts. In this regard, it’s not-about-ho-di-mo-rob-but to understand the basic principles of restoring-new-le-niya and auxiliary ways of its us-ko-re-niya.

First, it should be understood that different body systems have different terms and after-le-do-va-tel-ness of re-stand-nov-le-niya. That is why the regeneration of muscle tissue never starts until the moment of complete restoration of energy systems. In this regard, in the process of training, some systems are constantly not-up to-restoring-a-hundred-nav-whether-wa-yut-sya, which, in the end, can lead to « plateau » , so it is necessary to go-do-vom tre-no-ro-voch-nom plan take this into account and, in accordance with this, draw up macro-cycles. Secondly, you should understand that there are basic things, and there are secondary things. The basic conditions for resurrection include nutrition and sleep, and everything else is secondary. And if you don’t follow the basic conditions for restoring after a tre-ni-ditch, then no secondary ma-ni-pu -la-tion will not be able to replace this!

Basic Recovery Factors

Food: the most fundamental recovery factor, since with a lack of one or another macro or micro nutrient, the regeneration of organic tissues and energy systems will be significantly slowed down. Many people think that the most important food nut-ri-en-tom is protein, because all the magazines scream about how important protein . But the magazines are screaming about it only because the protein costs much more gay no-ra , but, in fact, the principal-qi-pi-al-noe value is precisely the corner-le-water. And precisely because of this, all the si-lo-vi-ki, for whom the presence of the press does not play a significant role, allow themselves to have “excess weight”. So that, remember , the more ka-lo-riy-ness of pi-ta-niya, the faster you recover! On the other hand, without measure, but corrode, in order to “dry” all this later, losing the accumulated results, it’s also senseless, but, in this way it is recommended to count calories and eat according to circadian rhythms. You can read more about this here: men's diet ; bio-lo-gi-ches-kie rhythm-we .

Dream: the same fundamental factor in muscle recovery as nutrition, since it is impossible to compensate for its lack of current. It is necessary to sleep at night, in the dark time of the day, because at this time you-ra-ba-you-va-et-sya is more than all-me-la-to-no-na, pain- More than when a person sleeps from 10 pm to 6 am, this allows you to achieve the greatest production of growth hormone. You should sleep at least 8 hours a day, and you should sleep at least 10: 8 hours at night and 2 hours during the day. It is clear that not everyone can afford such a schedule, but you need to strive for the ideal! Especially ben-but important is sleep at the time of hu-de-nia, since the utilization of subcutaneous fat in-ten-siv-nothing goes on just in a dream, in connection with which , it can be argued that the more you sleep, the faster hu-de-e-those.

Recovery training methods

Split: we are not talking about organizing a training schedule for muscle groups, we are talking about dis-membering tre-ni-ro-wok. The shorter the workout, the faster you can recover after it. And it’s not about the fact that the author needs a “boat”, like ma-te-ro-mu “ka-pi-ta-nu”. The point is that the total time required for muscle recovery between three training sessions will be shorter than the time that will not be -di-mo for restoring-new-le-tion, in the event that you put the volume of three tre-ni-ro-wok in one well. For example, if you do 6 exercises of 5 sets for 5 reps for a tre-ni-ditch, then you need to-to-beat-sya to restore new-le-tion time equal to n. If you are half-no-those 2 exercises in the morning, go home, sleep, then in the afternoon go back to the gym and you-half-none-those 2 more exercises, then rest again and already in the evening you-half-none-those 2 more exercises, then it’s time for a complete recovery-new-le- niya will be equal to n-1. At the same time, the intensity of more short workouts will increase. Therefore, if you are tre-ni-rue-tes 3 times a week, it is better to break the same volume into 6 times.

Warm-up and cool-down: two very important factors in muscle recovery, since both help prevent injury, and also allow you to quickly restore energy after training. And you remember that the muscles begin to re-stand-nav-li-va-sya only after the energy-ge-ti-ka was restored! Sa-mo so-fight, to the post-le-tre-ni-ro-voch-no-mu re-sto-new-le-niyu warm-up it has nothing to do with it, it is more needed for preventing injuries, but for this it is necessary for a min. What's for-min-ka? Za-min-ka pos-vo-la-et to speed up the process of removing lactate from the muscles, and this is the first thing that can not be done in order to start re-ge-not-ra-tion energy-ge-ti-ki.

