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Training of professional athletes in the gym. Personal opinion: Should Russian athletes train abroad

To abstain or not to abstain, that is the question

Joel Seedman PhD

Here's what you need to know...

The effect of pre-competition sex on different people varies greatly depending on the sport and individual characteristics. Sex may help soft-sport athletes relax, while powerlifters and fighters should avoid it. Endurance athletes should also refrain. Sex before a competition can lower testosterone levels, which are vital for athletes during long competitions.

Technically, any factor that increases testosterone levels can improve athletic performance and physical strength. Abstinence for several weeks can cause a significant increase in testosterone levels. Often it is not sex per se that harms an athlete, but the search for sex, which takes all night. Sex before intense training may not affect its quality. Nevertheless, abstinence is ideal.

Is it necessary to abstain from sex before sports competitions and intense training? It depends on the circumstances. It used to be thought that men experience a temporary drop in testosterone levels after sexual activity. However, the topic of sex before training or competition is not as simple as it seems.

individual differences

Research and case data show significant variability across sports and individuals. People react differently. Sports physiologists believe that there is an optimal balance of excitement and calmness before a competition. In some sports, and depending on the level of training of the athlete, a lot depends on his ability to remain calm and focused or be relaxed. In this case, sex the day or night before the competition can help him calm his nerves and relax his nervous system. This is effective for athletes in sports that require a strategic approach, such as quarterbacks, golfers, tennis players, basketball players who score from a distance.

Power Athletes

Conversely, football front line players, powerlifters, weightlifters, wrestlers, hockey players, boxers, and mixed martial artists benefit from some degree of aggressiveness, adrenaline, heightened energy, and heightened nervous drive. Abstaining from sex for a few days before the competition contributes to this, as it increases testosterone levels and aggressiveness.

The classic example is Muhammad Ali, who abstained from sexual activity for a month before the fight, while legendary quarterback Joey Namath was a big game sex promoter. However, all this is extremely individual and largely depends on the sport, as well as on the required psychological and physical condition of the athlete.

Psychological characteristics should also be taken into account. Some athletes need a certain amount of tension and excitement, regardless of the sport and competition.

endurance athletes

Interestingly, endurance athletes such as marathon runners or triathletes benefit from abstaining from sex before competition in the same way as athletes in aggressive sports. The reason is that long-term endurance events lower testosterone levels and increase cortisol and estrogen levels. Higher testosterone levels can eliminate these negative effects. Pre-competition sex, potentially lowering testosterone levels, may amplify the negative hormonal changes and catabolic effects that are associated with long-distance competition.

Athletes' opinion

This topic was often discussed by professional athletes with whom I worked, especially players in the National Football League. Usually, the debaters agreed that the optimal period of abstinence is at least 48 hours before the competition. Sex during this period, although it helps to relax, but reduces aggressiveness and testosterone levels.

Athletes often reported that when they were in their teens or in their early 20s, their sexual activity was higher (daily or even multiple times a day). However, around the age of 25, they found that this frequency led to a serious deterioration in athletic performance, caused some fatigue and reduced testosterone levels.

Seasonal Precautions

Athletes need to exercise caution during the season. One factor that usually boosts testosterone production is strength training. During the sports season, athletes rarely maintain an intense and regular strength training program, and therefore, after sexual activity, testosterone levels do not immediately return to normal.

Doing an intensive strength training program on a continuous basis is the best way to get your testosterone levels back to normal quickly after sex. I regularly see this in my athletes. The more strength training they do (without overtraining, of course), the less they have to worry about how sexual activity will affect their strength, performance, or testosterone. Strength training keeps testosterone levels more stable, and it's hard to be influenced by outside factors like sex.


Technically, anything that increases testosterone levels improves athletic performance, training quality, and physical strength. Research data shows that abstaining from sex for several weeks causes an increase in serum testosterone levels, which is beneficial for certain types of athletic performance and training. Regarding longer abstinence (several months or more), opinions are divided, since it is less studied.

Some athletes insist that after 1-2 months of abstinence they feel a serious increase in testosterone levels, performance, aggressiveness, confidence and recovery rate. However, some experts have a different opinion - "what is not used is destroyed." They believe that prolonged abstinence from sex causes a decrease in testosterone production, since it is not used for sexual purposes, and the body stops producing it.

In short, after prolonged semen retention, the body can reduce testosterone production, as it literally bathes in it. However, none of these theories are supported by serious facts.

