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Program to increase the number of pull-ups on the horizontal bar. Technique and scheme of pull-ups on the horizontal bar from scratch

3 months ago I wrote to you about the “15 week push-up program”, today it’s time to write about the “30 week pull-up program”

Stick to this training scheme for thirty weeks, and you are guaranteed to be able to pull yourself up thirty times, or even more. Practice on the bar every day of the week except one. Rest between sets 2-3 minutes.

If you are still skeptical, search the Internet for articles about this training program. And yet look at the last column - after a few months of hard training, as a reward, you will get the opportunity to pull yourself up 82 (!) times within 10 minutes. Your muscles will become extremely hardy and strong.

Impressive, isn't it?

Little tricks:

To create the right mood, use music that gives you a burst of energy.

Have a good rest! Remember that the key to success is regularity. If you feel that you did not have time to restore your strength, train today in a soft mode, or even miss a day altogether.

Never exercise when you are sick or injured. It may seem to you that if you miss a couple of days of classes or a whole week, you will fall far behind. Actually it is not. If you think a little, then. You will see for yourself that it is much more important to prevent an injury that can set you back many months. And even more so, do not engage in the horizontal bar to the detriment of health.

Pay special attention to the technique of pull-ups on the crossbar. Always prioritize the quality of the reps performed in an exercise over the quantity.

The correct technique for performing pull-ups on the horizontal bar (crossbar)

Grasp the bar with a shoulder-width grip. True, more significant activation of the large round muscles is achieved with a slightly wider grip. This does not affect the work of the latissimus dorsi, and the slightly wide grip of the round muscles puts it in a more
Favorable conditions for traction and stretching (that is, for expanding the back).

The grip is pronated, that is, the palms look away from you. Although the supinated grip (palms facing you) activates the biceps more, its disadvantage is that the flexors of the elbow joint, small in relation to the biceps, tire faster in this position. If possible, stand on a bench or bench with the bar at chest level, not chin level. Wrist straps are recommended for people with a weak grip and/or those who find their biceps and other elbow flexors tire before their backs.

Get off the stand, bend your knees (so that they do not touch the support) and slowly (over three to five seconds) lower yourself to the bottom position until the upper back is fully stretched. Hold for a couple of seconds before lifting. This technique will allow the latissimus dorsi and large round muscles of the back to stretch more fully before contraction, which will increase their activation.

Pull yourself up until the bar is at the level of the top of your chest. Don't stop just because your chin has reached her. Try to arch your back and pull yourself up as high as possible to ensure full contraction of all the muscles involved (trapezius, rhomboids, etc.), in addition to the latissimus dorsi and large round muscles of the back.

Important Notes

Probably the biggest controversy regarding this exercise is not about its usefulness, but about the width of the grip. Remember once and for all that pull-ups for the head with a wide grip, pull-ups with a very wide grip are not effective and traumatic. A wide grip definitely reduces the range of motion, which prevents the muscles from fully contracting. This means that it does not contribute to their quality study. This is a waste of time and effort.

Pulling up on the horizontal bar is one of the main exercises for strengthening the muscles of the back and the entire shoulder girdle. Only the strongest can pull up 30 or more times, and today we will tell you how to do it.

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Pulling up on the crossbar is included in the compulsory school curriculum and this is no coincidence. Each young man should pull himself up without jerking at least 12 - 15 times, only then can he be considered physically developed. But there are people who, for various reasons, cannot pull themselves up even once, believe me, there is nothing wrong with that.

How to learn to pull up on the horizontal bar from scratch in a week

For those who do not know how to learn how to pull themselves up on the horizontal bar from scratch, we will reveal the secret of two fairly productive methods. All it takes is desire. You should exercise every day until you achieve the desired result.

Before each lesson, do not forget to do a warm-up. It will not take much time, but it will significantly reduce the risk of sprains and joints, as well as warm up the muscles, preparing them for the upcoming loads.

Learning at home

The first method will help even a beginner and it means that you will study at home without having a partner or training assistant. Since we cannot pull ourselves up yet, here we will use the so-called negative phase of the exercise: lowering down.

Place a chair behind the bar so that you can freely lower and rise on the horizontal bar. Stand on it, grab the horizontal bar with a direct grip shoulder-width apart (palms pointing away from you) and bending your elbows, holding your chin just above the crossbar, hang in this position for a couple of seconds. Then, as slowly as possible, resisting the weight, straighten your arms to the starting position, lowering your body down.

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Rest for a few seconds and repeat the exercise. Ideally, you should do 5 to 6 sets with a forward grip and the same amount with a reverse grip.

This training scheme implies that in a week you will learn how to pull up from scratch. If before that you could not pull up a single time, now you can do it at least two or three.

Do not stop there, at the beginning of the workout, pull yourself up in the usual way as much as you can for 3 sets, and then move on to the negative phase of slow lowering your own weight.

