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Earth horse Taurus. Male Horse-Taurus: characteristics, image, attitude to love and career. Characteristics of the male Taurus-Horse in Love

A dream attack often causes a person to wake up with a feeling of anxiety. Such a vivid dream in most cases makes you wonder, why dream of such a plot? Dream Interpretations interpret this dream in different ways. Much depends on who exactly acts as an attacker.

people attack

If a young woman dreamed that she was a victim of robbery, then she should get ready to go through a difficult life period. A series of troubles in your personal life can even make you plunge into depression. But, do not revel in your own suffering for too long. Life is short and it is worth spending it on joy, not sadness.

The universal interpreter explains in detail why a woman or a man is attacked in a dream. If a stranger kicked you in your dream, get ready to increase your own well-being. Profit will come from an unexpected source. Particular attention should be paid to a dream in which your lover acts as an attacker. The universal dream book advises you to exercise reasonable rigor when communicating with your beloved man, otherwise, you will have to take on the difficult role of a leader.

If in a dream a woman rushes at you with fists, treat your reputation with great attention. Thoughtless statements and actions can negatively affect your good name. Correcting an unfavorable impression will be extremely difficult.

In a number of interpreters, one can find an explanation of why a person’s attack is dreamed of. For example, the dream book of the medium Hasse explains such a plot as a symbol of impending material well-being. Perhaps you will be promoted or be able to participate in a profitable business. In any case, it is worth using every possible chance to increase your income.

A dream in which bandits attacked you can hardly be called pleasant. And, indeed, a modern dream book warns of a mortal danger that will soon have to be experienced in real life. Try to be as careful and prudent as possible. Only you can save yourself from serious trouble or minimize its consequences.

It is very interestingly explained by various sources why a maniac attacks in a dream. If in a dream a criminal put a knife to your throat, it means that in reality you cannot freely express your opinion on a certain issue. The female dream book interprets this dream a little differently. In this case, a dreaming maniac promises an acquaintance with a dangerous person. Try not to trust new acquaintances. Perhaps one of these people has sadistic inclinations.

cat attack

A cat is a cunning and independent animal. Do not expect devotion and fidelity from this pet. Seeing a representative of the cat family in a dream is an unkind sign. A dream in which you had to survive a cat attack has a particularly negative meaning. In the coming months, fortune will turn its back on you and many problems, large and small, will arise.

Successfully defending yourself against an attack by a four-legged pet is a good sign. Velesov's dream book claims that you will successfully cope with all the troubles. Finding bites and scratches on your body in a dream - to the machinations of enemies. Moreover, the more noticeable these marks, the more harm you will be caused by ill-wishers.

Particular attention should be paid to a dream in which the cat does not openly attack, but only hiss angrily and demonstrate aggression. Such behavior of an animal in a dream warns that danger in real life can come from an unexpected direction. Try to be on the lookout for the near future.

You can find an explanation of why a cat attack is dreamed of in several sources at once. Super Dream Interpretation reports that this nightly plot indicates nervous exhaustion. If you do not pull yourself together and do not overcome stress now, you can face serious health problems in the future. Try starting to play sports, drink a course of sedatives, or go to an experienced psychologist. All these measures will help you take your own emotions under control.

Attack of various animals

A tiger attack warns of a sudden serious danger. To see such a plot in a dream means to face one big misfortune in reality. It is possible that a conspiracy against you is already being started. Take a closer look at the people around you. You may be able to take a number of measures before the intrigues of enemies hit you hard.

Despite the negative message of a dream in which someone attacks you, there are also quite positive interpretations. For example, a bull attack promises happiness in love. Sonan's dream book interprets a similar plot a little differently. According to this source, running away from a bull in a dream is a rivalry.

The Muslim interpreter has an explanation of why the elephant attack is dreamed of. According to this dream book, the elephant personifies an influential person. The aggressive mood of an animal in a dream towards you does not promise anything good in reality. You will have to face the search for a serious opponent. It will not be easy to repel his "attacks", but it is possible. Especially if you enlist the support of wise and devoted friends.

A cow attack seen in a dream predicts a difficult relationship with parents. Numerous disagreements and misunderstandings seriously complicate your relationship with your mother and father. The universal dream book advises the first to go to reconciliation with relatives. Even if you don't think you're wrong, give in. Over time, all conflicts will smooth out.