The real culprit

Often, it's not sex that affects performance, but what comes along with it, such as inadequate sleep. In addition, athletes who frequently change sexual partners are more likely to visit clubs where they also drink, smoke, and use recreational drugs. Obviously, these factors affect their performance much more seriously than sexual activity. To paraphrase legendary New York Yankees coach Casey Stengel, it's not sex that destroys an athlete, it's the search for sex that lasts all night.

Research data and reality

In general, when comparing the presence or absence of sex before competition, data from most studies showed no difference in performance markers or testosterone levels. However, many coaches and athletes argue otherwise, noting the negative impact of pre-competition sex (less than 24 hours in advance) on performance.

Regardless of the validity of these claims, it is important not to overlook the physiological components of these theories. If an athlete believes that something is affecting his performance in a certain way, it probably is. Unfortunately, there is little empirical research on this topic, so it is important to take into account all forms of experimental evidence, personal opinion, anecdotal evidence, as well as scientific evidence.

Problems with research

One of the problems with pre-competition and training sex research is the difficulty of conducting practical research - most men refuse to participate when they find out it involves abstaining from sex. Even voluntary participation does not ensure the accuracy of the results, since the methodology often assumes the honesty of the reports of the sub-experts. If they have sex during this period, chances are they won't report it.

Sex and restoring a normal heart rate

While there is no convincing evidence to support claims that sex hours before a competition affects testosterone levels, there is evidence that it negatively impacts heart rate, recovery, and exercise perception. This can lead to an increase in cortisol levels and increased catabolic processes in the body of an athlete, that is, worsen performance, immune function and recovery. In addition, an increased heart rate during competition or training can also lead to increased fatigue.

The acceleration of the heart rate in given competitive conditions or the perception of the load is also associated with the acceleration of the sympathetic nervous system. It switches the body into a "fight or flight" mode, which often makes it difficult for the individual to concentrate with excessive arousal and stress.

What scientists and athletes agree on

Both scientists and athletes agree on one thing: having sex on race day (especially a few hours before) is a stupid decision due to the potential drop in testosterone levels. When testosterone levels drop, an athlete experiences a host of undesirable effects, including decreased energy levels, impaired recovery, decreased aggressiveness, and even decreased strength and power.

If you ask what they think about sex a week or even a day before the competition, you can hear the widest range of opinions. Most modern researchers believe that there will be no negative consequences. On the other hand, professional athletes of aggressive sports (football, wrestling, hockey, boxing) often hold the opposite opinion.

Maintain or increase testosterone levels

While sex before a competition or workout isn't likely to significantly lower testosterone, it certainly won't increase it. On the other hand, abstinence leads to an increase in testosterone production. In other words, it is more important to compare the effects of abstinence and no abstinence. If one were to simply investigate how one-time sex affects testosterone levels, there would be no significant effect or change in testosterone production, at least according to most of the scientific evidence available. However, for many sports and athletic competitions, it is important not only to maintain a stable testosterone level, but to increase it to the maximum. Given this fact, it is better to practice weekly or longer abstinence.

Professionals and amateurs

In general, the same principles that guide high-level athletes before a competition apply to the average training enthusiast. Sex the night before a big workout or just before a workout might not ruin it at all, but abstaining would be the best solution.

If your upcoming workout includes big compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and variations of weightlifting movements, then abstaining from sexual activity will increase your aggression levels, your speed of nerve reactions, and your testosterone levels. Conversely, if the workout targets small, isolated muscle groups, such as arm exercises, then sexual activity will likely not affect the quality of the workout.

Postsexual nutrition

Post-sex nutrition is very important, especially if the athlete was involved in sexual activity a day or less before the competition or intense training. Sexual intercourse allows you to burn up to 300 calories, which must be replaced as quickly as possible if the competition is already on the way.

Another important factor is the right type of nutrients. Fats and proteins are the main players after sex. Fats are needed to optimize hormones, and protein minimizes catabolic processes in the muscles. So, for safety reasons, if sex happened less than 24 hours before the competition, then food is needed to quickly restore physiological and endocrine functions.

A protein shake with a handful of almonds, walnuts or seeds will be an excellent recharge for the body after sex. It's also important to avoid fast carbs, which can cause blood sugar spikes, which can delay testosterone recovery.

Stimulation without ejaculation

Evidence from several studies has found that sexual stimulation without subsequent orgasm can improve performance. For example, any activity with a spouse or partner that does not lead to orgasm but contains sexual stimulation can lead to a temporary increase in testosterone levels.