Learning with a partner

The second method implies that you will use the services of a friend or training partner:

  1. Grasp the horizontal bar with a direct or reverse grip shoulder-width apart;
  2. Hang on it;
  3. Bend your knees and cross them at the level of the calf muscles.

While you are trying to pull yourself up, your partner, holding your legs, should help you up with a little effort. Thus, he takes part of your weight on himself. Try to go down slowly, without jerking.

Read more:

Treadmill and exercise bike for weight loss

After a few workouts, you will learn how to pull yourself up on your own, without outside help.

These are the two most effective ways that will teach you to pull yourself up from scratch in a week at home.

How to pull up more than 30 times

In order to develop constantly and quickly, the end of each workout should be an endurance exercise. To do this, you need a stopwatch or a watch with a second hand in front of your eyes.

These exercises after pull-ups are also divided into two types:

Stories from our readers

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  • hanging on the horizontal bar on straight arms for the maximum time;
  • hanging on the horizontal bar on arms bent at the elbows.

The method helps not only learn to pull up from scratch, but also reach 30 or more times.

Hang after each workout on straight arms for the maximum possible time until your muscles get stronger. Start pulling up more than 6 times, move on to the next stage.

Freezing with bent arms is another story entirely. Even experienced athletes cannot always hang in this way for more than twenty seconds. Record your time and constantly try to improve it.

Table - pull-up schedule

This table is an approximate schedule and it should help you learn how to pull yourself up on the horizontal bar correctly. You can always change the number of repetitions, but try to stick to the sets and the general schedule by day.

The second week is the transition to a new level. If you can't pull up on the bar more than three times, repeat the first week.
The numbers (3 x 4) x 2 mean: (three pull-ups in 4 sets) with a direct and reverse grip.

A week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 Lowering on the horizontal bar 3 x 3 Hang on the horizontal bar Hanging on straight arms x 3 Lowering on the horizontal bar 3 x 3 Hang on straight arms Lowering on the horizontal bar 4 x 3 Hang on straight arms
2 Hanging on the horizontal bar x 3 Pull-ups (3 x 3) x 2 Hang on the horizontal bar Pull-ups (4 x 3) x 2 Hang on the horizontal bar Hang on the horizontal bar
3 Hanging on the horizontal bar x 3 Pull-ups (5 x 3) x 2 Hang on the horizontal bar Pull-ups (5 x 4) x 2 Hang on the horizontal bar Hanging on the horizontal bar x 4
4 Hanging on the horizontal bar x 3 Pull-ups (7 x 5) x 1 Hang on the horizontal bar Pull-ups (7 x 3) x 2 Hang on the horizontal bar Hanging on the horizontal bar x 4
5 Pull-ups (10 x 3) x 2 Hanging on the horizontal bar x 3 Pull-ups (10 x 3) x 2 Hanging on the horizontal bar Hanging on the horizontal bar x 3 Pull-ups (10 x 4) x 2 Hang on the horizontal bar
6 Hanging on the horizontal bar x 3 The maximum number of 3 sets Hanging on the horizontal bar x 3 The maximum number of 3 sets Hang on the horizontal bar
  • Always warm up before pull-ups;
  • Do not make very fast and abrupt uncontrolled movements, everything should be smooth;
  • Do not jump on the horizontal bar if it is too high for you, use a stand or a chair;
  • But pull up on a schedule and don't forget to rest between days, otherwise you may overtrain.

What grip to pull up

The simplest pull-up is considered a reverse grip (palms facing the face). In this case, most of the load is taken by the arms and biceps in particular. It is one of the most developed upper body muscles in most people. If you change the grip to a straight line, then the triceps, shoulders and back come into play. The wider we spread our arms, the stronger the load goes to the back. That is why the grip is considered to be the best option slightly wider than the shoulders, when the load is proportionally distributed to the main muscles involved.

How to breathe properly when pulling up

How soon you learn to pull up from scratch depends on proper breathing. Beginners tend to hold their breath for a long time, which leads to rapid fatigue and lagging behind the possible results.

In many exercises, the maximum effort is made on inspiration or with a short-term breath-hold, whether it be deadlift or pull-ups. The only exceptions are the chest press and a few more exercises. Breathing during pull-ups should be as follows:

  • Inhale deeply at the bottom of the movement;
  • Hold your breath and pull yourself up until the chin is above the bar;
  • Exhale quickly as you return to the starting position.

Who among us has not dreamed of drowning on horizontal bars like a king and pulling himself up 30 times per set? I mean doing quality pull-ups, not CrossFit worm-like squirming. You're a street warrior, not a worm, right? Good. Then you've come to the right place because I can teach you how to pull up a lot. But I warn you right away that it will not be easy, and it would not be bad if you could already pull up 15-20 times. If you can’t, then it’s too early for you to play adult games and you should first take a preparatory course !

Warm up

Every workout starts with warm-ups . And when it comes to such a powerful exercise as pull-ups, then there is nothing to do without a warm-up. Unless you want to get injured as soon as possible and score on the horizontal bars.