The esoteric dream book also explains what the appearance of a cow in a dream means. To see a cow attack from this source means to stand in the way of a strong opponent. It won't be easy to defeat him. You may even be defeated. But, do not despair. This fight will teach you a lot.

If during a night's rest you were attacked by lions, take this dream seriously. The attack of a lion does not promise anything good. Aesop's dream book advises paying attention to the material side of life. A reckless investment of money can lead to ruin. It is better to refrain from participating in dubious matters in the near future.

An explanation of why a wolf attack in a dream can be found in many sources. In most cases, the attack of wolves predicts the appearance of an enemy. Especially if in a dream the wolves bit you painfully. This person can seriously harm you both at work and in your personal life. The universal dream book advises eliminating him from your life as soon as possible.

The attack of a leopard or panther is also a bright warning about the danger that will come from your enemies. If in a dream you managed to kill an angry beast, then in real life you will be able to repel any attacks of enemies.

From the general mass of negative interpretations, the explanation of what the bear attack is dreaming of stands out. Such a plot indicates too strong attachment to parents. The female dream book advises to weaken this connection and start living an independent life.

All of the above can be easily combined into one general interpretation. According to most dream books, an animal attack predicts only problems and conflicts.

Bird and rat attack

If a gray rat rushes at you in a dream, then in real life you will have to survive the defeat. Rivals will prevail. Moreover, this may apply to the struggle for a beloved woman, and participation in sports, and the race for a high official position. The Eastern dream book advises to take losses easier. A fall is almost always followed by a rise.

The Russian dream book interprets this symbol differently. According to this source, a rat seen in a dream portends well-being and the receipt of all kinds of material benefits. It is also important how the ghostly rodent looked. A fat rat with a shiny coat is a good sign. The profit will be very tangible.

An explanation of why an aggressive rat dreams is also available in the Family Interpreter. This dream book warns if you ignore your words and, on any occasion, give vent to feelings, you can find yourself in the epicenter of a major scandal. Think about whether you need such negative emotions? Maybe you should show more restraint?

An attack of birds of prey is a dream with a real threat from enemies. To kill a feathered creature in a dream means in reality to give a qualitative rebuff to ill-wishers.

The attack of the rooster is interpreted a little differently. A pecking rooster seen in a dream symbolizes anxiety. The Small Velesov dream book explains such a plot as an omen of an extremely hectic life period, overshadowed by quarrels and disagreements with old friends.

Miller's dream book attack

This interpreter explains why a young woman dreams of an attack. Being a victim in a dream means facing serious troubles that will arise in your personal life. Solving these problems will require a lot of effort. A break in relations with a spouse or loved one, or an unexpected betrayal is likely. Miller's dream book recommends not experiencing grief alone, but seeking help from a person whom you completely trust.

To attack someone yourself means in reality to show excessive indecision. Modesty prevents you from achieving your goals and communicating with others. Try to deal with shyness on your own. Having got rid of indecision, you will see how much brighter your life has become. You should pay close attention to the dream in which you saw a shark attack. Miller's dream book warns that you will soon have a fierce enemy. It will not be possible to deal with him in an honest way. You'll have to resort to trickery. If in a dream you defeated a shark, then in reality you can neutralize the enemy. Although, it will be extremely difficult to do this.

This source also explains why a knife attack is dreamed of. A cold weapon in the hand of a stranger is a symbol of deceit. A certain person conceived with the help of lies to use you for their own selfish purposes. Try to figure out the trickster and break off all relations with him.

A few more interpretations

A female dream book reports that a snake attack is an unkind sign. If the representative of the fair sex dreamed of such a plot, then in reality she would be at the epicenter of a scandalous story. Provocateurs of the scandal will be people who are inclined to spread gossip. Composure and lack of reaction to provocations will help to survive this unpleasant situation as worthy as possible.

During a night's rest, did you see an attack by aliens? Obviously, you lack romance and new experiences. The universal dream book recommends that, as soon as the opportunity presents itself, go to a place where you have never been before. The emotions received during the trip will energize you for a long time. To see an attack by demons in a dream - to a negative attitude on the part of the authorities. If you don't want to lose your job, try to be less emotional about your boss's criticism. Any challenge to the decision of the authorities can provoke a new wave of negativity and even dismissal.