Toning workouts: Another great training way to speed up recovery, the essence of which is to conduct light workouts. You can run in the morning, or “pro-ka-chi-va-sya” with light dumbbells, dispersing the blood, in general, doing something that allows you to achieve pumping. What for? Then, that, together with the blood, hormones and nutrients are put into the muscles, so the body is faster you-we-va-et from them, the products are dis-pa-da and in-lu-cha-et to-half-no-tel-nye re-sur-sy for their restoration.

Stretching: this method largely repeats the previous one, but it should be distinguished from del-but due to the fact that toning workouts and stretching can be done in parallel. Exercises for stretching you can see. This method of re-ko-men-du-em should be used not only as a way to accelerate the recovery of muscles after training, but also as a way to improve speed power ha-rak-te-rice-tic. Stretching helps to avoid injuries, improves muscle feeling, promotes the development of technical masters and, in general, is important aspect of training.

Procedures to speed up recovery

Massage: a more effective procedure when it comes to restoring muscles, but more costly in terms of time and finances. If you are a completely poor student, then you can ma-sa-zhi-ro-vat yourself, but sa-mo-mu, although this sounds ambiguous. Sa-mo-mas-soot a completely effective procedure, and it is re-com-men-du-et-xia to perform even in the event that you can call yourself a massage therapist. If you are a crazy fan and you have a friend who is the same crazy fan as you are, then you can learn the procedure dispute-tiv-no-go mas-sa-zha and don’t spend on pro-fessio-nal-no-go mas-sa-zhis-ta.

Preparations to speed up recovery

the most effective of the additional muscle recovery methods, which is why d-oping is so popular in professional sports. Without observing the basic factors, ste-roi-dy, of course, will not work. But, if the athlete correctly tre-ni-ru-et-sya, eats and sleeps dos-ta-precisely, then in the case of using steroids, his progress will be faster at times. It can be said that all other ways of accelerating the recovery, in comparison with the ste-roi-da-mi, are nothing! Does this mean that we are re-ko-men-du-e-e-using steroids? By no means! Steroids are harmful , and the harm that they inflict is not co-pos-ta-wim with the benefit that they can bring to the lover. As for the pro-professional sports shifts, then they do-ping, unfortunately, to take ku "natural" "chemist" is not a rival. And, nevertheless, the use of do-ping in a pro-professional dispute is pro-ti-in-re-cheat sports ethics!

Sports pit: the main sports nutrition products that can accelerate the process of recovery after a workout should include isotonics , creatine and ami-but-sour-lo-you. All these preparations accelerate the process of resynthesis of energy systems, and you remember that the restoration of muscle structures begins only after then, how the energy was re-established. Isotonics should be drunk during training, ami-no-sour-lo-you before and immediately after, and creatine should be taken at off-tri-no-ro-night time, since this supplement ka ob-la-yes-et effect on-cop-le-niya. All other products of sports pi-ta-niya are la-yut-sya or ma-lo-ef-fek-tiv-ny-mi in the sense of us-ko-re-niya of re-stand-new-le-niya, or pre-naz-na-che-us for solving other tasks.

Conclusion: the most important thing that is necessary for a quick recovery after a workout is the right to eat and sleep. Frequent and short tre-no-ditches, light tre-no-ro-voch-ny sessions, a hitch at the end can help you recover faster developing tre-ni-dov-ki, stretching, massage, hardening and special preparations, pre-appointed for re-sin-te- for energy-ge-ti-ches-kih systems.

A process that should be perceived as a natural necessity. Muscles begin to grow only after it ends. In order for this process to go much faster and without consequences, it is important to be able to properly relax and restore your strength necessary for the next workout.

What do you need to know about training?

Proper physical activity is a guarantee that recovery after a workout will be quick and painless. The basic rules for playing sports include:

  1. Limiting the duration of one workout to one and a half hours.
  2. One day a week you need to give the muscles a rest.
  3. Alternatively, a minimum load is allowed on this day.
  4. Every day it is necessary to give the body a rest, not only at night, but also during the day. One hour of sleep at lunchtime will be enough.

Rehabilitation after training

How to properly restore the body after a workout? The main means of rehabilitation include the following:

  • passive rest;
  • well-chosen diet;
  • massage;
  • bath;
  • water treatments.

Massage for athletes is one of the most effective recovery methods. Due to the removal of decay products from the muscles during this procedure, they become more elastic. The result is an increase in their performance.

You should also pay attention to such a tool as a steam bath. It promotes muscle relaxation, which is achieved by increasing thermoregulation and activating sweating.

When visiting, you should follow some rules. For example, while in it, it is unacceptable to pour cold water on it. This procedure should be done after the end of the session.