What is Australia known for, son? That's right, kangaroos, Hugh Jackman and Aussie pull-ups, damn it. And if you have forgotten who is who and what is what, then here is a visual methodological guide for you.

This is a kangaroo

This is Hugh Jackman:

And these are Australian pull-ups:

Why the hell did Australia give up on you, you ask? This godforsaken continent on the outskirts of the world, full of descendants of former prisoners exiled from all the English colonies? Look at your workout and you will understand what's what.

Warm up:>

5 sets of Australian pull-ups (until the chest touches the bar) - 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 with a rest of 1, 2, 3 and 4 minutes, respectively.

If you can’t do it in 1 approach, you break it into several.

Good. This workout was supposed to warm you up. Your muscles should have been filled with blood, your joints - with joint fluid, and your head - with the desire to attack the horizontal bars and give all your best!


There are a lot of ways to learn how to pull up many times, but I will share with you just one of the options that worked for me and for 713 of my students (yes, I keep track of those whom I could teach to pull up 30 times, for this I even have separate black notebook).

One of the ideas that I want to give you would be to develop tremendous strength in yourself for the first 10 repetitions. Then, when you go to do 30k, the first 10 will fly by completely unnoticed by you.

How does everyone usually do pull-ups? How are pull-ups usually counted? Chin over the horizontal bar. Right? And, for sure, when you thought about how to learn how to do 30 repetitions, you also thought about such pull-ups. It is unlikely that you wanted to learn how to do 30 pull-ups to the stomach, like Hannibal.

Looks like today just isn't your day, man. Because your #1 challenge is to learn how to do 10 of these high pull-ups. Naturally with a corner, what a stupid question? Well, if you can’t do it at all with a corner, then at least with your legs bent at the knees, raised to an angle of 90 degrees. You'll also have to work on pumping your abs, apparently, but that's for some other time.

What is the peculiarity of EXPLOSIVE strength training? There are two important points here - firstly, you should try to pull yourself up as high as possible, you should try to pull the bar to your pelvis, you should try to hit the horizontal bar with your quadriceps! This will be an indicator that you are doing pull-ups high enough as it should be. Secondly, the rest between sets should be large enough, 5-7 minutes, no less. Because for your body, such approaches are a huge stress, and you must be fresh enough to give all the best to them 100%!

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, you need to do 10 approaches, each for the MAXIMUM! At the same time, make sure that these are high pull-ups (at least to the chest), and not chin throws!

PROMPT! You can do these pull-ups with a neutral grip, so it will be easier to fly up, because the back and biceps will be more involved in the work!

SLOW strength training

The next training scheme will be the exact opposite of the previous one, but you will do them together in one workout, because they are opposites attract each other, like yin and yang.

What is the peculiarity of SLOW strength training? There are also two important points here. First, you should also strive to pull yourself up as high as possible, and not just raise your chin over the horizontal bar. Secondly, you must perform pull-ups in a deliberately slow way, going up for 5 seconds and going down for 5 seconds.

For these slow pull-ups, you should do 10 sets of 5 reps with a rest of around 5-7 minutes. It’s unlikely that you will be able to do this if you rest less, because doing pull-ups at such a pace gives the main emphasis on training the neuromuscular connection, which will be very useful for you when you finish your last reps in sets to the maximum!

The secret of the horizontal bar masters

Well, now it's time for you to find out one of the greatest secrets of all the masters of the horizontal bar, which they have zealously guarded for many thousands of years, but which I will tell you today and absolutely free. I will say even more, all the most important and useful information in this world is ALWAYS given away for free. It's all slag trying to foist and sell at a higher price. It's true, lyrics, but get it on your nose.

Method 5 approaches - this is the name of the secret technique for increasing the number of pull-ups in the shortest possible time. What is its essence, read below.

Method 5 approaches:>

5 sets of pull-ups on the bar to the maximum in each set with a rest of 4-3-2-1 minutes, respectively. Your task is to give all the best (!) In each approach and at the same time increase the amount from training to training. Otherwise, this program will not work.

Whatever you write on these internets of yours - the only way to achieve a large number of pull-ups is to train to the maximum and increase the training volume and training intensity. Bam, bam, bam, this method kills three birds with one stone.

First, you must give all your best not only in the first, but also in all other approaches. But at the same time we are talking about the maximum WITHOUT stops. As long as you can do pull-ups at a steady pace, do it. As soon as you can’t take it anymore and you need to hang a little in order to grind out another repetition, you do 1-2 pull-ups and get off.

To learn how to pull up 30 times - you need to learn how to pull up a lot without stopping. The only way. When you pull up 25 times non-stop, you can easily finish the remaining 5 repetitions in one. But for this you need to learn how to do 25 non-stop!