There may be a sharp increase in the level of energy, aggressiveness, performance and strength. The main thing is to postpone sex for a period after training or competition. However, if you find it difficult to abstain from sex after sexual stimulation, then you should not resort to this method. Orgasm before a competition or training produces the exact opposite effect, which is just desirable to avoid.

And what about the women?

There is a paucity of empirical research on pre-workout or competition sex done on men and even fewer on women. However, based on individual communications and experimental data, it can be said that the effect is different in women. Professional athletes such as Ronda Ruzi claim that sex before a competition improves performance. However, more research is needed as insufficient empirical data has been collected.

best time for sex

After the competition is the perfect time for sex. Sexual activity after intense training or competition can help optimize your hormonal response to exercise, boost immune function, and promote mental and physical recovery.

Dr. Joel Seedman is a neuromuscular and athletic performance expert who works with athletes to improve muscle function and movement.

26. Athlete Mode

Some young athletes believe that following a strict regimen is an impossible task.

It is not right. Runner mode is very simple, you just need to get used to it.

The concept of the regime includes certain hours of sleep, eating, training, work or service, etc.

Mode is not only a convenient distribution of time. The regime promotes deep physiological processes in the body and is of great importance for improving the performance of an athlete.

The external environment has a continuous impact on a person. Try wearing a studded shoe that accidentally has a nail inside, you will immediately pull your foot away when you feel pain. This responded to external irritation of the central nervous system. This reaction of the central nervous system is called a reflex. There are unconditioned, innate, and conditioned reflexes that are acquired by a person during his life. The former constantly live in a person, while the latter are entirely dependent on the temporary connection of the central nervous system with the external environment. Conditioned reflexes can appear in one situation or another, gain a foothold, but if the life situation has changed and the connection of the central nervous system with the same environment has ceased, then conditioned reflexes can completely come to naught and die out.

The runner, who is used to training at the same time, develops a conditioned reflex over the years. When the moment of training comes, he experiences a surge of energy and a desire to run, as his nervous system is already tuned to perform this training load. I experienced it myself.

At the beginning of my sports path, I became addicted to morning workouts; this was due to the nature of my service in the navy. Early morning was the most free time for me. For several years in a row, whether I wanted it or not, but at the same time I seemed to be picked up from bed and "carried" to training. It was during these hours that I felt an increase in physical strength and an irresistible desire to train. But the conditions have changed, for the first time I got to the short-term training camp of athletes of the Armed Forces, who were preparing for the national championship. Here, the entire group of long-distance runners trained at 5–6 pm. I came to training with everyone together at an unusual time for me. No matter how hard I fought, I had no desire to run, I had no rise, while in the mornings, when everyone did only light warm-ups and gymnastics, I would get in the mood with just the look of a tracksuit and I wanted to do any training work. Thus, the reflex reaction established over the years tuned my whole body to the upcoming work at a certain hour. At first, my workout, carried out in the evening, was sluggish and without lifting.

But as the years passed, by the nature of my service, it became more convenient for me to train in the evening, and in the morning to do only exercises. And gradually the urgent need of the body to train only in the morning faded away. Over the years, I have accustomed myself to doing training work in the evenings, but always at exactly the right time. Now it was by this time that I experienced an increase in physical and mental strength, I felt cheerfulness and energy, a desire to work hard.

Strict adherence to a certain daily routine helped me to perform a large amount of training work and quickly restore my strength.

What is the best regime to follow for a beginner in running who has set himself the goal of becoming a master of sports? Here is an approximate daily routine that can be recommended.

The best time to sleep is from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. The athlete should start his day with exercises, then do business. There must be the right balance between training, rest and work time. Physical activity should be replaced by rest.

Between work and training, an interval of 2-3 hours is necessary, and it is useful to devote at least an hour of this time to complete rest, reading, or some other favorite pastime that is not associated with great physical exertion.

The best time for training is from 16:00 to 20:00, but not later. Training carried out at a later time greatly excites the nervous system, as a result, the athlete often cannot fall asleep for a long time, sleep becomes restless, and normal rest is disturbed.

Dinner should be an hour and a half before bedtime and not earlier than an hour after training.

Training should be carried out regularly, gradually increasing the volume of loads. Such a situation is unacceptable when an athlete, having missed several workouts, seeks to catch up with a colossal overload. A heavy and unusual load threatens the runner with overstrain and fatigue of the nervous system, and sometimes with a breakdown in the body's activity. This forced training method is especially dangerous for beginners.

