Exercises. Nutrition. Diets. Workout. Sport

Perhaps one of the most spectacular sports! Figure skating: its history and rules. Skating

You can give your child to the ice from the age of three!

School of figure skating "Academy of Sports"

This Moscow school is already 12 years old. It is very important that she has as many as nine different sites - ice rinks and palaces scattered throughout the capital, so you can choose any ice rink closer to home. You can start learning to skate here from the age of three and a half. And by the way, the first trial lesson can be visited completely free of charge.

Children's professional sports school "Strogino plus"

Perhaps you yourself once studied in this section: "Strogino Plus" (formerly the school was called "Cheerfulness") was founded in the early eighties of the last century. During this time, more than one generation of professional athletes has been brought up here. And they are still growing!

Age: from four to 14 years

SShOR. Figure skating school in Sokolniki

An Olympic reserve school has also been operating in the Sokolniki Ice Palace for many years. In total, 13 groups are engaged here, in which they teach to stand on the ice and train skaters in single skating and sports dancing.

Age: from 4 years

Children's figure skating school at the Luzhniki Olympic Complex

Everything is grown-up at this school: training lasts three hours, the program includes stretching, general physical exercises and ice classes. Galina Mordasova, Honored Coach of the USSR in figure skating, is training young champions at Luzhniki.

Age: six to 12 years old

School of figure skating "Olympic"

There are no age restrictions: the school works with both kids and adults. In addition to health groups, elementary or sports training, the Olympic hosts performances on ice and holiday concerts for the whole family.

Age: from three years

School of figure skating "Way to success"

In this school, children are waiting for professional coaches and master classes from world figure skating stars. The organizer and immediate leader of the school is the multiple champion of Russia, world and European champion, silver medalist of the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City Ilya Averbukh.

Age: from three years

Figure Skating Club "Finist"

The programs of classes with children here are primarily of a recreational nature, but can also become preparation for entering a sports school. Young figure skaters can demonstrate their achievements at the Finist Cup amateur competition, which the club has been holding since 2012.

Age: from three and a half years

School of figure skating Anastasia Grebenkina

Anastasia Grebenkina's school uses an original approach to teaching figure skating. There are eight levels of training, and in addition to ice classes, dance and physical education classes are held.

Age: from 3 years

Figure skating section "Morozko"

Classes in the Morozko section are aimed at strengthening basic skating skills and developing general physical fitness. Thanks to a competent coaching approach, any child can easily master not only the basic, but also the most complex elements of this sport.

Age: from three years

Figure Skating Club "Silver Dream"

The club teaches both adults and children to skate. You can work here individually or in small groups. Since 2007, the club has been organizing the international amateur start "Morozko", which takes place in Moscow.

Age: from three years

School of positive skating Alexandra Muravyova

Muravyova's school promises a special approach to each student. You can sign up for both an individual training session and a mini-group session with friends or family.

Age: from four years

Figure Skating Club "Arabesque on Ice"

The club will teach not only the youngest children who have never skated, but also improve the skills of those who already have experience: they will help improve the gliding technique, set up jumps and create a program that matches the character and desire of any child. In the summer, "Arabesque on Ice" holds training camps in Yalta.

Our expert is a traumatologist-orthopedist, full member of ESSKA, AAOS, ASTAOR, ATOR, a specialist in sports traumatology and joint treatment, candidate of medical sciences Yuri Glazkov.

Figure skating is an interesting, exciting and very harmonious sport for the child's body, which develops not only physically, but also musically and artistically. In addition, looking at the chiseled figures of athletes and especially athletes on skates, you immediately understand why this sport is called figure skating (by the way, an athlete burns an average of 400 kcal per hour of training).

Hardening of the body and character

Skating strengthens muscles and promotes their good tone, and also helps to form a beautiful posture, develop the vestibular apparatus, increase endurance, agility and strength, improve flexibility and plasticity. In addition, everyone knows about the benefits of hardening, and athletes train on ice at a low ambient temperature, which strengthens the immune system and protects against colds. No wonder many eminent figure skaters, in particular our Olympic champions Evgeni Plushenko And Irina Rodnina, they came to this sport, so to speak, for medical reasons. Eugene was a weak child and was often sick, and Irina even suffered from pneumonia in early childhood. Other world athletes have similar stories.