Secondly, from training to training, you will increase the number of repetitions done in each approach. Of course, it will be difficult for you to add in the first approach, because this is already your maximum (at least it should be!), but adding in 3, 4 or 5 is more than realistic. And I want you to do this, and not whine like a little girl about how hard it is for you and your arms hurt! At least 1, at least 2 repetitions if you add in several approaches - this will already be a good incentive for growth!

Third, by reducing the rest time as we progress to the fifth set, we maintain intensity. Fatigue builds up, stress builds up, muscles clog up, and that's exactly what you need to get results! Simple and effective!

This is the last powerful scheme for today, after which you can, with a clear conscience, move on to ...


In this program, I will be more than kind to you, so the hitch will be more like a hitch than a kill.


5 sets of 10 Australian pull-ups until your chest touches the bar.


This program involves 2-3 workouts per week (each workout you have to complete the ENTIRE program), depending on your level of training and how well you will give your best in class. In general, if you can now pull yourself up 15-20 clean times, then in a month you should be able to do 25-30, and after 2 months you should bring down 30 only on the road, and do 20 in any condition.

Good luck! And do not forget to report in the comments as soon as you reach the desired goal and thank me for helping me!

16.04.2018 14.02.2019

Pull-ups are one of the key bodyweight exercises that are important for developing upper body muscles. The ability to pull up is a good measure of your fitness and strength training.

In this article, we will consider an important issue: how to learn to pull up from scratch on the horizontal bar for men and women, as well as analyze the technique of pull-ups and useful tips on how to learn to pull up.

Why do you need to learn to pull up on the horizontal bar?

Everyone can learn how to pull up on the horizontal bar, regardless of whether there was a successful pull-up experience in the past. This exercise helps to simultaneously work on all the muscles of the arms and torso: pectoral muscles, muscles of the back and shoulders, biceps and triceps. At the same time, to perform pull-ups, you only need a horizontal bar, which is easy to install at home or find on the sports ground. Pull up is considered most effective exercise with your own body weight to develop the muscles of the arms and back.

Benefits of pull-ups:

  • Pull-ups on the horizontal bar develop the muscles of the upper body and form a beautiful relief of the muscles of the arms, shoulders, chest and back.
  • Regular pull-ups help strengthen joints and ligaments.
  • Pull-ups can be done at home or on the street, you only need a horizontal bar or crossbar.
  • Pull-ups strengthen the core muscles and help keep the spine healthy and functional.
  • The ability to pull yourself up on the horizontal bar is a good demonstration of your physical strength and endurance.
  • If you learn how to pull yourself up on the horizontal bar, then it will be easier for you to master such exercises as a handstand, as well as exercises on bars and rings.

Many people wonder how quickly you can learn to pull up from scratch? It depends entirely on your fitness and training experience. If you used to know how to pull up, then it will be much easier for your body to “remember” the load than to learn a fresh skill from scratch. Usually 3-5 weeks are enough to start pulling up on the horizontal bar at least a few times. If you have never pulled up before, then you can learn how to perform this exercise in 6-9 weeks.

What can interfere with pull-ups:

  • Overweight and overweight
  • Weak upper body muscles
  • Lack of pull-up practice in the past
  • Unused technique
  • Attempt to perform pull-ups without preparatory work
  • Weak functional training
  • Ignorance about lead-up exercises for pull-ups

In order to learn how to pull up from scratch, you must prepare not only your major muscle groups, but also your stabilization muscles, joints, and ligaments. Even if you have enough strength to perform barbell rows for the back or dumbbell lifts with a lot of weight, it is not at all certain that you will be able to pull yourself up. That is why it is not enough just to pump up the main muscle groups that are involved in pull-ups. (arms and latissimus dorsi). You will need fully prepare your body to pull-ups with the help of lead-up exercises - they will be discussed below.

Contraindications for doing pull-ups:

  • Scoliosis
  • Herniated discs
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Spinal protrusions
  • Arthrosis

In some cases, regular pull-ups or even just hanging on the horizontal bar help get rid of spinal diseases. But if you have already If you have back problems, then before you start pulling up, be sure to consult your doctor. Exercises on the horizontal bar can aggravate already existing diseases of the spine.

There are several types of pull-ups depending on the grip of the hands:

  • Direct grip. In this case, the palms look in the opposite direction from you. Such a grip is considered the most preferable, when performing the main load goes to the latissimus dorsi and shoulders.
  • Reverse grip . In this case, the palms and wrists are facing you. It is easier to pull yourself up with such a grip, since the biceps take on most of the load, which help to pull the body to the horizontal bar.
  • Mixed grip . In this case, one hand holds the horizontal bar with a direct grip, and the other with a reverse grip. Such pull-ups can be performed when you have already mastered both grips and want to diversify the load on the muscles. Be sure to change hands when doing these pull-ups.
  • Neutral grip . In this case, the palms of the hands look at each other. Pull-ups with a neutral grip give an accentuated load on the lower region of the latissimus dorsi.