A young runner who dreams of becoming a master of sports must first of all observe a strict regimen of training, sleep, rest, food and entertainment.

An athlete cannot achieve high results if he violates the regime. Violation of the regime leads the runner to a decrease in performance, overwork and overtraining. Long-term and systematic violation of the sports regimen leads not only to a decrease in results, but also to a reduction in the athlete's sports longevity.

Speaking about the regime, it is necessary to say that it is very useful for a runner to take a steam bath.

Regardless of the daily shower after training, it is recommended to go to the steam room once a week. A good steam bath is an excellent diaphoretic, it cleanses the skin and boosts metabolism. After the transition to large training loads, the runner sometimes begins to ache in the joints and muscles. The steam room has a beneficial effect on the joints and ligaments, increases the elasticity of the muscles and facilitates their rapid contraction. The best time to take a steam bath is 3-4 hours after a light workout. It is most convenient to visit the bathhouse with a friend, so that you can steam each other with a broom. Particular attention should be paid to the muscles of the back, lower back and legs. After the steam room, it is useful to have a massage. You can not visit the steam room before the competition. The bath is useful 4-5 days before the performance, but not later. It is not recommended to go to the steam room after a strenuous workout, with severe fatigue, and also after a heavy meal.

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Sergey Kataev, director of the branch "Ruza" FSUE UTC "Novogorsk":

We are now entering into contractual relations with other federations - such as synfringts - such an unusual sport. Water polo players - this year we will try to roll the first ball.

In December 2013, the construction of a hotel-type hostel for 100 people with a rehabilitation center was completed here. The Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation Vitaly Mutko took part in the opening ceremony.

The gold of the World Championship, the silver of the European tournament, the Olympic bronze - all these awards are the achievements of the Russian weightlifting team. The base in Ruza has long become a second home for Russian weightlifters.

Kirill Zavadkiy, head coach of the Russian women's junior weightlifting team:

Everything is very good. We like. This has been a base for weightlifters since ancient times, all the conditions have been created here. We are satisfied. It remains for us to show the result.

Today in the branch of the "Training center "Novogorsk" - "Ruza" has built two specialized weightlifting halls. Remoteness from the city, nature, a specialized diet and rest allow you to focus exclusively on sports training, which significantly improves performance at competitions.

Svetlana Shcherbakova, silver medalist of the Youth Olympics in weightlifting:

Here are all the conditions for training. Very comfortably. You come here and think about nothing else. If something distracts you at home. Here the gym is very convenient - 3 minutes, and you are already here. Food. All conditions, in general, are created for training.

Elling for storing boats and boats, two floating berths - provide comfortable training for the Russian national team in kayaking and canoeing in the branch of the training center "Novogorsk" - "Ruza". And specialized lifts, ramps, horizontal bars allow training camps for Paralympic athletes to be held here.

Sergey Bogdanov, coach of the Russian Para-Rowing Team:

We have wonderful conditions here, we have a wonderful director here - Sergey Valeryevich. We have been based here since 2012. All conditions have been created for us here - ramps, boats are based, good food. Now we are equipping the hall so that we can also work with a barbell on rowing machines in the winter.

The modernization of the branch of the Olympic base in Ruza is taking place thanks to participation in the Federal Target Program for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports in Russia. Today, the management of the center already intends to enter a new stage of the program, which will begin in 2016, for the further development of infrastructure.

At the height of the Winter Olympics in Sochi, millions of spectators admired the physical preparation and talents of the athletes participating in the competition. But behind the physical feats of athletes lies an even more impressive power of the mind.

This power is cultivated through years of training that trains the brain for the concentration and endurance needed to achieve optimal results. It's no exaggeration to say that great athletes achieve success through the ability to control their minds.

Decathlon runner and Olympic gold medalist Bruce Jenner once said: The mind needs to be trained just like the body". His words reflect an athletic principle that has long become almost a cliché: sports success is 90% mental and only 10% body.

According to Olympic gold medalist and gymnast Shannon Miller, - “Physical training for sports is not enough - psychology plays a big role. Especially when it comes to the best of the best. All participants in the Olympic Games are very talented. Everyone practices a lot. Everyone is doing the right amount of work. Only psychology separates gold medalists from silver medalists.”

You don't have to fight for a gold medal to start training your mind. Here are five secrets of Olympic champions that will help you increase your performance in any area of ​​your life.