Passive rest is a normal night's sleep. Its duration should not be less than eight hours. This time is enough for muscle recovery.

With water therapy, it is easy to relax the muscles. In addition, it relieves muscle tension. The most effective is to visit the pool.

Post-Workout Recovery: Nutrition

Among the products that have a positive effect on the recovery of the body after sports training, one should highlight such as:

  1. Eggs. They will always be number one on the athlete's menu. Their protein has the highest value compared to other foods that must be present on the table during the recovery period.
  2. Salmon. Due to the proteins and omega-3 fatty acids contained in salmon, the recovery process is much faster. This is due to a decrease in protein breakdown products in the muscles.
  3. Water. Violation of the fluid balance in the body is fraught with a decrease in the rate of muscle recovery.
  4. Beef. It is a great alternative to creatine. Meat contains a large amount of iron and zinc.
  5. Yogurt. This is a product that combines proteins and carbohydrates. For quick muscle recovery after a workout, this is the best solution.
  6. Almond. It contains a large amount of alpha-tocopherol. It is a form of vitamin E.

Preparations for recovery after training

The leading position among drugs that promote muscle recovery is occupied by antioxidants. They are responsible for the suppression of free radicals. Thus, muscle pain is reduced and the development of inflammatory processes is suppressed. Antioxidants include vitamins A, C, E and others.

You should also pay due attention to amino acids. The body itself does not produce them, so it needs help. Amino acids are presented in the form of "L-isoleucine", "L-valine" and other substances. Thanks to these supplements, the immune system will always be protected.

Another drug that promotes rapid regeneration is Inosine. It removes lactic acid from the body, which in turn contributes to muscle fatigue.

How else can you stimulate recovery after a workout? Immediately after its completion, it is recommended to take up to 5 grams of "BCAA". This complex stimulates production. In addition, it inhibits catabolic processes.

You also need to take 3 grams of creatine and the same amount of glutamine. Creatine will restore the lack of energy, and glutamine will increase the production of growth hormone.

It is equally important to drink at least a liter of pure non-carbonated water immediately after training. It will help restore water balance.

Additional Information

Each workout should end with a mandatory hitch (light exercises). In addition, special attention should be paid to professional massage. Due to the stimulation of blood and lymph flow, a quick recovery after a workout is possible.

Taking anabolic steroids will have a positive effect on the general condition of the body.

How to define recovery?

Two hours after training, you need to measure the pulse. If the indicator is less than 75 beats / min, then the recovery process has been successfully completed. An indicator of more than 75 beats / min is a signal of the body about overtraining or about the occurrence of problems in the cardiovascular system.

Sound sleep speaks of the activation of the process of restoring vitality. If an athlete is accompanied by disturbing dreams, as well as morning and afternoon sleepiness, then the training regimen should be adjusted.

Pain in the chest area is a signal that the body has not yet completed the recovery processes after past workouts.

The speed of muscle recovery directly depends on the degree of load, so it may not be the same on different days. If the load was insignificant, the muscles will recover in a day. In order for them to recover after a moderate load, it will take two days.

Full recovery after training is possible only after a week. In some cases - two weeks after a lot of physical activity.

If we want to get in good physical shape, what is the first thing that comes to mind? and, isn't it? But is there anything else you don't do? What is stopping you from reaching your final goal? In this article, we will consider another important detail that most people do not attach much importance to. This detail is one of the reasons why people give up when they are close to reaching their fitness goals.

Few people attach importance to what needs to be done after the workout is over. People think that if they exercise and eat right, then there is nothing else that could bring them more impressive results.

Your post-workout actions determine how well you recover to continue fitness activities the next day. Injuries, severe muscle pain, lack of energy and that's what you have to deal with if you do not take action in order to recover faster. After all, the more fully you recover, the better your next workout will be, and the longer you can continue your fitness activities. In the long run, all this will bring much more impressive results.

In fact, it is these actions that can be what determines whether you get results or give up everything without reaching your full potential. If you want to avoid stagnation, then you must pay close attention to the recovery process. Here are a few helpful tips to ensure you have an optimal recovery:

1. Be sure to perform a "hitch". Make sure that the increased heart rate after training returns to normal. Low-intensity exercise such as walking, jogging, and slow pedaling are best. The duration of the "hitch" is determined by the intensity of the workout. The more intensively you practiced, the longer the “hitch” should be. Even if you have little time, still allocate 5-10 minutes for a “hitch”.