To find out why an attack on a house or apartment is dreamed of, you need to turn to a universal interpreter. In this case, the dream book warns against excessive gullibility. New acquaintances will want to know as much as possible about your life, but not at all out of banal interest. They need information to harm you. Try to keep your mouth shut.

Astral attacks seen in a dream signal psycho-emotional overwork. The accumulated fatigue interferes with your development. A modern dream book advises to take a break for a while and have a good rest.

The Eastern dream book explains what it means to avoid an attack. To repel a blow in a dream and defeat the enemy means in real life to successfully resolve all current problems. Defense against attack is a good sign. Seeing a similar plot, be sure that you will be able to cope with all the troubles.

In one of the interpreters there is an explanation of what the attack of evil spirits is dreaming of. Devils, demons and other evil spirits appear in a dream when your soul is torn apart by contradictions and doubts. Small Velesov's dream book advises to seek help from a psychologist if he himself fails to normalize his mood. Sometimes the help of a professional is simply necessary.

An energy attack in a dream is a clear warning of impending danger. Caution and composure will get around the trouble.

The Taurus Horse is a very practical Horse. She is capable of organization and patience and this is an important feature of the Taurus Horse. The horoscope of Taurus, born in the year of the Horse, is distinguished by considerable energy and even dexterity. Still, any Horse is restless, and for Taurus this feature can be useful. The Taurus of the Year of the Horse will be more open and free from his own limitations, which means that many things in his life will become easier, and things will be done faster. Taurus, as a business person, will gain a lot of time and effort due to their year of birth!

So, endurance plus organizational talent, plus ambition and a desire to have a practical result of their efforts - a great combination of qualities for any person, so the Horse-Taurus is very lucky!

However, not everything is so simple. That same famous disposition of the Horse, in combination with Taurus, can develop into unbearable stubbornness. And then the Horse-Taurus, except for himself, will not notice anyone and nothing! Living with this is difficult, first of all, for the person himself. The horizon narrows so much that it paralyzes abilities and talents. The Taurus Horse cannot break out of the vicious circle and becomes even more obsessed with its whims. Better not to bring yourself to such a state.

A harmoniously developed Horse-Taurus person knows how to realistically assess any situation, analyzes and acts prudently. Such people are able to take into account the current moment and make the right decision. Taurus restrains the Horse and gives her time to think, and that's good!

In love, the Horse-Taurus will show the instinct of the owner. Even a developed type will actively insist on his own: compromises are not his element. He appreciates beauty and comfort, a reliable rear and himself beloved in all this splendor. A woman of this combination of signs really needs a family and she is able to be a wonderful hostess.

The Horse-Taurus man is, for sure, businesslike and sensible in life. His talents are revealed in the maximum possible way, and everything conceived is always carried out. He can handle both monotonous long work and diverse work, which implies creative involvement, vision from different angles, flexibility of understanding and perception. Of course, all this is possible with the extreme interest of the Horse-Taurus man as a result. Let us not forget that in this combination of signs activity will always be controlled by expediency.

In love, the Horse-Taurus man will immediately outline his priorities. He needs a patient and reliable woman who will be attentive and obligatory towards a man. Yes, he is demanding, but sometimes he can be persuaded. Under the influence of affectionate and languid speeches, he is able to show gentleness, kindness, breadth of soul and ... wallet.

The Horse-Taurus woman is not an easy lady, although she may give the impression of being somewhat frivolous and too busy. However, she feels inner strength, the ability to seize the initiative at the right moment, to make a decisive breakthrough. Yes, she is preoccupied with herself - her appearance, the impression she makes on men. She is very flirtatious and playful when she is interested in a man. But, do not think that it is easy to captivate. The Horse-Taurus woman does not trade in small things and plays big. She needs a wealthy, respectable man, next to whom she will feel successful and desirable.

My brother is a Taurus and a Horse. Very harmful and stubborn. But, if he needs to do something (write a paper, make a report, get through somewhere), then here the brother has no equal. He will die, but he will. Constant in relationships. If he meets with some girl, then he will not even flirt with another. The world narrows down to one girl with him. Likes practical gifts, hates figurines, soft toys, postcards and other dust collectors. What else are you interested in?

My stepfather is a Taurus horse. Good man. The main features are earthly, economic, interesting, sometimes boring, constant, reliable, but there can be no explosions of feelings with him.

My husband is a calf horse. Lazy, likes to eat and lie down in front of the TV, very jealous, likes to drink, imposes his opinion and does not accept any other - very hard.