At first, you can only pull yourself up with a reverse grip, if it is easier for you. But gradually try to master pull-ups with both direct and reverse grips to work out the maximum muscle group.

Depending on the position of the arms, pull-ups are:

  • Narrow grip: the maximum load falls on the hands (the easiest pull-up option).
  • Wide grip : the maximum load falls on the latissimus dorsi (the most difficult version of pull-ups). It is not recommended to combine a wide and reverse grip at the same time, this can damage the ligaments.
  • With classic grip (shoulder-width apart): the load is distributed proportionally, so this is the most preferred type of pull-ups.

Different types of grip and hand placement allow you to work all muscle groups of the upper body, using in fact one exercise with your own body weight - pulling up. By learning how to pull yourself up, you can improve your body even without using free weights and simulators. At the same time, you can always complicate this exercise: just pull yourself up on one arm or use weights (backpack, belt).

How to properly pull up on the horizontal bar

Before moving on to a detailed diagram of how to learn how to pull up from scratch for men and women, let's focus on proper pull-up technique .

So, for classic pull-ups, place your hands on the horizontal bar at shoulder width or slightly wider than shoulder width. The shoulder blades are brought together, the body is fully extended, the stomach is tucked up, the shoulders are lowered, the neck is not pressed into the shoulders, the fingers firmly grasp the crossbar. As you inhale, slowly pull your body up, your chin should be above the bar. Hold for a fraction of a second and as you exhale, lower your body to its original position.

Pulling up is performed slowly at each stage of the movement: both on the ascent and on the descent. You should feel the maximum tension in the muscles of the arms and back, you should not make unnecessary movements, trying to simplify your task. In terms of effectiveness for the muscles, it is better to perform one technical pull-up than five non-technical ones. You can try pulling up with any kind of grip, first choose the easiest option for you.

Be sure to follow the correct breathing during pull-ups, otherwise your muscles will not receive enough oxygen, which means their strength and endurance will decrease. Breathe in deeply through your nose (when lifting the body to the crossbar) and exhale through your mouth in relaxation (when relaxing the arms and lowering the torso).

What to do it is forbidden while pulling up:

  • Rock and twist the body
  • Make jerky and sudden movements
  • Arch your lower back or arch your back
  • Hold breath
  • Press your head into your shoulders and strain your neck

Step-by-step instructions on how to learn to pull up from scratch

In order to learn how to pull up from scratch, you need to perform a series of leading exercises that will prepare your body for the load. By practicing these exercises regularly, you will be able to master pull-ups on the crossbar, even if they have never been done before and even if you don't believe in yourself. These exercises are suitable for both men and women, the degree of load is regulated independently. Leading exercises will help you strengthen not only the muscles, but also the ligaments and joints.

Thank you youtube channels for the gifs: OfficialBarstarzz, Abnormal_Beings, Colin DeWaay, Xenios Charalambous, Matt Cama 2.

1. Exercises with additional weight for muscles

Exercises with additional weight will help you strengthen the latissimus dorsi and biceps, which are involved in pull-ups. You can use dumbbells instead of a barbell. Perform each exercise in 3-4 sets, 8-10 reps. Rest 30-60 seconds between sets. Choose a weight so that the last exercises in the approach are performed at maximum effort.

If you do not have access to machines and free weights, then you can immediately start the exercises on the horizontal bar, which are presented below, to prepare for pull-ups.

The Australian pull-up is the perfect exercise to help you learn how to pull up from scratch. To perform it, you will need a low crossbar, approximately at waist level. (in the gym you can use the bar in the Smith machine). Note that during the Australian pull-up, your body must remain straight from heels to shoulders. You can not bend down and arch up, the whole body is tense and taut.

The most important advantage of the Australian pull-up is that it will feasible for absolutely everyone, since its complexity is determined by the angle of inclination. The more vertical your body is, the easier it is to perform the exercise. Conversely, the more horizontal the body is, the more difficult it will be to perform the Australian pull-up. Also, the load depends on the height of the crossbar - the lower it is, the more difficult it is to pull up.

When performing Australian pull-ups, we recommend changing grips: wide grip, shoulder-width grip, narrow grip. This will allow you to effectively work all muscle groups from different sides and adapt to pull-ups. You can perform 15-20 repetitions with different types of grips.

3. Pull-ups on loops

If you don’t have a bar to perform Australian pull-ups or want to better prepare for the classic pull-ups on the horizontal bar, then you can pull up on loops. The gym usually always has such devices, but at home there is a good alternative - TRX loops. This is a very popular simulator for training with your own body weight and the development of all muscle groups. With TRX, you can learn pull-ups even faster.

4. Leg-supported pull-ups

Another pull-up exercise is pull-ups on the low bar with your feet on the floor. To practice this exercise, it is not necessary to have a low crossbar; you can put a box or chair under a regular horizontal bar and fully lean on it with your feet. It is much easier than regular pull-ups, but it is ideal as a muscle preparation.