Visualize the desired result

Many athletes use the "mental image" technique, or visualization, to perform at their best. Studies of the brain activity of heavyweights have shown that the brain is activated in the same way both during weight lifting and during visualization of this process.

Psychology Today reports that research indicates that mental training can be just as effective as physical training. A study published in the Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology in 1996 found that visualization of weight lifting caused real changes in muscle activity.

Mental images affect the cognitive processes of the brain: motor control, attention, perception, planning and memory.”, says the researcher Angie LeVan in Psychology Today. “ During visualization, the brain prepares for real actions. Psychological training is known to increase motivation, increase confidence and self-efficacy, improve motor skills, set the brain for success, and increase the state of “flow.”.

are not just thoughts about the upcoming event. When athletes visualize, they actually mentally feel like they are taking part in a competition.

During visualization, she uses all the senses.”, writes sports psychologist Dr. JoAnn Dalkoetter in The Huffington Post blog about the speed skater. “ She feels her front foot push off the track, she hears the sound of skates on the ice, she sees how she passes her rivals. She lives through all the elements of the race in detail before completing the run.”.

Meditate every day

Snowboarder last week Jamie Anderson won the gold medal in the slopestyle competition. What is the secret of her success? She knows how to stay calm even in the middle of the most important competition of her life.

I was terribly nervous last night,” Anderson told the Washington Post. – “ I didn't get a piece in my throat. I tried to calm down. I turned on music for meditation, lit incense sticks, candles. I did yoga… It's all about being in a good mood. Thank God I slept well. I read mantras. It helped me”.

The Washington Post noted that this tactic is very different from the methods of former Olympians, who relied on discipline and strict coaches.

From Olympians to NBA players, more and more professional athletes like Kobe Bryant, Tiger Woods and LeBron James are practicing meditation to improve their performance. Such practices help to improve the psychological state of the athlete, relieve stress, increase attention and concentration, and improve the emotional state.

Get rid of the nasty neighbor in your head

What do you do more often: mentally cheer yourself up or torment yourself with an internal monologue about fear and insecurity?

Great athletes, despite all the obstacles in their path,. They managed to get rid of the nasty neighbor in their head, which always reminds them that they are not capable of anything.

sports psychologist Anthony Hatzigeorgiadis argues that inspiring and motivating internal monologues give athletes an edge over their competitors. A meta-analysis of studies by Hatzigeorgiadis and colleagues in the field of sports psychology showed that internal coaching (“Keep your feet straight”, “Use your main skill”) helps athletes develop technique and skills, and internal motivation (“You know you can!”) Helps with strength and endurance exercises.

Mind controls actions”, claims Hatzigeorgiadis. – “ If we learn to regulate our thoughts, we can control our behavior.”.

Set reasonable goals

All Olympic athletes have a clear goal. And this is not just a goal - after all, once they were all young athletes who only dreamed of competing with the best of the best. Skater Den Jansen, who won Olympic gold in 1994, said: “ The higher your goals, the more you will work”.

Try using the secret shared by Olympic swimmer and three-time gold medalist Dr. Gary Hall Senior: When you set a goal for yourself, the most important thing is to write it down and hang it where you will see it every day. I would recommend the bathroom mirror or the refrigerator door, two places you look at regularly. When I was 16 and training for my first Olympics, my coach wrote all my goals on the swim board that I used at every workout. I could not help but pay attention to them and eventually got into the Olympic team. Find your personal plaque - whether it be a sticker on your monitor or a reminder on your phone - and make sure that your goals are always in your head in the first place. As for the definition of the goals themselves: they should be as specific and achievable as possible. Author of the book "The Power of Habit" Charles Dewigg argues that many often misunderstand their goals.

Most often, people write a list of goals instead of a list of actions that they need to perform to achieve this. They do not think about how to organize these activities in such a way that they become a habit.', says Dewigg.

Move with the flow

By tuning into a state of “flow” (in other words, being “on fire”), athletes can achieve optimal performance. The state of "flow" is characterized by the merging of action and awareness, a high degree of concentration, a feeling of calmness, self-confidence and full involvement in the process. This state helps athletes not be distracted by extraneous factors that may interfere with their performance.

Only mentally strong athletes are able to achieve, maintain and restore this state.”, they write Damon Burton and Toman D. Radeke in Sports Psychology for Coaches, “The flow state is essential for personal success.”