My husband is a Taurus horse. Stubborn, explosive, imposes his opinion on everyone and everyone and is sure that he has done good) Lazy, but if he is impatient, he will turn mountains. He likes to be needed, to help and play a super-hero, but in general he can only be influenced by affection))

I'm dating a horse-calf! It is something! it is impossible to fully understand it. very complex, at the same time simple character. starts up in half a turn, does not like criticism (even as a joke), but he will willingly criticize me undeservedly. loves submission, requires efficiency in everything, impatient, wants to be loved for life, but you can’t wait for sensuality itself. He wants to be caressed, but he himself is not capable of it. if you make him angry, we will scream like a cut man, he likes to swear. if offended - that's it! don't get close to him until he leaves. these are the relationships, it’s hard for me, because I’m a Leo-Ox. I don't know how long our relationship will last... only God knows!

yes, I forgot to tell about his good qualities: he loves to help everyone, if he has taken up something, he will lead to the end, he is not afraid of obstacles. very sociable, finds an approach to people, knocks out discounts, likes to save other people's money, not greedy, says everything in the forehead, likes to eat, inclined to be overweight, harsh in expressions - does not look that a woman is next to him, culture in communication is lame, maybe burp easily))) if offended - he is merciless and adamant! I don't understand why I'm drawn to him??!!! I'm with him like behind a stone wall, he will solve all my problems. but, all the same, it’s hard with him, we often quarrel, there is no mutual understanding, some kind of nonsense. help with some advice. I like him, I don't want to lose him.

I read the comments and never cease to be surprised ... I have a young man Taurus-Horse ... gentle, affectionate, sensual, he will never say a bad word, and even more so he does not impose his opinion ... if there are disagreements, we come to a compromise through a calm dialogue...and what a hard worker!! I've been circling all day like a bee!! just golden!!
P.S. I am a Taurus-Snake..

I am a Taurus Horse i.e. Horse!) Well, of course, you signed oh oh oh) Comment under No. 21 - I think the most faithful, about the 26th I can tell you with confidence how many girls I had, not one has yet said that I am an egoist and not inclined to foreplay ! On the contrary, the first ones shout: I WANT)) Animal sex is not for us) And in general there are always exceptions to the rules and there is no point in judging strictly according to the horoscope! ... The Zoroastrian horoscope still exists for your information, in which the sign is repeated once every 24 years! If anyone is interested open the read! For example, I’m a cheetah for him, and someone is a turtle, someone from the 78th year ... So ... That's all nonsense!))
P.S.: And by the way, I don't smoke)) - On ave ney)

I have a calf-horse boyfriend! I have never met people like him in my life! Hard-working, reliable, not walking and you won’t get bored with him, he boils for anything except a hunger strike !!! ;))) In any dispute (even if I'm wrong) he has the last word "As you wish, dear", "if it's important to you, let it be your way"! If I need to be met ... he rushes for hundreds of kilometers! No matter day or night! Despite his small age, he is respected and his opinion is valued at work! He builds a house for us! And at the same time, he manages to surround me with such care and attention that there is no desire to even think about another partner! Kiss you from head to toe! These people know how to love! And most importantly, it will break into a cake, but it will feed the family !!! I didn’t hear the words of the mat from him! Very fond of children! All previous comments, except for one .... this is not about them! Just show them tenderness and care .... and they will pay you back in three times the same! Incredible people!

I have a Taurus husband. This is horror in everything, very greedy, nasty, harmful, stubborn, no matter what happens from everything, it will smear itself in itself. There is zero attention from him, he knows the duties of his wife, but he doesn’t even remember about his own, he gives money only after a grandiose scandal, he doesn’t deal with the child at all. It is unbearable to go to the store with him. He is always silent, as if he is waiting for something.

People born in the year of the Horse under the sign of Taurus are quite practical. They are patient and organized - this is their main feature. At the same time, Taurus-Horses are not without a certain vigor and even dexterity. Any horse is always restless, but for a slow Taurus, this quality can be useful. Taurus born in the year of the Horse are more open and free from various personal restrictions, which means that it is easier for them to live and they can implement various things much faster.