Like any sport, figure skating hardens not only the body, but also the character. To be able to get up every time after a fall and continue moving again is a quality that will certainly come in handy for any person, both small and large.

For the sake of parental ambitions

If parents give their child to skaters in order for the child to develop harmoniously and improve health, this sport will only benefit. As, however, and classes in any other sport (especially at the amateur level). Another thing is if at the expense of children they try to satisfy their own ambitions and dreams. This is fraught with too high intensity of training, increased fatigue and, as a result, injuries. The joints of the lower extremities and the spine are most often affected in figure skaters. Starting classes before the age of 6 (and four-year-olds are also accepted into this sport) can lead to overloads of the child’s feet, the arches of which have not yet formed. As for falls on ice, they are more dangerous not for kids, but for adult athletes. Uncoordinated falls reduce the elasticity of the connective tissue, and against this background, ruptures of ligaments, muscles, tendons, and articular cartilage injuries often occur. The spine often suffers. It's no secret that Evgeni Plushenko has big problems with his spine, and Alexei Yagudin- with the hip joint. Both were operated on.

Not everyone can dance on ice

Figure skating is not suitable for a child who has problems with the spine, weakness of the bone tissue, congenital dislocations of the joints and problems with the ligamentous apparatus. It is also important to adequately assess the physical and mental potential of a young athlete - after all, two workouts a day for an entire week is not easy to endure. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of a trainer - a good mentor devotes enough time to general physical preparation and teaches the child the correct technique for performing the elements, teaches how to properly warm up and stretch before training, which helps to avoid the risk of serious damage.

Ice skating is becoming more and more popular and fashionable pastime. Both adults and children can come here, both alone and with the whole family or in the company of friends. But many are terrified of the possibility of falling on the ice, or worse, knocking someone else down in the process of learning. In reality, everything is much simpler and easier than it seems at first glance.

It is believed that the first lessons of skating can be started as early as 3-4 years. If you plan to send your child to the sports section, it is optimal to start at that age. But do not despair if you are already much older: it is never too late for an adult to learn to skate from scratch!

When visiting the skating rink for the first time, do not rush to immediately be on the ice, it is better to walk a little on your own in skates, getting used to them.

As soon as the balance point is found, go out onto the ice. Holding on to the side with one hand, try to slide, keeping your balance as much as possible without the help of the side. It is ideal to find someone who can help you - a coach or a friend who will take you by the arm after rolling a few laps.

Take the main position: the knees are slightly bent, the body is tilted forward, the main goal of this exercise is to find a point of balance and maintain balance, remembering your sensations.

When you feel more confident, ask to turn your back, rolling in this position. If you can't see where you're going, it's harder to balance, but it's easier to feel your body and its signals.

At the first training session, it is better not to be zealous, limiting yourself to 15–20 minutes. A longer approach will end with krepatura, even if you lead an active lifestyle, and your muscles are accustomed to stress. Most often, the knee joints suffer from unaccustomed.

What do you pay attention to in the first lesson:

  • Correct body position (basic position);
  • Point of balance and equilibrium.

Once you get used to the new sensations, you will subconsciously remember how to properly hold yourself on the ice. And very soon you will learn to skate freely.

Basic technique

Whatever you plan to do in the future, the correct riding technique is always set in stages and gradually. Take your time: in the second lesson, start at the side, moving your legs, remembering how to properly balance on the ice. Remembering the basics, go to the warm-up:

  1. Move forward in small steps without the help of the side. The legs work as if you were walking in ordinary shoes - this helps to learn how to balance.
  2. As soon as you feel that you can and start to get stable, return to the side and try to do the same, but already turning your back forward.
  3. With the help of the side, do a few squats parallel to the ice, leaning forward a little.

As soon as you have learned to keep your balance on the ice, you move on to the direct teaching of skating technique. Always start with a herringbone walk. To do this, diagonally put one foot forward, and push off with the inner edge of the hind leg. By alternating the feet in this way, you seem to draw a "figure eight", synchronously spreading and bringing them together - this is a stable technique that allows you to quickly learn how to ride and feel on the ice. You can move both face and back forward.

When the forward movement is mastered, they move on to learning to turn. To turn from the herringbone movement, it is enough to bring the feet parallel to each other and, bending your knees, lean a little in the right direction. To shorten the trajectory in the turn, push with the outside foot, not the inside. The degree of rotation is controlled by the tilt force.