2. Maintain the water-salt balance. Environmental conditions determine how much fluid and electrolytes your body needs. The hotter the weather, the more you sweat and the more fluids and electrolytes you need. By the way, you don't have to drink isotonic drinks just because your favorite athletes do. There are healthier options as well. Try drinking water with juice or lime (or both), orange juice, and a pinch of salt. You can add stevia powder to sweeten the drink. Many energy drinks have added sugar, but you don't need it at all. Many people think that they need sugar to replenish their glycogen stores, but this is not at all the case. We will return to this a little later.

3. Knead soft tissues. Use a fitness foam roller, PVC tube, massage stick, or something similar to knead the soft tissue. This process truly works wonders. Kneading aching muscles causes blood flow to microdamages that appear in muscle tissue during exercise. And this, in turn, accelerates muscle recovery. Attention! If you have never performed soft tissue kneading before, this procedure can be quite painful. In addition, special attention should be paid to kneading particularly aching areas. But believe me, the next day you will be glad that the muscles no longer hurt so much.

4. Do exercises to increase mobility in the joints. If you have muscle imbalances or joint problems, then you need to spend some time on rehabilitation or joint mobility exercises to eliminate or at least reduce these problems. To perform such exercises, 5-10 minutes a day is enough.

5. Perform light static stretching. Although static stretching exercises should not be done before a workout, as they reduce the muscle's ability to contract effectively, doing them after a workout is a good way to restore normal muscle length. There are a huge number of such exercises, but at a minimum, each of us should perform at least stretching exercises for the hip flexors and pectoral muscles. Stretching your hip flexors will help release tension in your lower back, while stretching your pecs will improve your posture and relieve you of slouching. Hold the stretch position for 30 seconds or more.

A great way to perform these exercises is the "tension, relax, stretch" technique. To do this, you need to isometrically contract the muscle you want to stretch for about 6 seconds, then relax it and take a deep stretch position for 15-20 seconds. You can repeat this technique 2-3 times per exercise, each time stretching the muscle more and more.

6. Post-workout nutrition. The opinions of experts on this matter are very different from each other, because it all depends on the state of your health and fitness goals. However, the most common recommendation for post-workout nutrition is to take a combination. The ratio of proteins and carbohydrates varies from 1:1 to 1:4. If you train for an hour at a moderately high intensity, then a ratio of proteins and carbohydrates of 1:4 is more suitable for you. This ratio of nutrients is also suitable for those who want to increase muscle mass. But these recommendations aren't always true, so experiment with different ratios of protein and carbs and see what works best for you.

If body is your goal and you are not interested in gaining muscle mass, then after training you can take only proteins, especially if you follow a low-carb diet and do short high-intensity workouts lasting less than 30 minutes. Since these workouts are quite short, your glycogen stores will not be completely depleted during exercise and can be easily replenished by the body. In this case, if you consume enough protein after a workout, then you should not worry about losing muscle mass. Once again, this recommendation is not set in stone, and you can try adding some carbs to your post-workout meal (1:1 or 1:2 protein to carb ratio). Experiment a little to see what works best for you.

These are six recommendations that can help you recover faster after training. Keep in mind that small changes can make a huge difference in the long run. Just 15-20 minutes a day will help you drastically reduce muscle pain, restore muscle and joint function, so you can continue exercising and reach your fitness goals.

With muscle atrophy, their tissues are weakened and reduced in volume. Muscle atrophy can occur as a result of inactivity, malnutrition, illness or injury. In most cases, atrophied muscles can be strengthened through special exercises, diet, and lifestyle changes.


Part 1

What is muscle atrophy

    Learn about what muscle wasting means. Muscular atrophy is a medical term that describes the reduction in muscle volume and their disappearance in a particular area of ​​the body.

    Learn more about dysfunctional atrophy (atrophy from inactivity), which is the main cause of muscle wasting. Muscles can atrophy due to the fact that they are not used at all or are used very rarely, as a result of which muscle tissue degrades, contracts and becomes damaged. This usually occurs as a result of injury, a sedentary lifestyle, or an illness that prevents certain muscles from working.