The “flow” state isn’t just for athletes – surgeons who perform complex surgeries experience it just as intensely as professional athletes. We can enter a state of “flow” when we are writing, dancing, cooking, or even reading a book. It helps us to become fully involved in what we are doing. According to the psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, author of Finding Flow, this state is the secret to a happy life.

Getting fully involved in the flow helps us achieve success in life more than joy.”, writes Csikszentmihalyi. “ We feel happiness when we experience the passive pleasure of relaxation, sunny days, or contentment with a cloudless relationship. Such happiness depends on favorable external circumstances. The happiness of moving in the “flow” depends only on ourselves and leads to the growth and expansion of consciousness”.


Kaori Matsumoto and Ryuiji Sonoda at the 2012 London Olympics

Japan Women's Olympic Team Head Coach Ryuiji Sonoda regularly beat athletes with a bamboo sword. In response to the warning issued to him, the mentor at first said that he did not feel guilty, but then he nevertheless decided to resign. The most rigid style of work of trainers is a typical phenomenon for Asian countries. Not rare are the stories of Japanese, Chinese and Korean athletes being beaten by their mentors.

Unsportsmanlike behavior of some coaches in Japan
Sports scandals in Japan

Judoists at the London Olympics brought Japan three medals. Kaori Matsumoto, performing in the weight category up to 57 kilograms, became the champion, and two more athletes took silver and bronze. Six months after the Olympics, the athletes were silent, and then filed a complaint with the National Olympic Committee. Judoka said that Sonoda insulted them, slapped them and beat them with swords for (traditional samurai swordsmanship). In fear of the coach, the athletes participated in competitions, even when injured.

The investigation confirmed at least five facts of assault, which has been banned for teachers (including coaches) in Japan since 1947. The measure of responsibility for violating this prohibition has not been established, so coaches are not always punished. Avoided serious punishment and Sonoda. They even wanted to leave him at the head of the national team, but he resigned of his own free will.

Judo scandal is not the first such story. Perhaps the most terrible case occurred in 2007, when a 17-year-old sumo wrestler died after training. Takashi Saito. It turned out that the coach not only beat him regularly (in particular, the day before the athlete's death, the coach hit him on the head with a beer bottle), but also forced other sumo wrestlers to beat Saito. One of the athletes, on the orders of the coach, beat Saito with a metal baseball bat. The case went to court. The sumo wrestlers received suspended sentences, and the coach was sentenced to six years in prison.

Corporal punishment in Japan is used both in high performance sports and at a lower level. In December 2012, the 17-year-old captain of his school basketball team committed suicide after being beaten by his coach. After this story, the Japanese sports authorities declared war on violence in sports, but so far, it seems, only in words.

Japanese marathon training

How do Japanese marathon runners train? Coaches and japanese runners willingly share their training methods. The basis of the training of Japanese marathon runners is a very high volume of running. World Cup finalist Atsushi Sato within two months, before the marathon in Otsu (Lake Biwa Maraton), he ran 2500 km in training, which is an average of 290 km per week. Toshinari Suva performs the same volume training, running approximately 1300 km, at an altitude of 1880 above sea level. Pictured is the Tokyo Marathon:

Takauki Inubishi 3 months before the 1999 Berlin Marathon, where he ran second with a respectable time of 2:06:57, trained 2-3 times a day, running 50-80 minutes. Unfortunately, there is no data on strength training and whether athletes use weight machines for the gym, but it is known that Japanese marathon runners they spend a lot of time in the gym and devote a lot of time to gymnastic exercises for all types of muscles.

Yuki Kawauchi - Marathon World Cup Winner

Training at very high volumes forces athletes to recover. The high level of Japan's economy allows Japanese marathon runners to eat natural, purely ecological products for recovery. During the training period, 7 different dishes can be on the athlete's table. Seafood in Japan always fresh and eaten regardless of training. Japanese marathon runners can eat fish in the morning and evening. Algae nutrition is very popular among athletes, as it contains a lot of useful minerals.

A very large opportunity in the choice of food products allows athletes to fully recover with microelements after hard training.

Marathon History of Japan has a huge history and great athletes, Toshinara Takaoka, Japanese record holder (2:06:16), author of 4 results below 2:08:00. Hiromi Taginushi, the only one to win a gold medal for Japan at the World Marathon Championships.

Great Shigeru brothers(2:09:06) and Takashi So(2:08:55) who ran marathons in the mid 70s and 80s and many others. © akboxing.ru, chfla.org.ua

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