And of course you need to be able to properly brake and make stops on skates. When you are already confidently performing the “eights”, then braking should not cause any particular difficulties: for this, it is enough to spread your legs to the sides, as if you were moving forward, but then sharply bring them together at one point, resting your heels on the ice. Practice braking close to the side, being able to secure yourself.

Another more difficult technique is to rest the heel of the foot perpendicular to its trajectory. When braking, take the basic position: the body is tilted forward, the knees are slightly bent!

Learning how to fall correctly and safely

No matter how hard you try, you will have to fall on the ice. You can overcome your fear by knowing the principles of the right fall technique. The best injury prevention is learning how to fall properly.

The most basic thing to remember on the ice is that if you lose your balance, you are unlikely to regain it. The higher the speed, the less chance. Therefore, do not try to grab, slow down on other people, but try to slow down as much as possible and group the whole body before falling.

For a safe fall, you need to bend your knees as much as possible, pressing your hands to the body “at the seams”. By exposing your hand during a fall (a purely reflex gesture that needs to be controlled), you risk seriously injuring or even breaking it.

They always fall sideways, ideally on the thigh: this is the strongest part in our body, and even at high speed with such a fall, you face a maximum of a couple of bruises and minor bruises. And never swing your skates off balance. The skate has a sharp base, which can seriously injure people near you, do not forget about it.

But they get up after falling from a kneeling position. If there is no one around to help and you are unsure of your ability to get up, move towards the railing to get to your feet.

Experience comes with time: the more time you spend skating, the faster you learn to ride. Ice skating is a great way to relieve stress, have a good time and improve your health, because classes will teach you to find balance and maintain balance in any position of the body.

Your feedback on the article:

Enrollment for the 2017-2018 academic year is open. Adult education, regardless of the level of training!

School of figure skating "Academy of Sports" invites ALL adults, regardless of the level of training, to learn artistic skating, as well as to practice fitness on ice (or ICE-fitness). We will be glad to see even those who have never skated!

Making your dream come true is easier than you think!

After just a few lessons, you will be able to master many exercises. You will be proud of your own success, and perhaps even want to speak to the public at amateur competitions.

Do you think age is a problem? Do you think you should have started earlier? No! We “put on skates” people of completely different ages - they bring grandchildren to us, but remain themselves as students.

The uniqueness of the school "Academy of Sports" lies in a special methodology. Only professional trainers work. The age and health status of the student is also taken into account. Figure skating classes are accompanied by stretching, choreography and moderate power loads.

You can! It's never too late to make your childhood dream come true!

Why should an adult go in for figure skating?

Of course, if we are talking about the realization of a childhood dream, there can be no doubt! However, there are many other positive aspects that make figure skating lessons a useful activity for every adult:

    A visit to an artistic skating school is a great alternative to fitness and gyms. Elements of ICE-fitness make training more dynamic, more interesting, more exciting than regular fitness. Figure skating lessons are relevant for adults who sometimes find it difficult to force themselves to play sports.

    A visit to a figure skating school allows anyone to learn the elements of choreography and acting, ice dancing, acquire plasticity and an enviable stretch.

    Figure skating training helps to improve metabolism, which helps to fight excess weight. Excess weight is intensively burned in our lessons, so visit the Academy of Sports sports school if you want to keep yourself in shape.

    The mode and nature of training is quite intense. In the process of fitness with skating, the muscular system is significantly strengthened, and all muscle groups. The joints are also strengthened. Even in adulthood, you will find the appearance of correct posture and strengthening of the spine.

    Ice exercises are a good emotional relief after a hard day's work. Many experts recommend cooperation with a sports school, attending classes to deal with stress and depression, get rid of fears, complexes and obsessive thoughts.

    In addition to improving physical fitness and appearance, figure skating lessons for adults regulate metabolic processes, normalize the functioning of internal systems and organs. During such training, your body receives more oxygen - this improves overall health. Exercising in cool air strengthens the immune system, hardens.

    Visiting our sports sections is also an opportunity to test yourself, meet new people, make acquaintances to establish strong friendships.

They say that in every adult there lives a small child who never forgets about his childhood thoughts and desires. Growing up, we attach too little importance to past dreams, but in vain, because each of us has everything necessary to make them a reality.