    • Dysfunctional muscle atrophy can develop as a result of extremely poor nutrition. For example, muscle tissue can atrophy and disappear in prisoners of war and people suffering from eating disorders such as anorexia.
    • This type of muscle atrophy can also be observed in people who have a sedentary job, as well as in those who are physically inactive.
    • Severe injuries, such as damage to the spine or brain, can leave a person bedridden and result in muscle atrophy. Even less severe injuries, such as a broken bone or torn ligament, can limit mobility and also cause dysfunctional muscle atrophy.
    • Diseases that limit a person's ability to exercise and be active include rheumatoid arthritis, which causes inflammation of the joints, and osteoarthritis, which leads to weakening of the bones. With these diseases, movements are often accompanied by a feeling of discomfort, pain, or even become impossible, which leads to muscle atrophy.
    • In many cases, dysfunctional muscle atrophy can be reversed by strengthening and building muscle through increased physical activity.
  1. Learn about the causes of neurogenic atrophy. Neurogenic muscular atrophy occurs as a result of disease or damage to the nerves in the muscles. Although this type of atrophy is less common than dysfunctional atrophy, it is more difficult to treat because in many cases it cannot be eliminated simply by increasing the load on the muscles. The following diseases often lead to neurogenic atrophy:

    Recognize the symptoms of muscle atrophy. It is important to identify the symptoms of muscle atrophy as early as possible in order to immediately begin to eliminate it. The main symptoms include the following:

    • Muscle weakness, reduction in their volume.
    • The skin surrounding the affected muscles appears flabby and drooping.
    • Performing activities such as lifting various objects, moving the atrophied area and exercising is associated with difficulties, although there were no problems with this before.
    • Pain in the affected area.
    • Back pain and difficulty walking.
    • Feeling of stiffness and heaviness in the damaged area.
    • It can be difficult for a person without medical education to determine the symptoms of neurogenic atrophy. The most obvious symptoms of this type of atrophy include slouching, stiffness of the spine, and limited mobility of the neck.
  2. If you think you have muscle atrophy, seek medical attention. If you suspect muscle atrophy, try to consult your doctor without delay. He will be able to identify the causes, make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

    Seek help from other professionals. Depending on the cause of your muscle atrophy, your doctor may recommend that you see a physical therapist, dietitian, or personal trainer who can help you improve your condition with specific exercises, diet, and lifestyle changes.

    Find a personal trainer or physical therapist. Although you can do some exercises on your own in an attempt to stop muscle wasting, it's best to do it under the guidance of a qualified instructor or trainer to make sure you're doing it right.

    • The trainer will begin by assessing your physical condition, and then teach you specific exercises to strengthen and build muscle in the atrophied area. He will evaluate the effectiveness of training and, if necessary, correct them.
  3. Start with small loads, gradually increasing the intensity. Since most people with atrophied muscles start exercise after a long period of low physical activity, you should start with small loads. Remember that your body is not as strong as before atrophy.

    Start with aquatic exercise or aquatic rehabilitation. Swimming and water exercises are often recommended for patients recovering from muscle atrophy, as this type of exercise helps reduce muscle pain, quickly tone atrophied muscles, restore muscle memory, and relax damaged muscles. Although these exercises are best performed under the guidance of a specialist, below are a few basic steps to start your workout with.

  4. Walk around the pool. After going into the water about waist-deep, try to walk in it for 10 minutes. This safe exercise helps to develop the muscles of the lower body.

    • Over time, increase the duration and depth.
    • You can also use an inflatable ring, paddle or water dumbbells for more water resistance. These devices will help you strengthen the muscles of your torso and upper body.
  5. Perform knee raises in the pool. Rest your back against the wall of the pool, standing on the bottom with both feet. Then lift one leg, bending it at the knee as if you were marching in place. Raising the knee to the level of the pelvis, straighten the leg, stretching it forward.

    • Do the exercise 10 times, then repeat it with a change of leg.
    • Increase the number of repetitions over time.
  6. Do push-ups in the water. Standing facing the wall of the pool, place your hands on its edge, holding them shoulder-width apart. Raise yourself on your hands, leaning out of the water about halfway. Hold this position for a few seconds, then lower yourself back into the water.

    • For an easier version of this exercise, place your hands on the edge of the pool, spreading them shoulder-width apart. Then, bending your elbows, lean towards the wall of the pool.
  7. Move on to bodyweight exercises. As you progress, add ground-based bodyweight exercises to your workouts.

    • Beginners can start with 8-12 repetitions of the exercises below. These exercises are aimed at developing the main muscle groups.
    • To strengthen atrophied muscles, do these exercises three times a week.
  8. Learn to do squats. To do this, stand up straight with your arms outstretched in front of you. Gently and slowly bend your knees, as if sitting down on an imaginary chair. After holding this position for a few seconds, straighten your legs, returning to the starting position.