Being good businessmen, Taurus, born in the year of the Horse, only win - the Horse gives them extra strength and saves time. In other words, organizational skills, coupled with endurance, complemented by ambition and a desire to see the results of their work in the foreseeable future, give Taurus-Horses an excellent combination that many natures can envy. In short, Taurus-Horses are very lucky!

But, life doesn't always go smoothly. Known for his stubbornness, Taurus, born in the year of the Horse, can become stubborn and impatient. This is where the problems begin. Such people do not notice anything around, except for themselves! Living with the same person is difficult. And first of all to the Taurus-Horse himself. The horizons of such people are narrowed to such an extent that it simply paralyzes the ability of these unfortunate people to realize their talents and abilities. Being unable to break out of this closed chain on their own, such Taurus-Horses are more and more immersed in the abyss of their own whims. Knowing about this feature, Taurus-Horse can prevent such a condition.

The Taurus Horse is a very practical Horse. She is capable of organization and patience and this is an important feature of the Taurus Horse. The horoscope of Taurus, born in the year of the Horse, is distinguished by considerable energy and even dexterity. Still, any Horse is restless, and for Taurus this feature can be useful.

The Taurus of the Year of the Horse will be more open and free from his own limitations, which means that many things in his life will become easier, and things will be done faster. Taurus, as a business person, will gain a lot of time and effort due to their year of birth! So, endurance plus organizational talent, plus ambition and a desire to have a practical result of their efforts - a great combination of qualities for any person, so the Horse-Taurus is very lucky!

Personality of the Taurus Horse

However, not everything is so simple. That same famous disposition of the Horse, in combination with Taurus, can develop into unbearable stubbornness. And then the Horse-Taurus, except for himself, will not notice anyone and nothing! Living with this is difficult, first of all, for the person himself. The horizon narrows so much that it paralyzes abilities and talents. The Taurus Horse cannot break out of the vicious circle and becomes even more obsessed with its whims. Better not to bring yourself to such a state.

A harmoniously developed Horse-Taurus person knows how to realistically assess any situation, analyzes and acts prudently. Such people are able to take into account the current moment and make the right decision. Taurus restrains the Horse and gives her time to think, and that's good!

In love, the Horse-Taurus will show the instinct of the owner. Even a developed type will actively insist on his own: compromises are not his element. He appreciates beauty and comfort, a reliable rear and himself beloved in all this splendor. A woman of this combination of signs really needs a family and she is able to be a wonderful hostess.

Taurus Horse Man

The Horse-Taurus man is, for sure, businesslike and sensible in life. His talents are revealed in the maximum possible way, and everything conceived is always carried out. He can handle both monotonous long work and diverse work, which implies creative involvement, vision from different angles, flexibility of understanding and perception. Of course, all this is possible with the extreme interest of the Horse-Taurus man as a result. Let us not forget that in this combination of signs activity will always be controlled by expediency.

In love, the Horse-Taurus man will immediately outline his priorities. He needs a patient and reliable woman who will be attentive and obligatory towards a man. Yes, he is demanding, but sometimes he can be persuaded. Under the influence of affectionate and languid speeches, he is able to show gentleness, kindness, breadth of soul and ... wallet.

Taurus Horse Woman

The Horse-Taurus woman is not an easy lady, although she may give the impression of being somewhat frivolous and too busy. However, she feels inner strength, the ability to seize the initiative at the right moment, to make a decisive breakthrough. Yes, she is preoccupied with herself - her appearance, the impression she makes on men. She is very flirtatious and playful when she is interested in a man. But, do not think that it is easy to captivate. The Horse-Taurus woman does not trade in small things and plays big. She needs a wealthy, respectable man, next to whom she will feel successful and desirable.

The character of men Horses - Taurus: These men have a very difficult life. On the one hand, they can realize only the good sides of the character, but most often the negative qualities take over. To prevent this from happening, they should improve themselves more. The path of cultivation will be difficult, and they will often give up. But having reached a certain level, they can be very successful in all respects.

The character is complex, determined by a combination of signs. They choose difficult ways to achieve their goals. They always meet complex men on the way. On the one hand, overcoming difficulties can have a positive effect on their character, but this quickly depresses and drains mentally. To prevent this from happening, they change the situation, life situations, but all these changes are temporary, as nature takes over.

Horse Men - Taurus in Love and Relationships: Romantic relationships can be different. In their case, they can ennoble, make them move up when choosing the appropriate partner. Otherwise, they may be misunderstood. Usually a partner serves as a rear for them, which allows them to shed negative energy. If they have chosen the path of self-improvement, they will choose a partner to their liking and the relationship will develop differently accordingly.