Studying at our school is not only a new chance for those who have dreamed of the ice scene and skating since childhood, it is also an opportunity for those adults who want to try themselves in an interesting and yet unknown field. Of course, sometimes trying yourself in a new occupation is a difficult task that requires the manifestation of character and willpower. This is especially true for people who have not been involved in sports before. However, we are sure: there are no unsolvable situations, because figure skating lessons are an opportunity available to everyone!

The advantages of our methodology are difficult to overestimate. We know Moscow as a big and noisy metropolis, which presents a lot of new opportunities for every taste. But figure skating classes according to our programs noticeably distinguish the "Academy of Sports" from other schools that conduct exercises on ice.

Come join us for figure skating! This will not only strengthen your health, harmonize your psycho-emotional state, but also give a lot of positive emotions, teach you something new and help you discover unknown talents!

Training for adult skaters

Figure skating lessons in Moscow are conducted by experienced professionals who have been working in this field for many years. Our team consists of highly qualified trainers with the necessary stock of knowledge in the field of choreography, gymnastics, pedagogy and even psychology! A professional approach to the organization of work guarantees the desired result.

Contact us to find out more up-to-date information about the work of the Academy of Sports team in Moscow, calculate the cost of providing services, and sign up for the team.

Skating is an amazing sport. And beautiful, and poetic, and healthy. Over the centuries-old history of skates, many kind words have been written about them, many literary works and wonderful paintings have been created.

Here is what people's artist Mikhail Zharov said:

“At first I had a different passion: as a boy I stood at the gates of the Moscow Union team, but, having conceded 13 goals, I was “exposed” from football and put on skates. Since then, I have fallen in love with them, sincerely I rejoice when the time comes for skating rinks and peas of multi-colored hats crumble on the slippery surface of the ice.

The years have passed, he has become completely gray-haired, but the first love is not forgotten. After all, you can’t change youth, you can’t stop loving it. To tell the truth, over the years I began to wait even more strongly for the arrival of winter: a pair of skates became an everlasting youth for me.

Life didn't make me a champion, but I don't get mad at her for it. Ultimately, I took the main thing from sports - strength and health. I know people understand sports differently. For some, he is youth, for others - almost a hindrance. And often the latter say: busy, it’s too late to start ... But if you break a glass, you won’t get drunk from it; if you spill your health on the roads of life, like water, you will not collect it later. For example, I have yet to meet a blacksmith who, citing being busy, would not temper the blade, would not shoe the horse in time. Are we not the smiths of our joy and our common great Happiness and Health! Yes, we will become bad blacksmiths if we do not temper ourselves in sports.

And for me, sport has been and remains the best, most reliable guarantee of health. And first of all it concerns skates. I have never regretted the hours spent at the rink. Now, when so many decades have already passed, skating for me is a date with youth, but before it was a part of life lived at a fast pace.

Skating is a sport where a beginner gets no less pleasure than an experienced master.
After all, the air is the same for everyone, very fresh, very snowy. As for speed, it is still always lacking, whether you are a master of sports, even my housemate on Kotelnicheskaya embankment - Oleg Goncharenko, a champion of champions ...
Turning to all the people I know and strangers, to my friends and friends of friends, I say: do not forget, brothers, that there are good things on earth: frost, sun and fast and fast skates ... ".

Skating the muscles of the legs, back, abdomen, joints, ligaments, brings up a sense of balance, coordination of movements.
Many would-be sports stars started out on skates just because their parents thought it was a great fit. So, the "ice fairy" - ten-time world champion in figure skating, three-time Olympic champion Norwegian - Sonya Henn went on the ice when she was not yet four years old. Her father, world cycling champion Wilhelm Henn, taught the girl to cross-country skates. And only two years later, noticing athletic abilities in the child, Wilhelm took the baby to a figure skating school.

Yes, all champions started from the very day when, “shoeing their sharp feet with iron”, they went out onto the ice to take the first step.

When you watch how our best masters run across the ice, it takes your breath away from admiration, from the consciousness that we are becoming witnesses of genuine art.

And, probably, every beginner wants to learn how to ride as beautifully and quickly as they do.

It is not easy to do this, but you can and should try. The content of this material is a copybook, a primer, a self-instruction manual for a novice athlete.