5. Pull-ups with a chair

A slightly more difficult version of the previous exercise is pulling up with support on a chair with one leg. At first, you can fully lean with one foot on the chair, but gradually try to hold your weight with the muscles of your arms and back, leaning less and less on the chair.

Another simple but very effective exercise that will help you learn how to pull up from scratch is hanging on the horizontal bar. If you cannot hang on the horizontal bar for at least 2-3 minutes, then it will be difficult for you to pull yourself up. Hanging on the horizontal bar is useful for strengthening the wrists, developing the muscles of the back and straightening the spine. Also, this exercise will help the ligaments get used to the weight of your body.

Please note that when hanging on the horizontal bar, the shoulders should be lowered down, the neck extended and not pressed into the shoulders. The body should remain free, the spine extended, the stomach tucked up. You can perform the exercise in several approaches for 1-2 minutes.

If you calmly hang on the horizontal bar for several minutes, then you can proceed to the next stage - pulling up with (expander). One end of the rubber band is attached to the crossbar, and the other fixes the leg. The expander will take on some of your weight and pull your body up. Rubber loops can be purchased on Aliexpress, details with product links in the second part of the article. By the way, this type of expander is suitable not only for pull-ups, but also for many strength exercises.

8. Pull-ups with a jump

Another pull-up exercise that will help you learn how to pull up from scratch is the jump pull-up. If you've never done a pull-up before, you may not be able to do it, so it's best to practice the above exercises first. If your muscle strength allows you to perform a jumping pull-up, then this exercise will perfectly prepare you for regular pull-ups.

Its essence is as follows: you jump as high as possible to the horizontal bar, hold yourself for a few seconds and slowly go down. This could be one of the options. negative pull-up.

9. Negative pull-ups

Any exercise has two phases: positive (when muscle tension occurs) and negative (when muscles relax). If you can't handle both phases of a pull-up yet (that is, pull up on the horizontal bar and go down), then perform only the second phase of the exercise or the so-called negative pull-up.

For the negative pull-up, you need to pause in a bent-arm position over the bar (as if you've already done a pull-up), using a chair or a partner. Your task is to linger at the top as long as possible and then go down very slowly, tensing the muscles of the arms and back as much as possible. The negative pull-up is another great exercise to help you learn how to pull up from scratch.

The number of repetitions in last three exercises depends on your capabilities. The first time, you will probably do only 3-5 reps in 2 sets. But with each lesson you need to increase the results. Aim for these numbers: 10-15 reps, 3-4 sets. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.

Pull-ups for beginners

We offer you a ready-made scheme of how to learn to pull up from scratch for men and women. The scheme is universal and suitable for all beginners, but you can adapt it to your abilities by slightly lengthening or shortening the plan. Train 2-3 times a week. Before doing pull-ups, be sure to warm up and at the end stretch the muscles of the back, arms, chest:

Ideally, start your workout with exercises for the back. (rod pull, vertical and horizontal pull), but if this is not possible, you can only train on the horizontal bar. If you are faced with the task of learning how to pull yourself up on the horizontal bar from scratch in a short time, then you can do it 5 times a week. But not more often, otherwise the muscles will not have time to recover and there will be no progress.

The plan below is designed for beginners. If you are already quite an experienced practitioner, then feel free to start with 3-4 weeks. The scheme indicates only the approximate number of repetitions, it is always better to focus on your physical capabilities. Be sure to keep track of how many reps and sets you've done so you can keep track of your progress. You can rest between sets for 2-3 minutes or dilute pull-ups with other exercises.

First week:

  • 5-8 reps 3-4 sets

Second week:

  • Leg-supported pull-ups: 10-15 reps 3-4 sets
  • 30-60 seconds in 2 sets

Third week:

    5-8 reps 3-4 sets45-90 seconds in 3 sets

Fourth week:

    10-15 reps 3-4 sets90-120 seconds in 3 sets

Fifth week:

  • 3-5 reps in 2-3 sets
  • 10-15 reps 3-4 sets90-120 seconds in 3 sets

Sixth week:

  • 3-5 reps in 2-3 sets
  • Pull-ups with a chair (leaning on one leg): 5-7 reps in 2-3 sets

Seventh week:

  • Pull-ups with rubber loops: 5-7 reps in 2-3 sets
  • Pull-ups with a chair (leaning on one leg): 5-7 reps in 2-3 sets

Eighth week:

  • Negative pull-ups: 3-5 reps in 2-3 sets
  • Pull-ups with rubber loops:

Ninth week

  • Jumping pull-ups: 3-5 reps in 2-3 sets
  • Pull-ups with rubber loops: 7-10 reps in 2-3 sets

tenth week

  • Classic pull up: 2-3 reps in 2-3 sets
  • Jumping pull-ups: 3-5 reps in 2-3 sets

You can speed up the training plan if you are seeing more progressive results than indicated in the scheme. Or vice versa, slow down the rate of increasing the number of repetitions, if you are not yet able to achieve the desired result. Don't worry, sooner or later you will reach your goal!