Horse Men - Taurus in Finance and Career: These men like to set global goals for themselves. By setting such tasks, they do everything by half. It is difficult for them to keep their attention for a long time on one area. This happens with a career, as they tend to try many areas, which also leads to exhaustion and a complete reluctance to do something. They need to decide on career plans in their youth, so that later they can realize their plans without changing their decisions.

Horse Men - Taurus in family and marriage: Family relationships of these men will always be stormy. They like to sort things out, noisy conflicts and scandals. Reconciliations will be just as noisy, which leads to partner fatigue. Usually the partner herself decides to leave him, since too complicated relationships do not suit anyone. They should prepare for family life, become more loyal and soft, instill the habit of listening to another person.

Advice for men Horses - Taurus: It is quite difficult for these men to tune in to positive relationships with other people, but only relationships will allow them to feel not just a separate person, but part of some kind of system. They do not always like it, but it is through this that they will be able to achieve a feeling of happiness. It is quite difficult to please them, but they should look for happiness in everyday events, and not in something grandiose. Set small goals for yourself.

The characteristics and compatibility of the Taurus-Horse man clearly demonstrates the character and behavior of representatives of this type in various areas of life.

It is believed that people born under these signs are practical and energetic.


Taurus-Horse is a pronounced realist. He has no time to soar in the clouds and dream, he is used to turning his plans into reality, and not waiting for fate to send him good luck. Such a man always stands firmly on his feet and soberly assesses any situation. He has excellent abilities for analysis, therefore, as a rule, he has no problems with choosing a profession and the financial sphere of life. Business qualities allow the Taurus-Horse man to become an excellent leader or businessman. In general, according to the characteristics of the Taurus-Horse man, he is an open, honest and kind person who easily manages to find a common language with others. The ability to lead and organize people to a representative of this type was inherited from the Horse, since Taurus are, as a rule, passive and slow natures.

The activity inherent in men of this zodiac combination changes them for the better. He is truly free and self-sufficient, and no restrictions can prevent him from achieving his goal. Taurus-Horse always analyzes his own actions, which helps him make the right decisions in life. But, meanwhile, some negative qualities are also characteristic of such individuals - stubbornness and selfishness, for example. A representative of this sign combination should learn to manage his shortcomings if he wants to achieve stability and prosperity in his life. The knowledge of this simple technique will allow him to achieve incredible results. However, even such unpleasant character traits as stubbornness and egocentrism are not able to overshadow the main qualities of the Taurus-Horse man - patience, erudition and determination.

It is this combination that becomes the key to a harmonious and happy life. It is worth noting that by nature the Taurus-Horse has a very wayward character. In part, he can be attributed to the number of conservative and pragmatic people who value and honor traditions. To achieve their plans, representatives of this iconic combination choose difficult paths. On the one hand, overcoming obstacles and the process of independently solving problems tempers the character and makes them stronger and more strong-willed individuals, but on the other hand, this can negatively affect the psycho-emotional state of a man. However, representatives of the Taurus-Horse type should not give up halfway through. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to continue the path of self-improvement, which at times will be very difficult, because at a certain level it will certainly bring good results.

Compatibility in love

Romantic relationships with the opposite sex in representatives of this type can develop in different ways. They can inspire a man to action and make him move forward or remain misunderstood. In any case, the chosen one for the Taurus-Horse is always a reliable rear, where you can hide from problems and dump negative energy. If a man prefers to move along the path of self-improvement, then he will choose a partner to his liking, which means that relationships will develop in a completely different way.

Having come to harmony in relationships, the Taurus-Horse man can become a reliable and faithful partner for his beloved woman. It is important for him that the chosen one be a good housewife and a submissive partner. If we talk about the compatibility of the Taurus-Horse man with the fair sex, then it is worth remembering that a serious relationship of this nature is possible only when he sees his future wife and mother of his children in a lady. From the first days of meeting a woman, a man will understand whether she fits his requirements or not. In love, Taurus-Horse behaves like a typical owner, so he needs a soft and patient girl who will be ready to give her partner the title of leader in a relationship. But even despite the exactingness and stubbornness of the Taurus-Horse, with the use of flexible tactics, the partner will be able to convince him.

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