Before going on the ice, let's carefully study the advice of the doctor of medical sciences, professor, head of the hygiene department of the Central Institute of Physical Culture Alexander Laptev:

- At the rink, first of all, you need to beware of frostbite. The first signs are blanching of the skin, tingling, a feeling of numbness. Noticing this, vigorously rub the affected area with your hand, woolen mitten, scarf. You can not rub the skin with snow, because small pieces of ice can hurt it and cause an infection. Remember well: you can get frostbite even with a relatively slight frost. Companions of frostbite - wind, tight and wet shoes, clothes that do not match the weather.
You can not relax outdoors - only indoors. If it's warm there, take off your jacket and hat, unbutton the collar, unlace your boots. Be sure to change after class. Dry clothes protect against colds. When you get home, take a warm shower.

Hygiene rules, apparently, are simple. But it is necessary to adhere to them in order for skating to become a holiday and joy.

The Olympic champion Lyudmila Titova starts a conversation about the secrets of the "ice kitchen".

How to choose skates?
There are no skates that would be suitable for all types of speed skating. Some are needed for speed running, others for figure skating, others for hockey, and fourth for simple skating.

Skates are divided into simple and cross-country. Skates of the "Snow Maiden", "Nurmis", "English Sport" and hockey systems are called simple.
Athletes call cross-country skates "begash" and "Norwegian". Their blades are thinner and longer than those of ordinary ones. They have less stability for beginners, but you can run faster on such skates.

You can learn to skate on any skate.
But in early childhood, it is best to start on the "Snow Maiden" or hockey. The first steps on the ice, the development of stability and balance, the skills of proper gliding, familiarity with the basics of skating technique, even participation in the first competitions - most of the well-known Soviet runners traveled all this way on simple skates. They are easier to master the technique of running.

The second question is the skater's shoes. It is advisable to buy skate boots a size larger than the shoe size that you wear in everyday life.

I know that among some parents who want to teach their kids how to skate, there is an opinion that skate boots should be much larger than normal shoes. What do those who advocate extra numbers come from? They believe: you need to wear several pairs of socks so as not to freeze your feet. You really need to wear warm socks, but one pair. If you wear two pairs of socks or large boots that hang loose on your feet, you will not be able to feel the ice and you will have difficulty controlling the blades of your skates. And then the child will have a feeling of insecurity.

Skating is only fun if the blades are sharp.
Sharpen your skates! The commandment is one of the first. They sharpen skates there so that there are no burrs - on all four ribs. The whetstones are lubricated with engine oil or a mixture of oil and kerosene.

To keep skate blades from becoming dull(when leaving the locker room to the rink) and mechanical damage, it is necessary to wear covers. If you can't buy them in the store, then the covers can be sewn from thick leather or made from a bicycle tube.

Well, if at first you don’t have a point machine, then fix the skate perpendicular to the table or workbench. With a carborundum bar, leading it parallel to the table, remove the top layer. Then test the blade with your fingernail to see if there are any burrs. When you are sure that all the edges of the blades are sharp, take a narrow block and remove the burrs. Run your index finger along the edges of the blades. If the pad of your finger does not encounter any obstacle, then you have sharpened the skates correctly. If you feel roughness at least at one point, continue to remove the burrs with a small bar.

How to lace up boots?
Often I had to see guys who tightened the laces of their shoes so much that it was difficult to even move their fingers. Moreover, I don’t know, however, for what purpose, but some beginners in the most unthinkable directions “bandage” their shoes.

Shoes must be laced in a cross-shaped overlap. The laces should not be thick; ordinary linen braid is quite suitable. Insert its end into the holes of the boot from above, and then when tightened, the lacing will not unravel. The lower part of the boot should not be tightened strongly, but be sure to tighten the middle part more tightly, and lace up the upper part freely so that when you lean forward, the braid does not interfere with movement.
Speed ​​running is not hockey: the leg needs freedom. I would not advise tightening the laces so that the toes cannot move. When the legs are tightened, they get tired faster. And they freeze!

How to dress for the rink?
It is best to wear a woolen leotard (breeches) and a sweater when going on the ice. If the child does not have such a suit, let him put on an ordinary training or ski suit. And it would also be useful to wear a tarpaulin or bologna jacket over the sweater - this will protect you from the wind.

The skater's clothing should be light, comfortable, tight-fitting, so that there is less air resistance when running. Warm knitted underwear is usually worn under the suit.