    • Keep your balance on your heels and make sure your knees don't go forward past your toes.
  9. Do one leg lunge squats. To do this, stand up straight with your hands on your hips. Pull in your belly.

    • Take a wide step forward with your right foot. While doing this, keep your back straight. Raise your heel, resting your toe on the floor.
    • Bend both knees at a 90 degree angle at the same time. You can control your posture by watching yourself in the mirror.
    • Lower your heel to the floor and straighten up. Return to the starting position by pulling the right leg back and repeat the exercise for the left leg.
    • Remember to keep your back straight.
  10. Try lowering to train triceps. Use a stable bench or chair for this. Sit on a bench or chair and lean on the edges with your hands, spreading them shoulder-width apart.

    • Stretching your legs out in front of you, slowly slide forward, leaning on your hands. Straighten your arms so that the main load falls on the triceps.
    • Gently bend your elbows, keeping your back close to the bench. As you lower yourself, firmly hold onto the edges of the bench with your hands.
  11. Do basic abdominal exercises. To do this, lie on your back on a mat or rug. Without lifting your feet off the floor, bend your knees.

    • In this case, you can cross your arms over your chest, or bring them behind your neck or head. Try to lift your shoulders up by tensing your abdominal muscles.
    • Hold this position for a few seconds, then lower yourself back and repeat the exercise.
  12. Try weight training. Use expanders or strength training equipment for this. These exercises should only be started after you have successfully mastered the bodyweight exercises above. Also try to figure out which weight-bearing exercises help strengthen the muscle group you need.

    • The bench press can be done with expanders. Lying on your back on a bench, stretch the expanders in front of you, as if lifting dumbbells up.
    • Start with lighter expanders. Feeling that the exercise is given to you quite easily, change the expander to a heavier one. This way you can gradually increase the load.
  13. Incorporate aerobic exercise into your workouts. Complement the above exercises with aerobic exercises, which also help strengthen atrophied muscles. Try to do regular walking and other cardio exercises.

    • Start with a 10-15 minute daily walk. Gradually increase the speed, bring the duration of the walk to 30 minutes, after which you can move on to daily jogging.
  14. Don't forget to stretch your muscles. After each session, stretch your muscles to increase their range of motion. Spend 5-10 minutes stretching your muscles after each workout. You can stretch the muscles and separately from training.

    • Try to stretch all the major muscle groups, giving each for 15-30 seconds.
    • Start by stretching your back and upper body. Then move on to the muscles of the neck, forearms, wrists and triceps. Do not forget about the muscles of the chest, abdomen and buttocks. After that, work on the muscles of the thighs, ankles and feet.
  15. Learn some special stretches. Below are some exercises for stretching individual muscle groups.

    • Neck stretch. Tilt your head forward and, stretching your neck, move it to the left, right, back and forward again. Do not roll your head in circles as this is not safe.
    • Shoulder stretch. Place your left hand on your chest. Grab her forearm with your right hand. Pull it until you feel a stretch in your left shoulder. Push your left hand in the opposite direction, squeezing the muscles of the shoulder. Do the same with the right hand.
    • Triceps stretch. Raise your right hand. Bending it at the elbow, bring it back, reaching for the area between the shoulder blades. Place your left hand on your right elbow and pull it towards your head.
    • Wrist stretch. Stretch your arm forward and slightly pull your palm back, holding it with your other hand. Repeat the same with the palm of the other hand.
    • Knee stretch. Sit cross-legged. Stretch one leg in front of you and try to reach the foot, holding it for a few seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise with the second leg.
    • Lumbar stretch. Lie on your back. Bending one leg at the knee, lift it to your chest. Repeat the exercise with the second leg.
    • Leg stretch. Lie on your back and stretch both legs up. With your hands on the back of your thighs, pull your legs up to your face.

Greetings to all lovers of a healthy lifestyle and sports!

Throughout your workout, you worked hard and hard. To the maximum loaded their muscles. Training is over, what's next?

After a workout, a quick recovery process is necessary.

Regular fitness and bodybuilding classes allow you to achieve excellent results in slimness and beauty of the body. However, the training process in the gym or at home with dumbbells inevitably leads to a certain physical fatigue of the body, the more you load your body with power loads, and do not allow it to recover, the faster you will stagnate in training, there will be no desire to do fitness and bodybuilding in further, as the body will prevent this. Therefore, in order to avoid this, you need to properly and skillfully restore your strength. The reward will be new results and achievements.

First, let's understand the concept of what recovery is.