1. Do not make jerky and sudden movements during pull-ups. Exercises should be performed only due to muscle strength, do not simplify your task with swaying and inertia.

2. Don't force yourself on the horizontal bar, especially if you're trying to learn how to pull up from scratch. Hurried fast movements and excessive load can damage the joints and ligaments. Always aim to improve the quality of your exercise, not the quantity.

3. The lower your initial weight, the easier it is for you to learn how to pull yourself up on the horizontal bar from scratch. Therefore, work on pull-ups should go in parallel with the process of getting rid of excess fat.

4. During exercise, do not hold your breath, otherwise it will lead to rapid fatigue.

5. Whatever lead exercise you do on the horizontal bar or crossbar, try to gradually increase the number of repetitions and sets. For example, if at first you can only do 3-4 Australian pull-ups, then gradually increase their number to 15-20 repetitions and complicate the angle of inclination.

6. In order to progress in the quantity and quality of pull-ups, you should perform not only lead-up exercises, but also train the whole body. Work with dumbbells, barbells, machines and push-ups for the best results.

An individual system of pull-ups on the horizontal bar is necessary for every person who wants to have strong and relief muscles. After all, this exercise has long been considered effective and useful. Now horizontal bars or crossbars are located on all playgrounds, in every yard, gym. Pull-ups have been familiar to all people since school days, but not every person knows and understands that in order to achieve real results, you will need to do much more and better than what is offered in training programs for certain ages.

The article will tell you what pull-ups are, how to perform them correctly, and also help you figure out whether the pull-up system on the horizontal bar is beneficial or is it a waste of time. To achieve maximum results, you should follow all the rules and follow the recommendations presented in the article.

History and theory

In ancient Greece and many other developed and developing countries, there was no clear system of pull-ups on the horizontal bar, but they were necessarily included in the complex of basic exercises. Already in those days, people realized that this strengthens muscles quite well, helps to build mass and forms a harmonious relief.

Tibetan monks developed the first system of pull-ups on the horizontal bar from scratch, improving an already existing technique. They included in it several original elements that make it possible to reach great heights in a short time. Today, far from one system of pull-ups on the horizontal bar is known to people. Among the whole variety of unique techniques, everyone can find the best option for themselves, whether they are a beginner or an experienced athlete.

What muscles can be pumped

Athletes who have been doing the horizontal bar for a long time know exactly how these exercises help. Beginners do not know all the advantages of the horizontal bar. Therefore, before moving on to the pull-up system on the horizontal bar for beginners, you need to understand which muscle groups can be pumped with this projectile:

  • biceps;
  • upper and lower press;
  • pectoral muscles;
  • forearm;
  • back muscles.

The horizontal bar, of course, is a universal sports equipment, because it allows you to work out the whole body at the proper level.

Crossbar exercises

People often turn to the pull-up system on the horizontal bar in order to develop muscles and perform more complex exercises. Indeed, the crossbar gives a fairly wide field for the athlete's imagination. On this projectile, you can perform incredible tricks and exercises that develop various muscle groups.

The most popular exercises are listed below. They attract the attention of not only men, but also women, even despite their complexity.

At the end of the individual system of pull-ups on the horizontal bar, in a month you will achieve significant results, these exercises will seem easy, and they can no longer be embarrassed to be performed on the street or in the gym.


Among athletes of various categories, this exercise is most common. Its main distinguishing feature is the fact that it is popular even among martial artists who prefer to constantly develop their own endurance, strength and agility. But with all this, one should not forget that this exercise should by no means be included in the system of pull-ups on the horizontal bar from scratch, because it is not always easy even for experienced athletes.

The burpee technique is not so complicated, but it requires maximum concentration. The first step is to take the starting position - stand in front of the horizontal bar, stretch your arms along the body, and place your legs clearly shoulder-width apart. The following should be done at a fast pace:

  • to squat;
  • jump to point-blank prone;
  • do one push-up;
  • again with a jump to return to your haunches;
  • take a starting position;
  • jump out and do pull-ups;


Core is an almost complete system of pull-ups on the horizontal bar for building muscle, developing strength and endurance. An unusual set of exercises can be easily performed at home, since the only necessary projectile is a horizontal bar.

The first step is to take exactly the same starting position as in the previous exercise. Next, you need to perform the movements in this order:

  • jump to the crossbar and do pull-ups;
  • raise straight legs so that they are perpendicular to the body;
  • lingering in this position for a couple of seconds, the legs should be lowered;
  • raise your legs again, but at a right angle, and then lower;
  • once again raise straight legs so that the socks touch the crossbar;
  • return to starting position.

This exercise should be repeated for at least four sets.

The best system of pull-ups on the horizontal bar is given step by step below. It is ideal for beginners, but more experienced athletes will need to complicate the task. For them, the ideal option would be to perform this exercise before and after daily pull-ups according to this system.