On the feet - woolen socks, and if it is very cold, then the toes are wrapped in paper, on it - another pair of socks (it can be elastic with wool). Put a hat on your head; it should cover not only the hair, but also the ears, which are very sensitive to frost.

There are boys who believe that the lighter they dress for training, the bolder they are, they are not afraid of the frost itself. But no one needs such courage.

The best athletes in the world always train in warm clothes.

Finally, you got dressed, put on shoes ... On the ice, a beginner skater feels uncomfortable on skates: they move apart, the body sways, their legs do not hold. In order to quickly learn how to move on the ice, we advise you to practice at home even before going to the rink. Stomp a little on the floor, putting covers on the blades so that the skates do not become dull and the floor is not spoiled. Or lay down an old rug. Walking around the room, you will feel stability. When you master the technique of balance on an unusually reduced support for you, move on to more complex exercises. Holding on to the back of a chair, try doing half squats. Then gradually complicate the movements. Squat with your leg forward.
These exercises in the room should be done for 8 - 10 minutes a day.

When you put on skates and walk on the floor, try to bend the skates with the runners outward to strengthen the ligaments in your feet.
Beginning athletes will learn the secrets of skating technique not only from training on ice, but also from classes that can be done at home.

Of course, each of those who dream of learning to skate asked himself: “Why do some people skate well, quickly and beautifully, while others clumsily and slowly?” A bad skater has legs like wood, his knees do not bend, his body is straightened, his hands helplessly look for their place while skating.

A skilled athlete smoothly lowers onto one leg, bending the leg at the knee, then, straightening, switches to the other leg and tilts the body to the same side. It is not difficult to understand that in order to skate well, you need to be able to mainly use the weight of the body correctly. The skater, dropping onto his right leg and bending it at the knee, leaning in the same direction, squats somewhat. The weight of the body gives impetus to the skate. The same thing happens when transferring weight to the left leg.

So, in order to learn how to ride correctly, you need to be able to transfer the weight of the body from one leg to another, and bend your legs in time. This is exactly what you can learn before you go out on the ice. Try these simulation exercises.
1. Starting position (ip) - hands behind the back tightly pressed to the body, feet and knees together. Bending your knees, tilt your torso (up to about 45' to the area of ​​support). Do a few squats. Try to find a comfortable position for yourself by changing the landing height.
2. I. p. - the same as in the previous exercise. Alternately take your legs (for the length of a step) to the sides and back, slightly bending them at the knee, put them on the toe, heel up.

To these exercises, add walking on toes, heels, outer arches of the feet, lunges with the right and left sides, "goose" and cross steps, with hand swings ...

The value of these simulation exercises is that they are similar in nature to skating and, therefore, develop the necessary skills, precise coordination.

A little bit got acquainted with the elementary truths - now you can go on the ice!
If possible, then ride on a sparsely populated ice rink. The first steps are best taken where there is not much movement. When going out on the ice, watch your feet: socks should be turned outward. This will provide stability. Take a few steps, then try to slide on the blades set in parallel. After mastering this exercise, slide on one leg. You can even hold a competition among beginners - who will go further in this way.

When it is cold outside, breathing through the mouth can cause a sharp hypothermia of the lungs and larynx. My advice is to breathe not only through your mouth, but also through your nose. Cold air, passing through the nasal cavity, heats up and becomes harmless to the throat and lungs.

Tilt your body forward while riding. If you, leaning forward, suddenly fall (and to be honest - you attack a lot during ice openings!), you do not risk hitting the back of your head on the ice. Don't be discouraged by such failures. Everyone started with falls.
Skater landing. Mastering the landing means learning to ride on bent legs.

Speaking of landing, once again I pay attention to the tilt of the body, which helps to make pushes deeper and stronger. In addition, the fit gives the body a streamlined posture.

When running, the head of the runner is slightly raised, the gaze is directed 10-15 meters ahead.

Running in a straight line.
One of the mistakes that a beginner makes is to try to run on the ice instead of sliding. The coach of the three-time world champion Maria Isakova, Ivan Anikanov, advised: “Get accustomed to taking even steps of the same length. Use every step to the end. Make each next push light and smooth, without losing speed. When pushing, do not forget to simultaneously transfer the weight of the body to the sliding leg.