Recovery is the return to normal of the physical parameters of the muscles of the body, as well as adaptation to new loads, in comparison with the initial level. After all, at each workout we want to increase the number of repetitions or increase the weight of the projectile. Therefore, in order to quickly and effectively restore the muscles and the body as a whole, consider what phases exist in the recovery process.

Sports medicine divides the body into four phases of post-workout recovery.

Rapid recovery phase. The duration of this phase is about 30-40 minutes after sports or fitness. During this period of time, the body returns the spent energy and normalizes the cardiovascular rhythm, there is a restructuring in metabolism, which requires the restoration of homeostasis. Anabolic hormones begin to flow into the blood.

Delayed recovery phase. After the metabolic processes in the body have returned to normal, this phase comes into play. The water balance in the body is normalized, nutrients are absorbed, the synthesis of protein, enzymes and amino acids is activated, helping to restore muscle tissue, or rather damaged cells.

Supercompensation. This phase of muscle recovery begins two days after training, lasting about five days. The recovery process in this phase is similar to the previous two, but has its own differences. At this phase, the increase in functional and morphological characteristics exceeds the initial level. Catching tail supercompensation is a very important process, this phase should coincide with the next workout of a specific muscle group. An excellent phase to continue doing fitness and bodybuilding.

Postponed Recovery. The fourth and last phase of body recovery after training is characterized by the return to the training level of all muscle parameters, provided there is no repeated adequate load during the supercompensation period.

And now let's see how you can determine for yourself overwork after training in the fitness room and muscle fatigue of the body.

muscle recovery after exercise

  • After two hours of training, measure your heart rate (HR). Measure while seated pulse rate , it should be around 75 beats per minute. If this indicator is higher, you should think about whether you have heart problems or suddenly overtraining has come. A similar indicator can be measured and blood pressure. A high heart rate says that you have loaded your body too much, in the training process, trying to quickly get the long-awaited result in gaining or losing weight. Therefore, reconsider the loads, especially when choosing weights.
  • well-being worsened. I don’t want to go to training, this is a sign of not recovering. The body needs at least 24 hours, the optimal period is two days, stick to it. Schedule your workouts in such a way as to avoid overwork and poor health. If necessary, it is better to increase the recovery time.
  • Bad dream. It is expressed in an unstable period at night, when you cannot fall asleep for a long time or sleep is interrupted at night. You also feel sleepy in the morning. Therefore, proper sleep also affects muscle recovery after a workout. Only high-quality sleep is needed not only for relaxation, but also for the muscles, during the period of "short-term inactivity" the muscles do not have time to bounce back and prepare for new loads in the gym, so you need to sleep at least 7 hours during fitness and bodybuilding, for athletes better 8-9 hours. Be sure to go to bed before 24 hours, the most important process of sleep occurs in the period from 24 to 4 hours. This time is the most effective time for the production of growth hormone, which in turn contributes to the overall recovery of the body after physical activity.

Accordingly, progress in obtaining the result will be really visible, only if the correct training schedule, proper nutrition, and rest are observed.

If you want to avoid stagnation in the training process, get the result and unleash the full potential of your muscles, listen to main ways that guarantee you a quick recovery after a workout.

Do not allow the maximum load of your muscles during the training, this can lead to the complete destruction of muscle cells. If you constantly exhaust your jars in a workout, muscle damage accumulates over time and the body has to expend energy to eliminate the effects of pain, and there is less energy left for building muscle. You need to go towards your goal gradually, train to go beyond your muscle comfort zone with each workout. Do not load your body with the first workout.

Cool down. After a hard workout, no matter what your goals are, like gaining quality relief or burning fat, spend a few minutes exercising at a low intensity. These include walking on a treadmill, slow movement on an exercise bike, swimming while making sure that the heartbeat returns to normal. And of course, if you intensively loaded your muscles, then the hitch should be long. But on average, 5-10 minutes is enough. In another way, a hitch can be compared with active recovery, a light cardio load after strength training stimulates blood circulation to the muscles.

Constantly maintain the water-salt balance. In all training processes, for a full and quick recovery, you need to drink plenty of water. It would be better if you add the juice of a squeezed lemon or lime, an orange and a pinch of salt to plain water. You can add stevia powder for a sweet taste. This is a better option for the body than consuming energy drinks or sugary juices during a quick recovery after a workout.

After training, muscle pain appears in order to eliminate it stretch soft tissues. For massage, a foam roller, massage stick, PVC tube are suitable. By kneading aching muscles, you accelerate blood flow to micro-damaged areas that appeared in muscle tissue during training. And this, in turn, speeds up the process of muscle recovery.