How to pull up correctly

Many novice athletes want to independently develop a system of pull-ups on the horizontal bar. Of course, not a single beginner can pull himself up 50 times, which is why many of them strive to achieve good results with their efforts. Unfortunately, most of them fail to do this, because not every person who has not previously been involved in sports knows how to pull themselves up correctly. Because of this, people get injured instead of the desired result, and it’s much easier to spend time studying theory than recovering from your own

When pulling up, the back and legs must be straight. It is necessary to raise the body to the stop so that the chin touches the crossbar. The horizontal bar contains many secrets that can lead to the success of any athlete. Fortunately, you don’t need to solve them, because other people have already done this for a long time:

  1. In order to increase the mass, it is necessary to rise as slowly as possible, and to fall, on the contrary, quickly.
  2. To strengthen the muscles and increase endurance, you will need to carry out fast ascents, but you will have to go down slowly.
  3. To improve stretch and flexibility, you should both ascend and descend at a fast pace, and in between sets, it is recommended to simply hang on the horizontal bar for ten seconds.

Types of pull-ups

As you know, you can pull yourself up in different ways:

  1. Direct grip. In this type of lifting on the crossbar, the hands must be directed with the back to the projectile. Narrow straight grip - hands at shoulder level; medium straight grip - arms wider than shoulder width by about 10 centimeters; wide straight grip - hands are located as far apart as possible.
  2. Reverse grip. In this case, the hands should be directed with the palms towards the crossbar. Here you can also pull up with a narrow, medium or wide grip.

Novice athletes who have never pulled up in their lives or have done it for a very long time should definitely listen to the recommendations given by real professionals. Experienced lifters can recommend some great ways to help you learn how to pull up from scratch. Among them:

  1. With a stool. Standing on it, it will be much easier to do pull-ups. Having reached the highest point, it is required to linger in this position for about three seconds, and with each subsequent rise, gradually increase this time.
  2. Rubber insurance. This method involves tying yourself around the belt with a special sports rubber band, which is attached to the horizontal bar at the other end. Thanks to this auxiliary element, it will be easier to get to the top point.

Pull-up system on the horizontal bar for beginners: program

An ideal program, understandable and accessible to everyone, would be the following table.

As you can see, the load increases gradually and carefully enough to protect the athlete from unnecessary injuries, as well as overwork. After successfully completing the first month of training, the load needs to be increased by about 2-3 times.


Before you start exercising on the crossbar, you need to learn the rules that are guaranteed to help you avoid injuries and get the desired effect as quickly as possible. These include the following items:

  1. As before any workout, before starting pull-ups, you need to do a little warm-up. Only 5-10 minutes of cardio will be enough (running, jumping rope, cycling, walking at a fast pace, and so on).
  2. In order to increase the mass, you need to reconsider your diet. It should include more proteins, and the consumption of sweets should be reduced to a minimum. You should also slightly increase the number of calories consumed daily, which will save you from drying muscle mass.
  3. Absolutely every workout must be completed with stretching. This will allow the muscles to recover faster after a workout.

Armstrong pull-up system

This system was used by the well-known United States Marine Corps Major Charles Lewis Armstrong. The program includes all the necessary items that contribute to physical improvement: overload, variety, regularity.

People who have already tried this system on themselves have achieved incredible results in just 5-6 weeks. At the end of the program, almost all beginners could already perform more than 20 pull-ups in just one set.

morning workout

Every morning, immediately after getting up, you must perform exactly three sets of push-ups from the floor to the maximum. Push-ups are the best exercise to help strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Armstrong himself performed the first set of push-ups right on deck, and then went to the bathroom, where he put himself in order. Then he again came to the deck, performed the second set and again went to the bathroom to shave. Immediately after that, the major would come to his cabin and do the final set and go take a relaxing shower.

This type of workout should be done every morning. For many people, it takes about a month to achieve a good result. This is exactly the time during which morning sets will already become a habit and become an integral part of the workout.


It is recommended to start pull-ups approximately 4-5 hours after morning sets. The Armstrong program is divided into 5 training days (weekdays). That is, you need to do it only from Monday to Friday, but on weekends you should definitely give your body and muscles a rest.

On the first day, you need to do five sets, pushing yourself to the maximum. The intervals between sets should be no more than 90 seconds. There is no need to worry about the number of repetitions, since all this time you need to give all the best to the maximum, making all your efforts.

Training on the second day is based on the "pyramid" system. You should start with one repetition, and then add one in each approach, reaching the maximum.

On the third day, you need to do three sets with a medium straight grip, and then the same number with a narrow grip. Breaks between each set should last exactly one minute.

On the fourth day, you need to complete the maximum number of sets with breaks of one minute. You need to pull up as long as you can do it right.

On the last day, you must repeat any of the four days that seemed the most difficult. In each subsequent week, the fifth day will necessarily be different from the previous one.

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