Smoothness and uniformity of movement, lack of jerks - this is the basis of a good rolling step. When running in a straight line, you need to learn to glide evenly on both feet so that the movements are performed with equal ease with both the left and right foot. Care must be taken to ensure that the legs do not tuck and the skates slide on the ice, and not the welts of the boots.

To develop a long sliding step, I recommend this exercise: on each leg you need to roll 8 - 10 meters. The right leg after the push comes off the ice, bends at the knee and describes a “loop” above the ice. Then it is sent forward, placed a little ahead of the left skate, on which the skater glides. At that moment, when the right skate has landed on the ice, the left one goes to the side and is placed on the edge to prepare the push. All this happens in an elusive fraction of a second. During the run, all movements are repeated a thousand times. They should be as smooth as possible. To check if the push is performed correctly, look at your footprints - they usually look like branches of a Christmas tree. If the “herringbone” is very wide, then you are throwing the skates too far to the sides when pushing. Correct the mistake - the "herringbone" will become narrower.

How to make turns?
On the rink, where scores of skaters who do not always strictly adhere to the established rules fly by headlong, a beginner who does not know how to turn sharply exposes himself to some risk: if he himself does not fall, others will knock him down. Therefore, from the very first days of skating, you need to learn how to make turns correctly, or, as they usually say, ride “through the leg”.
In all competitions, skaters run counterclockwise. All turns are made to the left, and therefore the main work on the turn falls on the left leg - the whole body rests on it, like on an axis.

Tilt your body slightly to the left, shift your weight onto your left foot and place it on the outside of the blade. After that, do what skaters call a run: cross your right foot over your left. Then lift your left leg and, crossing your right leg behind it, gently place it on the ice in front of your right.

Don't jump around corners. Tilt your body in the direction of rotation, that is, to the left. The legs should be slightly bent at all times. Note that you slide more on both feet when turning than when running in a straight line.

It is somewhat more difficult to ride through the leg in the direction opposite to the usual movement in a circle. The principle of rotation in this case is not much different in technique from that described above.

Keep an eye on the movement of your shoulders when turning. They should be parallel to the ice as they move. How to brake on ice? To be able to slow down is also an art. It acquires special significance during mass skating, when you need to instantly interrupt the run, stop so as not to collide with someone, not to run into the fallen.

The easiest way to stop is to use the inner edge of the ridge of the forward leg on the ice. Another option is to bring your knees and toes together, push the heels of your skates out to the sides, and bend your legs. As in skiing - "plow".

The third method of braking - half-turn - is somewhat more complicated, and should be used only when you have learned to use your skates quite well. It looks like this: the athlete makes a sharp turn of 90 degrees on the move, puts the skates perpendicular to the direction of movement - one on the inside edge, the other on the outside. In this case, the body slightly deviates back.

Finally, if you're skating on bad ice and you're afraid of damaging your skates, brake with the back of your skate with your foot forward and toe up.
How to ride back? Driving back is not as easy as it seems when we watch figure skaters and hockey matches on the TV screen. It is not enough to turn your back and try to move your legs. The secret to skating backwards is to properly use the weight of the body and the pushing of the skates on the ice. We recommend that you first learn a special way of driving forward.

Stand on the ice and spread your socks in different directions, and then try to move them, while starting to move forward. When the legs join, spread them again. When breeding the legs, the emphasis should be on the outer blades of the skate, and when reducing, on the inner ones. When you have managed to move forward in this way, you can move on to the next exercise, which will teach you to ride backwards correctly.

Instead of spreading your socks, spread your heels to the sides. Spreading your legs in different directions, focus the weight of the body on the inner ribs. The legs also bend, and the body leans forward, although not as low as when riding forward.

The method of riding backwards, or "backward forward", described below, is the most accessible. A more perfect way to ride backwards should be considered the transfer of the weight of the body from one foot to the other.

Sliding backwards.
spectacular element of skating. It is more adopted by figure skaters and hockey players than skaters. But if a skater can also run backwards, then he has mastered the secrets of skates. Coaches often have to run “backward” when, in the course of classes, they need to tell something to students rushing along the distance.

How to store skates?
When the winter is over, do not rush to throw your skates into the closet or on the mezzanine. Wipe them, grease the blades with machine oil, and the skin of the boots with petroleum jelly, carefully wrap them in paper - and hide them in a cherished place.

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