Always do exercises to increase joint mobility. Even if you don’t have problems with joints, it’s enough to spend 5-7 minutes a day on these exercises for recovery, which will allow you to effectively quickly restore your body after going to the gym.

Fulfill light static stretches. Each of us should perform exercises to stretch the hip flexors, which will reduce tension in the lower back and pectoral muscles - improve posture and save you from stooping. Try to hold the stretch position for 30 seconds. A great way to do this exercise is to take-tension, then relax and stretch. To do this, you need to contract the muscle (6 seconds) that you want to stretch, then relax it and stretch for 20 seconds. For one stretching, you can repeat this technique 2-3 times.

Reduce stressful situations In my life. Only physiological stress is allowed, which you allow to apply to your muscles. Other stressful negatives are not acceptable. Imagine troubles at work, inaccessibility of the Internet, a letter of happiness from the traffic police, and in the evening physical activity. This combination can have a very detrimental effect on the recovery of the body after a training load. Try to avoid unnecessary stressful situations. There is a simple and affordable way to do this, smile more often and think only about the positive in our lives.

Walk outdoors more often. Even visiting the gym can be done on foot if located nearby. Walking around the house in the evening for 20 minutes is enough for a quick recovery of muscles and energy.

In the summer, for a quick recovery from muscle stress after training, it is perfect tanning under the sun. Vitamin D, which we get from the sun's rays, helps to strengthen bones and ligaments, gives a surge of energy and speeds up the recovery process of all body systems. On this occasion, there are research results that have shown that athletes who train in warm countries recover faster than those who train in the northern regions.

To relieve muscle pain and remove lactic acid from muscle tissue, doctors recommend cold and hot shower or a bath, so do not neglect this method. A cold contrast shower improves well-being and quickly restores the body's work.

If possible, be sure to visit sauna or Russian bath. The period of being in a steam room or sauna perfectly helps to recover due to the increased temperature. This improves blood circulation, and pain in the muscles passes much faster.

Of course, the most basic way to recover after a workout is. After training, for quick recovery, it is necessary to apply a 1: 4 intake, that is, with intense physical activity for 1 hour, a combination of proteins and carbohydrates is suitable. This combination of one to four (protein and carbohydrates) is an average value, it can fluctuate in different directions, 1:1 is also allowed. If your goal is to lose weight and don't want to gain mass just yet, it's best to take protein alone post-workout, especially on a low-carb diet and when you're in the gym for about 30 minutes of short, high-intensity workouts. At the same time, glycogen stores will not be completely exhausted and replenished by the body. So listen to your body and try different combinations of proteins and carbohydrates. From food, highlight foods enriched with potassium, after intensive training, the reserves of this substance will be negligible, therefore, along with sodium, potassium is a key mineral for rapid recovery. Bananas and potatoes are excellent and affordable sources of potassium. Bananas can be consumed immediately after completing the entire complex in the locker room, mashed potatoes at home. Of the unusual, waxy corn can be distinguished - a product with carbohydrate-containing substances with an increased molecular weight. Taking this product after training accelerates the synthesis of muscle glycogen twice as compared to classic carbohydrates.

Mandatory use of combinations. In the first phase of taking sports nutrition, immediately after training, you need to take 5 grams, this amount will be enough to suppress catabolism and increase the secretion of anabolic hormones. 3 grams of glutamine will be enough, this is perfect for restoring muscle fibers. A good fact is to drink 5 grams of creatine. After a high-quality and intense workout, creatine is best absorbed by the body.

In the second phase, after 20-30 minutes (protein-carbohydrate window, the body absorbs nutrients best) after training, consume quality protein in the form of whey protein. It will replenish the supply of amino acids, suppress. An average of 30 grams will be enough. After a workout, for a quick recovery of the body and muscles for people seeking to get rid of excess weight, a gainer is suitable that will fill the “carbohydrate window”.

This is where you can draw a line on the question of how

recover quickly after a workout

By following these points correctly, you will receive accelerated replenishment of energy after physical exertion. Fitness and bodybuilding should bring joy, not fatigue and irritation. After all, the better you recover, the better and more productive your next workout will be and you will continue to work out in the gym. In the long run, this will bring you impressive results. And lastly, a little.

What is real fatigue after a workout. You come from the gym, eat, go into the bedroom, and there is a naked beauty on the bed. You walk up to her, undress...throw her off the bed and go to bed.

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